Dec 9, 2018

Quickly Beyond

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Two years ago I tried to write a short account of the Exode Saga. However, the Exode story is still under construction, and back in 2016 there was still much to learn about the role that the Phari played in making possible the Trysta-Grean Pact and the Final Reality.

Here in 2018, there has been significant progress towards understanding the hierion-based technologies that the Phari provided to R. Gohrlay.

Towards the end of each calendar year I usually make an end-of-year blog post summarizing my major blogging events from the past year (2017). However, there is nothing magic about the 365 day time period for Earth going around the sun.

Below is an update of progress on the Exode Saga, a summary of key discoveries and events from the past two years...

Waiting for Azynov
Many Sails
Yōd informed me (see this) that Azynov would reach Earth in 2017. The hope was that Azynov could access the information resources hidden inside Eternity.

While waiting for Azynov's arrival, I tried to learn about the First Reality. Sadly, progress has been very slow on that front. Alpha Gohrlay was taken from me and it seems that Zeta and Yōd know very little about the First Reality.

Yōd's mission to Earth (image source).
Back at the end of 2016, I knew that Many Sails would be a major part of A Search Beyond. Yōd had quickly set up a website for the story, but the tryp'At Overseers were still actively blocking me from learning about Observer Base in general and the AR Simulator in particular. By making use of her replicoid (who was inside Observer Base) Yōd was a great source of information about alien visitors to Earth, including the mysterious hermaphrodite Resh^Ki.

However, there was a serious impediment to my progress in understanding the hidden aliens who have long guided the course of Humanity: the tryp'At. I would have to wait two more years before the tryp'At Overseers were cleared away and the exact roles of interventionists like Resh^Ki could be revealed.

When Yōd was teleported to Earth, I was rather shocked. I had previously constructed a false dichotomy in my thinking: 1) the Huaoshy could travel rapidly between galaxies by means of spacecraft like Many Sails and, in contrast, 2) lesser Genesaunts such as the Fru'wu might be forced to make use of short-range teleportation for travel that would be restricted to the confines of their home galaxy. The idea that Many Sails would teleport Yōd to Earth surprised me.

Phari Base in the Slave Craton
During the past two years, I have come to realize the importance of teleportation and I now understand that an effort had been made to keep me from realizing just how accessible teleportation technology might be and what it might reveal about the Hidden History of Earth. In particular, it is possible to teleport into a hidden Phari base that is located deep under the surface of Earth.

The AR Simulator
the AR Simulator
Early in 2017, when I began receiving relayed reports about Asimov's replicoid's findings in the Asimov Reality Simulator of Eternity, I allowed myself to imagine that the secret origins of the Ek'col and the tryp'At would soon be revealed. However, those reports from Azynov soon dried up and it appeared that the tryp'At Overseers were cracking down. Rather than deal with the tryp'At, did Azynov simply remain in the AR Simulator?

Might telepathy provide a way to send reports from inside the AR Simulator to the world outside? Until the arrival of the Bimanoid Interface version 2.0, there was no way to seriously explore this possibility. Immediately after the Bimanoid Interface was altered, Yōd went to join Azynov in AR Simulator. Who might have the required telepathic ability to communicate with Yōd? I've sometimes imagined that with a chemical boost I might be able to more effectively use the Bimanoid Interface, but finally in 2018 I discovered that there is someone on Earth who can communicate telepathically with Yōd.

At the end of 2017 I was struggling to find an optimal narrative system for A Search Beyond. I knew that both Azynov and Yōd had important roles to play in telling the secrets hidden inside the AR Simulator, but another key element was missing.

However, thanks to Jack Vance, I did have the embryo of an idea for how physical evidence of ancient alien visitors to Earth might be revealed (see the image to the right).

the mysterious origins of Yōd
Early in 2018, I was exploring the idea that there might be the need to explicitly include some sort of "Search for the Editor" in the Exode Saga. I had grown comfortable with the idea that I am the Editor, so the idea of me giving way to "the real Editor" was hard to latch on to. In any case, it was fun imagining that Yōd could be annoyed by me hesitating to write A Search Beyond. I had some intuition that Yōd was hiding an important truth from me, so Yōd and I had a bit of a standoff, which gave me time to think rather than write.

Think about what? I've long been comfortable with the idea that the Huaoshy altered the Dimensional Structure of the universe during my lifetime. What if that change to the universe also made it impossible for any further replicoids to be created? What if Azynov is the last replicoid?

Writing A Search Beyond
And what about the other folks who were present at Observer Base when Azynov was created? How was I going to learn their backstories and find the true starting point for A Search Beyond? In April of 2018 I was searching for a critical Rule Change that seemed to be missing, something that would allow me to make rapid progress in writing my account of the Exode Saga. I was searching for a new way to get information out of the AR Simulator, some way to side-step my own replicoid, Irhit.

"Exoditions on Cynk"
A way around Irhit and the tryp'At Overseers was finally discovered this year when I learned about The Exoditions on Cynk and the fate of R. Gohrlay. Apparently Alpha Gohrlay and R. Gohrlay were somehow merged in a way which may have been what Asimov was trying to hint at in the mysterious ending of Foundation and Empire.

Bimanoid Interface 2.0
When the Bimanoid Interface was altered, the entire landscape for human technology-assisted telepathy shifted. I had not previously appreciated the role of R. Nyrtia in obtaining and applying ancient Phari technologies, including the Bimanoid Interface. Yōd was forced to depart from Earth and she followed Azynov into the AR Simulator. However, she gave me a going away gift: a set of infites.

With those infites in my mind, I realized that Yōd had played a trick on me when she came to Earth. Her mission here on this world had been to prepare for a transition, a shift of direction from me to my grand-daughter Rylla. She had tricked me by taking on the physical form of Sally. In reality, the human body that she was using during her mission on Earth belonged to Rylla's mother. Yōd refrained from allowing me to know about her telepathic connections to my mind while she carefully helped Rylla develop her special telepathic abilities.

Another big surprise passed on to me by Yōd's infites was that a positronic robot, R. Nyrtia was operating on Earth and preparing Rylla as someone with a type of technology-assisted telepathy that was created specifically for use by humans living under the terms of the Trysta-Grean Pact. Rylla is able to function as an antenna, receiving information from Yōd in the AR Simulator. How? Zeta has provided me with hints about possible involvement of "a clone of Asimov" who resides at Observer Base, but that avenue of investigation needs to explored.

Two other important characters in A Search Beyond were revealed to me by Yōd's infites: Maria Green and Georgy White. They were the mechanism by which Rylla was first made aware of alien visitors to Earth. Georgy was able to obtain evidence for negative-mass hierions. While scrubbing this planet clean of that evidence for alien visitors to Earth, Maria left Rylla with subjective evidence that alien forces were at work on Earth while keeping most humans in the dark and unaware of alien visitors.

Here at the end of 2018, I am left wondering about the apparent ability of Qaz Nivsaham to guide and control events on Earth. As a human being who grew up on Earth, I am comfortable crafting the Exode Saga around characters such as Kach the Kac'hin. However, it might be important to find a way to re-conceptualize the main players in the Exode Saga in terms of alien-crafted states of matter.

If so, then by what means can readers be quickly taken beyond our conventional expectation that a science fiction story be about specific characters? The Exode Saga might fundamentally concern a technological issue such as quantum computation. If so, how can such a story best be told? And is finding the answer to that question my concern or has that job already been handed off to Rylla?

Next: investigating Interventionist methods
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