I've been reading old science fiction stories about
telepathy, trying to settle my thinking about the kind of telepathic linkage that should exist among members of the
Mind Clone Network.
Isaac Asimov published a story ("The Deep") about telepathic aliens in the
December 1952 issue of
Galaxy Science Fiction magazine.
Asimov's story "The Deep" reminds me of another story that he published in 1961, "
Playboy and the Slime God". I've never read the original story, but I did read a later version that was called "
What Is This Thing Called Love?". The alien creatures in "What Is This Thing Called Love?" reproduce asexually. One of the aliens who visits Earth is puzzled by the great diversity of life on Earth. "He" discovers that most of the complex organisms on Earth reproduce sexually, but the alien scientist is not able to convince the other aliens of this.
George Ellis and the Receiving Station.
Interior artwork by William Ashman |
Great Scott!
One of my favorite movies is
Back to the Future. 'Doc' Brown frequently exclaims: "Great Scott!". The aliens in "The Deep" frequently exclaim, "Great Caverns!" These aliens live deep underground inside a big artificial cavern.
The main character of the story is an alien named Roi. Roi undertakes a mission aimed at allowing his people to move from their dying world to Earth, but Roi does not rely on technology as mundane as spaceships.
Roi's mind is teleported to Earth. Guided by a Resonizer, Roi's mind is placed inside the Earthling who has the best match to Roi's mind pattern. This "best match" turns out to be a 4 month old baby (who is named 'Walter'), but several wet diapers later, the mission to Earth is a success, thanks to...
Baby Walter |
In a way, the hero of the story is the hen-pecked George Ellis. He discovers and activates the alien Receiving Station that was teleported to Earth along with Roi. George is not much of a hero because he is made to activate the Receiving Station by means of telepathic compulsions emanating from Roi's mind (which is trapped within baby Walter). It is the Receiving Station that will allow the all of the aliens to escape from their dying home world by teleporting to Earth where they plan to live safely underground, having as little to do with humans as possible.

What is the biggest problem that the aliens have with Humanity? That human mothers grow babies inside their bodies and then care for them after birth. The aliens reproduce by laying eggs which are then fertilized in batches. Normally, the aliens do not know their own offspring and they are sickened by the perverse idea that human parents care for their own young.
New Physics
"The Deep" also reminds me of Asimov's 1972 story, "
The Gods Themselves". For "The Gods Themsleves", Asimov imagined a parallel universe where the laws of physics are different. This allows the alien residents of that universe to physically merge, the material of their bodies being less dense than matter is in our universe. Similarly, in "The Deep", the aliens have made the Receiving Station out of an unusual form of matter. When George Ellis activates the Receiving Station, it alters its material structure and slips through Georges hands, through the floor of the airplane that George is in and then it sinks into the ground below, having been designed to stop sinking through ordinary matter only after having safely sunk into solid rock. Maybe this is all accomplished by
Asimov tells readers that the aliens have discovered a special form of matter that is not restricted to the speed of light. Using this amazing non-hadronic matter, the aliens can instantaneously teleport Roi's mind pattern and the Receiving Station to Earth across many light-years of interstellar space. For the
Exode Saga, I imagine that there are both
hierions and
sedrons, so there is seldom a shortage of unusual Sci Fi particles whenever the need arises to violate the laws of physics.
Although the aliens of "The Deep" are able to use their telepathic ability to probe deeply into the minds of others, by social convention they politely restrict their use of telepathy to the sharing of language-like communications. The technology-assisted telepathy that links the
Mind Clones is designed to facilitate the exchange of language-like thoughts, although some non-linguistic brain activity can sometimes be transmitted from person-to-person via the
Bimanoid Interface.
For the Exode Saga, I imagine that the
Huaoshy long ago developed a type of technology-assisted telepathy that was used to help prepare hadronic life forms for a future existence within the
Sedronic Domain. Sometimes the hardware involved in that ancient form of technology-assisted telepathy is called a
G-sym because
Grean learned how to make use of
pek zeptite endosymbionts to aid her efforts aimed at making it possible for the humans of Earth to have a great adventure spreading among the stars.
However, long before Grean came to Earth,
R. Gohrlay and R. Nyrtia had long been making use of
Phari endosymbionts to make possible another form of technology-assisted telepathy. That system became known as the Bimanoid Interface because it telepathically linked the Phari endosymbionts of humans on Earth to their
replicoids in the
Hierion Domain. In essence, replicoids were devices that held a precise record of a person's genome and their entire life history. Replicoids functioned as nodes in a sophisticated "recording" of the history of Earth. The positronic robots of Earth had the ability to travel back through time and alter the course of human history, but they wanted to induce small, predictable changes to Earth's timeline, not chaotic changes. The replicoid system provided Earth with temporal momentum.
Mind Control
It did not bother the positronic robots that each human's behavior was controlled by their replicoid. The temporal momentum system of
Eternity was used as a sophisticated technology development system, eventually leading to the creation of a telepathic human variant known as the Asterothropes. Asterothrope telepathy relied on
twitinos and gave the Asterothropes similar telepathic abilities to the positronic robots of Earth. Sadly, the
Asterothropes were not quite human, so R. Gohrlay and R. Nyrtia continued to refine their methods with the goal of creating telepathic humans. At this point, the Huaoshy finally realized that the positronic robots of Earth and the Asterothropes used twitino-mediated telepathy. Given their technological superiority in working with nanites, the Huaoshy quickly blocked the development of
Galaxia, the galaxy-spanning human telepathy project that had been initiated by R. Gohrlay and R. Nyrtia as the ultimate defense against the Huaoshy.
Although Galaxia was never completed and Grean took control of Eternity, R. Gohrlay and R. Nyrtia were not defeated. Thus began the
Time War during which R. Gohrlay and R. Nyrtia continued to work towards the goal of allowing humans to spread between the stars. The pek continued to develop the
Prelands as a human variant that would transcend from their existence as biological organisms to a new existence as artificial life forms in the Sedronic Domain.
Eventually, the Huaoshy decided that they would have to change the
Dimensional Structure of the universe so as to make further time travel impossible. A consequence of that change to the physical laws of the universe was that twitino-mediated telepathy would no longer be possible. Grean discovered that under these new conditions, there was a pathway into the future that would allow for both human survival and a chance for the human species to spread outward from Earth to millions of exoplanets. Under the terms of the
Trysta-Grean Pact, efforts were made to bring into existence a Final
Reality in which the humans of Earth would not be replaced by Prelands.
A necessary part of long-term human survival in the Final Reality was that the humans be adequately warned about the dangers arising from rapid technological developments. The science fiction genre was crafted so as to fulfill this role. Lessons learned about technological catastrophes in past Realities could passed to the people of Earth in the form of science fiction stories. However, the great archives containing information about technological dangers threatening human existence were located in the Hierion Domain. A new communications system was needed, independent of twitinos, that could allow transmission of information from Eternity to Earth.
That new technology-assisted telepathy system was developed in the far future of the
Asimov Reality and first deployed in the Ekcolir Reality. However, there was need for some adjustments; the
Buld Reality was the result: the
Final Reality.
Mind Clones
Here in the Final Reality, it was discovered that with the aid of nanite technology, human clones could be used to telepathically access the information archives of Eternity. The
Atlantis clones were able to provide
the Editor with some access to the
Writers Block and the Reality Simulators of Eternity. However, the
tryp'At Overseers quickly shut down that data stream. When the Bimanoid Interface was "upgraded", a new type of telepathic communication between Earth and Eternity came into use: the Mind Clone Network.
As of now, we have only a few hints concerning the operation of Mind Clones. With the assistance of special
developmental control nanites and
Asterothrope hormones, the mother of a mind clone can turn one of the cerebral hemispheres of the child into a "copy" of the mother's cerebral hemisphere. The Bimanoid Interface can only facilitate meaningful information exchange between two very similar brains or half-brains.
Mind Clone Network |
Recently, I have been able to access some of my
memories from the future. I believe that I was once. sent into a future time, mainly in order to prove to me that time travel was possible. Most of what I learned during that journey into the future was blocked from my conscious recall system when I returned from the future. Alternatively, some of what I know about the future might have been made available to me by way of the
infites that I carry in my brain. For example, it is possible that
Yōd was allowed to
View parts of the future and the infites that I received from Yōd may provide me with some awareness of future events.
Time Loop
I recently learned about the special abilities of a tryp'At named
Lakum who should soon appear at
Observer Base. I'm thinking that I should ask Rylla to pass a warning about Lakum on to
Georgy. It may be that by having Georgy warn
Colleen about Lakum, I am part of a time-loop by which Lakum will come to heavily influence the
MC1 sub-network.
After reading
my recent blog post about Lakum,
Zeta asked me, "Are you sure it is wise to tell Rylla about Lakum?"
Not knowing what Zeta had been reading or where she was heading with her question, I replied, "It was Rylla who told me all about Lakum."
"Well... Rylla from the future.
Our current Rylla will read your blog and that will be how she first finds out about Lakum."
Rylla lives on the other side of the planet, but she sometimes reads my blog. "I'm not worried. I expect Rylla to read my blog post and then confirm that this is the first that she hears about Lakum's existence."
"But what if the Rylla of your future memory learned about Lakum in another way... possibly by hearing about Lakum from Georgy? That seems to be implied in what you wrote."
I quickly re-read my blog post and made a modification to the text. Zeta wandered off to check on our daughter, Tihri, who was sleeping in the other room. Later, she returned and I told Zeta, "I'm sorry if I misled you." Zeta put her arms around my shoulders and we both read the key part of the updated blog post. "It is not clear from my future memories exactly when Rylla will learn about Lakum, but I know of nothing that would rule out the possibility of her learning about him from my blog post."
Zeta complained, "Information from the future... so confusing! I'm going to have to ask Yōd what she knows about this."
"Good. I suspect she knows many things about the future, but she is restricted from sharing what she knows with mere Earthlings." I stood up and took Zeta into my arms and we kissed. I asked her, "And what about you? Would you like to have another child?"
Zeta giggled and replied, "I'm more than busy enough with
Tihri and the rest of the family... I can't even begin to think about the possibility of going through another pregnancy... certainly not another one that lasts a full year!"
I warned Zeta, "This might not be something for you to rationally decide upon. I have the suspicion that as a tryp'At, Lakum is able to use his telepathic powers for more than just exchanging language-like thoughts. What if a tryp'At can manipulate and control human emotions?"
Zeta laughed, "In your case, I know that is true. I've always been mysteriously fascinated by you. All my
clone sisters are susceptible to your mysterious power of attraction."
I nodded, "And in the same way, Rylla, Georgy and Stacy may be artificially attracted to Lakum."
Zeta added, "Not to mention Colleen."
"Yes, even Colleen. I wonder... are there really any limits to the tryp'At ability to take control of people's emotions?"
"There must be."
"Be sure to ask Yōd about this." I had the strange feeling that I would learn the answer to this particular mystery at some point in my future. "I have the feeling that infites might be involved in this kind of telepathic control of emotions. Maybe it is a delicate combination of telepathy and infites that will allow Lakum to beguile first Colleen and then Stacy."
Related Reading: Yōd's other code designation,
Telepaths on Venus in 1940
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