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August 2015 |
Short of that, I've been imagining that it might be fun to depict a 360 degree view of Grean's workshop. I imagine that "her" workshop would have equipment for 1) Viewing Realities, 2) teleportation and 3) traveling through time.
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Women in Black. A 360 degree view of Grean's workshop, inside the Hierion Domain. Far left: Grean in the role of Zal, sent back into the PAST, to the year 1895. In the teleportation chamber: Grean's special agent, Wendy, being sent on a special mission to the distant planet that was known as "Smade's Planet" in the Asimov Reality. Center, back to the camera: Grean in the year 1972, close to the point in Time when the Huaoshy put an end to all further time travel. Far right: Grean in the FUTURE, in the year 1981, with a copy of Star King. |
Grean is not human. As a Kac'hin, Grean has some physical features that are not commonly found among we humans here on Earth. Upon casual observation, Grean appears to be a woman with large eyes, elf-like ears and pointy teeth, but "she" is a Kac'hin hermaphrodite.
Shown above is a first draft of a new banner for the wikifiction blog. I would like to make a few modifications of this image before placing at the top of every webpage in this blog. I might add a floating holographic display screen close to the center of the image with a larger view of the cover of Vance's novel, Star King. The book cover in the current draft of the banner is too small to see the title. 😞
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Wendy investigates the fate of Pallis Atwrode |
1. (11,000 words) Reality Simulation
2. (3,500 words) Inspector Wishwell
3. (5,000 words) The Melnoy Heights
4. (7,000 words) Thumbnail Gulch
5. (5,000 words) Malagate the Woe
6. (10,000 words) Power of the Dryads
7. (5,000 words) The Maunish Mystery
Note: the following story is fan-fiction. You should read Star King by Jack Vance before trying to read about Wendy's adventures in the Asimov Reality.
Reality Simulation
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Inside Grean's workshop. Wendy Viewing the future. |
Wendy asked, "Would you really mind a bit of Moon dust drifting around your workshop?" She activated the cleaning routine of her nanites and watched the Moon dust fall off of her legs and feet. While walking on the moon, she had used a special nanite-generated foot prosthesis so that her foot prints would precisely match those that had been left behind by Harrison Schmitt. Wendy now deactivated that special mission-specific nanite program and the shape of her feet returned to normal.
Grean impatiently activated the shower feature in the chamber. A deluge of water fell onto Wendy and was sucked out of the bottom vents of the teleportation chamber. After a minute, the flow of water stopped and the door of the chamber popped open. Wendy stepped out of the chamber, her nanites still working to dry her off.
Grean said, "Moon dust isn't bad, but I sometimes have to deal with microbes from exoplanets, so I routinely follow a strict decontamination protocol."
Wendy walked a few steps over to where Grean stood beside her Omniviewer. She looked into the scene being generated by the Viewer and saw deep space with a bright blue planet drifting off to one side. Wendy reactivated her respiration subroutine and took several deep breaths. While on the Moon, she had not bothered breathing. "What world is that?"
Grean nodded towards the blue planet, "This is a planet from a past Reality. It is a world that only existed in that particular Reality. It was called 'Smade's Planet' by the people who made it their home.
Wendy was familiar with the fact that Grean could View possible future Realities, but she was startled by the idea that Grean could also observe past Realities. Wendy asked, "We are looking at a recording from a past Reality?"
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Reality simulation |
Wendy asked, "Why am I only now hearing about this technology for simulating Realities?"
Grean placed a hand on Wendy's shoulder, "Take no offense, my dear. You are a valued field agent, but when you were first deployed, you were at risk of being captured and interrogated by the positronic robots of Earth. During your training, you were only told about technologies that you would be making use of during your missions on Earth. There was no need to tell you about Reality Simulation technology and so you were told nothing about it."
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hierions and sedrons |
Analysis of the cosmic ray detector chip following its retrieval from the Moon would lead to the discovery by Earthly scientists of a high-mass hierion. That discovery would set off a chain of events leading to the premature development of hierion physics on Earth and a severe disruption of Earth's future.
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Earth's Reality Chain |
Wendy mused, "Amazing that the chance detection of a single cosmic ray could disrupt all future human cultural development on Earth."
Green nodded. "This can be viewed as a great example of the butterfly effect. A billion years ago, a hierion particle near a black hole decayed into a set of high energy protons, one of which happened to hit a detector. As your mission to the Moon showed, simply moving the detector's position a few inches to the side averted the crisis, allowing the human species to avoid stumbling into a technological catastrophe."
Wendy said, "I don't understand how you were able to solve the problem of Humanity's extinction so easily."
"You need not worry about that. I have access to a vast quantum computational capacity that exists within the Sedronic Domain. With access to that advanced Huaoshy technology, it was simple to plan your mission to the Moon and avert the hierion physics crisis."
Wendy suggested, "You could have carried out this mission yourself."
Grean shook her head. "It was much easier for you. Since I am biological, I would have had to wear a spacesuit while on the Moon. Further, it would have been nearly impossible for me to leave behind foot prints that would be mistakenly assumed to be those of Schmitt. However, since you are an artificial life form, you easily survived on the Moon without a spacesuit and your nanite foot prosthetic successfully simulated Schmitt's distinctive footfalls. You were the perfect choice to carry out this Reality Change."
Wendy turned her attention back to Smade's Planet. "And since I have proven myself to be such a great astronaut, now you want to send me to this planet? I was only trained for missions on Earth." She pointed towards the image of the blue water world being displayed by the Omniviewer and told Grean, "It looks like you would not need a spacesuit on this planet. Maybe a swimsuit. Is there no land?"
Grean explained, "Smade's Planet is Earth-like, but there is a deep ocean and little land. When you visit Smade's Tavern, you can pretend that you are on Earth."
Wendy asked, "Smade's Tavern?"
"Smade's Tavern is the only building on Smade's Planet. There is only one small landmass on the planet that might be called a continent... most of Smade's Planet is covered by its ocean." Grean made an adjustment to the Omniviewer. Smade's Planet turned half a rotation and now a small land mass could be seen, right on the equator.
Looking at the star field, Wendy observed, "Smade's Planet is not in the Galactic Core."
"No, it was out here in the periphery, not too far from Earth. In the Asimov Reality, it was reached not too many centuries after humans begin traveling to the stars."
Wendy asked, "Why do you want me to visit this planet?"
"There is a part of the history of Smade's Planet that is not understood. I want you to observe what happens when a man named Lugo Teehalt visits Smade's Planet. You will then return here and report your observations. It is a simple mission."
Wendy had grown accustomed to missions on Earth during which she made changes to the course of historical events. It was often her job to trigger a Reality Change. "You want me to simply observe, and not change anything?"
"Don't even worry that you might change something. Remember, I am sending you into a simulation of this past Reality."
Wendy asked, "Why is Lugo Teehalt so important?"
"During the time when you will visit Smade's Planet, Lugo Teehalt is the only human who knows the location of a newly-discovered Earth-like planet. Most importantly, that knowledge must not fall into the hands of an alien creature named Malagate." Grean used the Omniviewer to show Wendy an image of Malagate. In this image, the alien's skin was artificially shaded to a dark black by the cosmetic use of skin-toner that was popular in that era.
Grean continued, "But do not worry about those details. Simply find out where Mr. Teehalt lands his spaceship when he visits Smade's Tavern. That is the puzzle."
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"I don't know. It is possible that he was simply clever about hiding his space ship. Maybe he sank it into the ocean? Find out. I will be tracking your actions while you are inside the simulation and I will pull you out after you have completed your mission."
"Exactly where will I be during this mission? Physically speaking."
"You will be in a special compartment of the Hierion Domain."
"Isn't this workshop in the Hierion Domain?"
"Yes, but trust me. My workshop is no simulation. You will notice that your perceptions are abnormal during the time that you spend in the Reality simulation. On Smade's Planet, there was only low-resolution data capture. You may notice that sometimes there are 'blank spots' within the simulation. If that happens, ignore it. I suggest that you stay close to Smade's wife, a woman named Úna Nybröm. She may have helped Teehalt avoid revealing the location of the newly discovered world to Malagate." Grean shifted the Viewer in order to show Wendy an image of Úna. "That's Úna."
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Úna and Wendy at a Smade family meal, served outdoors by the Smade Ocean. |
Grean nodded. "I first sent you into the AR Simulation two years ago. I had to erase your memories of that previous visit to Smade's Tavern."
"Why, did something go wrong?"
"If you must know, Úna killed you."
"I can die while inside the simulation?"
"In a sense. Such a death is also a simulation."
"Why did she kill me?"
"Somehow she suspected you of being a spy. I believe I have now found a solution to that sort of problem. On this trip to Smade's Planet, you will have a form of telepathic communication linking you to Úna's mind. You should be able to convince her that you pose no danger to her and that you are only visiting the Tavern in an attempt to gather information. You can tell her about your mission if you need to do so."
"Úna won't freak out if she is told that she is inside a simulation?"
"I think not. Most humans, when told that they are living as a simulated person, simply laugh-off the suggestion."
"Why not provide me with a cover story? A mundane reason for being at the Tavern. That would be safer than telling Úna the truth about my mission."
"No. Let's try it my way... a bit of mystery is good when dealing with humans. Anyhow, your nominal 'cover story' is that you are a locater, an explorer of the galaxy, stopping by at Smade's Tavern for a bit of rest and recreation. You don't need a more sophisticated cover story."
"Whatever you say. You are the boss."
"If something goes wrong, we can always restart the simulation and try again."
As an artificial life form, Wendy had been carefully programmed so as to have a strong instinct for personal survival. She muttered quietly, "I'd rather not die needlessly."
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Smade at the Tavern in the year 1497 of the Space Age in the Asimov Reality. |
Wendy suggested, "Maybe the pek and their Overseers were not active in this Reality, allowing humans to develop space travel and spread outward from Earth to the stars."
Grean nodded slowly. "I allowed a shift in the balance of power in the Asimov Reality. Under the terms of the Trysta Truce, the ancient struggle between Interventionists and Overseers was relaxed. Humans were given the secret to interstellar space travel and the human populations on distant planets were used for genetic experimentation. I went 'on vacation' during that Reality myself, spending some of my time on Tar'tron. I allowed the positronic robots of Earth to perform their human genetics experiments."
Wendy said, "I never learned much about the Asimov Reality when I was doing my training, but it always seemed like an interesting Reality... creating a kind of 'wild West' setting for human space travel."
"Yes, and you are going into that frontier: the Beyond. At the time of your visit, Smade's Planet is still in the Beyond and has not yet come to be within the safe confines of the expanding human interstellar civilization. There was a police force, the IPCC and its special services unit, the IPX, but the worlds of the Beyond were mostly beyond the range of law enforcement."
"Interesting." Wendy thought about conditions of life in the Beyond. "I suppose there was never an Overseer for Smade's Planet."
"I don't really know much about the world in its early days. Eventually, after a few thousand years, Smade's Planet became a resort world, populated by thousands of immigrants, including Earthlings who carried zeptite endosymbionts... the later history of Smade's planet is well-documented. Little is known about Smade's time except for events that took place in his immediate presence. I do know that Úna was a secret IPX agent working on Smade's Planet and it is likely that she can help you solve the mystery of how Teehalt's spaceship was hidden from Malagate. With the exception of Smade, all the other people who you will see at the Tavern were not born on Earth and so they could not contribute useful data for the simulation."
Wendy asked, "What is IPX?"
"Don't worry about that. The IPX was a special projects branch of the police in this Reality. As an agent of the IPX, Úna may have had access to advanced technologies and she may have helped Teehalt hide his ship from the alien, Malagate. We don't know. You need to find out."
"Fine, however I suspect you know much more than you have told me."
"Yes, that is true. What I need from you is an open mind and open eyes. I don't want your observations of Smade's Planet to be influenced by any preconceived notions. Somehow I am missing something... some detail about Teehalt and his spaceship... probably something simple and probably because I'm making a bad assumption. Just go into this with an open mind and see what you discover."
"I'll do my best."
"Now, before I insert you into the AR simulator, do you have any more questions?"
"Yes, one last question, boss. You implied that Smade's Planet does not exist in our current Reality. How is that possible?"
"In this past Reality, an alien species called the Phari was allowed to construct quite a few artificial planets, including Smade's Planet. In our Reality, the Phari were better contained by the pek and Smade's Planet was never constructed."
"Are you joking? How can you make a planet?"
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in the Ekcolir Reality: an alien Kerub from Yerophet |
Wendy asked, "For what purpose was Smade's Planet made by the Phari?"
Grean shrugged. "Listen, Wendy, there are many mysteries... many questions that you could ask. Don't allow yourself to be distracted from your mission by your curiosity."
"Why not send an automated nanite probe to Smade's Planet? Or, even better, why not just look in detail into the AR Simulator and observe for yourself what happened on Smade's Planet?"
"No, that is not possible. There is a lock on this simulation, so it is not easy to make use of the simulator. You carry a special nanite key inside you that will allow you to enter the simulator. Access to the simulator is restricted to humans only. You will be my Trojan Horse; once you get into the AR Simulator, I'll be able to see what you illuminate by your presence in the simulation."
Wendy was an artificial life form. She reminded Grean, "I'm not a human."
"You are an artificial life form that simulates a human being, almost perfectly, so you can enter the simulation. As a Kac'hin, I cannot enter. I am also limited by the fact that there are so few details about Smade's Planet in the data-banks that generate the AR Simulation. I need someone who can live at the Tavern, at least for a few days and get into the rhythm of the planet. Get in tune with Úna, she may be the key to the entire mystery. So, my dear, please accept the facts: you must be the one to visit Smade's Planet. While you are inside the Simulator, I will be able to monitor your activity and I will bring you back here after you complete your mission."
Wendy was puzzled: "What do you mean, that there is a lock on this simulation?"
Grean gazed into the Omniviewer. "I'm not entirely sure. Possibly it was R. Nyrtia who tried to prevent the Huaoshy from using this old Reality Simulation equipment. Using advanced sedronic technology, I've been able to hack into the system, but my methods only work for sedronic mater. The positronic robots were masters of the hierion. It seems likely that there was originally a way to view the hierion-generated data of the simulator, but I've been locked out and prevented from using that feature of the Viewer technology. Luckily, I can send human observers into the simulation and they can access more data than I can get with the Viewer."
Wendy said, "Well, it is nice to be needed."
Grean laughed. "I not only need you, I love you, Wendy. I feel like I can never reward you adequately for your services."
Wendy complained, "I feel like you love me in the same way that a human might love a pet dog. Wendy suggested, "If you want to reward me, then provide me with more information. You've never told me anything interesting about this mysterious R. Nyrtia."
Grean laughed. "Sorry my pet, but Nyrtia had a talent for invisibility. I myself know almost nothing about her. Now, let us attend to the cosmetic details..." Grean quickly provided Wendy with some suggestions for how to adjust her physical appearance for this mission. "Try going as a brunette this time. Úna seems quite suspicious of blondes, probably because Smade is so attracted by their bright hair."
Wendy complained, "I don't understand. If this is a virtual reality system, then can't you simply use the AR simulator to provide me with an optimal physical form for my mission?"
"I only have limited control over the AR Simulator. The Reality simulator will scan your physical structure when you step into the simulation and use data from that scan to create your simulated body during the entire time when you are in the simulation." Now Grean handed Wendy two props to take with her into the simulation and she said, "Set your clothing nanites for a dull space-gray and take these." Wendy took the two bulky objects from Grean.
Wendy adjusted her clothing nanites and looked skeptically at the two items she now held. One looked like a small overnight travel bag and the other was a piece of equipment which she held up and about which she inquired of Grean, "What is this?"
"That is a data recorder for a spaceship navigation system. It automatically records information about a ship's flight path and any planetary landings that might be made. In the jargon of the Reality you are going to visit, it is simply called a 'monitor'. Grean suggested, "You might be able to get the residents of Smade's Tavern to talk to you about Teehalt's monitor if you arrive there carrying one of your own."
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Wendy arrives at Smade's Tavern. |
Grean made one more adjustment to the Onmiviewer, shifting from the orbital view of Smade's Planet to the planet's surface. Wendy could now see the lights of Smade's Tavern glowing in the distance. "All you need to do is step into the simulation. Your body will be scanned automatically as you enter into the simulation."
Wendy shrugged and took a stride into the displayed scene. She exited from Grean's workshop and found herself on Smade's Planet. The darkness of the night was oppressive, and thunder rumbled in the distance. The moist night air was full of rich plant odors. She tested the quality of her senses, but she felt exactly like herself and wondered if she was actually in a simulation or if possibly she had been teleported to another world. Why would Grean lie?
Wendy walked briskly towards the lights of the Tavern and soon came to a stone wall. Following along the wall, she quickly reached a gate and entered into the grassy area that immediately surrounded the Tavern. Somehow the ripe scent of Earthly grass, moist and glistening in the light from the Tavern's windows, failed to compete successfully against the natural odors of the planet.
Wendy reached a glowing doorway and pushed a shoulder against half of the door which smoothly swung open; she stepped inside the Tavern. Immediately in front of Wendy was a lounge area with comfortable chairs and a fire burning in a large fireplace. A warm frothy smell of baked bread and brewed ale hung in the inside air. To the right, an archway opened into a dimly lit room where tables and a bar were visible. Someone was there, behind the bar. Wendy approached the bar and set her travel bag and the monitor on the polished hardwood floor.
Behind the bar was a teenage girl who was writing in a notebook. As usual, Wendy had nanite probes deployed and even from a distance she could easily read what the girl was writing: Who might she be and how had she arrived? An IPCC agent? Her spaceship had not activated the proximity detectors. The mysterious traveler wordlessly approached the bar and let go of her two bags; the heavy monitor thumped on the wooden floor. She was a contradiction... pretty but tough, dressed like a boy in dull space traveler's gray.
Wendy laughed. "The monitor is not really very heavy."
The girl looked up from her notebook and stopped writing and said to Wendy, "Welcome to Smade's Tavern."
Wendy had never heard an accent like that of the girl, but her auditory nanites had been pre-programmed by Grean for the linguistic quirks of this era and so Wendy was able to quickly pick up the flow of her words. She nodded. "Thank you. My name is Wendy Larson."
The girl smiled shyly and said, "I'm pleased to meet you, Wendy." For a moment there was silence, interrupted only by the crackling fire burning in the fireplace at the end of the room. Following her training as a hostess, the girl asked, "Are you hungry? Tired?" She paused again, wondering about the origin of this strange woman and her unusual accent. Wendy said nothing and was looking carefully around the interior of the Tavern. "We have food and rooms and welcome all space travelers."
Finally, Wendy's eyes returned to the girl and she said, "Let's trade. I'll answer your questions if you will answer mine. What is your name?"
"Araminta Smade."
"Ah, then your mother is Úna Nybröm. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, Araminta." Wendy reached out and tapped a finger on the girl's notebook. "Maybe you can read me some of your stories before I depart." Wendy looked at the many bottles that were on display behind the bar. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a 50 SVU note. She tossed the money on the bar and said, "I'll have a pint of your home-brew."
Araminta placed a heavy glass mug and a bottle of Smade's Own Ale on the bar in front of Wendy. Wendy pulled out a retractable seat and sat herself at the bar. "I'll need a room. I plan to stay a few days." She drank some of the ale directly out of the bottle then poured the rest into the mug.
Araminta put her notebook and pen under the bar and picked up Wendy's money. The girl said, "I don't remember you visiting us previously." Araminta looked over Wendy's shoulder towards the entrance.
Wendy looked over her shoulder and saw Araminta's father approaching. "I've heard many stories about Smade's Tavern. Around the stars you'll hear strange tales of adventure, some of the oddest taking place here on this lonely world."
Araminta complained, whispering to Wendy, "Adventure? Here? I'm usually bored out of my mind."
Smade moved around behind the bar. He said to Araminta, "If you are bored, go help your brother fill up the moss shed, then get to bed. It is late."
"Goodnight, father." Araminta picked up her notebook and went to the fireplace. She added more fuel to the fire and then departed. While the girl tended the fire, Smade asked Wendy, "Do you care to eat, Miss Larson?"
Wendy had no doubt that there were microphones and cameras planted throughout the Tavern so that Smade could keep track of events taking place out of his direct sight or the arrival of a new guest. She shook her head. "No, thank you Mr. Smade. Don't let me keep you awake. I'll be up for a while yet, I'm not running on your planet's local time. It is still early in the day for me."
Smade leaned against the bar. "I don't mind attending to my guests, even if it is late. We've been quiet here the past week. It is good to have a new guest after such a lull."
Wendy said, "I hope to meet Mr. Teehalt here."
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Poor Pallis. |
Wendy replied. "No. I'd love to see the Rigel worlds before-" She stopped herself. No sense in bothering Smade with knowledge of her origins, unless in doing so she might attract the attention of his wife Úna. "I'm here from Earth."
Smade smiled. "Really? We don't get many Earth folk out here in the Beyond. Where on Earth? I can't place your accent... but then it has been many years since I was on Earth."
Wendy drank some more of the ale and changed the subject. For a time they discussed brewing. Wendy commented, "I suppose you are a jack of all trades, Mr. Smade."
"Nothing pleases me more than to be independent of the other worlds." He gestured towards the bottles on the shelves behind the bar. "Few trade ships stop here, so we need to take care of ourselves. I hire a freighter to come by twice a year with fresh drinks. Can't have a descent Tavern without a selection of fine drink. I brew ale, but many of my guests favor the exotic drinks of distant worlds."
Wendy reached down and grabbed the monitor. She set the device on the bar. Wendy asked, "Do you have tools for opening a monitor?"
Smade chuckled. "Many a locater had asked me that. My advice: don't try to cheat your sponsor by opening the monitor and taking out the data strip." Then he winked at Wendy, "The tools are all downstairs, in my workshop." He pointed a finger towards the floor.
Wendy chatted with Smade for close to an hour. At one point, Smade placed his hand on the monitor and asked Wendy, "Why didn't you land your spaceship close to the Tavern? This is a heavy load to carry on a long walk."
Wendy laughed and asked, "Do you charge a landing fee, Mr. Smade?"
"No, I make no attempt to control anything on this planet beyond the few nearby acres that support my family."
Smade dropped the matter of Wendy's invisible spaceship and they mostly talked about their shared interest in 'ancient' philosophers such as Dan Dennett. Wendy learned that Smade had studied philosophy as a young man while still on Earth. Eventually, Wendy got the lock code for a room and she went upstairs to guest room number 3, conveniently located right next to the guest bathroom. She unpacked her overnight bag and set the monitor in a closet. Wendy returned to the bar and sat for a while, looking into the fire that burned at the end of the room, now a mellow red bed of coals. Smade was gone, and except for thunder and falling rain, nothing could be heard.
After half an hour, Wendy got to her feet, quickly went back to her room and got the monitor and then went back to the entrance where she had come into the Tavern. Going on past the front door and along a short corridor, she passed through a narrow interior doorway that led to a steep stairway leading down to the basement of the Tavern. Cautiously and quietly, Wendy went down the stairs. She could sense, via a strange type of telepathy, that Úna was down on the basement level. She set the monitor just inside the open door of the workshop where a small red lamp glowed, barely illuminating several workbenches and pieces of equipment. Stepping back into the hallway, Wendy cautiously went on down the hall towards what she sensed as the source of Úna's telepathic signal. Wendy stopped at a door, then knocked. After thirty seconds, Wendy knocked again.
The door opened, revealing Úna, who rising from her bed had pulled a blanket around her shoulders. Úna looked at Wendy and said, "It is you."
"I'm Wendy Larsen."
"Yes, I know. You have been inside my dreams." Blinking into the light, Úna looked up and down the hallway. "Come in. I don't want to have to explain this to Smade."
Wendy stepped into Úna's suite of rooms. The lights came up slightly. Wendy could see that unlike the rest of the Tavern, Úna's rooms had a brighter, contemporary style of decor. Úna tossed the blanket on her bed and then pulled on a short skirt. "I've never really believed in telepathy, but somehow I'm hearing your thoughts."
Wendy continued sending her verbal thoughts to Úna: Some people are sensitive to my thoughts. I'm always surprised when strangers tell me that they can 'hear' my thoughts. I wish I had that ability.
Úna asked, "Then you cannot listen to my thoughts?"
"I feel that we are connected telepathically, but I can't 'see' into your mind."
Úna put on a soft, tight-fitting shirt. She gestured towards a chair. "You are the best telepathic 'sender' I have ever met." Wendy sat in the chair and then Úna sat on the end of her bed and asked, "What do you want with Lugo Teehalt? He's nothing but a lonely old locater, wishing that he was back at home with his wife. We get them out here by the hundred."
Not trusting herself to keep sending 'safe' thoughts to Úna, Wendy switched back to spoken words. "I'm doing historical research. I'm out doing a stint as a locater myself, just to familiarize myself with the profession."
Úna laughed. "The only thing at all professional about locaters is their greed. Sadly, unless you find an Earth-like planet you are not likely to make much money as a locater. Millions of planets have been found... most of them are worthless."
Wendy asked, "What if I did find a valuable world? Why should I report my discovery to my sponsor? Why not sell the planet to the highest bidder?"
Úna leaned back on the bed, relaxing into a pile of pillows. "Most locaters are sent out on a pre-programmed route, part of the Master Galactic Exploration Program. Sometimes they try to keep a newly discovered world secret, but usually they are unable to profit from their deception. A locater is almost always better off collecting the rather large finder's fee whenever an Earth-like world is found."
"But not always?"
"Some hired locaters turn off the automated flight systems of their ships and head for the distant sectors of the galaxy. There are endless rumors of secretly colonized worlds in the far Beyond."
Wendy suggested, "I suppose some locaters are gamblers."
Úna asked, "Is that your game? Gambling?"
"No." Wendy got out of the chair and joined Úna on the bed. "I'm a researcher, studying the culture of the Beyond. Most Earthlings enjoy fantasizing about the great freedoms that come from being on the frontier, living out here in the Beyond."
Úna laughed. "If you want to learn about freedom, let Smade catch you in here with me. His first rule is that there are no personal relationships between the members of his family and guests at the Tavern. I'm breaking one of Smade's rules just by letting you be here in my room."
Wendy put a hand on Úna's leg, "It seems unfair. Surely Smade can't keep three wives entertained all the time. I'd guess no more than every third night."
"For a fact, Smade is not as frisky as he once was, even-though he now has four wives." Úna playfully placed a hand on top of Wendy's hand. "However, I did not marry him and come here to live on this quiet little world because of Smade's skills as a lover."
"You're still young and beautiful. You must get lonely living on this planet." Wendy let her hand slowly work its way along the length of Úna's taught thigh.
Úna asked, "What do you want from me? Why are you here?"
"I want us to be friends. I need your help with my research."
Úna took hold of Wendy's hand and pulled it up under her skirt. "Anything is possible to those who are able to pay the fees."
Wendy stroked the silky wetness between Úna's legs. Something in their shared telepathic connection was making both women very eager to explore exactly how intimate their linkage might become, at both the cognitive and the physical level. "I don't carry much cash. Maybe we can work as partners."
An hour later, after proving that she and Úna could
Wendy leaned over and kissed Úna. "I'll be back, when it is safe. I don't want Smade to be jealous."
Úna giggled. "There's really no problem. If he caught you making love to me then you'd just have to become his fifth wife."
Wendy got to her feet and moved towards the door. "I don't plan to be here all that long and I'm not interested in marriage." Her hand on the door, she turned back towards Úna. Thinking about the unusual anatomy of Úna that Wendy had discovered during their rambunctious tussle in the bed, she asked Úna, "On what planet did you grow up? You are not a normal human."
Úna got out of bed and walked slowly towards Wendy. She replied, "I was born here in the Beyond, on a quiet Earth-like world called Mount Pleasant."
"Would you like to return to your home?"
Úna shook her head. "Impossible." She put her arms around Wendy and delicately kissed her pointy little nose. "My childhood home was destroyed by space pirates. No, Smade's Planet is now my home. I like it here, particularly when interesting guests show up."
Úna and Wendy shared one more long wet kiss then Wendy gently pushed Úna away."Later."
Wendy opened the door and slipped into the hallway. She went to Smade's workshop and retrieved her monitor. Wendy returned upstairs to her room and waited for the night to end. Soon after sunrise, Wendy returned to the main floor and ate a solitary breakfast, served by Araminta. A few hours later, a spaceship landed near the tavern, its engines screaming loudly in the misty morning air. A few minutes later, a tall dark stranger entered the Tavern and took a room. Wendy knew that this new guest was not Lugo Teehalt so after a brief casual inspection, Wendy returned to her private thoughts about the emotional fireworks that had so quickly flared up between her and Úna. Wendy wondered how Grean had arranged for her to have such a powerful telepathic link to Úna. She also wondered if physical pain could be amplified within this simulation to the same extent that her pleasure had been.
The routine life of the Tavern unfolded around Wendy. Sitting at a little table by a window, she watched the morning fog bank slowly dissipate and pull back towards the ocean. Wendy opened up her discree and tried to create a digital illustration of the scene: Smade's Tavern beside the ocean, half lost in mist. Araminta Smade brought Wendy another cup of tea and commented, "You are an artist. I also like to draw... little sketches to illustrate my stories."
Wendy tried to feel for a telepathic connection into Araminta's mind, but she had the strange feeling that maybe Araminta could block her out and completely prevent Wendy from establishing a telepathic connection. Very odd. Wendy said, "I'd love to see some of your drawings."
"I have to work until noon. I'm a bit nervous about showing you my art. Most visitors to the Tavern are rather dangerous men who have no interest in civilized things like literature." Araminta returned to the kitchen.
After lunch, Araminta Smade was persuaded to read one of her stories to Wendy. They sat on a loveseat in the central lounge while Araminta read. Occasionally Wendy asked a question about one of the characters in the story, but mostly she sat and listened as Araminta's story unfolded.
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Úna prepares to leave the Tavern and place the cloaking device next to Teehalt's spaceship. |
Not bothering to look up from her notebook, Araminta replied, "Not right now, mother." She continued reading.
Úna pulled on her knee-high black boots and then after another minute, she interrupted again and told Araminta, "The Star King never came down for lunch. Please go to their room and ask if they need anything."
Araminta complained, "Mother, you know that Star Kings hate our food. Remember the one who was here two years ago..." Araminta whispered, ".. the one that ate some human food, got sick and vomited right on the bar."
Úna said, "Yes, dear, I know. I remember. It was I who cleaned up the mess. Still, I want you to go and do as I told you."
Araminta said, "But Wendy asked me to read her this story."
Úna stood up, walked over to her daughter and held out a hand. Araminta closed her notebook and handed it to her mother. Úna said, "You can finish reading the story to Wendy later this evening. Right now, I need to talk to Wendy. Please go do your chores."
Araminta reluctantly got up. She told Wendy, "I'll come to your room after dinner." She went up the stairs to the second floor and checked on the Star King's needs.
Úna sat next to Wendy and took hold of her hand. "I've deployed a proximity detector network around the Tavern... not long ago, it detected another spaceship that landed up the coast a few miles from here." Úna tried to clamp down on Wendy's hand with a firm grip. "How did you know that Teehalt was going to arrive today?"
Wendy squeezed Úna's hand, increasing the pressure until she heard bones grinding together inside Úna's hand. She replied, "Please don't interrogate me. Like you, I have my sources of information. Remember, we need to work together and help Teehalt." She eased her grip on Úna's hand, lifted the hand to her lips and gently kissed it.
Úna asked, "Were you sent here by the IPX central command?"
"No. Please, Úna, don't worry about me. I'm only here to observe." She reached down and touched one of Úna's boots. "How are you going to help Teehalt?"
Strangely unable to keep her mind centered on business, Úna plunged one of her hands into Wendy's silky soft hair and seductively stroked her neck with the tips of her fingers. "I'm going to his ship right now. I'll hide Teehalt's spaceship with an experimental IPX cloaking device that will hopefully shield it from the standard scanners being used by the Star King." Úna lightly caressed Wendy's cheek. "I assume you used this sort of cloaking device to hide your own ship."
Wendy let her hand slide up to the top of the boot and along Úna's thigh to her crotch. She giggled and said, "Don't get me started, Úna. It has required all my will power today to stop myself from returning to your room."
Úna nodded and whispered close to Wendy's ear, "I don't know what happened to us last night, but I'd like to make love to you again. There is something very strange about your... the way you can influence my brain... work my emotions. It is not natural."
Wendy began to kiss Úna, then somehow remembered her mission and why she had come to Smade's Planet. She jumped to her feet and tried to break the telepathic link that held her connected to Úna and kept her enthralled by her sexiness. "Let's not get distracted. You can take your sweet time solving the riddle of me and my secrets; don't be in a rush. We have a shared interest in Teehalt, so for the moment, let's center all of our attention on him."
Úna got to her feet and then picked up the heavy cloaking device that had been disguised to look like a ship's monitor.
Wendy said, "Let me help. I'll go with you and I can carry the..." She took the cloaking device from Úna. "Lead the way."
Grateful for her assistance, Úna led Wendy out of the Tavern and along the coast. Úna used a hand-held device to check signals from the array of motion detectors that ringed the Tavern, extending out a hundred miles in every direction. On the nearby hills were three automated defensive batteries that could launch high-mass projectiles at any pirate or slaver ships that might dare try to raid the Tavern. When they could see Teehalt's small spaceship in the distance, Úna said, "As far as I can tell, Teehalt has not left his ship. My guess is, he's probably waiting until dark before approaching the Tavern."
Wendy and Úna climbed to the top of a hill from which they could watch Teehalt's ship. Úna activated the cloaking device, which was already close enough to Teehalt's ship to help hide it from casual detection.
Strangely, when Wendy looked off into the distance, there were fuzzy places in the simulation: she could tell that she was inside a simulator and not enough data was available to create a detailed representation of the entire planet. There, in the cool afternoon sun of Smade's Planet, Úna and Wendy once again began playing with each others bodies. Laying on the green heath, after experiencing a pleasing orgasm, Úna asked Wendy, "Can you explain the magical telepathic link that we share?"
Wendy let her fingers stroke Úna's silky soft skin. "I could, but you might not be pleased by the truth."
"Tell me anyhow."
"I'm from the real world."
Úna giggled. "What does that mean?"
Wendy sat up, still resting one hand on Úna's body. She gestured with her other hand towards the sea. "This is only a simulation. Oh, it is a great simulation, but not real. Have you ever suspected that the world is not quite right? Look out to sea, off in the distance. Don't you see the blurs and smudges?"
Úna rose to her knees and looked carefully out to sea. "It does look strange. A bank of sea fog?"
Wendy shook her head. "I won't try to convince you that you are living a simulated life, but you asked and I told you."
Úna pulled her clothing back on. "I'm sure you are joking. But why would you tell me such a thing? And besides, the scientists all say that strong telepathic communication is not possible between humans."
"Don't worry about that, Úna, but there is an explanation. First of all, I'm not human."
"You are an alien?" Úna pulled away from Wendy in horror. "Are you a Star King?"
"No, I'm no Star King. I'm a sophisticated artificial life form. But don't let that disturb you or distract you from your work. You've shown me what I was sent here to see... I expect I'll be recalled at any time."
"Pulled out of this simulation and sent back to reality... my Reality."
Slowly the sun set. Úna peppered Wendy with questions about her life in the 'real world' beyond the simulation of Smade's Planet.
Wendy explained, "This is a simulation of the whole galaxy. I'm here on a mission for a-" Wendy almost referred to Grean as an alien, but she decided not to further alarm Úna. "... my boss is an historian who studies this Reality."
Slowly, Úna seemed to begin to understand where Wendy was from, but she still could not believe that her own life was a fake construct, a kind of simulation.
Another small spaceship fell from the sky and landed near the Tavern. Finally, after darkness came to the land around Smade's Tavern, Teehalt came out of his ship and walked to the Tavern. When Teehalt moved out of sight, Úna quickly placed the cloaking device behind Teehalt's ship. Now the cloak could hide Teehalt's ship from all conventional methods of detection. Úna and Wendy returned to the Tavern. Úna was hungry and went to the kitchen to eat.
When Wendy returned inside, she went upstairs, returning to her room. At the top of the stairs, she looked down the hallway and saw Araminta Smade. Araminta was looking for Wendy. She said, "There you are."
Wendy suggested, "Let's go to your mother's room; you can finish reading your story."
Araminta and Wendy went to the basement and down the hallway towards Úna's suite of rooms. Araminta opened the door on the opposite side of the hallway. "This is my room. Come in... I want to show you the drawings that I made to illustrate my story."
Wendy followed Araminta into her room. It was a small bedroom with a rather large writing desk in one corner. The back wall was all bookshelves full of hundreds of printed books. The room was decorated like a little girl's room and there was a collection of stuffed animals on the bed. Wendy could sense Úna's mind: she was in the kitchen fixing a tray of snacks and would soon return to the basement. Also, another strongly telepathic mind had just arrived at the tavern. Wendy suppressed her desire to go upstairs and inspect the new guest.
After Araminta showed off her artwork, she said to Wendy, "Now, let's go to Mom's room."
She opened the door and they went into the hallway. Úna was just coming down the stairway, carrying tray with cookies and ice cream. Wendy and Araminta followed Úna into her comfortable suite of rooms. They sat at a table and shared dessert. Araminta asked her mother, "Where were you this afternoon?"
Úna replied, "Wendy and I went for a walk."
Araminta shook her head, "The motion detectors were silent."
Úna explained, "I turned off the warning system while we were out there. Sometimes I need some privacy."
Araminta looked back and forth between Úna and Wendy. An idea formed in her mind. "You two are lovers?"
Úna went and flopped across her bed. "That's none of your business, Araminta. Now, read the rest of your story to Wendy."
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In Úna's room, Wendy and Araminta discuss the astonishing deeds of Mr. Sparkhammer as told in Arminta's story: "Philadelphia Peccadillo". |
Araminta, Wendy and Úna spent the rest of the evening together in Araminta's suite. Araminta was able to finish reading her story. All during the evening, Wendy could sense that Úna had previously read Araminta's story. Úna was content to lay on her bed and watch Wendy.
For a time, Araminta and Wendy argued about a tricky detail in the story's plot and how best to deal with it. Wendy complained that Araminta had not fairly presented a small mystery to the reader and at the end of the story, readers would be unhappy about that and feel they had been tricked.
Araminta argued her position: that readers would be clever enough to get the idea without it having to be explicitly spelled out. Finally, after the argument ended, Wendy said, "I suspect this story about about the exploits of Mr. Sparkhammer is based on a past guest here at the Tavern."
Úna nodded and explained, "The last time Sparkhammer was here, Araminta was only two years old. But I've told her about Sparkhammer's audacious criminal behavior, which never fails to astound the IPCC. She invented this story about Sparkhammer's first visit to Earth." Úna rolled off the bed and hugged her daughter and told her, "It is late. Go get some sleep."
Araminta returned to her room and Wendy stepped into the hallway. Passing through the doorway into her room, Araminta looked over her shoulder at Wendy and said, "Goodnight. Thank you for your advice on how to improve my story." She turned and closed her bedroom door.
Úna invited Wendy to stay, and grabbed her hand and pulled Wendy back into her bedroom. Down in the basement of the Tavern, Wendy could not hear the night's thunderstorm. She was still curious as to why she had not yet been extracted from the AR Simulator and returned to Grean's workshop. She began to wonder if it might be possible to get trapped inside this simulated Reality. In the small hours of that night, the only thing that kept her from slipping into her pre-programmed sleep routine was Úna's lustful restlessness.
In the early morning, Wendy quietly slipped out of Úna's room and went upstairs. She was appalled to learn that Teehalt had been murdered by the Star King. One of Smade's children told her, "Teehalt's blood was washed away by the rain, but one of the security cameras recorded the murder."
Wendy again wondered why Grean had not yet ended the simulation. She wondered: Was it necessary that I experience the full horror of Teehalt's death? Wendy sat at her favorite little table by the window and watched the early morning light begin to illuminate the mists that surrounded the Tavern.
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original cover art |
Gersen seemed reluctant to speak. Wendy could sense a weak telepathic connection to Gersen and wondered if he also felt that link. After sipping his tea, he replied, "I met Lugo last night... for the first and the last time."
Wendy asked, "Why was he killed?"
Araminta brought a plate of food and set it before Gersen. The girl smiled and nodded to Wendy then returned to the kitchen.
Gersen seemed to have good appetite even with news of the killing. He glanced into Wendy's eyes and said, "Don't ask me to explain events of the Beyond." His eyes returned to his plate. Gersen slowly ate his meal and he thought about Teehalt and the newly discovered planet that had cost Teehalt his life.
Wendy quietly sipped her tea and watched Gersen, searching for a way to further link her mind to his. She was curious about his life and what had brought him to Smade's Tavern. Finally, Gersen pushed away his empty plate. "The usual explanation of such seemingly pointless deaths is that Teehalt probably knew too much." He added, "Now I'm in a pickle. The criminals stole my spaceship last night."
Wendy sadly shook her head, "I'd expect an experienced spaceman in the Beyond to keep his ship locked."
Gersen grinned, "Well, my ship is a standard old model 9b... not much of a loss. The lock code for those old rust buckets is not hard to crack, particularly for trained criminals." He asked Wendy, "Where were you last night during all of the excitement?"
Wendy shrugged, "If you must know, one of Smade's children was reading me a story that she wrote."
Gersen asked, "Where is your spaceship? Now there are none out on the landing field."
"I'd rather not say. Since you need a spaceship now, you might steal mine."
Gersen chuckled, "No, I won't take your ship. Chivalry is not dead." He gaze long at Wendy, assessing her plain gray clothing and her pretty face, which was anything but plain. "I would never expect to meet a woman like you on Smade's Planet."
Wendy smiled, "What kind of woman do you think I am?"
"Civilized. I can't imagine what brought you to this place, although, now that I think about it, I only came here on a sudden whim." He seemed lost in his inner thoughts for a minute then he narrowed his eyes on Wendy. He asked, "How did you reach Smade's Planet?"
Wendy replied, "Look Kirth, there are some details of my life you are better not knowing. I'll be gone soon enough and you can remember me as a mystery woman."
Kirth laughed and said, "I'd rather remember you as a girl who told me her life's secrets." He let his eyes explore Wendy's sleek and sexy body. "I think I'd be happy spending enough time with you to hear all the details of your life."
Wendy said, "Golly, that's quite a fantasy. Are you a slaver? Do you plan to keep me in chains until I tell you all my secrets?"
"I'm no criminal. You are simply an intriguing young woman and I'm curious about your background."
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original cover art by Anthony Roberts |
Gersen reached out and took hold of Wendy's hand. He asked, "Are you a member of the Institute? There are rumors that the Institute has secret technologies, such as cloaking devices."
Wendy said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Gersen. I'm not sure I can trust you. I suspect you are part of the Star King's organization. How else did you arrive just in time for Teehalt's murder? It seems you are working in coordination with Malagate."
Gersen laughed quietly. "I want to tell you that my arrival here -so soon before Teehalt's murder- was a coincidence, but I feel that is not correct. I can almost believe that I was lured here." Gersen rubbed his forehead with his fingers. "Even now I feel... strangely attracted to you. It is almost as if we share some kind of telepathic link. Very strange."
"Yes, this is a strange world with its own psychic aura." Wendy decided not to tell Gersen about her origins and her arrival from outside the simulation. She asked herself: Why disrupt his view of Reality?
Gersen got to his feet. "A pleasure meeting you, Wendy." He went to pay his bill, now in a hurry to depart from Smade's Planet.
Wendy went upstairs to her room, still wondering why Grean had not ended this simulation. There, beside her bed, Wendy saw a floating image of Grean, back in her workshop. Wendy stepped forward and passed through a portal and exited from the AR Simulation.
Now back in Grean's Workshop, Wendy said, "I was starting to wonder if you were going to leave me in that simulation forever."
Grean gestured towards her Omniviewer where an image of Kirth Gersen was displayed. He was walking away from Smade's Tavern, in the direction of Teehalt's spaceship. "No, I only wanted to give you a chance to meet Gersen and leave him with a nanite tracking device... and I thought you might enjoy spending some extra time with Úna. She's quite a woman, isn't she? I underestimated the power of my little simulated telepathy trick. Úna seemed totally infatuated with you."
Wendy asked, "How did you arrange for me to have access to Úna's mind? And I also felt a weak but significant telepathic connection to Gersen."
Grean explained, "I've spent many years learning how to make use of these Reality Simulations. They were left behind by the positronic robots of Earth when they abandoned this facility. For those robots, the whole purpose of the Asimov Reality was to develop human telepathy... a capacity for the exchange of language-like telepathically-shared communications. That was eventually accomplished, but not until thousands of years after Úna and Gersen lived. However, Mount Pleasant was one of the first worlds of the galaxy where humans had all of the gene combinations needed for telepathy. After that, it was mostly a matter of adjusting the interface between human brain cells and their nanite endosymbionts. Gersen had some natural telepathic ability, but Úna had even more. I was able to hack the systems and use the AR Simulator's human telepathy program from the far future to endow you with the ability to influence Úna's emotions and her decision making. I think you could have made her do anything, had you tried."
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genetic Interventionism |
Grean shifted the Viewer and displayed an image of Úna. "I still do not understand how Úna knew to expect the arrival of Teehalt or how it came about that she had a cloaking device ready and on-hand. The IPX must have been receiving Interventionist assistance."
Wendy suspected that nobody had intervened more frequently into the affairs of humans than had Grean herself. And yet, nothing bothered Grean more than not knowing who else might have played with the the course of Time. Wendy had long since become bored with Grean's obsession to understand every detail of Human history. "I could not see clearly into Úna's thoughts, but I suspect she had hidden her own spaceship somewhere near Smade's Tavern. She may have shut off all of its systems and used her ship's cloaking device to hide Teehalt's spaceship."
Grean asked, "Wendy, would you like to return to the simulator and spend some more time with Úna? You could investigate her links to the IPCC."
Wendy could not stop herself from expressing her disinterest, "No, I don't think I should spend more time with Úna. If I did, I might not want to ever leave the simulation."
With a sly grin on her face, Grean said, "There is nothing wrong with enjoying yourself."
Wendy shook her head. "Well, going into your simulation of Smade's Planet provided a nice little vacation for me. For that I thank you. Úna is a fire that I don't wish to play with." Wendy looked speculatively at Grean. Wendy wondered if the only real reason Grean had sent her into the Simulator was to allow Wendy to have an exciting encounter with Úna. "I suppose I'll never understand why you care about Teehalt and his tragic end."
Grean shrugged. "Wendy, my dear, I don't expect you to understand Kac'hin affairs." She put an arm around Wendy. "Call it a matter of artistic creation. What you learned during your visit to Smade's Tavern will now be passed on to Jack Vance. Since I will send your report on Teehalt back in time, your observations of Úna and her daughter Araminta have already reached Vance. You influenced the writing of Vance's book, Star King, and the entire Demon Princes series."
Wendy asked, "Do you mean that because of me, Úna became a character in Vance's Star King novel?"
Grean sadly shook her head. "No... maybe some day you will take the time to read Vance's novels."
"I've tried to do so." Knowing that her lack of interest in literature annoyed Grean, Wendy shrugged. "I'm more interested in Earthly science than silly science fiction stories."
"Yes, I know." Grean gave a little sigh of exasperation. "It was painful for me to watch you criticizing poor little Araminta's literary innovation in her story about Demon Prince Howard Treesong. Really, you do not always need to treat human affairs like a mathematical equation."
Wendy complained, "Ha, you are a fine one to talk! You and your quantum calculations of Reality Changes." Wendy usually did not question Grean's power to guide the flow of human history on Earth, but for a moment she contemplated Grean's god-like power. "I'm always left wondering why the future of Humanity must be constructed upon a foundation of my ignorance."
Grean giggled, "Some things you are better off not knowing."
"When you get that wild look in your eyes, I always fear that you have tricked me." Wendy poked an elbow into Grean's side. "What trick did you pull now?"
Grean replied, "Yes, I have many tricks up my sleeve... an endless parade of them... but let me ask you: even while you were enjoying your play time with Úna, didn't you wonder why she was so eager to spend time with you?"
Wendy thought about her time with Úna. "It was exciting to share a link with her mind. I could sense the flow of her emotions. Her inner fire. I suppose that was as close as I've ever come to knowing what it is like to be a human being, with true human emotions."
Grean laughed out-loud. "Sorry to laugh, but that's funny."
"What is funny?"
"I'm glad you enjoyed your peek into Úna's mind. It is good that you at least partially experience her emotional longings for you. I worked hard to generate Úna's emotional attachment to you; all that was aimed at ensuring the success of your mission."
Wendy felt a strange and rare sense of embarrassment. "I suppose I was enjoying the idea that maybe she just liked me. You don't have to tell me how hard you worked to create that emotion in her."
"Yes, this is what I mean by it being for the best that you not know too much. Knowledge breeds resentment."
"But I am curious. I suspected that Úna was trying to seduce me, just as she had long ago seduced Smade in order to carry out her mission for the IPX."
Grean shook her head. "Úna was putty in my hands. Every time she saw you, I activated her brain's reward centers. When you touched her skin, I made Úna feel a rush of intense joy. It is rather amazing how I can control the emotions of people inside these Reality simulations. I begin to understand how the positronic robots of Earth so easily shaped human history."
Wendy asked, "Do you mean that actual humans on Earth can be controlled in the same way that you can control the simulated people inside the AR simulation?"
Grean nodded. "Apparently that was the whole purpose of R. Gohrlay's replicoid system. With each human coupled to its replicoid in the Hierion Domain, quantum computations could guide the behavior of each person, continually shaping the course of events on Earth and creating Temporal Momentum."
Wendy told Grean, "I may never really understand humans, but I know one thing... they like to imagine that their love affairs are magical gifts. I'm human enough to feel the same way. I don't really want to hear how you made Úna fall in love with me."
"Then we are in agreement." Grean gently kissed Wendy's cheek. "It is best that you not know too much. It amuses me to think that I gave Úna the most pleasurable orgasms she ever experienced. You prefer to think that it was your skill as a lover that brought Úna so much pleasure."
Wendy felt growing irritation at Grean's smug and aloof attitude. "Ya, don't tell me the details, like which button you pushed in the AR Simulator to generate each milliliter of Úna's vaginal secretions. Or mine. I really don't need to know." With bitterness in her voice, Wendy added, "I'm sure I was just as much your puppet while I was on Smade's Planet."
"No, I did not have to make many adjustments to your thought processes. I know you so well that I can plan a mission like your trip to Smade's Tavern and take the pattern of your behavior for granted."
Wendy said, "Humans don't like to be told that they are predictable."
"But my dear Wendy, you are not human. You can never forget that you were created, designed as a tool for shaping the Final Reality."
"But I grow to be more human the more time I spend pretending to be a human being. I'm just letting you know that. Maybe you need to take that into consideration when you calculate my predicted behavior."
Grean sighed. "Never fear, I do take your human-like emotional reactions into account. I love you and I do not want to hurt your feelings."
"Even though you can erase my memories and re-wire my emotions any time that you need to."
"Yes. It is better when I do not need to erase my errors. I get a sense of pride from getting things right the first time. I regret that Úna killed you the first time she met you, but I carefully deleted that awful experience from your memory systems."
Wendy shook her head in wonder. "It amazes me that you went to all this trouble just so that you could let Vance know how Úna cloaked Teehalt's spaceship. I get the feeling that it was you who wrote Star King, not Vance."
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Úna Nybröm; exiled to the cellar at Smade's Tavern. |
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Wendy's next adventure |
Wendy sighed. "Oh... it all comes down to that... the mysterious 'Editor' that you keep mentioning."
"Yes. He is someone from your future, so I can't tell you too much about him." Grean switched the Onmiviewer to a generic view of Earth from orbit.
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2021 |
Wendy shrugged. "Fine. I've had my little vacation. It was fun." She asked Grean, "Now, what is my next mission on Earth?"
Another Wendy adventure
The Extant Contest (2021)
Next blog post: Planet of the Dryads
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visit the Gallery of Book and Magazine Covers |
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