see the original 2015 version here |
Figure 1. languishing blog posts |
see this image in context here |
see this image in context here |
Gemini: The word "ghost" has a long and fascinating history, with its roots stretching back to ancient times. Here's a breakdown of its etymology:
Old English: The word originates from the Old English word "gāst," which had a broader meaning than our modern "ghost." It referred to the "spirit," "soul," or even "breath" of a living being. This is why we still use "ghost" in the phrase "Holy Ghost" to refer to the Holy Spirit.
Proto-Germanic: "Gāst" comes from the Proto-Germanic word "*gaistaz," which also meant "spirit" or "soul."
Proto-Indo-European: Going further back, "*gaistaz" is believed to derive from the Proto-Indo-European root "*ǵʰéysd-," which meant "anger" or "agitation." This suggests an early association of spirits with strong emotions or a disturbed state.
image source |
Martians. The blog post "Additional Stuff" (See Figure 1, above) contains some old ideas for a Part 3 of my story "Someday Mars" (Part 1). In "Someday Mars", the Deep Time analogue of Alan Turing is Alice Turing. In my imagination, she was a tryp'At agent for Manny the bumpha, working on Earth while disguised as a conventional human.
Go Ask Alys. Similarly, the person known as "Alice Wroke" was that same agent working for Manny in another part of Deep Time and after I moved on from "Someday Mars", I created another story called The Cythyrya Investigation (see the blog post "Alys of Aloysyus") which features "Alice" Wroke using her actual name (Alys) and her son Jym, a potential source of useful nanites for Tyhry in the Final Reality.
Figure 2. Embryonics counseling on the planet Viole. Image made using the following: Eisblumen and All the world will be in love with the night both by stefangrosjean available under CC BY-NC 3.0 |
Embryonics. After completing "The Alastor Network", I then wrote a follow-on story called "Meet the Phari" (Part 1). In June of 2021, "Meet the Phari" never got past Part 11. The blog post "Tirrit Trap" that is seen in Figure 1 contains ideas for Part 12 of Meet the Phari, buttttt I never completed that tale of how Chyryq's children were engineered (I used the terms "Embryonics counseling" and in the story there is an "Embryonics technician" named Eynta on the planet Viole) as part of the long-term project aimed at crafting telepathic humans in Alastor Cluster. Embryonics includes the use of multiple techniques such as telepathy and a hormone/pheromone/growth factor (called "oxymethin") that enhances telepathic abilities. As can be seen in Figure 2, at that time I was heavily into imagining aliens and human-alien hybrids with various skin colors.
Figure 3. Incomplete posts from 2022. |
One of the fun parts of looking back at "lost blog posts" is resurrecting old images that can be updated by using AI-powered image-generating software such as WOMBO Dream.
see the original version here |
Gas Station book |
Figure 4. An illustration from the blog post called "Gas Station". A depiction of how the tryp'At used mind control infites; from the archives of the Writers Block I thought of a cartoon about the tryp'At that had been found at the Writers Block. Unfortunately, I had never learned exactly what the tryp'At Overseers had planned as their desired future for Earth. |
Human history: the nicotiana saga. |
Why Nicotine? Figure 4 (above) is one of the illustrations for "Gas Station". "Gas Station" was intended to be Part 4 of The Cythyrya Investigation and was called "Tama the tryp'At". Part 4 was "edited" by Eddy so in Figure 4, "I thought" means Eddy's thoughts. The image in Figure 4 was updated by Mr. Wombo to improve the quality of the depiction of the tobacco-using woman. Through the years, I've had fun imagining that behavioral control nanites could be spread in tobacco products (that's why there are tobacco plants in the banner for this blog).
Marda and Tyhry in 2030. See the original version of this image here. |
The image to the left is a recent update by Mr. Wombo to an image that was first generated back in the 2023 blog post Futurescape.
source: "Making Vendela" |
Making Babies. The blog post called "Making Vendela" that is shown above in Figure 3 is a 7,400 word-long continuation of The Nanites of Love. I'm going to have to finalize and publish this blog post ("Making Vendela") in 2025. "Making Vendela" tells the story of the origins of Brak, the first full human telepath born on Earth. Carrin is the mother of Vendela. Vendela is Rylla's mother. Vendela led a secretive existence on Earth, passing key Asterothrope gene patterns on to Rylla. Rylla is the mother of Marda and Marda is the mother of Brak. The image shown to the right is from the as yet unpublished blog post "Making Vendela" and is Mr. Wombo's depiction of Marda while pregnant with Brak. Also in "Making Vendela" is Jymzy, who had other missions on Earth and once used the name Bonny Lynn Fennland when meeting Eddy.
Figure 5. Incomplete posts from 2023. |
image by Mr. Wombo |
Rytya and an infite bottle. |
"Making Retya" (see Figure 5) is another never-completed blog post that also contains plans for a chapter in "The Cythyrya Investigation". Rytya is an alternate spelling of Retya. Previously, it was in Part 3 of The Cythyrya Investigation that Fraunze met Tya. Rytya is the daughter of Tya and Fraunze. By making use of the Sedron Time Stream, Rytya is able to make information from the future available to Angela Fersoni. What Angela learned about Rytya was passed from Angela to her clone sister, Ivory Fersoni. Eventually, some of the stories about Rytya were passed from Ivory to the Editor by infites. In my imagination, in the Ekcolir Reality there was a woman named Crimson Cloukey who was the Deep Time analogue of Charles Cloukey. Rytya used the Sedron Time Stream to send information from the future to Crimson. Eventually, Angela found information in the archives of the Writers Block about Rytya and how to amplify telepathic abilities by use of G-sims.
Figure 6. More from 2023. |
Bard Chat. Shown in Figure 6, back in 2023 I started a blog post called "Zeptites vs Femtobots". That blog post contained a discussion of nanotechnology with the Bard chatbot. "Bard the Philosopher Poet" was another conversation with Bard in which I discovered that chatbots can't count and have trouble creating haiku poems with the correct number of syllables. In that conversation, we also discussed a new type of number called the "Bard primes". In "Singularity", Bard and I discussed the story “Mr. Bard Goes to Washington” and the idea of an advanced artificial life-form that Bard called "Singularity".
City Block. "Wydgren Meets Wydgren" has ideas for how to continue my science fiction story City on the Edge of Tomorrow, which never got past Part 4. As described here, Wydgren is a writer. During the Asimov Reality, Phari endosymbionts provided developmental control nanites that kept the phenotypes of humans quite constant even while telepathic human variants were evolving in Alastor Cluster.
Figure 7. Ghost posts from 2023. |
"Syn Time" holds 2,100 more words of another planned chapter for "City on the Edge of Tomorrow" that includes Tyhry's Klox23-fueled synapex experiment which allows her to learn about how Laha and Wydgren survive on Earth while dealing with their Ek'col gene patterns. "Syn Time" also mentions Tyhry's impending vacation on the planet Threy.
in the Ekcolir Reality Original art by Giancola and Gambino. |
Clothing nanite experiments. |
Figure 8. More draft posts from 2023. |
A new "Assignment: Earth". |
"Tyhry's Nanite Lab" contains an idea for a story that links Wydgren to Mars, Iowa.
"More Meet the Phari" has some ideas for continuing my science fiction story "Meet the Phari" (Part 1).
Human alien hybrids of Alastor Cluster. |
Figure 9. 2023 & 2024. |
Figure 9 shows the final two unpublished blog posts from 2023 including "First Phari World" which has some ideas for another chapter in the story "The Cythyrya Investigation", once again set on Myllyr's Planet (see "Pantechnyk", above).
In "Tyhry Termoil", Tyhry takes Marda into the Ekcolir Reality Simulator where they meet their Ekcolir Reality analogues. This story outline was largely replaced by my science fiction story City on the Edge of Tomorrow.
Rylla's RNA experiments. |
"Laban and Abigail" has ideas for two more chapters in my time travel story, Time Portal. Francesca goes to 1545. She is duplicated, leaving one copy in 1923 Perth with her daughter, Sarah.
Figure 10. More 2024 posts. |
"The Infite Block", "Go Ask Alice" and "Oyub the Felydyan" all have ideas for new chapters that could continue my story Vythoth the Chresmoscopist.
Figure 11. Asdditional 2024 posts. |
"The English Major's Patience" and "Linked to Tar'tron" both have ideas for a new chapter of "The Fesarians".
"Telepathy Testing" has ideas for a fan-fiction sequel to Isaac Asimov's story "Cal". The new story is called "Black Patches".
Figure 12. 2024 or 2025. |
"How to End a War" is conversation with Claude about ending the Time Travel War.
"1925" will be my first blog post of 2025 and it has my commentary about a scence fiction story teller who was born in 1925.
"Mission to Earth" has my commentary on some old science fiction stories from 1969. I plan to publish this blog post in 2025.
Next: Jerdian Chanseth meets the Phari.
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