the Trysta-Grean Pact |
Grean the Kac'hin is responsible for bringing Irhit to Observer Base from Earth by using the teleportation equipment that is inside her workshop. Grean is working with Trysta Iwedon towards a Final Reality Change that will bring into existence a desirable future for Humanity. Trysta is an Asterothrope who, like Irhit, had her physical body shaped by developmental control nanites so as to provide her with the appearance of a human. However, Grean and Trysta both have telepathic abilities that allow them to influence the thoughts and behaviors of humans.
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Reality Viewing, teleportation and time travel equipment in Grean's workshop |
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Grean the Kac'hin |
Now, Manny the bumpha pays a visit to Grean in order to inform the Kac'hin that a new human telepath breeding project will be initiated at Observer Base. Manny informs Grean that Irhit is a tryp'At and it is her intention to experiment with new combinations of genes that will be obtained from both Irhit and an Asterothrope woman named Yenti. Yenti is from the future, but time travel technology will soon be used to bring Yenti to Observer Base during the time when Irhit is in also residence.
Part 2 of Telepaths of Site Q (jump to Part 1)
Grean was inside her secluded workshop, obsessively examining the course of Humanity's future and searching for ways to improve the Final Reality. At the moment when Manny arrived, Grean was Viewing some of the key events by which the existence of human telepathy would finally be revealed to Earthlings. That revelation would come at a time during the Final Reality after the Huaoshy altered the Dimensional Structure of the Universe, making all further time travel impossible.
Having been born as a Kac'hin with telepathic linkages to her parents and having learned to take telepathy for granted, Grean was not opposed to providing the people of Earth with a set of special gene combinations that would make telepathy possible for them. However, Grean did have concerns about how telepathy would ultimately influence the course of human society because humans were not going to be provided with Kac'hin-style telepathy. No, humans were destined to get some sort of newfangled technology-assisted telepathy.
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artist's depiction of Manny in Grean's workshop |
On those rare occasions when Manny the bumpha spoke to Grean, Manny took care to use a particular physical form, that of a Kac'hin hermaphrodite with a body shape which Manny had found to be maximally attractive and sexually stimulating for Grean. During the time when Grean had been in training for her mission to Earth, Manny had used this sexy Kac'hin body form and she had pretended to progress through the stages of childhood as a friend of Grean. When Grean matured to young adulthood, she and Manny, both Kac'hin hermaphrodites, had been passionate lovers for a time, but that was long ago.
Manny teleported herself into Grean's workshop, but she did not immediately reveal her presence to Grean. Using her telepathic ability, Manny tuned into Grean's thoughts and watched as she worked.
Grean was thinking about Allyn Dryswyn, a talented painter. During the first phase of his life on Earth, while gradually developing and strengthening his telepathic ability, Allyn had begun to link into the mind and thoughts of one particular resident (Sara Kline) at the Writers Block. Entranced by the space aliens who were characters in Sara's stores, Allyn then began making paintings that contained depictions of some plot elements that were included in Sara's fiction. When those works of art began to attract unwanted attention on Earth, Grean had teleported Allyn to Observer Base. Grean could only view Allyn's telepathic linkage to Sara as an unfortunate genetic concordance, a chance event in the evolution of life on Earth that somehow made the minds of Sara and Allyn resonate telepathically.
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Viewing Realities in the 111,394th century |
Manny waited patiently while Grean spun out in her mind a fantasy about how Allyn and Sara had first met in Observer Base and how they fell in love and started their family. Manny knew that Allyn and Sara now had three teen-aged daughters, one of whom was playing a minor role in her planned human telepath breeding project. Allyn and Sara had both inherited many Kac'hin and Ek'col gene patterns and Grean was fascinated by Allyn's rather large penis, which had become a popular topic among gossiping females at Observer Base.
Manny felt herself becoming sexually excited while she telepathically shared in Grean's fantasy, imagining what it would be like to make love to Allyn. Allyn's alien anatomy was no surprise to Manny since she was quite familiar with the physical form of Asterothrope males, however, Grean had only ever know Trysta, an Asterothrope who had been carefully crafted and her body adjusted so as to be able to live among humans, disguised as a human.
Manny released a cloud of infites and the nanoscopically small devices began moving themselves into Grean's brain and altering the flow of her thoughts.
Manny made no effort to stop Grean's sexual fantasy from playing out to a satisfying conclusion. Manny had no reluctance about making use of orgasms for the purpose of getting her agents into a relaxed and receptive state of mind.Finally, after a quick and sweet little orgasm, Grean managed to get her erotic fantasy under control and turned her thoughts to the changes that Sara had made in her life after the arrival of Allyn at Observer Base and the start of her first pregnancy. Sara had suddenly given up writing science fiction stories about the Fru'wu, feeling an irrational guilt because it had been Allyn's graphic paintings of Fru'wu characters from Sara's stories that had gotten Allyn in trouble and ended his happy life on Earth.
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Foundation Reality |
Sara felt obligated to make sure that Allyn would be happy in his new life at Observer Base and she told herself that this new mission relieved her of any obligation to create new stories. And besides, Sara was now sexually obsessed with Allyn and she found that making babies was a creative act far more interesting than making up stories about the alien Fru'wu. During this time, Allyn continued to make illustrations for every story that Sara had ever written, even the incomplete story fragments that had never been published on Earth.
Eventually, after their third child was walking and talking and Allyn began suggesting that three children was probably enough, Sara renewed her connections to the residents of the Writers Block. This was now after First Contact between the Fru'wu and Earthlings and although she had lost interest in writing stories, she began working with Allyn on illustrations for old stories that existed within the archives of the Writers Block. Most of these stories had been written in previous Realities and Sara discovered that she much preferred Earth of the Foundation and Asimov Realities to the current Reality, even though the science fiction genre had barely existed before the Ekcolir Reality. Allyn did not particularly care what the source of the stories was. Given the nature of his telepathic link to Sara, any story that was of interested to her exerted an irresistible attraction on Allyn. In fact, Allyn could not rest until he made suitable illustrations for each newly discovered story. And there were always more old stories to be found in the archives.
In that odd way, Sara invented the position of archivist for the Writers Block. Grean knew that such archivists would have an important function in the Final Reality, but Sara seemed to serve no useful role in the Ekcolir Reality other then as a toy or device for keeping Allyn's busy hands occupied. Such was the status quo until Manny showed up and explained her new telepathy breeding project to Grean.![]() |
the alien Fru'wu |
Manny was standing inside the dim interior of Grean's upwhen time travel machine and at that moment, while observing the confusion in Grean's mind, Manny failed to suppress a giggle. Of course, it had been Manny who had carefully tuned the structure of Allyn's mind to that of Sara. Grean looked up from her work with the Reality Viewer and let her eyes slide around the interior of the workshop. Again a feeling of déjà vu swept over Grean.
Manny was delaying making her presence in the workshop obvious because she diligently testing her ability to shield her thoughts from Grean. The Kac'hin had been designed as powerful telepaths as part of the successful effort back in the Foundation Reality to capture Eternity from the positronic robots of Earth. Unless care was taken, it was conceivable that a Kac'hin such as Grean could gain access to Manny's thoughts and realize Manny's secret identity as a bumpha.
Long ago, when Grean had been her lover, Manny had developed the ability to shield her secret thoughts to a fantastic level of perfection. Manny had been able to transmit to Grean only those thoughts and memories that were useful to share while Manny was also able to completely conceal her true identity as a bumpha. However, now it had been centuries since Manny last visited Grean and Manny was out of practice. Could she still conceal thoughts from a Kac'hin? What made this most difficult for Manny was her knowledge that in the Final Reality, she and Grean would once again become lovers. Manny shamelessly longed to resume her sexual relationship with Grean, but now was not the correct time for that. Slowly, gradually, carefully and lovingly Manny now opened a two-way telepathic link to Grean and waited for Grean to realize what was happening.
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the Asimov Reality |
Manny stepped out of the time machine and said, "Hello, Grean!"
Somehow Grean was not surprised to see Manny. It was as if her mind had
been prepared for the sudden arrival of her old childhood friend. "My,
my! You really should drop in more often!" Grean sprang to her feet and
asked, "Did you just arrive from the future?" She wiped her wet fingers
on her skirt and was pleased to sense telepathically that Manny was also
sexually excited.
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time travel |
Feeling a sweet sexual tension swelling up in the patterns of their telepathically linked minds, Manny took a step away from Grean and casually leaned an elbow on the control panel of Grean's teleportation device. Carefully avoiding a full telepathic linkage and keeping their conversation restricted to spoken words, Manny told Grean, "Technically, I suppose I should not be revealing myself to you now, but there is an exception to every rule and your help is needed... I'm dealing with a tough problem... the tryp'At problem..." Manny twisted the fabric of her shirt in her hands and pretended to be nervous, trying to tap into Grean's empathy.
Gazing at Manny's gorgeous hair and sexy body, Grean tried to ignore the vaginal secretions that were running down her leg. Prompted by Manny's infites at work in her brain, she suddenly thought about Irhit, the tall boy who she had teleported up from Earth two years previously. Her voice now alive with vast surprise, Grean cried out, "Irhit is tryp'At?"
Manny nodded. "Obviously, he was modified so as to be able to infiltrate Observer Base without being identified as an alien, but yes... Irhit is a tryp'At agent."
Two years previously, having Viewed Irhit's activities in the future, Grean had been intrigued to see that after the point in Time when she would depart from Observer Base to go into the far past of Earth, Irhit eventually became involved in the teleportation of a group of tryp'At into Observer Base. However, somehow she had never realized that Irhit was himself tryp'At. She muttered, "I was fooled by his perfectly human appearance and lack of telepathic ability..."
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Zeta |
"Yes, but as you know, the exact shape of the Final Reality is still being determined. Due to temporal paradoxes, I suspect we can never fully understand the details of what is going on, but I've learned this much... the type of human telepath that was crafted in the far future of the Asimov Reality needs to be modified for conditions that will arise in the Final Reality." Manny hesitated then added, "Apparently there will be some last minute adjustments to the Bimanoid Interface..."
Unable to resist the temptation, Grean took a quick step towards Manny and ran the fingers of one hand through her wild mop of hair. Gazing into Manny's lovely eyes, Grean asked, "Why did it turn out this way? With me stuck here in Eternity and you running around the galaxy doing odd jobs for the Huaoshy?"
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the tryp'At Council |
Because of the new infites that Manny had put in her brain, Grean now had a fairly extensive understanding of Siteq and Yenti's origins in the future. She stepped closer to Manny and put her hands on Manny's hips. "How did I miss all of this? I've Viewed the future a thousand times and never noticed this breeding project's existence... and right here under my nose in Observer Base!"
Manny placed a gentle kiss on the tip of Grean's nose and explained, "Yenti's visit is part of a small Reality Change. The key details of the Change are in the infites that I gave you. Having Yenti here for a year will have almost no impact on Observer Base and will leave Earth completely unchanged. However, if you now use your Viewer, you should see the slight alterations in Irhit's future life that my work here will cause."
Still hoping to entice Manny into some sexplay, Grean leaned forward and kissed Manny's mouth. Grean continued to process the infites that she had received from Manny and was puzzled by one aspect of the impending Reality Change. As she slipped her tongue between Manny's lips she telepathically asked: You are going to provide advanced Huaoshy teleporter technology to the tryp'At?
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Dani |
Grean nodded slowly. "I begin to understand... I've long wondered how it was going to be possible to keep the tryp'At from simply invading Observer Base with a large group of their agents. If your trap for Irhit works..." Grean was resentfully wondering why Manny was keeping her distance. But now, Manny was rather seductively spreading her legs and and wiggling her slim hips in the manner that always drove Grean wild.
Manny chuckled. "I hope my trap works. Irhit is an over-eager young man and I should be able to out-fox him if I'm patient. Now... I'm going to have to terminate this visit soon, so I want you to be patient and resist your sexual urges." Manny pulled her long, graceful leg off of the teleportation platform and made a special effort to stop sending erotic body language signals to Grean. "I'd like nothing more than to make love to you right this moment, Grean, but time presses... and I want you to know an important fact about the new teleporter that I have installed inside Yenti's apartment. Yenti's teleporter only works with sedronic matter."
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teleportation |
Manny nodded. "That's right. The copy of Yenti that will soon be teleported into Observer base is not a biological organism. However, she will remain unaware of that fact. After living here for a year, Yenti -or, at least her mind, complete with its memories of Observer Base- must gracefully merge back into the Siteq civilization where she will once again exist as a biological. The important thing is that you can now understand why it is safe for me to give Irhit access to this teleportation equipment that only teleports sedronic matter. Irhit won't be able to teleport either himself out of Observer Base or any other tryp'At agents into Observer Base."
Grean smiled broadly. "Very clever."
"Yes, I wish I had thought of it." Manny had thought of it, but Grean would never know that. "I'm somewhat surprised that the bumpha revealed the existence of this special kind of teleporter device. I never would have imagined such a thing."
Grean suggested, "Through the years, you must have earned the trust of the Huaoshy."
"Or maybe the bumpha are so desperate to contain the tryp'At that they are willing to reveal the existence of this advanced technology." Manny could telepathically sense that Grean was reaching the end of the thought chains that had been inserted into her brain by Manny's infites.
Grean asked, "Who is this robot, Dani?"
Manny shook her head. "We will find out! I've Viewed the future and I have seen that Irhit will use Yenti's teleporter to bring Dani into Observer Base. However, due to interference of temporal paradox, I have not been able to see my own future with Dani... or yours."
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Sedronites |
Manny sighed. She wished that she did not have to hide so much from Grean, but Grean could know nothing of Manny's secret agents Olyv and Dani and how Manny made use of them to guide Humanity into the future. "That is a mystery. However, I plan to pay you another visit one year from now, after Yenti is sent back to her home in Siteq. Maybe at that time we will know more about Dani the robot. Now, I should be off..."
Grean suggested, "And maybe the next time you drop in we will have time for some sexplay. You seem as young and beautiful as I remember from our childhood!"
Manny grinned. "Like you, I periodically get to transfer my mind into a new body... a copy of my body from when I was in my physical prime. Also, I make heavy use of medical nanites to keep myself young and pretty. Now, don't distract me with your talk of sexplay... duty calls!" Manny teleported out of the workshop, but she continued to watch Grean remotely. Manny had planted a scene in Grean's mind, but it was not quite time for Grean to concern herself with Irhit and his family on Earth. For now, Manny made sure that Grean's thoughts were locked onto Betty and her family.
Grean was still bubbling with sexual energy and she telepathically signaled to Wendy. Soon Wendy came in from the garden and Manny watched Grean and the robot engage in some high-spirited sexplay. Manny allowed herself the pleasure of telepathically sharing in the hot sensations generated by Wendy's and Grean's orgasms and only then did she get around to the task of teleporting Yenti from Siteq to Observer Base.
With half a mind, Manny watched Yenti exploring her new home. As the girl wandered through the rooms of her large apartment, Manny was also still watching Grean who while still playing with Wendy's sexy body asked: What have Allyn and Sara been up to?
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Wendy inside Chamber Five of Seelie. |
Grean asked the obvious follow-up question: All fathered by Allyn?
Yes. Wendy could telepathically sense that Grean was thinking about her own children. Wendy also sensed the next question that Grean wanted to ask and so she began searching the database for information about Irhit.
Grean pushed away thoughts of her own children and their fathers and asked Wendy: Do Allyn and Sara have any connection to Irhit?
Not a direct connection, but their daughter Betty does. Irhit and Betty became lovers last week.
Grean suddenly sat up and finally stopped playing with Wendy's inviting genitals. This can't be random coincidence! Grean used her telepathic link to Wendy to get an idea of Betty's physical appearance. She seemed to be a normal human; pretty, thin, quite pale, with straight blond hair.
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technology-assisted telepathy |
"That may be why Irhit has become sexually intimate with the girl. Do they have a shared telepathic linkage?"
Wendy shrugged and suggested, "It might be worth investigating that, but I have not heard any rumors about Irhit displaying telepathic abilities."
Grean said, "I might visit Betty- Oh! I wanted to tell you, there will soon be another robot here at Observer Base."
Wendy had sensed that idea in Grean's thoughts, but the details were shielded from Wendy. She asked, "A positronic robot?"
"I don't think so... some new kind of robot of the tryp'At. His name is Dani."
"He? A male robot?"
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source |
Wendy could not penetrate into Grean's memories of Manny. "When I was working in the garden, I sensed that you had a visitor."
"An old friend..."
Wendy could telepathically sense that Grean was thinking lustful thoughts about Manny. "She must be a skilled lover. I'm surprised you did not get your fill of sexplay with her."
"Sadly, she did not have time for sexplay today. Back before I came to Eternity, she and I were lovers... I would not mind renewing our sexual relationship." Grean indulged in a brief sexual fantasy about making love to Manny and Wendy at the same time. "But it is just as well, I always enjoy making love with you."
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in the Ekcolir Reality |
Grean was already adjusting her Viewer, intending to get a look at Betty. Absently she said, "No, that will be all," and waved her hand in dismissal. While she adjusted the Viewer, Manny's memory editing nanites were at work in Grean's brain, carefully shaping the limited number of memories that Grean would be allowed to keep intact from her time spent talking to Manny. Grean focused her Viewer on the precise place and time when Irhit had made love to Betty and settled back in her chair to watch the two young lovers as they explored each-others bodies. Grean was looking carefully at Irhit, searching for any anatomical hints as to his concealed tryp'At genes. Grean saw enough to know that she would have to travel back in time so that she could telepathically experience the thoughts of Irhit and Betty while they made love.
Next: Part 3 of "Telepaths of Site Q"
visit the Gallery of Book and Magazine Covers |
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