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Threy |
In Part 2, while rushing to the airport to welcome Marda and Rylla back to the States, Tyhry began learning about the problem Systolina was facing on the planet Threy. Some of the religious robots of Threy were trying to prevent Systolina from providing a way for robots to transcend into the Hierion Domain of the universe.
In addition to having acquired the telepathic powers of a positronic robot, Systolina has modified her robotic body so as to make it more like the body of a human being. In an attempt to attract Tyhry's attention, Systolina has modified her appearance so as to resemble Tyhry's friend, Marda.
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Tyhry's vacation on Threy |
Part 3 of Vythoth the Chresmoscopist. (read Part 1)(Part 2)
Tyhry was dazzled by the relentless telepathic information flow from Systolina while she enjoyed what Systolina was doing to her body. Then Tyhry said, "I love what you are doing to me, Systolina. Your touch has me aflame and I feel you in my thoughts, but our minds and thought trains are still quite distinct."
Systolina agreed: Yes, when here in Reality, I only have my endosymbiont-generated telepathic abilities. It is like suddenly being blind after having experienced full positronic robot telepathy.
Tyhry was now very close to sexual climax. She told Systolina, "That is easy to explain. The Huaoshy altered the Dimensional Structure of the universe, causing the unique telepathic mechanism of the positronic brain to no longer be physically possible in the Final Reality. When you are inside the Asimov Reality Simulation, you have your complete telepathic powers, thanks to the Simulation System." Tyhry experienced a sweet orgasm and for a brief moment, Tyhry felt her telepathic mind penetrate deep into the core of Systolina's robot mind.
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Dimensional Structure |
Finally, when she could speak again in the afterglow of her orgasm, Tyhry said, "Yes, of course. In the Ekcolir Reality, positronic robot-style telepathy was still possible. I've read about the unusual basis of positronic robot telepathy and how it arose in the First Reality. That is a topic that my father carefully researched. Positronic robot telepathy took the bumpha by surprise and changed the course of human history." Tyhry could telepathically sense that Systolina's problem on Threy was somehow related to telepathy. "But why is that a problem for you?"
Systolina pulled her mouth away from Tyhry's lips and gazed lovingly into the girl's eyes. "Well, on Threy, as soon as I activate the full telepathic potential of other robots, they start looking deeply into my mind. I usually send them on their way, but with some practice, another positronic robot can begin to view my deepest memories and learn everything that I know." Systolina continued to massage an unusual lump that had become quite engorged there in the space between Tyhry's legs and now protruded a full inch, sticking out through her pubic hair. "My! What unusual anatomy you have, Tyhry!"
Tyhry said, "If you can keep a secret, I'll tell you the whole story. I've programmed some new medical zeptites to begin reversing the effects of Manny's medical nanites that were used to alter my fetal developmental trajectory. In utero, my body was shaped into the form of a conventional Earth human; a girl with passably normal human external genitalia... as long as you accepted the rather big glans of my clitoris. However, during the past few weeks I've been gradually recovering my tryp'At genetic heritage."
Systolina gazed in fascination at Tyhry's crotch. "I see! And I recall reading in one of Eddy's reports on the tryp'At and his claim that they are all hermaphrodites."
Tyhry reached down and grabbed the hot lump of erectile tissue that Systolina was playing with and pulled on it. Systolina watched in amazement as Tyhry's emphatically male anatomical feature emerged from its sheath. Tyhry gently stroked her now fully protruding sex organ and explained, "I was planning on surprising Marda with my new male anatomy." Tyhry got out of her seat and climbed on top of Systolina, pushing the robot back against the co-pilot's bucket seat which flattened out beneath Systolina like a bed.
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zeptites |
going to ravish you." Tyhry spread apart Systolina's legs and said,
"I've discovered that I quite enjoy the male part of tryp'At biology."
Tyhry rubbed the glans of her penis against Systolina's hot wet labia.
Systolina asked, "So it is true, the tryp'At were designed as hermaphrodites? And now you are an hermaphrodite?"
and my gonads now have the ability to make both sperm and eggs." Tyhry
was now vigorously thrusting her one distinctive male structural element
in and out of Systolina's body. Tyhry commanded her clothing nanites to
completely disappear and now her two small breasts bounced in rhythm
with her forceful pelvic thrusts.
In adherence with her programming and also her personal desire to please Tyhry, Systolina asked, "May I offer you some advice?"
Tyhry was again looking into Systolina's thoughts, trying to find out if it was possible for the robot to have an orgasm. Tyhry said, "By all means. I want you to enjoy this as much as I do."
Systolina said, "We
robots can exercise conscious control over our body senses. I can
provide myself with pleasure any time I want. So, go ahead and enjoy
yourself without worrying about me." To make her point, Systolina
triggered an orgasm in herself and powerful contractions of her vagina
squeezed on Tyhry's penis.
Tyhry's telepathic mind was now better synchronized with that of Systolina. Realizing that Systolina was experiencing an orgasm, Tyhry felt a sense of triumph. However, she was also feeling some guilt over not allowing Systolina to explain the reason for her coming to Earth. Tyhry slowed her movements and said, "I see a memory... a thought in your mind. A man named... Nym?"
Systolina wrapped her legs around Tyhry. "Not a man. Nym is a robot. Nymerya Coryn. I'm hoping you can tell me how to... well, get rid of him."
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synapex linkages |
Tyhry could sense in Systolina's mind that the robot was thinking about her past experience of being intimate with Nymerya Coryn. Tyhry asked, "Really? You have a boy friend?" It had not occurred to Tyhry that the robots of Threy might pair-off and share in sexplay.
Systolina giggled. "Well, Nym is very charming. Of course I've had some sexplay sessions with him. We robots at the resorts of Threy have plenty of spare time when most of the tourists are asleep. Why shouldn't robots give each-other pleasure?"
Tyhry asked, "So... I'm not charming?" Tyhry was not happy to see in Systolina's mind that Tyhry was not as good a lover as Nym the robot.
Systolina said, "Don't feel bad, Tyhry. You are young and inexperienced. You just made a wild dash for your orgasm. Nym has centuries of experience pleasuring tourists on Threy and knows how to apply pleasing pressure on the entirety of a girl's clitoris from every possible angle. You are just learning how to use your new equipment. Although... it was strange... for a second... I felt your mind and mine begin to merge, but then I was blocked out."
Tyhry pulled her new male equipment out of Systolina's body and returned to the pilot's seat. She let her dress reform from its constituent nanites, but her big hot erection stuck out like a flaming rocket. She asked, "If he's such a talented lover, then why do you want to get rid of Nym?"
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Tyhry was still trying to get used to having her male appendage, which she enjoyed simply looking at. She still marveled at the delightfully soft skin of her penis and could not resist touching it. For a time both Tyhry and Sytolina played with her penis then Tyhry told Systolina, "I'm trying to imagine... but I can't. Why does it matter to Nym if other robots transcend or not. What business is it of his?"
Sensing that Tyhry
wanted another orgasm, Systolina gave Tyhry oral sex. As her sexual
pleasure again mounted, Tyhry said, "I feel like my penis is going to
explode! This is just what I've been needing! I'm so glad you showed up
After Tyhry ejaculated for a second time, again she felt her telepathic mind briefly coalesce with Systolina's positronic brain pattern. When Systolina pulled her mouth away and swallowed the last of Tyhry's tangy tryp'At semen, she told Tyhry, "Word has spread to all corners of Threy and even as far as Triskelion... it is now widely known through-out Alastor Cluster that robots and humans can come to Systolina Chapel and..." Systolina was distracted. She paused to lick a dribble of semen from the tip of Tyhry's big erection. "You taste quite nice, Tyhry."
For a moment, Tyhry tried to imagine if Nymerya Coryn the robot could ejaculate. Systolina giggled and said, "Yes, the male robots of Threy ejaculate. They can even adjust the taste of their artificial semen to suit human preferences."
Tyhry said, "Hm... maybe I should take another vacation on Threy. I had no idea there were so many good things to be had."
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The Marda replicoids. |
Tyhry joined Systolina in manually stimulating her penis. "Don't tell me, Systolina, you got addicted to Nym?"
"No, not really. He's a great lover, but now I resent the way he tried to influence me and my replicoids. He pretended to care about my work, then he established his protest camp on my doorstep." Tyhry could sense in Systolina's thoughts the fact that there were now more than a hundred Systolina replicoids on Threy. Systolina looked out the window of the flying car. "Are we getting close to the airport?"
"We could be there in less than ten minutes, but I slowed us down. Marda's flight is slightly delayed."
Systolina turned her attention back to Tyhry and kissed the tip of her pretty erection. "Well, I'll get to the point. I want you to help me get Nymerya Coryn off of Threy and out of my hair."
Tyhry suddenly stopped playing with her penis. "You want to bring Nymerya Coryn out of the Simulation... bring him here to Earth? By the way, how you did you get to my lab today?"
"Well, no... it would do no good to bring Nym here. No... not here. I would not wish Nym's company on you, even though I can see in your mind that you are fantasizing about the idea of engaging him in sexplay." Systolina again looked away from Tyhry's pretty tryp'At penis and gazed out the window. "I contacted the Phari. I asked them to send Nym away, get him off of Threy. The Phari refused. However, they agreed to send me to your lab. I'm thinking about other possible destinations for Nym... one of the past Realities of Earth."
Tyhry saw a new idea in Systolina's mind. "You are a femtobot replicoid copy of Systolina?"
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Hierion Domain |
The autopilot had been monitoring the status of Marda's flight and Tyhry noted the signal indicating that Marda's commercial flight from Australia had now landed. Tyhry gave the flying car's autopilot permission to land at the airport. Tyhry looked at Systolina and marveled at how much the robot resembled Marda. Tyhry loved the physical appearance of this Systolina replicoid, but would Marda be amused or offended? Tyhry commanded the hair nanites to give Systolina a different hair arrangement, now hoping to disrupt the visial similarity between the robot and Marda. "I begin to understand. You want to send Nymerya Coryn into a different Reality. But why not let me just create another fork of the Threy simulation where he could..."
"No!" Systolina insisted, "I don't think Nymerya Coryn should be on Threy. Not on any instance of Threy. I want him gone... exiled to another Reality where he can't harm any robots. He won't rest as long as the robots of Threy can visit Systolina Chapel. He wants a return to the failed ways of robot religion and absurd belief that through serving humans with dedication and care, a robot will magically transcend into the Hierion Domain and then live etrnally in paradise."
Tyhry laughed. "Wow. You really detest him."
admitted, "I think I've come as close to hating him as is possible for a
robot. He's become such a thorn in my side! He now has a large
following among the religious fanatics. In any case, I thought maybe you
could help me get rid of him. Lose him in some Reality of Deep Time."
Tyhry tried to imagine the proper place in time for a religious fanatic. She thought about the Ekcolir Reality, which was rather unique since the major Western religions had all failed to develop in the Ekcolir Reality. It was often said that the number one religion of the Ekcolir Reality was worship of the female body as a temple of sexual pleasure. Eddy had traced that major cultural change to the fact that in the Ekcolir Reality, the analogue of the man who came to be known as Moses in the Final Reality, insted died young in the Ekcolir Reality. Systolina was following Tyhry's thoughts and asked, "Who is Moses?"
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The Ekcolir Reality. |
Their car was now navigating through traffic. Systolina pointed at Tyhry's erection and asked, "Is this going to be a problem?"
Tyhry said, "No, not really." Tyhry grabbed hold of her erection with both hands. "I quite enjoy having this beautiful penis. Apparently, tryp'At erections usually last for hours. I now spend half the day walking around with an erection. Watch this!" Tyhry firmly held her erection with both hands and pushed it back into the sheath that was designed to hold it. Only the last inch remained sticking out of her body.
"A retractable penis!" Systolina gently stroked the protruding glans of Tyhry's penis with her finger tips and said, "Amazing. That's quite a trick."
They were now pulling up along the terminal building. Tyhry wiped some semen off of the tip of her penis and licked it off of her finger tips. She looked out the window. Tyhry was still distracted by her tingling penis, but she was also intrigued by Systolina's problem. She glanced back at the big pink glans of her penis and then said, "In the Ekcolir Reality, the Moses legend never developed. Mosy died when he was twenty three years old. Now, I wonder..." Tyhry again looked out the window. Now she saw Marda and Rylla up ahead. "There they are!"
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Marda and Tyhry |
Systolina explained, "After Tyhry boosted my telepathic abilities, I could see the thoughts of nearby humans. For example, I can telepathically see both your thoughts and Marda's. I've become very interested in my physical appearance and particularly concerned with how humans perceive me."
Tyhry added, "And so Systolina modified her appearance... and I've also been making nanite-mediated adjustments. Isn't she beautiful?"
Marda looked into the back seat and asked Systolina, "What am I thinking?"
Systolina replied, "Yes, I tried to make myself look like you to gain the attention of Tyhry. And, yes, that was semen that you saw running down my leg and, yes, that wonderful odor you are smelling is tryp'At semen."
were now moving slowly through traffic towards the exit from the
airport. Marda felt Tyhry's crotch and told her mother, "Hold on to your
hat!" She whispered to Tyhry, "I can't believe you didn't tell me about
Rylla looked out the window. "I'm ready for us to take-off."
Tyhry looked over her shoulder and told Rylla, "We'll fly as soon as we get out of this traffic, but that's not what Marda sees in my mind."
Marda could telepathically view in Tyhry's mind the girl's sweet memories of just having made love to Systolina. Marda told Rylla, "Tyhry has a penis."
Rylla laughed, then noticed that nobody else was laughing. Systolina had a sly grin on her face. Rylla asked, "What are you talking about? Is this another nanite trick?"
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the tryp'At phenotype |
Rylla leaned forward from the back seat. "This I have to see!"
They turned past a barricade and onto the abandoned access road. The car's nanite cloaking device activated and then the car rose into the air. Marda was playing with the protruding glans of Tyhry's penis. Tyhry told her, "You can't hurt me, just pinch and pull."
Marda followed the instructions and pulled Tyhry's big pink erection back out of its sheath. "Wow! You're huge."
Rylla commented, "I've seen bigger ones. I suppose this confirms what we have long suspected, Tyhry, you must be at least half tryp'At. However, based on the stories at the Writers Block, I'd developed the idea that a tryp'At penis was only four or five inches long."
Marda took hold of Tyhry's big hot erection with both of her hands and said, "Remember, Tyhry is part Neanderthal."
said, "Hmm.. I suppose we could go into the far past and check on the
average size of a Neanderthal penis..... that might be an interesting
research project."
Marda said, "I have to try this out." Marda quickly pulled off her tight-fitting shorts and climbed on top of Tyhry. Marda pulled a big vibrator out of her vagina and placed it against Tyhry's erect penis. "You're the perfect size!"
For a minute Tyhry enjoyed the sensation of Marda's vibrator against her erection while Marda explained telepathically: Rylla gave me this toy as my last birthday present. I suppose you can't understand how thoughtful a gift this was since you always have Anthony at your beck and call. Marda then quickly slid the vibrator into her rectum and then took Tyrhy's big penis into her vagina.
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play time on Sedrover |
Systolina nodded. "You're a bit embarrassed by Marda's lusty behavior, but I can sense that you are also quite horny. Just relax, Rylla, I can give you an orgasm... or two." Systolina put a hand up under the hem of Rylla's skirt. "I wanted to do this just the way you like it since that first time I saw you in your swim suit, on Threy. And know I can see exactly what you want me to do..." Now, Systolina could sense something new in Rylla's thoughts, something about oxypathin. Rylla took off her padded bra and pulled out one of the removable pads.
Squeezing the pad, Rylla got some fluid out of the absorbent pad which she swallowed. Systolina was busy using her tongue to stimulate the glans of Rylla's clitoris. Systolina tried to slip a finger inside Rylla's vagina, but there was a plastic vibrator in there. Rylla told Systolina, "Just leave that inside me." Systolina could telepathically see in Rylla's mind that she had been keeping herself in a state of near constant sexual arousal for the past two weeks my exposing herself to sex hormones like oxypathin. Knowing nothing of peptide chemistry, Systolina was confused by the details that she saw in Rylla's mind about how she has synthesized the polypeptide sex hormones.
A dozen orgasms later, Tyhry's flying car was rapidly approaching the home of Zeta and Eddy. Marda was trying another position and angle on Tyhry's hot erection. Tyhry said, "For years I've watched you make love to Anthony. I had no idea you could do what you just did to me. Had I known, I would have tried growing my penis last year when I first got my hands on some of Manny's medical nanites."
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Tyhry's synapex linkage nightmare. |
From the back seat, Rylla said, "Systolina seems to know exactly what I want and she has infinite stamina. I'll have to tell Zeta about this. Zeta will probably want to return to Threy and experience everything that the robots of that world can provide."
Marda warned her
mother, "Be careful what you say to Zeta, mom. Tyrhy has not told her parents
about her penis." With the flying car dropping towards the ground, Marda
reluctantly pulled herself off of Tyhry's hot erection, just a minute short of achieving her next orgasm. She told herself: I can save some of my sexual desires for Anthony.
Rylla had her long legs pointed upwards and her feet pressed against the roof of the car. She was still enjoying the way that Systolina was licking the glans of her clitoris. She said, "Tyhry, I thought you had stopped keeping secrets from your parents."
As Marda pulled away and returned to her seat, Tyhry once more stared at her big penis, marveling at her desire to continue making love to Marda. Tyhry's thoughts were only on the wonderful prospect of achieve yet another orgasm and again merging her mind intimately with Marda's. Then, no longer in physical contact with Marda, she remembered that Systolina was there in the car. Tyhry remembered Systolina's robot problem and said, "Actually, I think we need to consult with Eddy. He knows more about Earth's history than anyone." Tyhry glanced into the back seat and saw that Rylla was luxuriating in the attention she was receiving from Systolina. "Systolina wants to find a time and place in Earths history that is well-suited to be a new home for a robot from Threy."
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The Femtobot Smuggler |
They were now pulling into the garage. Tyhry said, "I'm a magician. Watch me make it disappear." She deftly pushed her erection into her body and directed her clothing nanites to expand her dress, hiding the last inch of her penis from view. Marda was trying to wipe up all of Tyhry's copious semen that was oozing out of her vagina and Rylla reluctantly stopped fingering the stiff glans of her clitoris. They all got out of the flying car and went into the house. Tyhry told Rylla, "The Phari are masters of the Hierion Domain. They can shift matter around from place to place by moving it through the Hierion Domain. They have some kind of teleportation system that was able to shift Marda out of the Asimov Reality Simulation and into the Ekcolir Reality Simulation. Maybe we can convince the Phari to teleport Nymerya Coryn off of Threy and into another Reality Simulation."
Next: Part 4 of Vythoth the Chresmoscopist.
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