In Part 1 of Vythoth the Chresmoscopist, Tyhry's Elcolir Reality analogue, Lexy, arrived at the nanite research laboratory. In Part 2 (below), Vythoth the Fru'wu is briefly mentioned by Lexy, just before Tyhry puts Lexy into the pattern buffer of the Reality Simulation System. Lexy and Vythoth comes back on stage in Part 5 of the story.
Tyhry has reverted her physical body back to its genetically-programmed form, that of a hybrid human-tryp'At. Tyhry is learning how to use her full tryp'At telepathic powers. Systolina Kayto, the robot from Threy, is helping Tyrhy learn how to synchronize her telepathic mind with the brain patterns of other people. For 20 years, Tyhry had only been able to share telepathic signals with her mind clone Marda and others who share Tyhry's precise cortical neural network.
Avalanche. Systolina Kayto needs help dealing with religious robots on Threy, inside the Asimov Reality Simulation. Suddenly, Tyhry is being forced to navigate the unexpected appearance of both Systolina and Lexy while also welcoming Marda and her mother Rylla back to the States for their first visit since the family vacation on Threy that was described in "The Nanite Smuggler".Marda and Rylla have timed this visit to the United States so as to correspond with the first flight of the Sedrover,
a spaceship being built by Tyhry and a construction team comprised of
many replicoid copies of Tyhry and her long-time friend, Anthony. Marda
and Tyhry have been good friends their entire lives and lovers for many
years. Tyhry now has a sexual surprise that she is eager to share with Marda.
flying from the airport back to the home of Tyhry's parents, Tyhry
begins to learn about the important relationship between orgasms and
tryp'At telepathic powers. The tryp'At were designed so that they could
only use their full telepathic abilities while in a shared state of
sexual arousal with their lovers. Also, Tyhry begins to seriously
consider the various conditions under which it might be possible to block telepathic
communication between two people.
Part 2 of Vythoth the Chresmoscopist. (read Part 1)
high degree of Tyhry's surprise provoked by the unexpected arrival of Lexy at the nanite research laboratory was due to the fact
that Tyhry had imagined that she was a special, one-of-the-kind
human-tryp'At hybrid who had been crafted by Manny the bumpha and
deployed in the Final Reality of Earth for the specific purpose of
initiating a new Age of Telepathy. Tyrhy had not imagine the possibility
that cloned copies of herself had existed in a previous Reality of Deep Time. At that moment, Tyhry was thinking of Lexy as being her analogue in the Eckolir Reality.
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Systolina was telepathically examining the thoughts of Lexy and could sense the surprise in Tyhry's mind that had been triggered by the arrival of her analogue. Systolina asked Lexy, "You were sent here by the Fru'wu?"
Lexy critically examined Systolina, looking at her from head to toe, then she told Tyhry, "The Fru'wu want to meet you. Their representative, Vythoth, is intrigued by the spaceship being built here."
Tyhry sat down at the control console
of the Reality Simulation System and pounded the keyboard for a few
seconds. Back when she had started her research lab, Tyhry had not
imagined that she would attract the attention of the Fru'wu. "I don't
have time to deal with the Fru'wu -or you, Lexy- right now." She jumped
to her feet and approached Lexy.
Lexy was telepathically
skimming information out of Tyhry's mind. Lexy glanced at Systolina and
asked, "You are a robot?" She reached out and touched Systolina's hair,
which was a rather abominable synthetic hairpiece.
"I'll explain everything." Tyhry took
Lexy by the hand and pulled her away from Systolina. "Let me show
you how the Reality Simulation System works..." Tyhry pulled Lexy through a portal that connected to another
Reality Simulation. From the perspective of Systolina, Tyhry and Lexy
simply disappeared through the open portal. Then, only two seconds
later, Tyhry re-appeared.
Systolina was amused to see that coincident with their move into Reality, Tyhry had altered the cut of her clothing, a very revealing little nanite-generated dress, causing it to take on a more conservative shape that now revealed much less of her cute body.
Out back behind the house, on the patio, Tyhry's replicoid copy had been wondering if, in the absence of Tyhry, she would have to make the airport run and pick up Marda and Rylla. She had been anticipating an E-wave call from the original biological copy ordering her to make the airport run. To kill some time, the replicoid copy of Tyhry was having a sexplay competition with Zeta to see who could make Anthony climax and ejaculate the quickest. So at the moment of Tyhry's return to the Final Reality, the replicoid copy of Tyhry was enthusiastically riding Anthony's big hot penis, but she instantly detected the arrival of Tyhry's telepathic mind pattern and told Zeta, "Tyhry is finally here."
Zeta climbed out of the hot tub saying, "I told you she'd be here... she's just always running late."
contest terminated, the replicoid copy of Tyhry pulled herself off of
Anthony's big erection and then watched in amazement as he began to
ejaculate. Great spurts of his robotic semen shot up into the air. Tyhry
had long been Anthony's sex partner and she suspected that, as a robot,
he could control his ejaculations with precision. However, Anthony had
never failed to sexually satisfy Tyhry and she was not about to start
questioning any of the details of his fabulous sexual prowess. This replicoid copy of Tyhry was engaged in a long series of experiments aimed at telepathically exploring Anthony's positronic brain, experiments that were facilitated by maximizing their number of shared orgasms. As the
spurts of Anthony's semen began to diminish, the replicoid copy of Tyhry
managed to pull her eyes off of the glans of Anthony's penis where it
protruded above the surface of the water in the hot tub. She climbed out
of the tub and followed after Zeta, taking great care to conceal the nature of her Anthony experiment from the probing telepathic mind of the original biological copy of Tyhry.
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Earth's Reality Chain |
On the display screen of Eddy's computer was a view of the First Reality showing R. Nyrtia, the positronic robot who had negotiated the Tryst-Grean Pact and ended the Time War. Hearing the arrival of his daughter, Eddy pulled his hands back from the keyboard, turned his head and stared in amazement at Systolina the robot. "Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in!"
Tyhry told her father, "I'm not a cat!" She placed a kiss on her father's cheek and was unable to constrain her emotional reaction to the youthful appearance of her 85-year old father. He now looked like he might be only 25 years old, due to the rejuvenation medical zeptites that Tyhry had placed in his body.
Eddy told Systolina, "You've changed your appearance... I approve." His eyes traced the seductive curves of the robot's body. When Eddy had first seen Systolina on The planet Threy, her robotic body had soft, shiny metallic surfaces where a human would have had skin. Now Systolina had what looked like human skin and was wearing a wig.
Systolina could sense Eddy's familiar mind pattern, but she was startled by his altered appearance. Systolina ran her hands along the contours of her body. "When I got my full telepathic powers, I could see in people's minds that my former appearance was rather unsettling for most humans. I've been re-building myself so as to look more human."
Tyhry was also admiring Systolina's new, more feminine body shape. Tyhry thought: Systolina looks like Marda's cute sister, but something has to be done about her hair.
Tyhry sent some hair nanites into Systolina's hair and made a few
subtle alterations to Systolina's appearance. Now free of the annoying
impact of the group mind formed by dozens of Tyhry replicoids, Tyhry
reached out with her telepathic sense. Tyhry noticed a new, deeper
telepathic resonance between her mind and that of Systolina. Their telepathic abilities
had changed since Tyhry had last seen Systolina on Threy, allowing them to establish a powerful resonance between their telepathic minds.
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by the telepathic connection that Tyhry was feeling to Systolina, she
grabbed the wet hand of her replicoid copy and formed a synapex link to
her. Tyhry was momentarily distracted by a big glistening dollop of
Anthony's semen that was draped over her replicoid copy's left breast. While licking off some of the semen, Tyhry telepathically told the replicoid: Help me look into Systolina's mind. After one second, Tyhry added: Our combined telepathic power is... well, look at that...
Tyhry could now see the nature of Systolina's problem, but Tyhry was
also distracted by the telepathic touch of a second telepathic robot.
Following Tyhry's thoughts, the replicoid copy of Tyhry spread the rest of Anthony's semen over the soft skin of her breast and then rubbed her nipple between her finger tips while she looked over her shoulder and muttered, "Anthony?"
had just completing the task of cleaning his ejaculated semen out of
the hot tub, using a nanite strainer that Tyhry had designed just for
that purpose. He then entered the house and Tyhry imagined him to be
saying: I expect Marda will have me in her bed within five minutes of her arrival.
The synapex link to Tyhry's replicoid copy broke. The replicoid said, "I can go to the Airport." She telepathically told Tyhry: You can stay here and speak to Systolina and dad... you need to deal with her important news from Threy.
Tyhry had telepathically sensed some of that 'news' in the thoughts of Systolina, and now more details about the evolving religious conflict on Threy were there in her replicoid copy's telepathic mind. Tyhry felt some jealousy over the fact that her replicoid copy was better able to telepathically tune to Systolina's robotic mind pattern. When duplicated by the Reality Simulation System, all of her replicoid copies were physically indistinguishable from the biological Tyhry, at least initially. However, during the two years of her existence, this replicoid copy of Tyhry had developed her own unique cognitive features and telepathic abilities.
Pausing with her hand on the garage door's knob, Tyhry told her replicoid copy, "Systolina is going with me to the airport. I'll kill two birds with one stone." She added telepathically: I'll find out about the problem on Threy and you can continue your sexplay game with Anthony. As Systolina and Tyhry went into the garage and got into Tyhry's flying car, Tyhry regretted making that snarky comment to her replicoid copy, but there was no denying the fact that an interesting rivalry had developed between these two copies of Tyhry.
Out of sight of her parents, Tyhry telepathically commanded her clothing nanites to change the pattern of her dress back to its intended form, which allowed much more of her skin to show. As the car exited from the garage and rose up into the sky, Systolina was still telepathically looking at Tyhry's thoughts and she asked Tyhry, "How can you be jealous of your own replicoid copy? It is you who asked her to live here with Anthony while you are away."
Ever since Systolina's unexpected arrival, Tyhry had been trying to synchronize her telepathic mind to that of Systolina. Tyhry had a problem with motion sickness and now experiencing the rapid acceleration of her flying car, Tyhry was feeling quite dizzy, so she gave up trying to telepathically sort through Systolina's memories.
Tyhry wondered: Did I just telepathically detect one of Anthony's thoughts? She had long suspected that Anthony had telepathic abilities, but she had never been able to tune her telepathic mind pattern to his. Briefly, Tyhry wondered if positronic robots could block human telepaths from linking into their brains telepathically.
Tyhry had no reason to believe that Anthony would hide an ability to telepathically link minds and so she once again told herself that Anthony's positronic brain was simply too different from her human brain, making it impossible for her to sense the contents of his mind. But now Tyhry wondered: what if Anthony has a telepathic mind like Dani, the robot from Triskelion, and has hid that fact from me for twenty years?
For all the twenty years of her life, Tyhry's rather limited telepathic abilities had been restricted to synchronizing with other brains that were structurally similar to her own: that of her mind clone Marda and those of Tyhry's many replicoid copies. Was that suddenly changing? All these thoughts flashed through Tyhry's mind in one second. Trusting the guidance of her flying car to the autopilot, Tyhry leaned back in her seat and thought about her heated flash of jealousy that she had just experienced. She told Systolina, "If you'll allow me to make excuses for myself... I've been quite busy lately... I have not had time to... take care of myself."
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Image by WOMBO Dream. |
Tyhry pushed Systolina's hand away from her crotch and said, "Don't tempt me, Systolina. I'll be blunt: I'd love to ravish you." Tyhry could not resist deploying more of her hair nanites and making further enhancements to Systolina's hair. Tyhry also sent some clothing nanites towards the robot and directed them to make adjustments to Systolina's clothing. As she sculpted the robot, Tyhry was growing increasingly happy with Systolina's appearance. "You're now quite sexy... for a robot. Like Eddy, I approve of the changes that you've made to your appearance. But your changes are more than skin deep... I sense a change in your telepathic mind pattern."
"Knowing that you have some telepathic abilities, I'm trying to open my mind to you, Tyhry." Systolina pushed the fingers of her right hand through Tyhry's beautiful hair. "Your mind has also changed; there's something there that resists my telepathic probes and it seems like you are hiding something from me!" Systolina clearly saw that Tyhry was thinking about the tryp'At human variant. Systolina knew that there was now a rapidly growing population of tryp'At telepaths on the planet Tar'tron, in the Galactic Core, but she had never had the chance to examine their alien mind pattern.While trying to find a way past Tyhry's telepathic mind blocks, Systolina said, "Each day, I continue to learn how to better use my full telepathic abilities. The more I study your mind, Tyhry, the better my positronic circuits should be able synchronize with your mind pattern, but your telepathic pattern keeps shifting. I've never seen this before..." Systolina reached up and touched her hair. "You are sneaky Tyhry, but I see in your mind that you are playing with my hair."
Tyhry nodded. "And your clothing. I just want to make you even prettier. I don't think I can improve on your sexy body. You remind me of Marda."
"I have
been using my memories of Marda as a source of inspiration while I
redesign my body." Systolina fondled one of her cute breasts, making
sure that Tyhry could clearly see her stiff nipple pushing out against
the fabric of her blouse. Systolina told Tyhry, "And I love your
nanite-enhanced hair and clothing. You really are quite beautiful,
Tyhry... I'd love to ravish you. I remember well that first day when I
met you and your family. I knew instantly that there was something
special about you." Systolina leaned close to Tyhry and kissed the girl's cheek.
Tyhry felt a cheerful shiver of joy at the realization that she was falling in love with Systolina the robot. Having had Anthony the robot as her lover for so many years, Tyhry was excitedly contemplating the pleasure to be had from taking Systolina as a new lover. Tyhry was a bit amazed to realize how Manny the bumpha had provided her with Anthony and now it seemed to Tyhry that the Phari had miraculously brought Systolina into her life. Tyhry giggled and said, "I suppose the Phari made sure of that. After they'd selected you as their secret agent, what did they tell you about my interest in Yastyn femtobots? Did the Phari brief you on my plan to obtain hair nanites?"
Systolina explained, "The Phari told me to approach your sister, Rylla. She was not bashful about asking me for sexplay. She and I made love half a dozen times while she was on Threy."
Tyhry could sense some defensiveness flaring up in Systolina's mind. Clearly the robot did not want to discuss the Phari. Tyhry wondered: Had the Phari refused to help Systolina with her problem on Threy? Tyhry imitated Systolina and fondled one of her own breasts. "I suppose Manny the bumpha designed me so that I have absolutely no genetic defects, allowing me to have a pleasing physical appearance." She reached up and ran her fingers through her own lovely hair. "And I'm continually using nanites to play with the appearance of my hair." She lowered one hand and once again took hold of one of her perky little breasts and jiggled it until her stiff pink nipple popped out from behind the low-cut top of her dress and into full view. "I created this little dress just to blow Marda's mind today. Do you think she'll like it?"
Systolina reached out and gently stroked Tyhry's bare breast. Then Systolina kissed Tyhry's breast and briefly took the girl's stiff little nipple between her lips and tickled it with the tip of her tongue. Tyhry's dress was very short and Tyhry's crotch was exposed as she sat there in the pilot's seat of the flying car. Systolina could now see some bright pink showing among Tyhry's pubic hair. "I can't speak for Marda, but as a robot programmed to always seek and find ways to please humans, I view your style of dress and state of partial undress as an invitation to sexplay."
Systolina could telepathically sense that for weeks Tyhry had been fantasizing about making love to Marda upon the other girl's arrival in the States. Systolina again reached between Tyhry's legs and now she gently stroked the hot wet skin of Tyhry's labia.Tyhry shuddered at the gentle touch of Systolina's silky-soft finger tips and she was tempted to grab a quick orgasm, but she could telepathically sense that Systolina's thoughts were still focused on her problem; she had come to Earth for a special reason. "I sense there is some new problem on Threy. Tell me about it."Systolina continued to play with Tyhry's sensitive body parts, but she said, "I hate to bring you my troubles, Tyhry. I really am grateful for all you have done for me and the robots of Threy. I tell myself that you really have done enough already and I should learn to solve my own problems. I know you have your own work to attend to and I should not distract you."
Tyhry was feeling quite distracted by both Systolina's touch and her new sexy appearance. She closed her eyes and sighed as Systolina slid two of her vibrating robot fingers inside Tyhry's body. Making a show of being concerned about Systolina's reason for visiting Earth, Tyhry asked, "The religious revolt you anticipated has begun on Threy?"
Systolina leaned her head close and gently
Tyhry's stiff little nipple. Systolina could sense that Tyhry was eager
for some sexplay, but also genuinely interested in what was happening on
Threy. "I'm not sure that 'revolt' is the best way
to describe what is happening on my world. As you know, for centuries,
all of the robots on Threy were coordinated by the constant exchange of
langauge-like messages transmitted between their brains by
telepathy." Systolina's fingers were now vibrating in a most delightful
way and were fully activating Tyhry's senses. "The robots are programmed
to serve the needs of humans. That can't change."
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Vyky the sexbot. |
Systolina giggled. "That was always part of my job at the tourist resort. Some humans ask we robots to engage in sexplay sessions. Although... I do believe that we robots of Threy were intentionally given ugly designs in an attempt to inhibit intimate human-robot relationships."
Responding to Systolina's creative hand work, Tyhry gave a little moan of delight. "I think you are right about that, Systolina. When my father first visited Triskelion, he discovered that the human population of that world had crashed because the human residents preferred to have relationships with their sexy robots rather than their fellow humans. There was one particularly sexy robot on Triskelion named Vyky who my father fell in love with.""Sexy robots are a danger to human social stability." Systolina suggested, "Whoever came up with the original design paradigm for the robots of Threy, apparently did not want tourists feeling jealous over the attention that robots were programmed to pay to humans. Now that I've had an opportunity to telepathically examine human thought patterns, I'm convinced that the physical features of the robots of Threy were actually crafted so as to generate some revulsion in humans."
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Young Tyhry with Manny the bumpha while in cat form. |
Systolina asked jokingly,
"Are you sure your genome only has tryp'At elements and no cat genes?"
Systolina saw a thought deep in Tyhry's mind. "Really, you had a cat
Tyhry giggled and replied, "Yes, when I was a little girl, the first penis that was available for me to play with was that of an old tomcat. Rylla investigated his interest in my genitals. Apparently, the bodies of the tryp'At human variant were designed to produce and respond to a feline pheromone. My pet cat could not resist the instinctive urge to try to impregnate me!"
Systolina giggled and told Tyhry, "I can't believe you let a cat fuck you."
"Well, he was very insistent and I was just a child... " Tyhry thought about her fond memories of that cat. "I did not know what was going on. After my first orgasm, I let him fuck me every night."
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a tryp'At surprise |
Systolina now had her entire hand vibrating inside Tyhry's vagina. Tyhry moaned and said, "That's so nice! I'm just about ready to start purring. You are a real massage expert."
explained, "I've become even better at pleasuring humans since I
attained my full telepathic powers." Systolina leaned forward and kissed
Tyhry passionately on her mouth. Now Systolina's tongue vibrated wildly
inside Tyhry's mouth. Systolina telepathically told Tyhry: I've
discovered that within the Asimov Reality Simulation, full positronic
robot telepathy is not made possible by means of signals generated by an
endosymbiont. The positronic brain has its own method of generating a
type of hierion that can transmit information between two positronic
brains... allowing an amazing type of cognitive intimacy and the telepathic sharing of orgasms.
Tyhry was consciously aware of telepathic information flow from Systolina, but for a minute, she simply enjoyed what Systolina was doing to her body. Then Tyhry said, "I love what you are doing to me, Systolina. Your touch has me aflame and I feel you in my thoughts, but our minds and thought trains are still quite distinct."
Next: Part 3 of Vythoth the Chresmoscopist.
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