Jan 1, 2025

Deuterium Lite

Triangualtion; Aymy, Vart and Anyta.

 Below on this blog page is Part 4 of a science fiction story called "D*" (see Part 1). The story is told by Tyhry, who makes heavy use of "diary" entries that were made by some of the early human telepaths of the Asimov Reality such as Aymy Travmyn.

What if we could put our memories in a bottle and send them back to ourselves across the ocean of time, back to an earlier time point in our lives? Would we be able to learn from our future self? I first posed this question back in 2017, but I have been exploring the answer by making use of the Sedron Time Stream. In my story "D*", some of the characters receive information from the future. That reverse information flow is "baked into" the structure of the Asimov Reality.

Tyna and the D* mystery.
 Backstory.  In the Asimov Reality, Sadul Suud IV, one of the exoplanets of the Phari Network, was discovered and settled by humans. Sadul Suud IV orbited the star beta-Aquarii, about 600 light years from Earth. Sadul Suud IV is under the control of the Jarnell Corporation, which operates as a front for space aliens who are carrying out a selective breeding program which aims to create telepathic humans. There is an important sedron mine on Sadul Suud IV that supplies sedrons for the interstellar spacecraft that are manufactured by the Jarnell Corporation.

When Aymy, Anyta and Vort move from Alphanor to Sadal Suud IV they find that the atmosphere contains traces of an unusual material: "light deuterium" which includes an anti-gravity hierion in the nucleus and which they refer to as "D*".

light deuterium nucleus
 The Amazing Tyna. Aymy's daughter, Tyna (who is a trip'At replicoid disguised as a human), learns how to work with hierions and she discovers that her body is composed of femtobot components. While observing the lives of Aymy and Tyna by using the Asimov Reality Simulation, Tyhry becomes intrigued by the young Tyna's precocious abilities. Tyhry makes a duplicate copy of Tyna who is taken into the Final Reality and who assists Tyhry in the study of the origins of human telepathy in the Asimov Reality. Also, Tyna provides Tyhry with a preview of what Tyhry can expect when she starts having her own children with powerful telepathic abilities. 

As shown below, I had a discussion with Claude about the expected physical properties of the imaginary substance, D*...

femtoscale Tyna
Me: Claude, imagine the following science fiction plot device... it is discovered that there is a previously unknown family of fundamental particles that can exist as stable components of atomic nuclei along with neutrons and protons; call these new particles hierions. 

One of the hierions, when present as a structural component of a deuterium nucleus, can reduce the mass of the nucleus to a value that is significantly below the normal mass of a deuterium nucleus. Claude, what would be the effect of such "light deuterium" on the physical features of matter? For example, would the absorption spectrum of "light deuterium" be different from that of normal deuterium? 

Claude: The hypothetical incorporation of a hierion into a deuterium nucleus, resulting in reduced nuclear mass, would generate multiple significant physical and spectroscopic effects that can be analyzed through established quantum mechanical principles.

Planets of the Phari Network with available sedrons.
The absorption spectrum of such "light deuterium" would necessarily differ from standard deuterium due to several key mechanisms:

 1. Electronic Energy Levels
The reduced nuclear mass would alter the electron-nucleus interaction. The Schrödinger equation for the electronic states must be modified to account for the lighter reduced mass of the system. This modification would result in a recalibration of all electronic energy levels, thereby shifting the wavelengths of absorbed and emitted photons.

D* at Sadal Suud IV.
 2. Vibrational Frequencies
In molecular forms (e.g., HD or D2 incorporating hierions), the vibrational frequencies would be significantly affected. The fundamental vibrational frequency (ν) is proportional to (k/μ)^(1/2), where k is the force constant and μ is the reduced mass. The decreased nuclear mass would result in higher fundamental vibrational frequencies compared to standard deuterium molecules.

 3. Rotational Energy Levels
The rotational energy levels, being inversely proportional to the moment of inertia, would be modified. The moment of inertia is directly dependent on the nuclear mass; thus, a reduction in mass would lead to increased spacing between rotational energy levels.

Beyond spectroscopic effects, several other physical properties would be altered:
    1.    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) characteristics would be modified.
    2.    Chemical reaction rates involving this isotope would be affected.
    3.    The atomic volume would be slightly altered, potentially affecting molecular packing and crystal structure in bulk materials.

image source
Part 4 of "D*", below, begins four years after the events described at the end of Part 1. Tyna now has a little sister, Urgynya (Tyna calls her "Gyny") and due to Tyna's ability to receive information from the future by means of the Sedron Time Stream, she knows that the fetus being carried by her mother (Aymy) will be named Joan. Aymy, Vart and Anyta have completed their university studies on Alphanor and are preparing to move to another planet.

The star beta-Aquarii is young, but millions of years before humans evolved on Earth, the Phari had used their amazing long-range teleportation technology to place an Earth-like planet in orbit around the young star. That planet was almost not discovered, simply because beta-Aquarii was believed to be too young to have a habitable planet, but the world eventually became known as Sadal Suud Four.

Part 4 of "D*" (Part1)(Part 2)(Part 3)

Tyna was still adjusting to the new apartment. Every time her family enlarged, they moved to new quarters. In preparation for the birth of Tyna's sister Joan, they had moved again and the "extra" bedroom was being decorated and prepared for use by the soon-to-arrive baby. As the oldest sibling, Tyna was being ignored by the busy adults of the family, which suited Tyna just fine. She was an independent and precocious child who often rebelled against adult supervision. Tyna asked the Sea Province University's student assistant artificial intelligence, "What is the distance from Rigel to beta-Aquarii?"

The AI replied, "Young one, you should do that calculation for yourself."

star map by SAAI
Tyna knew that it was possible to use a type of mathematics called trigonometry for this purpose, but she was only just coming up on her fourth birthday. She said, "Old one, I'm only three years old. Give me a break!"

SAAI relented, "Oh, very well... it is 1247 light-years. But don't take my word for it. Draw the triangle with Sol at one vertex. From the location of Earth, Rigel and beta-Aquarii are about 120 degrees apart in the sky."

Having looked up the values, Tyna knew that the distance from Sol to Rigel was 863 light-years and the distance from Sol to beta-Aquarii was 611 light-years. Having seen that the declination values for Rigel and beta-Aquarii were similar, she ignored them. Using a protractor and the values of right ascension for Rigel and beta-Aquarii as seen from Earth, she drew the triangle containing all three stars as vertices. While Tyna worked, Tyhry sent some infites into the girl's body, preparing her for a visit. Wanting to check her work she told SAAI, "Okay, I drew the triangle." She sent a copy of her work to the AI and requested, "Now, show me the correct star map with that triangle on it."

The SAAI provided Tyna with an image. Tyna laughed and asked the AI, "How can you be so stupid? We are not talking about an eqi- an equi-" Tyna could not say "equilateral". 

Just then, the clone of Tyna from the Final Reality (Tyhry) arrived inside the Asimov Reality Simulation. Tyhry sat down beside Tyna and said, "It does no good to call the AI 'stupid'."

Tyna could feel her mind resonating with that of Tyhry. After a moment of surprise and startlement, Tyna said, "You are me... old?"

Tyhry nodded. "Almost." She had sent another swarm of infites into Tyna's brain and those nanites were providing the girl with a basic understanding of the fact that Tyhry was from another Reality. The infites also removed the girl's anxiety about the sudden appearance of a stranger in her room. Tyhry nodded and said, "I'm a clone of your biological source material." Tyhry still was not certain if Tyna was the replicoid copy of the "original" version of herself or if that designation should go to another clone in the far future of the Asimov Reality. "Remember, the poor artificial intelligence is more limited than you are, Tyna."

Tyna nodded. "I know that, but SAAI knows we were not talking about an equi-"

"Equilateral triangle."

"Ya. SAAI should not have drawn an e qui lat er al tri angle."

"You are correct, but please tell me, Tyna, why are you interested in beta-Aquarii?"

Tyna shrugged. "That is where my family is going to move next."

"But your parents have not yet decided about which world to move to."

Tyna and Mylana all grown up.
Tyna nodded. "It is very frustrating to have to wait for them... but eventually they will figure it out."

Tyhry asked, "How do you know the future?"

Tyna shrugged again. "It is strange that I see the future when other people do not. But mommy sometimes has had visions of the future, so she understands. And if you are... me... you must know the answer to your own question."

"Yes, I also have visions of the future. Usually, just when I... dream."

Tyna giggled. "I see the future when mommy and I share an orgasm. Maybe you and I..."

"Yes, we will share orgasms in the future, when you become a woman."

Tyna was looking at Tyhry's chest. She reached out and touched Tyhry's breasts. "You have four breasts?"

Tyhry pulled up her shirt and showed Tyna her four breasts. "We are tryp'At."

Tyna leaned close to Tyhry and began to suck on the nipple of one of Tyhry's lower breasts. Tyhry said, "I'm not going to form a synapex link to you, we don't have time for that. Your mother will soon be here."

Tyna pulled back and licked her lips. "You taste wonderful!" Tyna reached a hand into her pants and felt her genitals.

Tyhry said, "Please don't start masturbating. I want to talk to you."

Tyna was massaging the erect glans of her clitoris. Tyna had never felt her clitoris so big and hard. She asked Tyhry, "What did you do to me?"

"The lower breasts of a tryp'At make a sex hormone. But before your mother comes, let's get back to the subject of beta-Aquarii. Tell me what you know about that star."

However, at that moment Tyna was having an orgasm. She found herself telepathically linked to Tyhry's mind, even without a shared synapex link. Thank you for the orgasm!

With positive feedback between the minds of Tyhry and Tyna, all of Tyhry's erectile tissue was now engorged with blood. She covered up her breasts, but her stiff nipples poked outwards against the soft fabric of her shirt towards Tyna. Tyhry remembered the first orgasm that she had ever shared with Marda and then she thought about the pleasure of playing inside Marda's two vaginas with her penis.

Tyna was telepathically sorting through Tyhry's thoughts. She asked, "You have a penis? We have a penis? I really do have a penis?" 

Mylana and Tyna
Feeling that her planned line questioning of Tyna was totally derailed, Tyhry now pulled up the hem of her skirt and leaned back. Her penis emerged from Tyhry's genital slit and was soon fully erect. Tyna put her hands on Tyhry's erection and could see in Tyhry's mind that it was all true. Tyna was a tryp'At with a penis, four breasts and two vaginas. At least, her genes should have given her those tryp'At anatomical features. Tyna wondered: But why can't I see my penis?

Tyhry tried to explain: You are an artificial life form, Tyna. You are made on inorganic components, femtobots, that simulate a human body. A normal human body for a girl.

Tyna objected quite emphatically: But I want my penis!

Tyhry continued: I've seen your future. You will learn how to take control of the programming of your nanites and that will allow you to experience the joy of using your penis... your simulated penis.

Tyna asked: In the future we will be lovers? I will get to make love to you using my penis?

Yes, and we will share many orgasms. From Tyhry's privileged perspective in Time, those sexplay sessions had already taken place. Now, please answer my question. What have you seen of the future that makes you so sure that beta-Aquarii is where you should go?

Tyna and Mylana race to 10 ft.
Tyna suggested: If we shared an orgasm trance right now then you could see the answer in my mind!

Tyhry yanked Tyna's hands away from her penis and again spoke out-loud. "Stop playing with my penis. We are not going to have a sexplay session now. Use your words. Tell me how much you know of the future. Your future self has forgotten these details."

Tyna suggested, "Maybe the Grendel or a Phari made the future me forget."

Tyhry nodded, "Yes, that is probably the way it will turn out. They are trying to guide you along a safe path into the future, which for them means keeping you ignorant of many truths."

"I have looked at the spe-, the spec-"

Tyhry was looking into the girl's linguistic thoughts and she told Tyna the correct word, "The spectroscopy data."

Tyna's tryp'At anatomy and hair nanites.
"The spec tro sco py data are all messed up for Sadal Suud. Soon... daddy will notice." Tyna whispered to Tyhry, "Vant is not really my daddy, you know."

"Yes, I know that he is not your biological father, but he loves you. Allow him to pretend to be your father. Who in the future has sent you information about the spectroscopy data for Sadal Suud?

"Mylana's daughter, Amany, of course." Now Tyna could see a new thought in Tyhry's mind. "What is a mind clone?"

 Tyhry explained, "That makes sense: somehow Amany was designed in such a way that she shares half of her brain structure with you." However, Tyhry was puzzled. She had never received information from a mind clone by way of the Sedron Time Stream. Marda was a clone of Mylana, but then had the similarities ended, with their children being used by Manny for different purposes? And what about the strange similarity between the name "Amany" and Manny?

Tyhry pushed hard on her erection and managed to push it into her body. She placed a restrainer over her genital grove and tried to not think about the delightful aspects of sexplay with Marda. After getting all of her clothing back in place, Tyhry told Tyna, "When I return to the future, I'll investigate Amany's memories of using the Sedron Time Stream."

Tyna asked, "A sedron is like a hierion? I'm only just beginning to learn about hierions."

Tyhry stood up. She was ready to exit from the Simulator and eager to again talk to the future Tyna and Amany. "Tyna, you are so very young. I'm not sure I can explain to you about hierions and sedrons. In all honesty, I don't know that much myself."

Tyna was horrified by what she saw in Tyhry's thoughts. "You are going to erase my memory of meeting you today?"

It had been Tyhry's intention to reset the Simulation System immediately after speaking to Tyna. However, a new idea appeared in her mind. She told Tyna, "There is another way. I could take you out of this simulation."

Tyna's mother Aymy
Tyna saw in Tyhry's mind that were she to leave the simulation then she would be taken away from her family. Tyna still nursed at least once a day, if for no other reason than to share an orgasm with her mother. The possibility of leaving her family was both terrifying and exciting. Tyna wondered: What would it be like to live with my clone?

Tyhry giggled and told Tyna: There's one way for us to find out!

Rather than simply exit from the Asimov Reality Simulation and reset it, Tyhry instantiated a replicoid copy of Tyna in the Ekcolir Reality. Tyna's sensory environment shifted. She looked around at the strange equipment that was there in Tyhry's nanite research laboratory. Tyhry pointed to a portal that was behind Tyna. "Look there! I left a copy of you in the Simulator. You are now free to make a new life here with me in the Final Reality."

Tyna was struggling to understand the complexities of time travel and multiple Realities. She was scared by the idea of a Final Reality. Seeing that fear in the little girl's thoughts, Tyhry hugged Tyna and said, "Don't be afraid. 'Final' only means that time travel is no longer possible."

Just then, a Marda replicoid entered the laboratory, looked at Tyna and telepathically said to Tyhry: What have you done?

Tyna could sense the language-like thoughts of Marda and she said, "Tyhry brought me out of the Simulator. Nice to meet you, Marda."

Marda scolded Tyhry, "I can't believe you took this little girl away from her family."

Tyhry shrugged and said, "Tyna is a clone of me and even has the ability to telepathically link to you. You need to be careful what you think... Tyna can read our thoughts."

Tyna approached Marda and felt her crotch. "Do you have a penis, too?"

Tyna age 4.
Tyhry told Tyna, "This copy of Marda has not been programmed to instantiate Marda's penis, but I will introduce you to other copies of Marda who have recovered their true tryp'At bodily form."

Tyna asked, "And what about me? Can I recover my tryp'At form?"

The Marda replicoid said, "Oh, great! This has disaster written all over it!"

Tyna could sense what Marda was thinking. "Why shouldn't I have access to my penis."

The Marda replicoid replied, "Tyhry is twenty years older than you and she can't control her penis. We really do not need a four-year-old version of Tyhry running around with a penis."

Tyhry told the Marda replicoid, "We don't know if our methods for programming femtobots will work with Tyna. Remember, Tyna's nanite systems were designed for the era when time travel was still possible and the Dimensional Structure of the Universe was different."

Marda complained, "You really should not be experimenting on this little girl. She is not you. She should be allowed to grow up with her real family."

Tyna told the Marda replicoid, "I agreed to leave the Simulator. As I understand it, now I am in the real world. That other copy of me is long dead... in the past... in... the deep..."

Tyhry explained, "We call the past Realities "Deep Time". But you are correct, you are now alive. You can live out your life here in this Reality, and even visit the Final Reality. It will be a whole new and different life that what you have been anticipating for your future."

Tyna reached out her two skinny arms towards Tyhry and Tyhry picked her up. "You will take care of me. I see it in your mind. And... mommy?"

sedron mine
Having watched her copies who had children of their own, Tyhry had been thinking about having her own children, but there never seemed to be time and opportunity. Now, suddenly, she was thinking of Tyna as her daughter. "We will all take care of you. You have a big new family with multiple copies of me and Marda and you will also like the Anthonies. And yes, a copy of your mother is here, too."

Tyna said, "I'm serious about my penis, Tyhry. I want my penis."

Tyhry nodded. "We will have to experiment and discover if the medical nanites of this Reality can reprogram the femtobot components of your body. I can make no guarantee. By coming here to this Reality, you might be trapped in your female body form."

Tyna patted one of Tyhry's breasts and said, "Oxypathin." Then she said, "And I see another sex hormone in your mind... kly- klyt-"


"We can start with more oxypathin and I want to experience the effects of klyt-, the other one too."

Aymy in the Ekcolir Reality
Tyhry was still horny and her penis had never deflated. She turned and carried Tyna towards her bedroom. The Marda replicoid muttered, "Tyhry growing up with me as her sex playmate was like a three ring circus. What will become of Tyna?"

Looking over Tyhry's shoulder at the Marda replicoid, Tyna telepathically announced: You better come with us and join in our play session... er, experiment.

With a growing sense of impending doom, Marda shrugged and followed along into Tyhry's bedroom. Waiting for them in Tyhry's bedroom was a copy of Tyna's mother, Aymy, this version the same age as Tyhry. This replicoid copy of Aymy had been living at Tyhry's nanite research laboratory for several weeks and was deep into experimenting with hair nanites. The Aymy replicoid was there in Tyhry's bed, completely naked and sprawled across the silky sheets.

Tyna in the Vire mine.
Tyna jumped up on the bed and hugged her mother and began nursing. The Aymy replicoid woke up and asked Tyhry, "You brought me a copy of Tyna?"

Tyhry allowed her clothing nanites to evaporate away from her body. Her erect penis popped out and she began gently stroking it with one of her hands. "Tyna is a cute kid. I'm afraid she wants her tryp'At penis."

Aymy said, "Well, I suppose it is only fair. But can you actually transform her into a tryp'At?"

Tyhry shrugged and gathered together a set of medical nanites from vials on a shelf. "We will have to experiment and find out if my medical nanites can reprogram Tyna's femtobots". 

Tyna abruptly and loudly popped herself off of Aymy's nipple and told Tyhry, "I'm ready to try."

Jump to: Part 5 of the science fiction story "D*".

Next: Part 3 of The Nanites of Love.

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