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My 172 KB text file is 68% over the upload limit. |
F. Tyhry raced towards the building that housed the Reality Viewer, her mind ablaze. The memory of Zeta giving birth to Tarynon lingered in her mind, but she was obsessed with a vision of the future, apparently provided by information flow through the Sedron Time Stream. F. Tyhry believed that the original biological Tyhry, back on Earth, was in danger. F. Tyhry knew only that the danger was somehow related to zeptites.
Kyryk caught up beside her and said, "I share your curiosity about the possibility of hacking into the control of the Reality Viewer, but remember, Tyhry, there are risks in rushing."
"Kyryk, you are wise, but I must take risks!" Tyhry snapped, her voice sharp. "My biological self on Earth, the original Tyhry, could be in danger. We need to establish a two-way communications link to Earth, and soon!" She rushed inside the chamber that held the Viewer.
Xyron was still at work in the chamber. He was adjusting the settings of the Viewer in preparation for making another immortal replicoid. An image flickered within the Viewer's display… what looked like a very tall woman. F. Tyhry was startled by the alien features of the woman and she asked, “Who… what is that?”
Xyron shifted her telepathic focus from the Reality Viewer to Kyryk and another tyrp’At who was now with Zeta. “Ah, the birth… of Tarynon, the first of many for Tar’tron.” Xyron looked back at the Viewer. “That is an Asterothrope… her name is name is ‘Yenti’," then added, "I've been searching for weeks to track her down, but she was difficult to find, from an era at Siteq thousands of years before the tryp’At were designed and brought into existence by Manny the bumpha.”
Tyhry said, “The Asterothropes are not quite human. According to my father’s research, they were a telepathic human variant, but not able to reproduce with humans.”
Xyron explained, “Eddy wants a copy of Yenti brought to Tar’tron.”
Kyryk said, “I suppose we should collect examples of every telepathic human variant, but be quick about bringing her through to Tar’tron. Tyhry and I need access to the Viewer for an experiment.”
Xyron complained, “I must follow the rules laid down by Eddy. I have to get this right the first time.”
Kyryk was sorting through Xyron’s memories. “I see. Eddy wants a copy of Yenti from a time in her life after her time-traveling adventure brought her into contact with Irhit, Eddy’s analogue in the Ekcolir Reality."
A tremor ran through F. Tyhry, and she mumbled, "Did you say...Irhit?"
Xyron told Tyhry, "…perhaps you have heard of Irhit? Yenti apparently had a special relationship with a tryp'At named Irhit, on Earth, millennia before the tryp’At were created… that is the wonder of time travel."
"Irhit!" Tyhry gasped, the revelation hitting her like a wave. "I…my name…" She struggled for a moment, then explained, "My name used to be Tihri. I was named after Irhit!"
Kyryk had a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "Hold on. Your father… Eddy… ah, I understand… Eddy's analog in the Ekcolir Reality was Irhit. And you are his daughter...it makes a strange sort of sense, I can sense the fringes of your telepathic mind. You must be half tryp’At."
F. Tyhry turned to Kyryk. "A part of my genome is tryp'At. Rylla had my genome sequenced."
Kyryk nodded, "Eddy told me about how Manny altered his body form. When Eddy was an embryo, the medical nanites that Manny the bumpha implanted inside Eddy’s developing body removed his special tryp’At anatomical features and shaped him to look like an Earth human.” Kyryk’s voice trailed off and her expression became thoughtful. She told Tyhry, “Maybe the same was done to you.”
Tyhry summarized what she knew from the research of Eddy and Rylla, “The tryp’At were originally an artificial species of telepathic humans who were created by Manny from members of another species, the Asterothropes. However, unlike the Asterothropes, the tryp’At can breed with conventional humans.”
Kyryk nodded again, “Yes, that is true.”
Tyhry mind raced. "So… it would be interesting to study the telepathic abilities of an Asterothrope like Yenti.”
Xyron gestured towards the Reality Viewer. “I’ve run into a problem. Yenti has a young child. I suppose I should ask Eddy if I should also make a copy of Yenti’s child.”
Just then, Hypatia telepathically signaled to Kyryk and Xyron: I’ve been following your conversation telepathically and I told Eddy about Yenti’s child.
Kyryk told F. Tyhry, “We are telepathically consulting with Eddy.”
Hypatia told Kyryk and Xyron: Eddy wants you to bring both Yenti and the child to Tar’tron.
Xyron made a final adjustment to the Reality Viewer and then suddenly a replicoid copy of Yenti was there on Tar’tron. Then, just one second later, the child arrived.
The child screamed, then Kyryk and Xyron quickly tried to calm Yenti and her child using telepathic communication. Kyryk told Tyhry, “I have some ability to link to Yenti’s telepathic mind pattern, but is is a weak connection.”
Tyhry said, “I think I can also feel the fringe of Yenti’s thoughts!”
Yenti spoke to F. Tyhry, “You have an unusual mind that I can barely touch, but I sense that you know Irhit. Or…”
Tyhry explained, “My father is an analogue of Irhit and I was named after Irhit.”
Yenti gestured to her child. “This is Hyty, my… daughter. Her father is Irhit.”
Tyhry nodded and told Yenti, “I understand that Asterothropes are hermaphrodites.”
Yenti explained, “Not all. I see in your mind that you are aware of the H-chromosome. We Asterothropes have males, females and hermaphrodites.”
The longer Tyhry tried to telepathically examine Yenti’s mind, the more she seemed to sink into the Asterothrope’s thought stream. But Tyhry was being constantly distracted by Hyty’s telepathic mind. Now Tyhry sensed a language-like message from Hyty: Like you, I am half tryp’At and our minds seem to resonate.
Xyron said to Kyryk, “I find it hard to believe that Eddy sanctioned this experiment with the Reality Viewer. What if something goes wrong and you inactivate the Viewer?”
Tyhry told Xyron, “Eddy is distracted by the arrival of my new sister, Tarynon. This is a good time for me to press ahead with the experiment. Eddy is often over-cautious.”
Xyron shook her head in dismay. “Well, I suppose if the worst happens, Manny will repair the Viewer.” Xyron moved away from the Viewer and called over one of her helpers. “Take Yenti and Hyty to Eddy.”
Yenti pointed to the Viewer where the original copies of Yenti and Hyty could still be seen in the display. Kyryk had telepathically explained to Yenti the social engineering experiment that was taking place on Tar’tron. Yenti said, “Do I understand this… this device brought me here from my own Reality. I am now in a completely different timeline?”
Kyryk nodded, “And I wish you would accept what I told you; both you and Hyty are now immortal replicoids.”
Yenti spoke to F. Tyhry, “You are a femtobot programmer from Earth? Please show me what you want to do with your hacking femtobots.”
F. Tyhry sat at the control console of the Viewer. “I’ve hacked similar equipment on Earth. I’m now sending some probe femtobots into the Viewer while maintaining my control of those nanites telepathically.”
Hyty said, “I can telepathically sense the probe femtobots. They are searching for a system functions block that may have been placed there by Manny.”
Tyhry nodded. “I hope there is such a block. If so, then we might be able to simply remove the block and activate all of the functional features of the Viewer.” F. Tyhry felt her telepathic mind being pulled into a shared mindspace where the thoughts of Kyryk, Yenti and Hyty mingled with her own. Then there was a new mind that joined them.
That odd mind said: Ha! Manny was right. And all in less than a day…
Kyryk asked: You are… the Viewer?
The sentient artificial life-form that was an integral part of the Viewer replied: You can know me as Sky Chayne. Manny expected you to contact me. I was skeptical that such primitive minds could actually connect to mine.
Tyhry asked the Sky Chayne artificial life-form: Does the Viewer have latent interstellar telecommunications capability?
Sky Chayne explained: Yes, but I’ve never known a human who could use the telecom feature. I see that you have formed a group mind that, with training, and another Viewer on Earth, you might actually be able to…
F. Tyhry’s thoughts swirled as she considered this new obstacle. She had not thought about the need for special equipment on Earth. She wondered: Am I trying to do the impossible?
Sky Chayne shifted the Viewer and an image of the original biological copy of Tyhry appeared. I have accessed the Ekcolir Reality Simulation on Earth… Tyhry’s secret nanite research lab.
F. Tyhry gazed at the image of Tyhry and asked: Why isn’t she moving?
Sky Chayne replied enigmatically: Manny told me to leave that as a puzzle for you to solve.
F. Tyhry complained: Why are you playing games? The biological copy of Tyhry might be in danger. I must speak to her!
Sky Chayne said: This is a training exercise for you. I suppose Manny wants you to learn how to correctly link your telepathic mind to others and expand your telepathic powers.
Tyhry felt a silent gap in the group telepathic mindspace where Sky Chayneb had been. THen just as quickie as Sky Chayne had departed, suddenly Marda’s thoughts were there: Tyhry, there is something strange about your sister. Marda’s telepathic mind sensed the linkage of Tyhry’s mind the minds of others… Kyryk, Yenti, and Hyty were locked into a complex telepathic exchange Tyhry that bordered on trance state. After twenty years of only knowing the feel of Tyhry’s mind, Marda was struggling to learn how to link her mind to other types of mind patterns. Marda continued: There is something about Tarynon… it's her telepathic pattern. Almost like... an overlay on yours. It's faint, but it's there, as if she's echoing you.
Tyhry's eyes widened. She shifted her assumptions, letting her mind examine the sensations she had felt earlier, her “vision” provided by information flowing through the Sedron Time Stream. That's why I felt it - that strange flow of information. It wasn't just the future, Marda. It's... something more…
Tyhry spoke to Kyryk, "So..." Tyhry's voice trails off, "Maybe I'm not sensing the future. Maybe I'm telepathically sensing…my sister? A telepathic reflection of myself…” Tyhry now realized it was no reflection, se was telepathically linked to her sister, Tarynon. Enlightenment came to Tyhry. “Of course! Yarynon is me! Well, she must be genetically identical to me. And rather than have her body sculpted into human form by developmental control nanites, she has a body with Tryp’At features. Her mind can resonate telepathically with tryp’At minds.”
Kyryk explained, “I’ve been in telepathic contact with Tarynon for the past week, as have others. That is common practice among tryp’At. Of course, Zeta was not aware of these telepathic linkages.” Kyryk continued, “Tarynon’s mind is like a sponge, taking up information from all available sources.”
Tyhry laughed. “Including the Sedron Time Stream, no doubt. But more important, Tarynon channels information into the Sedron Time Stream. And because my brain is the same as hers, I’ve been able to access some of that information.”
Kyryk nodded slowly. "I sense it as well. This resonance between your two minds is no coincidence." He looked over at F. Tyhry, realization dawning. "Manny...she designed this from the beginning. Tarynon is meant to be a bridge - a hybrid conduit between your human mind pattern and the tryp'At patterns of consciousness."
F. Tyhry felt a rising ripple of excitement. If Kyryk was correct, then the newborn Tarynon could be the key to re-establishing her connection with the sentient AI of the Reality Viewer - Sky Chayne.
Wasting no time, F. Tyhry extended her telepathic perception, now aggressively probing the mindwaves of her new sister. She felt a strengthening resonance, like two tuning forks vibrating in harmony. Tarynon's thoughts flooded into her own…
Impressions, sensations, and fragmented memories washed over F. Tyhry. She saw flashes of Tarynon's accelerated gestation, the constant telepathic tutelage from the tryp'At including Kyryk. But most striking were the glimpses of an immense, vibrational mindscape - the resonating urlunmelds of the Sedron Time Stream itself.
Tarynon's mind had been seamlessly interlinked with that other dimensional domain of the universe from the moment of her conception. Tarynon’s zeptite endosymbiont held the linkage codes for access to the Sedron Time Stream. She was quite literally born into the Stream.
This is what Manny intended, F. Tyhry realized. Tarynon's unique heritage gave her the inborn ability to directly interface with the Stream in a way even the tryp'At could not.
A new presence entered their telepathic channel - the inscrutable, synthetic consciousness of Sky Chayne.
"Ah, I see you have made the connection, Femtobot Replica Tyhry," Sky Chayne's mindwaves pulsed. "The hybridized pattern of young Tarynon's synapses resonates with yours on an elemental level. Manny the bumpha knew that you would comprehend this linkage to your sister’s mind."
F. Tyhry felt a shudder deep within her mind as Sky Chayne's immense computational perspective expanded around her mind. She was now able to clearly perceive the telepathic controls for the Reality Viewer's interstellar communications module.
"Visual feed from Earth's Reality Simulation enabled," Sky Chayne announced. "You may now directly view your biological original."
The humming energies within the Viewer coalesced. The shimmering viewport clarified and there was the original biological copy of Tyhry, at work within her nanite research laboratory located inside the Ekcolir Reality Simulation. Tyhry wondered: Now can Tyrynon use the Sedron Mind Stream to send information to Earth?
Kyryk was trying to find a way to dig deeper into F. Tyhry’s mind, but she lacked the typical tryp’At mind pattern. Kyryk asked Tyhry, “I see something in your mind… what are urlunmelds?”
F. Tyhry shook her head, “I don’t know. There are many strange words and concepts reaching me from the future… all sent to me by the future Tarynon, I suspect.” She gave her head a shake, trying to momentarily isolate her mind from that of her sister. “I think that urlunmelds are the quantum vibrational patterns or fields that make up and define the other-dimensional space of the Sedron Time Stream.”
Kyryk said, “I have no idea what that means.”
F. Tyhry considered her response carefully. "All my life, I've experienced...visions of the future. Flashes of events, ramifications stretching out across the threads of possibility. When I learned from Rylla and Eddy about the Sedron Time Stream, I accepted the wonderful idea that I could access information from the Sedron Domain."
TYhry again telepathically connected her mind to that of her newborn sister. "But now I understand - those glimpses were actual resonances, telepathic echoes reaching me from the future by way of Tarynon's presence in the Sedron Time Stream." Tyhry explained, "The urlunmelds are the fundamental vibrational substructures, the underpinning resonances that allow Tarynon's uniquely attuned mind to interface with the dimensional matrix of the Sedron Domain. I was perceiving them my whole life, but lacked the ability to make sense of that inhuman telepathic signal."
Xyron placed a hand on the control console of the Viewer. “I’d like to resume my task of using the Viewer to find more people that have been requested to be brought to Tar’tron.”
Tyhry told Xyron, “Thank you for allowing me to interrupt your work. I’m going to have to work with my sister to send information to Earth, but I’ll be back… hopefully sooner rather than later.”
To test the possibility that Claude's context window was now larger, I uploaded a 172 KB text file holding scenes 1-19 of "The Nanite Smuggler" to the Claude user interface. As shown in the image at the top of this blog post, it seems that the file upload limit is around 100 KB.
I split "The Nanite Smuggler" into three parts: 54, 58 and 60 KB.
Me: Claude, please read my science fiction story called "The Nanite Smuggler". Claude, please generate 2000 token-long summary of scenes 1-6 of "The Nanite Smuggler".
Claude: Here is a 2000 token summary of scenes 1-6 of "The Nanite Smuggler":
The story begins in the year 2040 with a family from Earth - Tyhry, Marda, Zeta, Eddy, and Rylla - visiting the planet Threy in the Alastor Cluster using a Reality Simulation System. Threy is an inhabited planet with advanced alien technology, including robots and nanotechnology.
Tyhry and Marda are recent college graduates eager to obtain forbidden alien "femtobot" nanotechnology from the native Yastyn species. Their mentor, the advanced AI being called Manny, disapproves and tries to stop them. Tyhry's parents, Zeta and Eddy, are also wary of dangerous nanotechnology.
On Threy, the family meets Systolina, a robot guide. Tyhry sneaks away before dawn to meet a Yastyn named Kasty and obtain programmable femtobots that can restructure hair at the molecular level. Kasty hints the femtobots have even more powerful capabilities, like storing data in the "Sedron Time Stream."
Systolina joins them and learns about the Sedron Domain, alternate realities, and using femtobots for information transfer across space and time. Tyhry obtains the femtobots from Kasty while Systolina is present.
Meanwhile, a replicoid copy of Tyhry accompanies the family on a hike to avoid suspicion. Marda intentionally injures herself to distract Manny. When they return, Tyhry uses the femtobots to beautify her mother Zeta's hair, but secretly begins scanning her parents' molecular structures.
Manny realizes Tyhry's plan to create immortal "replicoid" copies of her aging parents. Manny warns she controls the Sedron Domain and will block any femtobot data transmission back to Earth. However, Systolina suggests sending it back in time instead.
Despite Manny and Eddy's objections about the dangers, Tyhry defiantly sends the molecular scan data into the Sedron Time Stream, hoping to retrieve it from the past on Earth later to make immortal replicoids of her parents. The battle of wills between Manny and the ambitious Tyhry continues.
At this point, I tried to upload a second text file with the middle third of "The Nanite Smuggler", but I was over the size limit for file uploads. Since I had made the three large files, I went ahead and got summaries for each of them. Along with the full text for scenes 7-13, I provided short summaries of scenes 1-6.
Me: Claude, please read my science fiction story called "The Nanite Smuggler". Claude, please generate 2000 token-long summary of scenes 7-13 of "The Nanite Smuggler".
Claude: Here is a 2000 token summary of scenes 7-13 of the science fiction story "The Nanite Smuggler":Scene 7 takes place six months before the family vacation to the planet Threy. Tyhry is alone in her secret nanotechnology research lab inside a forked instance of the Ekcolir Reality Simulation. She creates a femtobot replicoid copy of herself, which she refers to as F. Tyhry. Tyhry assigns F. Tyhry the mission of secretly obtaining advanced programmable femtobots from the planet Threy, which Manny the bumpha has forbidden Tyhry from accessing. F. Tyhry's goal is to use these powerful alien femtobots to create immortal replicoid copies of Tyhry's aging parents, Eddy and Zeta.
Before departing, Tyhry erases her memories of creating F. Tyhry. However, F. Tyhry wonders if she can telepathically link to the original Tyhry across separate simulation forks, inspired by Eddy's past synapex linkage experiments. This foreshadows F. Tyhry's later attempts to contact the mysterious Phari alien beings who may help her mission.
In Scene 8, F. Tyhry creates femtobot replicoid copies of Marda and Anthony to assist her. She succeeds in establishing a telepathic link to the original Tyhry using synapex nanites, allowing her to monitor Tyhry's actions. F. Tyhry hopes her team can find a way to telepathically contact the Phari and enlist their help in obtaining the forbidden Yastyn femtobots from Threy.
Scene 9 takes place one week before the Threy vacation. F. Tyhry, F. Marda and F. Anthony have spent months trying to telepathically reach the Phari. Unexpectedly, the robot Systolina arrives, having been sent by the Phari. With Systolina's help establishing an interdimensional link, F. Tyhry finally makes telepathic contact with the Phari group mind. The Phari are intrigued by F. Tyhry's quest for immortality-conferring femtobots but hesitant to directly provide them. Instead, they hint they will create an opportunity for the original Tyhry to acquire the femtobots herself during the Threy trip.
In Scene 10, a replicoid copy of Marda appears to die during the Threy vacation, horrifying Tyhry and her family. However, Systolina later reveals this was likely a ruse concocted by F. Tyhry and the Phari as a distraction for Manny. The real Marda was teleported away and replaced with a disposable replicoid copy. Back on Earth, Systolina helps reintroduce Marda to her relieved mother Rylla.
Scene 11 takes place immediately after the Threy events. While the original Tyhry is distracted, F. Tyhry infiltrates Eddy and Zeta's home and uses Yastyn scanner femtobots to comprehensively scan their atomic structures. She then uses this data to create seemingly immortal replicoid copies of Tyhry's parents. However, Manny deactivates F. Tyhry and claims to have erased the scan data, preventing more immortal replicoids. Manny transports the Eddy and Zeta replicoids to the planet Tar'tron.
In Scene 12, the mystery deepens around the identities and fates of the various Tyhry replicoids. Manny's words suggest F. Tyhry may have been present briefly on Earth before her deactivation. Systolina claims to be a duplicate copy sent by the Phari. The exchange hints that the Phari teleported Marda's replicoid corpse to Threy as part of their scheme.
Finally, in Scene 13, F. Anthony creates a new Tyhry replicoid inside the abandoned simulation fork. Manny arrives with this replicoid, Systolina, F. Marda, and F. Anthony. She reveals that with the Phari's help, the deactivated F. Tyhry succeeded in creating the immortal Eddy and Zeta replicoids now on Tar'tron. However, Manny has erased the scan data, preventing more immortal copies. She departs with F. Anthony, the new Tyhry replicoid, and F. Marda, leaving the original Tyhry to study the deactivated F. Tyhry's zeptite-infused remains to learn about controlling these powerful nanorobots.
The scenes explore the complex layers of deception and reality-bending as various Tyhry replicoids, aided by the enigmatic Phari, pursue the dangerous goal of achieving immortality through advanced alien femtobot technology - despite Manny's machinations to control and restrict this capability. Themes of humanity's relationship to transcendent technology and the ethical implications of immortality are woven throughout the high-stakes nanite smuggling plot.
Me: Claude, please read my science fiction story called "The Nanite Smuggler". Claude, please generate 2000 token-long summary of scenes 14-19 of "The Nanite Smuggler".
Claude: Here is a 2000 token summary of scenes 14-19 of "The Nanite Smuggler":In Scene 14, F. Tyhry, F. Marda and F. Anthony are teleported aboard the sentient spaceship Many Sails and informed they are en route to the planet Tar'tron. Many Sails explains that the immortal replicoid copies of Tyhry's parents, Eddy and Zeta, were sent directly to Tar'tron as their bodies are composed of zeptites. Tyhry is able to use Many Sails' Reality Viewer to observe her parents on Tar'tron.
Scene 15 follows Eddy and Zeta on Tar'tron as they stand before the Reality Viewing System with Manny. Manny reveals her plan for them to create a telepathic society of immortal replicoids on Tar'tron by selectively bringing historical individuals through the Viewer. As Zeta goes into labor, the first birth on Tar'tron is complicated by her zeptite-programmed body. The replicoid Anthony assists, and with the telepathic collaboration of Tyhry, Kyryk and Hypatia, the baby is delivered. Hypatia senses the child's name is Tarynon.
In Scene 16, Tyhry races to study the Reality Viewer, driven by a vision that her biological self on Earth is in danger related to the zeptites. The tryp'At Xyron is preparing to bring through the Asterothrope Yenti using the Viewer. Tyhry realizes she was named after Irhit, Eddy's analog in the Ekcolir Reality who had a child, Hyty, with Yenti. Yenti and Hyty are brought through as immortal replicoids.
Scene 17 returns to the original Tyhry in her secret lab on Earth as she experiments with the zeptites obtained from Manny. She tricks her replicoid self to create yet another replicoid copy to use in testing the inert zeptites' function. Despite concerns from Marda and Anthony, Tyhry has the new replicoid ingest the zeptites.
In Scene 18, F. Tyhry, Marda and Anthony prepare for their arrival on Tar'tron. They find Eddy, Zeta and the newborn Tarynon surrounded by tryp'At like Kyryk. F. Tyhry grasps that Tarynon, being a genetic hybrid of human and tryp'At with zeptite-enhanced gestation, has an innate telepathic link to the Sedron Time Stream that resonates with Tyhry's own mind.
Scene 19 sees F. Tyhry driven to re-establish contact with her biological self, sensing danger. Joining the telepathic minds of Kyryk, Yenti and Hyty, she interfaces with the AI controls of the Reality Viewer, Sky Chayne. Sky Chayne confirms F. Tyhry can view her biological self frozen within the Simulation, but must develop her link to Tarynon's unique Sedron resonance to communicate. As Tyhry ponders the concept of "urlunmelds", the vibrational substructures encoding the Sedron Domain, she realizes Tarynon is the key to bridging her mind to that cosmic framework and achieving two-way communication with Earth.
Claude's summary captures the key events driving the interconnected storylines across the two locations of Earth and the planet Tar'tron. The narrative builds toward F. Tyhry developing her telepathic abilities through her resonant link with her newborn sister Tarynon in order to ultimately communicate with and assist her original self still on Earth. The zeptites and femtobots play a central role, with hints that programming and understanding these advanced nanites is crucial to transcending biological limits. The broad arcs of creating an immortal telepathic society on Tar'tron while the original Tyhry continues pursuing that goal from Earth are deftly woven together, setting up an exciting continuation of this expansive science fiction tale.
Me: Plans for scene 20 of "The Nanite Smuggler": F. Tyhry learns how communicate with the original biological copy Tyhry on Earth. Two-way communications requires that there be a functioning Viewer at both ends of the on-going communication process; on Tar’tron and in Tyhry’s secret laboratory.
Claude, can you suggest how it might be possible for Tarynon to send a message to the original biological copy of Tyhry on Earth, a message that will allow the original biological copy of Tyhry to activate the interstellar communications function that is latent in Earth's Reality Simulation System?
At this point, I ran into Claude's "length limit". The Free version of Claude is still crippled, even after the "upgrade" to Claude 3 Sonnet.
Next: Writing scene 20 of "The Nanite Smuggler".
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