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There's a light, a certain kind of light... Pulp Sci Fi in the Ekcolir Reality Image available under the CCO license. See this page. |
On this page, below, is the beginning of a five-part science fiction story called Echo of Cynym. This story is integral to what I've begun to think of as the "Brak Back-propagation Cycle"; a time loop that involves information from the future made accessible by means of Brak's access to the Sedron Time Stream.
The Cynym. I have it on good authority that "Cynym" is pronounced Sin-im. The Cynym were a telepathic human variant crafted by R. Nyrtia far back in Deep Time. The recognized authority on all things Cynym is Dr. Elyn Arky (introduced below on this page), a Cynym who rather mysteriously appeared inside a special Simulation Fork of the Asimov Reality.
Another Mystery Woman. In addition to Elyn the Cynym, there is a second mystery "woman" in Echo of Cynym, a human-alien hybrid named Onky. Back in 2015 I blogged about my weakness for stories in which someone goes to a whole lot of trouble to carefully create a soul-mate for another lonely character in a story, and here we go again.....
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Crafting telepathic humans. |
Bisop. In the Exode Saga, behind any mystery woman is a robot and behind any robot there is an alien. In Echo of Cynym, there is a robot from Triskelion named Bisop who has to keep poor Onky entertained until Eddy arrives on Alastor 2672. During the entertainments provided by Bisop, Onky gradually learns how to perform brain surgery.
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Manny, defender of hermaphrodites. |
Fan Fiction. Although Echo of Cynym is narrated by Eddy after one of his periodic visits to Alastor Cluster, I'll attribute the writing of this story (in the format presented below) to Eddy's collaborator, Rylla. Also, I'll explicitly label Echo of Cynym as fan fiction, since it makes use of Jack Vance's great literary creation, Alastor Cluster.
Echo of Cynym - Part 1
Having spent many years and much effort in search of the origins of human telepathy in Alastor Cluster, I was very pleased when my long-time collaborator, Yōd, alerted me to the fact that during their travels through Alastor Cluster, she and Azynov had discovered the existence of an unusual population of telepathic alien-human hybrids on the planet Alastor 2672. I'm always eager to visit yet another quiet backwater world where some critical step in the development of telepathic humans might have taken place.
Azynov is a replicoid copy of Isaac Asimov who has become the grand master of using the Asimov Reality Simulation as a tool for investigating exactly how Alastor Cluster was used as a huge laboratory for the study of telepathy. The 3,000 inhabited planets of the Cluster allowed for interactions between humans and telepathic alien species. During the long course of human civilization in Alastor Cluster, R. Nyrtia, a positronic robot, and Manny the bumpha, gradually altered the human genome by mixing in alien gene patterns, eventually crafting fully telepathic humans.
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Yōd - Image credits (original photographs: Jessica Truscott) |
Alastor 2672 might be called a 'water world' since it has no continents, only scattered volcanic islands. Yōd informed me that the human population of Alastor 2672 was quite low, confined to a few small islands. During her one brief visit to that world, Yōd had been stricken by a kind of telepathic-overload, similar to what had, several years ago, forced her to depart from Earth after activation of the Bimanoid Interface 2.0. Since that time, Yōd has lived with Azynov inside the Asimov Reality Simulator system.
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The Alastor Network |
For my preliminary investigation of Alastor 2672, it made sense to utilize what I think of as the Yurahs Simulation, a simulated branch (a fork in the timeline) of events resulting from one of my earliest visits to Alastor Cluster by means of the Reality Simulation System. I made a quick trip back to Numenes and that preliminary expedition included a visit with the grand-daughter of Yurahs, a woman named Fyrjet, who, by virtue of her place in the royal family, became Connatic.
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Yurahs |
I sometimes get help from R. Nyrtia while using the Reality Simulation System. In this case, the set of Simulator coordinates provided to me by Nyrtia (in the form of a pre-programmed simulator bookmark) included a mysterious component: 873643237𐃂. I'd never previously seen such a coordinate with an "𐃂" at the end.
In reply to my question about Alastor 2672, Fyrjet complained to me about the strangeness of that world. The ruling Connatics of the Cluster had long been annoyed by the inability of the Whelm to maintain a spy on Alastor 2672. With no government agents on that world, Fyrjet was forced to rely on rumors that were spread by the few civilians who had visitored Alastor 2672. I was particularly startled by one such rumor suggesting that the human-alien hybrids of that world had begun to make use of a new and unusual method to amplify their telepathic powers, what I recently learned to call teleculture, a way of allowing an alien biological organism to maintain a symbiotic relationship with a human and amplify that person's telepathic powers.
I was able to trace the origins of the teleculture method to the research laboratory of Dr. Elyn Arky, which is located on a remote island on Alastor 2672. I carefully introduced myself to Elyn by way of a series of messages, describing myself as a biologist from Earth who was investigating rumors that Asterothrope gene patterns were being secretly inserted into some human residents of Alastor cluster.
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Original magazine publication. woman or hermaphrodite or... ? |
My mention of Asterothropes, an ancient human sub-species, seemed to intrigue Dr. Arky and she asked me many questions about Earth and Deep Time. I was surprised to learn that Elyn seemed to take the existence of time travel for granted, which is a very unusual viewpoint for a resident of Alastor Cluster. Humans in the Asimov Reality were kept unaware that time travel was possible and used routinely by aliens such as the bumpha and positronic robots such as R. Nyrtia. After an exchange of several letters, Dr. Arky invited me to visit her lab. Elyn provided me with a photographic image of a worker in her laboratory. Before I set off for my investigation of Dr. Arky's laboratory, I showed that photo to my wife, Zeta. I had activated the software that gives me access to the Reality Simulation System and Zeta saw the image. She asked me, "Who is she?"
I explained, "Judging by the photo, she's a woman." As a scientist, I try to be cautious in my judgements. Having been warned by Yōd about Azynov's suspicions and his guess about Asterothrope involvement with Dr. Arky's research project, I was thinking about hermaphrodites. All through Deep Time there have been many human variants who carried an H chromosome and special gene patterns that allow for simultaneous human hermaphrodites. In my previous experience, human hermaphroditic variants such as Grean the Kac'hin usually had the physical features of sexy women... as long as you ignored their penis.
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Zeta (image credits) |
Zeta was sitting on my lap. We were fresh from a mournful sexplay session marking my impending departure from Earth. I kissed her cheek and ran the fingers of my right hand through her wild mop of amazingly soft hair. "Dr. Arky told me that one of her lab members, Bisop, will meet me in the spaceport upon my arrival on Alastor 2672."
The secret to Zeta's gorgeous hair is nanites, a gift from Manny. Zeta was also wearing a gift from Tyhry, the latest innovation in the series of anti-gravity bras that she had designed. It was a cold night and so on our way out of our bedroom, Zeta had pulled on her silk robe, but she was also wearing her new transparent anti-gravity bra, which she had never bothered to take off during our sexplay. My left hand stroked one of Zeta's breasts and once again I imagined that there was a faint tingling in my finger tips, almost a sensation of vibration. I was going to have to ask Tyhry about that effect. Was it a due to a new type of hierion from Observer Base that had been used to craft this transparent bra? Or maybe it was simply a small tremor in an old man's hand?
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Book format publication by Rylla. This image was made using "Pallas - 47" by mjranum-stock. Available under the CC BY 3.0. |
I told Zeta. "I'd be pleased to have you go with me on this trip. It will start and end with rather boring trips through space. It would be fun to have you along. We could have some micro-gravity sexplay sessions onboard the spaceships."
"Oh, my!" Zeta giggled. "That sounds wonderful in theory, but I know you. With your motion sickness problem... you'd get dizzy during our low G sex and probably vomit on me. No thanks. I'll just stay here and take a nap. I hope you have fun on this mission, but not too much fun." Zeta's eyes popped open and she again glanced at the image of the cute Bisop.
We shared a long, wet kiss and then I told Zeta, "Well, my dear, it is time for me to head out. If you'll get off of me, I'll be on my way."
"Farewell, my love." Zeta stood up and began walking towards our bedroom. I activated the bookmark and disappeared from Earth.
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Nyrtia's mission on Earth. |
However, as my commercial spaceship brought me to the surface of Alastor 2672, I was wondering why I was still in my old man's body and my vision had not even been corrected. Usually for these kinds of fact-finding missions, the Reality Simulator provides me with a simulated body of my 30-year-old self. Yes i𐃂deed, there was somethi𐃂g quite stra𐃂ge about how this particular missio𐃂 was u𐃂foldi𐃂g.
As predicted, my journey across Alastor Cluster was pretty boring. Finally arriving at Alastor 2672 onboard the commercial space-cruiser, I was feeling disoriented. In fact, I was reminded of a story from the Writers Block about a woman named Duissane who was unusually sensitive to telepathic transmissions emanating from alien creatures who were part of the Phari Network.
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Duissane's vision. |
I'm quite sensitive to motion sickness and I was struggling to keep myself from vomiting as the space-cruiser dropped down through the thick atmosphere of Alastor 2672. While experiencing growing misery as the small spaceship bounced through the atmosphere, I imagined that I was seeing a confusing visual hallucination. At the core of that dream-like vision was the face of a young woman... only later did I realize that her image was being inserted into my mind by telepathic aliens.
The only spaceport of Alastor 2672 was located on the east coast of the world's largest island. Having been unable to find any reliable information about the location of Dr. Arky's research facility, I had asked for information from the crew of my ship as we approached our destination. The navigator of the spaceship showed me a map of Alastor 2672 which only had three named planetary features: Big Island, the spaceport on Big Island and the rest was simply labeled ocean. However, I could see on that map that Alastor 2672 had scattered volcanic islands, but no land masses worthy of being called a continent.
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Eddy's telepathic vision. |
Searching among the small pile of luggage beside the spaceship, I quickly found my rather large bag which I was using as part of my cover identity as a traveler in the Cluster. I regretted carrying so much clothing because the gravity of Alastor 2672 is rather high. As I struggled to carry my heavy suitcase, I still felt dizzy and disoriented and I began imagining that I could hear wind rushing past my ears, which my addled brain interpreted as the sound of a distant voice singing, but there was only a gentle sea breeze. Coming to my rescue, Bisop gracefully took hold of my suitcase and effortlessly hefted it and then began guiding me across the spaceport grounds to where her little aircar awaited us. Watching the ease with which Bisop carried the heavy bag, I told myself: it is nice to have robots around.
And yes, I confess that I felt vindicated in my caution. Bisop did look like a cute woman, but "she" was a robot. I got a look at Bisop's shapely bottom and among my disorientation and dizziness, I also began feeling a powerful sexual arousal. It occurred to me that during this mission inside the Simulator, Zeta would be at home and making use of Anthony the robot as her sex toy. I began thinking about the idea of finding a way to get Bisop to join me in a sexplay session. Even as those thoughts popped into my head, I felt certain that Bisop was reading my mind and knew that I was a horny old man.
As we walked from the landing field towards what was in effect a tiny open-air spaceship terminal, my feet seemed heavy because of the significantly stronger gravitation field there on that planet. All my body parts were being tugged downwards more forcefully than what I was used to on Earth, including my testes.
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Robots of Triskelion |
Looking out at the sparkling ocean, I could see no sea birds and I wondered if flight had never evolved on this world. Biology was on my mind; it was my reason for visiting Alastor 2672. I knew that the human-alien hybrids of Alastor 2672 were known as the "Chyntos" and I was looking carefully at every person we passed, hoping to get my first glimpse of a Chyntos. However, the few people I saw (apparently they were passengers walking towards the spaceship) looked like conventional human beings and I told myself that they were likely off-worlders. As we walked away from the spaceship landing area towards the aircar parking strip, I commented, "This is the smallest... and sleepiest... spaceport I've ever seen."
Bisop told me, "The Chyntos are not very social. A few merchants and traders come here and leave as soon as they complete their work." The landing field was not paved. It seemed to be crushed lava which my heavy clumsy feet kept dragging against, scuffing up cinders.
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hunts of the Asterothrope anatomy |
There was a small village sandwiched between the ocean and the spaceport and off in the distance I could see some of the local residents who were dressed in native clothes, which meant a colorful short grass skirt and little else. I stopped walking and stared at the locals, trying to confirm that all the local women had two rows of breasts, similar to the Asterothropes, but with my bad eye sight and the rather long distance to the village, I could not be certain.
So, these were the Chyntos... I quickly concluded that they were very sexy, but unlike Asterothrope females, the breasts of these ladies were not unusually large by human standards. From what little I had seen, and lamenting my poor vision, the local girls seemed sexually attractive in an alien kind of way. I was rather surprised to find myself in a profound state of sexual excitement. For a moment, I experience a kind of vision... a rather vivid fantasy scene filled my mind in which I was making love to a Chyntos. Caught up in that fantasy, I came close to ejaculating inside my pants. Then, suddenly, Bisop called to me, "Are you coming?" Regaining my concentration and remembering my scientific mission, I hurried to catch up to Bisop who had already loaded my suitcase into her aircar and then she had stood there watching me ogle the local women until her patience had worn thin.
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Travel poster featuring the Chyntos of Dethevicinelec. |
Bisop shrugged, "I see in your mind that your friend, Yōd, has explained to you the general reason why this world is not over-run by tourists. And in your case, I sense your mental anguish and... distress. You are having a very bad reaction to the natives and their style of telepathic communication. Would you like to rest for a time before we get back in the air? I don't want you vomiting inside my aircar."
I'd already given up on the idea that I could hide anything from Bisop's probing telepathic mind. I was trying unsuccessfully to suppress my sexual desires and fantasies about the possibility of sexplay with one of the cute Chyntos girls. Something was pressing against my mind, forcing me to have sexual thoughts. "There is a mystery here." Taking more deep breaths of the clean air and gazing at the deep blue sparkling sea, I asked, "Why doesn't this world have a name?""Don't be silly." Bisop said, "It has a name." She seemed amused.
I shifted my gaze back to Bisop and felt her eyes on my stiff penis where it created a lump in my pants. I laughed. Sometimes Zeta refers to my penis as 'Mr. Ed', and I suspect Bisop had noticed that fact while she sorted through my memories.
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Vyky the sexbot. |
I allowed my eyes to move downward from her face. I'm sure that Bisop could tell I was carefully examining her breasts, wondering if she had adopted the Chyntos body form. Bisop quickly unzipped and pulled open her low-cut top to satisfy my curiosity. She show me that she only had two breasts. Seemingly unconcerned about having her cute breasts on display, she did not bother zipping up her top. She also replied to my question by providing the world's name. "The native Stateorea call this world Dethevicinelec. Sometimes the Chyntos call it 'Sin', which is short for 'Sin World'." Bisop opened the aircar door and climbed into the pilot's seat.
I laughed, pulled open the passenger side door and got into the aircar. "Sin World?"
Bisop activated the flight systems and we began our 5,000 mile flight to the island that was the location of Elyn's lab. Bisop explained, "The first humans to visit this world were actually missionaries, looking for heathen natives to educate. The missionaries were not happy with the rather rambunctious sexual behavior of the Stateorea and began calling this Sin World." Bisop made a subtle adjustment to her top so that I could now enjoy what was closeup view of her left breast. "The natives of this world are great mimics, so what the missionaries were most offended by was the sight of the natives acting out human sexual behaviors."
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Identifying a robot from Triskelion. |
I found that hard to imagine. I complained, "I've not been able to learn anything useful about the Stateorea. Are you trying to say that they are literally having sex... constantly?"
"Exactly." Bisop had finished programming the autopilot and now she leaned back in her seat. Glancing at me, she caught me gazing at the sexy curve of her mostly-exposed left breast. "A provocative idea, is it it not?" She smiled at me and winked. I was still feeling dizzy, but now seated close to the sexy Bisop, I was feeling both sexually aroused and profoundly dizzy, like I was suffering from motion sickness. However, at our cruising altitude the atmosphere was thin and calm and the little aircar was not bouncing as we flew towards our destination. I was also tired, which usually did not happen to me while inside a simulated Reality, but I had been left in my aged body and the strong gravity of this world seemed to be tiring me.
Bisop nodded. "But only in a technical genetic sense. The Chyntos were meticulously genetically engineered by carefully mixing some Stateorea gene patterns into the human genome." Bisop was quiet for a time and I was content to lean back in my flight seat and keep stealing glances at her partially exposed breasts.
After about five minutes of silence, she continued, "Sexual relations between humans and the Stateorea would be quite awkward physically and, more importantly, the gametes of the two species are not compatible."I said, "But surely some pictures of the Stateorea exist. I have not been able to find a single one."
Bisop told me, "Yes, photographic images exist, but the Stateorea consider it impolite to show them to humans... particularly off-worlders who make snap-judgements without really understanding the alien nature of the Stateorea."
"But you've seen them."
"Yes, I'm permitted to live among the natives, and believe me, I've seen it all." She giggled and briefly ran a hand over her cute left breast. "However, the Stateorea know me and trust me not to reveal their secrets." Now Bisop's nipples seemed to be very stiff and fully erect.
My engorged penis was throbbing inside my pants and I made the tactical decision to stop looking at Bisop's beautiful body and stop thinking about having sex with her. Easier said then done. In retrospect, I know now that the Stateorea were telepathically pushing at my mind and forcing me into a state of extreme sexual excitement. At that moment, I feared that Bisop was trying to induce me to have sex with her, for some nefarious purpose. Not wanting to be sexually manipulated by a telepathic robot, I tried to occupy my mind with something non-sexual.
I was quite for a while, looking out of the aircar as we cruised over the empty ocean. I found the shifting patterns of pink clouds quite intriguing. I wondered if maybe the heavy gravity of this world or an unusual atmospheric composition caused the shapes of clouds to be different than what I was used to seeing on Earth. I felt silly for not having bothered to investigate the gas composition of the atmosphere prior to my arrival.
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the Asimov Reality simulation |
Bisop said, "I can see in you mind that you believe we are inside a Simulation."
There was no sense in lying to the robot. "Yes, I'm here from 'outside' of the Simulation... I want to learn about the origins of human telepathy."
Bisop told me, "I believe you, but I'm programmed to not reveal my mission to anyone on Dethevicinelec. I can see in your mind that you know the special role that Triskelion plays here in the Cluster. Please don't speak of this again... not when we are among the Chyntos." We were dropping down from the stratosphere and Bisop pointed at a small green island, seemingly lost among puffy clouds in the vast blue ocean. "Ait Island."
I asked, "Why does Dr. Arky have her lab way out here on this little isolated island?"Bisop replied, "Ait Island might appear to be hopelessly remote by your human standards, but the Stateorea are aquatic. This island is one of their key migratory landmarks along the path of this world's great ocean conveyor current. In a sense, Ait Island is sacred ground... from the perspective of the natives."
"Ah, I should have guessed that a planet like this would be home to an intelligent species that evolved in an ocean. Still, aquatic species with advanced technology are rare..."
Bisop again took the manual controls of the aircar. "The Stateorea can use tools, but they prefer to live free... in the ocean... simply enjoying a peaceful existence, which means lots and lots of time for sexplay." By this point in my journey, my penis was almost fully erect and painfully restricted inside my pants. All during the flight to Ait Island I had been fantasizing about engaging in sexplay with Bisop and all the while she continued to give me enigmatic grins. I'm sure she knew exactly how horny I was and I suppose she would have agreed to a quick sexplay session, had I asked.
As we approached the island, I could see that it was about 50 miles across with central mountains. Peering through the gaps between clouds, I saw that most of the island was covered by dense jungle. We landed on the western fringe of the island that was in the rain-shadow of the mountains. However, moist air rising up over the hills had spawned a thunder storm, the dissipating remnants of which were now over our landing site and drifting out to sea.
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an aquatic alien lifeform (source) |
Bisop pulled open the door and led me down a flight of stairs. Then we rode an elevator down into the underground laboratory facility of Dr. Elyn Arky. Emerging from the elevator car, I quickly realized that all of the air-filled living space within the lab was surrounded by water-filled compartments. I got my first look at the ocean life of Alastor 2672. The water tanks that made up the walls of the lab were full of native lifeforms, but at first I had trouble understanding what I was seeing. Bisop was walking on down the corridor, but I stopped to watch one of the more energetic aliens.
I watched a swarm of twitching filaments that came together to form a pulsing mass of tissue. As I watched the alien dance, I felt myself become even more sexually aroused. Suddenly, I realized that the alien was mimicking the graceful buttocks of Bisop as she walked. Just as clearly, I realized that the alien had been watching my thoughts and had telepathically sensed by enjoyment of Bisop's well-muscled and curvaceous bouncing bottom. I burst out laughing. Noticing that I had stopped walking and was entranced by the undulating motions of the alien, Bisop turned around and came to my side. She asked me, "Can you find a way into the minds of these two Stateorea?"
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in the Ekcolir Reality |
"They noticed how much you enjoy looking at my ass and they are wondering why you don't disrobe me and thrust your aching penis into my body." Bisop put a hand inside her shirt and was fondling her left breast. She "spoke" directly into my mind: These two aliens can sense how much you want to make love to me. Right this moment, I can merge into their orgasm trance and link to their minds. They want you to do the same.
I opened my eyes and looked at Bisop. Apparently, at any moment she could link her telepathic mind with the Stateorea and join into their eternal experience of sexual pleasure. She was quite sexy and was at that moment provocatively wiggling her cute breast at me. I confess that with the aliens pushing against my mind, I was well past the point of simply fantasizing about engaging in sexplay with Bisop. No longer able to control myself, I reached out and put a hand against her right breast, felt a stiff nipple that pressed outward against the soft fabric of her shirt.
"Ah, you finally stopped thinking about your beloved Zeta." Bisop winked at me and said, "I'm sorry you can't join me in this sweet orgasm. Remember... you had a chance to ravish me when we were in the aircar, but now we will have to delay that. Dr. Arky is waiting for you... and she does not want any delays." Bisop zipped closed her blouse and then took my hand and led me to Elyn's dimly lit office which, like all the other rooms in the laboratory, had glass-walled tanks full of water for its walls.
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Deep Time |
A single light fixture shown above Dr. Arky's desk, casting only a dingy glow through the room, while somehow managing to send sparking glints off of Elyn's long, beautiful hair. Dr. Arky's eyes only briefly flicked at me, then focused on Bisop the robot.
Next: Part 2 of Echo of Cynym
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Searching for the Stateorea in the Ekcolir Reality. A report from the Writers Block. |
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