
Sep 14, 2020

7 Alternate Iterations

Figure 1. Top image: plain "JosLeys-Kleinian V2".
Lower 4 panels: see the KEY to the left.
This is the third in a series of blog posts about how I am using  Mandelbulber2 software to create background images for my science fantasy story, "Final Change".

When hybridizing fractal surfaces, the default algorithm (used here) is to give equal priority to each equation that is combined. However, sometimes you want to retain the general features of a fractal surface and modify it slightly. This can be accomplished using the Mandelbulber2 settings for how many iterations to do sequentially for each fractal equation and when to start including each fractal in the iterations performed.
Iteration controls that are available
while hybridizing fractal equations.

The images to the right illustrate how the "JosLeys-Kleinian V2" fractal was given extra priority while allowing it to be hybridized with some other fractals.

KEY. Modifying fractals:
1) "Box Fold Bulb Pow 2"
2) "Riemann - Sphere Msltoe V1"
3) like #2 plus "Ides" fractal
4) like #3 plus the Box Fold fractal

Figure 2. Four versions using the "JosLeys-Kleinian V2" Fractal.
Top: "JosLeys-Kleinian V2" hybridized with three other fractals.
2nd from top: "JosLeys-Kleinian V2" plain, default render
3rd from top: "JosLeys-Kleinian V2" plain, "Delta DE" rendering
Bottom: "JosLeys-Kleinian V2" hybridized with two other fractals.
The examples in Figure 1 were all rendered with the default method for determining distance from the camera to the fractal surface. However, using the "Delta DE" distance method makes a significance change in the appearance of the rendered "JosLeys-Kleinian V2" fractal, as shown in Figure 2.

In the image to the left (Figure 2), the third version from the top shows the default rendering for "JosLeys-Kleinian V2". Just above that is the rendering with "Delta DE" which gives more detail and you can see that there is a thin yellow thread connecting between the tips of the two largest copies of the basic fractal surface.

In Figure 2, the uppermost version of the surface was made by hybridizing the 4 fractals mentioned above (for Figure 1) with 5x preference to "JosLeys-Kleinian V2" and the "Ides" fractal delayed until the other three had already gone through 2 steps of rendering in the iteration process. Also rendered with the "Delta DE" method.

The bottom version in Figure 2 was made without using "Box Fold Bulb Pow 2" and only the other three fractals. The "Riemann - Sphere Msltoe V1" fractal was given twice as many iterations as the "Ides" fractal. This version was rendered with the default "analytical" distance method.

These examples in Figures 1 and 2 were made using the default material and the "lightmap" color texture previously mentioned here.

For the ending of "Final Change", I want an illustration for nanoville, the part of the Writers Block where nano-scale femtobots reside.

Figure 3. In the nanorealm.
I added one more fractal equation for "Quaternion" and that gave me what I imagine to be a nanoscopic domain where femtobot replicoids can reside (Figure 3).

For "Final Change", only two of the many residents of nanoville are carried over into the Final Reality. I'd like to be able to depict a hierion field surrounding and protecting these two replicoids in a space-time bubble of physiotime.

Related Reading: animated fractals 

Next: the conclusion of "Final Change"

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