Recycling Old Rumors
"On the planet Triskelion, the Chezy Corporation had long conducted secret genetics experiments that were aimed at improving human cognitive abilities. In fact, Innover Chezy, the original owner of the planet Triskelion and one of the first human settlers of Alastor Cluster, was a former employee of the Jarnell Corporation." (source)
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Generating New Data
The innovations in human telepathy that arose among humans in Alastor Cluster were utilized during the creation of the Ek'col and the tryp'At. Back in 2016, the tryp'At Overseers were actively suppressing access to information about the origins of the tryp'At. Now, here in 2019, Rylla reports that a "backdoor" for access to information about Alastor Cluster and the tryp'At was recently discovered by Colleen.
Alastrid Telepathy
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The Mind Clone Network. |
Tihri smiled and clapped her hands together. Zeta thought about her sister Yōd and touched her own face with her finger tips, imagining that she was touching Yōd's face. Zeta carefully reconstructed Yōd's unique brain activity pattern inside her own brain. Finally, Yōd was there, inside their shared cognitive space, somehow linked together as two telepathically connected nodes of the Mind Clone Network. Tihri's eyes rolled up in their sockets and her arms and legs began to move, almost as if she was swimming through her own virtual reality universe.
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Zeta |
In her thoughts, Zeta was repeating: Zeta here. Zeta here. Zeta here.
When Roxzel telepathically linked to Tihri, Yōd noticed the change in her daughter and started "listening" for the thoughts of her sister Zeta. Yōd began to think about Zeta's unique mind pattern. When their telepathic linkage stabilized, Yōd told Zeta: Linkage established.
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Yōd |
Yōd was inside the AR Simulator with Azynov, exploring the far future of the Asimov Reality and searching for clues as to how telepathic humans had first been crafted. Yōd had come to dread telepathic contact with Zeta because it usually meant that Yōd had to repeat a recent telepathic transmission to the Editor. Even worse, sometimes Zeta wanted Yōd and Azynov to delay their study of Alastor Cluster and investigate some other part of the human universe. Yōd did not want to interrupt her work, particularly if it meant that she and Azynov would have to travel back in time. Yōd asked: What trouble are you Earthlings getting into now?
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Lakum |
For a moment, Yōd's mind raced towards the exciting possibility that conditions at Observer Base had again been altered, which might make it possible for Yōd to exit from the AR Simulator, return to Observer Base and then be able to communicate with the Editor by conventional means. Yōd and the Editor now shared a telepathic connection because of the infites that had been transferred from Yōd into the mind of the Editor. However, their telepathic linkage was not very efficient. In particular, telepathic data transfer to the Editor worked best when the Editor was asleep, but that meant he had to process Yōd's reports about the Asimov Reality as if he were remembering a dream. Sometimes it took three or four transmissions of the same data from Yōd before the Editor fully understood what Yōd was telling him. And since the Editor could not transmit telepathically to Yōd, he had to tell Zeta about any problems he was having and have her request that Yōd re-send a data packet. It was all extremely annoying and inefficient.
So Yōd was more than ready to imagine that it would be good news if she could now return occasionally to Observer Base and use more direct channel of communication with the Editor. If a tryp'At had returned to Observer Base, then why shouldn't Yōd? She asked Zeta: Did the Bimanoid Interface change again?
The tryp'At Overseers had all quickly departed from Observer base after the Bimanoid Interface had been altered, making the strength of their telepathic connectedness spiral dangerously upwards due to positive feedback.
Zeta replied: Not that I know of. Now, please, don't interrupt! We don't have much time. All I have for you is a name. The suspect is called "Lakum".
Yōd was surprised. She and Azynov had met a woman named Lakum almost a year previously. Yōd's mind began to shuffle through her old memories of Lakum and before Yōd could form a coherent linguistic message to transmit, Zeta added: The rumor is that Lakum is a tryp'At hermaphrodite.
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Bimanoid Interface |
Surprised, Zeta asked: You mean, in Alastor Cluster?
Yes, on the planet Triskelion.
Zeta noticed that Tihri had stopped moving. Zeta stroked Tihri's face and told her: Keep playing with Roxzel, little one.
Zeta had a vague memory from about a year previously, when the Mind Clone Network was first forming, Yōd had mentioned the planet Triskelion. Zeta asked Yōd: Why did you visit Triskelion?
Triskelion is the most technologically advance world of the human universe. Yōd was also trying to keep her daughter from disconnecting from Tihri. She told Zeta: Roxzel is falling... losing the link.
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Colleen |
For half a minute more, Zeta continued waiting and strained to "hear" some indication from Yōd that she had understood that final message, but the telepathic linkage to Yōd was broken. Zeta could not be sure if Yōd had received that last transmission. Zeta kissed Tihri's pudgy little face and went to find the Editor.
I was working at my computer, but I'd been aware that Zeta was in the other room trying to communicate with Yōd. The problem with what I call the MC2 sub-network is that Zeta and Yōd can only stay telepathically connected as long as Tihri and Roxzel are connected. Unfortunately, Tihri and Roxzel apparently lack the cognitive stamina to sustain a telepathic link for more than about a minute. Whenever Yōd needs to transmit large amounts of information to us from the Asimov Reality, she has to send it to me.
After Tihri and Roxzel ended their telepathic "play session", I felt Zeta touch my mind via our shared telepathic connection. I looked up from my work and saw that she was pealing off her clothes as she came into the room. Zeta grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my chair. "Let's go old man, it's time for your nap."
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Hierion Domain |
At that moment, with a naked Zeta pulling me into the bedroom, I was reluctant to ask about Yōd. Zeta does not like me to even be thinking about other women when we are in the bedroom. Zeta jumped on the bed and gave me an order: "Hurry up and get undressed." She leaned back and watched me pull off my clothes while quickly telling me the news from the Hierion Domain. "Yōd knows a Lakum in Alastor Cluster. Tihri and Roxzel gave us a good long session, but not quite long enough for me to learn anything useful. I don't know if the Lakum of Alastor Cluster is related to the Lakum who we are hunting."
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Alastor Cluster |
Zeta pulled me on top of her. "Then you better get working. I promised Yōd that I'd wear you out and put you down for a nap."
I got busy on my assigned task, but warned Zeta, "I'm in no hurry. Yōd can transmit to me later tonight."
Zeta did not bother wasting any more breath on talk. An hour later, after our workout, we both slipped into sleep, wrapped in each others arms, and then Yōd linked into my dream world and told me about the Lakum who she had met on Triskelion.
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Earth's Reality Chain |
Part 1- Sherylyn
Soon after their arrival in Alastor Cluster, Azynov and Yōd began hearing from multiple sources that Triskelion was a center for advanced technology development projects, particularly in robotics. They had tried using the Viewer in Grean's Workshop to investigate Triskelion, but had learned little of value. The entire robotics industry of Triskelion seemed fully automated, with existing robots manufacturing more robots. Azynov had concluded, "Truly a strange society.... it seems almost as if the robots are running Triskelion."
Yōd had spent a considerable amount of time puzzling over the demographic data for Triskelion. She was not at all impressed by the declining human society of Triskelion. "On the verge of becoming a dead society. Over the past two centuries the population has crashed... fallen to less than one percent of the peak level."
Now they were rapidly approaching Triskelion and they needed to select a strategy for their on-the-ground investigation. Azynov wondered out-loud, "Maybe the mining industry is our best bet. The use of hierions for duodecimate extraction strikes me as the most advanced technology."
Yōd commented to Azynov: "I'm about ready to abandon use of the word "advanced" in the context of technology in Alastor Cluster. Here we are, thousands of years in the future and the technology available to people here in Alastor Cluster -in the whole galaxy- is not much more sophisticated than what was available on Earth of the far past, before the start of the Space Age."
Azynov shrugged. "Remember, my love, this Reality is little more than a laboratory for systematically sifting through the nearly infinite state space of human gene combinations in search of a way to give humans the same telepathic abilities that the Asterothropes had."
Yōd nodded, acknowledging the truth of his statement, but she objected, "There also needs to be a center for research on how to link human brains by means of the Bimanoid Interface. Somewhere in this Reality there must be an ongoing physical science research program that will eventually make possible technology-assisted telepathy in the era after the Huaoshy put an end to time travel."
They were now in orbit around Triskelion A. Azynov pointed to the view screen that showed the blue-gray planet, set gloriously among the bright stars of Alastor Cluster. "Maybe some day Triskelion will become that laboratory for development of the Bimanoid Interface. Although, it would not surprise me if R. Gohrlay obtains the needed technology from the far future, maybe millions of years ahead of our current time."
Yōd sighed and wistfully murmured to Azynov, "Imagine searching through millions of years..."
Azynov laughed and put his arms around Yōd. "Mmmm... that sounds nice. Spending a million years with you..."
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To save time and facilitate their planet hopping, Azynov and Yōd never used their spartan little spaceship to travel long distances between star systems. Azynov could instantly move their location to any desired point within the vast galactic data set of the AR Simulator. For example, they could have made themselves appear right on the surface of Triskelion. However, by approaching planets with the spaceship, they had a conventional origin story and did not have to invent excuses for their sudden appearance on new worlds.
Suddenly, in Yōd's imagination, it was not Azynov's hands that were sliding over her skin. Her eyes popped open and she looked around the interior of the little spaceship. "Isaac, do you ever have the feeling that you are being watched?"
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a human passenger inside Many Sails |
"Yes, Many Sails was very creepy. The whole time I was aboard that sentient spaceship, I knew she was living through us. Every time we made love, that machine was sharing our experience."
Azynov laughed and tried to make light of her fear of being observed. "You have quite an imagination, my love." However, Azynov could not escape the feeling that there was some truth behind Yōd's paranoia. He had a memory of writing in his diary about the trickery of Many Sails. However, he let those nagging thoughts slip away and tried to pay complete attention to Yōd who seemed to be signaling him that she was ready for him to-
The ship's radio receiver came alive, interrupting the little make-out session that Yōd and Azynov had just begun. "This is Triskelion Planetary Landing Authority. Please reply. TPLA hailing spaceship ACS372654. Please reply." The message repeated automatically; the voice sounded robotic.
Reluctantly pulling himself away from Yōd, and worried that he might have to establish a video link to some official on the planet, Azynov tried to get himself all tucked back into his clothing. Azynov finally just switched off the video transmitter for the ship and opened the two-way audio connection to TPLA. "Spaceship ACS372654 to TPLA; requesting a flight path for immediate arrival and landing on Triskelion A." For the hundredth time, Azynov wondered if he should invent a more human-friendly name for this little spaceship. Its serial number, ACS372654, was an adequate name, but not very creative. Azynov shrugged and shifted his thoughts towards Triskelion and its mysteries.
The human operator for Landing Authority said, "Hello, ACS372654. What is your business on Triskelion?"
Azynov sat down at the control console and replied, "We are researchers from Earth. We want to investigate the current state of technology and engineering projects on Triskelion."
"You are a mission from Earth... sent by the Historical Institute?"
"No, we have no institutional backing. If you like, think of my wife and I as tourists."
"Triskelion does not seek to lure tourists. We have no tourist facilities on this planet for out-worlders. I'm uploading a landing program to your guidance system. Upon reaching the spaceport, ask for directions to Central University. Come to the laboratory of Dr. Ektenor." The radio transmission ended.
Azynov glanced at the displayed flight path then activated the spaceship's autopilot. The autopilot said, "De-orbit in 14 minutes."
Yōd plopped herself down in Azynov's lap. She had not bothered to repair her state of partial undress and seemed ready to continue playing with Azynov. She kissed his cheek, nibbled one of his ears and asked casually, speaking quietly into his ear, "Have you ever heard of this Dr. Ektenor?"
Azynov was running a quick database search, trying to learn something about Ektenor. He'd seen a fragment of text about Ektenor's work with robots, but Yōd's lovely flowing hair was now tumbling down upon him, blocking his view of the data screen. Even as he embraced Yōd, he did make an effort to continue thinking about their mission. He tried to reply to Yōd's quesion, "No, but Triskelion seems almost completely cut off from the rest of the Cluster. The various people I have met, such as Tornten Markensin and Dr. Sedre Lamre on Numenes, those who know about the existence of scientific research on Triskelion, none of them were ever able to provide details about that research, nor did they name any particular residents of Triskelion."
Yōd asked, "Sedre Lamre?" Yōd felt a rare surge of jealousy. "Sedre is a woman's name, right? Why didn't you ever tell me-"
Azynov explained, "She was one of the psychologists that I met on Numenes. I'd say she was in her nineties. She told me that Triskelion provides some robots to other worlds of Alastor Cluster, but those machines are mainly used for dangerous tasks like deep planetary crust and asteroid mining. On Numenes, it is the robots who do the dangerous work building their miles-high government buildings..." For the moment, that was as far as Azynov got towards starting their investigation of Triskelion. Azynov gave a mental shrug and told himself that if Yōd was in not interested in discussing the mysteries of Triskelion then he would not try to force her. There would be plenty of time for that once they were on the planet's surface. The rest of their descent from orbit was a wild ride with a steamy Yōd there on the pilot's couch.

Azynov shook the robot's hand. "My name is Azynov and this is Yōd." Yōd fluttered her fingers at the machine but did not touch it. She seemed somewhat dazzled by Danni's rather exotic appearance and was giving the robot a very careful head-to-toe inspection.
After waiting for Yōd to shake hands, Danni slowly lowered its hand. The robot suggested, "Maybe after your long journey you would like to rest or eat."
"No, we are eager to see Dr. Ektenor."
Danni nodded. "Of course! Follow me." As they walked through garden like environment of the campus, Danni provided a tour guide-like description of the University which had been built on a hill. A few humans, apparently students, could be seen moving between the buildings, but there were far more robots out and about. They climbed about half way up University Hill and then Danni pointed to a shiny steel and glass building, "Dr. Ektenor's laboratory is here, in the physics building."
They passed through the front entrance and were met in the lobby by Dr. Ektenor who bowed to both Azynov and Yōd, but he did not offer his hand. Danni performed introductions. Dr. Ektenor was stroking his little goatee beard and looking speculatively back and forth between Danni and Yōd. He suggested, "Why don't we step into Gamevoli's."
Azynov and Yōd recognized Dr. Ektenor's voice as that of the TPLA operator who had spoken to them while they were in orbit. Dr. Ektenor explained, "I pay my taxes to the government by doing odd jobs such as serving as a TPLA operator. We don't get many visitors from Earth, but I'm always interested to hear news from the great home world!"
Gamevoli's was a lounge and restaurant that seemed to be a place for students and physics researchers to relax and refuel. Ektenor, Danni, Azynov and Yōd settled in at a table. A serving robot relayed their drink orders to the kitchen and their drinks quickly appeared, rising out of a hole in the center of the table. Danni did not get a drink, but to Azynov it seemed that Yōd and Danni were drinking each other in with their eyes.
Yōd pulled her frosty mug of beer close to the edge of the table and was startled by the rich, spicy aroma that wafted from the almost pure white foam that rose a fraction of an inch above the rim of the mug. Azynov was not interested in alcohol; he sipped from his tall thin glass of apple juice. With a quick backwards tip of his head, Dr. Ektenor downed his shot of whiskey and set the empty cup back down at the center of the table. The empty shot glass was taken away by the automatic system and almost instantly replaced with another full one that rose up from below.
Taking note of Yōd's seeming reluctance to taste her beer, Danni launched into an intricate description of how beer was produced on Triskelion. He concluded his little lecture on beer making, "So, you see, with the labor shortage, tasks like brewing are left entirely to robots."
Azynov asked Danni, "How is it that robots can satisfy the beer drinkers?" He reached out towards Yōd and they held hands under the table.
The robot replied, "Don't worry about that, Sir. We robots pride ourselves on knowing how to please humans. In the case of beer, human feedback about the quality of each batch is solicited and carefully compiled. Making use of that feedback, through the centuries, the brewerbots have learned their craft well and the beer drinkers are seldom disappointed."
With his second drink in hand, Dr. Ektenor looked at Azynov and Yōd, seemingly content to let them explain in their own way and at their own pace why they had traveled half way across the galaxy to Triskelion. For a few minutes they discussed robots in general and Danni in particular. Yōd said, "In just a short time I've already seen many robots here on Triskelion, but they are not common on other worlds of the Cluster... why is that?"
Dr. Ektenor shrugged. "Having grown up with robots I take them for granted and rarely contemplate how strange they may seem to visitors from other worlds." For a moment he gazed at Danni then he shifted his eyes back to Yōd. Ektenor said, "There are several reasons for the popularity of robots here. Triskelion A is a unique planet in many ways. Probably the most important reason for there being so many robots in our society is that here on Triskelion we have a serious labor shortage. Beer brewing provides an excellent example. Why should humans brew beer when they have more important work to do? Robots like Danni are kind enough to perform jobs that we humans fail... well, let's just say they are unfilled positions."
Danni said brightly, "I'm happy to help with any task that is too boring or difficult or dangerous for a human."
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humanoid robots |
Azynov asked, "Taboo? Do you mean some kind of a social convention that inhibits the addition of robotic laborers to the work force?"
Dr. Ektenor skirted the question. "Almost so, but it is more complex than just that. Before I try to explain, let me ask you both... how do you feel about science and technology? Why are you researching the technology that we have developed here on Triskelion?"
Azynov replied, "We are particularly interested in human genetics."
"Well, I'm a physicist. Here on Triskelion, we scientists are now almost exclusively devoted to exploration of the physical sciences. However, my own work has important implications for biology." Dr. Ektenor asked Danni to go and fetch a hot sizzle roll. Rising to his feet, the robot asked Azynov and Yōd if they wanted anything from the cafeteria buffet and then went to get Ektenor's sizzle roll.
Ektenor lowered his voice and told Azynov and Yōd, "I did not want to offend the robot, but I suspect you know...." Ektenor glanced towards Danni, across the room where the robot was getting the requested food item from the buffet. "... there is a strong anti-robot prejudice among most humans. That is silly and hurtful, but true. Here at the University we have over-come that ancient bias. Robots like Danni are fully appreciated here." Ektenor smiled at Yōd. "I hope you do not mind me saying this... but again it is true... the only real problem with our robots here is the sexual problem. Many people who work here at the university prefer robots as sexual partners. Sadly, that contributes to our labor shortage. With so many people having sex with robots, not enough babies are born on this world. As a consequence, the population of working scholars here at the university continues to decline."
Danni returned with a large plate of sizzle rolls which he set in the center of the table. He announced cheerfully, "There are plenty of rolls for everyone." Danni sat down again and told Ektenor, "I was across the room, but I could still hear you, Dr. Ektenor. My robotic ears are very good at amplifying sound waves." Danni looked at Yōd. "I am well aware of human prejudice against robots. In any case, I am happy to assist humans in any way I can. I let me assure you, I'm always ready and willing to satisfy human sexual needs." The robot winked at Yōd. "It is one of the most gratifying parts of my life; to sexually please humans."
Ektenor told Danni, "Please remember, you are not alive. You are a device, Danni, a machine designed by people."
The robot nodded. "I spoke metaphorically. Also, Dr. Ektenor, remember, I am an advanced robot. Only the early model robots of Triskelion were made by humans. We of the newer generation, we were all designed and crafted by other robots. No human knows how to make a robot as complex as me."
Ektenor sighed. "Yes, Danni, you and your fellow bots are amazing machines, but when you insist on saying that you are alive, that only serves to stimulate the human taboo against robots."
Danni smiled broadly, "Living here at the University, I have never experience prejudice against robots. For me, this taboo is only theoretical. A serious ethical issue for other worlds, but not for the people of Triskelion."
Most of the beer foam had now settled down into the mug. While Danni spoke, Yōd took a small swallow and immediately set the mug back down on the table. She decided that it would take some time for her to get used to this spicy beer.
Azynov took note of a line of white foam that now clung to Yōd's upper lip. He handed her a napkin. She simply set the napkin down beside the mug without taking her eyes off of the robot. Yōd asked Danni, "What is so special about Triskelion? Why has only this world ended anti-robotism and no other?"
Danni began to reply, "We robots-", but Dr. Ektenor cut him off.
"There is a long history of struggle on Triskelion against prejudice..." Dr. Ektenor fell silent and watched Yōd run the tip of her pink tongue slowly around the loop of her lips, twice. Her little foam mustache was now gone. Dr. Ektenor finished his second shot of whiskey and set down the glass with a loud "click".
Yōd said, "I mean... what is so special about Triskelion?"
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in the Phari Reality |
Azynov commented, "I doubt if even vast wealth can erase human prejudices."
"Sadly that is true. In the case of Triskelion, our wealth has made us a leader in physics research. In particular, we have been working for centuries to accumulate enough hierion matter so that we will be able to fracture the space-time continuum." Dr. Ektenor made a violent slashing motion with his hand and struck the table top. "Crack!"
Yōd jumped, released Azynov's hand and moved her chair back, away from the table. Some of her drink had spilled and started running off the edge of the table. Danni reflexively moved to clean up the spill. The robot quickly had his hand in Yōd's lap just in time to catch a few drops of beer before they could touch Yōd's skirt. Danni efficiently contained and wiped up the spill, smiled at Yōd, withdrew his hand from between her legs and licked a few drops of beer off of his hand. Finally, he moved smoothly back to his own chair and sat down again.
One of the staff robots for the restaurant soon arrived at their table, took several wet napkins from Danni, provided Yōd with a new mug of beer, and returned to the kitchen with the old mug.
Yōd was not sure what she had just seen, but for a fraction of a second it had seemed to her that a strange non-human, almost snake-like tongue had shot out from between Danni's lips to lick up the spilled beer. Yōd again took hold of Azynov's hand and asked Dr. Ektenor, "Fractured? For what purpose? Are you researching teleportation?"
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teleportation |
Azynov asked, "What does that mean, Dr. Ektenor? I'm not a physicist. Shielded from what?"
Ektenor replied, "As we have been discussing, we here at the University are shielded from anti-robot prejudice."
Yōd laughed, "Are you saying that human prejudice against robots is like some form of radiation, and you can block the radiation?"
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Azynov and Yōd exchanged glances. Yōd told Dr. Ektenor, "We were not aware that anyone in the... anyone here in Alastor Cluster was aware that humans carry endosymbionts."
"Well, we of Triskelion have not tried to spread word of this amazing idea to other planets. Only a few of us crazy physics researchers actually believe in the existence of endosymbionts. The evidence is quite weak. Ektenor looked at Yōd and stroked his beard in contemplation. "I find it interesting that you seem to know about the endosymbionts."
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Original cover art by Ed Emshwiller. |
Dr. Ektenor frowned. "I should not have spoken of evidence. It is more a matter of theory. In any case, I must admit that we have no direct evidence at all. However, the Colleen Model of human cognitive restriction continues to attract more and more attention here within the physics department of the University. My own lab is trying to obtain physical evidence for the existence of sedrons inside the human brain, which would take us quite far towards providing a foundation of support for the Colleen Model."
Danni suggested, "Maybe our guests would like to meet Colleen."
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femtobots and zeptites |
Dr. Ektenor laughed, "No, Colleen is from Earth, so she had no training in supra-hadron physics. I'd describe her as a technician with an amazing ability to make useful variants of our micro-bubble hierion shields. I've worked with Colleen, off and on, for a period of... my, my... it must be more than 15 years now. She claims... well, why should I repeat her wild claims? I'd be happy to introduce you two to Colleen and she can explain her theory to you in person."
Danni told Ektenor, "I've tried to contact Colleen via the comnetwork, but apparently she is currently off planet." The robot turned to Azynov and Yōd. "However, her partner, Lakum, has invited us to visit their home this evening for dinner."
Dr. Ektenor told Danni, "I will not be able to attend, but tell Lakum that the invitation is accepted... you can fly Azynov and Yōd to Lakum's house. What time is she expecting you to arrive?"
Danni replied, "In three or four hours. However, if tomorrow is better for your schedule..."
"No, no, there is no need for me to be present. I have no interest in playing the role of a fifth wheel. You three go tonight and have a good time."
Danni completed the telecommunications exchange with Lakum's household robot and then announced, "The invitation has been accepted and the date for dinner at the Taddarro residence this evening is confirmed.
Dr. Ektenor told Azynov and Yōd, "Now then, I have time to show you my lab. I will explain the theoretical basis of our hierion shield technology and share with you our theories of how it might be able to keep us free of anti-robot prejudice arising from our zeptite endosymbionts. In the Colleen Model, human behavior is shaped and guided by sub-nanoscopic zeptites that every human carries inside our cells. I believe that humans are programmed by their zeptites to be repulsed by robots. However, for almost ten generations, we here at the University have been shielded by our hierion field. Within this protective field, we can no longer be behaviorally programmed by our zeptites, thus we are free of the anti-robot prejudice. More importantly, we who live here inside the shield are also free to perform research, unlike the humans of other worlds."
Azynov held up his hand, "Now, wait Dr. Ektenor. Are you saying that the reason for the slow rate of technological development here in this Re-". Azynov paused and decided not to mention the word 'Reality'. He continued, "Here in Alastor Cluster is due to these hidden zeptites?"
"I believe that to be the case. And I suspect you know that this phenomenon of technology stagnation is not restricted to only Alastor Cluster; it certainly applies to Earth as well. Across the human universe, almost all humans never consider the possibility of doing scientific research. Only here at the Central University on Triskelion have we managed to become aware of the normal human pattern of cognition, which includes a burning curiosity about the natural world. Thus, new scientific research has become possible here, but nowhere else." Ektenor looked back and forth between Azynov and Yōd, then he told Azynov, "I'm intrigued... both you and Yōd do not seem to be surprised by anything I have told you about zeptite endosymbionts and how they control human behavior."
Yōd nodded. "We are not from your Reality, Dr. Ektenor. We are from outside, from what you might best think of as an alternate Reality. In our Reality, things are quite different... we are free to think, explore... and we are well aware that human bodies contain invisibly small nanites."
Dr. Ektenor nodded. "You sound like Colleen, both with your unusual accent and the way you talk about being from another place or time. Colleen and Lakum claim to be time travelers. Colleen has told me that she arrived here from the distant past... Earth of the far past. Sadly, as a physicist, I don't believe that time travel is possible!" Ektenor stood up and said, "I will now take you to my laboratory and show you our research facilities."
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Yerophet |
Ektenor bowed to Yōd and gingerly shook Azynov's hand. "I'm pleased that you visited my lab. This is the first time that any outsiders have been able to intelligently comment on our research program. I feel that Dr. Azynov and I are kindred souls! Feel free to return for another visit if you need more information. If I do see you again, I will try to be better about suppressing my fear of contact with outsiders. I live in constant fear of being infected by zeptites and losing my ability to function as a scientist. Now, Danni is indicating rather emphatically that you should be moving on to your dinner appointment."
Danni flew Yōd and Azynov to the home of Colleen and Lakum Taddorra, which was outside the city, a short aircar flight from the University campus. Lakum was there waiting to greet them along with her three children and a large staff of household robots moved quietly through the house performing their duties. The children were introduced as Sherylyn, Kresso and Myquena.
Lakum instructed her children, "Say hello to our guests from Earth."
Shery said, "I see Dr. Ektenor sent along Danni as their..." She paused and smiled at Yōd, ""
Lakum waved a hand to indicate that the children and guests should seat themselves at the large dining table. Danni pulled out a chair for Yōd who sat down and then Danni slid her close to the table. Yōd giggled and said, "Thank you, Danni."
Danni then gave the same treatment to Shery who asked the robot, "How is Vyky?"
Danni slid Shery's chair close to the table then seated himself. "Vyky is doing quite well, but I have on occasion heard her express regret that you no longer call for videophone chats."
Shery shrugged, "I've taught her everything I know. Dr. Ektenor seemed pleased with the results."
Danni winked at Shery, "Vyky is the expert at pleasing Dr. Ektenor." The robot picked up a pitcher of ice water and offered to fill a glass for Yōd.
Azynov said to Yōd, "This robot has been programmed to behave like a gentleman."
Shery warned Yōd, "Be careful, Yōd, it starts with Danni filling your glass and then before you know it he's filling up your-"
Lakum said, "Careful Shery, I sense that Yōd and Azynov are a couple."
Azynov told Lakum, "Relax... Yōd is a big girl." He turned his head back towards Shery, "Yōd knows how to take care of herself."
Kresso giggled, "You've never dealt with robots." She told Yōd, "You'd be impressed by how attentive they are to human needs and desires."
Azynov suggested, "When in Rome do as the..." He looked speculatively at Danni. "I suppose we need to learn the social conventions of Triskelion for human-robot interactions."
Yōd patted Kresso's hand and told the girl, "I welcome your advice. I suppose growing up with robots has made you an expert on how to interact with them. With your help, I'll be guided by your experience and not commit any social blunders."
Kresso looked at Yōd and shook her head, "So you say..." She glanced at Azynov then returned her eyes to Yōd, "... but you've already made up your mind about Danni."
Myquena, Lakum's youngest child said, "I can't make up my mind. Is Danni supposed to be a boy or a girl?"
Lakum explained, "Danni was an important robotics project for Dr. Ektenor, back when he was trying to work through some self-doubt about his sexual identity." She smiled at Danni. "Dr. Ektenor wanted Danni to be male, but with many feminine qualities. Danni did Dr. Ektenor a world of good, so the project was a success. I'm sorry if Danni's androgynous nature confuses you, Myquena."
Myquena said, "Why did Dr. Ektenor struggle with sexual identity? He is a boy, like me. Why make a weird robot that will confuse everyone?"
Kresso spoke while staring intently at Yōd, "Some people enjoy experimenting with ambiguous situations."
Looking into the girl's big eyes, Yōd felt like Kresso was reading her mind. She laughed uneasily and said, "I'm not afraid of Danni. I'm quite secure in my own sexuality."
Lakum said, "My, my, the conversation has taken an interesting turn. Let me remind you all why we are here." She rested her eyes upon Yōd and asked, "Who else is hungry, besides me?" She waved her hand as a signal to the waiting household robots and they burst into synchronized action, quickly served the meal and then they all departed from the room. Lakum looked with some unease upon Danni who had seated himself with the guests but made no move to participate in the eating. Then she told Azynov, "I regret that Colleen could not be here to speak with you. She is visiting Yerophet. We have heard rumors that the Kerub natives of Yerophet have telepathic powers. Colleen went to investigate, leaving me here to care for the children."
Lakum's oldest daughter, Sherylyn, said, "I would have been happy to skip school and go to Yerophet with mom."
Lakum told Azynov and Yōd, "Shery is preparing for her mathematics qualifying exam. She enjoys traveling to other worlds, but this is not a good time for her to abandon or delay her studies." She told Sherylyn, "You should not be gallivanting around the Cluster at this time, not if you really want to start your university courses next month."
Azynov asked Sherylyn, "What kind of mathematics are you interested in?"
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Zeptite Disruption |
Yōd asked Lakum, "Wouldn't Shery have been able to continue her math studies while traveling to Yerophet?"
Lakum shook her head sternly. "The Kerub seem to be able to induce hallucinations in people. I reluctantly allowed Colleen to go investigate Yerophet, but do not care to risk the minds of my young children."
Shery objected, "I'm not a child any more. You and mom are so old-fashioned... creatures of the past!"
Lakum told her daughter, "Don't judge us too harshly, sweetie. We prefer to err on the side of being over-protective of our beloved children."
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Time travel technology. |
Lakum nodded. "When Colleen and I worked together on Earth, it was far back in time, in Earth's distant past. When it came time for Colleen and I to retire, we decided that this world, Triskelion, is where we wanted our children to grow up. At first, we bought a small home inside the boundary of the hierion shield of the University. Our dream is that our children will become part of a better future, a future that will see human liberation from the constraints that are normally imposed by zeptite endosymbionts. When the number of our children grew and after Colleen developed a portable shield technology, we moved out here to this larger and more comfortable home."
Yōd commended Lakum, "Yours is a noble dream! We are quite interested in technology development projects. Today we heard from Dr. Ektenor about his research and he spoke to us about what he called the Colleen Model of human cognition. Azynov and I had hoped to learn some details about that Model."
Lakum nodded. "Yes, Danni has kept me informed about your visit to the physics department today. I am quite familiar with K-" She paused briefly, smiled and then continued without using Dr. Ektenor's first name. "-Ektenor and his research, but you really need to speak to Colleen... or, perhaps my oldest daughter can discuss supra-hadron physics with you."
Shery said, "It was mom who led Ektenor to his current research program. Kicking and resisting, initially, but now he is a believer in the existence of zeptites. Sadly, nobody has yet isolated a sedron, but I hope to achieve that goal with a new type of micro-hieron filter."
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the Hierion Domain |
Shery slowly shook her head then replied, "It is very sad. So much time has been wasted! Until recently, physics research has been systematically suppressed, during the entire space age."
Yōd wondered out loud, "Why have a small group of people here on this world been allowed to escape from the restrictions on research and technology development?"
Shery explained, "According to my parents, this is only the latest in a series of Realities stretching far back into Deep Time. In the First Reality, humans were strictly restricted from developing a technological society. Then the positronic robots of Earth discovered how to liberate humans from the restrictions imposed by zeptite endosymbionts. Free to pursue scientific studies, humans of the Foundation Reality actually became telepathic. However, that Reality was eventually replaced by this new Reality, the universe of our existence. Here, zeptite endosymbionts were again used to slow human technological progress. Lucky for me, I am one of the few people who has been able to escape from the deleterious effects of zeptites."
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the Foundation Reality |
Danni asked, "Can you provide more details about these positronic robots?"
Lakum sighed. "Sadly, no. They may have all been destroyed by the Kac'hin at the end of the Foundation Reality. Here in this Reality, it is up to us to again discover how to endow humans with telepathic communication. There are only ancient legends suggesting a link between positronic robots and human telepathy."
Danni pressed the point, "As a robot, I am intrigued by the idea of positronic robots who knew the secret of telepathy. If these amazing robots no longer exist, how do you know about them?"
Lakum looked at Danni with narrowed eyes. "I don't want to offend you, Danni, but robots like you, here in this Reality, are not nearly as sophisticated as the robots of Deep Time. When I was young and being trained for my mission on Earth, the positronic robots were viewed as mythological beings, legendary figures. It was they who saved the human species from extinction, from being replaced by the Prelands. We all owe our existence to the great robots of the past, particularly R. Gohrlay and R. Nyrtia. I'm skeptical about the idea that robots might have once known something useful about telepathy. No... that is absurd... telepathy is a biological phenomenon, a way of linking human minds."
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Lakum told Shery, "Don't dismiss the views of people who are older and wiser than you."
Kresso asked Lakum, "If you are going to argue about religion again, can we be excused?"
Lakum allowed Kresso and Myquena to leave the table. The two young children departed from the room and the robot staff cleared away the dinner dishes and brought dessert. Azynov asked Lakum, "During your training in preparation for your work on the ancient Earth, did you make any use of virtual realities?"
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Time travel to the past. |
Azynov gushed, "You have visited the Paleolithic? I am filled with envy. What an adventure that must have been!"
Lakum reached out and placed one of her hands on top of Asimov's hand. "I suspect that you have had grand adventures of your own."
Yōd asked, "Where was this simulator of Earth's past located?"
"I was given access to the Reality Simulator designed by R. Nyrtia. As far as I know, all of the Reality Simulators are housed in the Hierion Domain and accessed through the Eternity space-time bubble."
Yōd said, "Fascinating! I've hear rumors about R. Nyrtia, but I never met her. I'd love to hear in detail what you know about those legendary robots sometime. As you say, positronic robots are like heroes of an ancient past... however, Anynov and I have a personal interest in Reality Simulation technology."
Lakum told Yōd, "I'm surprised to find someone here in Alastor Cluster who is familiar with Reality Simulation technology. However, your accent and Azynov's make me wonder if you are originally from Earth. Have you been to Eternity?"
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Visions of Eternity |
Shery commented, "Strangely, nobody but my parents ever claimed to have knowledge of this mysterious Eternity... until now." She looked back and forth between Azynov and Yōd and then asked, "Are you really from another Reality?"
Yōd told Shery, "Eternity is hidden in the Hierion Domain and the Reality Simulators were locked away. A special key is needed for access to the Simulators."
Lakum laughed, "Yes, well... not all that special. One only needs to have the correct nanites in order to activate a Simulator."
Azynov asked Lakum, "What do you mean by 'correct'?"
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the Jarnell Intersplit |
Shery returned with one of the slim electronic books that were in common use throughout Alastor Cluster. She activated the book and read a passage out loud, "The positronic robots were masters of hierion technologies including femtobots. At Observer Base, femtobots were used for many purposes including medical and cosmetic nanite applications as well as infites. Infites functioned for memory sharing and as encryption and security keys." She handed the book to Lakum.
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Yōd asked, "Who gave you these infites?"
"Qaz Nivsaham."
Shery giggled. "The nanoscopic robot."
Danni asked, "A nanoscopic robot?"
Lakum told Danni, "There is no reason for robots to be the same size as humans, particularly if you make them out of femtobot components. Qaz supervised the last phase of my training while I was in Eternity."
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Lakum turned off the book. "I'm not sure that Colleen intends to publish her writings." She glared at Danni in a rather unfriendly way.
Shery said, "Mom has talked to me about publishing her memoir after she is dead." Shery winked at Yōd. "I suppose there are some secrets from their past in the memoir that would embarrass my parents."
The meal complete and all the dishes having been cleared away by the robots, Shery and Azynov went into the family room and had a long discussion of their shared interests in mathematics and science. Lakum gave Yōd a full tour of the house. Then Yōd said, "I only got a brief look at your beautiful garden on the way into the house." It was a pleasant warm evening, so Lakum took Yōd on a walk through the grounds, including the rose garden. Danni, having attached himself to Yōd, went along for the tour and remained close to her side.
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June 2020 |
Part 2 "Robots of Triskelion",
Part 3 "Kresso",
Part 4 "The Sybski Effect",
Part 5 "The Iidi,
Part 6 "Maturin" and
Part 7 "Frost Hills to Bailisbury"
of the above story...
featuring the continuing adventures of
Azynov and Yōd inside the AR Simulator,
with Colleen, Lakum, Sherylyn, Kresso, Myquena,
Dr. Ektenor, Qaz, Danni and other robots of Triskelion.
Next: Investigating the Qaz-Lakum connection at Observer Base
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visit the Gallery of Book and Magazine Covers |
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Armageddon By Markkus3D - CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 |
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