
Mar 13, 2021

Blogger Paste bug

This is "paragraph" mode.
This is sample text entered in "normal" mode to test a Blogger bug (see).
This is "normal" mode.
This is a second line of text with paste: "the new Blogger".

Paragraph mode text with paste: "the new Blogger".

spanning the span
mode text with paste: "the new Blogger". And then you paste again with Normal mode text with paste: "the new Blogger" while doing a KLUNKY button another with image another with text with paste: "the new Blogger".

More span.
 Paragraph mode text with paste: "the new Blogger" and then you paste again with Normal mode text with paste: "the new Blogger" and a second line of text with paste: "the new Blogger".

KLU KLUNKY text with paste: "the new Blogger" and text with paste: "the new Blogger" and a second line of text with paste: "the new Blogger".
Bad selection; visit the Gallery.
This is bad selecting: selection slips from main text to the caption. With errors in the HTML code, what will happen next? Paste line of text with paste: "the new Blogger" and then with errors in the HTML code, what will happen next? Paste line of text with paste: "the new Blogger".
Early HTML code errors: </p> and </div>
Now with errors in the HTML code, what will happen next? Sometimes Blogger can't keep track of line breaks and will create one during a paste. Paste line of text with paste: "the new Blogger"; the paste xxx funtion xxx.
xxx came with a breakxxx one time and not xxx.

Sometimes a paste of text into the body of the blog post changes the format of a nearby image. Sometimes (there is a bad spot in the HTML code, such as here, and text is forced to continue below....
I only inserted the "endless span" image once (see below), but there were suddenly two copies!
  Blogger starts multiplying the <span> term. This is pasted text that went to the wrong part of the document.
visit the Gallery of Movies, Book and Magazine Covers

Span multiplication. Blogger is really confused now and as the bad HTML code amplifies, the Blogger rendering engine slows down. Sometimes with one more paste, Blogger erases the blog post.

endless span multiplication bug

I ended up with 87 pages worth of bad HTML code for this short blog post. I'll stop here before the Blogger rendering engine crashes and this blog post gets erased.

tell me about it

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