
Nov 28, 2020

Nanorealm Telepathy

"Hierion Writers Club"
At the end of September I began a new story called "Hierion Writers Club". An artificial life copy of Mary is made at the nanoscopic size scale and she begins a new life in Nanoville. Nanoville exists inside the Hierion Domain, and was designed by R. Nyrtia as a laboratory for exploring new uses of the Bimanoid Interface. I've been trying to settle my thinking about the use of both teleportation and telepathy in Nanoville.

Because conditions in Nanoville are so different from those on Earth, some Earthlings, newly arrived in Nanoville, would have better luck adapting to life in Nanoville than others. I imagine that Nanoville began to be populated in the Foundation Reality at about the time when the Industrial Revolution began in England. 
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R. Gohrlay was eager to bring Humanity into the space age and begin spreading humans to millions of exoplanets in the galaxy. Her ultimate goal: creation of Galaxia, a vast telepathic group mind that could defend Humanity against the alien Huaoshy.

While growing up on Earth, Mary discovers that she has some limited telepathic abilities. She can sense what her pet cat is experiencing and she is sensitive to the emotions of other people, particularly her mother.
Eventually, R. Gohrlay will spread the genes that make telepathy possible to all humans. However, so far, in the time of events depicted in "Hierion Writers Club", only a very small fraction of Earthlings have the gene combinations that are needed to support the kind of telepathy abilities that Mary has. 
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The gene combinations required for Mary's telepathy come with a high cost: she is at very high risk of developing cancer. When someone like Mary or her mother or her grandmother develops cancer, they can be teleported into the Hierion Domain and treated with advanced medical nanotechnology that is available to R. Gohrlay. On such occasions, sometimes a duplicate copy of the person has been made and kept in Nanoville.

In the Foundation Reality, most of the residents of Nanoville have telepathic abilities that can be amplified by the Bimanoid Interface. As is the case for Mary, the telepathic linkages between residents of Nanoville is mostly at the level of emotions, not complex language-like communication. This has led to a new type of social structure in Nanoville.

Preparations for Galaxia
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Some of the residents of Nanoville have become "master lovers" who entertain the other residents. The love lives of the master lovers are advertised and publicized so that other people can plan their schedules and telepathically "tune in" to the performance of sex acts by the Masters.

Mary is surprised to discover that the Nanoville copy of her favorite author is one of these Masters of sex. Mary has some difficulty adapting to the idea of public sex and private writing. Mary had hoped to become a famous writer like her mother, but now, in Nanoville, all her writing is oriented around efforts to provide appropriate story ideas to her copy on Earth and making her famous.

The Arrival of Grean
However, when Grean the Kac'hin takes control of Eternity, Mary is placed in charge of the Writers Block.

After starting on "Hierion Writers Club" it became nearly impossible to use Blogger for a while. Even here at the end of November the user interface for creating new blog posts remains irksome and very annoying.

Maybe it was all for the best, because I decided to do some reading of old science fiction stories (example) and then I completed the 2020 SIHA in early November. Inspired by the old Sci Fi film Forbidden Planet, I decided to write my own version of an adventure on Altair IV.

The story "Grean Fiction" became a 35,000 word novella that begins with Ariel Adler receiving information from her future. Ariel creates a film called Fateful Planet and that eventually creates conditions leading to an interstellar mission to the Altair star system. 

Fateful Planet
A major theme in "Grean Fiction" concerns the creation of "teleportation duplicates", copies of people created by teleporter technology. I imagine that the Fru'wu long ago prepared Altair IV for the eventual arrival of humans from Earth. The Fru'wu built a teleportation terminal on Altair IV which would give Humanity access to the many Fru'wu planets of the galaxy.

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However, Delpha the Kac'hin is working hard to prevent further damage to Humanity arising from exposure to advanced Fru'wu technologies. Delpha abruptly terminates the human exploratory mission on Altair IV and deprives Earth of access to teleportation technology.

Delpha uses teleportation technology to duplicate both Tara Morbius and Quit the replicoid. The replicoid copy of Tara (known a 'Ara') is nanoscopic and exists for 20 years hidden inside Tara's brain. Ara is from the future and can provide helpful hints to Tara. A replicoid copy of Quit is sent to the Hierion Domain in order to prepare a "retirement home" for Tara after her stressful ordeal on Altair IV.
Related Reading: the first story about a nanoscopic replicoid

Next: part 3 of "Hierion Writers Club"

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