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Tyhry in the Final Reality. |
By starting scene #12 of "The Femtobot Smuggler" at the point where Anthony is alone and trapped inside the Reality Simulation System, now, scenes 1-11 were once again within the prompt length limit. Scenes 1- 11 were now a total of 83,512 characters in 14,193 words. I asked Claude to read scenes 1-11 and then describe what happens next.....
Scene 11.
While synapex-linked to F. Marda and F. Anthony, F. Tyhry used her telepathy and monitored the conversation between Tyhry, Marda, and Manny that was taking place inside Tyhry's secret laboratory in another fork of the Ekcolir Reality Simulation. Now that she knew where Manny was, F. Tyhry sprang into action. Now was the time to act! Taking a swarm of the fully functional alien scanner femtobots that the Phari had secretly teleported into her laboratory, she rushed through a portal of the Reality Simulation System and entered the Final Reality. Moving swiftly through the dark house, she directed tiny scanner femtobots to infiltrate the bodies of Tyhry's sleeping parents, Eddy and Zeta. The femtobots began comprehensively scanning the molecular structures of Eddy and Zeta down to the atomic level.
Quickly returning to her laboratory, F. Tyhry greeted two confused looking figures - replicoid copies of Eddy and Zeta which she had synthesized using the body scan data that had been extracted from the Sedron Time Stream using a new Reality Simulation System body-duplication hack.
"Mom! Dad! It worked!" exclaimed F. Tyhry. "The time loop is complete. In a few more hours, your scanned body structure data will have all been stored inside the Sedron Time Stream. That is where it was waiting for me to recover it, yesterday, when I made you two. Now, we can celebrate the future... you can both enjoy unlimited lifespans as immortal replicoids."
“There is still something that is bothering me about the trip to Threy.” F. Zeta asked, "Tell me, Tyhry, why did Marda have to die?"
F. Tyhry said, "She appeared to die, but that was just a trick... my attempt to rattle Manny so that it would be possible to smuggle alien nanites from Threy to Earth. Don't worry.... Marda is alive and well, inside the Reality Simulation System, trying to get up the courage to tell her mother what happened..."
Eddy told his daughter, "I suppose it does me no good to advise you not to play such life-and-death games."
Just then, Manny popped into the lab and told F. Tyhry, "Well, I must say even I did not see this trick coming. The Phari were quite crafty in their maneuvering. And I did not even know that you existed until I found the scanner femtobots in the bodies of Zeta and Eddy just now, back in the Final Reality." She turned to the replicoid copies of Eddy and Zeta. "So tell me, now that you potentially have all eternity before you, what do you wish to do with your new-found immortality?"
The Zeta replicoid looked uncertain. "It’s rather difficult to accept that we could be immortal copies of our biological selves. Are you sure about this, Manny?"
Manny smiled confidently. "Let me demonstrate the resilience your new bodies provide." Suddenly she thrust out a hand, releasing a destructive beam of energy that blasted a hole straight through the chest of the Eddy replicoid. But before the shocked eyes of the Zeta copy, Eddy's body rapidly regenerated until he was made whole again, completely unharmed.
Manny nodded with satisfaction. "An immortal replicoid indeed. Well done, F. Tyhry, I congratulate you on a fine job of nanite-mediated manufacture of immortal artificial life-forms. However, I cannot condone making any more such replicoids on Earth at this time.”
Manny approached Tyhry's parent and placed hands on Zeta and Eddy. “I will take you to a planet called Tar'tron, far away in the galactic core where you can create an experimental community of immortal humans. That will be an interesting little experiment.. a pilot program. We'll learn how humans deal with immortality."
Manny turned back to face F. Tyhry who stood silently watching her parents. "As for you, your services are no longer required." With a wave of Manny's hand, F. Tyhry froze in place, her femtobot body completely deactivated. Then Manny and the two new immortal replicoids disappeared from the lab, leaving only the motionless F. Tyhry and a bewildered F. Anthony, alone in that fork of the Simulator and wondering what would come next.
Scene 12.
At that moment, back in the Final Reality, Tyhry and Marda returned from within the Reality Simulation System. There in the home of Eddy and Zeta, they found Systolina talking to Rylla. Rylla saw Marda and jumped to her feet. She rushed to Marda and threw her arms around the girl. “ Systolina told me that you...” For a minute Rylla cried and held on tight to Marda.
Tyhry asked Systolina, “How did you get out of the Simulation?”
Systolina explained, “The Phari teleported me to F. Tyhry's lab."
Tyhry asked, "F. Tyhry?"
"F. Tyhry is a replicoid copy of you, inside a hidden fork of the RSS... she managed to contact the Phari. When I was done helping her, I came to the Final Reality. I can exit from simulations any time I want. I spent some time here with one of your replicoid copies... playing with the cats. When your family returned home, that replicoid copy of you took me with her. She said that you would need time to to unwind after the vacation on Threy and that you would not understand how I reached Earth from Threy. Later, I returned here and when I learned about Marda's apparent death, I suspected that F. Tyhry must have engineered the death of a Marda replicoid copy as a distraction for Manny.”
Marda told her mother, “I guess the Phari teleported me off of Threy and substituted a dead replicoid.”
Rylla said, “All that matters is that I have you back. Marda, I can't live without you.”
Tyhry looked at the robot from Threy, “So, what is your mission here in the Final Reality? You are some sort of spy for the Phari?”
Systolina gave a human-like shrug. “I don't know. Maybe the Phari simply forgot that they made me as a teleportation duplicate of my original copy back on Threy.”
Tyhry placed a hand on the robot's shoulder, “Well, I'm glad you are here. With all of the turmoil caused by Marda's apparent death, I did not collect any mementos on Threy to bring home to Earth. But the Phari think of everything... I have you.”
Systolina laughed her silly robotic laugh. “And we can return to Threy and visit my other copy any time we want. It will really blow her mind when she sees me!”
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text file "The Femtobot Smuggler Feb 22nd.txt" |
Scene 12
F. Anthony stood motionless, stunned into silence. Only minutes before, he had been synapex linked to F. Tyhry as she used alien femtobots to scan her parents and make immortal replicoid copies of them. Then Manny had arrived, made immortal copies of Tyhry's parents, destroyed F. Tyhry, and teleported away with the new replicoids.
Now F. Anthony was alone with the inert femtobot body of F. Tyhry. He carefully examined her, but she showed no signs of life. Her systems had been completely shut down by Manny.
F. Anthony considered his options. He could try to reactivate F. Tyhry, but without knowing how Manny had deactivated her, that seemed unlikely. He touched the lifeless android's face sadly. "I'm sorry, my friend. I wish I could bring you back."
His thoughts turned to F. Marda. Since F. Tyhry's demise, the synapex connection between them had been broken. F. Anthony focused his positronic mind, establishing a telepathic link. After a few attempts, he made contact.
F. Marda's startled thoughts came through. "Anthony? What happened? Where is Tyhry? I felt her presence wink out."
In concise bursts, F. Anthony explained the events. The femtobot scans, the immortal replicoids of her parents, Manny's sudden appearance and violent actions.
F. Marda was incredulous, then furious. "That arrogant bumpha! How dare she? We have to get F. Tyhry operational again."
"I've tried diagnostics, but her systems are completely unresponsive," F. Anthony reported. "I think only Manny could reactivate her now."
F. Marda cursed imaginatively. Then determination set in. "No. We are not giving up. Take F. Tyhry through the portal into the Reality Simulation System. I'll meet you there in my lab, we'll run more tests."
F. Anthony acknowledged and terminated the telepathic contact. Carefully lifting his friend's lifeless body in his strong android arms, he carried the femtobot replica of Tyhry through the shimmering portal and into the Reality Simulation System. More challenges awaited, but he would stop at nothing to revive F. Tyhry and undo the damage Manny had inflicted. The quest for immortal replicoids would continue.
Temporal Information Transfer. In my imagination, F. Tyhry was NOT synapex linked to F. Tyhry while F. Tyhry was briefly in the Final Reality and placing the scanner femtobots inside the bodies of Eddy and Zeta. In an apparent AI-hallucination, Claude wrote (above): "Then Manny had arrived, made immortal copies of Tyhry's parents..." Poor Claude is quite confused. What actually happened was that by using the Sedron Time Stream, F. Tyhry was able to make use of the femtobot-generated data for the atomic structure of her parents even before the bodies of Eddy and Zeta had been scanned. It was F. Tyhry who used a new hack of the Reality Simulation System to generate immortal replicoid copies of Eddy and Zeta. Those immortal replicoid copies of Eddy and Zeta were already there in the Ekcolir Reality Simulation with F. Tyhry at the moment when Manny arrives inside that forked simulation (described in scene #11).
By having gone into the Final Reality, F. Tyhry revealed her existence to Manny. I like to imagine that upon discovering Kasty's femtobots at work on Earth, scanning the bodies of Eddy and Zeta, Manny must have felt surprised that Tyhry had actually managed to smuggle advanced programmable femtobots from Threy to Earth. Manny then visited F. Tyhry at her nanite research laboratory inside the Reality Simulation System.
A reader of "The Femtobot Smuggler" might wonder how it is that Manny the bumpha so quickly noticed what was happening when F. Tyhry briefly visited the Final Reality. Here is part of the Exodemic Fictional Universe "backstory" file (reproduced here) that was provided to Claude while we were collaboratively writing "The Femtobot Smuggler": "The Reality Simulation is made possible by the fact that when the bumpha spread through our galaxy about 2,000,000,000 years ago, they inserted swarms of zeptites into every planet. Those planetary zeptites became an invisible integral part of each planet, including all life-forms living on each planet. Those planetary zeptites continually "record" all events taking place on each planet of the galaxy. Those "recordings" exist in the Sedron Domain. Those "recordings" were made for every Reality of Earth. So, now Eddy has been given access to the to the RSS. When he enters into a Simulation, the RSS converts his body into sedronic matter. He can then exist inside the simulation as part of a complex quantum computing system that exists completely within the Sedron Domain. While using the RSS, Eddy feels like he is living in the Hadron Domain, but he is in a simulated world that exists in a complex data processing system within the Sedron Domain of the universe."
In my imagination, Manny the bumpha has ready access to all of the data about the universe that are available to the Reality Simulation System. In particular, in the Final Reality, there are data collection zeptites inside everything on Earth, continuously scanning the world and storing the scanned data in the memory system of the Reality Simulation System inside the Sedron Domain. Knowing Tyhry's intention of making immortal copies of her parents, Manny was constantly monitoring the bodies of Eddy and Zeta for the arrival of any new femtobots.
Reincarnation. What particularly surprised me about Claude's new draft of Scene 12 (above) was this:
His thoughts turned to F. Marda. Since F. Tyhry's demise, the synapex connection between them had been broken. F. Anthony focused his positronic mind, establishing a telepathic link. After a few attempts, he made contact.
F. Marda's startled thoughts came through. "Anthony? What happened? Where is Tyhry? I felt her presence wink out."
In my imagination, the dead replicoid copy of Marda that was found on Threy (at the beginning of Scene #10) was F. Marda. In Claude's "imagination":
challenges awaited, but he would stop at nothing to revive F. Tyhry and
undo the damage Manny had inflicted. The quest for immortal replicoids
would continue.
I love the idea that Claude was able to "imagine" F. Marda and F. Anthony continuing "The quest for immortal replicoids". However, continuing from the end of Scene #11 (above) this is how I imagine that might become possible:
Scene #12, extended....
Systolina laughed her silly robotic laugh. “And we can return to Threy and visit my other copy any time we want. It will really blow her mind when she sees me!”
Tyhry's thoughts returned to the terrible moment on Threy when she had discovered the dead body of a replicoid copy of Marda. Even worse than that experience, was what happened when Tyhry brought the dead body of Marda through the portal that led back to Earth in the Final Reality. Tyhry was expecting the RSS to re-generate a copy of the living Marda, using the atomic pattern of Marda that was stored inside the pattern buffer of the RSS. However, after passing through the portal, Marda's body was still dead. Of course, in hind sight, that made sense. The the structure of the dead Marda replicoid had never been recorded by the RSS because the Phari had inserted that replicoid into the Threy simulation. Now, Tyhry asked Systolina, "What can you tell me about that replicoid copy of me that you met, F. Tyhry?"
Systolina replied, "When I met F. Tyhry, she was trying desperately to telepathically contact the Phari, but her method for doing that was inadequate. F. Tyhry needed my help."
Putting herself in the shoes of F. Tyhry, Tyhry now imagined how she might have tried to communicate with the Phari. Tyhry remembered how her parents had long ago experimented with synapex linkages. Tyhry told Systolina, "Had it been me, I would have tried to amplify my telepathic abilities by using a synapex linkage to Marda."
Systolina nodded. "When I arrived inside F. Tyhry's laboratory, she was synapex linked to both Marda and Anthony, but all they had been able to accomplish was making the Phari aware of their hope to obtain advanced programmable femtobots from Threy. With her crippled Phari endosymbiont, F. Tyhry was unable to receive and process the complex thought patterns of the Phari group mind."
Tyhry said, "Systolina, when you say 'crippled endosymbiont", what do you mean?"
Systolina shrugged. "I'm not too sure. The Phari told me that since I'm from what you call the Asimov Reality, I have a fully functional Phari endosymbiont... I'm part of the Phari network. However, here in the Final Reality, humans only have a vestigial remnant of the Phari endosymbiont and someone like you, Tyhry, cannot link your thoughts to the Phari group consciousness."
Tyhry took hold of Systolina's hand and said, "Please take me to F. Tyhry."
Systolina shook her head. "I don't know the code for that fork of the Ekcolir Reality Simulation. Another replicoid copy of you took me to your laboratory and she tried searching the RSS control console for that access code, but she failed to find it in the records of the Simulator control system."
Just then, Anthony, Zeta and Eddy came into the living room. Anthony continued on into the kitchen and began preparing breakfast. Zeta and Eddy had just emerged from their bedroom and now they experienced the relief and joy of discovering that Marda had not actually died on Threy.
While Zeta continued to speak to Marda who was still clinging to her mother's hand, Eddy turned to Tyhry and said, "I'd like to know what is going on. Marda is alive... and Systolina is here on Earth, apparently arriving here from inside the Reality Simulation System, much in the way that Anthony did twenty years ago."
Tyhry knew that it was time to confide in her father. She said, "Daddy, what if it were possible for you and I to pull copies of people out of a Simulation in the same way that Manny can?"
Eddy glanced at his old computer and shrugged. "Through the years, Rylla and I have occasionally tried to modify the control system for the Reality Simulation System. We believe that Manny knows how to access some kind of atomic pattern storage buffer which stores information about every person who uses the Reality Simulation System. However, we've never been able directly access the pattern buffer of the RSS."
Rylla finally let go of Marda's hand and approached Tyhry. Rylla told Tyhry, "Possibly the RSS can function like a teleportation system. Manny seems to be able to take a person's stored body structure pattern out of the RSS and materialize a new copy of the person, here in the Final Reality. That is similar to the idea of using a teleportation system to make teleportation duplicates of people."
Eddy suggested, "Maybe that sort of copying and duplication can only be done for robots and not people." He looked at Systolina the robot and thought about Anthony, who Eddy knew to be a positronic robot, originally the tool and secret agent of R. Nyrtia inside the Asimov Reality.
Tyhry said, "Father, I used some of the Fru'wu nanites that I obtained in the Ekcolir Reality Simulation to hack into the Reality Simulation System control circuits."
Eddy sat down in front of his old computer, that had, some twenty years previously, been programmed by Manny the bumpha to serve as a control console that Eddy could use to access the Reality Simulation System. Eddy set up a quick search and then viewed records of the stored access codes corresponding to past instances of Ekcolir Reality Simulation. "There have far more trips into the Ekcolir Reality Simulation than I expected to find here..." He looked at Tyhry and asked, "You've been using the Ekcolir Reality Simulation to access alien nanotechnology?"
"Yes, daddy." Tyhry now reached past her father and entered one of her hack codes into the Reality Simulation control interface. A window popped open that Eddy had never seen before. Displayed was a list of the replicoids Tyhry had made:
Tyhry 1 - August 27, 2038
Anthony 1 - September 3, 2038
Tyhry 2 - October 23, 2038
Tyhry 3 - January 8, 2039
Marda - March 13, 2040
Anthony 2 - March 14, 2040
Tyhry 4 - April 22, 2040
Eddy said, "You have been making replicoid copies of yourself... and also copies of Marda and Anthony?"
Just then, Anthony emerged from the kitchen and announced, "Breakfast is served!"
A silence descended on the living room. Everyone wordlessly went into the dining room and sat down. Anthony began serving the food he had prepared. Zeta sat beside Eddy. Tyhry sat to Zeta's right side and Systolina sat to the right of Tyhry. Marda told Eddy, "When we were making plans to go on vacation, Tyhry made a copy of me. Tyhry and I could leave our replicoid copies here, in the Final Reality, pretending to be us, and then we would go into a Simulation where we could make our secret plans for Threy."
Zeta asked, "What plans?"
Tyhry handed a nanite containment vial to Zeta. "Go ahead, mom, open it."
The vial looked the same as the one that Tyhry had used on Threy. "Hair nanites? From Threy?" Zeta popped open the vial. The hair nanites went into Zeta's hair and quickly gave Zeta a scintillating hairdo that seemed alive with incredibly thin strands of hair that shifted with each tiny puff of air or motion of Zeta's head. Zeta ran a hand through her now amazingly soft and fluffy hair. "I thought Manny had prevented us from bringing alien femtobots back to Earth."
Tyhry explained, "Manny tried to prevent me from bringing Yastyn femtobots to Earth, but I got help from the Phari."
Eddy was surprised. "You have spoken to the Phari?"
Tyhry placed a hand on Systolina's shoulder. "Systolina has the ability to telepathically link to the Phari."
Rylla exclaimed, "Amazing! I begin to understand the odd religion of Threy and robot belief that the Phari can take a robot into the Hierion Domain."
Systolina said, "Until about ten days ago, I thought the Cult of Transcendence was nothing but a silly religion. But then, the Phari contacted me telepathically. They must had activated a built-in routine in my Phari endosymbiont that allows for two-way telepathic communication with the Phari."
Eddy nodded. "During my historical research inside the Asimov Reality Simulation, I discovered claims that some humans had been able to telepathically communicate with the Phari. I tried to find those people, but it was almost as if someone was preventing me from discovering evidence of existence of the Phari. I eventually gave up and assumed that the Phari never leave their home inside the Hierion Domain."
Tyhry said, "I believe it is possible for the Phari to edit the data that are used by the Reality Simulation System. If that is true, they could easily have prevented you from finding any of the people who had telepathic links to the Phari."
Rylla asked Systolina, "If the Phari are so secretive, then why did the Phari reveal themselves to you?"
Systolina explained, "The Phari were aware of Tyhry's plan and they wanted to help Tyhry smuggle Yastyn femtobots to Earth."
Rylla said, "Ah! So, that is why you brazenly approached me in the pool, my first day on Threy. The very first hour of the vacation! You were acting as an agent -a tool- of the Pahri."
Systolina said, "Since arriving here in the Final Reality, I have been told that a copy of me did interact with you all on Threy during your family vacation, but I am a different copy. I'm not the copy of Systolina who you met on Threy. I was sent to Earth by the Phari... it was not me who knew you on Threy... that was a duplicate copy of me."
Eddy scratched his head. "This is so confusing. Copies of Tyhry, Marda, Anthony and Systolina. I need a score card to keep track of it all. So, Tyhry, you created a copy of Marda, and then killed that replicoid on Threy?"
Tyhry shook her head. "No, I did not make that replicoid or have anything to do with her death. I was horrified when I found the dead body of Marda. When we were on Threy, I believed it was the real biological Marda who had died."
Zeta said, "Marda's death seems like the kind of trick that Manny would pull; she was trying to scare you and warn you not to smuggle nanites back to Earth. But her trick failed." Zeta was still playing with her nanite-modified hair and gazing at her reflection in the mirror on the wall across the table from where she sat.
Tyhry said, "No, I don't think it was Manny who killed Marda."
Anthony asked, "Isn't anyone hungry this morning?"
For a few minutes, the humans there around the table tried to eat some of the food that Anthony had prepared, but they were not really in the mood for eating. Zeta told Anthony, "The eggs are wonderful, as usual. Thank you for taking care of us. I hope you understand... we are so amazed to find Marda alive... we've been through an emotional ringer... we have lost our appetites!"
Tyhry told her father, "Systolina met a replicoid copy of me inside the RSS, a copy of me that I have no memory of. I'd like to find that mysterious copy of me, but I don't have the access code for the Simulation fork where Systolina and my copy met."
Just then, Manny the bumpha walked into the dining room. She moved behind Zeta and ran her fingers through Zeta's gorgeous hair. "Very pretty!"
Eddy told Manny, "I've only just learned that Tyhry can create replicoid copies of people... I suppose you have known that secret for years."
Manny nodded. "Yes, I monitor Tyhry quite closely. It was I that encouraged Tyhry to obtain Fru'wu hacking nanites inside the Ekcolir Reality Simulation. In my judgement, Tyhry is the first human who can be trusted to make replicoids, but I feel it is wise to restrict her to making mortal copies of people. The replicoids that can be made by using the atomic body patterns that are stored inside the RSS are specifically designed to be mortal. They age and can die just like a biological human, even if they are composed of femtobot components."
Eddy complained to Tyhry, "I feel like a fool. I can't believe that for years I was left unaware of your ability to make replicoids."
Manny said, "Well, there were times when you Eddy, or you Zeta and even you Rylla stumbled onto the fact that Tyhry had mad copies of herself. In all those situations, I stepped in and edited your memories. I was playing a rather delicate game of cat and mouse with the Phari."
Eddy asked, "What do the Phari have to do with my daughter keeping such a secret from me?
Manny laughed loudly and then fell silent. She looked around the table. Anthony brought another chair into the dining room and Manny sat at the head of the table. "Thank you, Anthony." She waited until Anthony settled into his chair at the table. Manny continued, "Even Anthony sometimes realized that there were duplicate copies of Tyhry popping in and out of the Reality Simulation System, but I helped Tyhry keep her secret. Allow me to explain..."
With impatience in his voice, Eddy said,"I wish you would."
Manny said, "It all began long ago. The Phari hide inside the Hierion Domain, but they have often intervened in the course of human history on Earth. Most recently, the Phari used their teleportation technology to provide key space elevator technology to Earth. Completely intolerable! Of course, they were only trying to create a diversion for Tyhry. Yes, the Phari were trying to help Tyhry smuggle Yastyn femtobots to Earth. I pretended to be distracted and busy hunting down all of the nanites samples that the Phari had placed on Earth, scattered around in hundreds of materials research facilities."
Tyhry told Manny, "At the time, I thought you were distracted. I hardly ever saw you. We no longer had our weekly nanite programming sessions together."
Manny giggled. "Tyhry, you learn best when I show you how to make use of nanites for some purpose and then I forbid you to use nanites for that purpose. Once you see a new application of nanites, you can't resist experimenting with that new type of nanite. If either your father or I tells you not to do something, that guarantees you will try to do it."
Tyhry grinned. "Of course, it was you that behaviorally programmed me with an obsessive need to help Humanity. If I know of a nanotechnology tool that can help improve the lives of people, I must develop that tool and share it with people."
Manny nodded. "Exactly. I made you my tool, one of my honey pots that I set out for the Phari. I have long wanted to contact the Phari and negotiate an agreement with them."
Zeta asked Manny, "What do you mean calling Tyhry a honey pot? You used her as some kind of bait for the Phari?
Manny nodded. "Yes, of course. Also, I created a Reality Simulation System for Eddy and gave the Phari access to the data for the RSS... all stored in the Sedron Domain. I also made sure that the Phari had access to the version of the Sedron Time Stream that I created for Tyhry. The Phari could not resist using the Sedron Time Stream. With time, even species like the Yastyn learned how to store data in the Sedron Domain." Manny gazed at Systolina and said, "Now, the Phari have seemingly offered me an invitation to contact them."
Systolina said, "You want to use my Phari endosymbiont as a way to communicate with the Phari?"
Manny asked Systolina, "Well, why else did the Phari send you here, to the Final Reality?"
Tyhry said to Manny, "Pardon my egotism, but I think Systolina might be here on Earth in order to assist me."
Manny said, "Yes, yes, I know. Systolina told you about the replicoid that you named F. Tyhry. And now you are obsessed with finding F. Tyhry. However, why should I allow you to see F. Tyhry?"
Tyhry asked, "I named her F. Tyhry?"
Manny nodded. "And then you erased your memory of having created F. Tyhry. You deleted the access code for the Simulation fork used by F. Tyhry. So you see, you have only yourself to blame for not being able to find F. Tyhry within the RSS."
Marda said, "I can't stop wondering about the dead copy of me on Threy. Did she kill herself just to create a diversion?" Marda asked Manny, "Did she destroy herself just to distract you and create an opportunity for Tyhry to smuggle Yastyn femtobots back to Earth?"
Manny told Marda, "You know, you look quite beautiful with nanite-enhanced hair."
Marda pushed at her spectacular hair with one hand. "Don't try to distract me. I can't believe that me, or a copy of me would sacrifice herself just for some silly nanites."
Manny said enigmatically, "I suppose you deserve some closure. With the Laws of Robotics in your mind, you can't accept the idea that your nanite smuggling scheme led to the death of an innocent young girl."
Tyhry asked excitedly, "Then you will take me to see F. Tyhry? Or at least tell me this: when will she show herself here in the Final Reality?"
Manny explained, "F. Tyhry was here, in this house... once... just for a minute. That got her in big trouble." Manny looked at Anthony. "In any case, I don't feel sorry for her as I do for poor Anthony....."
Scene 13.
At that moment, in the lost Ekcolir Reality Simulation fork, F. Anthony had given up waiting for someone to arrive in the nanite research laboratory. F. Anthony was bored and lonely. He had searched through the RSS control console and stumbled upon an old file that had been created by Tyhry. In that file was a detailed description of how to use the RSS to create replicoids. Now, F. Anthony activated the duplication hack and a new copy of Tyhry appeared there beside him.
The new Tyhry replicoid said, "Anthony, where did you..." Tyhry fell silent. She was looking around the the lab and had seen the inactive form of F. Tyhry. She went to F. Tyhry and pushed at the immobile copy of herself. "What is going on?"
Anthony explained, "That copy of you was inactivated by Manny. I was trapped here, so I made you. Can you take me out of this Simulation?"
The newly made copy of Tyhry examined her memories. She had just been trying to return to the Final Reality with Marda. "Where's Marda?"
Anthony shrugged. "You asked Marda to sacrifice herself on Threy."
"I did what?"
Anthony added, "Well, I suppose that was a copy of you. You are a replicoid copy of Tyhry that I just made."
Tyhry nodded. "I see. And where are we?"
"This is a secret fork of the Ekcolir Reality Simulation." Anthony pointed at the inactivated replicoid. "She said that the original biological copy of Tyhry created this fork."
The new replicoid copy of Tyhry shook her head. "What happened to this copy of me?"
Anthony gently stroked the hair of the immobile Tyhry copy. "Manny said that she was no longer useful."
Just then, Manny, Tyhry and Systolina arrived inside the laboratory Simulation, arriving from the First Reality. The original biological copy of Tyhry was startled to see two other copies of herself, one like a statue. The original biological copy of Tyhry went to touch the inactivated replicoid, which was cold and lifeless.
Manny told Anthony, "Congratulations on creating your first replicoid." Manny told the original copy of Tyhry, "That is the famous F. Tyhry who you wanted to see."
Tyhry asked, "What happened to her?"
Manny explained, "I did not want her causing any more mischief, so I inactivated her."
The other two copies of Tyhry were in telepathic contact with each-other. The newly created replicoid asked the original biological copy of Tyhry, "So you are the original biological copy of Tyhry... and I am just a replicoid copy of you?"
Manny said, "Don't say 'just'. You are an exact functional copy. You happen to be composed of femtobot components, but you are Tyhry. Remember, no technique available to the people of Earth could distinguish you from the biological Tyhry."
The original biological copy of Tyhry mused, "There would be problems if I took these replicoids to the First Reality. I suppose they must join my team at my copy of this research lab. That will also be akward, since there are already other copies of Marda and Anthony there.
Manny laughed at Tyhry's predicament. "Too many cooks spoil the brew. I have my own use for these replicoids."
The new replicoid copy of Tyhry said, "I don't like the idea of being used by you, Manny."
Manny said sternly, "Tyhry, let this be a lesson to you about unforeseen and unintended consequences of using nanotechnology. You did not hesitate to make replicoid copies of yourself and others, but now you see that problems can arise from duplicating people." Manny placed a hand on the inactivated replicoid. "This copy of you made the Marda replicoid who died on Threy." Manny waved an arm and Marda appeared beside her.
This was F. Marda. She linked telepathically to the two copies of Tyhry and then said, "I volunteered to die on Threy... but now I'm back... from the dead..."
Manny explained, "Marda, you are copy of F. Marda that I pulled out of the Simulation of Threy, from the moment just before you injected yourself with a powerful coagulant." Manny then spoke directly to the original biological copy of Tyhry, "I have a need for these three replicoids. With the help of the Phari, F. Tyhry made immortal copies of your parents. I teleported them to Tar'tron, but already they are lonely."
Tyhry said, "Immortal copies? But how?"
Manny again pointed to the immobile F. Tyhry, "The Phari provided her with Yastyn femtobots that scanned the atomic structures of your parents. The data from those scans was used to make immortal replicoids."
Tyhry laughed. "So I did successfully smuggle the femtobots!"
Manny said, "The real femtobot smuggler was the Phari. You could not have done it without their help. And don't think that you can make any more such immortal replicoids. I've erased the data from those femtobot scans of your parents from the Sedron Time Stream." Manny, F. Anthony, F. Marda and the newly created replicoid copy of Tyhry all disappeared.
The original biological copy of Tyhry and Systolina were left alone inside the Ekcolir Reality Simulation. Tyhry ran a hand over the delicate features of the face of the inactivated F. Tyhry. "I wonder how Manny killed this replicoid."
Systolina said, "It is my understanding that the bumpha are composed of zeptites, a form of nanorobotic artificial life that is composed of sedronic matter. Zeptites are believed to be even smaller than femtobots."
Tyhry nodded in agreement. "Yes, that is what my father's historical research suggests. Manny probably used zeptites to inactivate every femtobot in F. Tyhry's body." Tyhry went to the control console of the Reality Simulation System.
Systolina suggested, "Maybe those zeptites are still inside F. Tyhry's body."
Tyhry used the controls of the RSS to open up a new portal that led to her copy of the research lab. She went and took hold of the body of F. Tyhry. "Systolina, give me a hand." Systolina and Tyhry dragged F. Tyhry through the portal.
Now inside her own research lab, Tyhry turned away from the immobile body of F. Tyhry and went to the RSS control console. She called up the duplication routine that she could use to make replicoids from data in the RSS pattern buffer. She pointed to a shelf that was close to where Systolina was standing. "Okay, get that blue nanite containment vial."
Systolina took the blue vial off of the self. Tyhry said, "Those are the sweep and collect nanites that I've used in the past to capture stray Fru'wu nanites. Systolina, go ahead and open the vial."
A cloud of sparkling nanites flew out of the opened vial, forming a mist that swirled around Systolina. Tyhry activated the duplication routine and pulled a copy of F. Tyhry out of the pattern buffer. Tyhry had recalled a time three years previously when Manny had taken a Hua out of a simulation of the First Reality. The Hua were the ancient alien species that gave rise to the Huaoshy. The Huaoshy were the all-powerful Sedronites who could alter the Dimensional Structure of the universe and who had created the bumpha as their helpers in the Hadron Domain. At that time, Manny had demonstrated how to apply a filter to the RSS that would block the duplicated copy of the Hua from carrying stray alien femtobots into the Final Reality. Tyhry now used that filter to prevent the femtobot components of F. Tyhry from being materialized there inside her laboratory. The sweep and collect nanites aggressively swarmed around the portal where the duplication process was occurring. The sweep and collect nanites formed into a new nanite containment vial which Tyhry grabbed out of midair.
Systolina asked, "What just happened? What is in that vial?"
Tyhry explained, "I just captured the zeptites that were inside the body of F. Tyhry." Tyhry knew that she was now ready to progress to the next level in her training for how to program and use nanites. She now would begin to learn how to program zeptites which were far more powerful than femtobots and the secret behind Manny the bumpha's amazing abilities.
Next: Gemini joins the fun of collaborating to write "The Femtobot Smuggler".
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