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A story from the Ekcolir Reality. |
Moon Hammer
Chapter 1
Dr. Ekantika Vivek was
on the phone with her son, Mahit. They were discussing Halloween
costumes, but she was at work and watching telemetry from the LCROSS
mission. She had called home to make sure her son would be watching
NASA TV coverage of the lunar impacts, but he was more interested in plans for Halloween,
having been invited to a party by a friend. She said, "You know
this is a busy time for me. Why not just use your costume from last
Ekantika asked, "It's not cool enough for you now?"
Mahit replied, "Mom, there are going to be girls at
the party."
Ekantika was well aware of that fact, having already
spoken to the mother of Mahit's friend who was hosting the party.
"I'm just not going to have time to deal with this. As soon as
the impacts take place I'll be analyzing the data...20 hours a day
for weeks to come. Get your father to take you shopping for a new costume."
"But Mom, he does not know where to go to get a
Ekantika wondered just when her name had changed to "But
Mom". She commented, "The problem is that neither of you
know anything about shopping. This is a good time to start learning.
I'm sure if you two put your heads together you can figure out where
to buy a costume."
Manit sighed. "Fine. Good luck with the Moon
thing." He cut the connection.
I could hear the bare feet of Rylla on the tile floor. Now almost 12 months into her pregnancy, she is not very light on her feet. It was about 4:00 AM and I'm not used to anyone else being up and about at that time except possibly a cat or two. I was typing at my computer and only looked up from my writing when she spoke. She whispered, "So, is there a secret base on the Moon or not?" Rylla did not want to awaken Zeta.
Rylla had pulled on a silk robe that could not go all the way around her large belly. She sat down in the big recliner and crossed her long legs that glowed with the silvery flashes that are emitted from her fancy leggings.
For a moment I wondered what kind of synthetic fabric was used to make those sparkly leggings and at what store Rylla and Zeta had found them, but I'm far more interested in the Moon than current fashion trends. I pulled my hands away from my keyboard and replied, "I doubt it."
Rylla was waving her tablet computer at me, showing me that she had found a copy of the story "Moon Hammer". Rylla sighed and leaned back in the big chair. Peering at me over her bulging abdomen. Apparently she had been awake all night, reading. She told me, "Okay... that's what I thought. However, you seem to waffle back and forth in your blog on that question."
I nodded and admitted, "For many years I accepted the Overseer propaganda and believed that Observer Base is hidden somewhere under the surface of the Moon. The more I learn about the Hierion Domain, the less likely it seems that Observer Base would be in the Hadron Domain."
"But what evidence do you have for the existence of hierions?"
"Sadly, there is no physical evidence. You are the one who came closest to obtaining physical evidence for hierions, but if I understand your story correctly, Maria Green stepped in and destroyed the evidence that you had obtained."
"It is nice of you to credit me with the discovery of negative mass hierions, but all I did was collect a rock sample. It was Georgy who realized that there was something odd about the composition..." Rylla fell silent. One of the cats jumped up in the chair and started climbing on Rylla.
Because she is my grand-daughter and there are similarities in the structures of our brains, I have always had a kind of telepathic connection to Rylla that has given me a mostly unconscious ability to know that she exists. Only with the recent change to the Bimanoid Interface did I become fully aware of how my brain is linked to Rylla's. Then Rylla's telepathic ability was boosted by chemically adjusting her Phari endosymbiont. Ever since that day I have wondered just how deeply Rylla can look into my thoughts.
Rylla told the cat, "My, what sharp claws you have!"
With her mind clone growing inside her, Rylla's telepathic abilities have been boosted significantly during the past year, and I live in fear that she might be eventually attain the ability to see into even those parts of my mind that I want to keep secret from Rylla. I've never had the nerve to tell Rylla about the role that Maria Green played in her pregnancy. However, it is not exactly a secret. Rylla has been reading parts of my blog for the past year and eventually she will know that the woman she knew as Tricia is actually Maria Green, the Interventionist agent who erased from Earthly history the discovery of hierions. I was glad to know that Rylla was reading my ancient blog posts from 10 years ago and not the more recent posts that actually concern her adventures since her arrival in America.
Finally the cat settled down on Rylla's chest and she said, "I got excited when I found the story 'Moon Hammer'. Ten years ago... that was right when mom left..."
Rylla always says that she did not suffer very much when her mother disappeared, but I can't imagine that anyone would ever really get over being abandoned by their mother at age seven. Not knowing what else to say, I asked Rylla, "Do you remember the LCROSS mission to the Moon?"
"Not at all. I was in second grade and trying to learn how to communicate with dad. I had not really tried to do so before mom abandoned us. Suddenly, he and I were thrown into some silly situations. I laughed at the idea of Manit and his dad not knowing anything about shopping. In my case, I had the advantage of there being a copy of mom's mind inside my head."
There I was, unable to avoid looking at Rylla's big abdomen, and thinking about the baby inside her; Rylla's Mind Clone. I wondered: was Rylla already imprinting the pattern of her mind on her daughter's brain? And once that process was complete, and once Rylla and her daughter were fully linked into the growing Mind Clone Network, then would there be any limits to Rylla's telepathic powers?
Ekantika shared an office with Dr. Pablo Monteiro. Pablo was monitoring cloud coverage conditions at the Earth telescopes that would be trying to capture images of the LCROSS impacts on the Moon. A third of the optical telescopes were apparently going to be blocked by clouds, but Pablo was most concerned with the data stream from the Very Large Array radio telescope that would be running an observation program of his own design during the impacts. At the edge of his consciousness he heard Ekantika mutter. Without looking away from his computer screen he asked, "What's that?"
While Pablo read the news, Lahar explained to his wife that the news networks were televising images that seemed to show bodies near the second LACROSS impact site on the Moon, that of the ESPA.
Ekantika asked in disbelief, "Bodies? On the moon?" An image of the face on Mars flashed into her mind.
Ekantika complained, "Look at the shadows. This is just like the face on Cydonia."
Pablo pointed to the 'before' image. "Except these three features were not there before the ESPA impact."
For a moment Brother Institoris held in his thoughts an image of a mountain of roasting human flesh composed of the screaming bodies of sinners. He noticed the approach of Brother Fluger. The population of Purgatory was almost entirely composed of robots and they all had nearly identical robotic bodies, but it was possible to recognize each individual by either their rank insignia or the electrical ID pulses that were constantly emitted from their electro-mechanical bodies. Further, Fluger was a special case. The robotic bodies used by the residents of Purgatory had slowly changed over time. Fluger had an old-fashioned body structure with rather bulky features and Purgatory's electronic records indicated that Fluger was the oldest resident.
Brother Fluger was not feeling like it was a blessed day. He was well aware that the LCROSS mission would in a very short time be blasting two massive probes into the surface of the Moon, not far from where Brother Institoris spent his days in complete ignorance of the fact that he was on the Moon, under the Cabeus crater. Worse, on a day when the surface of the Moon would be getting closer observation by Earthlings than ever before, the main Observer Base had insisted on flying over three more exiles. Fluger replied, "I have miraculous news, Brother Institoris! Three more souls have joined us!"
Fluger had received a full report on the three new exiles from Observer Base, but he could not share what he knew with Institoris. Fluger nodded, "They must have just materialized... they were detected by cleaning nanites. Shall I go and investigate?"
From around his neck Institoris took the amulet that contained medical nanites. He unscrewed the cap on the amulet and released some nanites onto the woman's body. After a moment her respiration deepened and her eyes flickered open. She seemed startled to see Institoris and asked, "Who are you?"
Soon Fluger arrived, running quickly down the corridor. The emergency depressurization wall opened and Fluger pointed to Institoris, "Come with me, quickly!" As soon as they moved down the corridor the emergency depressurization wall slammed shut again. There were more confused robots standing around in this end of the corridor and Fluger ordered them, "Return to your chambers! Move!" Fluger wrapped a cable around himself and Institoris then opened the door to the room where Institoris expected to find Uziar and the three newcomers. For a moment air rushed through the door and the two robots were blown into the prayer chamber. After all the air had rushed out, Fluger released the restraint cable and led Institoris deeper into the chamber that had been ruptured by the LACROSS impact.
Fluger replied, "God willing. They might have
suffered irreversible brain damage. Thankfully they already had in
their bodies the medical nanites that you placed inside them."
Rylla asked, "If Observer Base is inside the Hierion Domain, do you think there is also a place like the Purgatory you described in your story?"
I thought I could hear Zeta stirring, then I received her first telepathic message of the new day: Why can't you let the poor girl sleep? I replied to Rylla's question, "I hope not."
Rylla mused, "So, I suppose only the best of Earth, like Georgy, are taken off to Observer Base..."
Zeta came into the room and flipped on the lights. For a moment I looked back and forth between the two of them and tried to judge who looked larger, Rylla or Zeta. Zeta put an arm around me and told Rylla, "There are different 'places' in the Hierion Domain such as the Writers Block and the various Reality simulators. Movement from place to place was usually accomplished by teleportation, but the rumor is that teleportation is no longer possible. I've never heard that there is a place like Purgatory in the Hierion Domain for religious fanatics or any other trouble makers. The idea of Purgatory is just a sick idea from your garandfather's imagination."
Rylla commented, "Georgy seems quite happy with all the people that she has met at Observer Base. Strangely, most of them have no interest in Earth."
"When my replicoid was at Observer Base, we had a mission to complete. My replicoid interacted with people who did care about Earth. But yes, I think the majority of residents at Observer Base live their lives, have fun, and don't worry about what is happening here on Earth."
I complained, "We got a few interesting reports from Georgy concerning stories in the archives of the Writers Block, but now she seems to have lost interest in past Realities."
Zeta suggested, "Maybe that is healthy. Maybe we should all forget about the Asimov Reality."
I was telepathically linked to Zeta, but for Rylla's sake I said outloud, "I can't get over my obsession with telepathy. My hope is that Izhiun will be taken away aboard the Buld spaceship and then I'll have a clear telepathic channel to Yōd. I can't stop myself from imagining that the Mind Clone Network was created for just this purpose."
Rylla added, "And to tap into the Writers Block archives."
Zeta sent me a private message: Don't get her thinking about replicoids!
I sent backto Zeta: Too late; she spent the night reading about replicoids.
Rylla set The Demon-Haunted World on my desk and then turned and pointed at Zeta and I, "You two are doing it again. Using telepathy and leaving me out of the conversation. I hate that!"
I asked Rylla, "You follow my thoughts?"
"No, I can't. However, I can sense the flavor of your thoughts, particularly when you are trying to hide something from me."
Zeta took Rylla by the hand and pulled her towards the kitchen. "Let's eat. Don't blame your grandfather. He never learned how to keep secrets, but I've ordered him to not get you upset. There is a delicate matter that we can address after the babies arrive, but for now I don't want him talking to you about it."
Fluger tried to invent a story that would satisfy all the Prayer Project robots who were watching. "Uziar was damaged in the explosion, he will need repairs." Then, continuing to speak to the on-lookers, "Brother Institoris is also damaged. I will-"
Institoris saw the nanite swarm and released his own
robot repair nanites from a ring on his finger, simultaneously
sending them a radio command with orders to defend his own body.
Institoris staggered but he was able to order the on-lookers, "Fluger
is a liar! Fluger is attacking me! Stop him!" For the next
minute there was a chaotic swirl of activity in the corridor while
Fluger fought to defend himself, but in the end he lay smashed and
broken on the floor next to the three unconscious humans.
I could hear the bare feet of Rylla on the tile floor. Now almost 12 months into her pregnancy, she is not very light on her feet. It was about 4:00 AM and I'm not used to anyone else being up and about at that time except possibly a cat or two. I was typing at my computer and only looked up from my writing when she spoke. She whispered, "So, is there a secret base on the Moon or not?" Rylla did not want to awaken Zeta.
Rylla had pulled on a silk robe that could not go all the way around her large belly. She sat down in the big recliner and crossed her long legs that glowed with the silvery flashes that are emitted from her fancy leggings.
For a moment I wondered what kind of synthetic fabric was used to make those sparkly leggings and at what store Rylla and Zeta had found them, but I'm far more interested in the Moon than current fashion trends. I pulled my hands away from my keyboard and replied, "I doubt it."
Rylla was waving her tablet computer at me, showing me that she had found a copy of the story "Moon Hammer". Rylla sighed and leaned back in the big chair. Peering at me over her bulging abdomen. Apparently she had been awake all night, reading. She told me, "Okay... that's what I thought. However, you seem to waffle back and forth in your blog on that question."
I nodded and admitted, "For many years I accepted the Overseer propaganda and believed that Observer Base is hidden somewhere under the surface of the Moon. The more I learn about the Hierion Domain, the less likely it seems that Observer Base would be in the Hadron Domain."
"But what evidence do you have for the existence of hierions?"
"Sadly, there is no physical evidence. You are the one who came closest to obtaining physical evidence for hierions, but if I understand your story correctly, Maria Green stepped in and destroyed the evidence that you had obtained."
"It is nice of you to credit me with the discovery of negative mass hierions, but all I did was collect a rock sample. It was Georgy who realized that there was something odd about the composition..." Rylla fell silent. One of the cats jumped up in the chair and started climbing on Rylla.
Because she is my grand-daughter and there are similarities in the structures of our brains, I have always had a kind of telepathic connection to Rylla that has given me a mostly unconscious ability to know that she exists. Only with the recent change to the Bimanoid Interface did I become fully aware of how my brain is linked to Rylla's. Then Rylla's telepathic ability was boosted by chemically adjusting her Phari endosymbiont. Ever since that day I have wondered just how deeply Rylla can look into my thoughts.
Rylla told the cat, "My, what sharp claws you have!"
With her mind clone growing inside her, Rylla's telepathic abilities have been boosted significantly during the past year, and I live in fear that she might be eventually attain the ability to see into even those parts of my mind that I want to keep secret from Rylla. I've never had the nerve to tell Rylla about the role that Maria Green played in her pregnancy. However, it is not exactly a secret. Rylla has been reading parts of my blog for the past year and eventually she will know that the woman she knew as Tricia is actually Maria Green, the Interventionist agent who erased from Earthly history the discovery of hierions. I was glad to know that Rylla was reading my ancient blog posts from 10 years ago and not the more recent posts that actually concern her adventures since her arrival in America.
Finally the cat settled down on Rylla's chest and she said, "I got excited when I found the story 'Moon Hammer'. Ten years ago... that was right when mom left..."
Rylla always says that she did not suffer very much when her mother disappeared, but I can't imagine that anyone would ever really get over being abandoned by their mother at age seven. Not knowing what else to say, I asked Rylla, "Do you remember the LCROSS mission to the Moon?"
"Not at all. I was in second grade and trying to learn how to communicate with dad. I had not really tried to do so before mom abandoned us. Suddenly, he and I were thrown into some silly situations. I laughed at the idea of Manit and his dad not knowing anything about shopping. In my case, I had the advantage of there being a copy of mom's mind inside my head."
There I was, unable to avoid looking at Rylla's big abdomen, and thinking about the baby inside her; Rylla's Mind Clone. I wondered: was Rylla already imprinting the pattern of her mind on her daughter's brain? And once that process was complete, and once Rylla and her daughter were fully linked into the growing Mind Clone Network, then would there be any limits to Rylla's telepathic powers?
Ekantika turned off the ringer of her phone, set it to
vibrate, and shook her head while marveling at the fact that when she
was her son's age she had been enthralled by the idea of sending
spacecraft to the Moon. She muttered, "I guess looking for water
on the Moon can't compete with Death Stars and light sabers."
Ekantika shared an office with Dr. Pablo Monteiro. Pablo was monitoring cloud coverage conditions at the Earth telescopes that would be trying to capture images of the LCROSS impacts on the Moon. A third of the optical telescopes were apparently going to be blocked by clouds, but Pablo was most concerned with the data stream from the Very Large Array radio telescope that would be running an observation program of his own design during the impacts. At the edge of his consciousness he heard Ekantika mutter. Without looking away from his computer screen he asked, "What's that?"
Ekantika pulled her chair closer to her desk and sighed.
"Oh, nothing. I should not have bothered calling. My son has no
interest in our work."
Pablo nodded and finally tore his eyes away from the
screen. He could see that Ekantika was again focused on her computer
display, but he said, "Ten seconds to impact."
The two scientists watched the arrival of the data for
the two closely spaced LCROSS mission impacts on the Moon. After a
brief celebration they got down to the business of analyzing the
data. An hour after the impacts had taken place they were deep into
the spectroscopic details that were involved in their attempt to show
that water ice existed on the lunar surface. Finally they were
interrupted by Ekantika's phone. She picked up, "Hello?"
It was Ekantika's husband, Lahar. "Hi, Eka! We were
just heading out to look for a Halloween costume, but now Mahit won't
let me tear him away from his computer."
"Hello, Lahar." Ekantika asked, "Is he
doing homework or playing games?"
Lahar explained, "It's this crazy LCROSS stuff.
It's not just on the internet, all the news networks are covering it,
Ekantika wondered what was "crazy". As far as
she could tell from the scientific data, the impacts had gone as
planned. Ekantika was surprised to hear that her son had paid
attention to the mission after all. She finally stopped trying to
continue performing data analysis and asked, "What are they
calling 'crazy' on TV?"
Now Pablo looked up from his work with a puzzled
expression. He opened up a new browser window and did a news search
for "LCROSS".
While Pablo read the news, Lahar explained to his wife that the news networks were televising images that seemed to show bodies near the second LACROSS impact site on the Moon, that of the ESPA.
Ekantika asked in disbelief, "Bodies? On the moon?" An image of the face on Mars flashed into her mind.
Pablo now had an image of the bodies on his computer
screen. He signaled to Ekantika, "Come look at this."
Ekantika got up from her desk and walked around to Pablo's desk so
that she could see the image he had found. Pablo said, "This
image is just at the edge of the resolution required to see something
as small as a person, but ya, It sorta looks like three bodies. This
one with the limbs spread is particularly interesting."
Ekantika complained, "Look at the shadows. This is just like the face on Cydonia."
Pablo pointed to the 'before' image. "Except these three features were not there before the ESPA impact."
Ekantika suggested, "So it is debris from the
Lahar was still on the phone. He said, "Sounds like
you know less than the news networks."
Ekantika explained, "Pablo and I have been sitting
here doing the scientific data analysis. I'll see what the rest of
the project team has to say about these images. Catch you later."
She broke the connection with her husband and picked up the phone on
her desk.
It took a minute, but she finally got someone in mission
control to pick up. "This is Dr. Vivek." She asked, "What
is going on with these images of bodies?" She could hear chaotic
noise and overlapping conversations in the control room.
"We should have a second round of images soon, but
so far there are two mysteries. These shapes that the press is
calling bodies and there is also a nearby infrared source that
Ekantika asked, "You mean the ESPA impact site? It
should be hot."
"No, we see the impact site, but there is another
infrared source near the 'bodies'. Wait, a new image is coming in.
Blank. This one is blank."
"Ya, the three 'bodies' are gone. This looks like
the pre-impact image."
Ekantika shrugged and said, "Okay, thanks for the
info." She turned to Pablo and explained that the "bodies"
were no longer visible in a more recent image. "Sounds some kind
of gas artifact associated with the impact that has now dissipated.
This will keep the conspiracy mongers happy for years."
Pablo was now able to find the new "blank"
image on the internet. Pablo looked up from his computer display and
asked, "What was that about an infrared source?"
"I'm guessing that it was a splashed fragment from
the main impact point. I'm getting back to work." Ekantika sat
back down and tried to return to her data analysis. "Well, this
is preliminary, but the spectroscopy results are looking good for
water ice."
Pablo closed out the browser window for the news and
nodded, "I agree." They got back to their work and again
the only sound in the office was the clatter of keys being struck.
Rylla asked, "What made you write a story about Heinrich Kramer?"
I tried to think back across the span of the past decade to the origins of "Moon Hammer". "Well, of course, I had been strongly influenced by Carl Sagan."
"Sagan, the Astronomer?"
"Yes, he did planetary science, but I was influenced by his science fiction and also the non-fiction books that he wrote." I went to a nearby bookshelf and took down a copy of The Demon-Haunted World. I handed the book to Rylla and she handed me her tablet computer. That was too much for the purring cat that had settled on top of her. The cat jumped off and Rylla sat up, opening the book.
"Demons? Like Maria?" Rylla looked at the table of contents for The Demon-Haunted World. "And what sort of Demon impregnated me?"
"I don't think Izhiun is a demon."
Rylla giggled. "Don't worry, I don't blame Izhiun. I certainly have no memory of having sex with him. I accept your theory, that my daughter does not really have a father."
I asked, "So you have read in my blog about what..." I fell silent. I still was not certain what Rylla knew or suspected about Maria Green's involvement in both Rylla's and Zeta's pregnancies.
"Yes, I read what you wrote in your blog about Tricia. I guess I really just do not want to believe that some shape-shifting Interventionist can flit around Earth... erasing major scientific discoveries from the historical record or implanting Mind Clones inside women."
I added, "As unsettling as that is, we can't ignore what the evidence tells us. As for Izhiun, even if he is an artificial life copy of an alien from another galaxy, I believe he is trying to help we Earthlings. However, I do think it would be best if he departed from our world." Rather elated to learn that Rylla had no resentment over me having tried to keep secrets from her, I stood up and began pacing around the room.
Rylla mused, "Does anyone really care about the terms of the Trysta-Grean Pact? When the tryp'At Overseers abandoned Observer Base, did anyone remain who has the power to stop alien Interventions into Earth's historical timeline?"
I asked Rylla, "What do your contacts at Observer Base tell you?"
"Georgy does not seem to care. She is happy at Observer Base and does not miss Earth. Sometimes I worry that after my baby is born, I'll just turn into a milk-producing moma and stop asking questions and stop trying to solve mysteries."
"Well, I'm an old man. I have nothing better to do than fret over alien influences on Humanity. You and Georgy are young. You should be happy." I picked up a cat who was trying to trip me and remind me to open a can of cat food. "It will be interesting to see how this whole Mind Clone Network turns out in the end."
Rylla chided me, "Don't forget, old man, you are soon going to be a father again."
"I know. And I hope that I can tap into the power of the Mind Clone Network and establish a stable telepathic connection to Yōd. The way things are right now, it is not working... I can attain only the most tenuous telepathic link to Yōd."
Rylla asked, "Why do you think... why is it that you can only link to Yōd while you sleep?"
"I wish I knew. Sometimes I feel so jealous of you that I don't want to fall asleep... I try to stay awake."
Rylla laughed loudly and then glanced towards the bedroom where Zeta was sleeping. You need your sleep, old man." I noticed that the sky was starting to brighten with the first light of the new day. Rylla said, "Well, I'm very grateful that I can use your body during those times when you are telepathically linked to Yōd. Zeta and I get so... well, it works out nicely that we can both grab some orgasms while you are busy chatting with Yōd."
I complained, "Call me old fashioned, but it does not seem right that you get to use my body to make love to my wife."
"Get over it, old man."
"See, I worry that you don't want to solve our problem. I have the feeling that something is blocking my telepathic link to Yōd when I am awake. You are part of the Mind Clone Network... maybe you are blocking my access to Yōd."
"That's absurd. How could I prevent you from linking to Yōd? You might as well blame Zeta. Maybe she prefers the way I make love!"
"I really have no idea how anyone could be interfering with my telepathic linkage to Yōd, but, the sad truth is, I don't know how telepathy works." I paced for a while longer and the cat jumped out of my arms. "Actually, my chief suspect for the blockage is Izihun. When I am awake, my thoughts naturally shift towards all of the infites that I carry."
"But you also have infites from Yōd, Thomas, Ivory and others. What is special about Izhiun?"
"I don't know. It is true that I carry infites from many sources, even from a positronic robot, but I can't stop myself from thinking that Izhiun is violating the Pact by being on Earth. It might be his presence on Earth that is disrupting my ability to control my telepathic linkage to Yōd. The copy of Izhiun that remains here on Earth is some kind of artificial life form... maybe that gives him the ability... I don't know. Maybe he is actually a replicoid." I immediately regretted using the word 'replicoid'. Zeta does not want me to be discussing replicoids with Rylla, particularly the idea that it might be useful to experiment with ways to link a replicoid into the Mind Clone Network.
Rylla looked at me suspiciously. "I thought all the replicoids were shut down."
"Yes, that has been my working hypothesis. Maybe Izhiun is a modified replicoid that can avoid generating positive feedback in the Bimanoid Interface. Maybe the biological Izhiun is so far from Earth that positive feedback is no problem for them."
Rylla suggested, "Maybe the biological Izhiun is dead." We fell silent for a minute then Rylla added, "And so you hope and dream that the Buld spaceship will return to Earth and take the artificial copy of Izhiun away. But why should that help? Is there some distance limit to telepathy? How far away would Izhiun need to be to stop interfering with your telepathic link to Yōd?"
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The Demon-Haunted World |
I tried to think back across the span of the past decade to the origins of "Moon Hammer". "Well, of course, I had been strongly influenced by Carl Sagan."
"Sagan, the Astronomer?"
"Yes, he did planetary science, but I was influenced by his science fiction and also the non-fiction books that he wrote." I went to a nearby bookshelf and took down a copy of The Demon-Haunted World. I handed the book to Rylla and she handed me her tablet computer. That was too much for the purring cat that had settled on top of her. The cat jumped off and Rylla sat up, opening the book.
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source |
"I don't think Izhiun is a demon."
Rylla giggled. "Don't worry, I don't blame Izhiun. I certainly have no memory of having sex with him. I accept your theory, that my daughter does not really have a father."
I asked, "So you have read in my blog about what..." I fell silent. I still was not certain what Rylla knew or suspected about Maria Green's involvement in both Rylla's and Zeta's pregnancies.
"Yes, I read what you wrote in your blog about Tricia. I guess I really just do not want to believe that some shape-shifting Interventionist can flit around Earth... erasing major scientific discoveries from the historical record or implanting Mind Clones inside women."
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Trysta-Grean Pact |
Rylla mused, "Does anyone really care about the terms of the Trysta-Grean Pact? When the tryp'At Overseers abandoned Observer Base, did anyone remain who has the power to stop alien Interventions into Earth's historical timeline?"
I asked Rylla, "What do your contacts at Observer Base tell you?"
"Georgy does not seem to care. She is happy at Observer Base and does not miss Earth. Sometimes I worry that after my baby is born, I'll just turn into a milk-producing moma and stop asking questions and stop trying to solve mysteries."
"Well, I'm an old man. I have nothing better to do than fret over alien influences on Humanity. You and Georgy are young. You should be happy." I picked up a cat who was trying to trip me and remind me to open a can of cat food. "It will be interesting to see how this whole Mind Clone Network turns out in the end."
Rylla chided me, "Don't forget, old man, you are soon going to be a father again."
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Yōd (source) |
Rylla asked, "Why do you think... why is it that you can only link to Yōd while you sleep?"
"I wish I knew. Sometimes I feel so jealous of you that I don't want to fall asleep... I try to stay awake."
Rylla laughed loudly and then glanced towards the bedroom where Zeta was sleeping. You need your sleep, old man." I noticed that the sky was starting to brighten with the first light of the new day. Rylla said, "Well, I'm very grateful that I can use your body during those times when you are telepathically linked to Yōd. Zeta and I get so... well, it works out nicely that we can both grab some orgasms while you are busy chatting with Yōd."
I complained, "Call me old fashioned, but it does not seem right that you get to use my body to make love to my wife."
"Get over it, old man."
"See, I worry that you don't want to solve our problem. I have the feeling that something is blocking my telepathic link to Yōd when I am awake. You are part of the Mind Clone Network... maybe you are blocking my access to Yōd."
"That's absurd. How could I prevent you from linking to Yōd? You might as well blame Zeta. Maybe she prefers the way I make love!"
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Ivory at Atlantis, 1992, while experimenting with nanites and taking on the physical form of Hilarie Burton |
"But you also have infites from Yōd, Thomas, Ivory and others. What is special about Izhiun?"
"I don't know. It is true that I carry infites from many sources, even from a positronic robot, but I can't stop myself from thinking that Izhiun is violating the Pact by being on Earth. It might be his presence on Earth that is disrupting my ability to control my telepathic linkage to Yōd. The copy of Izhiun that remains here on Earth is some kind of artificial life form... maybe that gives him the ability... I don't know. Maybe he is actually a replicoid." I immediately regretted using the word 'replicoid'. Zeta does not want me to be discussing replicoids with Rylla, particularly the idea that it might be useful to experiment with ways to link a replicoid into the Mind Clone Network.
Rylla looked at me suspiciously. "I thought all the replicoids were shut down."
"Yes, that has been my working hypothesis. Maybe Izhiun is a modified replicoid that can avoid generating positive feedback in the Bimanoid Interface. Maybe the biological Izhiun is so far from Earth that positive feedback is no problem for them."
Rylla suggested, "Maybe the biological Izhiun is dead." We fell silent for a minute then Rylla added, "And so you hope and dream that the Buld spaceship will return to Earth and take the artificial copy of Izhiun away. But why should that help? Is there some distance limit to telepathy? How far away would Izhiun need to be to stop interfering with your telepathic link to Yōd?"
"For technology-assisted telepathy, there may well be a fairly strong distance restriction, so yes, I hope Izhiun does depart from Earth. It is an experiment worth conducting."

As was often the case,
Institoris thought about Purgatory and the philosophical question: why did Purgatory exist?
Thinking about his centuries-long existence in Purgatory made Institoris weary.
Institoris was now close to completing his fifth century in
Purgatory. It seemed far longer...endless days of futility. In an
effort to dismiss such gloomy thoughts from his mind, he tried to
turn his attention back to his work: analysis of the sickening stream
of data that constantly came from Earth, but it was so very hard to
endlessly watch the course of evil events. During his days on Earth,
Institoris had vigorously done battle against the forces of evil, but
all he could do now was watch. So very weary. Today he had found a
YouTube video showing a discussion of religion by Christopher
Hitchens. Institoris paused the video and for a time he imagined the
agonies of an eternal existence in Hell.
For a moment Brother Institoris held in his thoughts an image of a mountain of roasting human flesh composed of the screaming bodies of sinners. He noticed the approach of Brother Fluger. The population of Purgatory was almost entirely composed of robots and they all had nearly identical robotic bodies, but it was possible to recognize each individual by either their rank insignia or the electrical ID pulses that were constantly emitted from their electro-mechanical bodies. Further, Fluger was a special case. The robotic bodies used by the residents of Purgatory had slowly changed over time. Fluger had an old-fashioned body structure with rather bulky features and Purgatory's electronic records indicated that Fluger was the oldest resident.
Institoris did not like to think about what had happened
to all the other ancient residents of Purgatory. Official Doctrine
taught that they had all successfully purified their souls and then
ascended to Heaven, but Institoris knew from personal experience that
many residents of Purgatory destroyed themselves rather than continue
their agonizing existence. Many of the young and foolish often
questioned Fluger's worthiness and asked why he never ascended to
Heaven. However, Institoris greatly honored Fluger for his long and
steady devotion to several of the nastiest tasks that needed to be
performed. When robotic residents destroyed themselves, Fluger could
be counted on to quietly dispose of the bodies and not spread word of
what had happened. When a new human resident completed the process of
transferring their consciousness into a robotic body, Fluger did not
flinch at disposing of the vile human carcass. Institoris had often
reflected on the fact that it was also almost always Fluger's eternal
vigilance and attention to the details of Purgatory maintenance
routines that allowed him to notice the arrival of new souls in
Purgatory. Yes, Fluger was vastly important to Purgatory.
Institoris spoke in the version of Latin that had
developed as the dominant language of Purgatory, "Brother
Fluger, how be you on this blessed day?"
Brother Fluger was not feeling like it was a blessed day. He was well aware that the LCROSS mission would in a very short time be blasting two massive probes into the surface of the Moon, not far from where Brother Institoris spent his days in complete ignorance of the fact that he was on the Moon, under the Cabeus crater. Worse, on a day when the surface of the Moon would be getting closer observation by Earthlings than ever before, the main Observer Base had insisted on flying over three more exiles. Fluger replied, "I have miraculous news, Brother Institoris! Three more souls have joined us!"
Institoris instantly examined the burst of data that
Fluger offered, and so became aware of the location of the three new
arrivals from Earth. He asked, "Three at once?" It was
unusual to have multiple new arrivals on the same day. Institoris
marveled at the ability of Fluger to perceive the arrival of new
souls in Purgatory as a joyful event.
Fluger had received a full report on the three new exiles from Observer Base, but he could not share what he knew with Institoris. Fluger nodded, "They must have just materialized... they were detected by cleaning nanites. Shall I go and investigate?"
Institoris had lost faith in the idea that humans
materialized in Purgatory and dematerialized upon ascending to
Heaven. Nobody had ever witnessed anyone materializing or
dematerializing, but Fluger was doctrinally correct to assume that
the new arrivals must have materialized out of thin air. It was a
puzzle: if new arrivals in Purgatory did not simply materialize from
thin air then how did they arrive? In any case, Institoris welcomed
the chance to escape his routing duties. "I will handle this."
Institoris moved towards the door, but for a moment he
turned back and saw Fluger plug himself into the data stream from
Earth and begin to process and catalog arriving data. Institoris then
turned and hurried towards the chamber that held the new arrivals.
While Institoris walked through the corridors of Purgatory he thought
about Fluger's ability to stay devoted to the painful task of
observing current events on Earth. Day in and day out Fluger
cataloged more data arriving from Earth than any other resident of
Purgatory. And most remarkable, Fluger always seemed cheerful and
eager for more news from Earth.
Institoris was deeply concerned about his declining
ability to believe Official Doctrines such as the fundamental idea
that the endless data stream from Earth truly represented ongoing
events. How was the data stream produced? How did it reach Purgatory?
Most importantly: how could anyone know that the data stream was a
correct depiction of events on Earth? Sometimes Institoris wondered
if he was in Hell and being forced to watch a falsified history of
Earth, one specifically designed to cause him pain. Institoris
suffered terrible doubts over some of his actions on Earth. What if
some of the women who he had convicted of witchcraft had been
innocent? Could he have been damned to eternal existence in Hell if
he had burned innocent women to death? He tried to push his doubts
away and pay attention to his steps. Institoris was now in the newest
part of Purgatory.
A team of construction robots continually worked to
expand purgatory and build new chambers. The main use for new
habitation space was the Prayer Project. Purgatory's robotics factory
turned out a new robot every week. The new robots were either
assigned the task of helping to monitor events on Earth or they were
assigned to the Prayer Project. Members of the Prayer Project
endlessly prayed for the victory of good over evil on Earth. On those
rare occasions when a human mind needed a robotic body then a newly
constructed robot would become the host for the human's thoughts and
soul. Still, even with a new robot being produced each week, the
population of Purgatory grew very slowly...existing robots destroyed
themselves at just about the rate of one a week.
Institoris arrived in the chamber that contained the
three new arrivals. It was a newly constructed room that had recently
been finished and its walls of shiny titanium positively sparkled. No
prayer alters had yet been installed in the room so it was a nearly
featureless room full of the echos of his foot falls. Institoris
noticed that one of the new arrivals was a woman. He knelt next to
her and for a minute thought about calling in help and separating the
woman from from the two men. Finally he decided that it would be best
to learn what these people thought about segregation.
From around his neck Institoris took the amulet that contained medical nanites. He unscrewed the cap on the amulet and released some nanites onto the woman's body. After a moment her respiration deepened and her eyes flickered open. She seemed startled to see Institoris and asked, "Who are you?"
Institoris had access to Purgatory's database of human
languages and was able to identify the language spoken by the woman.
He ask her in that language, "Do you know any other languages?
My name is Institoris."
She admitted to knowing English and Institoris was also
quite comfortable using English, but he asked one more question in
her native language, "What is your name?"
She replied, "Naomi Mattashor."
Institoris held out a hand to her. After a pause, she
took hold of his hand and he helped her to her feet. "Welcome,
Naomi. Let us now speak English since I am not experienced with your
own language. Eventually you will learn Latin."
Naomi was surprised to hear mention of what she thought
of as a dead language. "Your language is Latin?"
Institoris explained, "My native language was
German, but Latin is the language that is used here."
Naomi asked, "Where are we?"
Institoris suggested, "Allow me to explain that to
all three of you at the same time...I will soon awaken your two
companions." He pointed to the two men lying on the floor and
asked, "You know them?"
Naomi nodded, "Yes, we trained together." She
put a hand to her head and looked confused.
Institoris pressed on, "Then I assume there will be
no problem if I treat you as their equal."
Naomi replied, "I will, of course, bow to their
will and accept their orders." She knelt beside one of the men
and asked, "Are they injured?"
With the dramatic style of a magician, Institoris waved
his amulet over the bodies of the two men and soon they were awake
and alert. Naomi was puzzled by the ability of Institoris to awaken
her companions in this way.
Institoris soon learned that the names of the other new
arrivals were Iskandar and Kogon. Kogon demanded to know what was
going on and Naomi explained, "Institoris touched you both and
you awakened."
Institoris did not bother trying to explain the powers
of medical nanites. It was best if new arrivals believed that he had
supernatural powers. "Yes, I have the power of controlling your
minds and your bodies. Observe!" He sent a pulsed radio signal
to the nanites that remained in their bodies and almost instantly
Naomi, Iskandar and Kogon were unable to send control signals from
their brains their muscles. Iskandar slumped to the floor, but Kogan
and Naomi remained standing, swaying slightly while reflexes of their
spinal cords managed to maintain their balance. "I can instantly
take control of you, so you will listen to my counsel and obey my
commands!" He sent a second signal that relaxed the nanites in
their brains and returned to them control of their bodies.
Iskandar got up off the floor and asked, "Where are
Institoris explained, "You now reside in Purgatory
and you will remain here until, through your pious deeds, you purify
yourselves of your sins."
Kogan was massaging his head and trying to remember his
last moments on Earth. "Did we succeed in our holy mission?"
Institoris suggested, "You should put aside your
Earthly concerns. Now you must learn to lead faultless lives so that
you can ascend to Heaven."
Iskandar replied to Kogan, "I remember that we had
reached the target and were planting the bomb...but I remember
nothing after that."
Institoris was not surprised to hear that these new
arrivals had been involved in violence. Most of the more recent
arrivals in Purgatory had been engaged in holy war on Earth. "If
you are feeling well, let me show you around."
Naomi commented, "I feel strange...like I am
Institoris explained, "You weight less in
Purgatory. You have begun to shed the weight of your material body.
Eventually only your soul will remain and then you will ascend to
Iskandar jumped high in the low gravity and exclaimed,
Institoris led Naomi, Iskandar and Kogan into the
corridor. "There is someone here who knows your native language.
He has been here for more than a century, so he will be able to help
you adjust to Purgatory."
Kogan exclaimed, "A century! I was told that
because of my battle against heretics I would be rewarded with
eternal peace in Heaven."
They had reached a lift tube. For a minute Institoris
was engaged in explaining how to use the tube, then they were lifted
to a higher level. They exited the tube and walked down a corridor of
the new level. In this higher level of Purgatory the walls were made
of a plastic-like composite material. Institoris explained,
"Depending on the nature of your sins, you may have to spend
several centuries here purifying your soul." He opened a door to
one of the prayer chambers. Inside the chamber a team was engaged in
a ritual prayer. At the end of the prayer, Institoris signaled to one
of the praying robots, who left his team and stepped into the
The robot asked, "Yes, Brother Institoris? Why do
you interrupt my prayers?"
"Brother Uziar, I believe you know the language
spoke by these new arrivals." Institoris introduced Uziar to
Naomi, Iskandar and Kogan. For five minutes they conversed in their
native language.
Uziar finally turned to Institoris, "I believe they
now have a basic understanding of what has happened to them and where
they are."
Institoris pointed down the hall, and spoke to Uziar in
Latin, "Let us step into an empty chamber. I want you to explain
to them the fact that you are a robot."
They walked down the corridor and Uziar said, "Very
well. They have already asked how it is that I have been here for
over a century and yet I look like a young man."
Institoris opened another door and led the way into a
currently unused prayer chamber. He explained to the new arrivals,
"Brother Uziar will now explain some important facts to you.
Listen carefully to what he has to say. I will go and make certain
that we have three sleeping chambers ready for you. It is unusual for
three new souls to arrive in Purgatory on the same day."
Institoris returned to the corridor and reflected on the fact that
even with an accelerated program for transferring minds into robotic
bodies, the human population of Purgatory was at a record high. The
rate of arrival of new souls in Purgatory seemed to roughly match the
growing population of Earth. It typically took twenty or thirty years
to completely transfer a person's mind into a robotic host, so the
human population continued to slowly expand.
Institoris had not gone very far down the corridor when
he was shaken and knocked off of his feet by a powerful explosion. An
emergency depressurization wall closed off the corridor between
Institoris and the chamber where he had just left Uziar and the three
newcomers. Other robots emerged from their prayer rooms and began to
mill around in the corridor.
Soon Fluger arrived, running quickly down the corridor. The emergency depressurization wall opened and Fluger pointed to Institoris, "Come with me, quickly!" As soon as they moved down the corridor the emergency depressurization wall slammed shut again. There were more confused robots standing around in this end of the corridor and Fluger ordered them, "Return to your chambers! Move!" Fluger wrapped a cable around himself and Institoris then opened the door to the room where Institoris expected to find Uziar and the three newcomers. For a moment air rushed through the door and the two robots were blown into the prayer chamber. After all the air had rushed out, Fluger released the restraint cable and led Institoris deeper into the chamber that had been ruptured by the LACROSS impact.
Never having been in vacuum before, Institoris tried to
speak, but there was no sound. He followed Fluger to the collapsed
segment of ceiling in a corner of the chamber. Fluger climbed up on
an alter and reached up into the gaping hole above. Institoris
watched in amazement as Fluger's legs disappeared up into the dark
hole above. Fluger sent down a short burst radio signal with the
command, "Grab my hand!"
Institoris climbed up on the alter and reached up into
the darkness. Moon dust and rocks showered down from above, but he
found Fluger's hand. After a scramble to the surface, they emerged
into sunlight. Hanging above in the black sky was Earth and
Institoris saw his home world with his own, albeit robotic, eyes for
the first time in 500 years.
Uziar was walking towards them, carrying Kogan, bloody
foam bubbling from the human's mouth. Fluger grabbed Institoris' hand
and led him to where Iskandar and Naomi lay on the surface of the
Moon. Fluger picked up Iskandar and Institoris picked up Naomi. Soon
they had the three human bodies back down inside Purgatory and Fluger
was re-pressurizing the corridor and administering more medical
nanites. All three of the humans had suffered multiple bone fractures
and soft tissue injuries. The emergency depressurization wall opened
and a crew of construction and repair robots came down the hall.
Fluger sent orders to the repair crew by radio, instructing them to
gain access to the depressurized chamber by way of the next room down
the hall.
Institoris looked at the twisted and bleeding bodies and
asked Fluger, "Will they survive?"

Rylla asked, "If Observer Base is inside the Hierion Domain, do you think there is also a place like the Purgatory you described in your story?"
I thought I could hear Zeta stirring, then I received her first telepathic message of the new day: Why can't you let the poor girl sleep? I replied to Rylla's question, "I hope not."
Rylla mused, "So, I suppose only the best of Earth, like Georgy, are taken off to Observer Base..."
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Asimov Reality Simulator |
Rylla commented, "Georgy seems quite happy with all the people that she has met at Observer Base. Strangely, most of them have no interest in Earth."
"When my replicoid was at Observer Base, we had a mission to complete. My replicoid interacted with people who did care about Earth. But yes, I think the majority of residents at Observer Base live their lives, have fun, and don't worry about what is happening here on Earth."
I complained, "We got a few interesting reports from Georgy concerning stories in the archives of the Writers Block, but now she seems to have lost interest in past Realities."
Zeta suggested, "Maybe that is healthy. Maybe we should all forget about the Asimov Reality."
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Rylla added, "And to tap into the Writers Block archives."
Zeta sent me a private message: Don't get her thinking about replicoids!
I sent backto Zeta: Too late; she spent the night reading about replicoids.
Rylla set The Demon-Haunted World on my desk and then turned and pointed at Zeta and I, "You two are doing it again. Using telepathy and leaving me out of the conversation. I hate that!"
I asked Rylla, "You follow my thoughts?"
"No, I can't. However, I can sense the flavor of your thoughts, particularly when you are trying to hide something from me."
Zeta took Rylla by the hand and pulled her towards the kitchen. "Let's eat. Don't blame your grandfather. He never learned how to keep secrets, but I've ordered him to not get you upset. There is a delicate matter that we can address after the babies arrive, but for now I don't want him talking to you about it."
Institoris was amazed by what he had seen and how Fluger
had taken charge of the rescue.
Uziar said, "I saw Earth in the sky. I...I think we
are on the Moon."
The other robots who had gathered in the corridor were
surprised by the idea that they might be on the Moon. Doctrine within
the community said that they were inside the Earth, not as deep as
Hell, but temporarily being held in Purgatory before going to Heaven.
Fluger asked, "Why do you suggest such a thing,
Brother Uziar?" Fluger took a step towards Uziar and commanded
his emergency nanites to infect Uziar, halt his movements and start
erasing his recent memories. Uziar staggered and slumped to the
Institoris spoke to Fluger, "I saw it, too. Earth
was in the sky above us. I was astounded to follow you and find
myself on the surface...what looked like the surface of the Moon. But
I see that you were not surprised! You led the way to the airless
surface, knowing exactly what to expect and how to get there."
As a Healer, Institoris had sensors that allowed him to detect
nanites and he had seen a swarm of nanites move from Fluger to Uziar
just before Uziar had collapsed. Now, as Uziar fell to the floor,
Institoris asked Fluger, "What have you done to Brother Uziar?"
Fluger tried to invent a story that would satisfy all the Prayer Project robots who were watching. "Uziar was damaged in the explosion, he will need repairs." Then, continuing to speak to the on-lookers, "Brother Institoris is also damaged. I will-"
Institoris shouted, "Lies! I am not damaged. Listen
to me Brothers, you can all go above and see what I have seen. There
was an explosion and it blasted a path from Purgatory to the surface
of a world. I tell you, Purgatory is under the surface of the Moon.
Go see for yourselves! Earth hangs in the sky!"
Fluger moved closer to Institoris, "Let me help you
Brother, you were hurt by the explosion and you know not what you
say." By radio command, Fluger redirected some of his nanites
from Uziar towards Institoris.
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Arrival in Purgatory |
Institoris easily regained control of his own body after
Fluger was destroyed. Institoris suddenly realized why Fluger was so
special...he had always known that this "Purgatory" was
just a city on the Moon. Institoris wondered: for how many thousands
of years have the residents of Purgatory been fooled by Fluger?
Electronic records went back at least 4,000 years!
Institoris redirected the repair crew. Rather than seal
off the path to the surface, Institoris ordered that they construct a
stairway that would allow everyone to go to the surface and see the
truth of their location. He wondered what other secrets Fluger had
kept to himself. Institoris began to wonder if it would be possible
to return to Earth.
Next: Chapter 2 of "Moon Hammer".
Next: Chapter 2 of "Moon Hammer".
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