Oct 2, 2024

The White Side of Space

 Here on this blog page is Part 5 of my science fiction story "The Fesarians". Like Part 3 of the story, Part 5 is a flashback into Talia's past, showing how Talia and her clone sisters met Xylo and her sisters when they joined Starfleet's Planetary Colonization Service. 

 Creating a New Universe. One of my big challenges in writing "The Fesarians" is the sprawling fictional universe that is lurking in the background of the events taking place "on stage" in this fan-fiction story. "The Fesarians" takes place in the future of the Ekcolir Reality and that future has similarities to the Star Trek fictional universe. One key plot element of "The Fesarians" is the establishment of telepathic communication between Talia and the alien Neoma of Elemacha-z. Talia is not a very powerful telepath and the type of technology-assisted telepathy that she uses is quite different from the type of telepathy used by the Neoma.

Figure 1. White Space by Dani Olsen.
Image by Gemini.
Talia's telepathic abilities arise from the fact that she is a human-tryp'At hybrid. The try'At are a human variant that is my imaginary version of the Vulcans. As shown in Part 1 of "The Fesarians", the bumpha have long been transplanting humans from Earth to other worlds of the galaxy and genetically altering the human stock to create variants such as the tryp'At.

 Hermaphrodites and telepaths. The tryp'At have existed on the planet Vulcan for the past 11,000 years. Before that, their origins can be traced to a planet of the Galactic Core called Tar'tron. It was on Tar'tron that Asterothrope gene patterns were sent into the far future by the bumpha and their H-chromosome genetically engineered to make possible human variants who were inter-fertile with the conventional humans of Earth. 

Bailey with Xylo and Erni.
During the events described in "The Fesarians", none of the human hybrids are aware of the existence of Tar'tron and its role in developing telepathic and hermaphroditic human variants. However, it is the bumpha who established the human genetics research facility on Tar'Tron and Ylyndra is aware of the world Tar'Tron.

The unusual position of Tar'Tron near the center of the galaxy is relevant to events in "The Fesarians". R. Nyrtia's secret base in the Hierion Domain is located close to Tar'Tron, in the same was that Observer Base is close to Earth.

 While recently complaining about all the white space that is seen on my computer screen while using the Blogger user interface, I was also seriously thinking about what should be revealed in my science fiction story "The Fesarians" about the location of the secret base of R. Nyrtia inside the Hierion Domain. 

The Story Behind the Story (source) and
a short essay by Frank Belknap Long.
I have frequently included the planet Tar'Tron (inspired by Asimov's Trantor) in my science fiction stories, a world located close to the center of the galaxy. In the Foundation Reality, Trantor was the capital world of the Galactic Empire. In subsequent Realities, Trantor became known as Tar'tron. In the Asimov Reality, R. Nyrtia made use of Tar'tron for special training of Interventionist agents. In the Ekcolir Reality, Balok the bumpha takes control of Tar'tron and uses that world as a human genetics research laboratory.

I asked Gemini: "Could it be that for Trantor, the half of the night sky facing the center of the galaxy would appear white while the other half would appear to be darker?"

Gemini: "Given Trantor's proximity to the galactic core, it's conceivable that the half of the sky facing the center would appear brighter due to the concentration of stars and other celestial bodies. The combined light from these objects could create a white or yellowish hue."

I asked Gemini to, "generate an image in the style of 1970s science fiction book cover illustrations of a futuristic space station seen against a background that is the view of outer space as it would be seen looking in the direction of the Galactic Core when seen from a place that is the same distance from the center of the galaxy as is the imaginary planet Trantor."

Bailey and Aethe on Elemacha-z. (original image)
I used that Gemini-generated image to make the cover image for science fiction story called "White Space" by Dani Olsen (see Figure 1, above). 

In "The Fesarians", Balok arranges for the assembly of several powerful telepaths on Elemacha-z (including the plant-like Neoma) and they are able to telepathically extract from Dani's mind the secret location of R. Nyrtia's base of operations in the Hierion Domain. Dani is in direct contact with non-telepaths, Xylo and her two sisters Aethe and Erni, and Dani gets reckless. Dani does not notice the powerful telepaths who are lurking nearby.

Thrilling Merovae. (original cover)
 In the October 1941 issue of Thrilling Wonder Stories, there was a story about an alien "Diamond Plant" called "Plants Must Grow" by Frank Belknap Long. This old story is set on Earth where red-haired blue-eyed Vera Dorn is working long hours as a typist with John Carstairs at the Interplanetary Botanical Gardens. John is quite attractive to Vera because he is only 28 years old and already is the Curator of the Interplanetary Botanical Gardens and he makes the astronomical annual salary of $7,000.00. 

Just so readers know the current value of $7,000.00 in the futuristic age of Vera and John (readers are told that Diamond Plant the was brought to Earth in 2023), readers are told that it cost the Interplanetary Botanical Gardens $40,000.00 to have the Diamond Plant shipped to Earth from Uranus. For comparison, Gemini estimated that the cost of the OSIRIS-REx mission to retrieve a sample from the asteroid Bennu was $1.16 billion.

The Diamond Plant attacks.
 The plot thickens. Vera and John have much work to do because every planet and asteroid of the Solar System is teaming with plant life. Readers are quickly informed that some of the alien plants can walk. Of particular concern in "Plants Must Grow" is the diamond plant of Uranus which converts convenient carbon sources into diamonds. This botanical wizardry make$ the Diamond Plant a target for thieve$.

Be careful what you wish for. Readers are also told that John's grandfather got to witness the first spaceflight in 1973, which took of from the High Sierras. While carefully estimating John's financial worth, Vera is worried about John's mental stability. He is easily bored and hopes that some excitement will come into his life.

Vera is caught by the Diamond Plant.
 The Explosion. For his part, John can't help noticing how cute strands of Vera's copper-colored hair lay against the nape of her neck and he's attracted to her "animation and intelligence" (she has a Ph.D. in Botany). Making an effort to keep his mind on their job and while cataloging Venusian spores, John is in the middle of complaining about how boring their botanical work is, but then an explosion rocks the Interplanetary Botanical Gardens. The dynamic duo of Vera and John are soon off on a thrilling adventure.

 Well, John is. He quickly orders Vera to stay in her to remain in her chair like a good girl while he goes to investigate the scene of the explosion. Few plot elements of importance escape the attention of Curator Carstairs and fail to provoke an exclamation point. 

Plant creature in New York.
John cries out, "That sounded like an explosion!" John quickly discovers that jewel thieves have blasted their way into the greenhouse that held the Diamond Plant and now the valuable diamond-generating plant has been kidplant-napped. From this point on, the plot of "Plants Must Grow" is similar to the plot of Jurassic Park. The dangerous Diamond Plant has escaped from confinement inside its greenhouse where it was carefully held in place by a net of steel cables. John calls the police and warns them that a very dangerous plant is now on the loose If one of the Diamond Plant's 27 tentacles breaks off, it will explode. The police chief is upset that the egg-head botanists have unleashed a public menace, but John is delighted; he is no longer bored with his ho-hum job. 

Budding Diamond Plant.
With the escaped Diamond Plant threatening Earthly civilization, John is now all a-glow with excitement. And Vera notices his now boyish expression. Growing excited, Vera waxes poetic about her dream of some day seeing the flame-tongued flowers of Neptune and then she asks John if he loves her. John is about to sweep Vera off her feet, but the phone rings. It is the police, reporting that the viscous Diamond Plant has killed the plant-nappers and is now ravaging New York City (so far, only 7 people are dead) with the lives of 20,000,000 potential victims at risk.

Now, John feels that he needs to share some secrets with the police, including the fact that on Uranus, Diamond Plant can grow to be 400 feet tall. He adds the startling fact that the escaped Diamond Plant could grow to be 400 feet tall and sprout hundreds of explosive tentacles in just one night if it obtains a good source of carbon. However, John wimps out and avoids warning the police that the Diamond Plant is intelligent.

Vera and John survive
their close encounter with
an alien Diamond Plant.
Now it is time for John to do what any red-blooded hero would do in the year 2024. He pushes aside Vera's typewriter, sits on her desk, smokes a cigarette and talks to Vera about reproduction. There are rumors from Uranus that a well-fed Diamond Plant will bud and reproduce. John smokes another cigarette while flying Vera to the East River power plant where the Diamond Plant is eating graphite and growing. Arriving at the power plant, they observe that the Diamond Plant has put out "dangling, iridescent buds". John and Vera advance towards the growing Diamond Plant, planning to douse it with ether and get the creature back under control. However, the Diamond Plant fires a "bud" at both of their heads. Soon a green alien plant tissue has encased their heads and the Diamond Plant telepathically takes control of their minds. 

Almost. John manages to spray the Diamond Plant with ether and then he and Vera are able to escape from the creature's telepathic clutches. The story ends successfully with John kissing Vera.💕

Dani and the Neoma.
Sadly, there are no explosions in "The Fesarians". However, just as for "Plants Must Grow", there is a cute redhead in "The Fesarians": Dani the positronic robot. Dani is the namesake of Isaac Asimov's famous red-headed robot, Daneel. Daneel is an advanced positronic robot who has been engineered by R. Nyrtia. Dani can use nanites to alter her appearance, but usually she is content to use the appearance of a beautiful human woman.

Having been "captured" by Balok and held captive onboard the Fesarius, Dani views the mission on Elemacha-z as an opportunity to contact R. Nyrtia, the first such opportunity since Dani was taken aboard Fesarius by Balok. Dani uses her telepathic abilities to manipulate Dave Bailey's emotions. However, as soon as Dani arrives on Elemacha-z, the alien Neoma are using their telepathic abilities to alter the function of Dani's positronic brain circuits. However, before resolving this telepathy struggle between Dani and the Neoma, Part 5 of the story shows how Talia and Xylo met and planned the new colony on Elemacha-z.

Part 5 of The Fesarians (Part 1)(Part 2)(Part3)(Part 4

Planetary Colonization.
Gyulya found herself assigned to partner with Erni in her subspace communications course. Gyulya had grown up with an Ernie on Martiz 23, but here at Starbase 29 she was being exposed to new cultures and new humanoid subtypes. She told Erni, "I've never known a woman named Ernie."

Erni was staring at the pointy tips of Gyulya's ears. "I spell it 'Erni'. And if we are going to avoid the assignment, let me say that I've never known a tryp'At with such cute little ears."

Gyulya explained, "I'm only half tryp'At."

Now Erni gave a close visual inspection of Gyulya's chest. "Ah, that explains why you only got two breasts."

Gyulya quickly pulled up her tunic. "I do have four nipples."

Erni got a brief flashed view of Gyulya's two lower nipples. "Nice." Erni was quite sexually stimulated by the cute Gyulya. "I'd show you some of my hidden anatomy, but I don't want to disrupt the class session. We better get started on the assignment." The two women worked together for the rest of the class session and began to realize the magnitude of their project. As they walked out of the classroom, Erni asked Gyulya, "Do you want to get this done now or meet again tomorrow?"

Gyulya replied, "Definitely get it done as soon as possibly. I don't want to fall behind. Things happen fast here in Starfleet."

Erni took hold of Gyulya's hand. "Let's go to my suite. I have a double room and no room-mate to get in our way."

"Wow, I thought the dorms were full. How do you get a double room all to yourself."

"Well, if you must know, my original room-mate asked to be transferred out. She claimed that I creep her out."

Gyulya and Erni.
Gyulya laughed. "What... do you snore like a Klingon?"

Erni asked, "Klingons snore?"

Gyulya shrugged. "Who knows? That was a joke." Now they were navigating through a crowded corridor leading to Erni's dorm and the two women said nothing more to each-other until they entered Erni's suite.

Erni showed Gyulya her room. Gyulya glanced around the small room, sat on the second bed and asked, so what was it that so disturbed your room-mate?

Erni said, "I'm afraid to tell you until we get our work done."

Gyulya was imagining that Erni had some disgusting personal habit. She asked, "Do you fart?"

Erni giggled and replied, "No. Do you?"

Gyulya shook her head. "I inherited from my father the tryp'At ability to use feeding nanites."

Erni said, "Interesting! I'm a Huxy."

Gyulya imagined that Erni had said 'I'm a hussy'. Gyulya giggled and said, "My sister Talia calls me a hussy because I like to engage in hot sexplay with boys."

Erni corrected Gyulya, "I'm a human variant, a Huxy. H U X Y."

Gyulya used her infnet link to search for information on the Huxy. "Fascinating. According to Starfleet demographics, there are only three Huxy in Starfleet."

Erni nodded. "We were created by genetic engineering about fifty years ago. There are not many of us in existence." During class, Erni had investigated and learned that there were only three human-try'At hybrids in Starfleet. "Amazing that we even met." Erni licked her lips then asked, "So, you have two vaginas?"

Erni shows her Huxy anatomy.
Gyulya's search via Starfleet's infnet had just provided her with information about the biology of the Huxy. She blurted out, "You are a Huxy female, but you have a giant penis?"

Erni lifted up the hem of her miniskirt and showed Gyulya her penis.

Gyulya reached out and took hold of Erni's penis, "Wow, you are huge."

Erni admitted, "I find you quite sexy." Now, Erni's semi-erect penis continued to engorge with blood and soon she was fully erect. "I hate to ask, but are we going to get our school work done now or..."

Gyulya now had both hands on Erni's magnificent erection. "I'm quite horny, but we do need to get our assignment done." She let go of Erni's hot penis and tried to cover it up with Erni's skirt. Erni turned away from Gyulya and activated her big infocom. "Let's get the work done then we can play."

Gyulya found it very difficult to concentrate on Starfleet telecommunications protocols until Erni's big erection finally deflated and her penis was back out of sight under her skirt. After about an hour, there was a knock at the door and a voice asked, "Are you ready to go for dinner?"

Erni opened the door and said, "We're working on a TCO143 project."

There in the doorway was another blond who looked like Erni's twin, only taller. Erni told Gyulya, "This is my big sister, Xylo."

Xylo approached Gyulya and touched one of her ears. "How cute!"

Erni said, "This is Gyulya... she's half tryp'At."

Xylo asked, "So, do you have telepathic abilities?"

Gyulya gazing at Erni.
Gyulya replied, "Not like my sister. Somehow she's developed into quite a good mind reader. I can only sense emotions when I'm in physical contact with someone."

"Physical contact, eh? Watch out with Erni, you might get a surprise." 

A voice called from down the hall: "Coming?" 

Erni told Xylo, "We are close to finishing our class assignment."

Xylo hurried out of the room.

Gyulya asked about the other voice, "Who was that?"

"Xylo's room-mate." Erni and Gyulya returned to their telecommunications project.

After another half hour of work, Gyulya shut off the infocom that she had been using. "Done! Now... I'm very hungry..." She lifted up Erni's skirt and was disappointed. "What happened to your penis?"

Erni explained, "As a female Huxy, my penis usually resides inside its sheath." Erni turned off her infocom and got out of her chair, "We can still get dinner at the commons."

Gyulya positioned herself between Erni and the door. "I'm more horny that hungry."

Erni said, "The problem is, Xylo will be back soon..."

Gyulya lifted up Erni's skirt. Now Erni's penis was again inflating and could be seen protruding through her bushy blond pubic hair. Gyulya dropped to her knees and began licking the tip of Erni's penis. In just a few seconds, Erni was again fully erect. After a minute of sucking on his erection, Gyulya got to her feet and pulled off her skirt. She threw her arms and legs around Erni and settled her dripping vagina around his hot erection. She gasped, caught her breath and said, "You do fit! I was worried that we might not be compatible." Then she apologized, "There two or three inches of you that don't fit inside me."

Erni play time.
Erni hoisted Gyulya off of her erection and tossed Gyulya on the bed. "I'm used to hearing that from my playmates." Erni opened a drawer and pulled out three donut-like pillows that she slipped along the shaft of her penis. Then Erni got on the bed and moved between Gyulya's legs. "Open wide." Erni thrust her erection into Gyulya then paused to push up her tunic and examine Gyulya's two breasts and four nipples.

Gyulya reached up and fondled Erni's breasts and stroked her stiff nipples where they jutted out through her tunic. Gyulya said, "Sorry my boobs are not as big and bouncy as yours."

Erni pulled off her tunic and began vigorously thrusting his penis in and out of Gyulya's tight vagina. Just then, the door opened and into the room came Xylo. Xylo said, "I knew it!"  She turned her head over her shoulder and called, "I was right!" Xylo sat on the edge of the bed and stoked one of Gyulya's erect nipples with her finger tips.  Then her other sister, Aethe, came in, took a look at Gyulya and said, "Four nipples? Does she have the complete tryp'At anatomy?" Aethe pulled off her clothes on got on the other side of the bed beside Gyulya.

Erni told Gyulya, "I tried to warn you. My sisters refuse to let me have sex without butting in."

Xylo stood up and now Gyulya could see that Xylo was now also erect. Gyulya had been amazed by how large Erni's penis was, but Xylo's was even larger. Xylo moved behind Erni and inserted her erection into Erni's back vagina. Meanwhile, Aethe was probing into Gyulya's pubic hair with her fingers and asked, "Does she have a tryp'At-style penis?"

Erni gave a gasp as Xylo pushed her gigantic penis all the way into Erni's allzaurish. Then Erni told Aethe, "You two are so rude. I have not even had a chance to..."

Aethe now saw Gyulya's cute little erection pop erect. "I found it! Look at this... it is so tiny and cute." Now Aethe began sucking on Gyulya's erection. Xylo was really hammering on Erni and Gyulya watched with amazement as Erni's skinny abdomen bulged outward with each of Xylo's powerful thrusts.

 Now with Erni's big erection tight inside her front vagina and Aethe orally stimulating her penis, Gyulya was close to achieving a double orgasm. Then Aethe managed to get her hand under Gyulya's bottom and she lid a finger into Gyulya's allzaurish. Gyulya experienced a triple orgasm and ejaculated into Aethe's hot mouth. At the same time Xylo ejaculated into Erni's allzaurish and Erni experienced a deep vaginal orgasm.

After swallowing Gyulya's sweet ejaculate, Aethe stopped sucking on Gyulya's penis and complained, "When will it be my turn?"

Xylo pulled her sparkling erection out of Erni grabbed hold of Aethe's legs. Now Aethe rested her head on Gyulya's belly while Xylo pushed her massive erection into Aethe's front vagina. Erni resumed thrusting in and out of Gyulya's front vagina and soon she began ejaculating great spurts of steamy Huxy semen into Gyulya tight vagina. Aethe commented, "Gyulya's semen tastes very nice... but there was not much of it. Now I want more!"

Xylo withdrew her enormous erection from Aethe and began to masturbate. Soon everyone in the bed had their hands on Xylo's magnificent erection. Gyulya asked, "You are all sisters? Clones?"

Erni explained, "Usually when Huxy reproduce, four clones are made, but something went wrong with Xylo. Her blastomer failed to split into two embryos and she grew to be forty pound heavier than I am." Suddenly, Xylo cried out in ecstasy and began to ejaculate. Her big spurts of semen decorated Aethe and she made haste to scoop up as much of the semen as possible and eat it. Then she reached her fill and began massaging the rest of the semen into her skin. 

But Xylo was not done. She pushed Erni to the side and tried to thrust her magnificent erection into Gyulya's vagina which was oozing with Erni's ejaculate. Xylo complained, "She's too tight."

Erni bent over Gyulya and began using her fingers to try to widen the opening of Gyulya's front vagina. Aethe moved behind Erni and began thrusting her erection in and out of Erni's allzaurish. Staring at Xylo's huge erection, Gyulya said, "She's too huge."

Erni said, "Don't give up." She told Aethe, "Get me the muscle relaxant."

Aethe got off the bed and went to Erni's drawer of sex toys. Aethe returned to the crowded bed with a tube a lubricant that contained a powerful muscle relaxing agent. Erni massaged Gyulya's vaginal muscles with the drug for five minutes, During that time she experienced another orgasm when Aethe ejeculated into Erni's allzaurish and then she said to Xylo, "Okay, try it now."

The bright red tip of Xylo's erection was dribbling slippery fluid. Xylo began pushing harder and hard against Gyulya's labia while Aethe kept using her fingers to pull open Gyulya's vagina. Then finally the head of Xylo's penis slid inside Gyulya and Gyulya called out, "You are so huge! I feel like I migh rip..."

Aethe warned, "Don't hurt the poor girl." 

Gyulya said, "This doe not hurt." She reached down and fondled her still erect penis.

Xylo now really leaned into Gyulya and suddenly her erection slid deeper into Gyulya's vagina. Xylo sighed and said, "She's so hot and tight!"

Xylo gasped. She had never imagined such sensations coming from her front vagina, sensations that now felt as intense and concentrated as when she was experiencing an orgasm of her allzaurish. And then Gyulya felt Erni's fingers on her penis. Gyulya began ejaculating. Seeing Gyulya's cute penis ejaculating, Xylo began making short thrusts of her erection in and out of Gyulya. Gyulya shouted, "Yes. Oh, yes!" Xylo began to ejaculate and after filling Gyulya with her hot sticky semen she pulled the top of her penis out and collapsed on the bed, having achieved three wonderful orgasms in half an hour. For a time, Gyulyam Aethe and Erni played with Xylo's towering erection, taking turns sucking on its tip and massaging it with their hands. Finally, Xylo's erection began to fade. Erni told Gyulya, "Xylo is all show and little go. Her erections never last long enough to satisfy everyone in the room."

Gyulya reluctantly stopped sucking on the now limp tip of Xylo's penis. "I'm satisfied. I can't believe I was able to take her enormous erection inside me." Gyulya shifted her attention to Erni's still erect penis. "And I appologize again that my vagina is not seep enough to hold all of your big penis."

Erni said, "Completely unimportant, although I do think I'd like to try taking you from behind."

Gyulya got on her hands and knees. "Yes, please."

Erni took the three cushions off of her penis and slid her long erection between Gyulya's legs and into her front vagina from behind. Gyulya watched in fascination as Xylo's big erection deflated and then retracted into its sheath. Aethe climbed on top of Xylo and began pushing her erection rapidly in and out of Xyl's vagina.

Port Cooway
Half a dozen orgasms later, Xylo and Aethe went off to the bedroom that they shared and Erni said good-night to Gyulya. "Sure you can't spen the night?"

Gyulya again kissed the tip of Erni's erect penis. "I have an early class tomorrow and two homework assignments to get done before tomorrow. I better go."

After Gyulya's quite pleasing sexplay session with Erni, Xylo and Aethe, Gyulya soon told her sisters that there were three other hermaphrodites at Starbase 29. Soon, Gyulya's sisters, Talia and Lyssa were introduced to the three Huxy and a third bed was moved into Erni's bedroom, which on many nights hosted a six person sexplay session with the two groups of clones.

Eventually, Talia and Xylo began making plans for a colony on Elemacha-z, a world that had been known for over a century but which had been deemed too hot for human habitation. After Talia and Xylo  devised their plan for a settlement to be called Port Cooway, all the members of both sets of clones agreed to participate in the colonization of Elemacha-z. Within the next two years, the plan was modified, refined and approved by Starfleet.

Next: Plans for Part 6 of "The Fesarians".

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