
Feb 13, 2025

Phyctional Physics

Figure 1. Generated by Whisk. An experiment with anti-gravity hierions.
 Back in December of 2024, I began writing a new science fiction story called "D*" which involves the discovery of hierions by a young woman named Tyna. For every Reality of Deep Time, there is a story concerning how Earthlings first discovered the existence of hierions

Figure 2. Generated by Whisk. Alien #2: "I forgot my shorts."
I first described such a story of the discovery of hierions for the Final Reality. I depicted Georgy White as having discovered the existence of some anti-gravity hierions on Earth. Tyna is an analogue of Tyhry who existed in the Asimov Reality. The story "D*" can be told here in the Final Reality only after Tyhry makes use of the Asimov Reality Simulation to learn about the life of Tyna.

Figure 3. Some alien humanoids were given tails by Whisk.
 For the story "D*", I had the idea that when working with hierions as part of a process used to isolate sedrons, a large amount of an "anti-gravity hierion" is generated. I also imagined that when incorporated into a deuterium (D) nucleus, the anti-gravity hierions would make the deuterium have reduced mass. Right at the end of last year, I asked Claude to imagine an artificial moon that is composed of nanites.

Figure 4. Tyna (left) with pounted  tryp'At-style ears.
 In particular, I often include in my science fiction stories types of nanites that are composed of femtobot components. I imagine that femtobots are built from hierions, not conventional matter.

 Power for FemtobotsNext, I asked Claude to invent a source of power for the femtobots that could allow such an artificial moon to morph into any desired shape. 

Figure 5. Sometimes Whisk only generated one alien.
 The image shown in Figure 1 depicts Tyhry during a visit to the Asimov Reality when she learns about anti-gravity hierions and a mysterious blue power source. In Figure 2Whisk pushed the envelop of the user-provided "scene" image and almost completely undressed one of the two humanoid aliens. In another creative act, sometimes Whisk spontaneously generated depictions of aliens with tails (see Figure 3).

Figure 6. Vision of the future. Young Tyna by Whisk.
My "storyboard" text description for Whisk specified: "a science fiction scene showing three people: there are two young humanoid women and also a human woman from Earth". However, like other AIs that can't count, Whisk did not always generate two humanoid aliens, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 7. Another alien anti-gravity experiment by Whisk.
 Sometimes Whisk depicted the "human woman from Earth" as being either very small (compared to the alien) or quite young (see Figure 6). Tyna has the ability to use the Sedron Time Stream to receive "visions" of the future. It could be that even as a young child, Tyna had visions of the future time when she will learn about femtobots, including the fact that she is herself a femtobot replicoid.

Figure 8. Generated by Leonardo. See Fig. 16 also.
 A Past Without Nipples. The images shown in Figures 1 - 7 were generated by Whisk after I first used Leonardo to generate some images like the one shown in Figure 8. I slightly modified Figure 8 so as to enhance the contrast of her nipple, which was barely discernible in the original Leonardo-generated image. Using Leonardo "flow state", among all of the many images for this scene that Leonardo generated, the one in Figure 8 was one of the few with a completely nude alien humanoid. In this image, she had large alien eyes, but the tips of her ears are not visible. It seems strange that Leonardo seemingly "erases" nipples from the vast majority of images that it generates. Maybe in Deep Time, in the Asimov Reality, nipples had not yet been invented.

Figure 9. A rare Leonardo-generated nipple.
 That Was a Joke. The Leonardo-generated image shown in Figure 9 shows an unaltered image in which one stealth nipple slipped past the Leonardo anti-nipple embargo. The humanoid alien in Figure 9 has a pointed ear, but relatively small eyes. I included in the text prompt: "pointed ears, and very large, glowing green anime eyes". Leonardo often struggled to make the clothing symmetrical between both legs, but maybe asymmetry is the fashion style among these aliens. Figure 10 shows another Leonardo-generated image in which one small alien nipple is seen. Don't look too closely at the alien hands in these images, particularly Figure 8.

Figure 10. More anti-gravity by Leonardo.
My text prompt for Leonardo specified: "She wears an open jacket, shorts, and white lace stockings and holds two dark metallic fractals emitting orange light. Additional metallic fractal cubes emitting light float in the room. She is in a circular chamber near a gray metallic platform with a large, glowing blue orb."

The image shown in Figure 11 has another example of when the Leonardo "flow state" was not able to make a sensible hand, but maybe aliens grow extra fingers whenever they are needed for tasks like counting the different types of anti-gravity hierion particles. In Figure 11, the requested "lace stockings" turned into lace shorts.

Figure 11. Lace shorts by Leonardo.
 Leonardo introduced me to "Chiaroscuro lighting" in these images. According to Gemini, "Chiaroscuro lighting is a technique that uses strong contrasts between light and dark to create a dramatic effect." One of the Leonardo features is "prompt enhancement" which allows Leonardo to teach people like me about the terminology used to describe photographic techniques. I like the lighting used by Leonardo for the image in Figure 12. For Figure 12, Leonardo abandoned the idea of providing the humanoid alien with shorts, but I'm not complaining. Maybe among these aliens it is common for underwear models to perform anti-gravity experiments.

Figure 12. A chiaroscuro nipple by Leonardo.
The image shown in Figure 13 is one of the very rare cases where a Leonardo-generated image showed hints of two nipples on the alien humanoid woman. Most of the Leonardo-generated nipples were small and at the edge of clothing or an object being held in front of the alien's chest. Figure 13 shows how Leonardo often flirted with depictions of underwear being supported by a belt. The image in Figure 13 managed to include the requested glowing eyes and both of her pointed ears are also visible.  I like the idea that tryp'At from the far future of the Asimov Reality were sent back in time and served as the key personnel of the Jarnell corporation who provided sedrons for the interstellar spaceships that allowed humans to spread through the galaxy in that Reality.

Figure 13. A black belt tryp'At by Leonardo.
Figure 14. The AI shorts shortage by Leonardo.
 Who's looking at her fingers? For a few of these Leonardo-generated images There was no attempt to provide either shorts or underwear. The "alien" in Figure 14 did not get the "glowing eyes" enhancement that is seen in other images such as Figure 13. Maybe the "alien" in Figure 14 has pointed ears that are hidden by her hair. Maybe Leonardo put so much hair on her head in an effort to hide her ears that there was no hair left over for her lower body. In Figure 13, Leonardo seemed to forget about there being a connection between the "gray metallic platform" and the blue orb. Once again, we should not look too closely at the fingers that were generated by Leonardo for Figure 14 .

 I began making the images that are shown above by using some text that was generated by Claude back in December: "At the most fundamental level, I propose the existence of a particle called the 'chronion' (χ). Chronions exist in a quantum superposition between our normal spacetime and what we might call 'temporal space.' This dual nature allows them to interact with both regular matter and with special quantum fields that exist in temporal space" and "This power system has an elegant safety feature: if the precise lattice arrangement of omega-hierions is disrupted, the temporal cascade simply stops. There's no possibility of a runaway reaction. The chronions return to their ground state, and the system can be restarted once proper alignment is restored." Using those text prompts for Whisk, I was able to get the images shown in Figures 15a - 15d, below.

Figure 15Whisk-generated depictions of chronions, temporal space and omega-hierions.
Figure 16Leonardo-generated candles.
Some of the Leonardo-generated images included candles (see Figure 16), even though I was hoping for depictions of futuristic technology. As was the case for Figure 8, above, Leonardo seemed to entirely abandon the effort needed to generate clothing for the "alien" in Figure 16. Also, her left ear does not seem to be pointed. For Figure 16, the blue orb got pulled out of its usual location in the background.

One of the challenges of working with AI-generated images is getting the AI-generated people to appear to be doing something interesting. For Figure 17, Leonardo decided to make the alien appear to be looking at the object she is holding.

Figure 17. Let's see... (by Leonardo)

I liked the pose that Leonardo had generated for Figure 17, but this was one of the least realistically-generated images in the series produced by Leonardo. In particular, her hair was made to look artificial. It is not clear that Leonardo tried to generate pointed ears for the "alien" in Figure 17

 Figure 18 shows some alternate versions of this alien that were generated by WOMBO Dream by taking Figure 17 as a reference image and using this text prompt: "an alien humanoid woman with pointed ears and enormous, anime-style green eyes that are twice the size of human eyes".

Figure 18. Generated by Mr. Wombo using the "alien" from Figure 17 as a reference image.
Figure 18. Two blue orbs from above by Leonardo.

One of the more unusual camera angles used by Whisk for this series of "alien" images is shown in Figure 18.

When I began asking Leonardo to make additional cubes that were floating, Leonardo generated images like the one shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19. Anti-gravity by Leonardo.

Two other unusual poses that were generated by Leonardo are shown in Figure 20. In panel 20a, the alien humanoid woman is holding out one of the cubes while the other floats. The image in 20b is a rare example of the alien seated. The image in 20b is another example with a blue orb in front of the alien.

Figure 20a (left) and b (right) More Leonardo-generated anti-gravity technology demonstrations.
Figure 21. Anti-gravity and black belt by Leonardo.

The image shown in Figure 21 is one of the rare Leonardo-generated images for which I can imagine the alien having just released one of the anti-gravity cubes while continuing to hold another cube. The images in Figure 22, below, show increasingly complex patterns of lights on the cubes.

Figure 22. Click image to enlarge.

The image in Figure 21 is one of the rare images with very little light on the faces of the cubes (my text prompt included: "cubes emitting orange light"). Maybe Leonardo used all the available orange in the background.

Related: Tyhry in Chocolate Land.
Next: space travel in the Asimov Reality.
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