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in the Ekcolir Reality original art by Edward Valigursky |
Here on this blog page is Part 6 of the science fiction story "Telepaths of Site Q". Irhit and Yenti have been brought together as part of a breeding project aimed at creating telepathic humans. While enjoying her first night of sexplay with Irhit, Yenti is making plans to introduce him to her hermaphroditic lover, Riea. Irhit is greatly enjoying Yenti's style of enthusiastic love-making, but in the back of his mind he is wondering how he will tell Betty about Yenti.
Irhit is responding to a pheromone made by Yenti's Asterothrope body. Both Irhit and Yenti are unable to control their powerful sexual urges. Yenti has been secretly watching Irhit for years and is eager to release all of her pent up sexual fantasies that she dreamed up in anticipation of her opportunity to have a human lover.
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the tryp'At |
A fact not known to either Yenti or Irhit is that Wysy is far more than just a sex toy for Yenti's amusement. Wysy is the zeptite tool of Qaz, who Manny has placed in charge of the entire Siteq project. Qaz Nivsaham originated as a biological entity from Tar'tron, but Qaz was eventually transformed into a nanoscopic Selfie.
During the time when Yenti is at Observer Base, Manny finds it convenient to begin making use of Qaz as one of her agents who will help counter the plans of the tryp'At Council as they attempt to take control of Observer Base.
As is true for Wysy, the body of Yenti is also composed of zeptites. However, Yenti believes she is a biological organism who must produce two telepathic hybrid children with Irhit the tryp'At as the father. The events in Part 6, below, follow soon after the events that were described in Part 4.
Part 6 of "Telepaths of Site Q" (part 1)(part 2)(part 3)(part 4)(part 5)
Irhit had a puzzled look on his face. Yenti knew that Irhit was rather baffled by Asterothrope cultural practices such as the Akufowofiro ceremony. Still, he had reacted well to Yenti's well-used sex toy, Wysy, who served as his introduction to Asterothrope hermaphrodites who had both a penis and two vaginas. Yenti felt obligated to explain some of the common Asterothrope sexual customs to Irhit, but perhaps she was talking too much and overwhelming poor Irhit's capacity to process the strange customs of Asterothrope culture...
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Manny had tried to locate the destination for that signal being transmitted by Irhit's brain, but she had failed. I need more time, Qaz. Keep working to extend the duration of Irhit's orgasms. However, Manny had no real expectation that she could identify the location of the hidden tryp'At base of operations. Doubtlessly it was hidden away in the Hierion Domain, and R. Gohrlay was the master of that Domain.
"Wysy" was a silly pet name used by Yenti for her sex toy. In fact, it was Qaz Nivsaham who had infiltrated Observer Base by disguising herself as Yenti's favorite sex toy. Qaz watched Yenti as the girl played with Irhit's genitals and warned Manny: I may have already pushed Irhit too hard and to far.
Manny produced the telepathic equivalent of a shrug. I'm repairing the excitotoxic damage inflicted on his neurons. No permanent damage was done... my medical repair nanites can clean up the mess that you created. Manny had asked Qaz to re-activate the neural nets in Irhit's brain that would make possible tryp'At-style telepathy, but after 20 years of disuse, those neurons were now under a lot of stress.
Feeling that she was working under a tight deadline, Qaz asked nervously: What if we are not ready to deal with the Council by the time of next week's teleportation event?
Manny had carefully examined the future and was confident that her plans would unfold successfully. Don't worry, Qaz... we'll be ready. Yenti is eager to prove to me that I'm an overly-cautious old fogie. She won't rest until she has a full telepathic link to Irhit. So prepare yourself... as soon as Irhit goes to work, Yenti will expect you to go to work on her little vagina.Qaz complained: I won't enjoy all the blood and bruises that you have planned for the poor girl.
It is all for a good cause. Yenti must believe that she is a biological. And besides, I know you Qaz... you'll enjoy hammering Yenti's tight little allzaurish for eight hours straight. Manny had linked her sensory systems into the artificial penis that Qaz held inside her zaurish. Now Manny took complete control of that penis and set it to vibrating.
Qaz cried out: Hey! What are you doing?
Manny replied: You can't expect me to watch all this sexplay without grabbing some pleasure for myself. Through the agency of the synthetic, nanite copy of Irhit's penis, Manny experienced an orgasm and the penis powerfully ejaculated into the body of Wysy the sex toy.
Qaz commented: Don't distract me with your play. I'm trying to get ready to provide Irhit with a wide range of taste sensations.
I know. Be sure to include the flavor that I just blasted into you. I think Irhit will enjoy it.
Qaz was performing a chemical analysis on the artificial semen that Manny had just shared with her. It is not fair that you won't share with me everything that you've seen in the future.
Don't complain about our constraints, Qaz. I'm not going to risk a temporal paradox just so that you can know Irhit's favorite flavor of semen. Have fun figuring it out! Manny broke the telepathic link that was allowing Qaz to receive a telepathic signal from Manny.
After a brief pause during which Yenti played with Irhit's genitals and tried to look deeper into his mind via their telepathic linkage, Yenti continued sharing her analysis of their predicament. "Yes, my parents are
nervous about me taking you as my lover. You are not a member of our
tribe and we are setting a new precedent." Yenti glanced at Wysy and wondered at all the attention she was paying to her little penis. Yenti felt a little jealousy since, in the presence of Irhit, Wysy seemed to have become particularly aroused and sexually excited.
Yenti laughed. "Death? No... maybe you lost control for a moment... however, I'm so very please that you have some telepathic ability to link to my mind, Irhit." Manny had warned Yenti that she and Irhit would begin to experience a phenomenon known as the orgasm trance. That would be an important part of learning how to link their minds for greater telepathic power.
It was too early in their shared project to discuss such matters with Irhit. Yenti suggested, "Be patient, darling... maybe you will grow more adept at telepathy with practice. Telepathy is an important part of Asterothrope life and I want you to share in that... it adds zest to love making." Yenti felt a desire to explain to Irhit that everything, the reason she and he had been brought together by Manny, was in the interest of creating human telepaths, but she resisted that impulse. Training-up Irhit's telepathic ability was essential to the whole project. For now, it was enough to enthrall his mind with lusty sexplay. "It is sad that you grew up without telepathic friends linked to your mind... telepathy was a big part of my childhood."
"More adept? That orgasm we shared almost broke my brain, Yenti. Maybe it is not safe for a-" He had almost said "tryp'At"! Irhit was tempted to be completely honest with Yenti and explain his secret identity. He could feel her strolling through his mind and it seemed only a matter of time before she learned his secrets. Irhit continued more calmly, "-for me to connect my mind to yours."Yenti giggled. She still had a hand on his penis and was now rapidly sliding its tip back and forth in the slick grove between her hot labia. "That was a nice little orgasm, but... trust me, we Asterothropes can do much better. We'll practice every day and see if you can learn how to fully link to my mind."Irhit was playing with Yenti's stiff nipples. For a moment he thought of Betty's cute little breasts then he found himself thinking about the statues on the alter... and Wysy. Irhit looked over at Wysy where the sextoy sat on her pillow. He could not see what she held inside her zaurish, but he could see that Wysy was happily playing with her little penis. In fact, Irhit could now see that Wysy was repeatedly morphing her penis into new shapes and sizes. He commented to Wysy, "You are very creative."
Wysy giggled and told Irhit, "These are all morphoprograms that have been requested of me down through the centuries of my service as a sex toy. I like to practice taking these forms so that I can quickly satisfy the desires of my lovers."
Yenti said, "She just likes playing with herself."
Wysy telepathically reminded Yenti: I'm trying to make sure that Irhit understands how I can alter my body form so as to please him.
Yenti replied: I'm sure he understands that by now.
Irhit asked Yenti, "Why are your breasts so small while that little girl on the alter..."
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Asterothropes: the females are larger than the hermaphrodites. |
"I thought those were your parents and the girl..."
"That is no girl! That is the hermaphrodite who raised me.... my third parent. Let me explain how it is with Asterothropes." Yenti was still playing with his erect penis while she spoke. "The women produce many children very quickly. Hermaphrodites do much of the child rearing. A young female such as myself, just entering into adulthood, has yet to see her breasts grow. But that will come, during my pregnancy. I hope you are not disappointed by my small breasts.""You are very lovely, Yenti. I can think of no complaints."
"I sense that something is bothering you."
"Well, I am wondering why my erection is so hard and does not fade." He thought back about a week to his first time engaging in vaginal sex and how quickly he had reached his climax upon penetrating Betty's wet vagina and how disappointing she had been when his erection softened before she had an orgasm. He'd been able to make it up to her with some quick tongue work, but now, with Yenti, his erection was not fading and he had a strong desire to ravish her and have vaginal sex.
Yenti could already telepathically pull some of Irhit's high-level thoughts out of his mind. "Ah, I understand. Yes, vaginal sex is the greatest, but..." She took his penis in her mouth and after a few minutes of stroking the hard shaft he ejaculated for a third time. Yenti swallowed and licked her lips. "I'm afraid that you are responding to one of the Asterothrope pheromones. I'm beginning to suspect that until your oxypathin receptors down-regulate, as long as you are near me, it is going to be almost impossible for you to avoid being erect. So... I do hope that you can be satisfied with alternatives to vaginal sex. Although..."![]() |
oxypathin |
The doll-like sex toy jumped off of her pillow. Now Irhit could see the replica of his penis jutting up from the pillow. Yenti reached out and stroked the penis replica. She asked Wysy, "Did you make it fully functional?"
Wysy nodded and demonstrated. At her telepathic signal the replica of Irhit's penis began ejaculating, this time squirting out a synthetic replica of Irhit's semen. Yenti giggled and took the replica in her mouth. Swallowing some of the artificial semen she commented, "Nice work. You captured the wonderful essence of his semen!" Yenti asked Irhit, "You've never had a penis in you mouth?"Irhit suspected that Yenti was inviting him to suck on the replica of his penis, but that prospect was of no interest to him. He shrugged and said, "I'm sexually attracted to women. I've never felt a desire to put a penis in my mouth."
"Never?" Yenti shook her head sadly, "My advice is: don't close yourself off from any sexual opportunity. Variety is the spice of life, right Wysy?"
Wysy was still playing with her penis. Now she looked up and replied, "Well, yes, I like sexplay with men, women and hermaphrodites... and my own body, too... but I have a special fascination with penises." She shot a spurt of her own semen from the tip of her penis, aiming her ejaculate at Yenti's mouth.
This was a game that Wysy and Yenti often played. Yenti caught the stream of Wysy's semen in her mouth, licked her lips and then said, "Show off!" Yenti picked up Wysy and began sucking on the doll's stiff little penis. A minute later, she pulled her lips away from the doll and Irhit saw that Wysy's penis had grown larger and was now almost three inches long. Yenti handed Wysy to Irhit and said, "Go ahead, my love, suck on her little penis."Wysy now had both of her hands on her penis, stroking it and pointing it at Irhit. Irhit was fascinated by the doll's body: the four pretty breasts, each with a pointy little nipple and the little pink penis, now not as little as before. He took Wysy's penis into his mouth and began playing with it, licking it with his tongue. Wysy giggled and said, "Some of my lovers never seemed to like hot sticky semen exploding in their mouths."
Yenti told Irhit, "Wysy was a gift to me from my mother. She's been a sex toy in our family for many generations." Yenti kissed the end of Irhit's erection and said to Wysy, "I love when Irhit's hot semen strikes the back of my oral cavity, but now you'll have to experiment and find out if Irhit enjoys that sort of thing." She put her mouth back on Irhit's erection. Yenti telepathically instructed Wysy: Let's try to synchronize your orgasms. When Irhit begins to ejaculate into my mouth, I want you to blast your semen full force against the back of his throat.
Now playing happily with Irhit's testes, slowly Yenti pushed him towards another climax. Irhit continued to suck on Wysy's erection and he was also playing with her little breasts. Wysy was allowing a hot slippery fluid to leak out of her nipples and Irhit was using a fingertip to massage it into her skin. Finally both Irhit and Wysy ejaculated. He swallowed Wysy's artificial semen and kept sucking on her penis. When Irhit stopped ejaculating, Yenti took her mouth off of his erection and asked Irhit, "Well, tell me... what do you think? Was that fun?" Wysy was still ejaculating. Yenti told the doll: Enough! Where do get so much liquid?
Wysy replied: Don't be jealous, Yenti! He is enjoying this and I'm giving him a sampling of my various flavors. Reluctantly, Wysy stopped ejaculating; she has not gotten through all of her extensive inventory of flavors, but she had provided Irhit with a taste of Manny's special semen formulation. Irhit swallowed one last time and took his mouth off of the doll's penis. "That was wild!" He told Wysy, "I think I like pineapple-flavored semen the best." He told Yenti, "I'm sorry that I only have one flavor to share with you."Yenti kissed his penis and licked a dribble of his semen from its tip. "I'm quite satisfied with the taste of you, lover." Yenti took hold of Wysy's penis, holding it between two fingertips. She told Irhit, "This looks absurdly big on Wysy, but this is the typical size of an Asterothrope hermaphrodite's erect penis."
Irhit chuckled and commented, "Yes, it does look rather huge on someone as small as Wysy."
"Yes, it is almost comical, but I for one can't get enough of Wysy's lovely penis and I often ask her to swell up to this size."
Wysy told Irhit, "Yenti is a horny girl. She prefers that my penis be exactly this size and she keeps me busy using it...."
Irhit laughed, "Now I'm curious." He asked Wysy, "Busy doing what? Giving her your little taste treats?"Wysy said nothing more and returned to her pillow. Yenti told Irhit, "I was going to wait until tomorrow to tell you..."
Irhit was intrigued and asked, "Wait for what?"
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The tryp'At Guide to Oxypathin |
Yenti pulled her tongue away from Irhit's erection. "If I tell you now, then you must promise that you will control yourself. Our will power is being tested... so no vaginal sex until tomorrow!"
Confused, he asked, "I thought we had to wait a week, or are you now willing to hurry this along?"
Yenti shook her head, "Our Akufowofiro ceremony will be next week, but..." She tickled his testes and asked, "Do you promise?"
"Of course. I promise. I won't force myself on you. Well, I've already been all over you, but I won't force myself into you."
Yenti laid herself down on the bed, her round bottom pointing at Irhit. She spread her legs and guided his hand towards....
Irhit let his fingers slide between her two buttocks where she was wet and slippery. Where he expected to see her anus there was... He exclaimed, "Another vagina?"She giggled and began trying to insert one of her fingers into the tight opening of her back vagina. "Asterothropes have two vaginas.""But..."
Finally her finger slid past the tight rim of her allzaurish. She sighed and for a moment enjoyed the fiery sexual pleasure that she was creating by her act of self-penetration. After a minute of playing in her allzaurish with her finger tip, she told Irhit, "As is the practice here in Observer Base, we Asterothropes use special nanotechnology that constantly removes wastes from our bodies. As an Asterothrope, I have never urinated or defecated. In fact, I was going to warn you about that..."
Yenti giggled and thought about Irhit growing up on Earth where he needed to urinate. Yenti had long studied Irhit via Manny's Viewing technology and she knew that he had quickly adjusted to the waste removal nanites at Observer Base quickly. Yenti had been warned by Manny that Irhit might be dismayed when medical nanites began to restructure his gastrointestinal tract. Now she extracted her finger from her narrow back vagina and told Irhit, "You try it... with your little finger."He probed at her with the tip of his little finger, enjoying the hot slippery feel of her. With some effort he worked his finger part way inside her. "You are so tight!"
Yenti explained, "The Asterothrope back vagina was not designed with humans in mind."
"Irhit suddenly thought of the Asterothrope hermaphrodite. "This little vagina is for sexplay with hermaphrodites?"
"Exactly. I hope that does not upset you."
"Upset me? Why should I be upset?"
"I was warned that you might feel jealous." Manny had specifically warned Yenti that Irhit might dislike the fact that Asterothropes usually enjoyed having multiple sex partners."Wait, are you trying to tell me that..." He had been thinking that Yenti was a virgin. But maybe...
She sat up and Irhit's finger tip slid out of her vagina. She again took hold of his erection and said, "Yes, I've long been sexually active... with my hermaphrodite friends... and Wysy. But there is no need for you to be jealous. Most Asterothrope women have their first child be fathered by an hermaphrodite, but I want you to be the first to impregnate me. I selected you as my first reproductive partner."![]() |
Manny |
Yenti kissed his penis and said, "Anyhow, I'll make some adjustments and with luck, maybe tomorrow you will be able to satisfy your craving for vaginal sex by making use of my back vagina, what we call the allzaurish. Right now I'm extremely sexually excited and I can't relax the muscles that are at the opening of my allzaurish. Be patient! I'll make some adjustments to my anatomy and then we can try our luck again tomorrow."
There on
Yenti's large bed, they could not keep their hands and tongues off of each-other while they talked for hours
about Asterothrope rituals and what Irhit knew of customs practiced by his family when he was growing up on Earth,
although he found that he could not utter the word "tryp'At" to Yenti. He felt
that Yenti knew exactly what he was talking about, particularly when he told Yenti about his sister. She said, "Think how much nicer it would have been for you on Earth had you grown up with telepathy."
Irhit's fingers returned to explore the hot, wet openings of both of Yenti's
vaginas. He asked, "What did you mean when you spoke of altering your
anatomy?" He was thinking about how Wysy had enlarged her vagina so as
to accommodate his erect penis. He glanced at Wysy where she sat, now once
again calm and motionless on her pillow.
Yenti was evasive, but she hinted that she had access to medical nanites that would allow her to modify the structure of her allzaurish, adapting it to match the size of Irhit's penis. "I do want to feel you inside me, lover! But give me time. Forgive me for showing you my allzaurish before I could prepare it for your pleasure."
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Asterothropes and time travel |
Irhit could not tell if Yenti was charmed by his beard or repulsed. For his part, he could not keep his hands and mouth off of Yenti's nipples. Irhit discovered that by using both hands and the tip of his penis, he could stimulate all of Yenti's nipples at the same time. He commented, "I've heard of supernumerary nipples, but I never imagined I'd have a lover with four breasts."
The two young lovers continued to dreamily explored each-others bodies while Yenti told him what she knew about how the Asterothropes were originally designed and then crafted by an artificial evolution process.
Later in the night, when Yenti again felt a hot rush of lust and found it impossible to resist playing with Irhit's genitals, she needed a distraction from her burning desire to feel his penis inside her allzaurish. She showed Irhit one of her favorite sex toys, a ring shaped vibrator which she lovingly stroked with her finger tips and then held positioned carefully against her crotch. "I'm not greatly skilled at masturbation, but sometimes I can give myself an amazing orgasm with this. Some of my friends say that such auto-eroticism is cheating the Akufowofiro, but I get so horny sometimes... well I can't resist..."
Yenti placed the device down on the bed and then carefully pressed her genitals against it. Then she took Irhit's penis in her mouth. Slowly, playfully, over the course of a half hour, she brought Irhit to the brink of another orgasm. She told him, "It is going to work!" She put her mouth back on the sensitive tip of his penis and they both had orgasms that were amplified by their shared telepathic connection.
During that long, mind-altering orgasm, Irhit felt a growing telepathic linkage into Yenti's wild emotions. Now he was able to experience some of Yenti's sexual pleasure and he seemed to be able to feel the vibrating sex toy where it pressed against her body. That sensation, having passed through her nervous system and then having been sent telepathically into Irhit's mind, finally arrived weak and diluted, but the new sensations were intoxicating. The mixed sensations of their shared orgasms seemed like a magical spell that warped Irhit's sense of reality. Irhit felt like he was drifting in a strange fantasy world of his imagination where his ejaculations seemed to continue endlessly... the idea of impregnating her filled him with joy. Then, eventually, his telepathic fantasy shifted and allowed him to blissfully drift into sleep. As soon as he was asleep, he was dreaming. In his dream, he seemed to re-live the experience of their sexplay...But this intense "dream" was artificial: it arose from Manny at work in his mind, using her memory-modifying infites to slightly alter his long-term memories.In his dream, Irhit watched as Yenti first placed her vibrating sex toy down on the bed and then carefully pressed her genitals against it so as to maximally stimulate her clitoris. Then she took Irhit's penis in her hot mouth. With practiced skill and using her telepathic ability to monitor Irhit's growing sexual excitement, she brought Irhit to the brink of another orgasm and held him there in blissful anticipation.
While Irhit dreamed, Manny linked telepathically to Yenti and told her, "Well, I hope you are proud of yourself."
Yenti was basking in in the sweet afterglow of her own orgasm and marveling at what she had sensed in Irhit's mind: his lust and his amazement at the intensity of their shared orgasms. Yenti was too lost in her own bliss to care about Manny's nagging disapproval. "Everything turned out perfectly, even if not exactly according to your original plan."
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Asterothrope genetics |
Rebelliously, Yenti told Manny, "I don't care if he leaves work early. I don't care if he quits his silly job. I want him here with me."
made a few quick adjustments to Yenti's mind. "You are a horny little
trouble maker. Well, have fun, my girl." Manny broke the telepathic linkage to
Yenti, made use of infites to erase a few of the girl's memories, and
slightly lessened her flamboyant sexual desire to completely possess
Irhit. Satisfied that Yenti's mind had been correctly adjusted, Manny
focused her attention on Irhit and his mind-altering "dream"...
Irhit felt frustrated when Yenti took her mouth and tongue away from the sensitive tip of his penis. She excitedly told him, "This is going to work!" She quickly put her mouth back on his penis and took him deep inside so that he pressed into her throat. She gagged slightly but that did not disturb either of them; they both had orgasms that were amplified by their shared telepathic connection.
Now able to experience some of Yenti's sexual pleasure, Irhit was delighted to share her experience of the vibrating sex toy moving against her body. Irhit felt like he was drifting in a strange fantasy world of his imagination where his ejaculations each lasted as long as 15 seconds and following one after another seemed to continue endlessly... he began to wonder what it must be like for a woman to hold a man's penis inside her vagina. Then eventually his telepathic fantasy shifted, the force of Manny's nanites, re-arranging his memories, eased off and allowed him to blissfully drift into a deeper, dreamless sleep.
Hours later, Irhit awoke with Yenti again playing with his genitals. She said, "Rise and shine, lover." She kissed his penis. "I could not resist playing with your lovely duquaj."
After enjoying her touch for a few minutes, he said sadly, "I have to go to work."
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an Amazing contest |
He did not head off to work until after they shared another simultaneous orgasm, achieved by oral sexplay. As he dressed after they had shared a shower, Irhit noticed that his erection, while still rock hard, did not seem quite as spectacular as that of the previous day. As he walked to work, he reflected on the fact that he had never experienced so many orgasms in such a short period of time. Only slowly did his erection soften and fade. All through the day he could not stop thinking about Yenti.
The Story Continues: Part 7 of "Telepaths of Site Q"
Next: an Amazing contest
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