Jan 4, 2025

Ȃî ¢hAInge in 25¢

In change we trust.
 Near the start of every year (example: last year) I have a blog post in which I explicitly challenge myself to make a change, usually in my science fiction writing habits. Towards the end of 2024 I had several blog posts with unusual characters in the title (example: *ǵʰéysd-), so just for the sake of change I decided to include some strange characters in the title of this blog post: ¢îȂ. The number "25" in 2025 makes me think of a 25 cent coin and the letters "Ȃî" are here because I am thinking about including collaboration with "artificial intelligence" as part of my 2025 change challenge.

Vythoth the Fru'wu.
One of the major forces guiding my science fiction story writing for the Exodemic Fictional Universe is the idea that we live in the Final Reality. And by "we", I mean fictional character such as Tyhry who have dominated my stories for the past several years. In 2024, I began a new science fiction story called Vythoth the Chresmoscopist in which Tyhry tries to construct an interstellar spaceship in the Ekcolir Reality. Tyhry uses the Reality Simulation System to access the Asimov Reality, a part of Deep Time in which Earthlings were given "intersplit" space-drive technology by aliens, but there is a lingering question. Does the intersplit technology for faster-than-light space travel work in the Final Reality, after a change in the Dimensional Structure of the universe?

Sedrover makes First Contact.
So far, my stories that are set in the Exodemic Fictional Universe have avoided answering the general question: in the Final Reality, can any material composed of hadronic matter be made to move at a speed greater than the speed of light? Possibly only material substances composed of hierions and or sedrons can travel at the speed of light (or faster) in the Final Reality. Therefor, I plan to write a new story in 2025 which will involve Tyhry trying to answer these questions about the physical limits imposed on space travel in the Final Reality.

Due to general technological constraints, spaceships like Sedrover are not easy to construct here in the Final Reality, even in the 2040s when Tyhry takes on this challenge. Another long-standing problem for Tyhry is the issue of teleportation: maybe humans can be teleported using the teleportation equipment that exists inside Observer Base. 

Inside Observer Base.
As part of my 2025 Change Challenge, I plan to have Tyhry visit one of the secret locations on Earth where there is teleportation equipment (Mt. Picachu). Will she be able to use her nanite programming skills to activate a teleporter and travel by teleportation to Observer Base, which exists inside the Hierion Domain?

I'll be using AI tools such as Whisk and WOMBO Dream to make illustrations for my stories concerning Tyhry's adventures in using advanced technology. Might it be possible to make a new AI-generated banner for this blog that would include a depiction of Tyhry? We shall see.

I have previously revealed the fact that it is possible for sedronic matter to move through outer space at faster-than-light speeds in the Final Reality. Also, I've hinted (see The Nanite Smuggler) that Phari technology for long-range teleportation might still function in the Final Reality. As part of my 2025 Change Challenge, maybe Tyhry (or her femtobot replicoid) will also get to experience long-range teleportation.

Part 5 of D* (Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)(Part 4)

Tyhry awoke and for ten minutes lay there in bed looking at the sleeping Tyna who was still latched on to one of Tyhry's two lower row breasts. Every twenty seconds or so Tyna swallowed a gulp of Tyhry's oxypathin-rich secretion. In her thoughts and imagination, this copy Tyna was now Tyhry's daughter. As gently as possible, Tyhry used a finger to break the seal of Tyna's pink lips from around her nipple. Tyna rolled over and seemed in no danger of waking.

Tyhry rolled out of bed and went out into her nanite research laboratory. Tyhry had not bothered to dress and her erect tryp'At style penis was jutting out in front of her. She activated a view of her Sedrover tracking map and saw that the spaceship was still out of the Solar System and had an ETA for return to Earth of just over one hour. Without thinking about it, Tyhry began masturbating. She had not had an orgasm in over four hours and she was desperately in need of sexual release. Her semen storage bladder was painfully full. The Marda replicoid who was working there in the laboratory said, "Let me help." Marda came to Tyhry's aid and was soon manually and orally stimulating Tyhry's penis.

Tyhry said, "Thank you my love. I'm pleased to have Tyna here in the role of my adopted daughter, but she is going to disrupt my sexplay." Tyhry and Marda had three hands on the shaft of Tyhry's penis and one of Marda's hands was playing around inside of Tyhry's allzaurish. 

The Marda replicoid telepathically informed Tyhry: There is no Rigel Concourse in this Reality.

Tyhry was not surprised. After Vega, Rigel had been the next logical star system to search for artificial planets of the Phari network. "I suppose there is no reason to expect a different result. The Phari were not actively carrying out long range teleportation of planets in the Final Reality... at least not in the vicinity of Earth. I'd settle for short range teleportation." 

Now Tyhry was rapidly approaching her sexual climax and she could not continue thinking, not about Tyna, not about the challenge of getting inside Observer Base and not about anything except the magnificent pleasure she was experiencing from Marda's well-practiced stimulation of her genitals. Tyhry began to ejaculate and Marda took her mouth off of the glans of Tyhry's penis. For nearly a minute, great spurts of Tyhry's semen rocketed out of her penis, sailing four feet up into the air and then landing on the floor somewhere behind Marda, each with a small audible splat. The cleaning nanites were instantly at work, quickly cleaning up the sparkling dollops of semen.

As soon as Tyrhy stopped ejaculating, Marda licked some dribbles of semen off of Tyhry's penis and then pulled her hand out of Tyhry's back vagina. After depositing a sweet little kiss on the tip of Tyhry's penis, Marda turned away and returned to the workstation where she was processing new stellar cartography data received from Sedrover. She wiped her face clean of a big sticky wad of Tyhry's ejaculate and licked the sweet fluid off of her finger tips and tried not to think about doing the polite thing and asking Tyhry to provide her with an orgasm. Instead, while trying to ignore her erect nipples and the stiff glans of her clitoris, she asked, "No luck isolating any of Tyna's nanites?"

With her semen storage bladder now shrunken down in size, Tyhry felt warm sensations of pleasure from her bladder, her penis and her allzaurish. She watched the last of the semen disappear from the shiny floor as the cleaning nanites completed their work. Now recovering her ability to think and speak, Tyhry told Marda, "So far I've confirmed that her body is composed of femtobots, but my programming keys for nanite extraction don't work on her." Tyhry wanted another orgasm, but there was work to be done. She had never taken her hands off of her erection and after a few more strokes of the shaft, she exerted her will power and forced herself to stop seeking sexual pleasure and she began trying to push her rock-hard penis back into its sheath.

Marda got back into the flow of integrating the recently received stellar mapping data from Sedrover into their growing navigation database and commented, "How is it possible that Tyna could successfully reprogram the shape of her body, but you can't extract any nanites? Not even a cleaning nanite?"

Tyhry sighed. She hated to blame Manny for all of her troubles, but if the shoe fits... "Tyna's replicoid was designed to make it possible for her to recover her tryp'At structures. Manny may have designed Tyha's femtobots to evade all of my attempts to capture them." Only the last two inches of Tyhry's erect penis still protruded from her genital groove. While contemplating Manny's mysterious ways, for a minute Tyhay rubbed and played with her glans, spreading around the slippery fluid that continued to drip from the tip of her penis. 

Reluctantly, she stopped giving herself pleasure and Tyhry then covered herself with her clothing nanites. Tyhry activated the Viewer of the Reality Simulation System and activated a bookmark for the adult Tyna, at a time after she had recovered her tryp'At features. Tyhry had already visited Tyna at that bookmarked time in the Asimov Reality, but had learned little of value from Tyna during that visit. Now Tyhry knew she had to confront Manny inside the Asimov Reality. The bookmark was at a point in space and time just prior to Tyna's first visit with Manny the bumpha. Tyhry activated the Simulation system and the Viewer came alive with a view of the place and time where Tyhry had ended a previous visit to Deep Time.

Tyhry stepped into a fresh instance of a small subset of the total Asimov Reality Simulation which would run at an accelerated pace. Upon Tyhry's arrival inside the Simulation, a startled Tyna asked her, "A copy of me? Where did you come from?"

Tyhry suspected that Tyna was already under the influence of infites that were preparing her for a visit with Manny. Just then, Manny appeared, just as abruptly as had Tyhry. Tyna asked, "Teleportation?"

Manny glanced at Tyhry, but smoothly responded to Tyna's question, "Yes, I just teleported here." Manny asked Tyhry, "Where did you come from?"

Tyhry explained to Tyna, "I'm from outside this Simulation. I'm here to gather information."

Manny giggled, reached out and ran her fingers through Tyhry's nanite-enhanced hair, and said, "I suppose you are just as useful in future Realities."

"I'm glad you find me useful, but go ahead and tell Tyna why you are here." Tyhry had been in love with Manny for many years, and now she was thrilled and sexually excited to be standing so close to her lover.

"But by being here, you are going to mess up my plan." Manny had complete access to Tyhry's mind, thoughts and memories. Manny reached for Tyhry's crotch and felt the tip of her tryp'At penis jutting out but mostly hidden by her loose-fitting, nanite-generated clothing.

For a moment, Tyhry feared that Manny would pull her erection out into full view, but mercifully Manny stopped touching Tyhry's penis and Tyhry managed to keep her tingling penis from popping out of its sheath. "No, not really. I'm just here to observe and ask a few questions. I want you both try to ignore me as much as possible, but provide me with the information that I seek."

Manny shrugged. "Oh, very well." She turned her attention to Tyna and said, "I'm here to give you a warning. You will soon have a visitor," Manny's infites were providing Tyna with a new visual memory of that visitor. "Dr. Systo. Accept her offer to visit her home. She's a high official of the Jarnell Corporation and she has taken an interest in you and your family. She'll suggest that your parents accompany you for the dinner invitation."

Tyna commented, "I've never met Systo, but I see her in my mind." She asked Manny, "Have you used telepathy to place that image in my mind?"

Manny sighed. "Try to resist blurting out all of your questions, Tyna. I provided you with a memory of Karyn, but don't ask how I did it. Even if I explained how infites work, I'd then have to erase that knowledge from your mind."

Tyna asked, "Infites are nanotechnology? If they can implant memories, then why why are you verbally telling me about anything?"

Manny laughed. "This is an important day for me. I've been watching you for twenty years and I've long been in love with you... from afar, as it were. I simply could no longer resist meeting with you and engaging you in sexplay."

Tyna reached out and touched Manny's amazing cloud of swirling and sparkling nanite-generated hair and looked at Tyhry. Tyrhy nodded and said, "It is true... I also wanted to participate in this sexplay session, but I really do have a few questions I'd like to ask. Tyna, you have never had a future vision of Manny?"

Tyna was delighted by the feel of Manny's artificial hair and now Manny rearranged her zeptites, stripping herself of her tight-fitting sexy clothes. Tyna let her hands fall down to Manny's cute breasts and she stroked Manny's erect nipples with her finger tips. "No, I've never seen Manny before. She's amazing and I'm suddenly horny as can be!"

Manny began to slowly undress Tyna and she told Tyhry, "I've allowed Tyna no access to information about me by way of the Sedron Time Stream. That would have been far too distracting for her."

Tyhry felt a thrill of sexual exhilaration as she watched Manny and Tyna begin to engage in sexplay. Tyhry quickly dissolved away her clothing nanites and began fingering the erect glans of her penis where it protruded from between the pink labia of her tryp'At genital groove. As sexually excited as Tyhry was, she tried to complete her fact-finding mission and asked Manny, "So, you can edit the flow of information reaching Tyna from the future?"

Manny had lifted up the hem of Tyna's skirt and was using her fingers to massage Tyna's crotch through the silky fabric of her underwear. "I usually have complete control of the Sedron Time Stream, but sometimes the Phari make a nuisance of themselves and they tinker with the Stream." Manny picked up Tyna and told Tyhry, "I was going to take the girl into the Hierion Domain for our sexplay session."

Tyhry tugged on the end of her erection and her penis popped out of its sheath. "Please take me with you... I can solve your penis shortage."

Manny transferred Tyna, Tyhry and herself into a carefully prepared part of the Hierion Domain. The three women landed on a big soft bed that was covered with a diverse collection of sex toys. Gently laying Tyna down on the bed, Manny asked, "What penis shortage?"

Tyhry knelt on the bed and picked up one of the penis-shaped sex toys that was there within easy reach. "With five vaginas and only two penises in this bed, that strikes me as a penis shortage."

Manny giggled at Tyhry's math. "I can use my nanites to make more penises and don't underestimate these sex toys." She gestured towards the nearby vibrators. Manny ripped off Tyna's panties and spread the girl's legs. The stiff glans of Tyna's big tryp'At-style penis was visible in the nest of her pubic hair. Manny pulled on the glans of Tyna's penis and pulled out her erection. Now both Tyna's and Tyhry's erections were pointed at Manny who placed one of her hands on each of the the two penises and began playing with them. 

Tyna asked Tyhry, "If you are a copy of me, then why is your penis bigger than mine?"

Tyhry giggled and stroked the long shaft of her stiff penis with both hands. "I've been exposed to high levels of tryp'At sex hormones... they have made all of my erectile tissue grow larger and also become invested with more sensory axons."

Manny was not interested in talk. She mounted Tyna, taking the girl's erection into her slippery vagina. For this sexplay session, Manny was using the body of normal Earth human, modified slightly to lengthen her vagina just enough to fully contain Tyna's long tryp'At style penis. With one hand, Manny began playing with her own erect clitoris and with her other hand Manny was taking turns, stroking each of Tyna's four erect nipples with her soft finger tips. Tyhry pushed hard against Manny, toppling her over. As soon as Tyna was on top of Manny, Tyhry thrust her erection into Tyna's hot wet allzaurish. Four hours later, Tyna lay between Manny and Tyhry. Now Tyna had her penis inside Tyhry's allzaurish and Tyhry had her own erection inside Manny's tight little vagina. Tyna whispered in Tyhry's ear, "I don't know about you, but I feel totally and completely fucked." 

The three women had shared multiple orgasm trances and now Manny noticed that Tyhry's erection was finally beginning to soften. Manny rolled away from Tyhry and began picking up Tyna's discarded clothing. "All good things end, ladies. Let's get you dressed and ready for the arrival of Dr. Systo."

Tyna yanked her erection out of Tyhry and she rolled onto her back. She was stroking the slippery shaft of her penis with both hands when she said, "I feel like I need a bath... I'm covered with sexual secretions." However, she knew that her cleaning nanites would soon have her perfectly clean.

As soon as Tyna had herself back in her clothing, she commented, "I'd love to have access to hair and clothing nanites."

Manny returned them to the Asimov Reality and told Tyna, "Sorry, but I've already violated the terms of the Truce by giving you body sculpting nanites. That's as far as I dare go."

There was a chime, and Tyna went to the front door where Dr. Systo was waiting. Tyna opened the door and said, "Welcome."

"I'm Dr. Systo, of the Jarnell Corporation. Can we talk?"

Tyna was carefully comparing her infite-generated memory of Karyn's pretty face to the sexy woman now standing in front of her. "Do come in!"

Manny had disappeared, but Tyna introduced Karyn to Tyhry. "This is Tyhry. Tyhry, meet Karyn Systo."

"You were expecting me?" Karyn looked back and forth between Tyna and Tyhry. "There are two of you?"

Tyhry asked Karyn, "Does it really surprise you that there is more than one copy of me?"

"Well, I suppose it should not... the Corporation has practiced human cloning for centuries, but I've had my spy working with Tyna for the past six months and all of my research turned up no hint of a twin or a clone..."

Tyhry had already sent a swarm of infites into Karyn and they were at work, reducing Dr. Systo's emotional responses to the unexpected presence of Tyhry inside Tyna's home. Tyhry asked, "How has the Corporation kept their cloning facilities secret?"

Karyn hesitated then said, "I suppose I have nothing to gain by trying to keep secrets from either of you."

Tyna was thinking about her friends and guessing which one was Karyn's spy. Patty had started working as a technician in her father's physics research laboratory six months previously and she had turned out to be incredibly helpful. It made sense that Patty was Karyn's spy. Tyna asked Karyn, "Patty works for you?"

"Exactly. And based on her reports, I decided to act." Karyn reached out and touched one of Tyna's little lower breasts while staring at Tyhry's abdomen where her two lower breasts were visible lumps under her shirt. "I'm in charge of the theoretical branch of the Corporation's Asterothrope research project. I'm tired of theory and I want to start a new hands-on study of your Asterothrope gene patterns."

Tyna asked, "What do you mean, "Asterothrope?"

"The same thing you mean when you say tryp'At. Your pointed ears and extra row of breasts are quite distinctive. Unfortunately, Patty has not been able to entice you into bed for a closer examination of your anatomy. So far, I've only had a chance to examine male Asterothrope anatomy, so I'm eager to get a chance to know you... intimately."

Tyna giggled and gestured towards a chair. "You are quite pretty, Karyn. I would love to get intimate with you right now, but maybe you'd prefer to talk, first..." Tyna now knew why Manny had just showed up for a mind altering sexplay session. Looking at Karyn's sexy body, Tyna was tempted to simply take the girl to her bed for some sexual intimacy and a full introduction to her tryp'At anatomic features, but having sexually satisfied herself with the long sexplay session with Tyhry and Manny, Tyna could at this moment resist the temptation of ravishing Karyn. It was more polite to talk to the lovely woman first.

Karyn sat down and explained, "I'm particularly interested in your telepathic abilities, but I feel no telepathic linkage to you. How disappointing... I had hoped..."

Tyna sat down and asked, "You are a telepath?" During her sexplay with Tyhry and Manny, Tyna had felt the sexually stimulating touch of Manny's telepathic mind and she had imagined brief flashes of telepathic linkage to Tyhry, although it felt as if Tyhry was shielding her telepathic mind from Tyna. Now Tyna was intrigued by the possibility that Karyn was a telepath.

Karyn shook her head. "No, sadly, I have no significant telepathic ability beyond being receptive to my husband... and like you Tyna, I have some visions of the future."

Tyna said, "Your husband..."

"He's one of the two Asterothrope males that have been discovered by the Corporation. I've studied him for years, but I can only telepathically receive the language-like thoughts that he transmits to me."

Tyhry asked Karyn, "Why approach Tyna at this time? Why now?"

"Patty reported that Tyna and Mylana are planning a trip to Earth. I decided to act now, before they depart for Earth."

Tyna said, "Myla and I have thought about visiting Earth, but we've made no definite plans."

Karyn shrugged, "I've had a vision of the future. I apparently know your travel plans better than you do!"

Tyhry asked Karyn, "So, what are your plans for Tyna?"

Karyn hesitated then told Tyna, "I'm here today to invite you to my home for dinner. I'd like you to bring along your parents." Karyn paused and looked at Tyhry. She got out of her chair and closely approached Tyhry who had never sat down. Now Karyn ran her hand through Tyhry's nanite-enhanced hair. "And, of course, now that I know of your existence, I'd like you to come along with Tyna." Now Karyn placed a hand over each of Tyhry's two lower breasts. "Tell me, where are you from?"

"I'm from Earth. And you are right, I'm a clone of Tyna."

"Amazing. And what is the secret of your spectacular hair? I've never seen... or felt... anything quite like it!"

Tyhry mischievously lifted the hem of her skirt and pulled one of Karyn's hands down to Tyhry's crotch. "Tyna and I are full of little surprises." Tyhry guided Karyn's finder tips to the bulging glans of her penis which jutted out against the soft fabric of her nanite-generated panties."

Karyn exclaimed, "My word! You have a giant clitoris!"

Tyhry giggled and said, "You don't know the half of it."

Tyna rather impatiently said, "Well, unless you two want to include me in a hot sexplay session, I better call my parents and extend to them your dinner invitation."

Tyhry pulled away from Karyn and let her nanite-generated skirt fall back into place. She tightened the nanite-generated material covering the tip of her penis to prevent the whole of her erection from popping out of its sheath. "Sorry to provide a distraction. Yes, Tyna, make the phone call." Tyhry was eager to ravish the cute Karyn, but she reminded herself that she was there to observe and learn about Asterothrope physiology, not engage in sexplay with every sexy woman she met.


Hair nanite experiment.
Aymy, Vart, Tyna, Urgynya, Joan and Tyhry all rode together in the Othing family aircar to Dr. Systo's home for dinner. While the aircar flew on autopilot, Aymy continued to quiz Tyhry about her origins. "Where on Earth is your home?"

Tyhry shrugged and, out of long habit, lied. "I grew up near Port Oregon, a small city on the America continent."

At the same time, Tyna was speaking to her parents about another topic. "I don't think it was a good idea to bring Gyny and Joan along with us tonight."

Aymy was in the front seat of the aircar with Vart. Urgynya and Joan were in the back seat and playing some computer game. Tyna had never revealed to her parents the changes that she had made to her body. Now Tyna was there beside Tyhry in the middle seat of the aircar, both of them with their lower breasts tightly bound down and almost flat. Vart was running his eyes all over Tyhry and found it impossible to stop looking at her gloriously sparkling artificial hair which seemed to float around her head like a always-shifting cloud. Ignoring Tyna's comment, he continued questioning his daughter and Tyhry. He told Tyna, "I can't believe you kept the existence of this cloned copy of you secret. And I can't believe that she is..." Then Vart cut in to the conversation that Aymy and Tyhry were having, "How old are you, Tyhry?"

For the sake of supporting the lies that Tyna had already told her parents about Tyhry, Tyhry lied and told Vart, "The same age as Tyna. Kinda makes you wonder how many clones of us there might be, eh?"

Tyna pressed her point, "We should have left Gyny and Joan at home. They are just going to be bored at this dinner party."

Aymy shrugged, "If so, then they can play their game. In fact, I better warn them not to rudely play at the dinner table the way they usually do at home."

Tyna suggested, "Just leave them in the car while we have dinner with Karyn."

The autopilot beeped and they started their descent for landing. Looking out into the dark night, Aymy asked, "Where are we? The middle of nowhere?"

They were approaching one small collection of lights, otherwise they were descending into a dark forest. Vart commented, "The map shows nothing here but empty wilderness, however you can now see that there is a house here... one not showing on the map."

The aircar settled to the ground and the six passengers each exited out the nearest door. Maz had ridden in the trunk, uncomplaining. As they walked along the path towards the house, Gyny and Joan were still playing their game and had their eyes on their game consoles. Maz walked between the two youngsters, guiding them along the path with a hand on the small of each of their backs. As they approached the front door of the large house, the door opened and light flooded out into the night from the brightly lit interior. A robot greeted them, "Please enter."

Just inside the door was Dr. Systo. "Welcome, Tyna. Tyhry."

Tyna introduced her family to Karyn and said, "I hope you don't mind that we brought along my two younger sisters."

"Not at all. There are complete facilities here for children. My daughter, Olyv, is upstairs with her caretaker robot." Karyn told Gyny and Joan, "Feel free to go upstairs at any time. There is a full entertainment system up there."

Gyny, who was only two years younger that Tyna and now in the process of looking for a home of her own to move into, told Karyn, "Don't worry about us, we're deep into a game of Aythyrya." She waved her hand-held game console at Karyn.

Grudgingly looking up from her hand-held game console, Joan added, "We can entertain ourselves."

Karyn told the house robot, "Add two more place settings to the table." The robot hurried off and Karyn led the guests on a brief tour of the main floor of the house. When they reached the dining room, the correct number of chairs were at the table and Karyn introduced her husband to the guests then she spoke quietly to her husband, "Marky, what do you think of Tyhry and her spectacular hair?"

Marky was much taller than Karyn's 188 centimeter height and he bent his neck to place his ear closer to Karyn's mouth while she spoke to him. Then, lifting his head, he replied, "Tyhry is quite lovely and quite hard to explain. I've checked the registry of clones." He gestured towards Tyna and Tyhry and continued, "These two beauties did not originate in any Jarnell Corporation cloning laboratory."

Tyhry said, "Don't worry about me; there is a perfectly simple explanation for my existence." Tyhry closely approached Marky and gazed up into his eyes. She placed a hand on his crotch and quietly asked, "Is it true that Asterothropes have huge penises?" Tyhry was thinking about Lahs Felery, a man Tyhry had met on Earth who had a big Ek'col-style penis.

Marky chuckled and said, "I'll leave it to you to make your own assessment."

Everyone settled in around the table and then Aymy made a request, "Might Maz also be seated at the table? We treat her as one of the family."

Marky gave a hand signal to the nearby household robot who quickly brought another chair to the table. Maz waved off the plate that the other robot brought to the table. "I won't be eating."

The meal began and five minutes passed before Tyhry told Marky, "I was quite surprised to learn of the existence of Asterothropes here on Sadal Suud 4." In Tyhry's mind, Asterothropes were creatures lost in Deep Time, much as the tryp'At were of the far future. Without the wonders of time travel and diversions through the Hierion Domain, neither Asterothropes or tryp'At should have been on Sadal Suud.

Marky nodded and said, "I'm surprised that you even know of the existence of Asterothropes."

Gyny pointed to her game console which was on the table beside her plate. "There are Asterothropes in the game we are playing, Aythyrya, along with elves and gryphyns."

Karyn chuckled and said, "The existence of Marky proves that Asterothropes are not creatures of fantasy and legend." She held up her right hand with the index finer pointing upwards and told Tyhry, "My husband does not like to brag about his genitals, but he does have massive testicles and a gigantic penis, just as told in the popular myths about Asterothropes."

Tyhry exclaimed, "Fascinating!" She told Karyn, "I'm eager to make a personal inspection of your husband's erect penis. Maybe for desert..."

Karyn laughed. "You better stop eating dinner now so that you can save room for your "desert".

Joan groaned and said, "I think I'm going to be sick. What is the point of a huge penis and why are we discussing this at the dinner table?"

Tyna said to Joan, "Sorry, I tried to convince mom to leave you two children at home. Still, biologically you two are adults now, so you should be getting accustomed to adult conversation."

Joan thrust a hand down inside her skirt and pressed her point, "I'm serious. Who needs a big messy penis crammed up inside their vagina? All I need is a bit of stimulation to the glans of my clitoris and I can have a whole string of sweet orgasms." Joan was impressed at how stiff her glans was and her vagina was dripping with hot secretions. The quickest way to satisfy her sudden intense desire for sexplay was to grab her sister. She took hold of Gyny's hand and pulled her sister away from the table. "Let's go upstairs and check out the entertainment... center."

The alien eugenics program.
After Gyny and Joan went up the stairway, Tyna said, "Sorry about that, but now that my little sisters are out of ear-shot, maybe we can get to the real purpose of this dinner invitation."

Karyn nodded. She told Tyna, "Very well. I've submitted and had approved a proposal for the Jarnell Corporation Eugenics Program: the plan is for you and I to have a child and we also want to test and determine if you can give birth to an Asterothrope hermaphrodite."

Tyna had been seated at the table beside Marky. Now she reached under the table and placed a hand on his leg. Running along his thigh she could feel the mostly-erect shaft of his huge Asterothrope penis.

Next: experimenting with Whisk AI image generation.

Coming Soon:   Part 6 of "D*".

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