
Apr 1, 2017

Grendel Time

by Ludovic Celle. See:Green Mars 01. This
 image is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License.
I'm struggling to adapt my thinking so as to accommodate the idea that there were humans (or some roughly equivalent humanoid approximation) on Mars a billion years ago. According to Zeta, those Martians originated in the future of a past Reality, after Mars had been provided with water from Europa and carbon dioxide from Venus.

Why were those future Martians sent into the far past? According to Yōd, there were rumors suggesting that the pek or the bumpha long ago transferred some useful gene combinations from Mars to Earth. To investigate those rumors, R. Gohrlay arranged for a team of Martian investigators to visit ancient Mars. Their mission was to determine 1) if the life forms on Mars used DNA and 2) if there was any evidence for biological innovations that first evolved on Mars and then got transferred to Earth's biosphere.

In the Buld Reality
see the original cover
This mission to ancient Mars apparently took place while R. Gohrlay was still trying to understand the Huaoshy and their two major proxy groups in the Hadron Domain: the pek and the bumpha. It was discovered that the bumpha were quite casual about altering the geological and biological conditions of planets while the pek tried to enforce a set of ethical laws that favors leaving planets to develop naturally. Of course, the pek were always willing to alter planetary dynamics as part of their relentless efforts to extract sedrons from planets.

Apparently when the pek arrived in our solar system, about two billion years ago, Mars had primitive life and by their own rules (what are often called the Rules of Intervention) they could not too radically mine sedrons from life-bearing worlds like Mars and Earth.

However, after a billion years had passed, conditions on Mars had deteriorated. There was no longer a significant amount of liquid water on Mars and martian life was going extinct. They were able to enter into a more aggressive form of sedron mining that involved extracting sedrons from the core of the planet with incidental release of some greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere of Mars. Since this would prolong the existence of life on Mars, the pek were able to start sucking out the remaining sedrons from the interior of the planet. Several gigantic volcanoes (including Olympus Mons) are all that remain from those pek mining efforts.

Imaginary Book
While investigating the past, R. Gohrlay was careful to not alter the actions of the pek and the bumpha. The long tug of war between those two factions is what had ultimately allowed positronic robots to come into existence. Zeta suspects that after multi-cellular life was firmly established on Earth, life on Mars was allowed to die off and life on Earth was allowed to evolve naturally for another billion years.

Grendel Time
Original cover art by
Boris Vallejo
The next great intervention into the course of events on Earth came when tool-using apes first appeared. Yōd believes that some of those apes were taken to the Galactic Core and eventually, from that beginning, the Nereids were created. The Nereids were eventually "taken" into the Sedronic Domain, but they left behind a type of artificial lifeform now known as the Grendels. According to Yōd, it was the Grendels who helped bring into existence we humans on Earth and, later, the Martians. R. Gohrlay then made use of the Martians to explore the ancient history of Mars.

Next: Remember Asimov
visit the Gallery of Book and Magazine Covers

April 1, 2017
I thought about doing an April 1st joke post to twitter about Martians, but then I realized my imagination is no match for reality in 2017.....

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