Dec 8, 2024

Silencing the Imperialist

Figure 1.
Out of the Silent Planet (source)
 Ever since I first saw The War of the Worlds on television, I have despised alien invasion stories. It is easy for me to view The War of the Worlds as an expression of the revulsion that some English intellectuals felt because of the excesses of British imperialism, but such dark themes are not welcomed by me when I find them crammed into a story about space aliens. Please don't expect me to be enthusiastic about your desire to fight your last war, one more time, in a fantasy outer space setting. In my mind, Out of the Silent Planet fits into the same literary niche as The War of the Worlds (and Shikasta).

 Spell Every Name with an H. When publishing the novel Out of the Silent Planet, Clive Staples Lewis explicitly stated his debt to Herbert. G. Wells. On the cover that is shown in the image to the right (Figure 1), Edgar Rice Burroughs is also mentioned. Note: see Percy Greg's "Across the Zodiac" for an even earlier adventure on Mars (although I must say that "Across the Zodiac" does not convincingly depict another planet, but could just as well take place as a fantasy adventure on Earth).

image source
For Out of the Silent Planet, Lewis adopted the idea that there are canals on Mars and air to breath, so Lewis' hero, Dr. Elwin Ransom, spends time on Mars in fantasy settings such as the one depicted in the cover image shown in Figure 1. The otter-like Martians (hrossa) are great poets. In a kind of alien rhyme technique, every word in the hrossa language starts with the letter "h".

Is Out of the Silent Planet actually a science fiction story? P. Schuyler Miller reviewed Lewis' entire "space trilogy" in 1958 and claimed that it can be viewed as being part of the science fiction genre. However, I can't advise fans of science fiction to read Out of the Silent Planet. Yes, Lewis explicitly claims that Dr. Ransom flies to and from Mars in a spaceship, but Out of the Silent Planet strikes me as being a pure magical fantasy story in which magical events occur with no attempt to provide them with a basis in reality, science and technology. 

cover art by John Pederson, Jr.
 Magical Discovery. For Out of the Silent Planet, readers were asked to believe that the spaceship was built by Professor Edward Rolles Weston, a physicist.

 Absolute Zero. Ever since I read Edward Elmer Smith's The Skylark of Space, I've despised the "plot device" of the brilliant man who, working in his basement, builds a spaceship and then heads off on an adventure in outer space. Professor Weston has as much chance of building a spaceship as had the Victorian Englishman, the Time Traveler in The Time Machine of building a time machine. Zero.

 God #Zero. In the September 1960 issue of If,  Frederik Pohl briefly mentioned Out of the Silent Planet and stated that the story shows how, "science fiction can bring us closer to God". Who would have guessed that we have to go to Mars and float for a time on the ancient canals of Mars in order to get closer to God?

Figure 2
 Compare and Contrast. Science fiction fans should read the 1949 Hugo Gernsback story "Exploration of Mars" which includes an interesting attempt to provide a science fiction backstory with advanced imaginary technologies that would "explain" how canals could exist on Mars. In Out of the Silent Planet Lewis simply waves his hand and tells readers that the Eldil made the Martian canals.

Here in this blog post, I don't want to dwell on all that is annoying and painful to read in Out of the Silent Planet. What is of most interest to me is that Lewis did not only populate Mars with talking otters and other such fantasy aliens. Of more interest are the Eldil. In Out of the Silent Planet, Lewis never gave a coherent account of the Eldil, so I am free to extrapolate and invent my own interpretation of these creatures. I suppose a simple and conventional interpretation of the Eldil is that they are angels.

Figure 3. Tyna the replicoid.
However, I prefer to think of the Eldil as being artificial life-forms that are composed of nanites. In the Exodemic Fictional Universe, Earth is visited by the pek who take pains to nurture humanoid life on our planet. The pek are composed of nanites and function as the "hands" of the Huaoshy in the Hadron Domain of the universe. As such, the pek generally take on a physical form that allows them to interact with humans in conventional ways. In the following story, which is set in the Asimov Reality, a planet of the Phari Network that is discovered by humans is soon found to have large amounts of "light deuterium" (D*), an exotic substance which includes an anti-gravity hierion in its atomic nucleus. 

In the story below ("D*"), Aymy Travmyn (shown in Figure 2) is a tryp'At replicoid, but "she" is not aware of that truth. Her artificial body has been locked into the physical form of a conventional Earth woman, albeit the body of a woman with no genetic imperfections. However, since her body is composed of femtobots, she finds it possible to interact with alien visitors to Earth such as the pek and Grendels

image generated by Mr. Wombo.
Aymy's daughter, Tyna (see Figure 3), living her entire life with telepathic guidance from Aymy, is able to discover the truth: that she is an artificial life form, designed to spread genes for telepathic abilities among the human population of the galaxy. The story ("D*") is told by Tyhry, a tryp'At who lives in the Final Reality. Tyhry must use the Reality Simulation System to research the lives of Aymy and Tyna.

For several years, I've been writing science fiction stories that explore the relationship between human telepathy and human sexuality. The basic idea in these stories is that in order to prevent telepathy from being misused, humans might be provided (by space aliens) with a form of telepathy that is restricted to use between people who love each other. Thus, for the following story ("D*"), readers need not be surprised to find explicit accounts of the sexual behavior of characters (such as Aymy and Tyna) who are involved in the development and deployment of human telepathy in the Asimov Reality. Most of the settings for events in "D*" are exoplanets that are part of what I call the Phari Network of planets in our galaxy: artificial worlds that were constructed and positioned in space by the Phari.

Mylana and Tyna re-programming femtobots.
 And Tyhry, too. Tyhry has been trained by Manny the bumpha to have a strong interest in advanced technologies which led her to investigate the Ekcolir Reality Simulation where the pace of technological advance was faster than for the Final Reality. While growing up, Tyhry was generally uninterested in the efforts of Eddy and Rylla to discover the origins of human telepathy in the far future of the Asimov Reality where there was active suppression of technological advances during Earth's Space Age. Instead, Tyhry spent years studying the part of the Ekcolir Reality that was accessible by means of the Reality Simulation System, the years before catastrophic sea level rise occurred in that Reality. However, Tyhry eventually realized that time travel had been used to insert genes for human telepathy into the far past of the Asimov Reality, at times even before space travel technology had been given to Earthlings. When Tyhry began to make use of the Asimov Reality Simulator, she discovered that replicoid copies of herself had been deployed on Earth in the Asimov Reality. In particular, there was the strange case of Aymy and Tyna Travmyn...

 NOTE: The calendar system used here is the one created by Jack Vance for his Demon Princes stories; here, in "D*", the year "1553" in the Asimov Reality is the year 3553 C.E. in the calendar of the Final Reality. Theoretically, "D*" could be linked to my 2021 story, Meet the Phari and the genetic lineage of Chyryq.

Part 1 of D*

 After moving to Philadelphia, I gave birth to my first child (I named her Tyna Travmyn) in July of 1553 and promptly received my first bonus payment from the Jarnell Corporation. I'd grown up on a farm that was 160 miles to the northwest, a rural environment where I had learned to appreciate open spaces. The crowded conditions of my Abin annoyed me. When Tyna arrived, I was eager to escape from Abin-284, which floated above Philadelphia like a 30 megaton party balloon. 

However, I need to begin this story further back in time than the year 1553. Even as far back as when I was a small child, I've always been puzzled by my penis. From a very early age, I had sex dreams about my penis. Having been born into the body of a girl, it was hard (pun intended) to align those dreams about my penis with my conventional human female anatomy. 

I grew up on a farm in rural Pennsylvania where my siblings and I spent many long summer hours working in the gardens behind our farm house. I was quite young when I became intrigued by tomatoes that seemed to have penises. Thus began my interest in science.

I believe that my mother was a biological human, but how can I ever be sure? In any case, I was three years old when I asked my mother about a tomato I had found in the garden that had a penis-like growth. I have no memory of what my mother said-

{Tyhry here. When I came across this statement about a tomato with a penis (see above) in Aymy's "diary", I used the Reality Simulation System to find that day in her early life. Here is the transcribed conversation between the young Aymy and her mother, Elyzabeth. Even as a three-year old, the young Aymy spoke almost like an adult. Later, I visited with both Elyzabeth and Aymy at multiple time points during each of their lives and was startled by the extent to which Aymy's young facial features resembled her mother's at that same age.

Aymy: Why does this tomato have a penis?

Elyzabeth: I don't know. Sometimes plants have strange growths, but why not say it is a finger?

Aymy: There is only one growth, mommy.

Elyzabeth: Here, let us investigate. I suppose it is due to insect or viral infestation.

Elyzabeth showed Aymy how to search for information in Earth's computerized databases.

Back to Aymy's diary...}

I have no memory of what my mother said, but on that day I learned how to search the scientific literature. I became fascinated by viruses and genetics. Upon being enrolled in the Jarnell Corporation's selective breeding program and moving to Abin-284, I went through their standard in vitro fertilization procedure.

When I had my first pregnancy, I was eager to obtain data about my child's genes. I wondered: who was the father? Of course, I ran into the restrictive laws of Earth that protect the privacy of genetic information pertaining to individual humans.


{Tyhry again... having carefully investigated the identity of Aymy's parents, I conclude that a large number of Aymy's genes were derived from her birth mother, Elyzabeth. However, Aymy's genome was clearly an artificial construct that included many tryp'At genes from the far future of the Asimov Reality. Full disclosure: I discovered that Aymy was, in a sense, the analogue of my mother in the Asimov Reality. More startling, was the discovery that Tyna was me, or, more precisely, a clone of me who lived in the Asimov Reality. When I made this discovery, I was already quite comfortable with the fact that there had been multiple clones of me who existed in various eras the Ekcolir Reality, but I was surprised to learn that my genome could be traced back further in Deep Time, to a Jarnell Corporation breeding program in the Asimov Reality. Of course, my origins were more complex than anyone in the Jarnell Corporation knew and my origins involved time travel: some of my telepathy genes had been sent back to Earth from the far future of the Asimov Reality.}

Quickly spending some of the bonus money that I had earned by giving birth to Tyna, I bought passage to Alphanor and formalized a new long-term contract that indentured me with the Jarnell Corporation. During the interstellar space flight from Earth to Alphanor, I was informed that my body's response to Tyna and the Corporation's genetic analysis indicated that I should optimally produce a total of 8 children. In exchange for my efforts to produce those 8 children, the Jarnell Corporation would pay me a total of 3,400,000 SVU. I imagined retiring by age 40 on a sparsely populated world at the frontier of galactic civilization.

While on landing approach towards Alphanor, I was contacted by Director of Exploration Pyllys Trode. I had been assigned by the Jarnell Corporation to study at the Department of Galactic Morphology at Sea Province University. Phyllys was one of the high-ranking administrators of the the Department of Galactic Morphology. She told me, "Ms. Travmyn, you are qualified for study of any of the Arts and Sciences, but at the moment, what we need is a specialist in mathematics."

I was trying to not let myself be distracted by the pretty face of Director Trode. When Director Trode's call arrived, Tyna was hungrily sucking on my left breast and I was horny, as usual. At that time, I was still a virgin and had never been given the opportunity to develop a relationship with a man, who were quite rare on Earth due to their emigration to exoplanets. In the absence of contact with a man, I'd learned to enjoy sexplay with girls. I heard the word 'mathematics' and said, "I love math."

Phyllys glanced at me and watched me run my tongue around the loop of my pink lips. "Then upon arrival, report to the College of Physical Sciences where you will be formally enrolled and major in mathematics. And if you need help with anything, Aymy, contact me. You'll be on my mentoring list until graduation."

"Thank you very much, Director." The call ended and I told Tyna, "Get ready to count higher than two." I popped her off of my left breast and shifted her to the right where she quickly latched on and continued sucking milk out of my other plump breast. I resumed masturbating and switched back on the big vibrator that had been splashing around inside my hot and dripping vagina when Director Trode's call from Alphanor had arrived.

genetic engineering (Alexina)
While on Earth, during the first sixteen years of my life, I'd been accompanied by a Grendel, but on that day of my approach to Alphanor, I knew nothing of artificial life forms such as the Grendels and the pek. Now, having met Tyhry and been asked to write down an account of my life, I have some understanding of the hidden events and secret processes that guided the course of my life. However, I'll tell this story from the perspective of the vast ignorance of my younger self.

Since Alphanor is part of the artificially constructed Rigel Concourse, it swarms with Phari and so as we neared Alphanor my Grendel was met by a Phari from Alphanor. I now understand what happened: upon meeting for the first time, those two artificial life forms almost immediately merged and shared in their style of sexual intercourse. From my perspective of ignorance and in my imagination, it was as if two of my horny girlfriends were there with me and engaged in sexplay with me. I was fantasizing that my playful sex pertners were competitively racing to see which of us could most quickly achieve an orgasm. When my orgasm began, I telepathically heard: Is she always like this?

{Tyhry again. Aymy's recollection of that sexplay session was quite poor. Here is my reconstruction of the telepathic exchange between Aymy's Grendel and that Phari....

The reply was: Yes. But I've now reached the point of successfully linking Tyna and Aymy with a synapex connection, and that is amplifying the pleasure of her sexual experiences.

The Phari said: Well, carry on. Here is the information about Aymy's new room mate.

Aymy's companion Grendel said: Thank you very much.

 At that point, the Phari noticed that Aymy had telepathic abilities. She's a telepath? She's following our conversation!

  Aymy's Grendel companion explained: Ayme has an interesting combination of genes that gives her some conscious access to her endosymbiont. However, I've been able to make her believe that the "voices" she hears by telepathy are the result of her flamboyant imagination.}

a synapex experiment

At that time, I was intently playing with the stiff glans of my clitoris and successfully extending the duration of my orgasm. At the time, I had no idea what was happening to me, but I now know that I experienced an orgasm trance that made it possible for that orgasm to last more than a minute. Apparently, I was also for the first time establishing a synapex link to my daughter, Tyna. I now realize that both my Grendel and the Phari from Alphanor had merged their minds with mine and they shared in the pleasure of my orgasm. Suddenly, I realized that even my imagination could not generate the strange thoughts of the multiple minds that were linked to my own during the duration of that orgasm. My Grendel and the Phari were merged into some kind of conformation that allowed them to share and amplify their alien orgasms and merge them with my human orgasm. Tyna was enjoying her meal, but because of the synapex link to my brain, she also managed to experience her first orgasm at that time.

{Tyhry again. After Aymy's delightfully intense and long-lasting orgasm finally reached its end, the Phari told Aymy's Grendel: You need to make Aymy forget that we exist.}

I suspect that my Grendel did her best to make me forget my telepathic contact with both her and the Phari, however I was left with a strong memory of that orgasm and the belief that I had fallen asleep and in a dream I had experienced a strange form of contact with something wonderful, something larger than myself and my personal imagination. At that time, we were dropping down into Alphanor's atmosphere and I began thinking about getting myself dressed and ready to debark from the spaceship. Soon I was busy with my new life on Alphanor as a mathematics student at Sea Province University. It was only later, by accessing stored information in my Phari endosymbiont (thank you, Tyhry), that I was able to recall and understand the nature of the telepathic conversation that I had over-heard between my Grendel and the Phari.

Mylana and Tyna
Arriving at the College of Physical Sciences, I was shown my learning objectives for the first semester and provided with the access codes to my dormitory suite and the names of the two other students who would be my room mates: Anyta Klemmer and Vart Othing. My datcom gave me access to images of Anyta and Vart and I was full of anticipation to meet Vart. I could not stop fantasizing about the idea that I would soon have a male lover.  Anyta and Vart somehow seemed familiar to me; I now know that during my entire life I had been receiving information about them from the future by way of the Sedron Time Stream, but at that time I knew nothing about the transfer of information through time. 

Only much later did Tyhry explain to me that the yet-to-be-born daughter of Anyta and Vart, Mylana, would develop telepathic and sexual linkages to my daughter, Tyna, and their children would have the ability to send me information from the future.

{Tyhry again. There was no way for Aymy to recognize the fact that her daughter was part of a strange replicoid experiment carried out by the alien bumpha. During my investigation of the Asimov Reality, it was not hard for me to discover the fact that Mylana was a clone of my childhood friend and long-time lover, Marda. There were several times when I met Aymy inside the Reality Simulation of the Asimov Reality and explained the truth to her.}

After a quick stroll around the university campus, Tyna was quite hungry when we first entered our new home: a fully furnished three bedroom apartment with a big kitchen and luxurious features like a hot tub. The master bedroom was equipped with three beds and a half dozen specialized furnishings that were designed to facilitate sexplay. I placed Tyna on the largest bed and pulled off my top, liberating my breasts which were full of milk. I joined Tyna on the bed and soon we were again linked by a synapex connection from nerves in Tyna's mouth to the axons in my nipple. Tyna was eager to experience another orgasm and so I put a hand between my legs and I began to masturbate while fantasizing about having Vart's penis inside me.

A few minutes later I heard someone enter the apartment. I was vaguely aware that I would be sharing the apartment with room mates, so it was not a complete surprise when Anyta stepped into the master bedroom and saw me and Tyna on the bed. Anyta could instantly see that Tyna was nursing and that I had pulled aside the hem of my skirt and I was playing with my hot genitals. Anyta introduced herself and instantly began to undress. "You must be Aymy Travmyn, my new room mate. I'm Anyta Klemmer." She got on the bed and placed a hand on Tyna's little head. "Who is this?"

I replied. "My daughter, Tyna." I had seen Anyta before in my visions of the future and the sight of her naked body was familiar and excited me sexually.

Anyta fixed her big eyes on mine and told me, "Well, I'll apologize for interrupting you maternal duties, but I'm quite horny and would like to join you in some sexplay before Maz sticks her cute nose in your pussy."

I was drinking in Anyta's sexy body with my eyes and I was instantly sexually aroused by her graceful beauty. I found myself breathing deeply and I felt my heart racing. Feeling very pleased that Anyta was going to be my room mate, I stopped fantasizing about Vart and eagerly spread my legs and showed Anyta the erect erect glans of my clitoris. I wondered what she meant by 'Maz', but I was not in the mood for any small talk. I told Anyta, "Please lick my clit! I'm already most of the way towards achieving an orgasm."

Anyta quickly positioned herself so that she could get her mouth on my glans and simultaneously press her hot and salty genitals against my mouth. At that moment of sexual excitement with a delightful new lover, in the depths of my mind I had an image of my Grendel and the Phari locked together in a similar sexplay position. Anyta soon had me experiencing an orgasm that I shared with Tyna via the synapex linkage. Just then, our other room mate arrived and discovered us at play. Anyta performed introductions and for the first time my hungry eyes rested on Vart Othing. 

Like me, Anyta had never previously had a male lover. Anyta rolled off of the bed and pulled open Vart's pants while telling him, "I just have to see your penis..."

Anyta began playing with his penis while commenting on its color, texture and smell. Anyta said, "I've never had a man before! Won't you please fuck me? Now!"

"I'd be honored to become your lover, Anyta." Vart did not immediately ravish Anyta. He glanced in my direction and said, "However, I don't want to exclude Aymy from our sexplay. I must confess, I'm intimidated by the presence of Tyna."

Tyna was still nursing while looking intently at Vart from the corner of her eye. I shifted Tyna over to my other breast and pulled a blanket over her head. I told Anyta, "Get back between my legs. lover... so far you have only managed to tease me and get me interested in the sweet trickery of your tongue."

Anyta again obligingly returned to providing oral stimulation to my genitals. I told Vart, "Don't concern yourself with my daughter, she won't ruin our sexplay."

Vart took hold of Anyta's hips and thrust his erection into her wet vagina from behind. Anyta likes to talk during sexplay and soon she stopped sucking on my glans and was describing the feelings provoked by Vart thrusting his penis in and out of her tight vagina. Mercifully, Tyna then drifted into sleep. I watched as Anyta stroked her own glans with her finger tips and she achieved a sweet orgasm. Then Vart climaxed and ejaculated into Anyta's vagina. 

I got off of the bed and took the sleeping Tyna into one of the other bedrooms and then I quickly returned to the master bedroom just as Vart pulled his big erection out of Anyta and he sprawled across the bed. I out-maneuvered Anyta in a race to get on top of our man and I straddled Vart. I excitedly exclaimed, "It is my turn!" I had long fantasized about having a chance to make love to a man, and now the time had finally come.

Mind clone telepathy in the Asimov Reality
I took Vart's penis inside my vagina. I was delighted by how hot his erection felt inside me. Slowly and methodically I began experimenting with different angles of approach to his stiff penis. Still talking endlessly, Anyta began planing with my big milk-producing breasts and my erect nipples. Anyta even commented on the red spots that were small wounds where my nipples had been physically connected to Tyna mouth by synapex links. I'd not yet noticed these wounds before Anyta brought them to my attention, but when I achieved my next orgasms, both my Grendel and the Phari were again there in my mind. Sensing my concern about the little red welts on my nipples, my Grendel told me: You can physically link you nervous system to Tyna's through your nipples.

I had no idea what a synapex link was and since I was totally focused on my orgasm and my enjoyment of the feel of Vart's penis inside me, I did not really think at all deeply about what my Grendel was telling me. Vart pushed at me, guiding me to lay on m back and then he moved on top of me and began hammering at my genitals with his erect penis. He was very eager for another orgasm and enjoying the feel of the depths of my slick vagina. While Vart's movements delightfully stimulated the erect glans of my clitoris, Anyta began sucking on my right nipple. Then Vart achieved his second orgasm and I felt his hot semen splashing against my cervix. My mind was swirling with flashed images from the future as I relaxed in satisfaction from our love making.

Later, when were were all satiated from our first shared sexplay session, Vart lay on his back between Anyta and I and we continued to play with his genitals. Anyta said to Vart, "You can impregnate me first. I'll ovulate in about five or six days."

Vart asked, "Aren't you concerned about how young you are, Anyta? Maybe it is too soon for you to be a mother."

"I'm young," Anyta replied, "But what difference does that make?"

Vart placed one hand on one of my breasts and at the same time stroked one of Anyta's little breasts with the fingers of his other hand. He told Anyta, "You have the body of a girl, not a woman."

Anyta felt challenged and she got on top of Vart and again took his erection inside her hot little vagina. "I might not have big mama's breasts like Aymy, but I'm a woman! You can give me my first child and then we'll see how big my breasts can grow."

Vart placed his hands on Anyta's cute bottom and held her firmly against his body. "Careful now, lover, I'm losing my erection. You two are going to have to be wary of wearing me out."

Mysteriously, Anyta told Vart, "I suppose we can always call on Maz in situations like this."

Vart pulled Anyta close and kissed the tip of her nose. "I think we three need to bond."

Wondering what Anyta meant by 'Maz', I ran my hand over Vart's arm where his bulging bicep flexed and held Anyta wrapped tightly in his embrace. Then I stroked Vart's soft cheek and asked, "What about you? How old are you? Tell us, are you already a father?"

Vart replied, "I've been here at the university for a week already and got to study your bios before I selected you as my room mates. We are all just about the same age... within a few years of each other. I don't know if I have any children... who knows what the Corporation has done with my sperm? However, I'm pleased to have you two as my lovers. It will be interesting to see how many babies we can produce!"

At that moment I was still thinking about the future visions that I had experienced while engaged in sexplay with Vart. There were images of two women in my mind: one blond and one with dark hair. Only later did I realize that these were my daughter Tyna and the yet-to-be-born daughter of Anyta who would be named Mylana. I was vaguely aware that my personal Grendel and a Phari were there in bed with us, but my thoughts were full of delight over my two new lovers and I still had no appreciation for the role I was playing in an ages-old hunt for an optimal gene combination that could make possible a new form of human telepathy that the bumpha knew would be needed in the Final Reality.

Resigned to the fact that Vart could not endlessly maintain an erection, Anyta eventually pulled herself off of his deflating penis and the three of us snuggled together on the big bed. We began to discuss our  plans of study at the university. I learned that both Anyta and I had been designated as students of mathematics, but Vart would be majoring in physics. In just five short years, we and our children would depart from Alphanor and move to a frontier world, Sadal Suud IV, where Vart would discover a new form of matter, one that would make it possible for me to learn the truth about myself; that I am an artificial life form, a replicoid.

{Tyhry again. For readers in the Final Reality, I must remind you that in the Asimov Reality, the pace of scientific advancement was very slow. A trained physicist of the Asimov Reality was more like what we would call an engineer.}

Next: Part 2 of the science fiction story "D*".

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