
Oct 21, 2018


cover art by Marcel Laverdet
I'm currently writing an early chapter of A Search Beyond in which physical evidence is obtained for the presence of alien visitors on Earth (about 2 billion years ago). The evidence takes the form of an alien "artifact" discovered inside an ancient rock deposit in Australia.

antigravity drive
For the Exode Saga, I imagine that before the pek reached Earth, the Phari had already arrived and were helping advance the evolution of life on Earth. Their ethical rules required that they attempt to expand the biochemical abilities of life forms on the planets that they visited, not replace them with exogenous forms of life. Maybe the Phari helped create the first eukaryotic organisms of Earth.

alien artifact
The Phari were highly advanced in using hierion-based technologies. In contrast, the pek were from a society in which hierions were known, but most of their advanced technologies utilized sedrons. Some Phari technologies made use of the types of hierions that have unusual effects on gravity.

The Phari had several laboratories on Earth when the pek arrived. The Phari were forced to abandon their work on Earth, but they left behind remnants of their advanced hierion technology.

discovery of antigravity hierions
Using secondary ion mass spectrometry, Georgy White detects "impossible" forms of matter (with negative mass) in samples of ancient rocks.

After making her discovery, Georgy is killed by a landslide, but she had been duplicated, with one copy sent to Observer Base. The Editor eventually learns about Georgy by way of Yōd and her connections to Observer Base (which includes knowledge of Nora as an Interventionist agent).

memory editing by nanites
All the physical evidence for alien hierions with negative mass is removed from Earth, but Verella retains some suppressed memories of how the hierions were discovered. Later, when the Bimanoid Interface is altered, Verella is able to recover some of her memories. She realizes that there are alien forces at work on Earth and discovers that her grandfather is already involved in the process of telling the Secret History of Humanity.

Verella suspects that there is an important reason why she has been allowed to retain her memories of hierions and that she must share her knowledge of alien technology with her fellow Earthlings. In Deep Time, in the Asimov Reality, Earthlings were allowed to have knowledge of hierions and sedrons in this century. In the Ekcolir Reality, the analogues of authors such as Jack Vance later wrote detailed science fiction stories about the discovery of evidence for ancient aliens. Here in the Final Reality, Vance could only tease us with the idea of a religion built around geological artifacts such as the Sacred Shin.

Related Reading
Next: retro-telepathy
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