Dec 20, 2018

800 Realities

Last year when I reached 700 posts to this blog it was a good time to celebrate my collaborators such as Yōd. This is now the 800th post to the wikifiction blog and I feel like I might have jinxed my relationship with Yōd. After I celebrating her value as a collaborator, she recently departed from Earth. I believe that Yōd is now trapped inside the AR Simulator, trying to help Azynov investigate the origins of special human gene combinations that were developed during the far future of the Asimov Reality. I'm going to use this blog post to reflect on the many past Realities of our Earthly Reality Chain.

800 Realities
recent Realities
I've been led to believe that we now exist in the Final Reality. However, back when time travel was possible, many different Realities were brought into existence, creating a vast chain of linked Realities in Deep Time. Time travel apparently became possible when the Huaoshy altered the dimensional structure of the universe so as to make possible faster-than light travel through space.

When Yōd teleported to Observer Base, she left behind a gift: a collection of infites. I've been slowly assimilating the vast collection of information in those information nanites. There are hints in the Yōd infites that suggest the possibility that one particular positronic robot (R. Nyrtia) was responsible for creating a link between time travel and the hierion-based technology of the Phari. Without that link, which is responsible for the inertia of time, there would never have been so many different Realities. Because successive Realities were forced to be similar to previous Realities, it became possible for the residents of Eternity to search for -and systematically shape- better Realities.

The comfortable conclusion to be drawn is that the Final Reality is in some sense optimized for we humans and for long-term human survival in the future. However, there are other possibilities. It seems likely that the Huaoshy were intent on replacing we humans with another primate species, the Prelands. The Huaoshy were apparently forced to accept the idea that humans should be allowed to explore the galaxy.

The Foundation Reality
The first Reality in which humans used space travel to spread between the stars was the Foundation Reality. What we know about the Foundation Reality comes almost entirely from the science fiction stories of Isaac Asimov. In the Foundation Reality, Asimov was a science journalist, helping the people of Earth adapt to the rapid changes in technology that were made possible by help from R. Gohrlay's positronic robots and their Asterothrope agent on Earth, Trysta Iwedon.

The Asimov Reality
the Asimov Reality
When the Huaoshy finally realized that time travel was possible, they recognized that Asimov was somehow linked to R. Gohrlay. Working through their Kac'hin agent, Grean, the Huaoshy turned Asimov into a time traveler. This brought into existence a new Reality that has come to be known as the Asimov Reality. In the Asimov Reality, there were two "copies" of Asimov. The older Asimov who has been brought over from the Foundation Reality was able to learn about the far future of the Foundation Reality when he received a set of infites from a positronic robot who had been hunted down and "killed" by Grean.

The older Asimov became a mentor for his analogue in the Asimov Reality, passing along ideas for science fiction stories. Those science fiction stories told the "future history" of events in the Foundation Reality.

The course of technological development in the Asimov Reality was quite different than that of the Foundation Reality. In the Foundation Reality, humans were provided (by positronic robots) with space travel technology based upon hierion physics. In the Asimov Reality, an alternative form of space travel (based upon sedronic technology) was made available to Earthlings by Grean. This was a serious violation of the Rules of Intervention, but under the terms of the Trysta-Grean Pact, the entire Asimov Reality was going to be "erased" and replaced by another Reality, so it was permissible to provide humans with the "intersplit" space drive technology.

The Ekcolir Reality
Almost everything that we know about the "intersplit" space drive technology and the future of Humanity in the Asimov Reality comes from the science fiction stories of Jack Vance. In the Ekcolir Reality, the "analogue of Jack Vance" was a pair of twins. With the help of the Writers Block, those twins competed to publish science fiction stories that told the future history of the Asimov Reality. A major goal of the Writers Block was to prepare the people of Earth for First Contact with the Buld. As a special human variant from the galactic core, the Buld would be permitted to share some hierion-based technology with humans.

In the Ekcolir Reality, an attempt was made to save Earth from global warming by supplying a source of clean energy. However, that plan to use hierions to solve Earth's energy problems failed.

The Buld Reality
Another Reality, the Buld Reality, was brought into existence in order to find a way to save Earth from ecological catastrophe. Under the terms of the Trysta-Grean Pact, there was no allowed knowledge of hierions or sedrons for Earthlings of the 20th century. In the 21st century, hierions could be mentioned on Earth, but only in the context of science fiction stories.

The Final Reality
the First Reality
There is some weak evidence suggesting that the Buld Reality was not the Final Reality. In the Buld Reality, some Interventionist agents were at work, trying to slip knowledge of alien technologies to the people of Earth. It appears that Earth was carefully "scrubbed" of all sources of information that violated the Trysta-Grean Pact.

The End of Eternity
In the late 20th century of the Final Reality, the Huaoshy altered the dimensional structure of the universe so as to make impossible any further time travel, locking in place the Final Reality. At the other end of the time continuum is the First Reality.

The First Reality
In the First Reality, upon arriving in our galaxy the pek discovered the Phari, an ancient lifeform that had developed advanced hierion-based technology. As was their practice, the pek absorbed the Phari into the sedronic domain of life. However, Many Sails began a research project designed to explore Phari technology.

Of particular interest to Many Sails was a Phari technology that came to be known as the Bimanoid Interface. This was a form of technology-assisted technology applying hierion-based femtobots in much the same way that the pek made use of sedron-based zeptites.

Ultimately, that research project found evidence that suggested the existence of a strange type of hierion-based natural telepathy. This form of telepathy seemed highly inefficient and severely constrained by the effects of high temperatures in biological organisms. Many Sails eventually realized that an artificial lifeform might be better suited for exploring hierion-based telepathy.

Many Sails arranged for a group of scientists to begin experiments with hierion-based natural telepathy. This led to the creation of R. Gohrlay and the accidental discovery that positronic brains allow for a powerful form of telepathy. The telepathic abilities of positronic robots allowed we humans to be liberated from the pek. R. Nyrtia then discovered that positronics can allow for quantum calculations that make time travel possible.
time travel

The Mallansohn Reality
Just before the Foundation Reality was the Mallansohn Reality, as described by Asimov in his novel The End of Eternity. Between the First Reality and the Mallansohn Reality were many other Realities. Some of these caused large changes to Earth's timeline and others were minor changes (what can be called microchanges).

An Ek'col male and an
Asterothrope female
R. Gohrlay was trying to discover a way to defend Humanity against the Huaoshy while also preventing the human species from changing. R. Gohrlay was programmed to protect and serve humans, but humans have a penchant for developing new technologies that lead to technological catastrophes.

When R. Gohrlay created the the Asterothropes, she had a prototype for a telepathic human, but the hermaphroditic Asterothropes were not quite human. Eventually, upon further human genetic experimentation and with help from the Phari, R. Gohrlay was finally able to create fully telepathic humans. The Ek'col and the tryp'At were used to bring into existence the Final Reality.

Bimanoid Interface
It now appears that under the terms of the Trysta-Grean Pact, no telepathic humans are to remain on Earth. Will human telepaths be allowed in the future, or has the recent change in the Bimanoid Interface put an end to establishing a population of human telepaths on Earth?

Another important remaining technological mystery is if the current dimensional structure of the universe is compatible with an ability of hadronic lifeforms (such as humans) being able to travel through space at speeds greater than the speed of light. If the Trysta-Grean Pact won for we humans the chance to spread from Earth to the stars, it might be a hollow victory if our species can never travel faster than the speed of light.

Another key provision of the Trysta-Grean Pact is that the people of Earth are to be allowed to know how the alien Phari and Huaoshy shaped the course of events on Earth. However, those revelations can only take the form of science fiction stories and no physical evidence for alien visitors to Earth is allowed.

First Fiction
Telling stories about alien influences on Humanity can be traced back to Observer Base in the First Reality. Gohrlay became friends with a group of writers known as the Escapist Clan. The analogues of those earliest science fiction story tellers became Fixed Points in Time and include Asimov, Vance and Clarke.

The Retrofuturian Movement
In the Exode Saga, there are many other important story tellers: Thomas Iwedon (and his clone, Parthney), Ivory Fersoni (and her clone sisters), the Editor, Rylla and also the Gohrlay clones such as Zeta and Roben. In addition to the members if the Writers Block, the Dead Widowers and the Retrofuturians have tried to make it possible for the Secret History of Humanity to be told.

Next: the brave new world of 1966
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