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Vythoth the Fru'wu |
In Part 5 (below), Tyhry brings Lexy out of the pattern buffer of the Reality Simulation System. Then Vythoth the Fru'wu teleports into the nanite research laboratory.
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Marda |
Part 5 of Vythoth the Chresmoscopist. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Systolina asked, "But why me? Why was a copy of me there at Mosy's death?"
Tyhry shook her head. "We may never know; the Interventionists have always been careful not to make it easy to follow their tracks. And please understand this, Systolina, what we saw might not have actually been a copy of you, at all... it might have been just another robot with your appearance... with the same appearance that you once had, right when you first came out of the robot manufacturing factory on Triskelion. And in any case, what looked like a copy of you may have simply been a messenger, delivering some inactivation nanites to Mosy. So you see, it does not matter. Systolina, please don't let this unhinge your positronic brain. We have to continue with our work! I can tell you this: Manny always has a plan. The bumpha had advanced Viewer technology... they could look ahead into possible future Realities. Manny may have placed a copy of you on Earth with Mosy simply as a way of sending us a message."
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Lexy |
Systolina could telepathically sense that Tyhry was thinking about her analogue, Lexy. "What happened to her... your copy, Lexy?"
Tyhry explained, "I left her inside the pattern buffer. Now, I'm going to bring her out." Tyhry pressed a button on the control console of the Reality Simulation System and Lexy re-appeared.
Lexy looked around. "Strange, suddenly you two look different..."
Tyhry figured there was no sense in trying to keep secrets from her analogue. Tyhry said, "Don't worry about that, Lexy... we've been busy. I just played a little trick on you. You were held in a pattern buffer for a few hours. Now, tell me, what is this about the Fru'wu and their interest in Sedrover?"
Lexy said, "Let's trade." Lexy pointed at Systolina. "I'll answer the question that you just asked me, but then I want you to tell me who this is and why she looks so much like Abby."
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Siteq |
Tyhry reached out again with her telepathic sense and tried to look into Lexy's memories. However, Tyhry was still suffering from the effects of her sensitive tryp-At style telepathy being overwhelmed by the nearby group mind of her replicoid copies who were busy preparing Sedrover for its first space flight. "Abby? I know an Abby. Wait... she was in that story about Irhit and Siteq. Abby was a tryp'At agent on Earth!" For a moment, Tyhry tried to remember the story about Siteq which she had read many years previously.
Tyhry now realized that when the analogue of her father, Irhit, had visited Siteq, that must have created an opportunity for Eddy to learn about the Interventionist agent named Abby. When her father used the Reality Simulation System to investigate Siteq, that could have been one of the times when her father had learned about the existence of a copy of Marda in the Ekcolir Reality. However, the fact that Abby was an analogue of Marda never got mentioned in Eddy's report on Siteq. Anthony could have edited that right out of Eddy's memories.
Tyhry told Lexy, "Systolina is a robot. She and I have been playing a game, making Systolina look like Marda. My only excuse for playing that silly game is that I love Marda, I think she's wonderful. I've been amused myself by playing with the idea that if I alter her hair and clothing with my nanites then I can make Systolina resemble a cute sister of Marda."
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Marda on Threy. |
Lexy shook her head, "I don't know what you two are talking about. Who is Marda? In any case, the Fru'wu discovered the spaceship that is being built here. They could not understand how primitive Earthlings could suddenly develop an interstellar spaceship engine." Lexy pointed at Tyhry. "Then the Fru'wu were amused by all the seemingly identical copies of you and their resemblance to my sister and I. They talked me into coming here to investigate. Of course, as soon as I came here, my telepathic mind was immediately recognized."
Tyhry asked, "You have a sister?"
"Well, she's a clone, but I think of her as my little sister. No, I
don't mind answering that question I see in your mind, Tyhry. My sister
and I have been part of an effort to help Earthlings adapt to the
advanced technology of the Fru'wu." Lexy placed a hand on Tyhry's arm.
"Now, I want you to tell me; what is all this I see in your mind about
Reality Simulation?"
Tyhry said, "We are in a simulation of your world, Lexy."
Lexy giggled. "I don't believe it! No simulation could be this realistic." She touched Tyhry's nanite-enhanced hair. "I've never felt anything as soft and wiggly as your hair. It moves like it is alive! How could such sensations be simulated? Mind control?"
Tyhry shook her head. "I won't try to convince you, but we are inside a Simulation of Reality. However, that's really unimportant... forget about it. Tell me about this Fru'wu who you know; Vythoth."
Lexy tried to dig deeper into Tyhry's memories, but got nowhere. "A simulation? So perfect that nobody is aware of being simulated?" She shook her head and pulled a small device out of her pocket. "You are the original copy of Tyhry, right? I was to signal to Vythoth when I found you. The Fru'wu have been studying you and the spaceship construction project going on here for the past six months. The Fru'wu learned your strange language... English. They gave me a set of infites that integrated into my brain, allowing me to speak your language." Now Lexy activated the the alien communications device and then Vythoth appeared there in the laboratory, arriving by teleportation.Vythoth the Fru'wu looked around the interior of the laboratory and nodded to Lexy. Vythoth had long white hair that was tinted a light shade of green as were her eyes. Vythoth almost looked human, but it was impossible to be fooled; Vythoth was humanoid but not even trying to put on a convincing show of being a human being. Speaking in a strangely artificial voice, but using perfectly good English, Vythoth asked Lexy, "Do you care to introduce me to your analogue and..." Vythoth was looking at Systolina.
Systolina had no inhibitions against introducing herself to the alien and she told Vythoth, "I'm a positronic robot."
Vythoth asked, "You are one of Nyrtia's agents?"Systolina laughed and then told Vythoth, "Not that I know of, but I suppose anything is possible."
Vythoth told Tyhry, "I'm surprised to learn that Nyrtia is helping you build a spaceship. Nyrtia has chastised we Fru'wu for bringing advanced technology to Earth. We were warned not to tell Earthlings anything about or interstellar space travel technology."Tyhry could telepathically feel the edge of Vythoth's mind and although Vythoth looked mostly female, apparently Vythoth was male. Tyhry sighed and told the alien, "I've never met Nyrtia." Tyhry looked at Vythoth's crotch and then asked, "You are a male Fru'wu?"
Vythoth nodded. "Yes, I'm male. We Fru'wu have a mixed culture with males, females and hermaphrodites. Anticipating that I would meet you, for this project, I've shaped myself so as to appear to be a human female. It is a trivial matter for we Fru'wu to use nanites to modify our exoskeleton so as to take on any convenient form."
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Vythoth in human form on Earth. |
Vythoth could see another name in Tyhry's mind. "As I synchronize my telepathic mind to yours, I can touch your thoughts... I now realize that you are the tool of Manny the bumpha. I should have known! So, you are working against Nyrtia."
Tyhry explained, "I'm not against Nyrtia. I'd love to meet her."
Vythoth complained, "I just can't fathom where you are from. You appear here on Earth, speaking and unknown human language, this miserable English. But you speak Etruscan like a native. Manny must have trained you well for this mission."Tyhry sighed, "Vythoth, you are hopelessly confused. It is a feature of this Simulation that I can speak the language of this Reality. English is a language from my Reality. But ignore all of that! The important thing is, I have tryp'At gene patterns and I've started to recover my tryp'At telepathic powers. I can also sense the surface of your mind, Vythoth, but your brain pattern is quite alien. I wish we had time to learn how to synchronize our minds."
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the tryp'At |
Lexy asked, "Who is Manny?"
"Manny is my mentor. It was with her help that I learned how to visit past Realities of Deep Time." Tyhry put an arm around Lexy, "We have much to discuss, but tell me one thing. Do you know how to contact Nyrtia? Do you meet with her regularly?"
Lexy shook her head. "No. I have not seen Nyrtia since I came to earth, 40 years ago. Although..." Lexy stopped speaking.
Tyhry pressed her telepathic sense deeper into Lexy's mind, but Tyhry felt a crushing wave of vertigo as her mind connected to the strong telepathic signal emanating from the group mind of her dozens of replicoid copies. With her own telepathic sense now amplified and strong like that of the tryp'At, Tyhry could not protect herself from the swirling thoughts of her copies as they cascaded down upon her telepathic mind. Tyhry was forced to ask, "What?"
Lexy explained, "Well, the truth is, Nyrtia can erase memories. I suppose she erased some of mine. It is standard practice; in case the Overseers capture a secret agent on Earth... we can't reveal too much." Lexy was looking at Systolina the robot with suspicion.
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Overseers. |
Tyhry replied, "The ship is complete. Only a few more systems diagnostics need to be run before Sedrover has its initial space flight."
Vythoth produced a strange sound; the Fru'wu equivalent of laughter. "Amazing. Tell me, do you intend to share with your fellow Earthlings the secret of interstellar space travel?"
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dimensional structure |
Systolina had her own concerns, the least of which was the intriguing idea that Tyhry was now in the spaceship construction business. Systolina wanted Tyrhy's attention focused on Threy. She asked Tyhry, "Do you think that you can transfer Nym into this Reality?"
Lexy was trying to dig deeper into Tyhry's thought trails which all seemed to end in withered threads. It was clear that Tyhry had grown up with a deep interest in the implications of time travel, but it seemed that Tyhry did not believe that time travel was possible. At the same time, Tyhry believed that she regularly received information and visions from the future. Confused by the seemingly paradoxical idea fragments that could be sensed in Tyhry's mind, Lexy asked, "Transfer? You are talking about Time travel?"
Tyhry shook her head, "We are in the post-time travel era of the Final Reality. You refuse to accept that this a simulation of Reality, but visiting past Realities is as close as I can now get to time travel. Systolina is working towards the other direction of Deep Time. She's asking me about the possibility of leapfrog a fellow robot from a past Reality into this one."
Systolina repeated her question, "Can you do it, Tyhry?"
Tyhry replied to Systolina, "Of course I can do it." Tyhry was simply trying to imagine all the tricky little details and consequences involved in moving Nym to a new place in Time. "In fact, it is for the best that the Phari refused to perform one of their direct transfers between Reality Simulations. I suspect that we are going to have to pull Nym out of your fork of the Asimov Reality Simulation, explain to him our plan and then send him into the past of the Ekcolir Reality and hope he can prevent Mosy from being inactivated."
Lexy asked, "Who are these people? Nym and Mosy?"Just then the Marda replicoid came into the laboratory. She looked at Vythoth and asked, "A Fru'wu? I guess we made the big time." Marda had been tying up some lose ends and acquiring the fine chemicals that were needed for Sedrover's air and water recycling systems. Rather weary from her recent whirlwind travels to various cities around Earth, she sank into a chair.
Lexy asked, "So, this is a clone of Abby?" Lexy and Marda began linking their minds telepathically.
Even while Marda was initiating telepathic contact with Lexy, in a rapid burst of information flow, Tyhry telepathically informed Marda of what was going on. At the same time, Tyhry knew there were many questions in Lexy's mind. Tyhry asked herself: Why does everything have to happen all at once? Responding to Lexy, Tyhry asked her analogue, "Are you really interested in Systolina's problem? It is all rather complicated, and I don't have time to waste explaining it to you unless you want to help us."
Vythoth had been able to telepathically skim the basic outline of the problem from Systolina's thoughts. Vythoth was pleased at the logical arrangement of Systolina's robot mind.
Now Vythoth said, "Let me see if I understand the problem." Vythoth asked Systolina, "There are religious robots who are trying to prevent you from providing people with access to the Hierion Domain?"Systolina nodded. "Exactly. The biggest trouble maker is a robot named Nymerya Coryn. Alastor Cluster isn't big enough for the two of us."
Vythoth nodded. "Your problem seems similar to the tryp'At problem. The tryp'At were operating out of a hidden space-time bubble in the Hierion Domain. A group of tryp'At field agents were working on Earth and became a major source of anti-Fru'wu sentiment. Lucky for us, Nyrtia was able to deal with the tryp'At."
Lexy was confused. She asked Systolina, "Where is Alastor Cluster? I've never heard of it."
Tyhry held up her hands. "Please, Lexy, let it go for now... I don't have time to teach you all of human history."
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The Reality Chain that led to the universe as we know it. |
The Marda replicoid was feeling rather confused by all the new telepathic mind patterns that were dancing at the edge of her telepathic mind. After twenty years of only being able to telepathically communicate with her mind clone Tyhry and the replicoid copies of Tyhry and herself that had been made, now the telepathic mind patterns of Systolina, Lexy and Vythoth swirled around her. Somehow, Lexy, Tyhry and Systolina were even able to provide Marda with fragmentary and second-hand "views" of the thoughts in Vythoth's alien mind. Marda told Lexy, "Well, that's not quite right... the star cluster formed naturally, but the Phari teleported habitable planets into Alastor Cluster."
Vythoth produced his strange alien laughter. "Teleporting planets? Absurd!" The Fru'wu had their own teleportation technology. Vythoth's mind boggled at the energy requirements involved in teleporting a planet.
Tyhry told Vythoth, "Let's stay on topic and not get distracted by side issues. Nobody understands the amazing technological prowess of the Phari. We must accept that they are the masters of the Hierion Domain and hierion-based technologies."
Vythoth said, "I'm a trained specialist in social dynamics. It is my job as part of the Fru'wu expedition to Earth to report on how Fru'wu technology and Fru'wu contact with Earth is impacting human society. I'm intrigued by both the fact that you have built a spaceship and also by the idea of religious robots, but what is the Asimov Reality?"
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mage made with SpencerInBlack2 & SpencerInBlack1 by Eclesi4stiK available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. |
Tyhry looked back and forth between Lexy and Vythoth. Looking at Lexy was like looking into the future and seeing herself as an older, a middle-aged woman. Vythoth was the definition of alien strangeness: all synthetic. Synthetic voice and manufactured appearance with an alien mind that refused to resonate with Tyhry's. The more she pressed, the more Vythoth's thoughts eluded Tyhry and the more she fell into the disorienting group mind of her replicoids.
Now, feeling quite nauseous and mentally tired from trying to synchronize her telepathic mind pattern with that of the alien Vythoth, Tyhry again tried to close off her telepathic mind to the world. Tyhry wanted to explain the past Era of Time Travel and show Lexy and Vythoth how the Reality Simulation System could be used to view events in past Realities, but there was something she had seen in Vythoth's mind that seemed more important. Tyhry asked the Fru'wu, "You can access information from the future?"
Vythoth said, "I'm reluctant to discuss that with an Earthling, but I see in your mind that you are unusual, you actually believe in the possibility of time travel."
Tyhry explained, "I was born after the end of the Time Travel Era, however," Tyhry gestured towards the control console of the Reality Simulation System, "With this device, I can view the past Realities of Deep Time."Vythoth explained, "We Fru'wu have a device that allows us to View future events; the Chresmoscope."
Tyhry shook her head in wonder and tried to imagine how the Fru'wu had obtained Reality Viewing technology. Possibly R. Nyrtia had simply provided the Chresmoscope technology to the Fru'wu as a necessary part of getting the Fru'wu to travel from the Galactic Core to Earth and make contact with technologically primitive humans. But Tyhry thought not. The Fru'wu seemed too inept. If they could actually see the future, then how could they bumble around and cause a climate catastrophe on Earth? Tyhry asked Vythoth, "Tell me, what do you know about the future?"Vythoth hesitated then explained, "As a Chresmoscopist, I'm constrained by the tight restriction of Temporal Paradox. The information that we Chresmoscopists have from the future is always difficult to interpret. For example, I knew that I should meet with you here today, but even now I'm not sure why. All I can tell you is that, one, I'm intrigued by the idea of religion among robots, and two, I can't imagine how technologically primitive Earthlings could possibly make an interstellar spacecraft."
Tyhry suggested, "You don't actually witness future events by Chresmoscopy, do you?"
Vythoth shrugged. "Tyhry, I can sense that you have telepathic abilities, but of a type that is unusual and new to me. But know this: a Chresmoscope works with the Fru'wu telepathic sense. It helps a trained Chresmoscopist like myself understand information from the future. However, Chresmoscopy is frustrating. Often I can't fully understand what I have seen of the future until it is too late to change the future."
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the Sedron Time Stream |
Marda replied: I've seen something amazing in Systolina's mind. While I've been traveling around the world, you've altered your body? You now have a penis?
Tyhry had been practicing the art of keeping her secrets concealed in one half of her brain while leaving the other half open to other telepaths. I was hoping to surprise you. Tyhry nodded and spoke out loud. "Yes, I programmed some medical nanites to alter the structure of my body, allowing me to recover some of my genetically-programmed phenotypic features." Tyhry took one of Marda's hands and guided it to her skirt. Marda could feel the budging glans of Tyhry's penis were it pressed outwards against the thin soft fabric of her skirt.
Lexy was following Marda's thoughts. She stepped close to Tyhry and lifted the hem of her skirt and saw the pink tip of Tyhry's penis. "Amazing. You... we are tryp'At?" Lexy fondled the hot glans of Tyhry's penis and felt the slippery emission fluid that was was dribbling out of it.
Tyhry was sexually aroused and enjoying the delicate touch of Lexy's fingers on the engorged tip of her penis. Tyhry told Lexy, "I'm surprised that Nyrtia never told you the truth: that you are part tryp'At."
Systolina took Vythoth by the hand and they went through the back door of the lab. Tyhry heard Systolina telling Vythoth, "Come on. I know when I'm not wanted."
Tyhry took Lexy to the bedroom there in the lab that Tyhry had for years shared with the replicoid copies of Anthony and Marda. The Marda replicoid followed along and quickly took off her clothes and got on the big bed. Tyhry made her clothing nanites disintegrate and she eagerly moved between Marda's legs. Lexy sat in a chair near the bed and watched Tyhry slide her long erection inside Marda. Lexy said, "My turn is next."
Next: Part 6 of Vythoth the Chresmoscopist.
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