Under the influence of her changing hormone levels, the replicoid copy of Tyhry who has four breasts had experienced rapid growth of her two lower breasts.
Tyhry wants to contact her femtobot replicoid copy on Tar'tron in order to avoid a looming Temporal Paradox. Somehow Vythoth the Fru'wu has obtained information from the future via the Sedron Time Stream.
Part 7 of Vythoth the Chresmoscopist. (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
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Marda's vision. |
The copy of Tyhry with four breasts replied: Eddy
is working diligently with some Yastyn on the coordinates problem. Dad
thinks it is only a matter of time before we learn how to target
specific locations inside the Hierion Domain with this equipment. She gestured towards the Phari-designed controls of the Hierion Domain Portal.
The original biological copy of Tyhry was quite distracted by the sight of Marda playing with the big lower breasts of the copy of Tyhry with four breasts, but she somehow managed to keep her mind on business. "I want to speak to Tyhry on Tar'tron."
The copy of Tyhry with four breasts asked, "Can't you telepathically link to your copy on Tar'tron from your laboratory?"
anymore. I can't amplify my telepathic abilities without getting my
mind tangled up in the thoughts of all my replicoid copies who are
working on the Sedrover."
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The Writers Block (image source) |
Their telepathic group mind was able to attract the attention of the artificial life-form, Kl'ath-Sedruth, the resident of the Sedron Time Stream. Kl'ath-Sedruth said: I'm trying to attract the attention of Tyhry on Tar'tron. She's currently engaged in sexplay with Kyryk.
The original biological copy of Tyrhy felt the merger of her copy on Tar'tron into the group mindspace. The Tyhry copy on Tar'tron was enjoying the feel of Kyryk's beautiful tryp'At penis inside her vagina. The glans of that Tyhry's clitoris ignited with an intense orgasm and her wave of sexual pleasure reverberated through the entire group mind. The original biological copy of Tyhry could not prevent her erection from bursting out of its sheath. She saw that the same had happened to the Tyhry and Marda copies who had four breasts. The original biological copy of Tyhry closed her eyes and tried to keep her thoughts on the purpose of contacting Tar'tron. I fear we are dealing with another Temporal Pardox. Tarynon apparently sent information to the Fru'wu about Anthony's telepathic abilities.
The copy of Tyhry on Tar'tron said: Tarynon spends quite a lot of time playing with Anthony. She's a swinger, and Anthony has the patience to endlessly push her on her swing.
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Yenti and Hyty on Tar'tron. |
The copy of Tyhry on Tar'tron said: Sometimes when I form a group mind with Yenti, Hyty and Kyryk I can sense that Anthony is telepathically watching us, but what is this about editing memories?
The original biological copy of Tyhry explained: Remember the stories of Asimov? How Giskard the positronic robot could edit the memories of humans? That was not fiction. Anthony edited Eddy's memories for years.
copy of Tyhry on Tar'tron said: Very well, I'll make sure that
Tarynon knows this. How are the coordinates triangulation experiments going in the Hierion Domain?
The original biological copy of Tyhry replied:
Eddy remains confident that the Phari know the location of the Writers
Block. He's getting a good flow of information from Tarynon and that is
helping. Keep up the good work.
Yes, of course. You know, I do work most of the time! The copy of Tyhry on Tar'tron said: Now, if you don't mind, I'm currently playing with Kyryk and I owe her an orgasm.
The telepathic communications link between Threy and Tar'tron was severed. The replicoid copies of Tyhry and Marda with two pairs of breasts had gone to their bedroom. Systolina and the other copy of Marda were both playing with the big erection of the original biological copy of Tyhry. Vythoth asked, "What just happened?"
Systolina now took the glans of Tyhry's penis in her mouth and tickled it with her tongue. The original biological copy of Tyhry giggled and told Vythoth, "We just completed the Time Loop that at allowed you to know about Anthony's ability to alter human memories." Tyhry looked over at the Anthony copy who was at the controls of the Viewer. "I'm still struggling to accept the fact that you hid your telepathic skills from me for so long."
Using telepathy, Anthony directly told Tyrhy: I'm sure Manny believed that it would have been too big of a distraction for you, had you known.
Lexy could telepathically see in Tyhry's thoughts how much it bothered the girl to know that her lover, Anthony, had for two decades manipulated her memories. Lexy said, "This reminds me of the anti-Fru movement. The tyrp'At Interventionists deployed on Earth a telepathy-blocking shield. That was what allowed the tryp'At to have secret agents on Earth for decades."
The original biological copy of Tyhry nodded and said, "I've been experimenting with hierion probe technology as a way of shielding my thoughts from other telepaths. Lexy, from what I see in your mind, that tryp'At telepathy-block technology might be just what we need to solve Systolina's problem with Nymerya Coryn!" Tyhry telepathically felt the joy of the Tyhry and Marda copies who had four breasts as they experienced simultaneous orgasms and continued to engage in oral sex. Tyrhy could telepathically taste their tryp'At semen in their two mouths. Now the original biological copy of Tyhry ejaculated and Systolina swallowed in rhythm with each big spurt of Tyhry's semen. Bubbling up in their group mind amongst all the sexual pleasure being experienced were two other thoughts, thoughts about Klox and infites.
Knowing that Tyrhy was still enjoying the feel of her tongue vibrating against her penis, Systolina continued sucking on Tyhry's erection, but Tyhry said, "Systolina, there was something you saw in Rylla's mind when you were giving her orgasms inside my flying car..."
Systolina finally took her mouth off of Tyhry's penis. She licked her lips and tried to describe what she had telepathically seen in Rylla's mind. "It was an experiment. I'm not sure, but I think Rylla has been using vibrators to topically apply a sex hormone... both to herself and to her daughter."
The original biological copy of Tyhry began trying to push her erection back into her body. "That sounds like something Rylla would do and it explains why Marda was such a sex maniac when she arrived from Australia." Tyhry finally got her erection back in its sheath. She made an effort to cover the protruding tip of her penis with some tight-fitting nanite-generated pants and hoped that would keep her still tingling erection from popping back out.
Still sifting through Tyrhy's thoughts, Lexy asked, "What is this about infites? I know that infites were used by the Fru'wu to teach me English, but there is some other..." All their orgasms were now ended and as the telepathic group mind fragmented, Lexy was still struggling to see Tyhry's thoughts about how to use infites to help deal with Systolina's problem of the religious fanatics on Threy.
Tyhry asked Vythoth, "What do you know about infites?"
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Infites |
During her whole life, Tyhry had read about information nanites in the reports of Rylla and Eddy. Tyhry had no idea how nanites could carry information into human brains, but she knew that her father had personally experienced the amazing effect of infite-mediated learning on several occasions. Tyhry had always assumed that the creation and programming of infites was far beyond her abilities. But what if infites could be used to not only pass knowledge into a brain, but also to erase knowledge? Such an erase function should be far easier to program.
Now the copies of Tyrhy and Marda with for breasts returned from their bedroom, both wearing silk robes that failed to hide their erectile tissue. Tyhry said, "I'm sorry, but we find it very difficult to function according to the usual Earthly rules for social behavior. We're horny all the time and telepathic contact with Tyhry on Tar'tron... experiencing her orgasm... well, it pushed me over the edge."
The original biological Tyhry said, "No need to apologize. When you two volunteered to revert to your tryp'At states, we knew there were risks. You could allow your bodies to shift back again to the way Manny programmed them originally."
The Marda copy with four breasts said, "We don't want to do that. We both enjoy the high levels of oxypathin that our lower breasts make. I suppose we are addicted to it."
The original biological Tyhry nodded. "I'm tempted to let my own lower breasts grow, just to have a great source of oxypathin. It is clear that chemical amplification of telepathic abilities is part of the tryp'At lifestyle. I want my full tryp'At telepathic abilities. To help Systolina effectively deal with Nym, we will have to carefully alter and guide his behavior even while he constantly examines our minds telepathically."
Systolina told Tyhry, "I see what you are thinking Tyhry, but is it ethical to erase Nym's memories of Threy?"
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oxypathin |
Marda said, "But what about you Tyhry? You always say that the Laws of Robotics are built into your mind, too."
Tyhry could tell that Anthony was not going to allow his penis to engorge. Tyhry let go of Anthony and got to her feet. She wished she could let her aching erection pop back out of her body. Again she rubbed her stiff nipples and began to pace back and forth across the room, her steps and the taught fabric of her pants creating a soothing pressure against the swollen glans of her penis. "I believe that my behavior is constrained by some set of ethical rules. I can't use my telepathic abilities to do harm. However, I'm also constrained to do good."
Tyhry forced herself to stop stimulating her nipples. She used her clothing nanites to fully cover her nipples in a fluffy fabric that provoked minimal sensation from her erect nipples. Tyhry also stopped the telepathic feedback loop that was providing her with an experience of the sexual thoughts of her mind clones.
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Tyhry struggles for self control. |
Systolina warned, "He's already seen in my mind the idea of Simulated Realities."
Tyhry giggled. "I doubt if he really believes that he exists inside a Simulation."
Marda said, "You don't know. He's a religious fanatic. He can believe anything that he wants to believe."
Tyhry shrugged. "If I have to, I'll erase Nym's memory of the concept of Reality Simulation. That's a minor detail. First, I'm going to have to take him into the Hierion Domain."
The copy of Tyhry with four breasts was telepathically following the thoughts of the original biological copy of Tyhry. "I think you are right." She gestured towards the portal. "I've made friends with several Yastyn inside the Hierion Domain. They have amazing knowledge." She went to the controls of the Phari-style Viewer and the view through the portal shifted. The Hierion Domain Simulation was no longer visible thought the portal. Marda exclaimed, "The Writers Block!" Marda had recognized the central plaza of the Writers Block from descriptions of it that she had read.The image of the Writers Block seemed frozen in Time. The original biological copy of Tyhry nodded and she told Systolina, "There is a temporal block on the Reality Simulation System. Manny does not allow us to look into the future of the Ekcolir Reality and it looks like she's only allowing us a single instantaneous look into the Writers Block... just to tease us."
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at the Writers Block |
The copy of Tyhry with four breasts told the original biological copy of Tyhry, "The only problem is, we can View the Writers Block, but I have not found a way to open an inter-dimensional portal that let's me go there. The replicoid copy of dad who transcended into the Hierion Domain is still trying to find how to translate the Hierion Domain coordinates into the system used by the Reality Simulation System."
The original biological copy of Tyhry nodded, "According to daddy, the Eternity space-time bubble was sealed by Nyrtia, long ago. I suppose that's why teleportation was used to move people back and forth between Earth and the Writers Block." Tyhry again looked at Vythoth.
Vythoth the Fru'wu asked Tyhry, "You want to use Fru'wu teleportation technology to enter the Hierion Domain?"
Tyhry told Vythoth, "It is worth a try." Tyhry turned to face the copy of Tyhry with four breasts and announced, "What I really want is a sexplay session with my replicoid." The two copies of Tyhry went off together to the bedroom.
After the original biological copy of Tyhry had achieved three orgasms, one by oral sex and the other two by enthusiastically playing with her penis inside the two vaginas of the replicoid, the two women continued to play with their two penises. "Your vaginal secretions are so luxuriant... I just want to keep fucking you!" The original biological copy of Tyhry noted, "Even your penis is bigger."
The copy of Tyhry with four breasts explained, "My hormone levels have gone to amazing extremes. All of my erectile tissue has grown larger."
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The Alice infites. |
The copy of Tyhry with four breasts could see what was in the mind of the original biological copy of Tyhry. "Alice Wroke?"
"Yes." The original biological copy of Tyhry was trying to remember the research that Rylla and Eddy had done into the mysterious Howard Alan Treesong of the Asimov Reality.
The copy of Tyhry with four breasts said, "I recently re-read the report by Rylla about Alice. After Treesong died, there was a transfer if infites from his body into the body of Alice."
The original biological copy of Tyhry nodded. "Right! But those infites did not stay inside Alice for very long. She was impregnated by Gersen. When Alice gave birth to their son, the infites were all inside his body."
The copy of Tyhry with four breasts proposed, "It might be possible to extract those infites from Alice."
The original biological copy of Tyhry explained, "I need some infites that I can experiment with. I might not be able to program them with specific knowledge, but I might be able to erase Nym's existing memories." For a time, the two Tyhry's massaged each others erections then their synchronized telepathic minds shared another long-lasting orgasm. When she could again think clearly, Tyrhy asked her copy, "Do you really think that Alice was an artificial life-form?"
"That's what was claimed in Rylla's report. She claimed to be a replicoid."
"I wonder. Let's assume that it was Nyrtia who was using infites during the Asimov Reality to control the behavior of people like Treesong. Would Nyrtia have deployed replicoids as her agents?"
The copy of Tyhry with four breasts shrugged. "For all we know, Alice was an agent of Manny the bumpha."The original biological copy of Tyhry began sucking enthusiastically on the big erect nipple of one of the replicoid's big lower breasts. The sweet taste of oxypathin filled Tyhry's mouth and the sex hormone's actions on her nervous system expanded her mind, allowing her to think in new directions. For all we know, Alice might have been a positronic robot. When daddy visited the First Reality, he learned that later model positronic robots were actually replicoids.
The copy of Tyhry with four breasts was enjoying the sensations from her breast tissue as it was releasing its stored oxypathin. She was playing with her own big erection and the steady stream of klytykynyn-rich fluid that was flowing from its tip. She kept licking the klytykynyn off of her fingers and was growing increasingly frantic to have another orgasm. She asked, "Do you think Alice might have been unaware that she was a positronic robot?"
Just then, the copy of Tyhry with four breasts experienced another orgasm and began ejaculating. Most of her sticky semen landed in the nanite-enhanced hair of the original biological copy of Tyhry, the strands of which instantly began to absorb the semen.
The original biological copy of Tyhry pulled her mouth away from the nipple and she swallowed the last of the oxypathin that she had sucked from the lower right breast. Now she could see that the lower right breast of the replicoid was significantly smaller than the left breast. Tyhry's entire body was hot and tingly and she knew that she could not resist emptying the left breast of its oxypathin. This pinkish oxypathin-rich fluid was dribbling from the left nipple. She latched onto the left nipple and began sucking again. The copy of Tyhry with four breasts warned, "Don't over-dose on the oxypathin. I'm producing so much that even Marda can't drink it all."
The original biological copy of Tyhry could telepathically see what her replicoid was thinking. So you have been pumping and drinking your own oxypathin.
"I can't seem to get enough. I keep thinking that this is a key part of the tryp'At life-cycle. My body must grow a strong connection between my nervous system and that of the embryo that is growing inside me. I think the oxypathin stimulated the growth of my axons. I already sense that some of my growing axons have reached my uterus."The original biological copy of Tyhry was now feeling dizzy. She released the left nipple and saw that she had not quite reduced the size of the left breast as much as she had emptied the right breast of its secretions. More of the pinkish secretion continued to leak out of the left breast. Now the replicoid copy of Tyrhy kept catching the oxypathin in her hands and licking it up.
The original biological copy of Tyhry grabbed her own penis and enthusiastically masturbated until she ejaculated. She watched with amazement as huge volumes of semen splashed out of her penis and landed on the replicoid who giggled and ate up much of the semen. Finally, Tyhry stopped ejaculating and the replicoid stopped leaking oxypathin from her nipples. The copy of Tyhry with four breasts said, "The more oxypathin I consume, the more semen I make and I can feel both my oxypathin filling my breasts and my semen stores building up. Those sensations make me so horny... lucky for me I have Anthony to play with. I've been wearing Marda out, even though she is quite horny herself. Maybe if I impregnate her then she'll be able to match my intense level of sexual cravings."
The original biological copy of Tyhry pushed most her penis back inside her body, but she continued to play with the last two inches that protruded at her crotch. "I think you've convinced me not to revert myself to the four-breast tryp-At pattern. I have work to do. I can't spend all my time enjoying sexplay. Thank you for the amazing orgasms. I'll let you know if I manage to get those infites from Alice."
Next: plans for Part 8 of Vythoth the Chresmoscopist.
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