Sep 2, 2024

Rock People

Figure 1. An alien rock creature.
 For my science fiction story "The Fesarians" I've been trying to imagine an encounter on a distant exoplanet (Elemacha-z) between human colonists and telepathic plant people. "The Fesarians" is fan fiction, inspired by the Star Trek episode "The Corbomite Maneuver". I've been watching all of the "remastered" Star Trek episodes and just watched the episode called "The Savage Curtain" which features technologically advanced natives called Excalbians. The Excalbians are able to take on any convenient physical form

 Lincoln in space. After "scanning" the Enterprise, the Excalbians present the crew of the Enterprise with the image of Abraham Lincoln on their main viewing screen; Lincoln is seemingly floating in outer space, and then has a friendly chat with Captain Kirk. 

image source
Lincoln talks Kirk into teleporting down to the surface of the planet where Kirk and Spock get to meet one of the Excalbians (Yarnek), apparently in its natural form, that of a steaming hot rock creature. I asked Mr. Wombo to generate an image depicting a rock creature (see Figure 1).

 Fictional materials. Back in 2022 I blogged about science fiction story called "Proof" by Hal Clement. In Clement's story, there were creatures that lived inside the Sun. Clement imagined that these aliens of the Sun were composed of an exotic material: neutronium. For stories that are set in my Exodemic Fictional Universe, I pretend that there are entire families of fundamental particles that are as yet unknown to Earthly science: hierions and sedrons.

Fictional Chemistry. Some of the hierions and sedrons can form bonds, so there is hierion chemistry, sedron chemistry and even mixed matter with "chemical" bonds between hadrons and hierions (for example, see High Seelie). 

hierionssedrons and femtobots.
Hierions can be assembled into nanoscopic artificial lifeforms called femtobots. In my imagination, the Excalbians could be artificial lifeforms composed of femtobot components. As shown in "The Savage Curtain", the Excalbians can re-arrange their femtobot components and take on any convenient form.

In "The Savage Curtain", the Excalbians are depicted as having amazing advanced technology. They can turn on and off the components of the Enterprise at will and control the functioning of the teleportation system, allowing Kirk and Spock to teleport to the surface of Excalbia, but forcing their phasers to remain on the Enterprise.

 Too hot to handle. It seemed that no episode of Star Trek was complete without Kirk having a fist fight with someone. When Kirk tries to grab Yarnek the rock creature, his hand is burned. I'm currently writing "The Fesarians", a story that involved a visit to the planet Elemacha-z, a world where the surface temperatures are higher than for Earth, but low enough for carbon-based life to evolve on its surface.

I manually inserted a gas giant into the sky of the scene shown in Figure 1. In my imagination Excalbia originated as an Earth-like terrestrial planet in a stable orbit around its star. A gas giant migrated inward toward the star due to gravitational interactions with other celestial bodies in the system. The gas giant gravitationally captured Excalbia, pulling it into a new orbit around itself. Excalbia became subject to intense tidal forces from the gas giant, causing Excalbia's interior to heat up significantly, leading to increased volcanic activity and melting of the planet's crust. I imagine that some technologically advanced residents of Excalbia long ago developed interstellar space flight and migrated to other planets in the galaxy. 

The Excalbians who remained behind on their home planet had no interest in space travel, but when spaceships like the Enterprise pass nearby, the Excalbians can't restrain their curiosity about species like we humans. However, after meeting the Excalbians, the crew of the Enterprise, tasked with finding "new life and new civilizations", simply goes on its way, with no expression of interest in the amazing technology of the Excalbians. 😠

However, what if there had originally been humanoid Excalbians who, over the course of millions of years, modified themselves to become femtobot artificial lifeforms that could survive on Excalbia as its surface temperature continued to rise and its atmosphere became poisonous, ultimately resulting in the physical form used by Yarnek? And what if some of those technologically advance Excalbians from millions of years in our past, traveled to other worlds such as Earth and Martiz 23? Below is Part 3 of my fanfiction story "The Fesarians" in which Talia Vance and her clone sisters meet the Extqua, who are an off-shoot of the Excalbians. Talia obtains advanced Excalbian nanotechnology that will later become quite useful on Elemacha-z.

Part 3 of The Fesarians (Part 1)(Part2

Tryp'At of the Ekcolir Reality.
Two hermaphroditic tryp'At.
 2259 C.E. on the planet Martiz 23.  Gyulya had come to despise the arrival of Saturdays. With the early morning sky brightening, Gyulya rolled out of bed and went to the room of her sister Lyssa. As human-tryp'At hybrids, Gyulya and her sisters could not go more than a few hours without becoming quite horny. For a moment, Gyulya gazed upon the cute face of Lyssa as she slept peacefully, then Gyulya slipped under the covers with her sister. Lyssa awoke and the two young women began a childish sexplay session, enjoying the sensations that came from touching their very stiff early morning erections. 

As human-tryp'At hybrids, they each had a jutting one inch-long penis. During the past year, their testosterone levels had risen and their single testis had begun making sperm cells. Their father, Gyovy, had warned his clone daughters not to impregnate each-other, so Gyulya and Lyssa routinely gave each other oral sex. Soon they were aflame with sexual excitement and tossed off the covers. Gyulya positioned herself on top of Lyssa and while they eagerly sucked on each-other, they also slid probing fingers into each-others hot wet vaginas.

Gyulya and Lyssa had a weak telepathic link to their sister, Talia, and they could sense that Talia was at that moment masturbating and allowing her pet tomcat to play in her allzaurish. While the cat thrust its hot penis in and out of Talia's allzaurish, Talia was stimulating the sensitive nerve endings of her front vagina with a big plastic vibrator. Talia achieved her climax first, experiencing intense sexual pleasure in both of her vaginas and her penis. She caught her ejaculate in her hand and then ate it, enjoying the tangy flavor. Talia politely waited for her cat to complete its own enthusiastic sexplay before Talia left her bedroom and walked into Lyssa's room, her penis still dribbling semen while a stream of sticky cat semen oozed from her allzaurish and trickled down her leg. For a moment she watched Gyulya and Lyssa excitedly sucking on their erections and then she told them, "Hurry up. We have to be on our way before sunup." Gyulya and Lyssa were in no hurry to march off into the forest and each was taking great delight in the feel of her sister's tongue on her hot erection.

one of the first humans with
a back vagina: an allzaurish

Talia placed a hand on the cute bottom of Gyulya and used her other hand to gently stroke the two of Lyssa's four stiff little nipples that were there, temptingly close to Talia. Talia could not resist the temptation to push a finger into Gyulya's light little allzaurish. Now that she was touching their bodies, Talia could telepathically sense that both Gyulya and Lyssa were quickly approaching their sexual climaxes. Talia was tempted to insert her penis into Gyulya's back vagina and grab another quick orgasm for herself, but there was a danger that the three sisters might then spend the rest of the morning engaged in sexplay. Talia focused her manual attentions and her telepathic powers on the task of rushing Gyulya and Lyssa towards ejaculating. She said, "Watching you two pleasuring each-other has me so hard! I think my penis grew overnight... I've never seen it so huge." 

Lyssa shifted her eyes towards Talia's little one inch-long erection and then telepathically told Talia: You need to stop fantasizing about Gyovy's penis. Face it, we are only half tryp'At and you will never have a man-sized penis.

Talia's vision of the future.
Talia was not so pessimistic about the future. She'd had visions of the future that included exciting images of big erections. She was certain that in the future she would have lovers with large penises that would be a perfect fit for her front vagina. The only problem was matching her fragmented visions of those penises to particular people, the faces of whom she had seen in other, separate visions of the future. 

Talia really enjoyed having a penis and she liked to fantasize about having a much larger one in the future. She told herself: Maybe I've already seen my future penis. Talia knew that her small penis was the perfect size for penetrating the allzaurish of her sisters. The three clones took for granted that they had been designed and equipped to make possible a highly pleasurable form of vaginal sex that relied on unseen nanites. Those nanites efficiently removed waste molecules from their bodies, eliminating their biological need to defecate and making their tryp'At-like back vaginas available for sexplay.

Exploring Gyulya's allzaurish
Finally, first Lyssa and then Gyulya experienced intense orgasms and they ejaculated their sweet semen into each-others mouths. Talia stopped massaging the hot walls of Gyulya's slick allzaurish and delivered a playful slap to her plump little bottom. Gyulya pulled her erection out of Lyssa's mouth and lunged at Talia, intent on wrestling Talia into submission. Working as a team, soon Gyulya and Lyssa had Talia pinned down on the bed and they took turns thrusting their erections into Talia's allzaurish. Talia put up a fight, but not much of one. She greatly enjoyed the sexual pleasure that she derived from her sisters thrusting their penises in and out of her allzaurish which pulsed rhythmically with powerful contractions of its muscles. Both of Talia's vaginas were now gushing with hot slippery secretions.

As much as Talia enjoyed sexplay with her sisters, she was powerfully driven to explore the nearby forests. She had a detailed plan for reaching and exploring a distant part of the forest that weekend and returning home before Monday so that they could resume their school work. Without conviction, Talia ordered Gyulya and Lyssa, "Stop this childish sexplay at once! Get dressed and hoist your backpacks! Time is wasting. We must head for the mountains."

Lyssa was sitting on Talia's neck and holding one of Talia's arms bent behind her back. Lyssa said, "Forget the mountains. I have a better idea. Gyulya and I will spend the rest of the day filling you with our semen. Eventually, we will impregnate you and when you are pregnant you won't be able to march us into the mountains any more." 

Talia's childhood adventures.
 Talia threatened her sisters, "If either of you ejaculates inside me then I'll make you walk around the entire planet!"  

Gyulya was thrusting her little penis vigorously in and out of Talia's delightfully tight allzaurish. She said, "Be quite, Tal. I can sense that you are enjoying this as much as I am."

Just then, their parents, Gyovy and Francesca came into Lyssa's bedroom. Like all tryp'At, Gyovy had the general appearance of human woman, but her pointy ears jutted out at the sides of her head. Talia and her sisters thought of Gyovy as their father in the biological sense that "he" had produced the sperm cell that had carried half of their genetic material to Francesca's egg cell. Francesca was genetically a fairly conventional human woman of Earth, although she had been genetically engineered by biologists on the planet Imbain III. After a quick glance at her daughters, Francesca told her husband, "You are right, Gyo."

Gyovy could telepathically sense the minds of his three daughters and had warned Francesca that the three young women were engaging in forbidden forms of sexplay. For a time, Francesca watched Gyulya as she continued to repeatedly thrust her hot little penis as deeply as possible into Talia's quivering back vagina then she said, "Gyulya, you promised not to impregnate your sisters." Francesca looked at Lyssa's cute little penis which jutted outwards from between her cleanly shaved labia, its shaft glowed pink and was glistening with the slippery vaginal secretions from her sister's allzaurish. Francesca felt herself becoming quite sexually aroused by the sexual antics of her lusty daughters and once again envied them for their intriguing multiplicity of sex organs. Unable to clearly see her daughter's penis as it rapidly moved in and out of Talia's allzaurish, Francesca pointedly asked Gyulya, "Are you wearing a condom?"

Having come close to ejaculating again, Gyulya reluctantly pulled her erection out of Talia's allzaurish. Now Francesca could clearly see that Gyulya was not using a condom.

Gyovy picked up Lyssa, lifting her off of Talia's neck.

"Young ladies!" Francesca demanded, "Where are those condoms that I gave you?"

Gyulya opened the drawer of the little table to the side of her bed and rummaged through her collection of vibrators. At the back of the drawer she found the packet of condoms. Francesca impatiently grabbed the packet of condoms away from her daughter, opened the package and said, "It is pretty obvious, but maybe you horny little bunnies don't know how to use these." She unrolled one of the condoms along the length of Gyulya's cute little erection. Francesca commented, "Hmm... that seems a little light." A year previously, Francesca had these condoms manufactured specifically to fit the small penises of her daughters. "You've grown some during the past year, my darling." 

Gyovy had put one of the condoms on Lyssa's little erection. He said, "There, now you can safely continue your sexplay with no risk of impregnating Talia."

Talia had gotten off of the bed and moved towards the doorway. "I'm not going to let these two horny little girls continue..." She tried to duck and slip out through the doorway, but Gyovy grabbed Talia.

Gyovy held Talia while Francesca quickly put a condom on her erect penis. "There! This is the way to share the joy of sexplay. Since you are inter-fertile, you three should always be wearing protection when you engage in vaginal penetration." Both their front and back vaginas provided access to their uterus and the eggs that were made by the single ovary that was inside each of the girls. "Now, have fun." Francesca turned and began to exit through the doorway.

Talia complained, "But we need to be getting on our way into the mountains!"

The search for zeptites.
Gyovy was still holding onto his daughter's arms. They looked eye to eye; Talia was growing tall and would soon be taller than her father. "Tell me, do you really expect to find that ogre in the mountains?" Ever since she was four years old, Talia had spoken of her vision of a strange creature that she believed lived in the mountains. The entire family had taken to referring to it as an "ogre".

Talia nodded. "I do. I'm sure it is out there. Maybe today will be the day when we find the ogre's lair."

Gyovy placed a hand on Talia's head. He had a good telepathic rapport with Talia and he could telepathically "see" Talia's memories of the many places in the nearby mounts that she had explored, but he could not access her visions of the future. Gyovy could not know that those memories of his daughter were locked inside her zeptite endosymbiont where they existed beyond his ability to telepathically reach. "But why must you drag your sisters along on this endless ogre quest?"

Talia explained again, "I've told you all... in my vision, when I meet the Ogre, Gyulya and Lyssa are there with me. They must be there with me..."

 Gyulya and Lyssa could both telepathically sense that what Talia said was true. Gyulya told Talia, "But must we go into the mountains every weekend? We're no longer children. We now have other interests besides exploring the forest."

Talia said, "You just mean that you are horny and would rather engage in sexplay with boys. Well, I'm horny to." She glanced down at her erection. "But we must find the ogre of the forest... our entire future depends on it!"

Gyovy let go of Talia and said, "You'll have to sort this out among yourselves. Now, I must go, you mother wants me back in her bed." Gyovy exited from Lyssa's room. As tryp'At, Gyovy needed at least six hours of sexplay each day and he was pleased that Francesca was so easy to sexually excite and so creative and skillful at sexplay. Francesca had taught her daughters to fully enjoy sexplay and now the three of them found it impossible to respect any boundaries or rules for constraining their powerful sexual ambitions.

Lyssa put her arms around Talia, "Let's not waste these erections. One more orgasm, then we will go into the forest. There's no sense stumbling through the dark forest before the sun is in the sky."

Gyulya hiking.
There was a well-worn trail leading into the forest for the first five miles that could be followed easily enough in the early morning light, but Talia was horny. "Oh, very well, but I go first. I want to ravish you, Lyssa. I'll teach you to not sit on my neck!" Talia pushed her sister face-down on the bed proceeded to insert her condom-clad penis into Lyssa's dripping wet allzaurish. Gyulya simultaneously thrust her now condom-coated penis into Talia from behind.

After Talia ejaculated, she then rolled off of Lyssa and Lyssa rolled over. She had already ejaculated while rubbing her penis against the soft bed. She puled off her condom and complained, "That was not fair, Tal! I want to ejaculate while I'm inside your hot allzaurish."

Talia could see that Lyssa's penis had begun to soften. "Oh bother! You're losing your erection, now." Talia sucked for a minute on Lyssa's limp penis, but could not get it to stiffen. Talia took her mouth off of Lyssa's penis and promised, "You are done for now, but you can try again when we stop for lunch. Now it is time to go."
The three girls dressed and put on their backpacks. Soon they were in the forest, eating their breakfast as they walked along the trail that led up into the mountains. During the past five years, they had systematically explored all of the hills that were within ten miles of their home and half of the mountain tops.

Six hours latter, they stopped on a hilltop for a lunch break and some oral sexplay. They all got to enjoy another sweet orgasm and then continued their hike, being driven hard by Talia to reach a distant part of the forest that they had never previously explored. As the late afternoon sky began to dim, Talia began looking for a good campsite, but then she said, "This part of the forest seems familiar."

She took her backpack off of her shoulders and set it on the ground. Following what seemed to be hints from an old dream vision, she ran up a slope that held a collection of large granite boulders and a few scraggly mountain trees. Somehow it seemed to Talia that these boulders were not in a natural configuration. Had they been placed here for some purpose? 
Lyssa and Talia in the forest.
Then, suddenly, she was in the vestibule of what she recognized as the ogre's lair. This was the real world location of one of her early childhood visions of the future. And now that mysteriously glimpsed future had finally become the present. She whispered, "This is it..."

Gyulya and Lyssa arrived behind Talia, gasping for breath after their uphill run. But where was the ogre? Talia was hot and sweating, but she felt warmth radiating from a granite slab that was the floor of the lair. The surrounding boulders were also unusually warm to the touch.

Lyssa had studied geology and now she asked, "Could this be an ancient volcano?" The three sisters knew that volcanoes were rare on their home world, Martiz 23.

Gyulya said, "These are not volcanic rocks, just the same ancient granite as every other mountain near here."

Talia suggested, "But there were volcanoes here, hundreds of millions of years ago, when these mountains were being built." Suddenly, Talia realized the meaning of a stray comment she had heard in another of her future visions. "What if the Extqua have been here since that ancient time..."

Never having heard that word before, Lyssa asked, "Extqua?" 
"Yes, they are the Extqua, aliens from outer space, not a fantasy race of ogres. The Extqua came to Martiz 23 aboard interstellar spacecraft. They have been living here since..." Talia fell silent. She was trying to imagine how to attract the attention of the Extqua. If they were telepathic, then Talia needed to boost her own telepathic powers to the maximum. She only knew one way to amplify her telepathic abilities and doing so required that she and her sisters share an orgasm trance. "We'll get our backpacks and set up camp here."

Gyulya complained, "But there is no water up here."

Talia said, "Empty the water bottles into the cooking pots. I'll run back to that last stream we crossed and fill the water bottles."

Talia finds the "ogre lair"
When Talia returned to their campsite it was after dark and her sisters had a cooked meal waiting. While they ate, Talia told her sisters all that she could remember from her future visions that might be relevant to the Extqua. 

As they relaxed after their meal, Talia said, "The only thing I'm sure of is that the Extqua are a kind of alien lifeform that exists on many planets scattered through the entire galaxy. If I'm right, some of them reside here on Martiz 23, or, more accurately, inside this world." After they cleaned their pots and and stowed their remaining food, they arrayed their sleeping bags on the warm rock "floor" of the "lair" and laying on their backs, gazed up at the stars in the sky. They were all tired, but Talia said, "We have to try something that will attract the aliens... let them know we are here. I suspect that the Extqua might be telepathic. If we hope to attract their attention, we must try to boost our telepathic abilities by sharing an orgasm trance."

The three sisters had previously tried to enter into an orgasm trance. They knew from what Gyovy had told them that the tryp'At could experience orgasm trances, but there was no way of predicting if the three sisters, human-tryp'At hybrids, could also enter into shared orgasm trances. Talia knew that she and her cloned sisters had been genetically engineered so as to be able to participate in the colonization of some distant exoplanet, so they were genetically unique and the genetics of orgasm trances were still a mystery. It could not be scientifically predicted if they were capable of experiencing orgasm trances.

Lyssa was already almost asleep. "I'm tired. We can try to generate an orgasm trance in the morning."

Gyulya unzipped Lyssa's sleeping bag. "I'm horny. That's two votes to one. Let's get you revved up." Gyulya uncovered Lyssa's sexy body and began to fondle her genitals. Talia was already erect and she slid her penis into Gyulya hot wet allzaurish." Gyulya looked over her shoulder and asked, "No condom?"

"No condom?"
Talia said, "I hate condoms. I want to feel your silky allzaurish against the sensitive skin of my penis." A minute latter, Talia could sense telepathically that Gyulya had Lyssa's erection in her mouth and Lyssa was sucking on Gyulya's erection. Talis said, "I'm ready for my orgasm. I'll delay until I sense that you are both also ready to climax." Now no longer intently focused on the pleasurable task of thrusting her erection in and out of her sister's wonderful back vagina, Talia looked over her shoulder, feeling as if someone was watching them from the darkness beyond the flickering light of their campfire. Talia told her sisters, "I sense that we are being watched. I telepathically feel the presence of an alien mind..."

Talia fell silent and concentrated on telepathically linking her mind to the minds of her sisters. In the past, they had successfully achieved simultaneous orgasms, but they had never experience the altered consciousness of what the tryp'At described as an orgasm trance. Now, Talia warned Gyulya to delay her orgasm. Lyssa was very tired from the long hike and she was struggling to achieve her fifth orgasm of the day. Normally she was satisfied with three orgasms a day, but now she was quite sexually excited and could sense what Talia was feeling: the force of an alien mind that was nearby and watching them and guiding their minds towards greater sexual pleasure... and waiting...

Talia synapex link to the Extqua
The three sisters all began to ejaculate as Talia pounded against Gyulya's sexy bottom with her forceful thrusts. Gyulya had Lyssa were sucking vigorously on each-others erect penises and they each enjoyed the taste of hot semen in their mouths. Now the three clone sisters entered into their first orgasm trance and Talia could finally telepathically link to the nearby alien mind.

Talia exited from normal consciousness and entered a kind of dream state, although she was aware of a pair of strong hands on her hips and a large hot penis thrusting in and out of her front vagina from behind. Talia telepathically asked the alien: You are Extqua?

That is what Federation scientists will call us... in the future.

Talia felt both her vaginas seemingly fill with hot fluid. She was lifted up and off the ground. One of the Extqua's hands moved to her erect penis and the other to attach hot probes to her nipples. Startled by what was happening to her, Talia opened her eyes. Under the star light, Talia could see that both Gyulya had Lyssa were being held in the glowing grasp of... something and they were both floating off the ground as she was. What seemed to be sparkling wires and electrodes were attached to their nipples and genitals. Talia could not keep her eyes open.

The three women telepathically heard: We are now physically linked, our nervous systems connected in a single network. Relax while the cells of your nervous systems adapt to the presence of our femtobot network components. Yes. That is the way! Yes. Relax and enjoy your shared orgasm state. When you are enraptured with sexual pleasure and love, your minds are wide open to telepathic linkage... notice how our minds are now broadening and deepening their connections...

During that orgasm trance shared with the aliens, Talia was able to understand another of her future visions and the idea that in the future, on another world, she would share orgasm trances with a beautiful blond woman and a telepathic plant creature. Many mysteries remained. Who or what was Balok?

Talia's vision of Xylo on Elemacha-z
Talia, Gyulya and Lyssa passed from the intense sexual pleasure of the orgasm trance directly into sleep. It was only with the morning light that Talia awoke and regained normal consciousness. Talia and her two clone sisters were sprawled across their sleeping bags and they all had magnificently stiff erections. Talia began playing with her erect penis and marveling at her memories of having been linked to Extqua minds. Due to the alien patterns of the Extqua minds, Talia had not been able to look deeply into their thoughts, but she had been able to understand what she had been told of Extqua history. Talia now understood the origins of the Extqua on a distant exoplanet and why they were happy to reside deep within Martiz 23, in the hot environment that their artificial bodies were suited for. Talia did not know what hierions were, but she accepted that they were the exotic form of matter that formed the bodies of the alien Extqua. With complete control of their femtobot components, the Extqua could re-form themselves as needed, even taking on human form. Wondering if she would ever again experience such intense pleasure, Talia reflected on the sensations that she had experience while engaged in vaginal sex with one of the Extqua.
More importantly, the Extqua had promised to provide Talia with some of the Extqua nanites that made synapex linkages possible. Talia stopped playing with her erection and now noticed a small nanite containment vile that was perched on a nearby rock. She grabbed the vial and released the nanites that it contained. A sparkling cloud of nanites hovered in front of Talia. Using her thoughts, she directed the nanites to attach to her penis. Other strands of nanite filaments invaded her two vaginas and linked to sensitive nerve endings in her four nipples. Then the nanite filaments grew into the bodies of Gyulya had Lyssa. Talia was quite pleased; she could control the alien nanites with her mind.

Next: Part 4 of "The Fesarians".

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