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Part 2 of The Cythyrya Investigation actually takes place almost 20 years before the events in Part 1. Here in 2022, Rylla and Rey have recently begun visiting the far future of the Asimov Reality Simulation where they are attempting to retrieve a type of nanotechnology that might allow for re-activation of the Observer Base teleportation system. My visions of the future suggest that they, or their children, will still be working towards this elusive goal some 20 years in our future.
Part 2 of The Cythyrya Investigation (Part 1)
Zeta, Rylla and their two daughters were telepathically visiting the twins, Alpha and Beta, at their home inside the Reality Simulation System. To facilitate their trance state, all the room lights were off and only light from my computer's big display screen was providing a feeble flickering illumination of Zeta and Rylla where they relined in their chairs.
I was searching through the Index to the Reality Simulator, an always fascinating pass-time which allowed me to familiarize myself with the structure and extent of galactic civilization in past Realities such as the Asimov Reality. Sometimes, I stumbled upon a bookmark in the Index that marked a specific time and place. These bookmarks never failed to provoke in me a wanderlust, a desire to investigate what made that particular place special and important. There were six people and three cats there in the living room, but no sound. I looked away from the computer display screen towards Rey and repeated my question, speaking quietly, "Could it go all the way back to the Phari?"
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I mused, "Then maybe when Manny brought you out of the Simulation, your whole body was assembled from those Phari hierions."
Rey covered my hand (my hand that was on her arm) with one of hers. "And your bones are made up of calcium atoms that were once inside a star. So what?"
Rey's arm felt warm and human. I rationally knew that although she was an artificial life-form, a niaf, her femtobot components could precisely mimic a human body. The palms of her hands are strangely smooth, one of the features of femtobot artificial people. And upon close inspection, Rey did not really look like a typical human. She had some exotic features that I associated with Prelands and other facial structures that I thought might be derived from the Nyrturians. I was looking at her weirdly protruding lips and I suppose it crossed my mind to wonder what they might feel like on my penis. With high levels of oxypathin and clytykynyn hormones in my blood, it was impossible for me to avoid sexual fantasies. I pushed away thoughts of sexplay with Rey and tried to keep my mind on business. "So, was it only because of Manny that you were able to escape from the Simulator or could someone else, even me, extract nanites from a Simulation and bring them into the real world?"
As a positronic robot, Rey did not find it easy to stand-by and let people suffer. With her telepathic link to my mind, Rey was perfectly aware that I was suffering from a powerful hormone-driven desire to have sex, and since Rey's sexy body was so close to me, my sexual cravings were increasingly focused on her.
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Preland |
Rey took hold of my hand and pushed my index finger into her hot mouth. Suddenly, my subjective reality fractured and I had the sensation of my finger being inside Rey's allzaurish while she was sucking on my erection. I was completely under the telepathic control of Rey and I moved the tips of my fingers on my other hand to rub the big stiff glans of Rey's Nyrturian-style clitoris. When my mind began to notice something other than my artificially-induced state of erotic excitement, I sensed that Zeta and Rey were telepathically discussing me. Zeta said: I can't leave you two alone for a minute.
Rey giggled and reminded Zeta: You are the one who started experimenting with those hormones. They leave his mind particularly susceptible to my telepathic manipulations.
I like to keep him horny so that he'll have sex with me, not you. Zeta asked Rey: What are you trying to tell me about Tony?
Rey replied: You better bring yourself and Rylla back from your trance, or sleep2 or what ever you call it... I think we are about to have company.
I was vaguely aware of that telepathic conversation between Rey and Zeta and I knew that we were all linked together in some telepathic group mind space, but I was locked in a kind of dream state where my only concern was erotic pleasure. Then Rey withdrew from my mind and I returned to normal consciousness and my sensation of sweet sexual pleasure was replaced by the agony of my erect penis crammed uncomfortably inside my pants. Just then, I saw Tihri slide out of Zeta's lap to the floor. Zeta sat up and was drying off her breast where just a moment before Tihri had been attached to a nipple where a synapex connection had existed between their nervous systems. Tihri pointed to the front window and said "Tony needs help."
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I glanced at Rylla and saw Marda pop off of a nipple. Marda went to stand beside Tihri and they both were looking out the window. For a moment, I could see Rylla's two sets of breasts then the screen saver on the computer screen activated and the room was then only lit by moonlight coming in through the window. Zeta buttoned up her blouse and told Rylla, "Rey detected an intruder."
Tihri said, "Tony, mommy."
I had not seen Anthony for several weeks, but occasionally Tihri or Marda mentioned him, so I suppose he was still hanging around, following Nyrtia's instructions and 'watching over us'. I would have gone out to the garage, but walking would have been difficult in my priapic condition. Zeta was in my thoughts: Don't go out there. Let the niafs deal with her.
I asked: Her?
Rylla went out through the front door. Zeta told me: Anthony says it is a Tinzy clone.
Suddenly, Anthony was there with Tihri and Marda and apparently trying to protect them from the intruder. The robot picked them up, one in each of his arms. His legs then grew to full size as more of Anthony's femtobot components arrived and fully re-assembled his body and he attained his normal height. Will I ever get used to seeing artificial life-forms re-arrange their nanite components and take on whatever form is most convenient?
The SUV was coming back up the driveway, still without its headlights on. The vehicle stopped and a woman got out. Rylla put an arm around her waist and led her into the house through the front door. I was able to stand up, but it was Zeta who greeted our guest with a blunt question. "Why are you snooping around here?"
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The clones of Sogdian |
Anthony said, "This is one of Manny's agents... she started watching the house about an hour ago. She's a copy of Jyryl Tynzy." He looked at me and added, "Zan Zu or Drusilla and otherwise." Marda and Tihri were squirming in his arms and now he set them down on the floor.
Rey came back into the living room and walked right up to the Jyryl copy and asked, "How should we refer to you? I see a dozen aliases in your mind."
"Manny sent me to Earth to play the role of an Earthling named Jutta Holgenner, so that is as good a name as any." Jutta approached me and said, "After I got your replicoid copy off of Earth, I was free to make a life for myself."
Jyryl looked like a cute middle-age woman. I asked, "You are a replicoid?"
Jutta shook her head. "I'm biological. I'm a clone of Jyryl."
I could telepathically sense that Zeta did not believe Manny would send someone to sneak up on us and spy on our house. Zeta asked skeptically, "How long have you been living on Earth?"
Jutta replied, "I grew up on Earth and I'm the same age as you two." She glanced back and forth between Zeta and me. "Like you, I make use of medical nanites to take care of myself and keep myself looking young. I grew up with talkative artificial life-form inside my brain, coaching me about my mission on Earth and how to use my... our nanites. I have no genetic defects, so I should live to be at least 100."
Marda and Tihri were standing quite close to Jutta and looking up at her. Marda said, "143".
Gesturing towards the kids, Rylla spoke to Anthony, "Go ahead and start getting those two ready for bed." Anthony took Tihri and Marda down the hallway. Rylla asked Jutta, "How did you find us?"
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"I started with what little I learned from John Smith." Jutta looked from Rylla to me. She smiled rather broadly and said, "143! Wow..."
I said, "Tihri and Marda have links into the sedron time stream, so they can get glimpses of the future."
Jutta nodded and told me, "I spent several years with your replicoid copy. He knew that you must be somewhere on Earth, but he had no interest in finding you. He was laying low and hoping Manny would forget about him... but eventually I did convince him to depart from Earth. But it was only after I found your blog that I was able to fit together the puzzle pieces... and so, here I am."
I said nervously. "This is very bad news. I've carefully concealed the location of this house. The blog is full of misdirection."
Jutta giggled. "It was actually my ability to hack into international travel records that allowed me to solve the mystery." She looked at Rylla and said, "All the travel between Perth and Phoenix at particular times gave it away. Then it was just a matter of examining real estate transactions. Still, I suppose I should have sent you a letter... as an introduction. When Anthony suddenly appeared inside my rental car, I about wet myself. I thought that having replicoids on Earth would violate the terms of the Pact! Anyhow... it was a long drive out from Phoenix and I do need to pee."
Zeta showed Jutta where the nearest toilet was. Tihri was telepathically signalling to Zeta, so after taking Jutta to the guest facilities, Zeta quickly passed through the living room and then went down the hallway to find the kids. Zeta told me telepathically: I hope the fact that she found us does not mean that we will need to move.
Rey told me, "Manny and her tricks. I think she is trying to send us a message."
"If Manny wanted to tell us something then she could drop in for a visit." I asked Rey, "What do you think Manny is trying to accomplish by having Jutta on Earth?"
But just then Jutta returned from emptying her bladder and muttered, "That's a relief."
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Manny (image source) |
Jutta nodded. "I had things to do and places that I wanted to explore here on Earth. It was fun for a while. However, after six decades, I've gotten rather tired of Earth. I did not really understand that fully until I learned about the existence of your Index and the fact that there is now access to a Reality Simulator... from here." She glanced at my computer. "After 60 years on Earth, I would not mind going to some other planet that is more interesting."
I chuckled. "Where would you like to go?"
Jutta told me: "It is not easy to decide." She again glanced at the computer over in the corner of the room that has the Index. "Do you truly have access to all of Deep Time?"
I activated the computer display and showed Jutta the Index. Now Rylla was being summoned by Marda. Rylla departed from the living room, but Anthony returned. Rey told Jutta, "When you showed up, Eddy and I were just making plans for another research project inside the Simulator."
Anthony said, "Jutta is intrigued by her own origins."
Jutta looked at Anthony and then glanced back at Rey. "It is wonderful having you two telepaths around, I don't even need to speak."
Anthony told Jutta, "I've been ordered to protect this house and its residents. Please excuse me, but in order to comply with those orders, I had to look quite deeply into your mind. Based on what I can see in your memories, I'm convinced that you mean no harm, so I'll get back to entertaining the mind clones." He went back down the hallway in search of Tihri and Marda.
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Rey |
I could sense that Zeta wanted me. Rey told me telepathically: I'll look through that part of the Index. Maybe Nyrtia provided us with a bookmark for Jutta.
Leaving Jutta in Rey's care, I went and found Zeta in our bedroom. She was nursing Tihri and told me: Let's link up. Zeta handed me two small pills which I placed under my tongue. My mouth began to tingle and I hurried to get undressed. By the time I got on the bed and snuggled up to Zeta, my penis was again fully erect. I could feel the effects of the oxypathin and clytykynyn hormones as they spread through my body. My mind was only concerned with one thing: making love to Zeta, but she kept reminding me that we needed to form a synapex linkage. Zeta told me: We'll grab orgasms later! I slid my penis into Zeta's hot, wet vagina and resisted the temptation to rub up an orgasm. I allowed a synapex connection to form between me and Zeta. I could sense telepathically that Zeta was trying to probe into the mind of Jutta.
Now, with my nervous system physically linked to Zeta's, our minds resonated telepathically and I could sense that Rylla and Anthony were there with us in a shared mind space. Rey was playing some sort of telepathic game with Jutta, trying to distract her and open up her mind to telepathic probing. Unfortunately, Jutta had some rudimentary telepathic ability and she noticed our presence in her mind while we were searching through her memories. Anthony told Zeta and I: I can conduct this type of mind probe more efficiently that you.
We are still learning how to do this, we need the practice. After a time, Zeta said: I agree. She really wants to get off of Earth. Zeta got out of our big bed and tucked Tihri into her little bed on the other side of the room and then she came back and made love to me. We both drifted off into sleep.
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Image credits. The copyrighted "Mortal Instruments" photographs of Gretchen Byers. the twins: Alpha and Beta |
Jutta asked, "And you are sure that I will get a full life? The simulation will not simply be shut off... terminating my existence?"
"If you read my husband's blog, then you know about our twins. They are inside a simulation of this house which has been running continuously for months." Zeta could not be completely sure of anything, but she added, "It is my belief that once these simulation runs begin, they never end."
Rylla came into the bedroom and after a glance and a knowing smile she ignored Zeta's erect nipples and my erection where it jutted up from underneath a sheet. She told Zeta, "The kids went out for a walk with Rey."
I told Jutta, "I suppose I should return your rental car."
Rylla shook her head and told me, "Anthony already did that."
Zeta said, "He's so efficient."
Rylla nodded. "Having him around as a helper gives us time to think. Right now, I've been thinking that we are being tested by Manny."
Zeta giggled and tipped her head towards me. "You might be thinking, but the hormones are making him very horny and that's disrupting my thought processes." She looked back and forth between Rylla and Jutta. "Right now, I just want to kick you two out of here so I can make love to my husband." She rested a hand on the tip of my erection.
Rylla said, "Don't tease me with your sex talk, Zeta." She looked at Jutta. "Rey went outside, so I'm horny and lonely." Rylla reached out and let her fingers slip through Jutta's mop of hair. "However, I'm tempted to introduce Jutta to my vibrator collection."
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Earth's Reality Chain |
Trying to ignore what Zeta was doing to my penis, I said, "I have to agree with Rylla. Nyrtia has given us the ability to access the Simulation System and shown us how to amplify our telepathic abilities. Now, Manny is probably testing us and seeing if we can be trusted with all this power."
Rylla told Jutta, "Zeta and I have been experimenting with hormones that can keep people in a constant state of sexual arousal. Somehow, that helps amplify our telepathic abilities. However, as much as I'd like a sexplay session with you, now that I know why you came here, I feel that I must help you find a new home inside the Reality Simulation System."
Zeta told Rylla, "Fine. You two go look through the index." She wiggled my penis. "He'll be out when I'm done with him."
However, by the time Zeta was done with me and I went out into the living room, I only found Anthony playing with Tihri and Marda. Rylla, Rey and Jutta had gone into the Simulator. I checked the Index and saw that they were using the Asimov Reality Simulator and Rylla had bookmarked the planet Sogdian.
I was uncertain about the dates of events in the far future of the Asimov Reality. The open bookmark indicated that Rylla had taken Jutta to the year 3923. What I knew about the timeline of the Asimov Reality came from the novels of Jack Vance. I reached for my copy of Star King and decided that there was a chance that by going to the planet Sogdian in 3923, Jutta might run into some of her clone sisters.
Zeta had taken a shower and gotten dressed and now she came into the living room. Both Tihri and Marda began nursing, one at each of Zeta's breasts. Zeta told me, "Maybe Jutta wants to rescue those poor clones from the evil clutches of Viole Falushe."
"Yes... who knows how many Tinzy clones were made and what happened to them all." I was thinking about using the Simulator myself. "Some of those clones were probably murdered before Gersen even reached Sogdian and I suppose Jutta wants to prevent that."
Zeta told me, "Don't even think about going to Sogdian. You promised to stay here for a few weeks and write up accounts of your recent expeditions inside the Simulation System. We're taking these two munchkins up to the mountains this afternoon so that they can play in the snow."
I had not forgotten about our plans to get up into the high country. Tihri loudly popped off the nipple and said, "Qyla, too."
Zeta assured Tihri, "Yes, Qyla gets to go along." Qyla the cat was our one pet who liked to travel by car. "Would you like to eat some solid food?"
Tihri said, "If I have to."
Marda came off her breast and placed a hand on each of Zeta's breasts. Marda said, "Baby food."
Zeta told Marda, "And you two are no longer little babies. Big girls like you can sit at the table and eat solid food. Now, do you want pancakes or waffles?"
Marda replied, "Waffle!"
Tihri said, "Pancake!"
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Cosmopolis, October 1923 |
I turned off the Index software and followed Zeta into the kitchen. Cooking brunch took much longer than usual because Marda and Tihri insisted on helping, which really meant making clouds of flower and finger painting the kitchen with pancake batter. Reaching the end of her patience, Zeta asked, "Where is Anthony? It is so nice when he pitches in and helps entertain these two whirlwinds."
I suggested, "I suspect he's here, and probably egging these two on."
Tihri giggled and said, "Egg, daddy!"
I shook my head and told Tihri, "You can't fool me. You dropped that other one on the floor, just to make a mess."
Marda said, "Physics, grandpa Eddy."
Zeta had been carrying Marda in a sling across her chest, but now she set Marda on the floor. "No more physics experiments."
I asked Zeta, "Do you think they know what 'physics' means or are they just repeating a word they heard?" I had been carrying Tihri, but now I set her on the floor.
Zeta told me: "When I have my direct link to their nervous systems, I can sort through the elements of their minds. They don't think like adults, but Marda knows that her mother is interested in chemistry. In Marda's mind. 'physics' is a catchall for... maybe 'causality' is the best translation. Marda and Tihri and the other mind clones now get daily lessons from the twins about cause and effect."
"I can't figure out their thought patterns."
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Tihri |
"You are too left-brain in your thinking." Zeta got Marda and Tihri into their highchairs and soon the adventure of the pancake syrup began. Then after breakfast the kids were so sticky that they needed baths. When that adventure was complete, it was already afternoon and we hit the road.
We did not get very far down the highway before Tihri wanted to nurse. I pulled off the road and while Zeta nursed the kids she told me, "Stop thinking about Jutta."
I could not stop myself from wondering about what might have happened during all the years Jutta had spent with my replicoid copy, Mr. Smith. Zeta had caught me fantasizing about the idea that Jutta had been the lover of my copy, and with plenty of oxypathin and clytykynyn in my system, I was trying to imagine Jutta's naked body. I asked, "What do you think she's been doing on Earth for the past 60 years?"
"Apparently you need only account for the past three decades. Before that she was living with your replicoid copy." During the time when I'd had a look into Jetta's mind, I had sensed a few fuzzy impressions about the time when Jutta had known my copy. Zeta told me, "I suppose that her living with your copy was training... teaching Jutta your thought patterns. Eventually, she was able to use the clues in your blog to find us."
"I don't believe that. I don't think it could be done. Manny must have told Jutta how to find us."
"I couldn't see that in her mind."
"Manny is a sly one. I'm sure Manny is simply letting Jutta believe that she was clever enough to figure out the mystery of our hidden location."
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Beta (image source) image using "Room of Val 4" by x3xDx available under the CC BY 3.0 |
Zeta had briefly severed her links to Tihri and Marda and come out of sleep2 so that she could get my attention. She was trying to reconnect to the kids and told me, "Link to me. Rylla wants to talk to you." Soon all four of us were physically linked through synapex connections and Zeta and I were in a shared mind space, 'listening' for Rylla's mind pattern. Alpha and Beta linked in with us and I could sense the unusual mind of Gamma, who was inside Zeta. Then I sensed Rylla's presence and tried to push everything else out of my thoughts. After the long drive I was tired and I went into sleep2.
Rylla said: As I feared, the clones of Jyryl don't seem to have been made here on Sogdian... unless that genetics lab was later erased from existence.
I asked: Are you sure they are clones... not teleportation duplicates?
No, I don't know. Rey is digging into the mind of Retz, an agent for Zodyac, but he does not seem to know anything about the cloning process. Jutta is going through the written records of the research laboratory here, but the experiments seem to be mostly about the effects of oxypathin and clytykynyn and the efforts of Viole Falushe to use those polypeptides for a bizarre form of mind control. And there is also mention of nanites... as if Retz had some advanced training in nanotechnology. I've been exploring the physical space of the Palace and hoping to find a secret cloning facility, but I've pretty much completed that search, unless there is a very-well hidden laboratory facility.
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Zodiac |
Not yet. That is Jutta's goal, but there does not seem to be a spaceship here. I first tried to telepathically contact Azynov, but had no luck with that. Now Jutta and I are on our third orgasm trance and it won't last much longer. Please send a message through to Yōd and ask if Azynov can come to Sogdian. Did you see my bookmark in the Index?
Yes, but we are in the mountains now. I 'heard' nothing more from Rylla... our telepathic connection had been broken. I drifted into normal sleep, but then Zeta woke me up. She and I made love and then, after our shared orgasm trance, we were eventually able to get back to fairly normal states of consciousness. With my mind clearing, I thought about our telepathic discussion with Rylla and I told Zeta, "Azynov is getting tired of being called in to help with these research missions. He and Yōd are still trying to vacation on Zeck."
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Generated by Mr. Wombo in 2024. |
"Our chances of telepathically connecting are still best when I'm asleep, and the hormones help me link to her. Where are the pills?"
Zeta replied, "We agreed to let our hormone levels drop back down to a lower level." However, I could see in her mind which suitcase had the pill bottles. I got out of bed and found the the bottles of oxypathin and clytykynyn pills. I asked Zeta, "Care to join me?"
Zeta said, "No, I don't like they effects those drugs have when they pass from my body into the children."
I took a big dose of oxypathin and clytykynyn and then I was so sexually aroused that I put Zeta through a long sexplay session. Finally, we fell asleep and with my synapex connection to Zeta allowing my telepathic abilities to be amplified by Gamma, I was able to enter into sleep2 and telepathically contact Yōd. She told me: Azynov wants me to ignore you all and your petty problems.
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Original cover art by Kenneth Kelly. |
Under the influence of the big dose of oxypathin and clytykynyn I had taken, I was unable to stop myself from having dream-like sexual fantasies. Yōd told me: When you had your chance to make love to me, you gave me the cold shoulder. Right now, I find your erotic fantasies to be an annoying distraction.
Sorry to have bothered you, Yōd. I've done my best. Remember... Rylla would appreciate it if Azynov could help rescue the Jyryl clones. Goodnight.
Next: Apple TV's Foundation Season 1
Related Reading: Part 3 of "The Cythyrya Investigation"
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visit the Gallery of Book and Magazine Covers |
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