
Nov 12, 2020

Green Fiction

Greenland in the future of the Ekcolir Reality
Back in 2014, I imagined that in the Ekcolir Reality there was a powerful Viking Empire that pursued policies in support of global warming. What might Greenland look like in the far future if all of its glaciers melted and sea level was higher than it is now? See the image to the right on this page.

Ancient Astronauts
And more importantly, what if there were marvelous archeological discoveries made in the new greener Greenland of a future Earth with severe global warming?

Alternate Reality
I love the idea that space aliens might have visited Earth long ago. The idea that aliens visited Earth about 200,000 years ago was part of the original screenplay for the film Forbidden Planet. Here in 2020, I've written several stories that explore how the science fiction genre went down a different pathway in the Ekcolir Reality. Below, on this page, is a time-twisted tale set in the Ekcolir Reality that is called "Grean Fiction" and was inspired by Forbidden Planet.

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For the Grean's Hack stories, I imagined that Ariel Adler was the Ekcolir Reality analogue of Allen Adler, one of the writers of the original story that grew to become the screenplay for Forbidden Planet.

In that alternate Reality, Ariel Adler was duplicated by Grean the Kac'hin. One copy of Ariel (a teleportation duplicate) took up residence in the Hierion Domain, not far from the Writers Block and came to be known as Relda. Relda was able to use the Bimanoid Interface to send new science fiction story ideas to Ariel on Earth.
In "Grean Fiction", Ariel must make a movie about a future scientific expedition to Altair IV. In her story, Ariel provides an important clue to the location of an alien artifact that was left behind in Greenland when the Fru'wu visited Earth 3 million years ago.
1973 in the Ekcolir Reality
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Grean Fiction

Deomede had just returned from Earth. Stepping down from the teleportation pad, he was surprised to find Isaac Asimov waiting for him inside Grean's workshop. "Hey, Isaac... what trouble are you getting into?"

Isaac glanced at the bag that Deomede held. On the side of the bag it said: "Books of the Future". Isaac knew that Deomede was a collector of science fiction books and films. Isaac looked back up into Deomede's somewhat alien eyes and replied, "I assume you are heading home. Let's walk."

The two men exited from Grean's workshop. Outside, they could see Wendy in the distance, tending to the vast garden that surrounded the workshop. They waved to Wendy then walked down the pathway that led to the comfortable home that Deomede shared with Relda. Isaac said, "I just had an unsettling encounter with the new Grean."

Deomede knew that all of Eternity was in a tizzy because of the arrival of Grean's selfie. Apparently Grean's selfie intended to step in and take over the role that had been played by Grean, but so far, Deomede had not been "blessed" by a visit from the new Grean. "She was at the workshop?"

"Yes. You just missed her. She went off to the future just before you returned from Earth."

Grean and Delpha the selfie (source).
"And now you need to chat with Relda?"

"More than just chat. I'm afraid I'm going to have to once again steal Relda away from you for a time."

"Isaac, don't you think that she deserves a break from your obsession over the Foundation Reality?"

"Relax, Deomede, I assure you that this has nothing to do with the Foundation Reality." Isaac pointed to the bag that Deomede held and asked, "Anything in there for Relda?"

"Yes. Another one of Ariel's films. Relda is trying to catch up and watch every film that Ariel has helped create during the past few decades."

the Foundation Reality
Isaac pulled a DVD case out of his pocket and handed it to Deomede. "Go ahead and add this to your collection."

Deomede glanced at the case which had the date 1977 on it. He read the title of the film, "Fateful Planet." Deomede handed the DVD back to Isaac. "It has been enough of a challenge just to get Relda caught up to 1973. I'm not going to muddle things by giving Relda anything from our future."
Isaac refused to take the DVD. He insisted, "Yes, you are. Listen to me Dee: Ariel is going to make this film and the idea for the film is going to come from Relda."
Deomede groaned, "Not another of Grean's miserable time loops!"
the Final Reality Change
"I'm afraid so."

"With the recent Reality Change, I thought we would not be forced to deal with any more of these paradoxical necessities." Deomede could sense Relda's mind in the distance and he knew that she was eager for his return. "What is this all about, Isaac?" He tried to get Isaac to take back the DVD by pushing it towards Asimov's pocket.

Isaac adjusted his clothing nanites, making the pocket disappear. He sternly shook his head. "Please Dee, just put that in your shopping bag. I'll try to explain, but I don't think I've been given the full story." 
Deomede had a weak telepathic link into Asimov's mind and he could sense that Grean was pushing hard to force Asimov into compliance with her scheme. Deomede gave up on his effort to protect Relda and dropped the DVD into the shopping bag along with his recent purchases from his favorite science fiction specialty book store, Books of the Future
the Fru'wu (source)
Trying to order his thoughts, Asimov ran his fingers through his hair and then told Deomede, "Apparently Grean is dealing with some pretty serious Interventionist over-reach. The Fru'wu want to give teleportation technology to the Earthlings."

Deomede could not conceal his dismay, "Grean's putting a patch on the space-elevator problem by giving Earth teleportation technology?"

Isaac shook his head. "Not at all. The Fru'wu plan is share their long-range teleportation technology with Earth several centuries in the future, after global warming and sea level rise is irreversible."

"Ah, I see." For a time they walked in silence. As they approached their destination, Deomede was already caught up in strong telepathic contact with Relda. She was planning to greet him along the path, dressed as a forest nymph. Relda and Deomede often made love there in the gardens when he returned from a trip to Earth. Now, unable to convince Relda to return home, Deomede warned Isaac, "Relda is waiting for us. Don't let her antics surprise you."

from the film, Elevator to Paris
Isaac chuckled. "Antics?"

"She gets kinda wild when I've been away."

Isaac saw something move, up ahead on the trail. It was Relda, her skin tinted green. She was "dressed" in only a few strands of foliage. Deomede rushed into her embrace and the two lovers shared a long kiss. Finally, peering past Deomede, Relda spoke to Asimov, "Go away."

Asimov bowed and turned around, honoring Relda's wishes. She called after him, "I'll probably get to the Block before you do." Relda joyfully proceeded to make love to Deomede, then still astride him and with his erection hard and hot inside her, she opened up the shopping bag and took out the Fateful Planet DVD. "What is this film about, Dee?" 
Having temporarily satisfied her lustful longings for Deomede's gorgeous body, Relda also sent a short telepathic message to Wendy.

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Deomede explained, "It is set several centuries in our future, the point in time when humans will first get access to the Fru'wu teleportation system..." Deomede tried to role Relda over onto her back, but she resisted that movement and stayed on top of him. "However, the film includes some alien matter duplication technology, but no teleporta-"

Relda put a hand on Deomede's chest and held him pinned the the ground, the soft grass tickling his back. "Stay where you are, lover!" She was trying to read the writing on the back of the DVD case. "I never thought about the Fru'wu as using teleportation technology."

"It is actually their preferred method of interstellar travel, but-"

"No buts about it." Relda placed a finger over Deomede's mouth. "Isaac knew I would not be able to resist this bait..."

Deomede gently nibbled her finger then said, "Don't blame him. This is another one of Grean's tricks."

Relda stood up and some of Deomede's copious and creamy semen dripped out of her vagina and fell on Deomede's abdomen. Just then Wendy came running down the path and asked Relda, "You called for me?"

Relda, still tingling from a fiery orgasm, knew that Deomede was just getting warmed up. She pointed to Deomede's lovely erection and gave orders to the robot, "Please entertain Deomede. I have other business to attend to."

an Ek'col (left)
Wendy quickly applied herself to the task of satisfying Deomede's amplified Ek'col libido. 
Relda ran off towards Grean's workshop, now shifting her skin tone back to normal and dressing herself conventionally with her clothing nanites. Bursting into the workshop, Relda glanced around. She called out, "Grean? Delpha?" There was no reply, but Relda had the distinct feeling that she was not alone. There was a strange echo in her thoughts and she felt a sudden desire to go back down the path through the garden and ask Deomede some questions about Fateful Planet and how the film had been received by audiences on Earth.
Relda gave her head a violent shake and tried to stay on task. Relda approached the teleporter and entered in the coordinates for the Writers Block. She was eager to have a word with Mary before Asimov got home, but then just before teleporting herself to the Writers Block, she decided that it would be wise to first take a look at Fateful Planet. Quickly shifting the target coordinates for the teleportation equipment, she programmed in an autorecall function and then teleported herself back home, to Deomede's office.

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Of course, the office was empty. Deomede was still out in the garden ravishing Wendy the robot. The feel of Deomede was strong there in his cluttered office and she began fantasizing about her precious lovers body, but Relda had come to Deomede's room because it had a DVD player. She loaded the DVD into the player, settled into a comfortable chair in front of a big display screen, pushed "play" on the remote control and began watching Fateful Planet
Part way through the movie, Wendy and Deomede arrived in the house and Relda could hear them as they continued their sex play downstairs. Deomede's telepathic touch flowed through Relda's mind, heightening her own lust, which made it very difficult for Relda to finish watching the film. Deomede's playful sexcapades with Wendy were being telepathically poured into her thoughts so Relda hit "pause", got out of her chair and found a stray vibrator where she had once abandoned it there in the office during a mid-day love making session.
Returning to her chair and placing the vibrator between her legs, Relda pushed "play" on the remote control and tried to ignore her desire to go downstairs and join Deomede and Wendy in their sex games. After achieving another sweet orgasm, she was able to finish watching the film, having managed to catch most of its plot points despite the distractions. 
the planet Atlam
Relda pulled the DVD out of the player and returned it to the DVD case. She gave the teleportation recall signal and she was automatically teleported back to the workshop. For a moment she puzzled over the story line in Fateful Planet which included no mention of teleportation. Why had Deomede said that it was a film about a Fru'wu teleportation system? Relda wondered: maybe I misunderstood what Dee tried to tell me.

Relda then went to the Downwhen time travel machine and sent herself two hours into the past. She concealed herself behind the bulk of the time travel machine and waited until the copy of herself from the current Time came in and teleported herself to Deomede's office. Coming out from her hiding spot, the Relda from two hours in the future teleported herself to the Writers Block, arriving in the hallway just outside Asimov's apartment. 
After nearly a minute with Relda waiting in the hallway, the door opened and Mary said, "Hi, Relda. I'm surprised to see you..." She looked out into the hallway, "...without Isaac."

Mary and Artep inside the Writers Block.
"I need to speak to you before Isaac arrives." Relda peered past Mary into the interior of the apartment. "And I hope Artep is here, too." Mary waved her arm and invited Relda to enter.

Artep the synpaz came flying out of the back room where moments before she and Mary had been working together on a science fiction story idea that was intended for telepathic transmission to Petra, on Earth. "Hello, Relda."

"I'm glad you are here, Artep. I'm going to need your expertise and assistance. I need to start sending a story idea to Ariel."

Artep asked, "You want Ariel to start using a hierion probe?"

"No. I don't think that would be wise. You see, I'm going to need precise control over what information gets transmitted from my mind to Ariel. I want some tips on how to control a telepathic transmission... one way transmission to Earth."

Artep the synpaz
Artep slowly flew across the room. "Hmmm... not sure I'm going to be of much use. When I link up with Petra, she's under the influence of a hierion probe and we share everything that we know and each and every little thing that we are thinking about."

Mary asked Relda, "What are you trying to keep secret from Ariel?"

"You know all the work I've done investigating the Foundation Reality. I don't want everything I've learned about the fain distracting poor Ariel. The story that I need to transmit to her concerns the Fru'wu. And there is also the matter of teleportation-"

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Just then Grean appeared across the room, having arrived by teleportation. Artep was the first to notice. "Grean!"

Mary turned and said, "This is the Grean imposter... her selfie, Delpha!"

Delpha, Grean's selfie, had been tasked with taking over for Grean after Grean had departed from the Hierion Domain. Grean had gone Downwhen into Earth's past in order to help Trysta insert Asterothrope genes into the human gene pool 10,000 years in the past. New on the job, Delpha had heard about the synpaz, but this was her first time meeting one. She approached Artep and held out a hand. Artep landed in Grean's hand and Delpha, now playing her adopted role of Grean said, "My, my... how cute."

Feeling the touch of Delpha's telepathic mind, Artep commented to Mary and Relda, "This version of Grean seems kinder and gentler."

Delpha/Grean explained, "The original Grean was under much pressure. Feel free to think of me as the new Grean." She fell silent and turned her head. She gazed knowingly at Mary. "Grean did take special care of some folks, but she seems to have antagonized many of you. Maybe I can set things right. Now that the Final Reality Change has taken place, everything here in this Reality is much..."

Earth's Reality Chain
Mary tried to complete the thought, "Much less important?"

Grean nodded. "In a sense... from the perspective of the Huaoshy... but no less important for those Earthlings still here in this Reality. Grean felt a true desire to help the poor Earthlings through the terrible times ahead, even if she could not always act on those wishes..."

Relda was one of the newer residents of the Hierion Domain and she had never become comfortable with the way Grean had pushed her around. Now Relda waved the Fateful Planet DVD at Grean and demanded, "Are you responsible for this? Why did you use Asimov to blast my life, just when I was settling in with Deomede?"

Bimanoid Interface
"Please don't get mad at Isaac." Grean explained, "He'll be the one who can help you learn how to communicate effectively with Ariel by way of the Bimanoid Interface. And he knows the dangers that can come along with sending story ideas to Earth. Ask him about the positronic robot fiasco." Grean made a small gesture of dismissal. "But that is in the past. In this new case, you must make sure that Ariel writes a story that is essentially about long-range teleportation, but you must interest her in this new film project without even mentioning teleportation."

Artep laughed. "How can Ariel's film be about teleportation without mentioning teleportation?"

Grean shrugged. "That is up to Relda to decide. There are a hundred possible reasons why people might visit Altair IV."

Novelization in the Ekcolir Reality.
Original cover art by Frank Paul,
Harold McCauley, Malcolm Smith,
and Edward Valigursky.
Relda complained, "Grean.... Delpha... whoever you are... I don't think you understand how the human mind works! I don't have a mathematically-precise Kac'hin brain... even if I tried to avoid telling Ariel about teleportation, I'd keep thinking about teleportation... Ariel would notice that! And I've watched Fateful Planet. It is not about teleportation. What do you mean when you say that it is 'essentially' about long-range teleportation?'

Grean put an arm around Relda. "Calm yourself and listen to me, Relda... don't worry about making a slip and telling Ariel about teleportation. I've equipped you with infites that will prevent you from sharing what you know about teleportation with Ariel." Grean teleported herself away.

Just then Asimov came in through the front door of the apartment; he had a book in his hand. "Ah, Relda, you were right... you did get here before me." He went to Mary, threw his arms around her and kissed her. He told Relda, "You'll never guess who I ran into on the way back here." He held the book out towards Relda.

alien invasion
Relda sighed. She took the book from Isaac and read the title: Report on the Fru'wu Teleportation Network. She fatalistically muttered, "I suppose this is another gift from Grean."

"Yes." Asimov looked around, observing the expressions on the faces of Mary, Artep and Relda. He asked, "She was here?"

Artep giggled. "She teleported out just as you came in through the door."

Relda opened the Report on the Fru'wu Teleportation Network and saw that it had been printed in the year 2438. Many of the pages had embedded videos that played automatically when the page was viewed. The pages of the book had a strange metallic feel. The first chapter was about Altair IV, with subsequent chapters about another two dozen planets of the galaxy, all linked together by an interstellar teleportation network. The last chapter was about plans to build an interstellar teleportation terminal on Earth.

Mary asked Isaac, "What is all this about long-range teleportation?"

Asimov shrugged, "Apparently the Fru'wu can teleport themselves between distant planets, but Grean does not want anyone on Earth to know about that technology."

First Contact in the Final Reality
Artep nodded. "Interventionists have been teleporting to and from Earth for millions of years. There has never been a leak, no clues to Earthlings about the possibility of even short-range teleportation. All the alien myths that have spread on Earth involve flying saucers."
Mary sighed and rested her head on Asimov's shoulder. "Grean said that she could block attempts to tell Earthlings about teleportation. It must be a powerful temporal paradox in play, preventing the people of Earth from knowing about teleportation technology."

Relda looked up from the pages of the Report on the Fru'wu Teleportation Network. "Now I understand. The Fru'wu built an interstellar teleportation node on Altair IV. If humans can reach Altair, they will gain access to the entire Fru'wu teleportation system."

Asimov asked, "Then all you need to do is get Ariel to make a film about the teleportation equipment on Altair IV?"

Relda shook her head. "In a sense, but without mentioning teleportation. How do I do that?"

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Asimov laughed. "It is already done." He pointed to the Fateful Planet DVD that Relda held in her hand. "On Earth, Ariel will receive your thoughts and she will turn what you know about Altair IV into a film... without any mention of teleportation. The question that remains is, why did Grean use this method to inform Earth about the importance of Altair?"

Relda suspected that the answer to that question was in the first chapter of the Report on the Fru'wu Teleportation Network. She said, "I'll let you know as soon as I read this." She waved the book at Asimov. 
Part 2
Relda walked out of the apartment, ignoring Mary's called question, "Where are you going?"

Relda went to the office of the Director of the Writers Block. She sat down at what was nominally Asimov's desk, but this room was seldom used. She began to read the book from the future...
Related Reading: part 2 of "Grean Fiction"


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