The scientific work proceeded in parallel with continuing efforts to breed and produce new human variants that would be able to consciously communicate by way of the Bimanoid Interface. The Bimanoid Interface was the basis for a form of technology-assisted telepathy that relied on the femtobot endosymbionts that reside inside human brains.
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Asimov Reality Simulator |
Note: dates and other cultural peculiarities of the Ekcolir Reality have been adjusted to match the Final Reality standards.
10. Wynya. (read parts 1 - 3) (read parts 4 - 6) (read parts 7 - 9)
When she was ten, Wynya's father began spending less time at the Observatory. He had conceived the mathematical idea of the quaternion and was captivated by its potential applications. Now distracted from astronomy and devoting his full efforts to mathematics, most of the time he was at the University in Dublin or traveling to major universities around Europe.
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in the Ekcolir Reality |
When she was 12, her father gave her The Origin of Fairies by Hanna Andersen as a birthday present. Already having adopted a scientific view of the universe, Wynya looked at some of the pretty illustrations in the book, then abandoned it on a dusty shelf.
July 18, 1860
Now, fifteen years later, Wynya was searching for that book about fairies. She'd stayed up late cleaning up around the Observatory. A large crowd of visitors, mostly school children, had been present that day to observe the eclipse. Many of the visitors had lingered until after dark in order to watch a demonstration of how astronomers used the main telescope. Now, Wynya finally had all of the little box-like eclipse viewers stowed away in a closet and the facility was once again ready for it real scientific function.
Arkaya Bell, the astronomy student scheduled to use the main telescope that night, had done the telescope demonstration for the visitors and then waited an hour while the sky clouded up. Disgusted by the impossible observing conditions, she'd finally decided to return home, walking along the lane with Wynya towards town. As they walked, Arkaya watched the sky and wondered: was the cloud cover solid, or might it break up? Upon reaching the big manor house where Wynya lived, Arkaya tried to invite herself in.
Arkaya knew that Wynya's current lover, Professor Davis Ross, a literature professor at the University, refused to sleep over at the manor house after his frequent visits to see Wynya at the Observatory. Ross wrote fantasy stories such as those about little people, now currently in fashion in Scotland and Ireland.
Wynya glanced at the sky and imagined she might be seeing a few stars near the horizon. She shrugged and said, "Fine, you can sleep on the couch." Wynya had a tender place in her heart for young girls just starting careers in science and she could never say no to Arkaya. They made use of the new electrical photodetector on the roof, adjusting its settings so that it would trigger an alarm bell if the sky cleared and the moon came out. Wynya told Arkaya goodnight.
Upstairs in her room, Wynya took one last look out the window into the warm summer night. The overcast seemed solid and she did not expect to be awakened by the alarm. Still, she liked having someone else there with her in the big old house. Sometimes there were odd noises in the house and her imagination began to go out of control.
Wynya had an amazing dream about a new lover who had a magical ability to excite Wynya to sexual climax. In her dream, two tiny hands had expertly massaged her clitoris. She woke up, startled to have achieved an orgasm in her sleep. She pulled a sheet over her body and drifted back to sleep, thinking about some of the erotic fairy stories that had been published by Ross. She drifted back into sleep.
Later, Wynya was awakened by Arkaya. "Wyny! Wyny!"
Wynya sat up in her bed and looked at the glowing Arkaya who was illuminated by the lamp she held. Still half asleep, Wynya asked, "What is it, Arky?"
The girl's eyes were large and seemed to bulge. "I have one trapped, in the closet!"
For the past week, Arkaya had been on a kick, telling tales of small nocturnal creatures who kept slipping through the shadows when she worked through the night in the Observatory. According to Arkaya, these nocturnal visitors lurked in the high rafters of the Observatory. Wynya had believed none of it.
Now Arkaya pulled Wynya out of her soft bed. Arkaya added, "In your office..."
Wynya paused long enough to pull on socks and a robe then followed Arkaya downstairs and down the lane to the Observatory. The night air was thick with the sweet smell of flowers. The wife of the first director of the Observatory had been a gardener and the lane between the manor house and the Observatory was lined by Brugmansia suaveolens. "You are letting you imagine run wild, my girl."
"Just wait until you see!"
"See what?"
"Well, I did not get a good look."
Wynya could smell alcohol. "Have you been drinking?"
"Just enough to keep me... warm."
Wynya was scanning the sky. As far she could tell, there was still a solid overcast. The photocell alarm had never gone off. Why had Arkaya gone back to the Observatory?
As Arkaya led the way into the Observatory she said, "I saw lights in here. When I came to investigate..." She led Wynya to her office. It had once been her father's office. He was still officially in charge of the Observatory, but he was seldom in residence. "I wish we had a net." She hesitated to open the closet door.
A high-pitched voice could be heard, "You better let him out."
Wynya and Arkaya looked upwards into the dark recesses of the high ceiling. Sitting on an arm of the decorative planetarium was -something- with two glinting eyes. Arkaya screamed and ran from the room, taking the lamp with her. Until hearing that voice, Arkaya had been imagining that maybe she had trapped a bat in the closet.
Wynya went to the desk, slowly finding her way through the dark by feel and with the help of her long familiarity with the room. She got a candle out of its drawer and lit the wick. She noticed a sheet of paper on the desk, covered with mysterious equations. It had not been there when she had finished cleaning up that evening. Glancing up, she could not see the creature who had spoken. "Who is up there?" Wynya suspected this was all a prank engineered by Arkaya with the help of some other students from the astronomy department at the university.
With no reply to her question, Wynya opened the closet. Out came a small flying man who rose up into the air and then turned, looking down at Arkaya. A second miniature humanoid figure came drifting down into the light of Wynya's candle and said to the man, "This is your mess, you should not have gone pranking at the manor house. Go clean it up. Arkaya must be half way to Dunsink by now." The man flew off, lighting his way with some powerful but focused light source.
The female little person was hovering right in front of Wynya. "I have to go help Quen find Arky. We can't have Arkaya blabbing about- We'll be back." She pointed a finger towards Wynya and a tiny puff of sparkling nanites went into Wynya's body. Then the fairy flew off, following Quen in pursuit of Arkaya.
Wynya's heart was racing, but she shouted, "Hey! Stop! Who- what..." She tried to run after the flying fairy but her candle blew out. After she got the candle lit again and stepped outside, she could see nothing unusual. She made her way back to the manner house and began searching through her childhood belongings for The Origin of Fairies.
11. Rusan.
After looking through the entire book and looking at all the images in The Origin of Fairies, Wynya still felt certain that the girl fairy she had seen was perfectly human in appearance except for her breasts, which seemed to number six or more. There were no images like that in the book and she set it aside with disgust. The sun was brightening the sky, so she shut off her reading lamp, got dressed, ate a quick breakfast and returned to the Observatory.
Back in her office, she lit all of the gas lamps on the walls and with the morning sun streaming in through the window, she went back to the closet. She wondered: why would a fairy be inside the closet, and silly enough to get trapped in there by Arkaya? She looked at the eclipse viewers that took up most of one corner of the closet, then the stacks of books that belonged to her father, but which Wynya had moved off of the shelves of the bookcase in the office to make room for her own books. There on a stack of books was one she had never seen before. She picked it up and took it out of the closet.
It was called A Quaternion Theory of Hierion Physics. Her nerves tingling, she took the book to the desk and set it next to the mysterious sheet of paper with equations. Inside the cover, the book had a date: 2043. The book itself was like nothing she had ever seen. She could well imagine that it had been produced by printing and binding methods of the far future. She began to read.
Many hours later, it was growing late. The desk was now covered with many sheets of paper that were all covered with equations, odd equations of a type that she had never imagined before that day. She stood up and looked out the window, reflecting on what she had learned from the book. Although she could not follow all of the futuristic mathematics, it was clear to her that in the far future there would be a new branch of physics, Hierion Physics, that would make use of Quaternions. Perhaps most amazingly, she herself was cited throughout the text of the book as the founder of a branch of mathematics called "quaternion polarics", one of the foundational pillars of all Hierion Physics.
She saw Arkaya coming down the lane. Wynya went to meet Arkaya at the door to the Observatory. Wynya was bubbling over with enthusiasm for hierion physics and quaternion polarics. She erupted with a rapid-fire account of how the application of quaternions to atomic theory would revolutionize physics.
"After a minute of Wynya's jargon-laced verbal assault, Arkaye cried out, "Stop! What are you babbling about?"
"The fairies left a book. I spent all day reading it. It is from the future..." Wynya fell silent, the wind taken out of her sails by the look on Arkaya's face.
Arkaya went to her desk along the west side of the observatory and set down her lunch pail. "What about fairies?"
"You saw them."
Arkaya looked around the room. "Fairies?"
"Last night. You woke me up." Arkaya was staring at Wynya without comprehension. "Then when we heard one of them speaking, you ran off..."
Arkaya shook her head, "When it clouded up last night, I went home. Another night wasted."
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the origin of astronomers |
Wynya returned to her office and closed the door. There seated on her desk were the two fairies. Wynya asked, "Who are you and what did you do to Arkaya?"
The girl fairy replied, "I'm Rusan and this is Quen. Arkaya can not be allowed to know that we were here. Our mission was designed to target you specifically."
The other fairy, Quen, who Wynya had been thinking of as being a boy, was freakishly built, like a gremlin. Now that Wynya looked more closely, she decided that both fairies had breasts, although Quen only had two small ones.
Emphasizing what Rusan had said, Quen added, "Only you."
Wynya sat down at the desk. Rusan and Quen fluttered about, bobbing above the papers that were strewn across the desk. Rusan pointed to the book, A Quaternion Theory of Hierion Physics and said, "Pretty interesting reading, eh?"
Trying to exercise her rational mind and ignore Rusan's supernumerary breasts, Wynya proposed a theory, "When you travel back through time you shrink?"
Rusan and Quen laughed. "We are sy'Paz, this is our normal body size. Most of the time we operate in more primitive eras, but Grean thought that we could handle this mission the best. Don't worry, after we make sure that you understand the basics of hierion physics, we'll erase all thoughts of sy'Paz, fairies and time travel from your mind. What will remain, after we remove the scaffold, will allow you to make your seminal discovery of quaternion polarics."
Wynya repeated, "My discovery." She touched the pages of A Quaternion Theory of Hierion Physics. But it will not really be my discovery... you are giving it to me."
Quen suggested, "Look at it this way, you get to learn about your discovery from your future self."
"How far in the future have you seen?"
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birth of a scientist |
Wynya picked up one of her written notes. "Help me make sense of these equations....."
Rusan shook her head, "Neither Quen or I know any math or science. We can stay here with you in this time for only a few days, then we must return home."
Quen added, "And we'll take the books with us."
Rusan flew over to where she had left another book. "I guess you did not notice this one."
Wynya picked up the other book: Hierions and Sedrons for Beginners by Sydney J. Fascinated, Wynya began looking through this second book from the future. Wynya knew immediately that this second book was the one she should have looked at first. She looked at the two little people with annoyance. "Why didn't you show me this one first?"
"Sorry. Arkaya threw us all into a tizzy."
Quen asked, "You aren't mad at us, are you?"
"Not at you." Wynya looked at Quen and giggled. "I'm only mad. I must be crazy. All day I've been telling myself that this can't be real..." She thought about the erotic dream she'd had. Wynya felt a hot sexual desire every time she glanced at Quen.
Quen said with relief in her voice, "I'm glad you are not mad at us." She flew into the closet.
Rusan told Wynya, "Please don't trap him in there again. She's looking for an old manuscript."
Wynya was becoming engrossed in Hierions and Sedrons for Beginners. She absently muttered, "What manuscript?"
"Your father's original draft manuscript copy of Lectures on Quaternions."
"Oh" Her nose still in Hierions and Sedrons for Beginners, Wynya returned to the big desk, pulled out a drawer, rummaged around inside and pulled out a key. "Here."
Rusan grabbed the big brass key, but it slipped to the desktop with a little thud. "The key..." She looked around the room. There were several finely crafted cabinets with locks. Rusan called to Quen who was still rummaging around in the closet, "Come here. We have the key." Rusan asked Wynya, "Which cabinet?"
Wynya pointed. Working with the help of Quen's force-amplifier, Quen and Rusan used the key to open the cabinet. Inside was a discouraging collection of papers, letters, folders, printed matter of all kinds. Without taking her eyes from Hierions and Sedrons for Beginners, Wynya said absently, "Some day I'll write a biography of my father. I don't want you two stealing his manuscripts."
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in the Ekcolir Reality |
Rusan shushed Quen. "Shut your big mouth"
Wynya looked up from Hierions and Sedrons for Beginners. "I never get what?"
Rusan said, "I'll tell you, but then we'll have to erase your memory..."
"What is it?"
"About six years from now, this old building will have a fire, after electrical wiring is put in. You'll lose this copy of Lectures on Quaternions."
Wynya stood up and went to see what Rusan and Quen were doing. They had some sort tiny camera and were capturing images of the letters and other documents in the cabinet. Rusan asked Wynya, "If you could pull out those heavy books for us, we will photograph everything. This will save a future historian friend of ours from having to search through time and have to watch your father writing all this down."
"Watch my father... you mean in the past."
Rusan explained, "It would be possible for an Observer to watch your father write anything he ever wrote, but it would be a time-consuming task. Since we were coming here on this mission, we were asked to photograph these things."
Wynya asked, "From the future, you can watch everything that happened in the past?"
"Mostly. Earth is full of sub-nanoscopic sedronic devices that constantly create a detailed record of everything happening on this world."
"And you have access... you watched me before you came?"
"Yes, we made some observations on you from Observer Base. To familiarize us with your habits."
"I don't like the idea that everything I do is being watched."
"Well, it is not healthy for Earthlings to know about such things. So, before we leave, we'll erase that knowledge from your mind, too. For now, I've put a lock on your brain that will prevent you from speaking of these matters to others of this time."
Wynya was indignant. "That's even worse. My memories are mine."
"You can't know too much about your own future. That would create a Time paradox and derail everything."
12. Flora.
Eventually, Wynya felt her indignation waning. She was more interested in reading Hierions and Sedrons for Beginners than she was in arguing. She settled back in at the desk, reading and taking detailed notes, trying to make sense of 200 years of future physics.
About 4:00 the next morning, Arkaya knocked on the office door. She stuck her head in and called, "I'm heading home!"
Wynya was feeling physically tired, particularly her eyes and her writing hand, but her mind was in flames. At the conscious level, she was caught up in the intricacies of hierion and sedron physics. At the level of her subconscious mind, she was being influenced by Quen, who, with nothing better to do, every few hours unleashed her telepathic powers on Rusan and made love to her. Some of those erotic telepathic signals from Quen had spilled over and elevated Wanya's sexual desires to a hot simmer of lust.
Wynya stretched and said to Arkaya, "I'll walk with you." Soon Wynya and Arkaya were gone from the Observatory.
Rusan and Quen emerged from the closet. Rusan looked at Wynya's notes which were now a thick covering on the big wooden desk. "A shame we are going to have to erase her memories. She's a quick learner."
"Too quick. She is scary smart." Quen was looking at her personal Temporal Warp Generator, which also had hierion detector function. "Someone is warping in!"
"No!" Rusan had seen the Time Structure surrounding their Intervention in this space-time locus. It allowed for little margin of error because of the huge temporal energy involved in giving humans access to knowledge about hierions. Rusan took out her own TWG and saw that it was starting to glow an ominous purple. Then the air between Rusan and Quen split.
A member of their team, Flora, slipped into 1860 with an audible crack, like distant thunder. Flora checked her own TWG and sighed with relief. "Made it." Her TWG was glowing red and swirling filaments of coherent light flowed from the device. She dropped the TWG back into her pocket and looked at Rusan. "That was close." It had barely been possible for her to squeeze into this space-time locus.
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In the Ekcolir Reality. (see) |
Flora flew towards the fireplace. "I don't have time to explain. I'll be right back." She went into the fire place and up the chimney and flew off in search of Wynya and Arkaya.
The two women were standing in front of the Observatory residence, watching the first light of dawn creep into the eastern sky. Wynya was trying to think of a way to bypass the cognitive lock that had been placed on her by Rusan. That lock was preventing Wynya from telling Arkaya anything about hierion physics, time travel or anything at all related to Rusan and Quen.
It was clear that Arkaya either had no memory of the "fairies", or she too was being blocked from discussing them.
Rusan had said: "We'll erase all thoughts of sy'Paz, fairies and time travel from your mind".
Rather desperate to find a way to make Arkaya recall what she herself had seen the previous evening, Wynya suggested, "Come in... I'll make tea." She slipped her arm around Arkaya and pulled the girl towards the front door of the mansion. Wynya found herself creating a fantasy scenario in her mind in which she would take Arkaya to bed and make love to her. Wynya felt her heart racing.
Just then, Flora swooped down upon Wynya and Arkaya and waved her TWG at them. While dazzling the two Earthlings with a light show, Flora was trying to extract the infites that were already inside Arkaya's brain. She needed to replace them with another set of infites that had slightly different programming. Flora was also using her telepathic ability to stimulate Flora's amygdala in an effort to trigger a state of fear and astonishment.
Arkaya saw the flying Flora inside the chaotic red light being emitted by the TWG. In Arkaya's mind, this was some kind of demonic apparition. Arkaya screamed and ran away down the road leading towards town. For a minute, Flora pursued the poor girl and tried to complete her mission.
Wynya called to Arkaya, "Don't run! Let me explain!"
As soon as Flora had completed the infite swap, she returned to Wynya. "Don't worry about Arkaya. I had to make an adjustment to her brain, but now she'll be fine."
Frustrated by her helplessness and feeling like she was unable to resist the advanced technology of the sy'Paz, Wynya asked bitterly, "How many of you time travelers are there?"
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Hierion Crossing Image credits |
Flora had also brought new nanites for Wynya that would make her less susceptible to Quen's emotion-modifying telepathy. As those infites now went to work in her brain and suddenly Wynya felt less sexually aroused and very sleepy. She asked Flora, "We would have what?"
"That possibility is gone... averted. Now get some rest. Tomorrow will be your last chance to study hierion physics before Rusan departs." Flora flew back to the Observatory and found Rusan and Quen playing some sort of erotic game up in the decorative planetarium that hung above the desk in Wynya's office.
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Time travel to 1860. |
Flora explained, "Jacking up Wynya's libido was part of Grean's plan. Wynya's infites were designed to channel all that sexual energy in support of Wynya's passion for mathematics and physics." Flora told Rusan, "Some low probability third factor, possibly just your presence, Rusan, spread the effects of Quen's telepathic impulses to Arkaya. That created a temporal fork of low probability... that and possibly her memories of yesterday that were not yet completely suppressed by infites. In any case, without my intervention, the mission would have failed." She held out her TWG which was now just a simple metallic device, all the warning lights having been extinguished. "Everything pertaining to this Reality Change is back on track and I can take Quen back with me right now. He needs some corrective psycho-surgery." Flora moved close to Quen and sent some emotion-neutralizing nanites into his brain.
Almost instantly, Quen's telepathic storm of erotic thoughts began to subside. Rusan said, "That's a relief. I've never seen him this way."
Flora laughed, "We'll have to investigate Arkaya's telepathic abilities... that is something that slipped under our notice when this Intervention was planned."
Rusan asked, "Do you mean that Grean actually made a mistake?"
Flora shook her head. "Something about this suggests the meddling of positronic robots working to alter the temporal sequence of events for their own purposes."
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"R. Nyrtia is sometimes a bit misguided." Flora assured Rusan, "You can finish up here with Wynya. The rest of the team and I will keep Quen occupied, but he'll be desperate to complete his business with you." She pointed to Quen's erection. "Hopefully, isolating him from Arkaya will allow him to return to normal. See you back in Seelie." Flora flew to Quen, grabbed his arm and activated their return portal to future. The two sy'Paz disappeared with a small "wsoosh". Suddenly feeling herself completely cutoff from Quen's telepathic signals, Rusan settled in for a nap in the closet.
When Flora and Quen arrived back in Grean's workshop, in their own Homewhen, Naj was there and she immediately took Quen outside into the garden and made love to him.
Grean was using her Viewer to make a quick check on the structure of Time. She told Flora, "Good work, girl. Everything is back on track."
Flora asked nervously, "Does that mean you will now trigger the big Change?" Flora know that the Ekcolir Reality would soon end. Grean had delayed the arrival of the Final Reality until she could hack into the Asimov Reality Simulator.
Grean giggled, "Stop asking about that, Flora. As a mere mortal, you will never notice when the current Reality ends."
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In the Ekcolir Reality (DWS) |
Grean needed to allow Flora to imagine a future that she could be happy about... the girl needed to hold on to some hope. "Not if you are on Earth when the Change sweeps through."
"Not even my analogue?"
Grean was now on the knife's edge of a Temporal Paradox. There was almost nothing that she could say to Flora about the Final Reality. The fact was, all of Seelie and the sy'Paz would not exist in the Final Reality. The main reason for that was because Grean herself simply could not resist making use of the sy'Paz as her agents for time travel missions. So, Seelie had to be erased from existence. Knowledge of its past existence would only be accessible to people of the Final Reality through records of Time inside the Reality Simulators of Eternity.
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Muse of History |
The rest of Grean's Hack can can be found on other pages of this blog, starting with "Terminus Planet".
Next: I provide some backstory for Grean's Hack.
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visit the Gallery of Movies, Book and Magazine Covers |
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