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I wish marketing people spoke English.
Not knowing what "Gemini Advanced" is, I navigated through the labyrinth of meaningless Google pages to here. That page had this graphic:
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Unable to find reliable information directly from Google, I looked at webpages such as this which seem as confused as an AI chatbot. I would not be surprised if Google just spams the internet with thousands of incoherent AI-generated webpages and never returns useful independent evaluations of their products in the Google search results.
When I saw the announcement that, "you can get more creative and productive using Gemini in Gmail, Docs," I activated my free account on February 26th. As described in my previous blog post, I have had trouble getting Gemini Advanced to work well with Google Docs files. As described below, I am continuing to work with Gemini Advanced "the old-fashioned way", by pasting large amounts of text into the user interface. Below is my continuing collaboration with Gemini Advanced as we collaborate to write the science fiction story called "The Nanite Smuggler".
After chatting with Gemini Advanced about ideas for the first part of scene #18 of "The Nanite Smuggler", I wrote a version of the beginning of scene #18 (below, in red):
Scene 18 (only a start… this scene needs to be completed).
Many Sails was now closely approaching Tar’tron and would soon be close enough to teleport non-sedronic matter to the surface of the planet. Inside the sentient spaceship, F. Tyhry, F. Marda, and F. Anthony stood in tense anticipation while looking out the window at the dense field of stars there in the Galactic Core. The view of the swirling Galactic Core had become agonizingly familiar during the past several days of the long voyage. They yearned to be back on solid ground, under a blue sky. The unknown that awaited on Tar'tron.
"Approaching teleportation range," Many Sails announced, her voice oddly soothing despite the jarring implication of imminent bodily deconstruction. "Planetary coordinates confirmed… I’ll place you within easy walking distance of Zeta and Eddy.” A slow minute moved past. “I sense heightened anxiety in you. Relax… all will be fine."
"Just get it over with," grumbled F. Marda, her knuckles white as she gripped the edge of the window. Despite the brave front, her telepathic connection with F. Tyhry revealed a simmering fear; Marda was not at all pleased that her life had been derailed. She had planned a career as a biologist, but all her knowledge of biology was now useless. She wondered if she would ever speak to her mother again.
A surge of energy: teleportation. A dizzying disorientation that felt both endless and instantaneous. And then the scent of alien flora rushed over them on a wind that carried the warmth of twin suns. THe three femtobot replicoids had arrived on Tar’tron.
Using her telepathic link to F. Tyhry, F. Marda and F. Anthony, Many Sails told them, "Teleportation complete. Welcome to Tar'tron." Many Sails added, "I will remain here in the Galactic Core for a few days, but then I must go attend to other tasks."
Tyhry looked at the surface of Tar’tron. Before her was no desolate landscape, but a clearing in a forest with a scattering of buildings and groups of humans who had been brought there by means of the special Reality Viewer on Tar’tron that could generate immortal copies of people. Quickly, dozens of people gathered around Tyhry, Marda and Anthony.
Tyhry noticed that these people were mostly members of the human subspecies from Siteq. Using the Viewer onboard Many Sails, she had watched the immortal copy of Eddy bring hundreds of tryp’At to Tar’tron. The tryp’At were slender, taller, their movements fluid in a way that contrasted with the regular humans who Tyhry had grown up among on Earth. One of the hermaphroditic tryp’At stepped forward, their telepathic mind imprinting a strange feeling of familiarity upon Tyhry’s telepathic senses. The tryp’At all had the appearance of young women, so Tyhry decided to think of them as being female, although she knew they were all hermaphrodites.
"Greetings, Tyhry," the tryp'At said. Formal, yet with a warmth that cut through F. Tyhry's initial unease. "I am Kyryk. Many Sails told me to expect your arrival."
Before Tyhry could fully process the odd telepathic signals she was sensing from the nearby tryp’At, Kyryk gestured towards a nearby building. "Your parents await… they were also warned of your impending arrival by Manny"
Something sparked within F. Tyhry. An instinct, a hint of recognition in the darting whisps of telepathic contact that she was experiencing with the tryp’At. She followed Kyryk into the building and towards the two human figures she knew without truly knowing.
These were the immortal replicoid copies of her parents. Her mother, Zeta, was unmistakable, though the woman before her radiated a youthful vitality that clashed with Tyhry’s memories of her childhood and her biological mother. Yet, it was the swell of Zeta’s belly, a testament to new artificial life blossoming on this alien world, that struck F. Tyhry more profoundly than the youthful appearance of her parents. Using the Viewer onboard Many Sails, Tyhry had seen the fact of Zeta’s pregnancy, but now, in person, Zeta seemed ripe and huge. Tyhry hugged her mother and then Eddy.
Eddy said, “It is wonderful to see you again, Marda.” He shook Anthony’s hand. “Welcome to Tar’tron, old friend.”
Kyryk sensed Tyhry’s disorientation. "Your astonishment is understandable. Your mother's condition, the rapidity of her growth... it is a mystery. Many people on Tar’tron are now pregnant and all of the embryos grow at accelerated rates. I’ve been involved with an effort to understand how such rapid embryonic development is possible.”
F. Tyhry explained to Zeta, “Mother, I’ve been told that your immortal body is composed of zeptite componentes. I suppose Manny programmed the zeptites to accelerate gestation.”
Kyryk is from the far future of the Ekcolir Reality and had lived in Siteq, where tryp'At scientists had a history of many centuries of research into the mysteries of hierions, femtobots and sedrons. As a telepathic tryp’At, Kyryk also had personal experience with using the Sedron Time Stream. However, when F. Tyhry mentioned zeptites, it was the first time that Kyryk had heard that term. Kyryk had a weak telepathic link to Tyhry’s unique mind, but he asked, “What can you tell me about these zeptites?
F. Tyhry quickly explained to Kyryk that zeptites were similar to femtobots, but much smaller. She added, “Femtobots are made from hierions. Zeptites are composed of sedronic matter. Sedrons have much shorter bond lengths between them, allowing zeptites to function as a type of artificial life-form at a scale a million times smaller than what is possible for femtobots.”
Tyhry asked Eddy, “Can you show me the Reality Viewer that is here on Tar'tron? The one that is used to create immortal replicoids.”
Eddy asked, “You are aware of what has been happening here on this world?”
“Yes, father.” Tyhry explained that during her journey to Tar’tron she had been allowed to witness events on Tar’tron. “Many Sails allowed me to watch you using the Reality Viewer to bring people such as Kyryk to this world.”
Eddy told Tyhry, “I’ve turned the task of bringing more people to Tar’tron over to the tryp’At. Your mother and I are preparing schools and other facilities for the children who will soon be born.” He told Anthony, “I can use your help, Anthony. We have much to do. You raised and educated Tyhry back on Earth.” He placed a hand on Zeta’s bulging abdomen, “You will be able to help us educate Zeta’s future children.”
Kyryk told Tyhry, “I’ll take you to see the Reality Viewer.”
Tyhry’s thoughts were focused on her new project: the problem of how to communicate with the original biological Tyhry who was on Earth. F. Tyhry knew that the original biological Tyhry had been able to "hack" the Reality Simulation System on Earth. She had accomplished that by using special "hacking nanites" that Tyhry developed and programmed. Now, on Tar'tron, Tyhry wanted to alter the function of the Reality Viewer, expanding its capabilities so that it could access data that was stored in the Sedron Domain for use by Earth's Reality Simulation System.”
Tyhry again hugged Zeta. Eddy said, I’ll go along to the Viewer. I requested that a copy of an historical figure be brought through from Earth to help us with our plans for an education system.” Eddy told Anthony, “You stay here. Zeta will start sharing with you are plans for a school.”
Marda said, “I’ll stay here, too.”
Eddy and Tyhry then went with Kyryk to visit Reality Viewer. They walked across a meadow towards another building that housed the Reality Viewer. Tyhry asked her father, “Who is the historical figure that you selected?”
“Hypatia, of the ancient Roman Empire.” Eddy was walking hand-in-hand with his daughter. “She was known for her teaching abilities and her passion for sharing knowledge.”
Tyhry began describing her own education. She told Kyryk that Manny the bumpha had taught her to program femtobots. She asked Kyryk, “Are there experts at Siteq who can program femtobots?”
Kyryk replied, “Tyhry, I share your interest in femtobot programming. However, there are no femtobots on Tar’tron, only zeptites… unless…” Kyryk was learning how to telepathically enter into Tyhry’s memories. Now Kyryk saw a promising fact in Tyhry’s thoughts. “You!”
Tyhry nodded, “Yes, my body and those of Marda and Anthony are composed of femtobots.”
Kyryk asked, “But can you reprogram those femtobots or do they have locked functions?”
Tyhry said, “We might be able to find a way to use the programmable femtobots inside me to modify the function of the Reality Viewer. We won’t know until we try. But first, show me the Viewer.”
They entered a building and passed through a large room where a group of people, mostly tyrp’At were lounging and chatting. Kyryk led the way to the room housing the Reality Viewer. Tyhry saw another tall tryp’At who was adjusting the controls of the Viewer. Kyryk said, “Xyron, say hello to Eddy’s daughter, Tyhry.”
Xyron held up a hand and completed his adjustments the the Viewer settings. Now Tyhry could clearly see a young Earth woman being displayed by the Viewer. Xyron now turned his head. He spoke to Eddy, “I’m glad you are here. Do you really want her this young?”
“That’s Hypatia?” Eddy explained, “The younger the better. I want her to be able to relate to young children.”
Xyron suggested, “I could generate many copies, one each year from age twenty through thirty.”
Eddy chuckled, “It is tempting, but I stand by the rule: only make one copy of each person. I don’t want to deal with the possibility of conflicts between multiple copies of the same person.”
Tyhry said, “I’m afraid I soured my father on the idea of multiple copies of a person.”
There in the display of the Viewer, Hypatia was a fiery figure who drew F. Tyhry's eye—a woman with a striking presence. Her robes were brightly colored, not matching Tyhry’s imigination of what should be worn by an ancient scholar. Xyron activated the copy function of the Viewer and then the woman was replicated, the new copy materializing on Tart’ton as an immortal replicoid. Tyhry felt the full force of Hypatia’s eyes, filled with a piercing intelligence that seemed to hint at wisdom accumulated over centuries of time.
Eddy approached and spoke to Hypatia, a touch of awe in her voice. "Hypatia... welcome. You are among the brilliant minds we are bringing to this world to help with an ambitious project."
Hypatia's gaze was locked on the alien features of Xyron, a glow of intense curiosity colored her features. "And who might you be? Your form... It speaks of a strange type of… a form that I do not recognize."
F. Tyhry asked Eddy, “How can she speak English?”
Eddy explained, “It is a feature that Manny built into this replicator. Everyone arrives here on Tar’tron knowing how to speak English.”
Hypatia said, “Manny! Of course. So, she asked you to teleport me off of Earth?”
Eddy asked, “You know Manny the bumpha?”
“She trained me and sent me to Earth as her agent.” Hypatia demanded, “What does Manny want… where is she?”
Tyhry laughed loudly then said, “I suppose we should not be surprised if most of the famous people from history were working as secret agents for Manny!”
I pasted into Gemini Advanced my "backstory" text and all of scenes 1-17 and the beginning of scene #18 (above). Then I had the following chat session with Gemini Advanced:
Gemini Advanced: I love this outline! Scene 18 is shaping up to be a pivotal point where the narrative threads start converging in unexpected ways. Let's dive into the details of F. Tyhry's interaction with the Reality Viewer.
Here's a possible direction, aiming to tie together the elements you've presented:
Scene 18 (Continued)
A Spark and a Whisper: F. Tyhry approaches the Reality Viewer. The console is sleek, black, and unlike anything she's encountered before. As she runs her hands over it, a tremor runs through her. It's almost as if the console hums in recognition. A strange whisper of Kyryk's telepathic voice flickers through her mind: Remember, your femtobots ... they might be the key...
Programming by Instinct: Driven by an intuition rather than logic, F. Tyhry instinctively focuses, reaching out with her femtobot-based senses. To her astonishment, the Viewer seems to respond. She experiences a fleeting vision of circuitry, not the bumpha tech she knows, but something far more intricate – a cascade of sedron structures. Inspired, she begins to mentally 'sketch' onto the Viewer, not with code, but by manipulating these strange patterns.
A Hidden Function Revealed: Eddy and Xyron watch with fascination as a new array of controls appears on the console, shimmering and faintly visible. Kyryk's eyes widen as he telepathically senses the nature of the change. "No, it can't be...she's somehow unlocked it! Perhaps it was always there, a hidden function Manny left?"
Earth in View: Hesitantly, F. Tyhry focuses on Earth, on the place she knows as her father's lab. Suddenly, the Viewer shifts. It's not the past, or potential futures, but the live feed of her biological self, sitting in front of the RSS, an expression of utter concentration on her face. A surge of elation washes over F. Tyhry.
A Telepathic Bridge: F. Tyhry channels all her telepathic potential toward her biological self. It's like pushing against a wall, but a crack slowly forms, a sliver of connection. Across the worlds, the original Tyhry jolts. An unfamiliar presence – her presence – flickers in her mind.
The Implications Dawn: Eddy stares in wonder. Kyryk whispers, "She did it... she's found a way to tap into the Sedron Time Stream data from Earth." Hypatia, intrigued, observes: "This could change everything. With access to knowledge from across reality..."
The nature of Tyhry's connection: Is the telepathic bridge stable? Can she send complex thoughts? This impacts what kind of collaboration is possible.
Kyryk's knowledge: How much does he truly understand about sedrons and the Reality Viewer's potential? His insight will be key.
Hypatia's agenda: She has a history with Manny, and likely her own goals on Tar'tron. How will this new potential factor into her plans?
From here, the scene could lead to frantic collaboration between the Tyhrys, Zeptite smuggling, and exploring the hidden potential of the Reality Viewer. What are your thoughts?
Me: Gemini, what is your reaction to the revelation that Hypatia was on Earth in the Final Reality as a secret agent working for Manny? Do you think it is possible that Hypatia has telepathic abilities?
Gemini Advanced: Hypatia as Manny's agent is a fascinating twist! It raises a lot of intriguing possibilities, especially regarding her potential telepathic abilities. Here's my reaction and some thoughts on where this could lead:
Reframing the Past:
Manny's Influence: This revelation casts a new light on historical events. We knew Manny shaped human history, but to think she's been operating for millennia, influencing key figures... it opens avenues for exploring the grander scope of her plans. Did she choose Hypatia specifically for some grand purpose?
Historical Mysteries: Was Hypatia's brilliance a product of covert nanite modification? Could her murder have been orchestrated by Manny? This could be a way to weave in other historical figures we thought we knew. What did they really know that was hidden?
Telepathic Hypatia?
This is where things get really interesting! Here's why the idea of a telepathic Hypatia is compelling:
Bumpha Training: We know Manny trains her agents. Perhaps this went beyond just knowledge. Did Manny unlock latent telepathy in Hypatia, using nanites or other tools? Would this align with the telepathy developed in Siteq thousands of years later?
Ancient Intuition: We often think of historical figures as separated from the science of the future. But, what if Hypatia possessed a subtle, untrained telepathy? A sense of 'knowing' things without a logical source... that could have guided her choices.
Tar'tron Connection: This explains her fascination with Xyron. She might recognize on some level that tryp'At are telepathic, sensing a kinship in an unfamiliar form. It further adds tension as she learns about the new society.
Narrative Possibilities:
Tyhry's Mentor: Could Hypatia become an unexpected mentor figure for F. Tyhry? Her ancient wisdom tempered by the experience of being on the wrong side of history would be a unique dynamic.
Conflict Potential: But, what if Hypatia, seeing the Viewer's potential, is driven by ambition, to reshape Tar'tron according to her own vision? This could lead to a clash between her and the telepathic society taking shape.
Sedron Transcendence: If Hypatia has telepathy, it could become a crucial tool for unlocking the mysteries of Sedron Domain access. Her 'outsider' knowledge, combined with the tryp'At insights and Tyhry's innovation, could be what makes it possible.
Overall, I love the twist of Hypatia's past! It adds complexity to her character, opens doors for historical re-examination, and sets up potentially fascinating conflicts and cooperation on Tar'tron.
Let me know what other directions you see going forward!
Me: Gemini, allow me to explain why it is likely that Hypatia, as an agent for Manny on Earth, would have telepathic abilities. Siteq existed in the far future of the Ekcolir Reality. There was functioning time travel in the Ekcolir Reality. Telepaths from the far future of the Ekcolir Reality were sent into the past by Manny. Also, ever since the First Reality, the Eternity space-time bubble has existed in the Hierion Domain. This is the "Eternity" time travel system as described in Isaac Asimov's novel, "The End of Eternity". Telepathic tryp'At from Siteq in the Ekcolir Reality were taken into Eternity and they were protected from the Reality Change that created the Final Reality. In approximately the year 1980 of the Final Reality, the Huaoshy altered the Dimensional structure of the universe, making further time travel impossible. However, Manny was able to use telepathic tryp'At from the Ekcolir Reality as her tools in the Final Reality. Hypatia was like Eddy, her unique tryp'At anatomical features were hidden by Manny's use of developmental control nanites to shape the developing Hypatia embryo into a body form like that of a regular Earth human. Manny wanted her agents on Earth to have telepathic abilities that would help them accomplish their missions on Earth.
Gemini Advanced: Absolutely! That context solidifies the likelihood of Hypatia having telepathic abilities, and adds some amazing layers to the story. Here's why this revelation makes even more sense, and how it could play out:
The Time Travel Connection:
Telepathy as a Tool: Your explanation of time travel and Eternity puts telepathy in a whole new light. For Manny, it wouldn't be just a cool ability, but a strategic advantage when operating across timelines and realities. She'd want her human agents to have this ability, for communication, influence, and gathering information undetectably.
Siteq Legacy: The tryp'At from Siteq bring a developed form of telepathy to the table. This implies that Manny has likely been experimenting with telepathic manipulation and enhancement for ages. Hypatia could be an early iteration of that work.
Hidden Potential: Even if Hypatia's telepathy in the Final Reality is suppressed, perhaps by developmental nanites, there's likely a residual ability. On Tar'tron, away from those nanites, and interacting with the tryp'At, it could start to reawaken.
Manny's Methods:
Precision and Control: We know Manny is manipulative. Giving Hypatia powerful, controllable telepathy fits her style. This way she could monitor Hypatia's thoughts, steer her choices, and limit risk of betrayal.
The Tryp'At Connection: Using the tryp'At template for her agents suggests Manny saw their telepathy as a key advantage. This strengthens the idea that she'd try to replicate it in her 'human' agents as well.
The "Disguise": Hiding Hypatia's tryp'At nature is smart on Manny's part. Having agents blend in increases their effectiveness, especially in a time period where any hint of the 'alien' would be disastrous.
Narrative Implications:
The Reveal: How and when Hypatia's potential telepathy is revealed is crucial. A dramatic 'awakening' moment on Tar'tron could be a game-changer, revealing Manny's even greater influence
Internal Conflict: Imagine Hypatia struggling with repressed memories, the sense of something 'missing'. As her telepathy emerges, so do glimpses of what Manny did to her, leading to a crisis of loyalty.
A New Weapon: Whether through rediscovery of old abilities or further development, telepathy gives Hypatia a new edge on Tar'tron. It adds an intriguing dynamic to her role in the society being built there.
This is a fantastic foundation to build on! It makes Hypatia even more fascinating, and creates delicious possibilities for tension, betrayal, and unexpected alliances.
Me: Gemini, please describe the use of a "synapex" connection as described in "The Nanite Smuggler".
Gemini Advanced: Absolutely! Here's a detailed description of the "synapex" connection as depicted in "The Nanite Smuggler", along with its significance and some additional possibilities:
What is a Synapex?
Direct Neural Interface: In essence, a synapex is a direct link between two minds, bypassing traditional senses. It involves a fine-tuned use of nanites or specialized technology that interfaces with neurons, allowing for the exchange of thoughts, memories, and even emotions.
Range of Potential: The intensity of this connection can vary. It can range from simple telepathic impressions to a near-complete sharing of mental experiences. This opens exciting avenues for both collaboration and potential conflict.
Origin: While the exact origin of synapex technology isn't entirely clear, we can assume it's likely a development within either the Ekcolir or Asimov Reality, given what we know about the technological sophistication of those settings.
Applications in "The Nanite Smuggler"
Collaborative Learning: This is the primary use we see in the story. Tyhry, Marda, and Anthony form a collective intelligence of sorts using the synapex. This allows them to share knowledge and skills rapidly, accelerating their understanding of nanite programming and problem-solving.
Mentorship: We might see a form of mentorship occur through synapex. For instance, the older Tyhry, who possesses more experience and knowledge, could potentially use it to guide the younger duplicates, sharing her expertise more directly than with words alone.
Communication: At its most basic level, a synapex offers a potent telepathic communication channel. This could be invaluable in situations where secrecy is essential or when traditional spoken language is impossible.
Potential Complications:
Mental Firewall: Individuals would likely need to develop mental 'shields' to retain privacy of thought. Otherwise, living with a synapex could be a very overwhelming experience, with thoughts constantly intruding into one's consciousness.
Dominance and Manipulation: A sufficiently powerful mind could potentially use the synapex to overwhelm the thoughts of another, opening the door for coercion and mental manipulation. This could become a plot point if villains in the story gain similar technology.
Over-reliance: Heavy use of synapex may lead to a blurring of individual identity. If multiple minds are frequently intertwined, characters might struggle to maintain a sense of self and their unique thoughts.
Overall Impact
The synapex is a powerful technology that significantly changes the dynamics of interaction and collaboration in "The Nanite Smuggler". It allows for a level of coordination and shared problem-solving that would otherwise be impossible, especially in situations where characters are separated. Additionally, it adds layers of psychological and ethical considerations, making the story richer overall.
Let me know if you have any specific scenarios in mind you'd like explored regarding how synapex connections might be employed!
Me: Gemini, you wrote:
"F. Tyhry approaches the Reality Viewer. The console is sleek, black, and unlike anything she's encountered before. As she runs her hands over it, a tremor runs through her. It's almost as if the console hums in recognition."
Gemini, let us assume that the Reality Viewer on Tar'tron is designed to have a search function guided by the thoughts of a user. When needed, the Reality Viewer can form a synapex link to a user in order to be able to access the thoughts of the user. We could depict the Reality Viewer as being controlled by the mind of an artificial life-form and being able to have a conversation with Tyhry. Tyhry could bring up a View of her old home on Earth and she could say, "I wish I could contact the original biological Tyhry." The Reality Viewer artificial life-form could then say something like, "For two-way communications, your copy would need to telepathically link into a View terminal on Earth." Maybe the Sedron Time Stream could be used to send a message to the original biological copy of Tyhry, informing her how to modify the RSS console in her laboratory so as to function as a communications terminal that can link to the Reality Viewer on Tar'tron.
Gemini Advanced: I love this idea! It adds a fascinating new dimension to the interaction between F. Tyhry and the Reality Viewer, while also opening avenues for the plot progression you envision. Here's how this scene could play out:
Scene 18 (Continued)
The Console Responds: As F. Tyhry focuses on the image of her biological self, the hum beneath her hand intensifies. It isn't a mechanical vibration, but a resonance that feels strangely alive. A voice whispers in her mind, not words, but a gentle inquisitive presence – the sentience of the Viewer itself.
A Wish Fulfilled?: Startled, F. Tyhry stammers, "I wish I could contact the original Tyhry..." The Viewer's presence shifts. Perhaps a fleeting flicker of images flash on the display – Earth, her father's lab, the RSS console. Then, in that mental voice: Two-way communication... link to a View terminal... your biological counterpart...
The Pieces Fall in Place: Kyryk, his tryp'At mind attuned to F. Tyhry's telepathic emanations, gasps. "No, it can't be... the Sedron Time Stream! Is it possible, can the Viewer use... " Hypatia steps closer, drawn by the excitement. "Show us, girl. What do you see?"
A Plan Forms: With trembling hands, F. Tyhry guides the Viewer further. The image of the RSS console clarifies. She visualizes the alterations, the femtobot manipulation she dared not attempt before. The Viewer seems to anticipate, offering a ghost overlay, confirming the changes. The Viewer's "voice" interjects: Modification... pattern exchange... I will guide your counterpart...
Hope and Uncertainty: The excitement is tempered with a dose of reality. "How? Across worlds... is it possible?" Eddy, practical as always, asks, "Do you trust this... entity?" Hypatia interjects, "Trust is irrelevant. It offers a chance, one we never dreamed possible. Risk must be taken."
The Viewer's Nature: Is it a simple AI tool, or something more? Could it have motives beyond facilitating the telepathic link? This adds a layer of mystery, and possibly risk, to the story.
Earth-side Implications: The changes Tyhry must perform on Earth are critical. How will the original Tyhry receive the 'instructions'? Is it safe? This creates parallel suspense.
Tyhyr's Reaction: How will the biological Tyhry react to this? The sudden possibility of contact with her replicoid self will be a huge emotional shift for her.
This development adds a fantastic new element to the narrative! It ties together the Earth plotline seamlessly, provides a unique spin on communication across worlds, and raises intriguing questions about this advanced Viewer technology.
What do you think happens next?
Me: Gemini, you wrote:
"How will the biological Tyhry react to this? The sudden possibility of contact with her replicoid self will be a huge emotional shift for her."
Gemini, let us discuss the following science fiction thought experiment that I have not been able to solve: imagine a hypothetical situation where there are two copies of a person. For example, consider 1) the original biological copy of Tyhry and 2) one of her replicoid copies. These two copies of Tyhry have the same brain structure and they share a strong telepathic connection. What would happen if these two copies of Tyhry had a disagreement? While this dispute is in progress, imagine that both copies of Tyhry strongly believes that they are correct and the other copy is wrong. Here is a specific example of such a dispute: something dangerous must be done. Each copy of Tyhry feels that they must play a leadership role and volunteer for the dangerous activity. How would these two copies of Tyhry resolve their dispute?
Gemini, how do you think such a dispute between copies of Tyhry might be resolved?
Gemini Advanced: That's a fantastic thought experiment, and it cuts to the core of the complexities that emerge with replicoids and telepathy. Here's a breakdown of the issue, some potential ways it might play out, and the narrative questions this raises:
The Root of the Disagreement:
Philosophical Differences: Even with the same memories and core personality, replicoids develop distinct perspectives based on their unique experiences. This could lead to deeply held differences of opinion, especially on ethics and courses of action.
Incomplete Synchronization: While telepathy offers a high level of shared information, it might not be a perfect one-to-one transfer. There could be nuances of experience, emotional context, or interpretations within each Tyhry that lead to a fundamental disagreement.
Sense of Self: Each Tyhry, regardless of any logical understanding of being a copy, is likely to have a powerful sense of self-preservation and agency. This instinct, coupled with the conviction of being right, can lead to stubbornness and a refusal to back down.
Resolving the Conflict:
Here are some potential scenarios, each with its own consequences:
Compromise and Collaboration: This is the ideal outcome. They would recognize the value in each other's perspectives and find a solution merging their ideas, perhaps one that completely surpasses their initial plans. This would require serious mental flexibility and trust.
Dominance and Submission: One Tyhry, through force of personality or a slightly stronger argument, essentially overpowers the other telepathically. The "losing" Tyhry grudgingly accepts, leaving lingering doubt and resentment.
Stalemate and Split: If neither concedes, a deadlock ensues. They might temporarily avoid the issue, or, in extreme cases, their shared identity could fracture further, each becoming fiercely independent.
External Input: A third party – Eddy, Marda, Anthony - could provide perspective, acting as a mediator. However, this risks the copies feeling like their autonomy and bond are being undermined, fueling further problems.
The 'Flip of a Coin': A seemingly random choice mechanism could be employed – a mental roll of the dice. This acknowledges their equal claim to action but could leave the "losing" Tyhry with a sense of injustice.
Consequences for the Story:
Character Development: How they handle this reveals depths of their personalities. Does one always dominate? Does compromise come naturally? This adds realistic complexity beyond the sci-fi concept of copies.
Plot Progression: It impacts the dangerous mission itself. Does combined expertise lead to better success? Or, do lingering tensions sabotage it?
Internal Struggle: Even if resolved, this kind of conflict could trigger existential crises within the Tyhrys. Am I the 'real' one? Can I ever truly be my own person?
Additional Thoughts:
The severity of the dispute matters: Are we talking about a minor disagreement over nanite programming, or is the survival of Earth at stake? The urgency will influence their approach.
The level of telepathic connection: With a strong synapex, they might experience each other's emotions as their own. This further complicates the issue with empathy and confusion.
This is a rich scenario for exploration! It goes beyond sci-fi "what-ifs" and into the heart of what makes us individual and how we reconcile conflict even within ourselves.
Me: Gemini, imagine that your scenario #3 has occurred....
Stalemate and Split: If neither concedes, a deadlock ensues. They might temporarily avoid the issue, or, in extreme cases, their shared identity could fracture further, each becoming fiercely independent.
Gemini Advanced: That's a fascinating and dramatic turn of events! Scenario #3, where the dispute between the two Tyhrys leads to a breakdown of their unified identity, has far-reaching implications for the overall story. Here's a breakdown of the possibilities and potential consequences:
The Split:
Nature of the Fracture: How deep is the split? Does it manifest as a temporary estrangement, their telepathic bond significantly weakened, or is it a more profound division where their identities truly begin to diverge? The severity determines how they function afterward.
Lingering Connection: Even with a fracture, a residue of their connection may remain. It could be a flickering of shared thoughts, an echo of the other's emotions, or simply the knowledge of the other's continued existence. This could be a source of both confusion and potential reconciliation.
Triggers: What caused this split? If it was a single incident, future situations echoing that tension could threaten to reopen the rift. This adds ongoing tension and vulnerability for the characters.
Identity Crisis:
Questioning Existence: Both Tyhrys may experience a serious existential crisis. Which one is the 'real' Tyhry? Am I just an echo? Should my existence be forfeit for the sake of the other? This could lead to depression, reckless behavior, or a search for some kind of external validation.
Divergent Paths: The split might result in noticeable personality shifts, accelerated by a desire for differentiation. One Tyhry might become more cautious, the other more impulsive. Their choices in the plot will reflect this growing divide.
Seeking Individuality: They may actively seek out unique experiences to solidify their sense of self. This could be risky, leading to selfish acts or placing allies in danger as they prioritize their own needs over the group.
Plot Impacts:
Loss of Synergy: Their combined intellect and problem-solving were a huge asset. With a split, this brilliance is divided. Rash decisions, errors in judgment, and the breakdown of trust may jeopardize their plans or the safety of others.
Vulnerability: This discord makes them more vulnerable to outside manipulation. Manny, or an opposing force, might swoop in to exploit this, sowing further division between the Tyhrys or even turning them against each other.
The Hope of Reconciliation: The emotional core of the story could revolve around the question of whether they can heal the fracture. A desperate situation, an outside perspective, or a profound act of selflessness might be the catalyst to restore their bond.
Narrative Potential:
This conflict opens up a wealth of exciting directions:
Internal vs. External Conflict: Their biggest challenge no longer comes from an outside threat, but from within. Will they overcome their own fracturing before facing their true adversaries?
The Fight for Individuality: Exploring themes of identity, free will, and what makes us unique takes center stage. The struggle for a copy striving to be more than just a copy.
Questions of Trust: Will allies like Eddy, or even the Tryp'At on Tar'tron, be able to deal with two Tyhrys who disagree? Whose side will they take in an argument?
Overall, this scenario adds a layer of tragic heroism to the story. It tests the limits of telepathic connection and forces the characters to confront the consequences of replicoid existence.
Let me know where you'd like to take this thread next! Should we explore one Tyhry's desperate search for meaning, or the growing distrust within their own alliance?
Me: Gemini, you wrote:
"Which one is the 'real' Tyhry?"
Imagine that the the original biological copy of Tyhry feels strongly that she is the "real" Tyhry. She made the replicoid copy of herself, expecting that copy to serve as an assistant. However, the "assistant" now claims that she is the logical choice to perform a risky mission, because she is "only a replicoid" and can be sacrificed. The original biological copy of Tyhry feels that she cannot ethically ask her copy to do something dangerous and it his her duty to take the risk.
Gemini, how might this dispute be resolved? In particular, might one of the two copies of Tyhry try to "trick" the other copy somehow? For example, might the original copy of Tyhry ask the replicoid copy to perform some other task as a distraction. While the replicoid copy is busy with the other task, then the original biological copy would complete the risky mission. With a strong telepathic connection between the minds of the two copies of Tyhry, would it be possible for one copy to "trick" or deceive the other copy?
Gemini Advanced: This dilemma adds even more tension and complexity to the split between the Tyhrys! Here's a look at how this dispute might play out, the potential for trickery, and the ethical questions this raises:
The Ethical Standoff:
Deeply Held Beliefs: Each Tyhry's conviction about who should bear the risk comes from a place of self-preservation and a warped sense of duty. The biological Tyhry sees her creation as expendable, whereas the replicoid is driven by a desire to prove her worth, even at the cost of her 'life'.
The Flawed Logic: Both arguments are logically flawed. The biological Tyhry underestimates the value of a life, even a created one. The replicoid overestimates her disposability, failing to recognize that her experiences hold the same weight as her 'creator's'.
Telepathic Deception?: With a strong telepathic bond, 'tricking' one another would be difficult. Pure deception regarding thoughts is unlikely, especially with such emotional stakes.
"Trickery" as Strategy:
While outright deception may be hard, forms of strategic influence are plausible:
Emotional Manipulation: One Tyhry could play on the other's sense of guilt or self-sacrifice. Pushing the right mental 'buttons' might create hesitation or a fleeting moment of weakness.
Distraction and Timing: As you suggested, a diversionary task is viable. This relies less on deceiving the other, and more on exploiting a moment of inattention to act quickly.
Feigned Compromise: Pretending to concede, only to seize the opportunity when the other's 'guard' is down. This would be a risky move, further damaging trust.
Ethical Implications:
The Cost of Manipulation: Even if 'successful', trickery comes with a cost. It would erode an already fragile bond between the Tyhrys, and likely haunt the one guilty of such underhanded tactics.
Question of Rights: Does the biological Tyhry, by virtue of being the original, have the right to manipulate her copy, even for 'good' reasons? This raises questions about replicoid rights and autonomy.
The Greater Risk: Their focus on this internal conflict might be what truly jeopardizes the mission. The real 'trick' could be an external force taking advantage of their disunity and striking while they're distracted.
Potential Outcomes:
Temporary Success, Lasting Consequences: One Tyhry might prevail through trickery, but the victory would be hollow. Resentment and distrust are likely to fester.
A Third Way?: The ideal ending would be a breakthrough moment where BOTH recognize the flaws in their positions. A collaboration born from necessity, respecting each other's skills and their right to exist.
Tragedy and Sacrifice: A darker ending might see one Tyhry succeed through manipulation, only for the 'winning' Tyhry to tragically be the one who perishes, highlighting the senselessness of their argument.
This scenario highlights the danger of even well-intentioned actions when the issue of replicoid personhood is unresolved. It's fertile ground for moral ambiguity and character complexity.
Where would you like to take this? Do you see one Tyhry resorting to manipulation, or will an external threat force them to find a better path?
At this point, I re-wrote the end of scene #17, creating the new version shown below (in red)...
The Tyhry replicoid sat down at the control console of the Reality Simulation System and said, "The time had come! We must now decide. What should we use as the test subject for this function test?" The two copies of Tyhry were telepathically linked to each-other and to Marda. They now continued an argument they had been having for the past few days. Marda thought a lab mouse should be used for the experiment. The two Tyhry's were insisting that a human being must be the test subject. Now the biological copy of Tyhry cut short the discussion and said, "I've decided. I'm going to make another copy of myself and use that copy as the test subject."
The Tyhry replicoid said, "No! We should make a new copy of me. I've been doing most of the work on these zeptites while you have been spending most of your time in the First Reality with your parent."
The biological copy of Tyhry needed to exert her authority. She got out of her chair and began to tickle the replicoid copy of herself. Soon the two girls were tumbling around on the floor, tickling each-other and slipping in various foul blows and pinches delivered to delicate anatomical structures. One of the rules in these increasingly frequent fights between the two Tyhrys was that each pinch had to be followed by a sweet kiss.
Watching the playful antics of the two Tyhry copies, Marda said, "Why don't you two get a room."
Now, the two Tyhry copies shared a long passionate kiss on the lips. When the kiss ended, the biological copy of Tyhry told Marda and Anthony, “I need your assistance to help resolve our dispute.”
Anthony observed, “These kinds of disputes between you two seem to be getting worse and more frequent.”
Marda complained, “Why can’t you two compromise? You can make a replicoid copy of me to use in this experiment.”
“That’s no compromise!” The replicoid copy of Tyhry said, “Marda, it is nice of you to offer to be the test subject, but the person who performs this test should be the one who knows the most about zeptites. That is me!”
The original biological copy of Tyhry said, “I we need some more time to think about this.” She looked at her watch. “My parents want me to go into town for shopping and dinner.” She looked at her replicoid copy and said, “Please go to the First Reality and spend the rest of the day with Eddy and Zeta. I’ll stay here and think about the best way to perform this functional test of the zeptites.”
The replicoid copy of Tyhry complained, “I can see what you are thinking. As soon as I depart, you will make a new copy of yourself and use that copy in the function test.”
The original biological copy of Tyhry kissed the tip of the nose of the other Tyhry and said, “Yes, that idea occurred to me, but Marda and Anthony will restrain me and make me wait until you return. Then we will decide the matter at that time.”
The replicoid of Tyhry said, “I’ll do as you ask, but I don’t trust you.” She told Anthony and Marda, “Don’t let her perform the function test until I return!” She telepathically told the original biological copy of Tyhry: I still don’t trust you. However, she popped herself out of the Simulation.
The original biological copy of Tyhry immediately went and sat in front of the control console. Using the RSS controls, she caused a new copy of herself to be generated inside the nanite containment field.
Marda said, “I can’t believe that you just lied to yourself.”
The original biological copy of Tyhry laughed and said, “This will teach my replicoid copy who is boss.”
Anthony muttered, “Nothing good can come from this.”
The original biological copy of Tyhry pushed her fingers into her golden mane of hair. She pulled out a small device. “Marda, do you remember the story that your with wrote, the one about hierion probes and how to use a probe to disrupt telepathic links between people?”
Marda asked, “You mean her story called ‘Foundation Reality Simulator’?”
that is the one. I think it was published back in 2020, the year we
were born.”
Marda approached Tyhry and looked at the small device in Tyry’s hand. “You built a hierion probe?”
Tyhry explained, “This probe is modified Fru’wu technology, a low power version of the Fru'wu-designed equipment that is already being used here in the Ekcolir Reality to transmit energy to Earth from solar collectors in outer space.”
Anthony asked, “You used that probe to block your telepathic connection to the Tyhry replicoid?”
Tyhry nodded, “I did not completely block our shared telepathic connection, however, remember the biological nature of mind clones. My telepathic link to both Marda and my replicoid copy is possible because we have very similar structures in one of our two cerebral hemispheres. By using the hierion probe, I turned myself into a split brain… I kept my plans to deceive my replicoid copy in one half of my brain where it was telepathically inaccessible to my copy, and to you, Marda.”
Marda shook her head. “I can’t believe that you intentionally lied to us.”
Inside the nanite containment field, the newly-created copy of Tyhry had telepathically linked to the original biological copy of Tyhry and to Marda and then she had picked up the zeptite containment vial and then opened it. Using a syringe, she had sucked out the contents of the vial and injected the zeptites into her mouth.
Just then, Anthony had completed his check of the tissue structure. He turned off the microscope and said, "The tissues of the re-assembled finger look normal."
The original biological copy of Tyhry was closely monitoring the telepathic signals coming from the newly created replicoid inside the containment field. She asked the replicoid, "You feel nothing unusual?"
The new replicoid said, "Only envy that you managed to trick that other replicoid." She giggled, enjoying her telepathic view into Marda’s mind and Marda’s reaction to the devious behavior of Tyhry.
Marda said to Tyhry, "I still don't understand how you can hope to program these zeptites. They are apparently inactive, and you have no way of re-programming them. We can barely detect them."
The biological copy of Tyhry loved a challenge. Her thoughts kept returning to the possibility that she could simply ask Manny to teach her zeptite programming. Manny had spent years explaining the secrets of femtobot programming, why not do the same for zeptites? But the mere fact that Tyhry had not been visited by Manny since obtaining the zeptites told Tyhry that she needed to figure this out by herself.
Often the true value of Gemini Advanced as a collaborator is from situations during a chat session when something that Gemini says causes me to think more deeply about the fine details of "The Nanite Smuggler". There had been a part of the original draft of scene #17 that I was not comfortable with, but the new version (above) is much better; introducing the idea of a hierion probe.
Here is my reason for making that change to the end of scene #17... the original biological copy of Tyhry believes that she will soon learn how to program the zeptites. That belief is based on information that Tyhry received from the future by way of the Sedron Time Stream. In my imagination, the original biological copy of Tyhry has been secretly using her hierion probe since 2038 as a way to keep secrets from Marda and replicoid copies of Tyhry. Tyhry now plans to experiment with the zeptites. She wants to know if she can use zeptites to reversibly inactivate a replicoid.
Manny made some zeptites available to Tyhry as part of Manny's on-going effort to train Tyhry in nanite programming. Manny expects Tyhry to try to learn how to control the zeptites. Remember the ultimate destination for "The Nanite Smuggler: the original biological Tyhry then smuggles programmable zeptites to F. Tyhry on Tar'tron. Those zeptites are a key to activating an additional feature of the Reality Viewer on Tar'tron, allowing the immortal replicoids of the developing society on Tar'tron to enter into a simulation of the Sedron Domain, thus simulating human transcendence into the Sedron Domain.
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Gemini art. |
Me: Gemini, generate an image that shows two copies of Tyhry close to the control console of the Reality Simulation System.
The resulting image is shown to the right. When asked about the image and my belief that Tyhry is a young woman, Gemini said, "We are working to improve Gemini’s ability to generate images of people. We expect this feature to return soon and will notify you in release updates when it does."
Next: Collaborating with Gemini Advanced to create summaries of scenes 1-17 of "The Nanite Smuggler".
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