Rylla's mother, Vendela. |
Four months ago, I realized that Rylla should introduce readers to
A Search Beyond, the first book of the Exode Saga. That is a task that I would not normally expect a teenager to excel at, so why is she suited for this job? Rylla was born in the year 2005 as a
mind clone, so she is not a normal Earthling. In a very real sense, Rylla has superpowers.
The First Mind Clone on Earth?
Rylla's parents named her Verella, but Rylla insists on being called Rylla. Because of Rylla's unusual background, some Earthlings might prefer to think of her as a witch.
Rylla's mother was apparently using the name "Vendela Pekkanen" when she married Rylla's father. At that time, she adopted his last name. Rylla's father was born in the United States and met Vendela when they were both attending the same university in Europe. Vendela was majoring in linguistics and studying the evolution of northern European languages.
After Rylla's father completed his post-doctoral training and took a job as the director of a research lab, Vendela soon became pregnant. Vendela's daughter grew up to be a quiet, frail, precocious girl. When Rylla was just seven years old, Vendela left home and was never seen again by either Rylla's father or Rylla.
After Vendela's sudden disappearance, Rylla's father concentrated on 1) his work running a research lab and 2) raising Rylla as a single dad. As told elsewhere in this blog, a major scientific discovery was made by
Georgy White, a research student in the lab run by Rylla's father.
At the time of that discovery, the
tryp'At Overseers were in control of
Observer Base and they were certain that Earthlings should not be given knowledge of hierions, so their agent on Earth,
Maria Green, quickly acted to erase from Earth the newly obtained evidence for
negative mass particles.
Bimanoid Interface 2.0
Eventually, about one year after Maria Green had edited the memories of Rylla, her father and lab members like
Nora Stone, there was a major change to the environment of Earth. The
Bimanoid Interface was upgraded. Because of Rylla's unique brain, she was then able to recover memories that had been suppressed by Maria. At that time, Nora did not understand why Rylla's behavior was changing, but when the dust settled at Observer Base, Nora became a beneficiary of the organizational changes at Observer Base that followed the demise of the tryp'At Overseers. Rylla then became an object of careful study for Nora. According to Nora, Rylla is about a 95% genetic copy of Vendela with about 4% of her genes from her father and almost 1% of her chromosomes from other sources.
In addition to arranging for Rylla's special genetic design, Vendela also carefully controlled the early cognitive development of Rylla. As a mind clone of Vendela, Rylla's developing brain grew so as to have a close copy of the structure of Vendela's right cerebral hemisphere imprinted upon it. How was that possible? It seems to have involved the special
Asterothrope oxypathin hormone system, but we Earthlings may never know the details.
Both Rylla and the
Editor are careful not to reveal the identity of Rylla's father who has an on-going career as an academic research scientist. Rylla took care to create a fictional backstory for herself: a bunch of mumbo jumbo about having grown up in Perth, Australia. Similarly, I've had to craft a fictionalized version of my own life so as to protect both my son and Rylla from unwanted attention. Since moving to America, Rylla uses the name "Verella Onway" on legal documents, but she claims the name "Onway" came from the name of the company that made the bicycle that she used to ride to school each day before she moved to the United States.
whimsical depiction of the Huaoshy
(blue alien) and a pek (white) |
I say that Rylla's mother was "apparently" named Vendela Pekkanen because Rylla suspects that Vendela changed her name in order to protect the identity of her own family members. The name Pekkanen is particularly suspicious because of the role that the
pek have played in the creation of the human species. Rylla believes that her mother used the name "Pekkanen" as a kind of joke, a sly reference to the pek and her own role as an
Interventionist agent on Earth.
Having looked into the matter,
Zeta believes that Vendela was not born on Earth. After being born and raised on a distant planet, was she somehow inserted into an adoptive family on Earth?
Rylla suspects that her mother was created as a mind clone of
Gohrlay, with the intention that Yōd would eventually be able to transfer her mind into Vendela's body. However, that transfer took place several years after Vendela abandoned Rylla, so there is the lingering mystery of what Vendela was doing from 2012 until 2016.
Yōd, soon after reaching Earth. |
I met Vendela twice; first when she and my son came for a visit in 2002 and then once more when they got married a few years later. I remember Vendela as a tall woman with a strange accent that I assumed was a Finnish accent. I have no memory of noticing anything unusual about Vendela's anatomy, but both my son and Rylla agree that Vendela had two sets of breasts: one was normal for an Earth human and then there was another pair below that, smaller and easily hidden when Vendela was in public and dressed so as to hide her unusual anatomy.
Shared Bodies
All of my collaborators agree that when Yōd first arrived on Earth, the pattern of her mind was placed inside of Vendela's brain. This trickery apparently involved sophisticated
femtobots that could be sent to Earth by very long-range teleportation. Yōd could reshape the physical form of her body and I never noticed her physical similarities to Vendela.
There was only one occasion when I saw Yōd naked. Yōd was a master of using
nanites to alter her physical appearance, so even if Yōd was using Vendela's body, it seems likely that Yōd would not have toted around two sets of breasts. However, I only had
a brief glimpse of Yōd's body and it was under low light conditions, so I may simply not have noticed. I must admit, in my memory of that moment, I think that Yōd was holding her left arm across the front of her torso, so she may have been concealing a second set of small breasts from my view.
I've asked Zeta to confirm if Yōd had four breasts and she is amazingly stubborn, asking me why it matters. Zeta suggests that Rylla was given extra breasts as a way for Vendela to train her daughter in how to keep secrets. Zeta insists that even if it is true that
Trysta "inserted" her Asterothrope genes into the human gene pool 10,000 years ago (was this the special mission of
Hyanti?), leading to her descendants occasionally having supernumerary nipples, developmental control nanites could have been used to prevent Rylla from having any unusual anatomical features. Zeta suggests that it was Vendela's intention to make clear to Rylla that she carries Asterothrope genes, predisposing Rylla to acceptance of her role on Earth as the
I've heard conflicting rumors about the ultimate fate of Trysta Iwedon. One account says that she died on Earth about 10,000 years ago. There is an alternate story placing her in the galactic core after she completed her mission on Earth 10,000 years ago. Trysta's Asterothrope gene combinations may be scattered through the population of Earth in dilute form, but a physical specimen like Vendela was probably crafted on a world of the galactic core. I would not be surprised to learn that several
teleportation copies of Trysta were made before her death, allowing one copy to die on Earth and several others to die on various worlds of the galactic core.
Necker cube
I'm still baffled by the idea that the woman I knew as Yōd could have had her physical body constructed in the galactic core so as to be able to function as an Interventionist agent Earth... an agent who could be sent to Earth as a child (or as a young woman?), carrying Asterothrope gene combinations and a brain that was shaped to match the brain pattern of Gohrlay. Zeta tells me that I should not be so amazed: apparently Trysta was designed so as to be 99% genetically identical to Gohrlay
Creating a mind clone network. |
Vendela had to grow up on Earth without attracting the attention of Earth's Overseers at Observer Base. Vendela then created her daughter Rylla, manufacturing a mind clone who also failed to attract Overseer attention. Nora, operating as an Interventionist agent in my son's research lab, knew Rylla and never suspected her special role until after the Bimanoid Interface was upgraded.
Next: the
two world systems
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