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in the Final Reality |
Below on this page is Part 5 of a science fiction story called Echo of Cynym. Previously in the story, Eddy had his brain altered so that his uncontrolled output of telepathic signals would not disturb the telepathic natives of Alastor 2672. His brain surgery took place inside the telepathy research laboratory run by Dr. Elyn Arky. Eddy has been left wondering how Elyn, apparently a hybrid half-human, half-Cynym, could have created the hermaphroditic Chyntos.
Eddy returns to Earth with a young Chyntos, Onky, who was not happy living on Alastor 2672. Eddy now knows that it was arranged for him to visit the secret telepathy research project located on Alastor 2672 so that he would meet Onky and bring her to Earth. While visiting with Dr. Arky, Eddy learned that the Cynym female body was long ago designed and crafted so as to contain anti-gravity hierions. Working with Zeta, Eddy now learns a new way to apply anti-gravity hierions in a way that will improve his ability to telepathically communicate with Yōd, who resides inside the Asimov Reality Simulator.
Part 5 of Echo of Cynym (Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)(Part 4)
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Zeta Gohrlay. (image credits) |
Glancing at my old computer, I
immediately thought of letting Rylla know that I had returned home from
Alastor Cluster. There was a cat curled up on my chair next to the
computer who I moved so that I could sit down. That displaced cat and one more that came walking down the hallway from the back of the house both took an immediate interest in Onky.
Soon, the two cats were sniffing at Onky and climbing on her. Do replicoids have a particular odor? I suspect that the only way to lift someone out of the Simulator is to convert them into an artificial lifeform, a replicoid. I wondered: did Onky know that she was no longer biological? I saw that Manny
had dressed Onky in the same sexy outfit that I had first seen her wearing. Onky still looked exactly the same. Need she know that she was now inhabiting an artificial body composed of nanites?
Onky began to play with the cats and she seated herself on the couch. For a minute, I watched as one cat began sniffing between her legs and the other was trying to paw through Onky's little scarf to get at her chest pouch. Observing the antics of the cats, I laughed then switched on my computer and began to compose a message to send to Rylla.
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Power of nanites. Using Elf1 and EllieRoom10 by Eclesi4stiK available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. |
Just then, I telepathically noticed that Zeta was waking up. Onky was in the shadows by the front window with the two cats when Zeta arrived in the living room from our bedroom. Zeta kissed me long and hard and then, hearing a cat purr, she looked in that direction and saw Onky. Telepathically, Zeta asked me, Manny pulled her out of the simulator?Onky seemed to be heeding Manny's advice and trying to not provoke Zeta; she sat there quietly with the cats. "Onky, this is my wife, Zeta." I told Zeta, "This is Onky... she did not fit in with the society of telepathic Chyntos in Alastor Cluster, so Manny sent her to Earth. I'll tell you all about it... there is a lot to tell."
Her sexplay with Anthony having been interrupted, Tyhry had quickly pulled on a robe and now she came down the hallway to the living-room. Anthony followed along, close on her heels. She stopped in her tracks and looked at Onky. I told Tyhry, "Meet Onky, she's from Alastor Cluster."
Tyhry walked across the room and turned on a lamp so that she could get a good look at Onky. Onky jumped to her feet and the two girls hugged. Tyhry told me, "Yes, I know. We share a weak telepathic connection." Tyhry put one hand on Onky's head and another on her crotch. She excitedly asked, "Is Onky a mind-clone? I sense that our telepathic link is strengthening!"
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Mind Clone Network |
Onky looked at me and asked, "How are these strong telepathic connections to non-Chyntos possible? My mind is resonating with and linking to both Tyhry and Anthony." She glanced again at Anthony who only then, after having given Onky a good view of his anatomy, got around to covering his naked body with clothing nanites.
As far as I knew, the early form of human telepathy in the Asimov Reality depended on the transmission of T-particles. However, it was my belief that here in the Final Reality, the Huaoshy had altered the Dimensional Structure of the universe so as to make time travel impossible. A consequence of that change is that T-particles no longer exist in this universe. I suspected that Onky must be using the Bimanoid Interface for technology-assisted telepathy.
Tyhry had one of her hands up inside Onky's short skirt. Tyhry exclaimed, "Mom, she's got a giant clitoris, just like yours!"
Tyhry then took hold of one of Onky's hands and Guided her out of the room. Anthony picked up the big duffel bag that Manny had sent over from the Reality Simulator and followed Onky and Tyhry down the hallway to Tyhry's bedroom. Zeta placed her hands on the sides of my head and asked me, "You had brain surgery?""Yes." I finished sending my short email message off to Rylla and then assured Zeta, "I don't think my brain was damaged. It was apprently some kind of minor adjustment to my neural networks, probably performed by medical nanites. Maybe my Phari endosymbiont was also re-programmed... I don't know the details."Zeta took my hand and tugged me out of my chair. I could see in her mind that she wanted to take me to our bedroom foe sexplay session, but I looked at my computer. "Give me a moment... let me see if Rylla responds to the news that I'm back."Zeta
kept hold of my hand. "Rylla can wait. I can't. You were gone for so
long... there's been a serious penis shortage around here."
I muttered, "Onky will help with that." I sent one last telepathic message to Tyhry in an attempt to warn her about Onky's unusual phallus so that she would not be as surprised as I had been. But then I quickly forgot about Rylla and Onky and I had a long sexplay session with Zeta during which I discovered that by the wonders of the Bimanoid Interface, I could telepathically link deeply into Onky's mind while everyone in the house had simultaneous orgasms and our telepathic thoughts were joined in a group mind space.
Somehow, Onky's mind was able to function telepathically by way of the Bimanoid Interface, retaining essentially the same telepathic abilities that she had had while in the Asimov Reality and communicating telepathically by means of T-particles. I suppose Manny could explain how that is possible, but until she does, it seems quite miraculous.
This is only my speculation, but maybe the Bimanoid Interface was designed to make use of the same brain structures that were evolved in the Asimov Reality so as to allow humans to efficiently exchange T-particles.I suspect that Zeta knows about the special telepathic link that I share with Onky, and she seems to be taking pains to ignore it. Zeta can get jealous, but she has her own sexual crush on Onky and so far that seems to be preventing Zeta from having any negative thoughts about Onky.
Onky quickly became quite happy with Tyhry and Anthony. Soon after arriving on Earth, Onky learned about the Australian branch of the family and she began looking forward to meeting Marda and going along on the up-coming family vacation. For the past several months we had been planning how that vacation would be Tyhry's college graduation present: our long-planned trip to a resort world in Alastor Cluster.
I did not get much sleep that first night back on Earth. Zeta demanded an extended sexplay session and I was quite eager to comply and renew my sexual intimacy with my wife.
I awoke early the next morning and went to my computer where I found a text reply from Rylla. I was then able to establish a live link to Rylla in Australia. Rylla questioned me for almost an hour about my visit to Alastor 2672 and then she said, "I have to go in to the lab. I'm in the middle of another tricky peptide synthesis. I want to get it done before we fly to Arizona."
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Rylla |
Rylla nodded. "With luck, I'll have the first batch in my luggage and ready for testing when we arrive in America next week." She was on her feet, ready to run off to the chem lab.
I told Rylla, "I'd like you to begin thinking about a new chemical analysis project. There is something in Onky's semen that... well, my guess is... maybe it is a new secreted sex hormone."
"Interesting." Rylla told me, "I have to run. I'll be waiting for your full written report on Alastor 2672 and the magical effects of Onky's semen." She cut the video-chat connection before I could remember to ask her to get in touch with Observer Base and start a new search of the archives of the Writers Block. I wanted any information they could find about the mysterious Cynym.
While I had been speaking with Rylla, the core of the house had become noisy. Anthony was feeding the cats while Zeta and Onky were starting to prepare breakfast. One of the cats was in my lap, seemingly more interested in ear scratching than food.
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the discovery of sleep2 |
Zeta called me to the table
and so I dumped the cat out of my lap. Just then, Tyhry came into the
living room, drying her hair with a towel. I was still sticky with
the residue of drying fluids from my long night of sexplay with Zeta. Tyhry threw her arms
around me for a hug. I muttered, "I could use a shower, too."
Still holding me tight, Tyhry spoke into my ear, "Thank you for bringing Onky to me. She's wonderful!" She also told me, "And thanks for the warning about her penis. Still, I was caught by surprise when her clitoris started ejaculating all over me."
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a Chyntos hermaphrodite |
Tyhry had a wild look in her eyes, similar to what I've seen in her mother's eyes after taking a large dose of the oxypathin sex hormone. I mumbled, "I'm glad Onky is able to fit in."
Tyhry gleefully agreed, "She has the perfect penis."
I'd been reflecting on the process by which Dr. Arky had crafted the Chyntos. I suppose that Elyn put considerable thought into designing the Chyntos hermaphrodites. I'd learned that the Chyntos penis was always at least partially erect. Even while retracted and 90 percent inside the body of a Chyntos, it was half engorged with blood and constantly being stimulated by specialized contractile rings of muscle that surrounded it, keeping the Chyntos in a constant state of sexual arousal, even when sleeping. I knew that Tyhry was just beginning her adventure of discovering the details of Chyntos anatomy and it seemed like she was caught up in the joy of that discovery process as I had been during the previous week.
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Manny was watching. |
"Oh, ya" Tyhry giggled. She ended the hug and we went into the dining room.
Zeta was telepathically linked to my mind and aware that I was thinking about my need for a shower. While getting her good-morning hug, she told Tyhry, "I feel like I have a pint of your father's semen in my hair this morning... something he tried to blame on the nanite hair of Dr. Arky of Alastor Cluster."
One of the memories from Alastor 2672 that Manny allowed me to retain concerned a trick that Dr. Arky knew how to perform using her hair nanites. As soon as I mentioned the idea of re-programming her hair so that it could massage my erection, Zeta tried Elyn's technique for turning hair nanites into a sex toy and she succeeded.
Tyhry laughed and told Zeta, "I've seen Dr. Arky in Onky's memories... some hyper-sexed human variant... a Cynym."
Zeta glanced at me and said, "I'm rather alarmed to hear that my husband learned about sex toys from Dr. Arky. When he went off on this mission, he insisted it was to investigate the origins of telepathy."
Tyhry said, "I suppose dad is always searching for new and creative ways to manufacture orgasms. In any case, I already suggested to Onky that she let you introduce her to the hot tub. While you are at it, maybe Onky can take that opportunity to wash your hair."
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Stacy |
Additional plans for the day were formulated over breakfast. Zeta and Tyhry had a dozen ideas for what features of Earthly culture Onky should first be introduced to.
Onky was wearing parts of two of Tyhry's old swim suits and one of my neckties that Tyhry long ago "borrowed". Tyhry had sewn together two bikini tops so that they covered both Onky's front and back breasts. The necktie artfully hid the presence of Onky's thoracic pouch. Zeta could not keep her eyes off of Onky's sexy body, particularly her two lower front nipples which were not covered by her skimpy clothing. I suppose Tyhry had already filled Zeta's mind with an enthusiastic report on Onky's penis.
Anthony was absent from breakfast. He went into town to buy Onky some clothing and some painting supplies. For my part, I felt comfortable with Onky's apparent ability to adapt to conditions on Earth and I was still thinking about how I could most reliably establish a telepathic link to Yōd.Zeta was soon pulling Onky by the hand towards the back patio and the hot tub. On the way out the back door, Zeta asked me about my plans for the day. I mentioned that I wanted to initiate a search of the Writers Block story archives for any available information about the Cynyn.
Zeta was quick at taking off her clothes and then she pulled Onky into the hot tub. Before completely turning her attention on the girl, Zeta told me, "You better contact Rylla and have her get that search underway." Zeta had a hand on Onky's crotch and she deftly tugged off the girl's bikini bottoms. Zeta seemed desperate to get a look at Onky's penis.
Tyhry took a look out the window. "I'm tempted to join them in the hot tub, but I'd only create a penis shortage."
As we went back to the living room, I asked Tyhry how she was able to contact Stacy. In reply to my simple question, Tyhry commented extensively on Onky's amazing biology. "Onky has asked me not to reveal her deepest secrets, but I can tell you this. Sex with Onky was both a vagina-expanding and a mind-expanding experience for me. As nicely as her telepathic mind pattern resonates with mine, she's even better in tune with the MC1 sub-network."
"Ah. I begin to understand."
"When we were all in that shared orgasm trance last night, I was able to telepathically get your message to Stacy.""Thank you. Rylla will be pleased to learn that I no longer need to bother her every time I want to communicate with Stacy."
Then Tyhry changed the subject and commented, "You finally can block me from accessing your mind telepathically."
"Yes, my telepathic mind was altered during my recent trip to Alastor Cluster. Somehow, Manny arranged for the needed alteration to my brain while I was inside the Simulation. Why she waited so long to give me the ability to control my output of telepathic signals is a mystery."
"Well, I don't like it. Now I can't see what you are thinking about Onky, nor the mysterious Dr. Arky."
"That's for the best. It is going to take some time for me to explain everything to Zeta about what happened inside the Reality Simulator during my visit to Alastor 2672. I don't want to tell her the whole story too quickly... you know that Zeta can get jealous."Tyhry glanced out the window to where Onky and Zeta were deep into heated sexplay in the hot tub. Tyhry told me, "Zeta has no such inhibitions. She seems to be enjoying Onky's amazing sexplay. Does it bother you to know that mom can get so hot for other lovers?"
I was trying not to watch whatever Zeta was doing, but I glanced out the window. Zeta was bent over at the waist, leaning against the edge of the tub. Onky was standing in the water, thrusting her penis into Zeta from behind and I could see alien tentacles linking from Onky's chest to Zeta's genitals. I exclaimed, "She has a Stateo-symbiont?"
Tyhry told me, "I thought maybe you knew."
"Onky's body is incompatible with those alien creatures... that's why she abandoned her own society and came to Earth!" I was surprised that Onky brought a Stateo-symbiont here to Earth, if it was only going to die.
Now realizing that Onky had been sent to Earth with a Stateo-symbiont, I could not resist tuning into Zeta's thoughts. I could telepathically sense that Zeta was happily linked to Onky's nervous system through tentacles of the Stateo-symbiont's body. Convinced that Zeta was quite sexually excited and not repulsed by the alien creature, I again tried to ignore the rest of her sexplay session with Onky.
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site Q |
I suggested, "Maybe someone has tried to hide the truth about the Chyntos. Alternatively, their type of telepathy might have been a dead-end, rather like the Cynym." My thinking is that other telepathy development projects such as the one a Site Q may have been more productive and led to the type of telepathy that existed in the Final Reality.
After Zeta had shared a sweet orgasm trance with Onky in the hot tub, she brought the young Chyntos back into the house. Onky, not having bothered to dress, sat on the couch between Zeta and Tyhry. Tyhry ran a finger along the pink line between Onky's breasts.
Onky told Tyhry, "I guess I lost your old swimsuit and that necktie in the tub. I hope the sight of my chest groove does not alarm any of you." Onky looked at me while she said that. Her semi-erect penis was still jutting out from her genital groove and I was trying not to look at it. Zeta had no such inhibitions and was holding Onky's penis in her hand and making its cute tip flip from side to side.
I knew that a Chyntos penis would normally retract into the body unless it was actively being used for sexplay inside the vagina of another Chyntos. Zeta was making a special effort to prevent Onky's penis from retracting.
Tyhry tapped on Onky's chest and asked, "This is a permanent symbiont?"
Watching Onky and Zeta lovingly stoking each others beautiful bodies, I was feeling rather sexually excited, but I could not control the analytical part of my nature. I repeated the question about Onky's symbiont and pointedly asked Onky, "Your body won't reject this Stateo-symbiont?"
Onky shrugged. "Manny told me that she has solved my alien tissue rejection problem, so I should now be able to carry this Stateo-symbiont inside my body for the rest of my life."
I was rather amazed that neither Tyhry nor Zeta had any problem with a lover who had an alien inside her chest, an alien creature that insisted on inserting its tentacles into people's bodies during sexplay.Still hot and flushed from the tub, Onky and her perfect penis apparently exerted an irrepressible attraction on Tyhry. Zeta was having to periodically yank on Onky's penis to keep it from retracting back into her body. Tyhry told Zeta, "You are fighting a losing battle."
Zeta relinquished the sexually insatiable Onky to Tyhry's special care and took me by the hand and pulled me into our bedroom where we began another of our series of "welcome home" sexplay sessions. After I licked some of Onky's sweet semen from Zeta's vagina, I responded strongly to the special Chyntos sex hormones that were in her prostatic secretions. I suspected that Onky's semen contained some sort of potent version of clytykynyn.
After her first sexplay session with Onky in the hot tub, Zeta seemed more eager than ever to get me into bed. I suspected that Zeta was responding to Onky's secreted sex hormones and I recalled how after sharing my first orgasm trance with Onky, I had obsessively thought about how to again link my mind telepathically to hers. As I began to ravish Zeta, I wondered what kind of telepathic connection she had to Onky. Zeta told me telepathically: I could sense a weak link to her mind when we were playing in the hot tub, but when she ejaculated into my vagina I about lost my mind. There is something special in her semen... Tyhry is reacting to it, also.
Even while I was caught up in fresh emotional flames of desire, I remembered my need to contact Yōd and let her know how events had unfolded on Alastor 2672.
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This image made with "Art Nudes - C 6" by mjranum-stock. Available under the CC BY 3.0. |
When I rather excitedly started to describe the Cynym and the Chyntos to Yōd she interrupted and asked: You say Azynov visited Alastor 2672?"
I replied: Yes, and you contacted me, saying that you were only able to briefly visit that world.When was this?
A couple of weeks ago.
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a report from the Writer Block |
Later, as we gathered for lunch, Anthony returned home and provided Onky with a newly purchased wardrobe, which she tried on right there in the dining room while the rest of us ate, or tried to eat. Onky was very sexy and seemed to have no inhibitions about showing off her lovely body. Onky put on a new outfit that included a hooded shirt. While covering her abdomen and her lower pair of nipples, the hood did little to hide the presence of her back breasts which bulged out in a most inhuman way. Still, Anthony has good taste in clothes and Onky looked very cute.
Although I knew that within 12 hours of arriving on Earth Onky had ravished both my daughter and my wife, Onky looked so sweet and innocent that I was reminded to asked her, "Why did Dr. Arky call you a warrior?"Onky explained to us that her young Chyntos cohort members called her "war" because in Alastor Cluster there was an old saying about "war: what is it good for?" Onky told us, "Since I could not maintain a Stateo-symbiont in my body, I was considered useless and good for nothing. I reacted rather badly, lashing out at others in reaction to my problem. So they took to calling me the warrior." She looked at me and asked, "Does that satisfy your curiosity?"I could sense that Onky was not happy to be thinking about uncomfortable parts of her life on Alastor 2672. Tyhry was trying to adjust the hood on Onky's back so as to better hide her back breasts. She told Onky, "I can enlarge this hood so that it hides your back breasts." She added, "You'll have to get used to my father. He lets nothing stand in the way of his investigations."
Onky nodded. "He's just like Dr. Arky." Onky pulled off the hoodie and tried on another new outfit.
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in the Ekcolir Reality |
Onky had pulled on a dress. The hem reached her knees and Tyhry was doing up a long row of buttons along Onky's back. Onky told me, "That is because of translation nanites that Manny gave me. Infites, she called them. I was given the ability to understand and speak English... just one of the benefits of existing as a replicoid." So, that answered my other question; Onky did know that she was a replicoid copy of her biological self.
Tyhry had her sewing kit out and was making some strategic modifications to the back of Onky's new dress. She told onky, "This outfit is going to spectacularly show-off your back breasts. You can wear it around the house, but you'd cause a riot if you wore this in public."
Zeta suggested, "Maybe we should forget about trying to hide her back breasts. Instead, we could launch a new fashion trend and market artificial back breasts for human women to wear." Zeta looked at me and asked, "I bet you would approve of that strategy."
I told Zeta, "Not really. If all you started strutting around with cute back breasts, I'd never get any work done. It is simply too much of a distraction."
_______ the end ___________
That's really the end of Echo of Cynym. Yes, I know that ending might seem abrupt and I could go on from that first day of Onky's arrival on Earth and describe Zeta's worries about how Onky was going to fit into human society on Earth.
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in the Ekcolir Reality |
About a week later, when Rylla and Marda arrived in Arizona from Australia, the decision was made that we all go to Alastor 2672 for the family vacation that was originally planned as Tyhry's "graduation present". That would allow Zeta to have her telepathic mind altered and there was much chatter about plans for sexplay sessions with Bisop.
However, we were frustrated by the discovery that there was no direct access to Alastor 2672 via the Reality Simulation System. Frustrated by that technical glitch and not wanting to waste everyone's time on a spaceflight to and from Alastor 2672, we instead revived our previous plan to visit a popular tourist resort in Alastor Cluster.
I promised Zeta that at a later time she and I could take "the indirect route" to Alastor 2672 and have the Stateorea perform her brain surgery. However, when we eventually tried to do that, we found that Alastor 2672 had apparently never been successfully settled by humans. I was amazed that Dr. Arky and her telepathy research project had seemingly been erased from the Reality Simulation System.
Manny appeared and explained to Zeta and I that before the Trysta-Grean Pact, R. Nyrtia had created a "simulation branch" of the Asimov Reality that included Dr. Arky. Even to this day, Nyrtia carefully controls access to that Simulation Fork.
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The Trysta-Grean Pact. |
Or Not. Comment from Rylla: One last thing... Manny also told me that due to her kindly nature, she left behind a copy of Eddy inside the Simulation of Dr. Arky's laboratory on Alastor 2672. So while Zeta is locked out of that Simulation, there is also a copy of Eddy who got "locked in" and who can diligently "work" to keep Elyn entertained in her old age. Manny thinks of everything.
Related Reading: more back breasts
Next: the joys of book publishing
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