
Sep 6, 2015


Read by Roben in the Ekcolir Reality.
As described in my previous blog post, Gohrlay has been telling me about her past lives in the previous Realities of our Reality Chain.

The Ekcolir Reality
My investigation is still young, but so far, I've learned about Gohrlay's early years in the Ekcolir Reality. Apparently she grew up as a voracious reader of science fiction.

Gohrlay claims that the reason for Jack Vance mysteriously remaining in seclusion in the Ekcolir Reality was that "he" was a woman who wrote under various pseudonyms, including Sam Jacky. I've skeptical about the idea of a past analogue of Vance having been female, since none of my other collaborators (particularly Ivory) ever mentioned this startling idea.

Teleporter Tricks
According to Gohrlay, a character named Cecilie first appeared in a short story that was written by Jack Vance in the Asimov Reality. John Vance brought back that character when he wrote the Sessily Trilogy. Gohrlay says that her first exposure to the Cecilie character came when she read Araminta Station as a teenager in the Ekcolir Reality.

In the Ekcolir Reality, the twins, John and Jack Vance both wrote science fiction. In that Reality, the book Araminta Station was written by John Vance, or more accurately, the artificial life form that carried the memories of Jack Vance from the Asimov Reality. The protagonist in that story was inspired by an Interventionist agent named Svahr.

Alastor Cluster in the Ekcolir Reality.
According to Gohrlay, Svahr was renowned as a daredevil and somehow she always seemed to make a last minute escape from the clutches of the Overseers. In the Ekcolir Reality, the later part of the writing career of John Vance was actually constructed from stories that were written by John's replicoid.

John's replicoid was familiar with Svahr because of their time together in the Hierion Domain. When John wrote Araminta Station, he wrote it as a platform for a character called Cecilie, a young woman who saved the planet Cadwal from exploitation and preserved it as a nature conservancy. Of course, the whole story of Araminta Station came out quite differently when it was re-written by Jack Vance in the Buld Reality, the universe as be know it.

Dueling novels: Pharisee by John
Vance vs Pharism by Jack Vance.
Some readers of Araminta Station within the Ekcolir Reality objected to the "trick" that was used to save the life of Cecilie. In the Sessily Trilogy, Both Cecilie and Glawen are killed by Kirdy Wook, but mysteriously, at the very end of Araminta Station, Glawen finds himself at the start of his "second life", reunited with Cecilie on the planet Nion. The Pharisse star system was one of the places that was visited by the Phari, long before humans were created.

At the start of the second book in the Sessily Trilogy, readers discover that Cecilie and Glawen, seemingly brought back from the dead, are actually artificial life "copies" of the original Cecilie and Glawen. The artificial life form "Cecilie copy" sets out to remake herself and changes her name to "Sessily".

The World of the Nineteen Moons.
The "Shadowmen" of Nion were defending "tanglets", stones that held the disembodied endosymbionts of great Shadowmen from the far past. Similarly, on Cadwal, the banjees were descendants of an ancient species that has been experimented on by the Phari. The "magic stones" of the banjees also held sacred disembodied endosymbionts.

According to Gohrlay, a favorite trick of Interventionist agents is to bring disembodied endosymbionts to planets in the form of inanimate objects such as jewels and precious stones. Gohrlay says that during Earth's history, when it became important for the Interventionists to take control of a particular human, a nanite endosymbiont could be transferred from "storage" into the human's body.

Sufy on Nion.
In the second book of the Sessily Trilogy, Wayness Tamm ends up on Nion, the world of the nineteen suns, where she works with Lydia, Myron, Dr. Olivano and Sufy Jirou to unravel the hidden history of the Shadowmen. Myron manages to make contact with the "descendants" of the Phari in the Sedronic Domain.

50 covers
Using advanced technology available to the Phari, including time travel and teleportation, "copies" of Milo Tamm, Cecilie and Glawen are made just before their deaths. On Nion, it is learned that Rosalia was another planet that was also well-known to the Phari. Wayness discovers that the waifs of Rosalia are artificial life forms that are part of the ancient "Phari network". Felixia Stronsi died in the Bainsey Castle disaster, but she was "copied" and given a second life by the waifs, who apparently could see into the future due to their ability to access the Sedronic Domain.

Book Three of the Sessily Trilogy
Kirdy murders Glawen in the surf.
Myron learns from the artificial life "copies" of Cecilie and Glawen exactly how Kirdy killed them both. Returning to Araminta Station, the "ghosts" of Cecilie and Glawen confront Kirdy and bring him to justice. Back on Cadwal, the "copy" of Milo contacts Felixia and informs her that she is an artificial life form. They find that Glawen's father, Bodwyn Wook and Chilke have been murdered by Smonny, but they are able to defeat her and save Amaminta Station from destruction.

Soon after reading Araminta Station, the analogue of Gohrlay in the Ekcolir Reality began to receive hints about her importance for Earth's secret history and her own previous lives in Deep Time. Growing up on Earth with no conscious awareness of her previous lives, her name was "Roben" (pronounced like "robin") , a popular name of Etruscan origins.

Google search
Green nanites.
Next: Ekcolir and the Gendels and the origins of science fiction.

The Color Reality
Alternate future: the wonders of Google search.
visit the Gallery of Book and Magazine Covers

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