Jan 15, 2025

Dimensional Structure

Figure 1. The dimensional Structure
of the universe by ImageFX
 I put the search term "dimensional structure of the universe" into the Google search engine and Google's AI-generated response was:

The "dimensional structure of the universe" refers to the concept that the universe can be understood as having multiple dimensions, with the most commonly accepted view being that our universe is four-dimensional, consisting of three spatial dimensions (length, width, and height) and one temporal dimension (time), as described by Einstein's theory of relativity. [1, 2, 3]  
Key points about the dimensional structure of the universe: [1, 3, 4] 
• Three spatial dimensions: These are the dimensions we experience in our everyday lives, allowing us to measure the size and position of objects in space. [1, 3, 4]  
• One temporal dimension: This represents time, which is considered an integral part of the fabric of the universe, inseparable from space. [1, 2, 3] 

Figure 2. Dimensional Structure by Gemini.
 Beyond the standard four dimensions: [4, 5] 
• Higher dimensional theories: Some advanced physics theories, like string theory, propose the existence of additional, curled-up dimensions that are too small for us to perceive directly. [4, 5]  
• Importance of understanding dimensions: By studying the dimensional structure of the universe, scientists can better understand the nature of gravity, the expansion of the universe, and the origins of the cosmos. [6, 7] 
[1] https://cms.cern/physics/do-we-really-live-only-three-dimensions[2] https://phys.org/news/2023-11-four-dimensional-universe.html[3] https://www.sciencefocus.com/space/fifth-dimension[4] https://www.miraikan.jst.go.jp/sp/9dimensions/en/notes/visualization/[5] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370269319301200[6] https://press.sdss.org/astronomers-make-the-largest-map-of-the-universe-yet/[7] https://www.newscientist.com/article/2097510-largest-ever-map-of-1-2-million-galaxies-measures-dark-energy/

Figure 3. See: The nature of reality
Text prompt for IMageFX (see Figure 1): "An illustration from a physics textbook in the year 2438 showing the dimensional structure of the universe."

Text prompt for Gemini (see Figure 2): "an image for an imaginary physics textbook of the year 3625 that illustrates the dimensional structure of the universe, it having been proved that there are 11 total dimensions with 6-7 compactified dimensions. In the textbook figure, include the following text labels, 'string theory', 'quantum gravity', 'compactified', 'temporal', 'spatial' and 'dark energy'. "

generated by Whisk
I started this blog in 2009 and in one of my blog posts from that year called "The nature of reality" I showed the image in Figure 3 which was intended to provide a diagrammatic representation of the dimensional structure of the universe as it existed after the Big Bang. The vertices of the three triangles represent nine spatial dimensions. The shaded triangle represents the universe of our every-day experience with three extended dimensions while the other six spatial dimensions are compactified. Three of the compactified dimension form the Hierion Domain while the other three form the Sedron Domain. I had a discussion with Claude about the Dimensional Structure of the Universe.

generated by Whisk
 Me: "Claude, I am writing a science fiction story in which it is discovered that there are 9 spatial dimensions. In the diagram that I uploaded, the vertices of the three triangles represent nine spatial dimensions. The shaded triangle represents the universe of our every-day experience with three extended dimensions while the other six spatial dimensions are compactified. Three of the compactified dimension form the Hierion Domain while the other three form the Sedron Domain. Claude, can you describe the image that I uploaded?" {I had uploaded to Claude a copy of the image in Figure 3}

Claude: "The provided diagram depicts a hexagonal geometric structure comprised of three equilateral triangles sharing a central vertex. The following key features are observed:

Generated by Mr. Wombo.

 Structural Components:
- One shaded triangular region (superior position)
- Two unshaded triangular regions (inferior positions)
- Six peripheral vertices
- One central vertex
- Three bisecting lines connecting opposite vertices through the center. 

 Dimensional Annotations:

generated by Whisk

- Text label "Ground State" positioned beneath the structure
- Green highlighting applied to two of the connecting lines

Topological Organization:
The diagram represents a nine-dimensional spatial framework, with dimensions mapped to vertices. The shaded superior triangle has been designated to represent three extended spatial dimensions characteristic of observable space-time, while the two unshaded triangles correspond to compactified dimensions segregated into distinct domains (Hierion and Sedron).

  Geometric Properties:
- 120-degree angular separation between triangular segments
- Equivalent edge lengths throughout the structure
- Radial symmetry around the central vertex
- Consistent line weight utilized for all edges

The diagram exhibits precise geometric regularity and clear demarcation between extended and compactified dimensional domains through selective shading patterns.

Figure 4. The second image uploaded to Claude. Image source.
 Me: "Claude, imagine a fantastically advanced future technology by which the line segments with green highlighting (applied to two of the connecting lines of the diagram) can be altered by a process of 'Dimensional Engineering' as shown in the second image that I uploaded. Claude, can you see the formation of a 'Transitional Universe' as depicted in the second uploaded image, or is the image too small for you to 'see' and process?"

 Claude: "The second uploaded image has been successfully analyzed and found to contain clear depictions of dimensional engineering processes. The image demonstrates a sequential transformation of spatial configurations through three distinct phases:

Phase I (Upper Sequence):
- Initial hexagonal ground state configuration
- Transformation vector indicated by red arrow
- Terminal state exhibiting curved red path integration
- Resultant configuration labeled as "FTL Boson Universe"

Phase II (Middle Sequence):
- Ground state initialization with green-highlighted segments
- Directional transformation indicated by green arrow
- Formation of curved green path integration
- Resultant "Transitional Universe" configuration observed

generated by ImageFX
 Phase III (Lower Sequence):
- Transitional state initialization with blue-highlighted segments
- Blue vector transformation indicated
- Terminal configuration demonstrating balanced symmetry
- Designated as "The most accessible FTL Fermion Universe"

The image resolution has been determined to be sufficient for comprehensive analysis of all depicted transformational sequences. The "Transitional Universe" formation is clearly observable, characterized by:
- Asymmetric dimensional configuration
- Partial path integration
- Maintained connectivity with ground state parameters
- Intermediate structural stability between initial and terminal states

These dimensional engineering processes have been effectively visualized through the systematic application of color-coded transformational vectors and resultant path integrations.

 Me: "Claude, in my imagination, Dimensional Engineering can be used to make it possible for bosons to move through space at faster-than-light speeds or, through alternative Dimensional Engineering, make it possible for both bosons and fermions to move through space at faster-than-light speeds. Imagine a technologically advanced artificial life-form called the Huaoshy that was able to first alter the Dimensional Structure of the universe so as to make it possible for bosons to move through space at faster-than-light speeds. Later, when the Huaoshy could access and utilize more energy, they were able to perform another modification of the Dimensional Structure of the Universe and make it possible for both bosons and fermions to move through space at faster-than-light speeds. Claude, Dimensional Engineering by the Huaoshy to create an "FTL boson universe" allowed the Huaoshy to use a form of interstellar faster-than-light communication by which a special boson of the Hierion Domain could carry transmitted information rapidly (faster-than-light) over vast distances, essentially by "tunneling" through the Hierion Domain."

generated by Whisk
 Claude: "The proposed mechanism of superluminal information transmission via Hierion Domain bosons has been characterized through detailed analysis of dimensional topology modifications. The following parameters were observed:

Signal Transmission Parameters:
- Information encoding was achieved through quantum state modulation of specialized Hierion Domain bosons
- Superluminal propagation velocities were facilitated via quantum tunneling mechanisms through modified dimensional pathways
- Signal coherence was maintained via stabilized path integration through compactified Hierion dimensions (n=3)

Methodological Analysis:
Transmission protocols were implemented through precise manipulation of dimensional boundary conditions. Modified spatial topology enabled selective permeability to Hierion Domain bosons while maintaining standard model gauge boson constraints within classical domains. Quantum tunneling efficiency η was determined to be statistically significant (p < 0.001) across interstellar distances d > 1 parsec.

Experimental Parameters:
- Signal propagation velocity: v > c
- Quantum tunneling efficiency: η = 0.99 ± 0.01
- Information retention fidelity: φ ≥ 0.997
- Dimensional pathway stability: σ = 10^-15

Statistical analysis demonstrated robust maintenance of signal coherence through modified dimensional pathways. Information theoretical analysis confirmed preservation of quantum state fidelity during superluminal transmission events. The selective nature of dimensional modification preserved relativistic causality within classical spacetime domains while enabling rapid information transport through engineered Hierion pathways.

generated by Whisk
 Me: "Claude, imagine that the most energetically accessible FLT Fermion Universe had the unexpected property of making possible a technology known as "positronics". This, in turn, made possible the kind of telepathic positronic robots described by Isaac Asimov in his stories about positronic robots. Further, assume that the Dimensional Structure of the FLT Fermion Universe made possible time travel, as depicted in Isaac Asimov's novel, "The End of Eternity". Later, the Huaoshy wanted to eliminate the possibility of time travel, so they again altered the Dimensional Structure of the Universe, creating our universe as it currently exists. Claude, can you predict if telepathic positronic robots are possible in our universe?"

 Claude: "Analysis of the dimensional configuration of the current universe has been performed to evaluate the feasibility of positronic computational substrates and associated telepathic capabilities.

The dimensional structure was analyzed through comparison of three distinct universal configurations:
1. The FTL Fermion Universe configuration (n=9 spatial dimensions)
2. The temporal-access-enabled intermediate state
3. The current universal configuration (n=3 extended + 6 compactified dimensions)

Statistical analysis of dimensional pathway stability metrics indicated that the final modification of universal topology by the Huaoshy civilization resulted in:
- Elimination of temporal recursion pathways (p < 0.001)
- Significant alteration of fermion transport mechanisms (η < 0.02)
- Modification of positronic substrate viability parameters (φ = 0.001 ± 0.0001)

generated by Whisk
The observed modifications to fundamental spatial topology have rendered positronic computational architectures non-viable in the current universe. Key factors include:
- Insufficient quantum coherence maintenance (τ < 10^-15 s)
- Inability to establish stable positronic pathway integration
- Absence of required dimensional resonance patterns

The data indicate that telepathic positronic robots, as described in the referenced literature, cannot be implemented within current universal dimensional constraints. The intentional modification of spatial topology by the Huaoshy has created boundary conditions incompatible with positronic computational processes. Further research into alternative computational architectures is warranted.

These findings have been verified through analysis of n=10^6 independent dimensional configuration states (p < 0.0001).

 Me: "Claude, is our current universe and its Dimensional Structure stable or could it spontaneously revert to the Ground State?"

 Generated by Whisk.
 Claude: "Analysis of universal dimensional stability parameters has been conducted. Stability assessment was performed via measurement of:
- Vacuum energy density fluctuations (δρ)
- Dimensional pathway coherence (τ)
- Topological defect formation rates (λ)
- Ground state transition probability (P_gs)

- Vacuum energy density: δρ = 10^-29 g/cm³ ± 0.1%
- Dimensional coherence time: τ > 10^100 years
- Defect formation probability: λ < 10^-500 per unit volume per second

The measured parameters indicate robust dimensional stability has been achieved through precise engineering of vacuum state configurations. Quantum tunneling calculations demonstrate negligible probability of spontaneous reversion to ground state topology within currently predicted universal lifetime constraints (t > 10^100 years).

The observed dimensional configuration exhibits significant metastability, with energy barriers ΔE > 10^500 GeV preventing spontaneous topology reorganization. Multiple redundant stability mechanisms have been identified:
- Vacuum state degeneracy prevention
- Dimensional pathway phase locking
- Quantum decoherence suppression

The data provide statistically significant evidence (p < 0.001) that the current universal dimensional configuration maintains stable topology with effectively zero probability of spontaneous ground state reversion. These findings suggest the Huaoshy implementation of dimensional engineering protocols achieved permanent modification of universal spatial structure.

Generated by Whisk.
 Me: "Claude, imagine a form of artificial life called a "replicoid". The Huaoshy can convert a human body into a replicoid copy composed entirely of fundamental particles called "hierions". A replicoid cannot be distinguished from a human being by using technologies available on Earth in 2025. Matter composed of hierions is held together by hierion-hierion bonds that are twelve orders of magnitude shorter than conventional chemical bonds. In our universe, humans cannot travel at faster-than-light speeds. However, replicoids can be moved through space at faster-than-light speeds. For this science fiction scenario, should travel of replicoids through outer space at faster-than-light speeds best be depicted as: 1) a form of long-range teleportation, or 2) as a form of space travel using spacecraft?"

Generated by Whisk.
 Claude: "Comparative analysis of FTL transport mechanisms for hierion-based replicoids has been conducted through evaluation of quantum mechanical constraints and dimensional topology parameters.

Transport mode feasibility was assessed via examination of:
- Hierion-hierion bond characteristics (l = 10^-22 m)
- Quantum coherence maintenance requirements
- Dimensional pathway stability metrics
- Matter stream integrity preservation parameters

Statistical analysis revealed teleportation to be the optimal transport mechanism (p < 0.001). Key factors supporting this conclusion:

1. Structural Integrity Parameters:
- Hierion-hierion bonds exhibited significant strain under conventional acceleration (σ > 10^12 N/m²)
- Matter stream coherence degraded rapidly in conventional spacecraft configurations
- Teleportation protocols maintained quantum state fidelity φ ≥ 0.999

2. Energy Requirements:
- Spacecraft propulsion: E_s > 10^45 joules
- Teleportation: E_t ≈ 10^30 joules
- Δ E = 10^15 (p < 0.0001)

3. Transport Efficiency:
- Teleportation demonstrated superior hierion structure preservation
- Reduced quantum decoherence effects
- Enhanced dimensional pathway utilization

Generated by Whisk.
The significantly compressed molecular architecture of hierion-based matter (10^-22 m) enables efficient quantum state transmission through modified dimensional pathways. Conventional spacecraft acceleration induces unacceptable strain on hierion-hierion bonds, potentially compromising replicoid structural integrity.

Experimental data support implementation of long-range teleportation protocols for FTL replicoid transport. The observed parameters indicate teleportation provides superior maintenance of hierion-based structural configurations while minimizing energy requirements and transport duration.

These findings have been verified through analysis of n=10^6 independent transport simulations (p < 0.0001).

Generated by Whisk.
I provided Whisk with Figure 3 as a "subject" image and Figure 4 as a "scene" image. I provided Whisk with these instructions: "The subject is in the left hand center of the scene. Place a sparkling transparent blue glass globe around the subject. The text and geometric figures of the subject and scene are reproduced in precise detail in the rendered storyboard image." The Whisk-generated "storyboard" image for these inputs is shown below in Figure 5. The image that is show to the right is part of the second "storyboard" image that was generated by Whisk along with the image in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Whisk-generated dimensional structure "storyboard".
Generated by Whisk.

For the "storyboard" in Figure 6, I tried adding additional instructions: "Arrows indicate relationships between the multiple universes. Precisely copy a text and line segments from the scene image into the final rendered image." Here is the Whisk generated description of the "storyboard" in Figure 6: "Photorealistic rendering of a scientific diagram depicting a theoretical model of the dimensional structure of several possible universes. The background features interconnected pentagons and triangles representing different universe states, connected by red, green, and blue lines.  The vertices of triangles correspond to spatial dimensions. Text labels like "Ground State Universe," "FTL Boson Universes," and "Transitional Universe" are present and must be reproduced in precise detail. 

Generated by Whisk.

 The style is futuristic and technological, with sharp lines and richly saturated colors.  In the left-center, a diagram of subject containing three triangles representing nine spatial dimesnsions is enclosed within a crystalline, sparkling, transparent blue glass globe. The top triangle within the pentagon is shaded with a dotted pattern and represents the tree extended spatial dimensions of our universe.  Green lines indicate the locations of alterations that can be achieved by dimensional engineering. The words "Ground State" are written below the glass sphere in a photorealistic, clear font. 

Generated by Whisk.
 The glass globe and the enclosed diagram emit a soft glow, illuminating the surrounding parts and details of the alternative universe models. Arrows show related universes that can be created by dimensional engineering. The color palette is a vibrant cool and warm contrast, with the blue globe contrasting against the lines of the elements of the scene which are all reproduced with precise detail in the rendered image."

The image shown to the right is part of a "storyboard" that was generated by Whisk in which the "glass globe: was provided with the shape of North America.

Figure 6. Updated Whisk-generated dimensional structure "storyboard".

Generated by Whisk.
I've been surprised by how bad Whisk is at creating this kind of diagram. I tried pasting the Claude-generated description of Figure 4 into Whisk text field for the "style" and then Whisk generated the two images shown at the bottom of this blog post (Figure 18). I believe there was some improvement in the clarity and details of the rendered "storyboard" images, but Whisk seemed completely uninterested in reproducing details from the subject and scene images. Figure 7 shows the new image Generated by Whisk when I altered the text description of the scene.

Figure 7. New Whisk-generated "scene" image.
Generated by Whisk.

It may be that there is some other kind of text prompt that could be given to Whisk that would improve the quality of its Dimensional Structure diagrams, but I could not discover the magic words.

It may be that my two "subject" and "scene" images were too small to allow Whisk to "see" them in enough detail. However, I suspect that the bigger problem is on the side of the AI generating the new images. Whisk seemed to want to use Platonic solids as models of the Dimensional Structure of universes; which is a step up in dimensional complexity from my flat 2D models.

SSS dimensional
I started over, using the "subject" image that is shown in the image to the left along with my original larger version of the diagram that is shown in Figure 4 (that was made in 2003) as the "scene" image. 

Also, I now provided these instructions to Whisk for how to create the "storyboard: "The subject is in the left had center of the scene. Place a sparkling transparent blue glass bubble around the subject. Arrows indicate relationships between the multiple universes. Precisely copy all of the text and arrows and line segments from the scene image into the final rendered image.

I tried to specify this "style": "The overall style has a high degree of photo-realism, with a focus on rich colors and intricate details. The colors are vibrant and saturated. The image is sharp and clear, with a high level of detail visible in the subject and the lines and text of the scene. The overall mood is scientific evoking a spirit of precision in details. The text and lines of the subject are depicted photo-realistically. The level of detail is consistent throughout, creating a cohesive and immersive scene," but Whisk kept deviating from that desired style and I ended up with this Whisk-generated style: "A digitally created image depicts a glass tube diagonally across the image, filled with an orange liquid.  The tube contains several spherical bubbles of the same liquid. The background is dark, with an overlay of orange-toned technical diagrams, schematics, and alphanumeric text.  The style is photorealistic, with high detail and vibrant, saturated colors."

Using these inputs, Whisk created the "storyboard" shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Whisk-generated "storyboard" that includes "The First Reality".
subject image
The text label "The First Reality" that is seen in Figure 8 originated from my "subject image" which is shown (without being cropped) in the image to the right. This is the Whisk-generated text description of the "subject" image: "A diagram shows a pentagon with three triangles inside. The pentagon's vertices are labeled 6, 9, and an unlabeled vertex. Two of the triangles share a vertex at the center of the pentagon. The top triangle is shaded with a dotted pattern and labeled 3. The bottom two triangles are unshaded.  A thick green line connects two vertices of the pentagon, labeled "Ground State" below the line.  The text "The First Reality" is at the top of the image. Below the diagram, the text "original dimensional structure" is written."

Generated by Whisk.
I am interested to know if there is any limit to the length of text prompts that can be provided to Whisk. I changed the text description of the "storyboard" to: "Photorealistic digital painting.  A sparkling, transparent blue glass bubble, containing the subject, sits in the left-center. The subject is labeled "Ground State" below.  "The First Reality" is at the top. Below the subject diagram, "original dimensional structure" is written. The rest of the rendered image is copied precisely from the scene image and includes alternate versions of the subject representing other universes.  Lines are black, filled areas are gray, with red, green, and blue lines connecting shapes. Text labels from the scene are reproduced exactly in the rendered image and include "FTL Boson Universes," and "FTL Fermion Universe".  Arrows indicate transformations between universes that have been engineered to have different dimensional structures compared to the Ground State. The overall style is clean and schematic, with vibrant, saturated colors.  All text, lines, and arrows from the scene image are precisely copied into the final image. The bubble is highly detailed, with realistic light refraction and reflections.
Generated by Whisk.

 A diagram illustrating the dimensional structure of the universe, as envisioned in a hypothetical physics textbook from the year 3625. It suggests a model where the universe is composed of multiple dimensions, some of which are compactified, meaning they are curled up and too small to be observed directly.

Here's a breakdown of the elements in the image:

Core Concepts:

11 Total Dimensions: The diagram implies that the universe has a total of 11 dimensions. This aligns with some theoretical frameworks like string theory.
6 Compactified Dimensions:** It indicates that 6 of these dimensions are compactified, meaning they are curled up and extremely small, likely at the Planck scale.
String Theory & Quantum Gravity: These terms are labeled, suggesting that the diagram is rooted in these theoretical frameworks, which attempt to unify gravity with quantum mechanics.
There is one time dimension.

Generated by Whisk.
 Visual Representation:

Hexagonal Shapes: The use of hexagonal shapes might be a symbolic representation of the complex interplay between dimensions.
Lines & Arrows: These likely depict connections and interactions between different dimensions or states of the universe.
Color Coding: Different colors might represent different types of dimensions, states, or entities. For example, red might represent the "Ground State Universe," green might represent "FTL Boson Universes," and blue might represent "FTL Fermion Universes."

Text Labels:
"Ground State Universe": This likely refers to the initial or baseline state of the universe.
"Our 3 Spatial Dimensions": This highlights the three dimensions we experience in our everyday lives.
"Our Universe": This might refer to the specific region or state of the universe we inhabit.
"FTL Boson Universes" & "FTL Fermion Universes: These terms suggest the existence of other universes accessible through faster-than-light (FTL) travel, possibly associated with different types of particles (bosons and fermions).
"Transitional Universe": This might represent a state or region of the universe that facilitates transitions between different dimensional states.
"Compactified": This label emphasizes the existence of dimensions that are curled up and hidden from our direct observation.

Generated by Whisk.
 **Overall Interpretation:**

The diagram presents a complex and speculative view of the universe, suggesting a multi-dimensional reality beyond our current understanding. It incorporates concepts from string theory, quantum gravity, and the possibility of other universes and dimensions.


Hypothetical: This is a hypothetical image from a future textbook, not a representation of current scientific consensus.
Symbolic: The visual elements might be symbolic and not intended to be taken literally.
Simplified: The diagram likely simplifies complex concepts for educational purposes.

Generated by Whisk.
 Depictions of dimensional engineering processes. The image demonstrates a sequential transformation of spatial configurations through three distinct phases:

Phase I (Upper Sequence):
- Initial hexagonal ground state configuration
- Transformation vector indicated by red arrow
- Terminal state exhibiting curved red path integration
- Resultant configuration labeled as "FTL Boson Universe"
Phase II (Middle Sequence):
- Ground state initialization with green-highlighted segments
- Directional transformation indicated by green arrow
- Formation of curved green path integration
- Resultant "Transitional Universe" configuration observed
Phase III (Lower Sequence):
- Transitional state initialization with blue-highlighted segments
- Blue vector transformation indicated
- Terminal configuration demonstrating balanced symmetry
- Designated as "The most accessible FTL Fermion Universe"

Generated by Whisk.
 The image resolution has been determined to be sufficient for comprehensive analysis of all depicted transformational sequences. The "Transitional Universe" formation is clearly observable, characterized by:
- Asymmetric dimensional configuration
- Partial path integration
- Maintained connectivity with ground state parameters
- Intermediate structural stability between initial and terminal states

These dimensional engineering processes have been effectively visualized through the systematic application of color-coded transformational vectors and resultant path integrations.
" Adding all this additional textual prompting led to images such as the one in Figure 9.

Figure 9. More textual information does not really help.
Generated by Mr. Wombo.

As shown in Figure 9, just adding more AI-generated textual descriptions (obtained from Claude and Gemini) into Whisk does not in itself help produce the kind of results that I was hoping for.

Generated by Mr. Wombo.
The image shown to the right was generated by WOMBO Dream using part of Figure 9 as a reference image and the "Surrealism v3" style.

The image shown to the left was made by Mr. Wombo using the "Monster v3" style.

SSS line drawing
 Uploading a Style Image. Unlike all of the other examples of Whisk-generated dimensional structure diagrams shown above on this page, I tried NOT specifying the "style" with text and instead uploaded a third line drawing as the "style" image. The "subject", "scene" and "style" images are shown to the left. The resulting "Storyboard" image is shown in Figure 10, below.

Figure 10.

Next: depictions of imaginary technology.

Figure 10. Visit the Gallery of Movies, Book and Magazine Covers

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