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A building on Tar'tron. |
The image to the right was generated by Gemini Advanced in response to this text prompt: "Gemini, generate an image depicting the surface of the planet Tar'tron in the area that is close to the building that houses the Reality Viewer."
I made some changes to the information I was providing to Gemini Advanced about the science fiction story "The Nanite Smuggler". That updated information is shown below.
A 3700 word summary of scenes 1-17...
Gemini, please read about a science fiction story that I am writing (below). I want to discuss the story with you and then get your help to continue writing scene 18 of the story.
Gemini, read and process the provided summaries of scenes 1-17 and then I will provide you with the first part of scene 18 for you to read and process (below).
Story Title: The Nanite Smuggler
Story subtitle: The implications of immortality
There are 17 completed scenes in the story so far.
A summary of Scene 1 of "The Nanite Smuggler".
Tyhry and her family arrive on a Simulation of the vacation planet Threy, a world existing within a simulation of the Asimov Reality, a past timeline of Earth. Entry into such Simulations is made possible by the Reality Simulation System that was given to Eddy by Manny the bumpha. The family group includes Tyhry's parents, Eddy and Zeta, her friend Marda, and Marda's mother Rylla. MArda and Tyhry are mind clones, which allows them to telepathically communicate with each-other. While relaxing by the pool of a resort, they meet a robot guide named Systolina. Tyhry's hidden agenda is gradually revealed – she's interested in advanced nanites and harbors secrets connected to her family’s access to simulations of the past timelines of Earth known as ‘Realities’.
The focus on Eddy's past adventures inside simulations of exoplanets and Zeta's youthful appearance suggests a world where advanced technologies like medical nanites are accessible. Tyhry's own nanite programming expertise is hinted at, along with potential conflict with the mysterious figure of Manny the bumpha. The bumpha are technologically-advanced aliens who are masters of sedron-based technologies. The presence on Threy of humanoid robots from the technologically-advanced planet Triskelion is something of a mystery since most planets of the Asimov Reality do not have any robots. Systolina's interest in Tyhry suggests she may be more than just a helpful guide. Planning for a hike to Mt. Glisten sets the stage for the next phase of Tyhry's secret plan.
A summary of Scene 2 of "The Nanite Smuggler".
Over dinner, the vacationers discuss Threy's unusual reliance on robots, leading to a revelation from Eddy: has previously visited the planet Triskelion within the simulated Asimov Reality where he met a telepathic robot. Systolina, the resort's robot guide, is shocked by the concept of Realities and the idea that she exists inside a Simulation. The conversation shifts to the general technological stagnation within the Asimov Reality, which contrasts with Triskelion's advanced robotics technology which is related to sedron mining in that star system. Sedrons make interstellar space travel possible.
Dinner conversation includes the Yastyn, the native humanoid species of Threy. Tyhry admits her interest in Yastyn's hair nanites, and Eddy warns her against pursuing dangerous alien technology. Their exchange reveals Tyhry's fascination with advanced nanites and hints at potential conflict with the controlling Manny.
The intriguing discussion with Systolina continues. She's curious about sedrons and Tyhry’s specialty; nanite programming. Tyhry's excitement about Yastyn nanites sparks the robot's interest, but Eddy's warnings and Tyhry's sudden departure leave an air of tension.
A summary of Scene 3 of "The Nanite Smuggler".
Tyhry, unable to sleep due to worry over her secret mission on Threy, sneaks out of the resort to meet Kasty, a Yastyn who may have the programmable femtobot nanites she craves. Robot guide Systolina intercepts her, revealing surprising knowledge about the Yastyn and offering to accompany Tyhry.
They discuss rumors about Yastyn nanotech, including the possibility of storing neural patterns and inter-dimensional communications with the Sedron Domain, sparking Tyhry's interest. Systolina mentions a robot cult centered around beings called the Phari and the belief they elevate beings such as the Yastyn into another subspace of the universe, the Hierion Domain.
Upon reaching the secluded meeting point, Kasty appears, initially surprised by Systolina's presence. Kasty is willing to share her femtobots, Kasty having been influenced by Tyhry's nanite training under Manny the bumpha. Tyhry's defiance towards her mentor is evident when discussing Manny's restrictions on her access to advanced technologies.
Upon obtaining the alien femtobots from Kasty, Tyhry feels a thrilling sense of accomplishment. Now, she holds the key to unlock a new era of technology for Earth and perhaps even making possible the creation of immortal copies of human beings.
A summary of Scene 4 of "The Nanite Smuggler".
While Tyhry meets with Kasty, Tyhry's replicoid copy joins the family for breakfast. Tyhry has secretly learned how to use the Reality Simulation System to make replicoid copies of anyone who has used the Simulator. Anthony, a family friend, has been brought into the Simulation of Threy by the Tyhry replicoid. Manny arrives, clearly detecting the Tyhry replicoid and teases Tyhry about her need for Anthony’s company. Manny then quietly observes events, suspecting Tyhry of deeper plans than a mere vacation.
The replicoid copy of Tyhry, feeling Manny's scrutiny, grows increasingly tempted to abandon the secret mission and return to Earth. However, the replicoid presses on, hoping to avoid a direct confrontation with the watchful Manny. With Anthony there on Threy rather than house-sitting, Zeta frets about the cats back home, unaware of the accelerated passage of time in the Simulation means that the cats are in no danger of going hungry.
Marda and Rylla are late risers, then the group prepares to hike to Mt. Glisten. Their guide, Systolina is not available, so another robot, Dyas Totus, introduces itself as their guide. The family sets off on a hike to Mt. Glisten, but Manny does not go along. Marda worries that Manny will interfere with Tyhry’s plan to obtain Yastyn nanites.
The scene closes with a looming sense of tension. Both Manny and Tyhry's replicoid carry secret agendas, the stakes rising as the conflict over advanced alien technology becomes a silent battle with far greater consequences than a simple family hike.
A summary of Scene 5 of "The Nanite Smuggler".
Tyhry, thrilled by Kasty's femtobots, marvels at her nanite-transformed hair. However, Kasty and Systolina's discussion about data transfer by means of the Sedron Time Stream sparks Tyhry's interest in using the alien nanites for something beyond just cosmetic adjustments.
The scene takes a deeper turn as Systolina and Kasty discuss the Sedron Time Stream's potential for storing information and the implications of that for making replicoid copies of people. Tyhry admits to Systolina her fear of losing her aging parents and her desire to create immortal replicoid copies of Eddy and Zeta. Systolina probes her about the safeguards against misuse, hinting at the darker potential of programmable nanites.
Tyhry returns to the resort, only to face Manny who is aware of Tyhry’s intention to smuggle the alien femtobots back to Earth. Their argument is cut short when Marda has an accident on the hike, forcing Manny to go to her aid.
Seizing the opportunity, a desperate Tyhry reprograms the femtobots to scan and transmit her finger's molecular structure into the Sedron Time Stream, hoping to use a trick she once saw Manny use with the Reality Simulation System. Tyhry now hopes to store the atomic structures of her parents in the Sedron Domain and then later make immortal replicoid copies of them using the stored structural data.
A summary of Scene 6 of "The Nanite Smuggler".
Tired after their hike, the family returns to the resort, with Marda bearing injuries from her calculated fall. Marda injured herself in order to distract Manny. Tensions rise as Manny scolds Marda while subtly hinting at the reason for the "accident".
Zeta is thrilled when Tyhry surprises her with the gift of Yastyn hair nanites, transforming her dull hair and making her appear far younger. Tyhry is secretly using the opportunity to scan the atomic structures of her parents with reprogrammed femtobots.
Manny immediately confronts Tyhry, blocking any attempt to smuggle the data. Systolina's quiet question about the possibility of retrieving scanned data at a time in the past sparks a defiant question from Tyhry, hinting that the battle isn't lost. Manny asserts her control and dismisses Tyhry's ambition.
The scene closes with a lingering tension, a sense that Tyhry's apparent defeat might not be complete. Manny's great confidence in her ability to prevent Tyhry from smuggling alien nanites to Earth could be her vulnerability.
A summary of Scene 7 of "The Nanite Smuggler".
Six months prior to the family action on Threy, Tyhry, hidden in her secret laboratory inside a Simulation of the Ekcolir Reality, creates a femtobot duplicate, F. Tyhry. Aware of Manny's opposition to advanced alien nanites, her duplicate is given the critical mission of contacting the Phari on Threy to obtain forbidden femtobots.
F. Tyhry's ambition echoes Tyhry's own, seeing these nanites as the key to overcoming human mortality. To maintain secrecy, Tyhry erases her memories of the existence of F. Tyhry and a new simulation fork, leaving F. Tyhry inside her own secret instance of the Ekcolir Reality Simulation.
The scene closes with a lingering question: can F. Tyhry monitor the actions of the original biological copy of Tyhry who created F. Tyhry? F. Tyhry hopes to telepathically link to her creator, even if they are in different Simulations. Tyhry remembers one of Eddy's prior experiments involving synapex linkages that allowed him to achieve telepathic connection to entities that existed inside of a simulation of Alastor Cluster. This hints at the challenges facing F. Tyhry as she begins her mission, separated from the original Tyhry.
A summary of Scene 8 of "The Nanite Smuggler".
F. Tyhry enlists the aid of two newly-generated femtobot duplicates, F. Marda and F. Anthony. They make plans for how to obtain alien femtobots and create immortal replicoids. Driven by her fear of her parents' mortality, F. Tyhry aims to bypass Manny's surveillance and restrictions on the use of advanced programmable femtobots.
They explore Rylla's old reports about the Phari to gain insights into how it might be possible to telepathically contact these enigmatic beings that may hold the key to their mission.
To monitor the original Tyhry, F. Tyhry deploys synapex nanites, creating a physical link between the nervous systems of F. Tyhry, F. Marda and F. Anthony. This allows her to establish a telepathic connection with Tyhry without triggering her awareness. Now F. Tyhry can monitor the activity of the original biological copy of Tyhry and coordinate her efforts with those of her copy.
F. Tyhry's ambition is fueled by a strange sensation created by information flow from the Sedron Time Stream, suggesting her future success in contacting the Phari. The scene closes with a sense of rising determination as she prepares to seek a connection with those mysterious beings, despite the unknowns lying ahead.
A summary of Scene 9 of "The Nanite Smuggler".
F. Tyhry's team has been tirelessly trying to contact the enigmatic Phari for months. Finally, a strange robot named Systolina, claiming to be an emissary of the Phari, arrives in the secret lab. Systolina helps F. Tyhry establish a direct telepathic link with the Phari, who reside in the Hierion Domain.
The Phari reveal their awareness of Manny's surveillance and the risks of smuggling femtobots to Earth. They also take credit for distracting Manny by having provided space elevator technology to Earth. Manny, now busy trying to contain that technology, might not be able to effectively monitor Tyhry and prevent her from smuggling Yastyn femtobots to Earth. F. Tyhry pleads with the Phari for their help in obtaining advanced femtobots for Earth, speaking of her goal of human immortality.
The Phari are hesitant to assist F. Tyhry and suggest waiting to see if the original Tyhry can obtain the femtobots from Threy. The telepathic link to the Phari breaks and Systolina mysteriously vanishes, leaving F. Tyhry and her team pondering the meaning of their encounter with the Phari. F. Marda questions how the Hierion Domain-dwelling Phari could interact with simulated people inside the Reality Simulation System.
The scene closes with a sense of rising tension and the weight of F. Marda's potential sacrifice looming as they plan to aid the original biological copy of Tyhry during her visit to Threy. Can they help Tyhry maneuver around the watchful Manny?
A summary of Scene 10.
Marda's surprising death on Threy throws the family vacation into chaos. When Tyhry and her family return to Earth, Manny blocks any attempts to bring the Yastyn femtobots out of the simulation.
However, in a shocking twist, Tyhry finds Marda alive and well inside her secret Ekcolir Reality Simulation lab, her hair now beautifully enhanced by Yastyn nanites. Manny appears, explaining that the dead body on Threy was a replicoid copy of Marda and reveals the Phari as the likely culprit behind teleporting Marda and the nanites to Earth.
Manny scoffs at Tyhry's attempt to retrieve the scanned data that Tyhry placed into the Sedron Domain while on Threy. Manny says that Tyhry will not be able to use the scanned data to make immortal replicoid copies of her parents. Manny scrambled the data, making it inaccessible to any attempt by Tyhry to retrieve it. As a consolation, Manny gives Tyhry a portion of the Yastyn hair nanites, but limits their function to cosmetic hair modifications. Manny departs from the Simulation.
Tyhry is happy that Marda is alive and Tyhry concedes Manny's victory for now, but she remains determined to find a way to unlock the true power of the alien programmable femtobots.
A summary of Scene 11.
The replicoid F. Tyhry, still synapex linked to F. Marda and Anthony, monitors the conversation between Tyhry, Marda, and Manny. Learning Manny's location, F. Tyhry seizes her chance. Taking some Yasyn femtobots provided to her by the Phari, F. Tyhry rushes into the Final Reality and scans Eddy and Zeta at the atomic level, transmitting the scan data into the Sedron Time Stream. THis completes a strange temporal loop!
F. Tyhry returns to her secret laboratory where she has already created immortal replicoids of her parents using data retrieved from the Sedron Time Stream. The thrill of success is brief; Manny appears and swiftly inactivates the artificial body of F. Tyhry.
Addressing the other replicoids who are there in the lab, Manny demonstrates that these replicoid copies of Eddy and Zeta are immortal. Manny announces her plan to take the immortal copies of Eddy and Zeta to the distant planet Tar'tron, where they will establish a colony of immortal telepathic humans.
The scene ends darkly with Manny leaving the inactivated body of F. Tyhry in the lab with F. Anthony, their fates uncertain.
A summary of Scene 12.
Tyhry and Marda, very much alive, exit from the Reality Simulation System and return home to the Final Reality. Marda’s mother is shocked and relieved to see Marda alive and well. A copy of Systolina, the Threy robot, is also there in the home of Eddy and Zeta. She explains that the Phari made her as a teleportation duplicate. The original biological copy of Tyhry begins to understand that F. Tyhry contacted the Phari with Systolina's help.
Shockingly, Eddy discovers the truth: Tyhry has been making replicoid copies of herself and her friends for years, a secret she's kept from him. Rylla and Eddy join the dots, realizing the extent of Tyhry's activities, including Tyhry’s ability to create replicoid copies of people from data that exists in the pattern buffer of the Reality Simulation System.
Tyhry confesses her ambition of replicating her parents and giving them immortality. While shocked, the family is intrigued and a debate about ethics and the manipulation of life ensues. Systolina reveals the Phari's interest in Tyhry's plan, adding to the intrigue.
Manny arrives, dramatically confirming Tyhry's replicoid abilities. She reveals an elaborate cat-and-mouse game: allowing Tyhry's activities while manipulating Tyhry, her family, and even the Phari. The purpose? Manny has used Tyhry as "bait" to lure the Phari into revealing themselves, motivated by a desire to negotiate with the enigmatic beings. Manny reveals her interest in using Systolina as a conduit to contact the Phari, suggesting a complex rivalry between Manny and the Phari.
The conversation shifts to the mystery of the dead replicoid copy of Marda that appeared on Threy, hinting at a greater game played by the Phari and possibly involving a personal sacrifice made by a hidden replicoid copy of Marda.
A summary of Scene 13.
Within a secret Simulation fork, F. Anthony, bored and trapped, uses Tyhry's stored instructions to create a new replicoid copy of her. However, surprise awaits them; Manny, Tyhry, and Systolina arrive. Manny reveals it was she who neutralized F. Tyhry and confirms F. Marda's involvement in her own faked death on Threy. Manny then drops a bombshell: the Phari used F. Tyhry to create immortal replicoid copies of Tyhry's parents, who Manny sent to a far-off world called Tar'tron.
Manny further demonstrates her control by vanishing with the three newly created replicoids, claiming she has a use for them. This leaves Tyhry and Systolina alone in the Simulation. Manny's final blow is that she erased all the body scan data from the Sedron Time Stream, making it impossible for Tyhry to recreate her immortal copies of her parents.
Tyhry, however, remains undeterred. Analyzing the situation, she hypothesizes that Manny likely used zeptites (a type of nanite that is even smaller than femtobots) to deactivate F. Tyhry. Using the Reality Simulation System and specialized nanites, Tyhry pulls a newly made copy of F. Tyhry from the Simulation System’s pattern buffer, carefully filtering out all the femtobot components. Tyhry simultaneously captures the zeptites that were inside the inactivated body of F. Tyhry.
Tyhry now possesses some of Manny's advanced bumpha technology, zeptites. This sets the stage for a shift in the power dynamic if Tyhry can learn how to program the zeptites.
A summary of Scene 14.
F. Tyhry, F. Marda, and F. Anthony find themselves aboard Many Sails, Manny's sentient spaceship, en route to Tar'tron. Many Sails reveals it can read their thoughts and informs them that the immortal replicoids of Tyhry's parents are already on Tar'tron, having been teleported there directly.
Concerned about Eddy and Zeta, F. Tyhry is told they are not alone on Tar;tron as Many Sails hints at a surprising twist: their mission to create a new society of immortal telepaths. To ease her worry, Many Sails offers F. Tyhry use of its Reality Viewing technology. This allows Tyhry to see remote events, including her parents' situation on Tar’tron.
A summary of Scene 15.
Now on Tar'tron, Manny reveals her plan to Eddy and Zeta, whose immortal replicoid bodies grant them a fresh start. Their mission is to build a new human society on Tar'tron, one built around telepathy, immortality and shaped by the wisdom of Earth's past.
The Reality Viewing System of Tar’tron holds the key. With it, they can tap into the rich tapestry of human history, selecting individuals for replication, adding them to the Tar'tron community and providing the developing community of immortals with a unique blend of knowledge and experience.
Manny presents this as a chance to paint a new future unburdened by the past's mistakes.
Eddy and Zeta are filled with both awe and responsibility. Manny guides them in this delicate act of using the Viewer. As they begin to use the Viewer, Manny introduces a new twist. Eddy and Zeta cannot make immortal copies of anyone from the most recent two centuries of the Final Reality. Only able to look at their daughter Tyhry on Earth, Eddy and Zeta choose a different target for replication. Suddenly, the Viewer materializes a tryp'At, a telepathic human variant from Siteq in the Ekcolir Reality. Eddy, suspecting that he is tryp’At, wonders if Tyhry might have telepathic abilities. The foundations for a telepathic Tar'tron society are within reach, even as Manny mysteriously vanishes.
A summary of Scene 16.
scene opens with F. Tyhry, F. Marda, and F. Anthony aboard Many
nearing their destination of Tar'tron. F. Tyhry uses the Reality
Viewer to check on her biological parents, revealing Tyhry, back on
Earth, discussing the captured zeptites with Eddy. Eddy shows concern
over the risks of zeptite experimentation, but Tyhry's ambition
propels her to dismiss his worry in pursuit of understanding their
Onboard Many Sails, F. Tyhry expresses her frustration at the limitations of the Viewer. Her focus shifts to a new obsession: finding a way to communicate with her original biological counterpart on Earth.
The scene highlights the tension between Tyhry's relentless drive to discover and understand new nanotechnology, contrasted with Eddy's protective concern. It also hints at a potential rift between F. Tyhry and her replicoid companions as their interests diverge in view of their impending 'exile' to Tar'tron.
A summary of Scene 17.
Back in her ninite research laboratory inside the Ekcolir Reality Simulation, Tyhry and her replicoid copies (one copy of Tyhry, one of Marda and one of Anthony) are working tirelessly to understand the zeptites that were extracted from F. Tyhry. They test the zeptites, worried about the zeptites' potential dangers and how to reprogram them.
A debate erupts over choosing the subject for a critical function test. Tyhry insists on a human subject: a new replicoid copy of herself. After a playful but escalating fight with her replicoid copy (who wants the test subject to be a newly-made copy of herself), Tyhry uses a trick to resolve the dispute with her replicoid. Tyhry reveals a shocking tactic. She used a hierion probe to split her brain, allowing her to keep secret her plans despite telepathic contact with her replicoid copy. Tyhry convinces her replicoid copy to spend time with her parents in the Final Reality. As soon as her copy leaves, Tyhry uses the Reality Simulation System controls to materialize a new duplicate of herself, ignoring Marda and Anthony's disbelief at her betrayal.
Inside a nanite containment field, the new Tyhry replicoid telepathically links with the original Tyhry, while feeling smug at outsmarting her counterpart. She injects herself with the zeptites, commencing the reckless experiment.
Marda remains perplexed and disapproving of Tyhry's tactics. Tyhry is captivated by the challenge of zeptite programming and still believes this risky approach is the key. Tyhry dismisses Marda's concerns and remains stubbornly focused on her goal, even considering reaching out to Manny for help. However, Tyhry suspects that she must solve the mystery of zeptite programming with any further help from Manny.
Scene 18 and plans for completing "The Nanite Smuggler".
Gemini, please read and process the first part of scene 18 of “The Nanite Smuggler” (below), then we can discuss how to continue the scene.
Story Title: The Nanite Smuggler
Story subtitle: The implications of immortality
There are 17 completed scenes in the story so far.
Scene 18 (only a start… this scene needs to be completed).
Many Sails was now closely approaching Tar’tron and would soon be close enough to teleport non-sedronic matter to the surface of the planet. Inside the sentient spaceship, F. Tyhry, F. Marda, and F. Anthony stood in tense anticipation while looking out the window at the dense field of stars there in the Galactic Core. The view of the swirling Galactic Core had become agonizingly familiar during the past several days of the long voyage. They yearned to be back on solid ground, under a blue sky. The unknown that awaited on Tar'tron.
"Approaching teleportation range," Many Sails announced, her voice oddly soothing despite the jarring implication of imminent bodily deconstruction. "Planetary coordinates confirmed… I’ll place you within easy walking distance of Zeta and Eddy.” A slow minute moved past. “I sense heightened anxiety in you. Relax… all will be fine."
"Just get it over with," grumbled F. Marda, her knuckles white as she gripped the edge of the window. Despite the brave front, her telepathic connection with F. Tyhry revealed a simmering fear; Marda was not at all pleased that her life had been derailed. She had planned a career as a biologist, but all her knowledge of biology was now useless. She wondered if she would ever speak to her mother again.
A surge of energy: teleportation. A dizzying disorientation that felt both endless and instantaneous. And then the scent of alien flora rushed over them on a wind that carried the warmth of twin suns. THe three femtobot replicoids had arrived on Tar’tron.
Using her telepathic link to F. Tyhry, F. Marda and F. Anthony, Many Sails told them, "Teleportation complete. Welcome to Tar'tron." Many Sails added, "I will remain here in the Galactic Core for a few days, but then I must go attend to other tasks."
Tyhry looked at the surface of Tar’tron. Before her was no desolate landscape, but a clearing in a forest with a scattering of buildings and groups of humans who had been brought there by means of the special Reality Viewer on Tar’tron that could generate immortal copies of people. Quickly, dozens of people gathered around Tyhry, Marda and Anthony.
Tyhry noticed that these people were mostly members of the human subspecies from Siteq. Using the Viewer onboard Many Sails, she had watched the immortal copy of Eddy bring hundreds of tryp’At to Tar’tron. The tryp’At were slender, taller, their movements fluid in a way that contrasted with the regular humans who Tyhry had grown up among on Earth. One of the hermaphroditic Tryp’At stepped forward, their telepathic mind imprinting a strange feeling of familiarity upon Tyhry’s telepathic senses. The tryp’At all had the appearance of young women, so Tyhry decided to think of them as being female, although she knew they were all hermaphrodites.
"Greetings, Tyhry," the tryp'At said. Formal, yet with a warmth that cut through F. Tyhry's initial unease. "I am Kyryk. Many Sails told me to expect your arrival."
Before Tyhry could fully process the odd telepathic signals she was sensing from the nearby tryp’At, Kyryk gestured towards a nearby building. "Your parents await… they were also warned of your impending arrival by Manny"
Something sparked within F. Tyhry. An instinct, a hint of recognition in the darting wisps of telepathic contact that she was experiencing with the tryp’At. She followed Kyryk into the building and towards the two human figures she knew without truly knowing.
These were the immortal replicoid copies of her parents. Her mother, Zeta, was unmistakable, though the woman before her radiated a youthful vitality that clashed with Tyhry’s memories of her childhood and her biological mother. Yet, it was the swell of Zeta’s belly, a testament to new artificial life blossoming on this alien world, that struck F. Tyhry more profoundly than the youthful appearance of her parents. Using the Viewer onboard Many Sails, Tyhry had seen the fact of Zeta’s pregnancy, but now, in person, Zeta seemed ripe and huge. Tyhry hugged her mother and then Eddy.
Eddy said, “It is wonderful to see you again, Marda.” He shook Anthony’s hand. “Welcome to Tar’tron, old friend.”
Kyryk sensed Tyhry’s disorientation. "Your astonishment is understandable. Your mother's condition, the rapidity of her growth... it is a mystery. Many people on Tar’tron are now pregnant and all of the embryos grow at accelerated rates. I’ve been involved with an effort to understand how such rapid embryonic development is possible.”
F. Tyhry explained to Zeta, “Mother, I’ve been told that your immortal body is composed of zeptite componentes. I suppose Manny programmed the zeptites to accelerate gestation.”
Kyryk is from the far future of the Ekcolir Reality and had lived in Siteq, where tryp'At scientists had a history of many centuries of research into the mysteries of hierions, femtobots and sedrons. As a telepathic tryp’At, Kyryk also had personal experience with using the Sedron Time Stream. However, when F. Tyhry mentioned zeptites, it was the first time that Kyryk had heard that term. Kyryk had a weak telepathic link to Tyhry’s unique mind, but he asked, “What can you tell me about these zeptites?
F. Tyhry quickly explained to Kyryk that zeptites were similar to femtobots, but much smaller. She added, “Femtobots are made from hierions. Zeptites are composed of sedronic matter. Sedrons have much shorter bond lengths between them, allowing zeptites to function as a type of artificial life-form at a scale a million times smaller than what is possible for femtobots.”
Tyhry asked Eddy, “Can you show me the Reality Viewer that is here on Tar'tron? The one that is used to create immortal replicoids.”
Eddy asked, “You are aware of what has been happening here on this world?”
“Yes, father.” Tyhry explained that during her journey to Tar’tron she had been allowed to witness events on Tar’tron. “Many Sails allowed me to watch you using the Reality Viewer to bring people such as Kyryk to this world.”
Eddy told Tyhry, “I’ve turned the task of bringing more people to Tar’tron over to the tryp’At. Your mother and I are preparing schools and other facilities for the children who will soon be born.” He told Anthony, “I can use your help, Anthony. We have much to do. You raised and educated Tyhry back on Earth.” He placed a hand on Zeta’s bulging abdomen, “You will be able to help us educate Zeta’s future children.”
Kyryk told Tyhry, “I’ll take you to see the Reality Viewer.”
Tyhry’s thoughts were focused on her new project: the problem of how to communicate with the original biological Tyhry who was on Earth. F. Tyhry knew that the original biological Tyhry had been able to "hack" the Reality Simulation System on Earth. She had accomplished that by using special "hacking nanites" that Tyhry developed and programmed. Now, on Tar'tron, Tyhry wanted to alter the function of the Reality Viewer, expanding its capabilities so that it could access data that was stored in the Sedron Domain for use by Earth's Reality Simulation System.”
Tyhry again hugged Zeta. Eddy said, “I’ll go along to the Viewer. I requested that a copy of an historical figure be brought through from Earth to help us with our plans for an education system.” Eddy told Anthony, “You stay here. Zeta will start sharing with you are plans for a school.”
Marda said, “I’ll stay here, too.”
Eddy and Tyhry then went with Kyryk to visit Reality Viewer. They walked across a meadow towards another building that housed the Reality Viewer. Tyhry asked her father, “Who is the historical figure that you selected?”
“Hypatia, of the ancient Roman Empire.” Eddy was walking hand-in-hand with his daughter. “She was known for her teaching abilities and her passion for sharing knowledge.”
Tyhry began describing her own education. She told Kyryk that Manny the bumpha had taught her to program femtobots. She asked Kyryk, “Are there experts at Siteq who can program femtobots?”
Kyryk replied, “Tyhry, I share your interest in femtobot programming. However, there are no femtobots on Tar’tron, only zeptites… unless…” Kyryk was learning how to telepathically enter into Tyhry’s memories. Now Kyryk saw a promising fact in Tyhry’s thoughts. “You!”
Tyhry nodded, “Yes, my body and those of Marda and Anthony are composed of femtobots.”
Kyryk asked, “But can you reprogram those femtobots or do they have locked functions?”
Tyhry said, “We might be able to find a way to use the programmable femtobots inside me to modify the function of the Reality Viewer. We won’t know until we try. But first, show me the Viewer.”
They entered a building and passed through a large room where a group of people, mostly tyrp’At were lounging and chatting. Kyryk led the way to the room housing the Reality Viewer. Tyhry saw another tall tryp’At who was adjusting the controls of the Viewer. Kyryk said, “Xyron, say hello to Eddy’s daughter, Tyhry.”
Xyron held up a hand and completed his adjustments the the Viewer settings. Now Tyhry could clearly see a young Earth woman being displayed by the Viewer. Xyron now turned his head. He spoke to Eddy, “I’m glad you are here. Do you really want her this young?”
“That’s Hypatia?” Eddy explained, “The younger the better. I want her to be able to relate to young children.”
Xyron suggested, “I could generate many copies, one each year from age twenty through thirty.”
Eddy chuckled, “It is tempting, but I stand by the rule: only make one copy of each person. I don’t want to deal with the possibility of conflicts between multiple copies of the same person.”
Tyhry said, “I’m afraid I soured my father on the idea of multiple copies of a person.”
There in the display of the Viewer, Hypatia was a fiery figure who drew F. Tyhry's eye—a woman with a striking presence. Her robes were brightly colored, not matching Tyhry’s imagination of what should be worn by an ancient scholar. Xyron activated the copy function of the Viewer and then the woman was replicated, the new copy materializing on Tart’ton as an immortal replicoid. Tyhry felt the full force of Hypatia’s eyes, filled with a piercing intelligence that seemed to hint at wisdom accumulated over centuries of time.
Eddy approached and spoke to Hypatia, a touch of awe in her voice. "Hypatia... welcome. You are among the brilliant minds we are bringing to this world to help with an ambitious project."
Hypatia's gaze was locked on the alien features of Xyron, a glow of intense curiosity colored her features. "And who might you be? Your form... It speaks of a strange type of… a form that I do not recognize."
F. Tyhry asked Eddy, “How can she speak English?”
Eddy explained, “It is a feature that Manny built into this replicator. Everyone arrives here on Tar’tron knowing how to speak English.”
Hypatia said, “Manny! Of course. So, she asked you to teleport me off of Earth?”
Eddy asked, “You know Manny the bumpha?”
“She trained me and sent me to Earth as her agent.” Hypatia demanded, “What does Manny want… where is she?”
Tyhry laughed loudly then said, “I suppose we should not be surprised if most of the famous people from history were working as secret agents for Manny!”
Gemini, please work collaboratively with me to write the rest of scene #18 of “The Nanite Smuggler”. Take note of the following plans for additional scenes in the story.
Where is the story going? Gemini, I envision the following sequence of events in the remaining (yet to be written) second part of “The Nanite Smuggler”. Plan for scene 18: Many Sails delivers F. Tyhry, F. Marda and F. Anthony to Tar'tron where it is revealed that after only a month on Tar'tron, Zeta is ready to give birth to a child. Hypatia is brought to Tar’tron and she begins to collaborate with F. Tyhry and Kyryk. Plans for scene 19: F. Tyhry learns something from Kyryk and Hypatia that allows her to modify the function of the Reality Viewer on Tar’tron, allowing F. Tyhry to View events taking place inside the Reality Simulation System of Earth. Plans for scene 20: F. Tyhry then learns how communicate with the original biological Tyhry on Earth. Plants for scene 21: Kyryk, on Tar'tron, provides hints to the original biological Tyhry on Earth that allow her to start programming zeptites. Plans for scene 22: the original biological Tyhry then smuggles programmable zeptites to F. Tyhry on Tar'tron. Plans for scene 23: Those zeptites are a key to activating an additional feature of the Reality Viewer on Tar'tron, allowing the immortal replicoids of the developing society on Tar'tron to enter into a simulation of the Sedron Domain, thus simulating human transcendence into the Sedron Domain.
In my next blog post, I will ask Gemini: Image generated by Gemini: a scene on Tar'tron.
Gemini, based on the first 17 scenes of “The Nanite Smuggler” and the provided text of the first part of scene 18 (above), what do you think will happen next in scene 18 of the story?
Next: Collaborating with Gemini Advanced to complete scene 18 of "The Nanite Smuggler".
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