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this image was made using NightElf01 by Eclesi4stiK under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 |
Working in collaboration with Onky the Chyntos, Tyhry hopes to obtain nanites from the Hua that will allow Stacy and the other mind clones at Observer Base to repair the teleportation equipment and once again make it possible for humans to travel between Earth and the Eternity space-time bubble.
Before Tyhry and Onky enter into the Reality Simulation System, they first receive a mission briefing from Manny.
Part 2 of The Hua Nanites (jump back to Part 1)
Realizing that I had received a gift from Manny, I began to excitedly examine every detail of the Hua bookmark that I had found in the Reality Simulation System's control software. I was puzzled and annoyed by the seemingly alien text that was used in these simulation coordinates. For example, where a normal time coordinate should have been, instead there was this: 𐩁𐩄𐤘𐅨𐒦𐅣𐒧𐒧𐅚ᚺ𐃔𐀁. Using manual controls, I tried dialing back the time as far as possible, but it seemed as if it was impossible to move the targeting system any further into the past than these mysterious coordinates from Manny. Then my father came into the room.
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Manny the bumpha |
Dad pulled over the big comfortable chair, sat down again and looked carefully at the coordinates. He told me, "Manny translates alien number and letter systems into Earthly form, often using dead languages."
I could see part way into my father's thoughts, but he was blocking me from seeing some of his memories of Manny. I sighed and again looked at the coordinates. After a minute, I complained, "It is so frustrating when Manny plays these games. And even now you are not sharing with me everything that you know."
Dad looked over his shoulder and I could also sense that Onky was out of bed and dressing. A moment later she came down the hallway and into the room. She squeezed into the chair beside dad. She was dressed warmly in socks, slippers, long underwear and a woolen jumpsuit that I had made for her, specially designed to accommodate her back breasts. Onky glanced at the screen and began to speak, but then Manny appeared beside the desk that held Dad's big computer system. Manny was back in her human form, looking like some kind of fashion model with her nanite hair swirling seductively around her shoulders. She asked rhetorically, "Is everyone assembled?"
I asked Manny, "You are sending me to the end of Time?"
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Eddy asked, "What do you mean by Hua?"
Manny explained, "The Hua became known as the "founders". It was they who first built spacecraft capable of traveling faster than light. They sought out and nurtured other biological species. Eventually, the artificial lifeforms crafted by the Hua transcended into the Sedron Domain and became the Huaoshy."
Eddy said, "I wonder if it is safe for humans to visit alien worlds." I could see in his thoughts that he was concerned about possible differences in gravitation strength, atmospheric content and even the possibility that alien micro-organisms could cause damage to humans.
Manny nodded and tried to reassure us. "I can adjust the Simulator so that humans inside a simulation can be quite comfortable even on planets that would kill a living person."
Eddy commented, "I wish you'd done that for me when I visited Alastor 2672. The high gravity was very tiring."
Manny giggled. "Exactly how I planned it. I did not want you charging around like madman. It was desirable for you to spend most of your time in bed, on your back letting Onky exert herself and rub up the orgasms."
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Alastor 2672 |
Manny tugged my father out of the chair. Manny sat beside Onky and slipped an arm around her. Onky hugged Manny and rather passionately kissed Manny on the lips. Manny returned both the kiss and the hug and then started fondling Onky's back breasts. Pulling her lips away from Onky, Manny told her, "I programmed your zeptites to precisely simulate the biological parameters of your original bio-body. This is my concession to the spirit of the Trysta-Grean Pact. That agreement specified that no replicoids be allowed on Earth here in the Final Reality, but if a replicoid is programmed to be indistinguishable from a biological organism, then what can be the harm?"
I bluntly asked Manny, "Am I going to be able to obtain any useful zeptites when I visit the Hua home world?"
Many seemed more interested in sexplay with Onky than answering my question. Manny ran a finger along Onky's sternum, dissolving her clothing. Manny hiked up the hem of her dress and a set of tentacles from Onky's stateo-symbiont extended out from her thoracic pouch and went up inside of Manny's vagina. Manny quickly had Onky's penis out of its recessed compartment and I suppose they would have proceeded to have sex, but Eddy said, "If you two are going to fool around then I'm going back to bed with Zeta."
Watching Onky and Manny engage in sexplay had me quite horny. I thought about returning to my bedroom in search of Anthony. But then Manny teleported Onky away. I muttered, "Manny is so rude."
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This image made using Elf1 and EllieRoom10 both originally created by Eclesi4stiK available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 |
"Programming? Ha! I call it fornicating, not programming."
Eddy sat down on the edge of the big chair and nodded, "I suppose you and I have been under Manny's influence for so long that she can easily control our behavior. Onky, as a new arrival in the Final Reality, is probably in need of more attention from Manny."
I was thinking about nanite confinement vials and how I would transport any zeptites that I might obtain on the Hua home world. Eddy could see that in my thoughts and he said, "That's probably why Manny instantiated Onky as a zeptite replicoid. Onky can carry the teleporter repair nanites in her body... if you find any."
I could sense that dad was skeptical about this impending journey to the Hua planet. "I'm sure we will get the nanites. Why else would Manny have given me the bookmark?"
"I don't know, but Manny is crafty. She always has ulterior motives." Dad took hold of my hand and told me, "Be careful and don't stay in the Simulator too long. We've got guests arriving from Australia later this week."
I knew that I could pop Onky and I out of the Simulator at any time. I could even leave a copy of myself behind, inside the Simulator, if I ran out of time during my search for repair nanites. Eddy said, "Good luck with that search. Rylla has been at it for years. The problem is, none of us know how to recognize repair nanites." He sighed. "Maybe all nanites can function as repair nanites... if you know how to program them. Programming nanites is a trick that humans know nothing about."
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Deep Time |
Dad nodded. "I suppose that is possible, but any species that knows how to make Zeptites is going to be as far beyond we humans as we are above a chimp. Could you teach a chimp to program a computer?"
Just then, Manny and Onky returned, appearing in the easy chair and pushing Eddy off and to his feet. Both Manny and Onky were naked. Manny said, "You two have fun on Sermyth." Manny kissed Onky one last time then teleported away.
I asked Onky, "Are you ready to go, or do you need to recover after your sexplay session with Manny?"
Onky giggled and told me, "Don't be jealous. It looks like very little time passed here, but I was just with Manny for three whole days. I'm ready to go."
I activated the Simulator and suddenly Onky and I were on the Hua home world. I could instantly tell why Manny had taken away Onky's clothing. It was hot and humid on Sermyth.
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This image was made using "740 nanometers" and "Commingling of Radiances" both by Sevenics as well as "RedHairedBeauty02" by Eclesi4stiK under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 |
Not only that, our tops were stylish anti-gravity devices. I reflexively put my hands on my breasts, only then noticing that I held a flashlight in my hand. I began to giggle. Manny had programmed the Simulator to place both Onky and I into bodies that were like those of the Hua, which meant enormous breasts. I told Onky, "I hope Manny warned you to expect..."
Onky was bouncing her breasts up and down. She shook her head and told me, "No, I guess this slipped her mind. She did give me suggestions for how to help you adapt to your penis."
I reached down and explored my crotch and discovered that I was now in the body of an hermaphroditic Hua. I was surprised not only by my penis, but by the great forest of long hair that hung down between my legs. Then I took a step and cried out in pain. I reached down and discovered that my right ankle was swollen.
The sun was setting and unearthly constellations were appearing in the sky. I figured out how to activate the flashlight. It projected a narrow green beam of light which I shown on Onky. In the dim light, it was hard to tell, but there seemed to be something wrong with her skin. I was sweating, but when I reached out to touch Onky, she seemed not to be over-heated, but her skin looked unusually pinkish. Onky told me, "Manny mentioned that the Hua skin pigmentation is different from the human norm." Onky ran her fingers through the hair that hung down between my thighs, "And their pubic hair is like human head hair."
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this image made with "SexyElf03" by Eclesi4stiK under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 |
Again I gazed at the laser light show and I tried to imagine a technological civilization that was 80,000 years old. Now my eyes were adapted to the dark and I could see a path that led up into the hills or, in the other direction, down to the nearby shore. There was a yacht down there, anchored not far offshore. Onky took hold of my hand and led me down the trail to the water's edge. I leaned on Onky, trying not to put much weight on my injured ankle. Fortunately, the gravity of Sermyth is less than that of Earth. We discovered that a smoothly paved walkway followed along the shoreline. Onky walked right on past that walkway and out on the beach. When she walked into the water, I called after her and asked, "Where are you going?" With my sore ankle, I did not want to leave the smooth pavement.
Onky pointed to the yacht. "That's the yacht of Quyn Vye, one of the leading developers of Hua nanotechnology."
Realizing that Manny had carefully arranged for our arrival on Sermyth at this precise place and time, I hobbled across the sandy beach and then we swam out to the yacht. The water was quite warm, but having grown up swimming in pools, I wondered about the unseen alien creatures that were there in the water with me. On the boat, I could see two Hua who seemed to have noticed our approach. A voice hailed us. I was aware of hearing an alien language, but the Simulator translated the words for me. "Ahoy, who goes there?"![]() |
made using "myioroom01" and "Redhead" by Eclesi4stiK under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 |
My eyes were drawn to a tall Hua with gigantic breasts who said, "Help them get onboard." I soon learned that this imposing figure was Quyn Vye, one of the prominent nanotechnologists of the planet Sermyth.
Onky climbed up a ladder onto the aft deck while one of Quyn Vye's children (Mym) helped me out of the water. Then Farryx, Mym's friend, essentially carried me up the ladder-like steps to the main deck of the boat. We went inside the cabin and Quyn Vye's spouse (Shya) placed some medical nanites on my ankle and began to massage the swollen tissue. Quyn brought me a cold drink and said, "You should have called the tourist service for help."
Mym told Quyn, "They don't have complants." Mym quickly ran her hands over Onky's wet body.
Shya was continuing to massage my ankle, but now she looked up at me and said, "How strange."
Onky told our hosts, "We are visitors on Sermyth. Our world is far away... Earth. We have different customs and our technology is not as advanced as what you have on this world."
"Earth?" Quyn Vye shook her head, "I've never heard of it." Quyn went over to the bar and prepared another drink.
Mym approached me and began exploring my body with her hands. She tipped her head towards Onky and told her parents, "This is weird... she has six nipples. Two on her back!" It was not easy to see Onky's extra nipples because they were nearly the same pink color as all her skin.
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communications implants |
Quyn Vye brought Onky one of the chilled drinks. After reaching out and stroking one of Onky's lower nipples, Quyn turned away and went to sit in a large chair of unusual shape. Quyn sat down in a chair, which seemed to have two additional seats, one to each side of her, but facing the opposite direction. She asked Onky, "You are part of the Transcendence movement?"
"No, I'm quite satisfied to live in the universe of stars and planets."
Farryx asked, "Where is Earth? I can't find mention of it in the planetary records." I later learned that the Hua use implanted communications devices that give them access to their version of a sophisticated information network.
Onky shrugged and looked at me. I still had my telepathic link to Onky. It was not a strong connection, but I could sense that Manny had not provided Onky with a convenient cover story which could be used to deflect curiosity about our origins. I told Quyn Vye, "Please don't question us too closely. You would not believe me if I told you the truth about Earth's location. That is really unimportant."
Quyn turned to Shya and said, "These must be the visitors that Manny told me to expect."
Shya took her hands off of my ankle, stood up and backed away from me. "The aliens?" Shya moved to stand behind Quyn's chair. "They look so... normal." Shya then sat down beside Quyn, facing Quyn bit with her back towards me.
"What are you talking about?" Mym laughed and asked, "Aliens?" She had completed her careful search of my body and had carefully made certain that I had no anatomical anomalies like Onky's nipples. Mym still had a hand resting on my bottom. I was only slowly realizing that Manny had provided me with an unusually plump bottom that was significantly larger than the Hua norm.
My unusual anatomy was instantly noticed by all Hua who saw me from behind, but at first I did not realize that Manny had also marked me as being a genetically-altered visitor on Sermyth.When I drained the last of my drink, the container quickly dissolved away. The Hua use nanites for many purposes. Nanite cups that disintegrate when empty and return to the kitchen are ready and waiting for the next time they are needed. After watching my drink glass faded away to wisps of flying nanites, I asked Quyn, "You know Manny?"
Quyn explained, "I knew Manny long ago. Thirty years?" For a moment, Quyn seemed to look off into the distant past. "She told me that I would meet aliens before I died. Visitors from a far world. Now here you are."
Onky nodded. "Manny told us how to find you. Obviously, she planned that we would meet."![]() |
Shya |
Again, Onky looked at me. I said, "We have a technical problem on our world... a problem that could be solved by nanites. However, nobody on Earth knows how to program and control nanites."
Farryx laughed. She waved a hand near her hair and it quickly sculpted itself into a new form. "Even children know how to program hair and clothing nanites."
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Zeta |
"You'll have to excuse me for my skepticism. I never really believed that I would live to see aliens on Sermyth." Quyn passed a hand over the contour of her big right breast, exposing her prominent nipple, which Shya began to suck on. I eventually learned that social lactation was an integral part of the Hua life-style and chairs were usually designed to facilitate that practice.
Quyn continued, "Our space explorers have found dozens of inhabited planets, but we have not revealed ourselves to most of them. We know that there is danger. Long ago, we culturally contaminated some worlds and the outcomes were disastrous. Nanotechnology is a most dangerous technology to share with primitive cultures."I knew well the shape of the transgalactic extinction curve. I told Quyn, "I understand if you are reluctant to share the secrets of nanotechnology. However, in Earth's case, there is one particular problem that we need help with. We seek a way to repair a broken teleporter. It can transmit hierions and sedrons, but not hadrons."![]() |
Hua social lactation |
Mym giggled. "What a strange idea." Mym stopped running her finger tips over the curve of my bottom and walked back over to Onky. Mym's eyes seemed to locked on the anatomical anomaly of Onky's second row of nipples. She took hold of Onky's hand. "Almost as kinky as extra nipples."
Farryx said, "There is an old science fiction story about using teleportation to mine sedrons from planetary crust. That story assumes that it is possible to tune a teleporter so that it would selectively teleport sedrons and not hadrons."
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hierion mining |
I sighed. I wondered if it would be best to tell the truth, but Manny had gone to a lot of trouble to disguise Onky and I and make us look quite similar to the Hua. Suddenly, Mym said, "This alien is not biological!"
Pulling her lips off of Quyn's long, pointy nipple and glancing over her shoulder, Shya asked Mym, "What do you mean?"
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Quyn nodded. "Just like Manny."
Shya said, "It makes no sense! How could they be from a world where nobody can program nanites, yet... she's a perfect robotic copy of a person... composed of zeptites..." Shya again began to suckle at Quyn's huge breast.
I explained, "This is the dilemma of Earth. We have been given access to some advanced technologies, but we need help using them. Sometimes Manny helps us, but she refuses to fix the teleporter. Manny has often told us that we need to solve our own problems or we will never learn anything. For a long time we had a functional teleporter and made use of it. Now it needs repairs. We need help."
Quyn popped Shya's mouth off of her breast. Not bothering the cover her big erect nipple (which continued to dribble milk), Quyn approached Onky and examined all of her nipples. "Manny constructed you?"
Onky nodded. "I'm now a replicoid copy of my original biological self. An artificial life form."
Mym asked, "What is a replicoid?""We don't really know." I sighed, frustrated by the bizarre situation that Manny had thrust Onky and I into. "Manny can make replicoid copies of people, but that is irrelevant. We can't solve all of Manny's mysteries. However, I think you can help us with our faulty teleporter."
Quyn asked, "This is all you seek? A way to repair that one machine?"
Quyn turned away from Onky and returned to the chair. She pulled Shya to her feet and put an arm around her. "I'll have to think this through... carefully. And I must consult the world government. There is a strict policy of not sharing nanotechnology with primitive cultures." Quyn led Shya away and down a flight of steps to the sleeping cabin that they shared.
Mym looked up from her hand-held device and told me, "You are an alien. You have gene patterns unlike any I've ever heard of. They match nothing in the alien genomes database."
Now Farryx examined Onky's supernumerary nipples. "Why were you given all these nipples?"
Onky shook her head. "I guess Manny wanted to provide you with clear evidence of our alien origins, even while giving Tyhry and I the basic body form of a Hua."Mym asked me, "Your name is Tyhry?"
"Yes." I nodded towards Onky and added, "Her name is Onky."
Mym moved her hands under my anti-gravity bikini top and felt my breasts. "What about you? What is your natural body form?"
"Amazingly close to the Hua body plan." In fact, I felt quite certain that the human species had been carefully genetically engineered to match the physical form of the Hua. I admitted, "My species is not hermaphroditic. I'm actually a female."Farryx had a hand inside Onky's bikini bottom. She told me, "We still have some males and females, but fifty thousand years ago, the H chromosome and the hermaphroditic body plan were perfected. Most people enjoy being hermaphroditic."
I came very close to telling Mym and Farryx that we were inside a Simulation where Manny could control and alter my physical form, but then I got distracted. Mym started sucking on my penis and Farryx had undressed Onky and was playing a kissing game with all of Onky's nipples which were now bright pink and fully erect. Onky and I spent most of that night engaged in delightful sexplay with Mym and Farryx, during which I began to learn how the Hua body had been genetically engineered for pleasure.
Continue to: Part 3 of The Hua Nanites.
Next: managing a time loop.
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