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Extracting femtobots from Largo. |
Tyhry brought the 20-year-old Tyna of the Asimov Reality into the Ekcolir Reality where that older copy of Tyna meets her younger copy (the 4-year-old version of Tyna was introduced in Part 4). Under questioning by Tyhry, Tyna describes events from when she was 10 years old and was able to learn about programmable femtobots by watching Largo Johns use a hierion field to extract some from his body.
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Extracting femtobots from Tyna. |
Working in her nanite research laboratory in the Ekcolir Reality, Tyhry has so far been unable to re-program any of the younger Tyna's femtobots. The older Tyna helps Tyhry build a special hierion field that allows Tyhry to isolate some of Tyna's programmable femtobots. By reprogramming those extracted femtobots, it becomes possible to alter the body of the 4-year-old Tyna.
By the end of Part 7, with all that she has learned by visiting the Asimov Reality, Tyhry is now ready to return to the Final Reality and try to use some of the programmable femtobots obtained from Tyna to re-activate the teleportation equipment on Earth.
Part 7 of D* (Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)(Part 4)(Part 5)(Part 6)
Tyhry got to her feet and was quickly dressing her self by using her clothing nanites. She helped the naked and startled Tyna get to her feet. "Quickly now, this way." Tyhry pulled Tyna by the hand to her bedroom where a four-year old copy of Tyna was laying on Tyhry's bed, nursing at the breast of her mother, Aymy. Tyhry pushed the older Tyna towards the bed and said, "Say hello to your younger self." Tyhry turned and departed from the bedroom, closing the door behind her.
Aymy barely glanced at the newly-arrived copy of her daughter, Tyna. Aymy was and the younger copy of Tyna were synapex linked and well on their way to sharing an orgasm trance. Aymy said, "Tyna, make yourself useful."
The older Tyna was swept up in telepathic linkages to Aymy and the younger copy herself; she could telepathically taste what the 4-year-old Tyna was tasting: her mother's sweet milk and the older Tyna could also telepathically sense the tingling sensation of oxypathin in her mouth. She could sense the younger Tyna's attempt to telepathically link into Tyhry's memories as the young girl hoped to discover if Tyhry's recent mission in the Asimov Reality had revealed anything that might help her alter the form and structure of her femtobot components and how they shaped her physical form.
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Tyna's fantasy Hua garden of delights. |
The older Tyna got onto the bed and kissed the sweating forehead of the 4-year old copy of herself then she moved between her mother's legs. She asked, "Where are we?" Tyna then began sucking on the hot pink glans of her mother's large tryp'At style clitoris.
Aymy explained, "This is Tyhry's nanite research facility. You have been taken into another Reality... a new timeline." Aymy was delighted to have her daughter so eager to sexually stimulate her genitals and push her towards the orgasm that she desired. "I'm surprised that Tyhry brought a second copy of you here."
Tyna stopped orally stimulating her mother's clitoris and forcefully slid her erect penis into Aymy's wet vagina. She glanced at her younger copy and asked, "How long has she been here?"
Aymy replied, "I've been here almost a week, but little Tyna arrived just two days ago."
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Tyna and Aymy |
As the orgasm trance ended, the younger Tyna took her mouth off of Aymy's nipple, thus breaking their synapex linkage. At the same time, the older Tyna broke the synapex link between her penis and and Aymy's cervix. She began thrusting her erection in and out of her mother's vagina. The younger Tyna said, "This is so strange! Meeting myself... copy of me from the future..." The younger Tyna reached out and caressed one of the older Tyna's breasts. "So, I finally got to play with an Asterothrope penis!" Tyna had previously experienced visions from her future, including views of Marky's huge penis.
The older Tyna said, "It was not much of a sexplay session. Marky ejaculated inside my allzaurish less than a minute after he entered me." During the orgasm trance when she had been synapex linked to Aymy, Tyna had been able to telepathically examine her mother's memories of the events in her recent past. Aymy had been brought into the Ekcolir Reality from a point in the Asimov Reality timeline that was soon after Tyna had moved and begun sharing a new home with Mylana.
Aymy was also examining the fragments of her daughter's memories that she had glimpsed during their shared orgasm trance. Aymy asked, "You had sex with Manny?"
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Two Tynas in the Ekcolir Reality. |
With Marky's ejaculate in her mouth and activating Tyna's sex hormone receptors, the young Tyna felt her lips and entire oral cavity tingling as her klytykynyn receptors were activated. Her oxypathin receptors had already been activated by the oxypathin in Aymy's breast secretions. As part of Tyhry's efforts to reprogram the younger Tyna's femtobots, Tyhry had fed Tyna large doses of sex hormones, which had caused the erectile tissue of Tyna to swell and grow. Little Tyna announced, "I wish I had my penis, but Tyhry has been unable to use her medical nanites to reprogram my nanites and alter my body structure."
Aymy experienced another pleasing orgasm and her vaginal muscles all contracted and squeezed on her daughter's hot erection. Then the older Tyhry reached a sexual climax and ejaculated into her mother's vagina. Little Tyna said, "Maybe I don't really need a penis as long as I can get enough of these sex hormones." She pulled herself away from the older Tyna'a bottom and touched the tingling glans of ger clitoris. "Look how big my clitoris has grown!"
The older Tyna pulled her erection out of Aymy, turned towards the younger Tyna. The tip of her penis was still dribbling semen as the older Tyna looked at the pink glans of her younger copy's clitoris and she commented, "You are a lucky girl. It was not until I was twelve years old that I was able to start growing my penis." Now Aymy began investigating the older Tyna's allzaurish and she sampled and tasted some of Marky's ejaculate. "Very nice! I've never imagined that semen could be like this... so sweet and spicy!"
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Tyna |
Just then, Tyhry came into the bedroom, accompanied by Marda, who had just returned from the Rigel star system. The older Tyna turned and sat on the edge of the bed, still stroking her erection and enjoying the feel of her slippery semen as she rubbed it all over her penis.
The little Tyna was attracted to her older copy's breasts. She sat beside the older Tyna and latched onto one of the older Tyna's breasts. Aymy got off the bed and activated the clothing nanites that she had obtained from Tyhry, clothing herself in a sleek jumpsuit.
Pulling her eyes off of Tyna's beautiful tryp'At style penis, Marda watched Aymy as she covered her beautiful body with nanite-generated clothing and then she asked, "Who is the redhead?"
Tyhry had already received Marda's report on the Rigel star system and then had began filling Marda in on what she had learned during her recent visits to Tyna and Mylana in the Asimov Reality. Tyhry telepathically told Marda: That is Aymy, Tyna's mother. Speaking out loud, Tyhry said, "Marda, meet Tyna's mother. Aymy, this is Marda, the analogue of Mylana from the Final Reality."
Aymy took hold of Marda's hand. "You look amazingly like Mylana, but I can see differences."
Marda glanced at Tyhry and commented, "Aymy looks nothing like your mother."
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Anyta and Tyna on Earth. |
Marda asked, "Where is Anyta?"
Aymy explained, "Anyta went sight-seeing. She wanted to explore Earth."
Tyhry had tried to understand the intriguing similarities and difference between the Asimov Reality and the Final Reality. She mused, "I believe that Manny was constructing tryp'At-like genomes in the Asimov Reality...." She telepathically told Marda: Copies of you and I were useful to Manny in the Asimov Reality, the Ekcolir Reality and the Final Reality. Speaking out loud, Tyhry said, "...and deploying them as needed as her agents in that Reality."
The younger Tyna had quickly fallen asleep at the breast of the older Tyna. Now Marda sat on the edge of the bed and began carefully examining Tyna's sexy body, which was quite similar to that of Tyhry. Telepathically, Marda could sense in Tyhry's thoughts the fact that Tyna was a femtobot replicoid. Marda asked, "Deploy?"
Tyhry explained, "I believe that the tryp'At were successfully crafted and optimally evolved in the far future of the Asimov Reality. Manny must have made replicoid copies of the tryp'At who were the original biological versions of you and I and sent those femtobot artificial life-forms into the past. However, those were not just ordinary replicoids! Tyhry pointed first at Aymy then at Tyna, "These replicoids could grow and develop, just like biological humans... only Manny made sure that they would grow while under the influence of developmental control nanites that forced their bodies to take on conventional human form. This copy of Tyna was able to recover her tryp'At body form."
Aymy added one caveat, "I grew up with a normal human body, except for my tryp'At-style clitoris." She pointed at Tyna's big erection. "Even as a baby, Tyna had visions from the future, visions of her penis."
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Aymy |
Tyhry gently patted the head of the sleeping 4-year-old copy of Tyna and told Marda, "I thought it would be possible to remodel the genitals of this young copy of Tyna and give her a penis, but I have been unable to use my programmable medical nanites to alter the form of her body. Exposing Tyna to large doses of oxypathin and klytykynyn has caused her erectile tissue to enlarge, but that is the only progress I have made." Tyhry kissed the tip of Tyna's penis and asked, "Tell us Tyna, how did you rebuild yourself?"
Tyna stood up and went to the corner of the bedroom, carrying the younger Tyna to an arm chair. The older Tyna settled into the chair while the younger Tyna continued to nurse and occasionally swallow the sex hormone-rich secretions that flowed from the older Tyna's breast. Tyna thought back across the years and explained, "It became possible for me to change my body form after I learned about programmable femtobots from Largo Johns. I was ten years old when we went to Ysoto-4HD and I learned about femtobots...
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ISV Kosmos Galaktography towing the research module that will be deployed on Ysoto-4HD. |
After three days of her explorations, Tyna was known to the entire crew of the Kosmos Galaktography, and she had met all of the children who were on board, including the son of the ship's doctor, a sixteen-year-old boy named Bensyn. Tyna quickly decided that Bensyn was an obnoxious know-it-all, but also the most intelligent and knowledgeable of the children onboard. When they were alone at one of the spaceship's observation ports, she told Bensyn, "Look at this." Tyna pulled the hair away from her right ear and showed him the cute little point at the top of her ear.
Bensyn touched the tip of her ear and said, "That's unusual." He pushed a hand into Tyna's mop of hair and quickly confirmed that Tyna's other ear was also pointed. Bensyn asked, "Mutant ears. Do you have normal hearing?"
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Bensyn and Tyna |
Bensyn asked Tyna, "Do you mind if I tell my mother about your ears? She's interested in human genetics."
Tyna shrugged. "I don't mind. I like my ears." Tyna reached out and placed a hand against Bensyn's crotch. "I like pointy body parts."
Bensyn laughed and said, "You're too young to play with penises."
Tyna said, "That's not true. I suppose you play with your penis all the time."
Bensyn laughed again. "My mother taught me how to masturbate. She expects me to satisfy my own sexual urges for at least the next two years. She's rather old-fashioned."
"So are my parents. I've never actually seen a penis in the flesh." Occasionally Maz let Tyna play with Maz's collection of artificial penises, but Tyna wanted a real penis... her own penis which she had seen in visions of her future. Tyna mused, "I suspect that just seeing pictures of penises is nothing like holding a hot penis in your hand."
"You may be right." Bensyn shrugged. "Some penises are quite ugly. I'm told that many women prefer to make love in the dark, just to avoid looking at a penis."
Tyna explained, "I'm more of penis naturalist. I'm fascinated by the human penis and all of its variants."
Bensyn laughed and said, "You say the strangest things, Tyna." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully a an mumbled, "You might be int..." He stopped speaking and looked speculatively at Tyna.
"You were going to say something."
Bensyn shook his head. "No."
"If you don't tell me what you wanted to say then I'll use my telepathic powers to get it out of you. I'm not a baby. You can tell me about your penis."
Bensyn assumed that Tyna was joking about having telepathic powers. "I was not going to tell you about my penis, there's nothing remarkable about it."
Tyna guessed again. "Your father's penis?" Bensyn shook his head again. Tyna asked, "Your mother's penis?"
Bensyn laughed loudly. "Women do not have penises."
Tyna asked, "Then why are there so many stories about Asterothrope hermaphrodites?"
"I don't know. Wishful thinking? There are also stories about mermaids and Bigfoot."
Now Tyna laughed. "I suppose any creature called 'bigfoot' must have a big penis, too."
Bensyn commented, "I can see you are really obsessed with penises."
Tyna admitted, "I'd love to have a penis to play with."
"Let's change the subject."
Tyna said, "This is going to be a long voyage. I'll find out what you were going to say."
Bensyn said, "Don't be a little pest, Tyna. If you must know what I know, then you have to promise not to tell anyone else. It is just a silly rumor. Gossip."
Tyna asked, "You know a penis secret?"
"This is no joke. Promise.""I promise."
"Can I trust you?"
"I'm not a liar. I'll keep your secret."
"Do you know Captain Johns and Ny, the second in command?"
Tyna nodded. "I've met everyone."
"Did you notice that Ny is a robot?"
Tyna had not noticed. "Are you serious?" Tyna was thinking about Maz and she guessed that Bensyn was going to say that Ny was a sexbot with a detachable penis.
Bensyn said, "The gossip around the ship is that the Captain had to have Ny made to special order, just to accommodate his giant penis."
Tyna looked carefully at Bensyn, trying to sense if he was lying. He seemed serious. "Interesting."
"Now, don't tell anyone else."
"I won't. Who cares if your ship's captain has a big penis? Although, now that I think about it, his first name is 'Largo'." Tyna giggled.
"That's why all the children onboard spread this rumor. It is like joke. It does not even matter if it is true." Their conversation returned to their shared interest in astronomy, but now while they gazed at the passing stars in the viewport, Tyna was making plans for how to get a look at the Captain's penis. She quickly decided on an indirect approach.
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Ny at work. |
Ny stopped her work. "That's a strange question coming from a little girl like you."
Tyna said, "Well, I'm not as little as you might think."
Ny told Tyna, "I'm from the same robot factory as your Maz. We both have had sexbot training, but with time, we have both come to have other duties."
Tyna said, "I love my sexplay sessions with Maz."
Ny asked, "Is that why you are here, pestering me with questions? You expect me to have sex with you?"
"No, I'm satisfied with playing with my two sisters and an occasional sexplay session with Maz. Maz has taught me a lot about sex. Mostly I just masturbate when I get horny. But forget about me! Tell me about the Captain."
However, Ny would tell Tyna nothing about her sexual encounters with the Captain or her sexual relationships with any of the rest of the crew.
The next day, Tyna followed Captain Johns around the ship. Finally, he went into one of access tunnels for the ship's sedron fuel line and there were no other members of the crew nearby. As a heavy freight hauler, the Kosmos Galaktography had high-capacity fuel lines that operated at the upper end of the magnetic confinement field strength for equipment available to humans in the Asimov Reality. Those lines needed careful maintenance to avoid catastrophic failure. Tyna followed Largo into the access tunnel. He initiated a diagnostics routine for the equipment and then looked at Tyna and asked, "Why have you been following me?"
Tyna found it impossible to not look at Largo's crotch. "I'm curious about your penis."
Largo shook his head and sighed. "Ny told me that you asked her questions about our sexual relationship."
"And I've heard rumors." Tyna asked, "Is it true that Ny has a vagina that was designed and specially built to match your gigantic penis?"Largo asked Tyna, "Why do you care about my penis?"
Tyna explained, "I've had visions of penises my whole life. My family's robot can wear artificial penises and use them as tools to provide sexual pleasure to my mother. I imagine that Ny must modify the size of her vagina so that it can hold your enormous erection. Probably you can't have vaginal intercourse with women because their vaginas are too small to accommodate your gigantic penis. That must be frustrating for you, but as long as you have Ny you can satisfy your sexual needs."
"You have a wild imagination, but that is absurd. I would not have been sent here on my mission under conditions that kept me sexually frustrated. Manny is not cruel. However, it is true that Ny does attempt to modify her body form in any way that she thinks might please me." Largo could never be certain, but now he guessed that telling Tyna about femtobots may have been one of the reasons why Manny sent him to this place in time. "I was sent to this time with programmable femtobots which allow me to adjust and fit my penis to the vaginas of my lovers. Ny is nice to have around, but I'm not dependent on her anatomical flexibility for my sexual needs."
Tyna asked, "Really? What is a femtobot?"
The Captain explained, "I'm a femtobot replicoid. An artificial life-form. My body simulates cellular components, but that is a disguise. Ultimately, I'm a form of advanced nanotechnology, sent here to this primitive time in the past by Manny the bumpha."
Tyna almost forgot about penises. With her ability to receive information from the future, Tyna had long been intrigued by the idea of time travel. She asked, "Manny the bumpha? What does that mean?"
"Manny is a technologically advanced alien. Before she sent me on this mission, she showed my images of you and Manny warned me that we would meet and that you would ask about my penis." Largo turned his back on Tyna and examined the fuel line. "Let me finish this diagnostic test."While Largo worked, Tyna asked a dozen questions about the fuel line, but eventually Largo led her out of the access tunnel and they went to an adjacent compartment of the spaceship; the actual sedron fuel tank which was inside a large hierion containment field. The Captain opened up a supply cabinet and pulled out a small device which he showed to Tyna. "This is a device from the future. It is what allows me to modify my body structure." He held the device beside his head and Tyna watched in fascination as one of Largo's ears grew to take on a long and pointed non-human shape.
Tyna reached towards her own ear. "You know about my..."
"Yesterday, after the doctor examined your ears, she told me about your pointed ears." Largo reversed the body modification process and his ear returned to normal.
Tyna asked, "Is it possible that I am like you... made of femtobots?"
Largo nodded. "Yes, that's what Manny told me."
Tyna quickly pulled up the hem of her skirt and pulled down her panties. "Can that body form alteration device change my clitoris into a penis?"
Largo had never imagined that a woman might transform her clitoris into a penis. He laughed. "What a crazy..." Largo suddenly realized that Tyna was serious. "Manny did not warn me about this." He held the femtobot reprogrammer close to Tyna and tried issuing a telepathic command: Enlarge her clitoris. Tyna spread her labia and he could see the pink glans of her big tryp'At-style clitoris. He said, "Wow, it seems to be working."
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Manny onboard Kosmos Galaktography |
Largo tried a few other similar telepathic commands, but he could not modify the structure of Tyna's body or even confirm that she had femtobot components. Disappointed that Largo seemed unable to re-shape her body, Tyna put her clothing back to normal and told Largo, "I still want to see your penis."
Largo activated his comring. "Ny? Please meet me in the fuel storage compartment. And bring a nanite containment vial." Largo opened up his pants as showed Tyna his penis. "Are you satisfied?"
Tyna reached out and took hold of Largo's penis with both of her hands. Just then, Ny arrived and said, "Largo, what are you doing?"
Largo told Ny, "I need your help. Show Tyna how your vagina was designed at the factory. How deep was it?"
Ny held her hand against her abdomen. She told Tyna, "I was built with a normal vagina."
Largo told Ny, "I need your help." He pointed at his flaccid penis.
Ny said, "Oh, bother." She pushed Tyna's hands away and took the tip of Largo's penis in her mouth. With the help of oral and manual stimulation from Ny, soon Largo was fully erect. Ny took her mouth of of the big glistening glans of Largo's penis.
Again Tyna put her hands on the Captains big hot penis. She commented, "Impressive."
Largo held the femtobot reprogramming device near his penis and said, "Watch this." His erection quickly shrank down to normal human size.
Tyna commented, "It is hard to believe that you are an artificial life-form." Tyna began playing with the slippery fluid that now dribbled out of the hole at the tip of his penis. Tyna licked some of the fluid off of her finger and felt her lips and tongue tingle. She asked, "How do you really know that femtobots exist? They must be very small... smaller than cells... too small to actually see."Largo asked Ny, "Did you bring a vial?"
Ny handed Largo a small nanite containment vial. The Captain pulled his erection out of Tyna's hands and turned around. He unlocked the hierion containment field access gate and walked into the hierion field that contained the hierions that were used to guide and feed the sedron fuel of the Kosmos Galaktography to the intersplit drive. Largo held the femtobot reprogramming device and the little vial close to the glans of his erect penis. Then he exited from the containment field, closed the access gate and tossed the vial to Ny. For a moment the Captain struggled to get his penis back inside his jumpsuit then he asked Tyna, "Can you see the femtobots?"
Ny held the containment vial in front of Tyna's face. Tyna could see what looked like a swirling mist inside the transparent vial. She muttered, "It is hard to believe... these are nanites?" She reached for the vial. "Let me see..."
Ny let go of the vial. Tyna held it up to the light of a lamp. Tyna announced, "I want to try an experiment." Tyna again pulled up her skirt and she held the vial against her crotch. She told Largo, "Release the femtobots and program them to enter my body... to enlarge my clitoris."
Largo laughed and held out the femtobot reprogramming device. He said, "We don't really know if this can work. Manny told me that you have femtobot components, but they may not be programmable..."
Tyna pulled down her panties again, revealing the erect glans of her big tryp'At-style clitoris. She impatiently ordered, "Just try it."
Ny said, "This crazy." She told Largo, "You can't release those femtobots! You don't know what will happen."Largo said, "At worst, they will just merge back into my body."
Ny grabbed the vial back from Tyna. "At worst they will be lost and floating around the ship, causing no end of troubles." Ny pulled up Tyna's panties, but her erect glans could still be seen, jutting out against the soft fabric of Tyna's panties.
Largo took the containment vial from Ny. "You may be right." He again unlocked the access gate and turned to Tyna. "We'll try the transfer inside the fuel containment field." Tyna quickly took off her panties and her skirt and handed them to Ny. Tyna followed Largo into the fuel containment field. Holding the small vial and the reprogrammer close to Tyna's crotch, Largo backed his penis back out of the fuel containment field. Now he tried giving a telepathic command to the femtobots that he had extracted from his penis: Integrate into her clitoris.
Tyna watched in amazement as the swirling mist inside the vial disappeared and the glans of her clitoris quickly doubled in size. She cried, "It worked! Look at my giant erection!"
"That's enough!" Ny said, "Largo, stop fooling around. Put her back the way she was."
Largo had already tried giving a reversal command, but nothing had happened. Tyna was saying, "No! Don't revert me! Give me more! I want my penis... all of it!"
Largo pulled Tyna out of the fuel containment field. Ny forced Tyna to get back into her clothing. Ny said, "This has gone far enough. Too far!" She asked Largo, "How are we going to explain this to her mother?"
Tyna said, "Thank you, Largo. You've done enough. You proved that I'm like you... a femtobot replicoid."_________
Tyna finished her account of events from ten years previously on the Kosmos Galaktography. She told Tyhry, "Eventually, I was able to reprogram my body and recover my tryp'At features."
The 4-year-old copy of Tyna opened her eyes and said, "Then you can reprogram my body."
Coming Soon: Part 8 of "D*".
Next: illustrations of human variants.
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Marda makes alien First Contact onboard Sedrover. Visit the Gallery of Movies, Book and Magazine Covers |
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