Mar 8, 2025

Kosmos Galaktography

Femtobot reprogramming.

Below on this page is Part 6 of the science fiction story "D*". Tyhry is investigating the role that her analogue played in the Asimov Reality during the Trysta Truce when both R. Nyrtia and Manny the bumpha were actively working to create and develop human telepaths for a Final Reality. Human telepathy involves use of zeptite endosymbionts as a device to transmit and receive information, but humans also have a femtobot endosymbiont that acts as a sophisticated interface between cells in a human brain and that person's zeptite endosymbiont. Tyhry knows that there is some kind of relationship between telepathy and time travel; people like herself who have telepathic abilities also can receive information from the future by means of the Sedron Time Stream.  

Discovery of light deuterium.

Tyhry's analogue in the Asimov Reality, Tyna, gave her father, Vart, the idea of looking for D* (a form of deuterium containing an anti-gravity hierion) in the atmosphere of Sadal Suud IV. Tyna knew about the strange material, D*, because of her ability to receive information from the future via the Sedron Time Stream. 

After moving his family to Sadal Suud IV, Vart carefully investigated the source of the D* that was in the atmosphere of Sadal Suud IV. After getting his family settled on Sadal Suud IV, he returned to space where Vart tested a nearby asteroid for D* as part of determining the origin of the D* found on Sadal Suud IV. Vart learned that no D* could be detected in the atmosphere of Sadal Suud III or on the asteroid. For his travels within the Sadal Suud star system, Vart used an anti-gravity Leap Shuttle that had no interstellar drive. Eventually, Tyna's telepathic abilities allowed her to realized that there was a secret sedron mine on Sadal Suud IV that was the source of D*. 

Arrival at Ysoto-4HD.
Working as an astrophysicist, Vart found other star systems in the galaxy that had planets with D*. Among the many such planets that were found, finally another Earth-like planet (Ysoto-4HD) was found that had very high levels of D* in its oceans. Ysoto-4HD was the obvious choice for a scientific expedition to further study the origins of D*. While Ysoto-4HD had an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere like Earth, Ysoto-4HD was more massive than Earth and had a much thicker atmosphere than Earth and only a few volcanic islands.

The Earth Overseers.
When Tyna was 10, Vart obtained funding from the Jarnell Corporation to send a major scientific investigative team to Ysoto-4HD where about 20% of the hydrogen in its oceans in the form of D*. Vart took along his entire family and for a year they lived "on" Ysoto-4HD, inside a self-contained floating scientific research station which used the same anti-gravity technology that was used in the Abin of Earth. Abin were floating cities, such as Abin-284 where Aymy had given birth to Tyna. The alien life-forms of Ysoto-4HD all evolved to metabolize D* through a process that involved concentrating D* in some specific cell types of their bodies. 

Aerophycus volans
On the way to Ysoto-4HD, Tyna met the crew of the spaceship ISV Kosmos Galaktography which transported the large anti-gravity research laboratory and Vart's family to Ysoto-4HD. ISV Kosmos Galaktography was a well-traveled transport vessel that had a 100 year history of supporting exobiology missions.

Eventually, Tyhry realized that Ysoto-4HD and its unusual life-forms were all part of a Phari effort to create a plausible explanation for D* being a natural phenomenon. All of the planets in the Ysoto star system had D* and life had evolved in that environment where D* became a constituent of living organisms. 

Tyna's nanite inactivation experiment.
For example, one of the D*-metabolizing organisms (that was given the name Aerophycus volans) of Ysoto-5HD looked like a giant colonial algae that floated in the dense atmosphere of that world.

 The captain of ISV Kosmos Galaktography was a man named Largo Johns (a descendant of Lato Johns). Tyna was intrigued by rumors that Largo had a huge penis (a phenotypic trait that Tyna would later learn is a characteristic feature of an Asterothrope male). 

Programmable femtobots from the sedron mine.
Tyna told Largo about her visions of large penises. Largo showed Tyna his ability to reprogram the femtobot components of his penis, making her aware of the idea of reprogramming femtobots.

Years later, back on Sadal Suud 4, Tyna got a job working for the Jarnell Corporation at the sedron mine. Tyna was able to obtain some programmable hierion femtobots that were part of the sedron extraction process. Tyna reprogrammed those femtobots and used them to re-configure her replicoid body's femtobots, allowing her to recover her genetically-specified tryp'At body form.

vision of Earth

Tyna has had visions of visiting Earth and learning the secret of teleportation. Now approaching her 21st birthday, Tyna had begun making plans with Mylana for a visit to Earth. The events of Part 6 of "D*" continue immediately from the end of Part 5.

Part 6 of D* (Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)(Part 4)(Part 5)

For a minute, Tyna marveled at the huge penis of Marky that seemed as if it might rip open the fabric of his pants leg. Tyna was becoming quite sexually excited as she ran her hand back and forth along the long shaft of his semi-erect penis. 

Tyhry was wondering how much Karyn knew about tryp'At and Asterothrope hermaphrodites. Tyhry was asking Karyn, "I'm genetically identical to Tyna, so why not include me in this selective breeding project?"

Marky said, "There are rumors of a surviving evolutionary off-shoot of the Asterothropes, what is called the tryp'At. Have you heard that term before, Tyhry?"

Tyhry nodded. "Yes, I am tryp'At." Tyhry was planning to erase this fork of the Asimov Reality Simulation as soon as she was done visiting Tyna, so she felt free to speak openly of her own life in the Final Reality. "My father was the one who first discovered the presence of tryp'At agents on Earth." Tyhry did not mention the fact that her father, Eddy, was himself a tryp'At agent on Earth.

Karyn looked at Vart and asked, "When were you on Earth, Mr. Othing?"

Vart shook his head and replied, "I've never-"

Tyhry interrupted Vart. "Karyn, Vart is not my father. For that matter, Vart isn't even Tyna's father."

Tyna and Vart
Tyna stopped stroking Marky's remarkable penis and got up out of her chair and went to where her father was seated. She put her arms around Vart's shoulders from behind his chair. Tyna explained to Karyn, "Vart adopted me. I call him 'father', but he is not my biological father. I was born on Earth, before my mother ever met Vart."

Karyn told Tyna, "I see." She shifted her gaze to Tyhry and said, "Well, I suppose my proposal to the Eugenics Program grant committee can be amended. At the very least, the Committee should be aware of your existence. Of course, the Committee members will want to hear what your father knows about the tryp'At."

Tyhry did not want to explain that her father was in the Final Reality or the fact that Karyn existed inside a Reality Simulation. Tyhry quietly muttered, "He's a rather private person."

Karyn looked speculatively at Tyna. "And Tyna is planning to visit Earth."

Tyna told Karyn, "I have my own reasons for visiting Earth. I have no idea how to obtain the identity of my biological father."

Aymy added, "The genetic privacy laws of Earth are very strict. I doubt if anyone, even Tyhry, could discover who donated the sperm that produced Tyna."

Tyhry said enigmatically, "That may be true, but it is also true that I know my father quite well."

Tyna and Tyhry
Tyna moved to stand behind Tyhry and placed a hand on Tyhry's shoulder. Tyna told Karyn, "Let's leave Tyhry out of our plans for making babies... she's just visiting from Earth."

Tyhry glanced over her shoulder at Tyna and winked at the girl. Tyna continued speaking to Karyn, "I accept your offer... I'd be happy to participate in this experiment with the goal of making tryp'At hybrid babies. I trust that your plan includes opportunities for many orgasms." 

Karyn nodded and exclaimed, "Wonderful! Of course, the main goal of the project is to test for reproductive comparability between Asterothropes and humans, but we need not pass up any opportunities for orgasms that arise."

Now Tyna moved around the circumference of the table and stood next to Karyn. Tyna reached out and ran her fingers through the other woman's hair. "I'd love to have the opportunity to impregnate you... the good old fashioned way. However, I am worried that we may need to resort to in vitro fertilization in order to test if Marky's sperm can fertilize a tryp'At egg cell. Maybe his giant Asterothrope penis will not fit inside my vagina."

Marky said, "Have no fear, Tyna. I have the ability to control the size of my erections. An Asterothrope male always arranges for a perfect fit with his lover's vagina."

Without any further discussion, Karyn stood up and took Tyna by the hand and led her up to the second floor and to her bedroom. As they went up the stairs, Karyn told Tyna, "Let me look in on Olyv and make sure she is keeping your two sisters adequately entertained." Karyn was linked to her daughter and Marky by an experimental technology-assisted telepathy system that had been developed by the Jarnell Corporation. Karyn knew that Olyv, Gyny and Joan were engaged in a sexplay session and the three young women were comparing their genitals. Olyv was feeling intimidated by the large tryp'At-style clitorises of Gyny and Joan and Karyn had been telepathically giving Olyv some reassurance that her own genitals were quite adequate. Karyn telepathically told her daughter: I'm on my way.

Tyhry and Marky.
When Karyn and Tyna departed, Marky then approached Tyhry and held out a hand and told her, "Allow me to satisfy your curiosity about my penis." Tyhry got up from the table and took hold of Marky's hand. They went off together, walking in the direction of the backyard swimming pool.

"Amazing... meeting a mythical Asterothrope!" Aymy reached out and placed her hand over Vart's hand where it rested on the table. She told him, "Seeing Marky's penis bulging outwards there inside his pants leg and these young ladies so eager for sexplay has me feeling horny. Maybe you and I should find a quiet corner where you can ravish me."

Maz got off of her chair and suggested, "Maybe I should go upstairs and check on Gyny and Joan."

Aymy stopped Maz from leaving the dinning room. "No, don't interrupt them." Aymy could telepathically monitor the actions of her children. "They are playing some sex game with Karyn's daughter."

Maz giggled and said, "All the more reason. Three for sex play can be an awkward number."

Vart told Maz, "Let the children play. Sit back down and help us understand these startling revelations." Vart wanted to make use of the access that Maz had to data about the Jarnell Corporation. "Tell us what you know about Tyhry. Where did she come from?"

Maz reluctantly returned to her chair. "I don't think you would believe the truth, so why not just believe the idea that the Jarnell Corporation cloned Tyna?"

Aymy asked, "How could they have done so? And Tyhry looks older than Tyna. If anything, Tyna might be a clone of her older sister, Tyhry."

Vart spoke sternly to Maz, "Stop making up stories about what you think we want to hear and just tell us what you know."

Marky's Asterothrope penis.
Maz tried to change the subject of the conversation. She glanced out the window and saw Tyhry bending close to Marky as he showed her his big erection. Trying to not think about Marky's penis, Maz looked back at Aymy and said, "I should have stayed on Alphanor. If I spend more than four years with humans, I find it impossible to act in their best interests... instead I just do whatever gives them pleasure."

Aymy assured Maz, "You've taken good care of us all these years and I don't want to imagine what these last fifteen years might have been like without you. Since Tyna moved out of the house, we now count on you to keep us informed about Tyna's activities. You are a big part of this family and always will be."

Maz took another brief look out the window. "I'd really like to get a look at Marky's erection. It might give me ideas for a new and better part." Maz pointed a finger up towards the ceiling.

 Karyn complained, "Stop making obscene gestures and talking about penises... I'm not going to have a chance to engage in sexplay until we get home and you are just making me more horny." Aymy rubbed her erect nipples and asked, "This girl, Tyhry, she was born on Earth?"

Maz sighed and explained to Aymy, "Tyhry is from a different Earth than the one where you were born."

Vart laughed. "What does that mean?" There were space legends about the existence of duplicate Earths. "It sounds like you are talking about one of those absurd Phari legends."

Maz shrugged. "Legends can be based on truths. Aymy has had contact with the Phari."

Aymy slowly shook her head. "I'm far too susceptible to the lure of fantastic fiction. I have confused memories of voices in my head. It is only natural that I have wondered about the possibility of telepathic contact with aliens, but I can't really believe in invisible aliens."

Maz crossed her arms across her chest. "I'm not talking about telepathy. It is clear that the Phari used their long-range teleportation technology to construct artificial star systems like the Rigel Concourse. Obviously Alphanor was teleported to Rigel by the Phari from some distant, older star system such as the Ysoto system. Tyna is fascinated by teleportation and that is why she plans to visit Earth."

Vart objected, "Clearly not the Ysoto system. Planets like Alphanor have no light deuterium." 

Maz obstinately shook her head. "The Phari constructed Alphanor, and that process of planetary engineering resulted in D* as a waste product. Yes, all of the D* remained in the Ysoto system after the Earth-like artificial planets were teleported away."

"Bah! You should write science fiction, Maz." Vart asked skeptically, "So now you want us to believe that Earth was teleported across the galaxy?"

"Don't twist my words. I never said that. However, there could be duplicates of Earth that were sent to other star systems in the galaxy by the Phari or other advanced alien species of the distant past. Humans have only explored a small part of the galaxy, so far. But that is not the point. There is good evidence of teleportation technology having been used on Earth, and Tyna wants to investigate that mystery."

Just then, Tyhry returned to the dinning room. Vart asked, "Well, are you satisfied with your study of Marky's anatomy?"

Tyhry giggled and delivered her report. "Marky certainly has a gigantic penis. Good luck to Tyna if she hopes to have vaginal intercourse with him. The Asterothropes were in a whole different league than the tryp'At... the big league. My father always told me that Asterothropes were a different species, not quite human." 

Planetary teleportation.
Tyhry was in telepathic contact with Tyna. She glanced upwards towards Karyn's bedroom and added, "At least Tyna is having fun with Karyn."

Aymy, who had been telepathically monitoring Tyna's sexual encounter with Karyn now told Vart, "Tyna was having fun with Karyn, but now Marky has interrupted their sexplay."

Again Maz sprang to her feet and ran up the stairway to the second floor. Tyhry said, "Maz is terribly protective of Tyna."

Through the entire evening, Aymy had been trying to telepathically link into Tyhry's thoughts. Only brief flashes of information had slipped past Tyhry's telepathic block. During the time when Marky and Tyhry had been out beside the pool, one telepathic glimmer had entered Aymy's consciousness arriving telepathically from Tyhry's mind. Aymy asked, "You gave Marky oral sex?"

Tyhry nodded and smiled broadly. "I have a big mouth. I could fit the glans of his penis in my mouth... I hope my teeth did not hurt his delicate skin. Our sex play was quick but sweet. I confirmed that his Asterothrope semen is very rich in sex hormones." Tyhry licked her tingling lips. "And he said he likes the taste of my tryp'At semen."

Aymy admitted, "I never developed a taste for semen."

Vart apologized, "I'm sorry my semen is so boring."

Tyhry was struggling to keep her still-erect penis inside its sheath. She noted, "I was astounded by the incredible volume of Marky's ejaculate. Karyn was not kidding when she recommended saving room." Tyhry had only swallowed small fraction of the semen that Marky had ejaculated, but the sex hormones she had consumed were active in her system, making her strongly desire more sexplay. Also, when Marky had politely provided Tyhry with a sweet orgasm and she was ejaculating into his hot mouth, she had become consciously aware of the force of his telepathic mind and how Marky had telepathically pushed her to a quick orgasm.

At that moment, Tyhry was still telepathically linked Tyna who was busy thrusting her penis in and out of Karyn's silky soft vagina. Tyna was quickly approaching her own orgasm. Arriving in the bedroom where Karyn and Tyna were engaged in heated sexplay, Marky had approached Tyna from behind and now he managed to get about half of his big erection into Tyna's allzaurish. Tyhry muttered, "Wow, she did it."

Vart looked at Aymy and asked, "What?"

Aymy told Vart, "Marky managed to get his alien Asterothrope penis inside Tyna's back vagina."

Vart said, "Well, I suppose this is exactly why Tyna worked so hard to equip herself with a penis and an allzaurish. She probably long ago had a vision of this day."

For a time, Tyhry and Aymy were silent while they linked into the orgasm trance that was being shared by Tyna and Marky. Vart was speaking, "I don't think Tyna was ever meant to be a woman. And what would it mean if this Asterothrope, Marky, can impregnate Tyna? Tyna has never been interested in being a mother. I suppose the Jarnell Corporation would simply raise any child that came from this experimental union in one of their biology laboratories."

The orgasm trance ended and Aymy told Vart, "So that's why Maz wanted to join in the sexplay."

Tyhry said, "Maz knows when she's needed."

Vart asked, "What's going on?"

Aymy could telepathically "see" the sexplay session that was unfolding in the upstairs bedroom. Aymy explained, "Now Karyn is riding Tyna's erection to a second orgasm and Maz is astride Marky's giant penis... of course with her flexible artificial anatomy, she can fully accommodate Marky's incredibly large sex organ."

Having telepathically shared in Tyna's orgasm trance, Tyhry was now very horny and puzzled as to why she had not experienced an orgasm trance when sharing oral sex with Marky. Tyhry began thinking about the Ek'col, a human variant, crafted by the bumpha, that could exercise telepathic mind control over Asterothropes. Maybe Marky was Ek'col, not an Asterothrope? Tyhry told herself: But no, the Ek'col did not exist until the Ekcolir Reality. Tyhry told herself that there was really only one explanation for Tyna's orgasm trance. She muttered quietly, "Maz must be Manny."

Aymy asked, "You know Amany?"

Tyhry had indeed observed Amany in the future of the Asimov Reality Simulation. Tyhry corrected Aymy, "I said 'Manny', not Amany."

Aymy told Tyhry, "I've had memories of the future... sent to me by Amany."

"Yes, I know. I suspect that Amany will be named in honor of Manny."

Vart asked, "Who is Manny?"

Tyhry sighed and slumped in her chair. Up stairs, Tyna had just ejaculated again, but only experienced a normal human orgasm. Tyhry was growing even more sexually aroused and her erect penis was trying to emerge from its sheath. Tyhry told Vart and Aymy, "Manny is an alien who watches over we humans... guides us into the future."

Aymy asked, "Manny is your personal Grendel?"

Tyhry laughed. "No, the Grendels were no longer deployed on Earth in my Reality."

Vart asked, "Reality?"

Tyhry did not want to have to explain the fact that she was from another Reality. She had accomplished her mission and confirmed that Asterothrope semen was full of a complex mixture of sex hormones including oxypathin and klytykynyn. Now she only remained in the Asimov Reality Simulation so that she could ask Tyna a few more questions. She told Vart, "You don't believe in time travel, so there is no sense in me telling you about Earth's Reality Chain."

Aymy repeated. "Reality Chain. I've heard that term before, in a message I received from the future, from Amany."

Tyhry was surprised. How could Amany know about time travel? Maybe in the future Manny would visit Amany...

Just then, Tyna, Maz, Gyny and Jane came down the stairway and arrived in the dining room. Tyna told her parents, "We can go now." The robot staff saw the guests out of the house and soon they were back in their aircar and flying home. In the middle row of seats in the aircar, Tyna leaned close to Tyhry and asked, "Did you enjoy that orgasm trance?"

"I did, but your ability to so quickly and easily share an orgasm trance with Marky took me by surprise. I suppose Manny made it possible."

"I'll have to thank her the next time I see Manny."

Tyhry took hold of Tyna's hand and she immediately got a stronger link to the girl's telepathic mind pattern. Tyhry could sense that Tyna was thinking about delaying her trip to Earth in order to engage in the reproductive experiments with Karyn and Marky. Tyna told Tyhry, "Karyn recently ovulated. There is a chance that she could become pregnant in a day or so. I did my best to fill her up with my sperm. Marky did the same for me, but I won't ovulate again until next week."

Tyhry knew the future. Karyn would quickly be impregnated by Tyna and it was impossible for an Asterothrope to impregnate a tryp'At... they were two different species. Two months in the future, Tyna and Mylana would depart for Earth. Tyhry asked, "How did you learn about Eternity?"

Tyna slowly shook her head. "That's a long story. It goes back ten years to when-"

Just then Aymy asked Tyna, "So you are going to Earth?"

Tyna replied, "Mom, stop snooping in my mind."

Aymy reminded her daughter, "I worked for sixteen years to get off of Earth."

Tyna said, "And I'm glad you did. However, Earth is unique.. the home of Humanity. Why shouldn't I go there for a visit?"

"So, what is so important and secret on Earth that you can't tell your mother?"

Gyny called from the back seat to her grandmother, "She wants to find Eternity."

Now Vart turned in his seat and looked at Tyna. "So, now you are infatuated with the legend of Eternity? Really? Time travel?"

Tyna said, "Time travel is impossible. However, there could be other advanced technologies on Earth... I must go investigate."

For a time, Aymy questioned her daughter about where she planned to look on Earth for the legendary Eternity. Tyna spoke about the possibility that Eternity was another planet in Earth's star system. Gyny explained the location of Eternity as it was portrayed in a widely popular computer game. Then, Tyna and Tyhry were dropped off at the home that Tyna shared with Mylana.

Mylana had been away from home for most of that week, visiting one of her lovers. Arriving in the quiet house, Tyna and Tyhry could not resist engaging in a sexplay session. Later, wrapped in each others arms, Tyhry asked, "Why do you think you can find Eternity?"

Releasing femtozoans.
Tyna replied, "It goes back to when I was just a young girl. I met a man who I suspect was another Asterothrope, like Marky. His name was Largo Johns. He had advanced nanites that allowed him to release femtozoans."

Tyhry asked, "Femtozoans?"

Tyna looked at Tyhry. "If you are from the future, I'm surprised you don't know about femtozoans. Largo said their discovery was the most important scientific discovery in a thousand years."

"Femtozoans." Tyhry considered that name. "From the name, I'll guess it is an artificial life form... or a type of biological-nanite hybrid organism."

"Largo told me that everyone has a femtozoan inside of them... unless it is release and liberated. Largo had programmable femtobots that could be used for that purpose. I did not really care about the means to release a femtozoan from its host, since we telepathic humans need our femtozoans for telepathic communication. However, I discovered that I could use Largo's programmable nanites to modify my body structure. Largo helped me make one small change to my body, but eventually, I learned how to recover my genetic heritage and all of my tryp'At body structures. When I recovered my full tryp'At telepathic powers, I found myself in constant telepathic contact with my femtozoan, who told me about Eternity."

Tyhry said, "Amazing. You have contact with this femtozoan right now?"

Alice Wroke and Treesong.
Tyna shook her head. "This is embarrassing. Eventually, my femtozoan tricked me into releasing her. She's long gone."

"Where did she go?"

"I have no idea."

"So obviously you don't actually need your femtozoan for telepathy."

"I have a theory. A dualistic theory. I believe that each person has a femtobot endosymbiont that has two parts. Part one is purely mechanical. The second part is a conscious entity: the femtozoan. When my femtozoan escaped from my body, the mechanical femtobot endosymbiont remained and that was, by then, adequate for telepathy. In fact, in my case, it was better. I believe my femtozoan often conspired with my personal Grendel to inhibit my telepathic abilities and even alter my memories of events. Of course, when I was young, it was my femtozoan who taught me how to access the Sedron Time Stream and telepathically link to my mother."

Tyhry was astounded by Tyna's theory of femtozoans. Was such a thing possible? She thought of people like Howard Treesong, who in the Asimov Reality had been "inhabited" by multiple "personalities". Could he have been a trap for escaped femtozoans? Was there now some person who had two femtozoans, including Tyna's? She asked, "What did your femtozoan tell you about Eternity?"

"That I was from the future. My femtozoan claimed to have been sent into the past by means of alien time travel technology. Eternity housed a time travel device..." Tyna corrected herself: "Still houses it!"

Six liberated femtozoans.
"If these femtozoans are inside every human being, then why is it only you that knows about it?"

"It is not only me. In the future it must be common knowledge."

"You told your father that time travel is impossible."

"It is impossible for us. That does not mean that others, people of the future..." Tyna fell silent. She was now playing with Tyhry's nanite-generated hair. 

Tyhry had been carefully blocking Tyna from having free access to Tyhry's memories, but now Tyhry was tempted to tell Tyna all about Eternity, the space-time bubble that was inside the Hierion Domain and had the time travel device that had made possible Earth's Reality Chain. Tyhry checked the time. This Simulation fork ran fast, but the time of the return of Sedrover to Earth was fast approaching. And now Tyhry was eager to exit from the Asimov Reality Simulation. She herself wanted to visit Eternity in the Final Reality, and now Tyhry thought she knew how it would be possible for her to do so. Wanting to learn more about the programmable femtobots that Tyna had obtained from Largo Johns, Tyhry popped both herself and Tyna out of the Reality Simulation.

Next: Part 7 of "D*".

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