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Zule |
Below on this page is Part 2 of a science fiction story called the Mosy Saga. In Part 1, Tara the Ta began making plans to depart from her home in Eland. In my imagination, Eland was located in the highlands of what we know as the Caucasus Mountains. Tara has a vision of the future which includes Mosy, although it is a clone of Tara who will be with Mosy in the future in a land far to the south that we know as Egypt. In Part 2 (below), Tara has a discussion about Mosy with Pokam, one of the replicoids who helps to maintain the seemingly fragile bloodline of the Ta.
Tara's most recent vision of the future revealed to her that she will found a new tribe of the Ta in a new land to the south, but spreading Ta genes involves not only migration, but also biological warfare. Her husband Zule's body acts as a source of deadly viruses that can spread to other humans. Those deadly viruses have been designed by Interventionists to serve as a way to depopulate the lands that are to be colonized by Tara and her descendants.
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Potina |
Norsun. Tara must build a new homeland in the southern land of Norsun with the help of her husband Zule and Zule's other wife, Potina (show in the image to the left). Zule (see the figure above) designs musical instruments such as flutes and harps. He takes advantage of the skilled craftsmanship of the replicoids who mine metal ores, smelt copper and arsenic, and craft fine, durable wires from alloys of copper and arsenic. The replicoids are also masters of woodworking, textile weaving and dying and they help Zule make decorative bronze clothing accessories for his wives to wear. The events of Part 2, below, continue immediately from the end of Part 1 when Tara explained to Zule and Potina that they were wedded. The three spouses proceeded to have a long, celebratory love-making session.
Visions of Norsun (Part 2 of the Mosy Saga) (Part 1)
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Tara during a ritual bath just before departing for Norsum. |
Tara was rather lost in the pleasures of her first time making love to both Zule and Potina at the same time. She was joyfully sliding her tongue along Potina's hot genitals while also continuing to push Zule's big erection as deep as possible into her allzaurish. Tara could not help but compare the sensations provoked by Zule's penis to those that were created whenever Ila's big equine penis was inside her allzaurish.
Potina had begun singing and now Zule called for a Rep to bring his lyre. Thyl, one of the Rata House replicoids was quickly there beside the bed, handing the instrument to Zule. Tara was so used to having Reps close at hand, she did not immediately pay attention to the replicoid. Zule stroked the instrument and began to play his lyre so as to accompany Potina's singing.
Thyl leaned close to Tara and whispered, "May I be of assistance?" From Thyl's perspective, there was shortage of sex partners in the bed. Thyl also knew that Tara had made the long trip from Ida House to Rata and the girl must be tired. Tara was the only one working, so it seemed polite to enquirer if she needed help.
Tara glance at Thyl from the corner of her eye and realized that she was trying to do too much. For a moment she wondered what role to assign Thyl, but there was usually no need to explain anything to the Rep. Tara stopped her licking of the stiff glans of Potina's clitoris and told Thyl, "You give Tina another orgasm while I take care of Zule."Thyl quickly grabbed Porina's legs and turned her genitals towards the side of the bed. Thyl slid her fist inside Potina's wet vagina and began massaging her genitals with powerful thrusts of her artificial tongue. The replicoids of Eland usually maintained their human appearance, but in order to provide maximal sexual stimulation to Potina, Thyl rearranged the nanite components of her tongue, shaping it into a form that through long experience Thyl knew could be used to quickly bring Potinal to sexual climax with a satisfying orgasm. At the same time, Tara began vigorously riding Zule's erection while playing with her own stiff clitoris and nipples and also joining in with Potina's song.
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Potina bathing with Tara |
Before Thyl was called into the bedroom, Potina had sung:
"I brought my lover to our bed
After she told me we were wed.
She took you deep inside
and took you for a ride.
Now, since I'm your bride,
I thought she'd be polite,
but no! After she came
it was just more of the same
on your penis she held her ground
Ta simply turned herself around
and took some more delight!
I must complain, it is not right!
She's got vaginas front and back!
sexual appetite she does not lack
so everything takes twice as long
and that's why I sing my song.
Now, I don't want her to be quick,
she takes sweet time my clit to lick..."
At that point Zule began playing along with his lyre. Potina continued singing:
"Plucking strings while I sing,
the Rep and her tongue do their thing."
Tara began singing along, accenting Potina's verses...
"He'll pluck you next and make you ring,
don't ignore what this cute Rep is offering."
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Thyl the Rep with Pokam |
"My new husband should not be doubting,
yes, that's two orgasms for me and counting."
Zule ejaculated again and Tara's allzaurish responded to the sex hormones that were in her husband's hot semen. Tara continued pushing Zule's erection in and out of her back vagina and in so doing she spread the clytykynyn to every part of her allzaurish. Tara achieved another orgasm and slipped into an orgasm trance as she sang out in ecstasy: "Another Ta vision is before my mind!
To Norsun I'll go with Zule to find
The site of the home we will share
but I see two residences for us there.
One is a large, comfortable home
where Zule will often work bronze alone
The other is a high palace for Potina
where she will rule as Norsun's leader."
Now another Rep named Pokam came into the bedroom carrying two more lyres, one of which was handed to Thyl. The two replicoids began playing along with Zule, creating a harmonic melody that matched Tara's rhythm of sliding Zule's penis in and out of her dripping allzaurish. Tara finally pulled off of Zule's erection and briefly she licked the soft skin of his penis and swallowed some more of his spicy semen.
Potina could no longer wait. She pushed Tara to the side and mounted Zule. Zule never paused his lyre playing while Potine began vigorously massaging her own vagina with his hot, hard penis. Potina continued the song asking Tara:
"Ta, how can your vision be true?
Zule will go south with only you?"
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Potina and her palace. |
Under the effects the sex hormones inside her two vaginas and her mouth, Tara's telepathic abilities were amplified. Making use of the Bimanoid Interface, Tara was able to look into the mind of her replicoid copy who was inside the Eternity space-time bubble. Tara had no understanding of the existence of her replicoid as another independent thinking being, but during Tara's intense orgasm trance, that replicoid was a source of information about Tara's first journey to Norsun.
The replicoid copy of Tara had previously Viewed the future be means of the time travel equipment in Eternity. Now, Tara continued singing and describing her vision of the future to Potina and Zule...
"Listen, Tina, my lover, I know you will find
when pregnant, for your health, staying in Eland
is wise, so you'll be safe here and left behind
while Zule and I visit the places I've described."
Potina was intrigued by the idea of a future palace in Norsun. She asked Tara, "What will there be for me to rule when we live in Norsun?"
Tara was now spread across the bed. Lying on her back with her eyes closed, she touched her big erect Ta-style clitoris with her finger tips and told Pokam, "Get your big penis inside me... now!"
Pokam set down the lyre he was playing and made his nanite-generated clothing begin to disintegrate. He had never previously made love to Tara, but he was well aware of her preferences so he inflated his penis, shaping it so as to perfectly fit Tara's anatomy and provide her with pleasure. As Pokam began thrusting his erection in and out of Tara's slippery vagina, she stimulated the glans of her clitoris with her trembling finger tips and continued her 'Song of Norsun'...
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Tara riding Ime. |
From Eland, our homeland fair,
Tara and Zule, a wandering pair,
To distant Norsun, a journey, we dare,
The road of bronze, under boundless air.
On Ime and Mot, the bronze trail leads,
Through hilly terrain, the quest proceeds,
Hoof falls echoing with every stride,
Off to unveil Norsun's mysteries, we ride.
Zule, the lyre's gentle caress,
Crafting tunes, our hearts confess,
Instruments of joy, he brings to life,
Amidst those hills, our love runs rife.
In lands to the south, we make our way,
Rushing towards Norsun by night and day,
Fast where El's children have never been,
Into a new world, a mysterious scene.
At that moment, Potina achieved an explosive orgasm and cried out in joy. Tara was finally jolted out of her orgasm trance and she luxuriated for a moment in the pulsing splendor of her clitoral erection. She was tempted to ask Thyl to come lick her glans, but Potina had turned herself around and now astride Zule in reverse orientation, Thyl set down her lyre and began playing with Potina's clitoris.
Tara glanced at Zule and he winked at her. He asked, "So Tina will give birth to my first child?"
Tara knew that Zule and Potina would both assume that in about a year, she would be pregnant with Zule's child. However, Tara knew that was not true. Potina would eventually give birth to Zule's first child, but that was still five years in the future, after they had moved to Norsun. Potina's first child would be fathered by her step-father, Prov. Tara had no desire to disrupt their wedding celebration by explaining this fact.
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Potina and Osy the black mountain lion |
One of the images the Tara had seen drifting in the mind of her replicoid was a view of Potina with a large black lion. Sometimes black mountain lions were seen in the hills of Eland, but this vision was confusing and jumbled together in her mind with other visions of the future that Tara had experienced. Tara had recognized the location of the vision scene; a high pass not far from the great mountain, El. Tara knew the name of the lion: Osy. Tara tried to describe her vision of Osy to Potina...
"Eland's hills and valleys are vast,
Mark! Creatures from the distant past,
The beasts of many lineages untold,
Into tales of their stories, our hearts enfold.
Each night dark, each day glows,
Stories and songs begin to flow,
Tales of Eland's black cats of grace,
In the high cool hills they find a place.
The lion I've seen is dark as night,
In this blackness a soul takes flight,
With quiet step this baby was found,
In a vision, it is homeward bound.
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Tara in Norsun after osy's death. |
As we journey through night and day,
From Eland's high hills a new call,
In this ancient land, where legends fall."
Tara fell silent, but Zule continued playing his melody for the song. Tara recalled a vision from years previously. Now she understood that vision as being her older self, in a wooded glade, attendant to the burial of the great black lion Osy. Potina was in gloomy mourning for the loss of her feline companion. Tara turned her thoughts away from that sad scene of the future.
Tara and Potina were gazing into each others eyes as they both now gently rocked on a big hot erection. Zules semen continued to ooze out of both women and Tara kept rubbing the semen on her stiff glans and her erect nipples. The sex hormones from the semen stimulated receptors in Tara's skin, keeping her very sexually aroused.
Now Potina took up some of the slippery semen and rubbed it on her erect nipples. She told Tara, "Yesterday, Prov went off to hunt a lion that got into our flocks."
Tara asked, "A black lion?"
Zule shook his head and relied, "Nobody saw it. We only found two dead animals, dismembered by a lion."
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Ime and Tyn in Norsun. |
Tara had seen visions of the forests of Norsun and was vaguely aware that she would devote much of her life to nurturing those forests. The Rep had long been gardening trees in Norsun, but caring for the forests would become a consuming interest for Tara.
Tara knew that the house where she would live in Norsun with Zule and Potina and their children would be a growing thing, lovingly built and expanded by the Rep who were skilled woodworkers. There was some problem with the forests that would be solved with the help of the Rep. That solution apparently involved the same wire-making technology that Zule and the Rep used to make the metal strings for the lyres and harps that Zule designed.
Suddenly Tara realized what she had seen in an old vision from her youth. The Rep would craft and deploy wire shields that would protect young trees from grazing animals, facilitating the maintenance of the beautiful forests of Norsun. In surprise, Tara laughed at the idea.
Potina was still playing with her nipples and enjoying how Thyl was licking her genitals. Zule's erection was still hot and hard inside her body. Potina glanced at Tara and for a minute watched in fascination as the Ta played with the big pink glans of her clitoris. Potina licked her lips and asked, "Why did you laugh?"
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Potina with a bronze torq |
Rather horrified, Potina asked, "We will have war in Norsun?"
"No, I have not seen that." Tara tried to express the peaceful nature of their future lives in Norsun, "The Rep army will be so formidable that none of the southern tribes will dare fight. You will rule over a time of peace, trade and gifting."
Now Zule chuckled and asked, "What sort of gifting?"
Tara told Zule, "Your wife Tina will not only shower you with orgasms, my husband, but she will exchange gifts with the tribes of the south. Delegations will arrive at Potina's palace and then cart away the gifts. Wonderful constructs of bronze, silver and gold. In fact..." Tara now understood something that she has first seen in a vision years previously. Just as Zule now has two wives, Potina would have two husbands. A prince from a powerful tribe to the west of Norsun would become Potina's second husband.
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Potina about to exchange a tired horse for a fresh horse. |
Tara had long been in possession of a future memory of Potina exchanging horses at stations maintained by the Rep. Now that old image made sense. Potina would often travel across Norsun, meeting traders and serving as the frontier face of Norsun.
Potina knew of the Ta habit of having sexual encounters with their horses. Potina commented, "You are already a breeder of horses."
Tara did not want to have to explain to her husband that she could make use of the sex hormones in horse semen to shift her mind into a state receptive to a vision of the future. Tara told Potina, "Some things are better left unspoken."
Potina nodded. "Sorry." She reached down and patted Thyl's head. The Rep was diligently licking the stiff glans of Potina's clitoris and stroking her hot wet labia. Zules big penis was sill inside Potina's vagina. "Thyl is giving me loose and quivering lips."
Tara almost commented on the joy that Potina took in making love to her step father, but just then, Tara thought she could here Prov calling, "Who is in the house?" She signaled to Zule to stop strumming his lyre and asked, "Did you hear that?"
Quickly reassembling their nanite-generated clothing, Thyl and Pokam hurried out of the bedroom. Zule, Potina and Tara more slowly pulled on some clothing and then went to greet Prov.
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Tara and Potina in Norsun. |
Prov explained, "I found this cub after I killed its mother. Now, caring for it is my responsibility."
Tyle brought a bowl of goat's milk to the lion cub. Potina told Prov, "We have heard of this cat from Tara."
Prov looked at Tara and asked, "A future vision?"
Tara nodded. "I believe I have seen this animal when it has grown... at least I have seen Potina with a lion companion in Norsun."
Prov asked, "In Norsun of the south?"
Potina took hold of her father's arm, "Tara has seen our future! Zule, Tara and I will journey to Norsun." Potina quickly told her father about her wedding to Zule and Tara. "Both Banduy and mother have approved the marriage."
Prov nodded. "I'm pleased that Banduy has finally accepted the facts. Does this mean that you three will be moving to Norsun soon?"
Tara shared her vision with Prov, "No, we will continue living in Eland for five more years. After all, we are still quite young."
"By the laws of our tribe, you are adults. But I would worry if you were to hurry off to Norsun... alone." Prov glanced at Pokam.
The Rep said, "They will not go alone. These three will always be accompanied by Rep."
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Tara at age 40 in Norsun. |
They went and sat beside the horse corral where they had a good view down the Rata valley where Tara expected Brita to arrive with her little caravan. She asked Pokam the Rep, "So, have you also seen the future?"
The replicoid replied, "I stated a fact. The Rep will always attend to you and your family." Pokam tried to slip his hand between Tara's legs and resume making love to her, but Tara crossed her legs.
Tara said, "You can tell me the truth. I am Ta. I know that you Rep are replicoids, some form af artificial, manufactured life."
"But you can never discuss that truth with others of your tribe."
"Why not? What secrets do the Rep hide?"
Pokam explained, "There are some among the Watchers who don't want any Rep on Earth. We must be careful to hide our presence on this world. We work very quietly."
Tara asked, "And Mosy is part of your work?"
Pokam nodded. "But ask me for no details. I will go with you to Norsun, but no further. When you are in Egypt, you will have another helper... her name, Caz."
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Potina about to meet Caz. |
"Caz will teach you all about Egypt and Mosy. You two will share several lives together, so do not be in a hurry." Pokam put his arms around Tara and kissed her, trying to distract her from her worries about the future.
Tara saw that Pokam had his lovely Rep penis erect and pointing at the sun above. She could not resist straddling him. With their arms tightly wrapped around each other, Tara still could not calm her mind. "I feel like I have known Caz before... somewhere, somehow..."
Pokam laid Tara down on the soft wet grass. A warm gentle rain continued to fall. By branching his nanite-built penis, Pokam was able to fill both of Tara's vaginas with his hot organ. "You have known her in past lives also. She has been training you for many centuries."
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Caz the replicoid. |
Pokam was slowly and methodically massaging Tara, working her towards the bliss of orgasm. "You think too much, my love. There is nothing wrong with going slow. Enjoy every minute."
Tara had long held tight to a vision of the replicoid that she now knew as Caz. Tara suspected that Caz was already in Norsun, preparing for the arrival of Tara, Potina and Zule. Finally, she decided to let that go and she surrendered to the sweet love making of Pokam.
Next: Part 3 of the Mosy Saga.
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