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Echo of Ekcolir. |
Below on this page is Part 3 of a science fiction story called City on the Edge of Tomorrow. As described at the start of June, my intention is to have City on the Edge of Tomorrow be a kind of fan-fiction sequel to the famous Star Trek episode "The City on the Edge of Forever". To accomplish that goal, I need to send Tyhry and Marda to New York City, but it will be the New York of the Ekcolir Reality. Ten years ago, I imagined that in the alternate Reality of the Ekcolir Reality, New York was located further south, on the shore of what we, here in this Realty, call Virginia.
The Ekcolir Reality was quite different from the world as we know it, largely because there was never any Roman Empire in that Reality. Rather, there was a large and influential Etruscan Civilization in which women became the most important politicians and scientists.
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Naseh |
Writing Backwards. In Part 2 of City on the Edge of Tomorrow, I introduced a character named Naseh. Naseh has a large number of gene patterns that are derived from the Ek'col, a human variant that was designed to have telepathic abilities. The first Ek'col who was sent to Earth was named Ekcolir and the entire Ekcolir Reality was named for him and his efforts to make possible the Trysta-Grean Pact, ending the Time Travel War between R. Gohrlay and Grean the Kac'hin.
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A rather whimsical depiction (thanks DALL-E and Mr. Wombo) of Delpha testing the Wydgren nanites. |
However, Part 3 of City on the Edge of Tomorrow begins at a point further back in Deep Time, when Grean the Kac'hin is visited by what she believes to be "an old friend", but who is actually Manny the bumpha in disguise.
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Grean and Delpha |
Grean asks Delpha to go to Earth and visit the analogue of Naseh's mother in law who lived in the Ekcolir Reality. Grean instructs Delpha to provide Wydgren with some sophisticated medical nanites.
I had a complex debate with myself over exactly how to depict Grean's intervention into the life of Wydgren. During the Ekcolir Reality, Grean's constant companion in Eternity is Wendy the probot. Initially, Grean asks Wendy to go to Earth and perform an experiment with medical nanites, checking to see if Wydgren's virus-induced cortical degeneration can be reversed. As a probot, Wendy can take on any convenient physical form, so she carefully prepares a disguise that is suited for the time in the Ekcolir Reality that she will visit. When Delpha "magically" appears, Wendy is given a different mission on Earth, in the year 1930 of the Ekcolir Reality.
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Temporal Helix |
In the Ekcolir Reality, Wydgren is a writer. As a tribute to one of her favorite authors, Wydgren wrote a novel called Temporal Helix, a kind of sequel to a short story that was published by Asimov called "Cosmic Corkscrew". Because Wydgren was born with four nipples, she included in Temporal Helix an alien visitor who had two rows of breasts. Much of Wydgren's success as a science fiction story teller came from the fact that she had the ability to access information in the Sedron Time Stream.
One More Note. Below, in Part 3, there is some discussion of the writing career of Wydgren within the Ekcolir Reality. I got some help from ChatGPT to quickly generate some plot elements for a science fiction story called "Second Contact". Rather than accept what ChatGPT created, I freely modified and changed the text that was generated by ChatGPT, producing the first page of "Second Contact".
Part 3 of City on the Edge of Tomorrow. (Part 1)(Part 2)
Deep Time, inside Grean's Workshop, Observer Base, Eternity. Grean was contemplating a delicate problem in diplomacy. While working to polish to perfection her plans for the Final Reality, Grean had discovered a previously overlooked opportunity for temporal engineering. Long on Grean's list of possible recruits for the Writers Block was an unfortunate woman named Wydgren Förbyndel. Born in 1930, Wydgren had been infected in utero by a newly mutated enterovirus and suffered devastating damage to her nervous system. With no ability to send action potentials to the muscles in her legs, eventually the atrophied legs of the young Wydgren had to be amputated.
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Reality Chain |
Grean was tempted to go to Earth and perform the needed test of the medical nanites using Wydgren as her unsuspecting test subject. However, under the restrictions of the Trysta-Grean Pact, Grean was not supposed to visit Earth. Now Grean was contemplating which of her operatives to send on this mission. Wendy the probot and Deomede the Ek'col were two possibilities.
Since Deomede was busy with another project, Grean decided to send Wendy to Earth. Now, Grean was in telepathic contact with Wendy, making suggestions for how the probot should adjust her appearance for this visit to Earth. Wendy wanted to appear to be a young woman of the year 2020 in the Ekcolir Reality and provide no possible grounds for anyone on Earth to suspect that she was visiting from off planet.
While Wendy was making some last minute adjustments to her speech and accent, the teleportation platform in Grean's workshop buzzed and flashed. Grean's childhood friend Delpha materialized and stepped down from the platform, calling to Grean, "I'm back!"
The two women rushed towards each-other and hugged. For a long minute they kissed and began the sweet process of exploring their sexy bodies with their hands. Grean was quickly becoming quite sexually aroused, but then Delpha pulled back and asked, "Have you missed me?"
Grean was excitedly synchronizing her mind pattern to that Delpha. Now she could telepathically "see" in Delpha's mind that she had been teleported to Observer Base by the Huaoshy in order to help with the Wydgren mission. Grean replied, "Of course I've missed you. I'm glad you were sent by the Huaoshy. I was on the verge of sending someone else to Earth, but I'd prefer to have your help with this Intervention."
Delpha walked over to Grean's Reality Viewer and gazed at a displayed image of Wydgren. In big red letters above the image was the year: 2020. Delpha said, "No disrespect to Wendy, but I'm much better suited for this mission." Grean quickly explained the situation to Delpha: Grean's bold plan to insert advanced medical nanites into an Earthling. Delpha was quick to understand the delicacy of the task at hand, particularly their need to avoid being caught sending advanced technology to Earth. If R. Gohrlay detected this Intervention, it could derail the Trysta-Grean Pact. Delpha noted, "Wydgren seems quite frail. Maybe I should go further back in time than 2020 for this test of the medical nanites."
Grean showed Delpha the results from a temporal optiscan. Grean explained, "Somewhen between the year 2017 and 2023 is the optimal time for this Intervention. It is a matter of waiting long enough for public opinion on the Fru'wu to shift while not reaching the point of irreversible cerebral degeneration. I've selected 2020 as the best time for the nanite experiment."
Delpha used the Reality Viewer to scan the effects that this Intervention would have on Earth's historical timeline. As she gazed into the future at the temporal ripple of effects, Delpha sighed. "A total cerebral regeneration in 2020, resulting in a major increase in anti-alien sentiment among the people of Earth... Trysta will surely notice this radical changes to the timeline."
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Grean's Viewer |
"I've tracked it to a micro-change caused by the Ekcolir Intervention in the far past... the insertion of Ek'col genes into the human population of Earth 20,000 years ago. Remember, Wydgren's illness is due to her many Ek'col gene patterns. And notice one other subtle implication of this temporal adjustment... this micro-change may finally convince Trysta that it is time for her to depart into the past, although there is some interference from Temporal Paradox that is preventing me from accurately measuring that effect."
"Then we are getting close to the quantal Reality shift?"
"I believe so."
"How exciting. All of your hard work has paid off."
"Yes, and I want to celebrate." Grean hugged Delpha tightly. "Right now I'd like you to provide me with an orgasm... I've got a rock hard erection."
Delpha reached a hand into Grean's dress and touched the hot, stiff glans of her big Kac'hin clitoris. "Very exciting! However, I better get down to Earth and test the medical nanites. We'll have time for some sexplay after I return from this mission."
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Wendy the probot |
Grean knew that time was pressing, so she finished briefing Delpha and then teleported her to New York. Grean then telepathically contacted Wendy: I need you in the Workshop, now. Grean allowed her clothing nanites to dissolve and she waited rather impatiently for her lover to arrive.
Wendy was quick to arrive inside Grean's workshop and said rather sarcastically, "Too bad Delpha had to run off so quickly." Wendy offered no objections to Grean's burning desire for a spicy sexplay session. Then having provided Grean with two very satisfying orgasms, Wendy reassembled her clothing nanites and told Grean: You rest, darling. I'll monitor Delpha's progress with the Viewer. Wendy adjusted the Viewer to Wydgren's New York apartment and watched events just prior to the start of Delpha's nanite experiment.
Wendy tuned the Viewer for optimal audio and video reception from Wydgren's apartment. Wendy watched as Wydgren's household robot, Lectra, watched Wydgren at work, writing.
Wendy checked on Delpha's location. Having taken the subway, she was now approaching Wydgren's apartment.
Carrying a hair brush, Lectra now approached Wydgren and said, "Let me do your hair. Your appointment is almost here."
Wydgren was annoyed by the interruption. She was struggling mightily to establish the flow of the story that she was writing. "Appointment? What are you talking about?"
Lectra directed Wydgren's attention to a note that Wydgren had written to herself: "I keep forgetting that I agreed to meet a reporter today. Lectra has to keep reminding me. I must stop arguing about this!" Wydgren read the note and shook her head. She had no memory of... then the memory did return. She muttered, "How could I forget?"
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Second Contact |
While Lectra adjusted Wydgren's hair and clothing, Wydgren reviewed the story that she was working on:
"Second Contact"
It was a sunny day in Paris when the alien visitor arrived by teleportation, appearing in the middle of the Seine, floating on the water like some sort of a glistening metallic jellyfish that had complete control of a sophisticated anti-gravity technology. The people on the bridges and the banks of the river that saw the alien were stunned. They used their phones to record images of the strange sight and soon the entire city and all of planet Earth knew that another alien life-form besides the Fru'wu had come to visit Earth.
For several hours, the alien did not seem to notice the growing crowd or do anything. It just stayed there, pulsing softly with a queer blue light that radiated from its metallic surface. Its "skin" seemed to be made of thin wires, almost like fine hair, which continually shifted, producing new patterns of reflection and glowing blue sparkles. It was unlike any life-form ever seen on Earth. At least the Fru'wu had wing-like arms and a head. But soon it became clear that this alien was intelligent and had traveled across a vast distance from elsewhere in galaxy.
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Second Contact |
Just then the door of the apartment spoke out, signaling the arrival of the guest. Lectra brought a young woman into Wydgren's writing room and announced: "Camylly Kelly". Camylly Kelly was the name that Manny had decided to use while on Earth for this mission.
Having completely forgotten that Camylly had requested time for an interview, Wydgren asked, "What can I do for you, my dear?"
Lectra gestured towards a chair and Camylly seated herself. She told Wydgren, "I'm so thrilled that you have granted me a few minutes of your time. Your fans are eager to hear... well, anything that you would like to share about yourself. Do you still write?"
Wydgren waved her compad at Camylly and replied, "I write every day."
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Second Contact |
Wydgren was trying to understand who Camylly was and why she was there. Wydgren could not remember the title of the story she was working on. For a moment she tried to activate the compad. Lectra told Camylly, "Wydgren has been working on a story called 'Second Contact'." The robot did not bother to mention that Wydgren had been working on that same story for more than five years, but unable to form new long-term memories, no progress was being made.
Camylly exclaimed, "How wonderful! I'd abandoned my hope that there might be more Förbyndel stories for the world to enjoy."
Wydgren now had the compad activated. She asked, "Would you like to see the first page?"
"Oh, Yes!"
Lectra took the writing device from Wydgren and carried it across the room to Camylly who scanned the text that constituted the first page of 'Second Contact'. Camylly looked up and said, "How wonderful! Another alien species besides the Fru'wu." Lectra passed the compad back to Wydgren. Camylly commented, "It seems like you are going in a totally different direction than The Overseer."
Wydgren giggled. "Oh, my! I'm surprised a youngster like you even knows about that old tale."
Camylly explained, "Well, it is something of a rallying point for the members of the anti-Fru'wu movement. Do you feel pride for having anticipated this new social trend with your stories?"
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Lectra and Wydgren, 2020 Ekcolir Reality |
"I see. Well, I'd really rather talk about your fiction, not current events."
Wydgren seemed to sink into her compad and said nothing. Lectra asked Camylly, "Can I bring you refreshment? Coffee? Tea?"
Camylly shook her head. "Not just now."
Lectra told Wydgren, "I'll bring your tea." The robot went off to the kitchen. Camylly took that opportunity to raise her hand and send a stream of nanites into Wydgren. There was a brief sparkling flash that went from Camylly's finger across the room and into Wydgren. Wydgren was deep in thought, thinking about the silly movie that had been made about her story, originally called Overseer Sachiz.
Soon, Lectra returned and handed Wydgren a small bottle containing brown liquid; tea and medicine. Wydgren dutifully took a sip of the concoction and then noticed Camylly. "Did you ask something?"
Camylly replied, "I am curious about how you came up with the idea of telepathic Overseers, watching over Earth."
Wydgren brightened. "Of course, that goes all the way back to 1953 and First Contact with the Fru'wu."
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Overseer Sachiz |
Wydgren shook her head at the old memories of her struggle to publish Overseer Sachiz. "All the editors refused to publish my story. They called it anti-Fru'wu propaganda."
Camylly (or more accurately, Manny the bumpha) was monitoring the action of the medical nanites as they began to alter the fine structure of Wydgren's brain. Manny knew that some of the beneficial effects of the nanites would be almost instantaneous.
Wydgren explained, "When the Fru'wu craze started, I felt like an outsider. Rather than waiting expectantly for First Contact (like so many others of that time), I felt that contact with an advanced alien species would lead to trouble for Humanity. It just seemed obvious to me that the aliens would have sent an advance party of investigators to Earth, maybe as early as the 1920s. Of course, my ideas about what the aliens would look like turned out to be wrong." Wydgren now opened up a copy of Overseer Sachiz that was stored on her compad and she began reading the old story.
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Marda and Tyhry access the Sedron Time Stream |
Manny knew that because of her extensive Ek'col gene patterns, Wydgren had been born with access to the Sedron Time Stream. Wydgren had visions from the future, of times when the alien body forms of the Ek'col and the tryp'At would finally be revealed to Earthlings.
Now, Delpha was satisfied that she had gathered all the data concerning effectiveness of the medical nanites that Grean was hoping for. Wydgren was immersed in the text of Overseer Sachiz and had seemingly forgotten about Camylly. Camylly got to her feet and told Wydgren, "I won't take any more of your time. Thank you for speaking to me."
Camylly walked to the front door of the apartment and Lectra said, "Thank you for visiting. It is like Wydgren awoke from a dream. I have not seen her read one of her old published stories for about five years. I can't thank you enough for stimulating Wydgren's tired old mind."
Camylly stepped through the doorway, turned her head over her shoulder and told the robot, "Maybe she will be willing to do more interviews in the future." Then Delpha went back to the subway tunnel. Soon Delpha was on a train, heading out of the city core. Near the end of the subway line, after the subway car had nearly emptied of passengers, Delpha teleported back to Eternity. The journalism career of Camylly Kelly had ended as quickly as it had begun.
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Wendy: virus recovery 1930 |
Lectra began pretending to be surprised that Wydgren could even remember having met Camylly. Wydgren was now alert and talkative. Lectra asked, "She did not tire you?"
"I feel fine. In fact, I feel puzzled. It is like there is hole in my memory..." Wydgren took hold of Lectra's hand and asked, "What were we doing before Camylly arrived. Was I napping? I can't seem to remember..."
Lectra contacted Wydgren's physician who after examining Wydgren could not explain the startling improvement in Wydgren's cognitive function. Two weeks later the physician wanted to publish a case report about Wydgren's recovery of her memory functions, but Wydgren refused to cooperate and take the time to complete a battery of tests. She was too busy planning how to complete and publish Second Contact and she did not want to appear in the biomedical literature as the writer who had first lost her mind then recovered and lived a second life.
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anti-Fru'wu protest |
Delpha asked, "Her cognitive recovery was complete?"
Grean shook her head. "Not really. In fact, the medical nanites seem to have reactivated a set of viral sequences that were dormant in one of Wydgren's chromosomes. At the time shown in this image, the reactivated virus and the medical nanites were locked in a battle for the fate of Wydgren's body."
Wendy adjusted the controls and moved the Viewer ahead another five years and showed an image of a terminally ill Wydgren. "She gets an extra ten years of life, but that is all. I don't understand why her body reacts so strangely to common viruses."
Grean suggested, "It is only a mystery because of our ignorance. It is terrible... how little we know about Ek'col biology." Grean turned the temporal selection dial on the Viewer and locked in on the year 1930. "Wendy, I do need you to go to Earth. I want a sample of the virus that was inside Wydgren at her birth."Delpha nodded, "Yes, that might allow us to make a correction to the medical nanites... make them specific to the virus that damaged Wydgren's nervous system in utero."
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The virus research laboratory. |
As soon as Wendy departed from Grean's workshop, Grean grabbed hold of Delpha. "Now, I want that sexplay session!
Manny had no objection to a heated sexual romp with Grean. So while Wendy went off to Earth for the viral sample, Manny and Grean shared a few sweet orgasms.
Obtaining the virus sample was a simple task, quickly accomplished. When Wendy returned to Eternity, she immediately sequenced the genes of the virus that she had collected from newborn Wydgren's body.
Wendy waited patiently until Delpha and Grean finished their sexplay session then delivered a report on the virus sample. Wendy told Grean, "I got a result that I don't understand. The virus that I took from Wydgren's body matches quite closely the gene sequences of an enterovirus that is in our database... but it matches a virus from the 23rd century."
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The Sedron War |
Delpha commented, "Don't forget the theory that inadvertent microbial transfer by time travelers is a preferred means of relieving temporal stress and resolving temporal paradoxes."
Wendy asked, "But how can we know if this virus was shifted to the 20th century by a time traveler?"
Grean shook her head. "Maybe with their access to the Sedron Domain the Huaoshy could trace such a virus transfer, but my Reality Viewing equipment does not have that kind of resolving power." Delpha kissed Grean goodbye and then teleported out of the workshop. The viral sequence recovered by Wendy was used to make some improvements to the medical nanites that Grean planned to used on Wydgren in the Final Reality. Grean gave no further thought to the possibility that the virus had been shifted through time.
Next: Part 4 of City on the Edge of Tomorrow.
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