Below on this page is Part 12 of the science fiction story "
Telepaths of Site Q".
Grean the Kac'hin is trying to teleport some hermaphroditic mice from Earth to
Observer Base, but she fears that someone or something might be trying to sneak into Observer Base. Grean has been warned that Gani the robot might be secretly teleported into Observer Base by the
tryp'At Council, but what if the real source of danger is Grean herself and reckless use of her own teleportation equipment?
Haunted House. Grean in intrigued by Cellebelle's interest in the haunted houses of Earth. Dani was going off to High Seelie and would shrink his zeptite body down to an appropriate size for that visit. But that was nothing. Right there inside Eternity was Nanoville, where the people were submicroscopic. What if the tryp'At invasion of Observer Base was not going to involve tall humanoids like Irhit and Gani, but rather, nanoscopic lifeforms?
Part 12 of "Telepaths of Site Q" (part 1)(part 2)(part 3)(part 4)(part 5)(part 6)(part 7)(part 8)(part 9)(part 10)(part 11)
Grean expected to arrive back at her workshop, but instead she found herself in a new place that she had never seen before. Dani was there with her, so not everything had gone wrong during their teleportation off of Earth. Somewhat disoriented, Dani muttered, "Where are we?"
Grean reached out with her telepathic sense and "heard" an almost mechanical narration: Decontamination protocol complete. Femtocoid extract ready for long-range teleportation. Destination set: siteq 3605.
Then they were teleported again and now they arrived safely back in Grean's workshop. Grean hugged Dani and exclaimed, "That was rather spooky! Did you 'hear' that... voice?"
Dani the robot
Dani was tenderly patting the back of Grean's head with one hand and holding the other firmly against the small of her back. He could feel Grean's spine trembling and her voice was shaky. Grateful for not having to deal with adrenaline surges, Dani asked, "What voice?"
"I don't know. It was there in my mind, but..." She tried to imagine what might have created such an inhuman sound. "It may have been a machine." Grean repeated for Dani what she had "heard".
He chuckled. "Femtocoids, eh? This must all be a trick of the tryp'At Council."
Grean leaned back at looked at Dani from arm's length. "The tryp'At Council? How could they have intercepted my teleportation signal?" If the tryp'At could detect and take control of Grean's teleportation signals then that would be very bad news indeed.
Dani shrugged. "All I know is that the tryp'At had some secretive femtocoid project. The people on the tryp'At Council were always whispering about it, or I could often telepathically see that femtocoids were prominent in their thoughts." Grean was staring at Dani he could sense mixed fascination and disbelief in her thoughts. "Don't ask me for any details because I've already told you all I know."
Grean finally let go of Dani and stepped off of the teleportation platform. She quickly scanned through the teleportation diagnostics log and could see that they had arrived in the workshop from a location in outer space, close to Earth's fifth Lagrange point. "We were on a spaceship."
Dani was reading the log over Grean's shoulder. "The year 3605 would be about right for Yenti's era at siteq."
artist's depiction of a bumpha
Grean nodded and suggested, "Maybe we were... decontaminated... by the bumpha."
Dani commented, "I don't know who talks about the bumpha more, you and Wendy or the members of the tryp'At Council. I've never seen a bumpha or met anyone who has."
Grean giggled. "I'm not so sure. Maybe that spaceship we just visited is a bumpha." She looked over her shoulder at Dani and was pleased to find his face just inches away. Impulsively, she kissed him, rather awkwardly missing his mouth and her lips brushed his chin.
Dani bent close and kissed her forehead. "What are talking about, lover?"
Grean got out of her chair and began pacing around the teleporter. She was thinking about how sweet it was that Dani had called her 'lover', but then she slowly got her thoughts back on the mystery at hand. "I'm thinking about something that Trysta Iwedon once told me, back when we were setting up the Trysta Truce... that the bumpha are artificial lifeforms. Apparently, they've been cruising around the universe for billions of years and usually take the physical form of a spaceship."
"Harrumph." Dani shrugged. "I have memories covering a span of about 21,000 years. I can't really imagine creatures existing for billions of years."
Grean stopped pacing and took hold of one of Dani's hands. "I suppose you want to be getting over to Seelie."
"Yes, Treba is ready to take me to High Seelie. We can make sure that the mice from Earth will have a home ready and waiting for them."
Grean did not let go of his hand. "Thank you for letting me ravish you last night, my love. I'd be pleased if you'd stay here with me now for a while. That bungled teleportation really rattled me."
Dani briefly hugged Grean then said, "I just called Wendy. She'll take care of you. Now, if you could teleport me to chamber two..."
Grean finally let go of Dani's hand and set the teleporter for chamber two of Seelie. Dani stepped onto the platform and disappeared. Wendy was just arriving in the workshop and said, "Dani is gone already?"
Grean told Wendy all about the trip to Earth, leaving out nothing. Grean's mind was seething with emotions and Wendy could telepathically sense a dominant tone of terror in the Kac'hin's mind, as if Grean had just awakened from a nightmare. After Grean's account of her visit to Earth and the unusual teleportation glitch, Wendy asked, "You don't think that voice was... from a living being?"
Grean sighed. "Who knows? It was creepy. I'll tell you my best guess, but please don't laugh at me. I think someone was trying to scare me. And they did a very good job."
"Why would anyone do that to you?"
"Maybe just to get me to think."
"Oh, come on, Grean. You are always thinking and obsessing over the future. Sometimes I just try to get you to relax and stop thinking. I thought your trip to Earth was going to be a little vacation for you. I'm sorry you had a scare getting home, but I'm glad that you got to experience sexplay with Dani. He is a very sexy guy, don't you think?"
Grean grinned. "He's hot alright. I'm glad you are not mad at me for giving him a tumble."
"Being able to feel jealousy is part of my programming... I would not be able to understand biologicals if I could not experience emotions. The rational side of my mind tells me that I should not be jealous... I don't own Dani... as much as I might like to."
Grean thought about the idea that Dani had 21,000 years of experience making love to women. She mused, "I thought most positronic robots were female... the positronic brains were made from the template of a human female's brain..."
"I've never seen census data, if that's what you want." Wendy could not follow Grean's flashing and swirling thoughts. "The second positronic robot was male... R. Nahan."
Grean hugged Wendy and just held onto her for a long time. Grean tried to push thoughts of Dani out of her mind. Finally she asked Wendy, "What if the mice go through the same thing... that decontamination protocol?"
Wendy struggled to follow Grean's leaping thoughts. "That mouse colony in Mars harbors some kind of disease?"
"No, I don't think it is that. I'm thinking about nanotechnology... something like nanocoids."
Wendy had read some of the wild stories that had been written about the far future of the Asimov Reality, so she was aware of nanocoid technology. She said, "I thought nanocoids were fictional technology, or technology lost in Deep Time."
Grean tenderly embraced Wendy. She needed to feel someone's arms around her. Wendy picked up Grean and cradled the Kac'kin in her powerful arms, like a child. Wendy carried Grean out into the gardens and simply walked. Grean had her eyes closed and she was enjoying the sweet smell of flowers.
She completely trusted Wendy but Grean was struggling to push away fears that Dani was still under the control of the tryp'At Council or possibly even R. Nyrtia, the technical wizard of the Hierion Domain. Finally Grean said, "I don't care if nanocoids are imaginary. The question is, could a nanoscopic lifeform, possibly someone from Nanoville, exist outside of the confines of Nanoville? If so, then nanaoscopic tryp'At agents could infiltrate Observer Base without me even noticing them."
Wendy shook her head and said, "I don't see how you could solve the molecular kinetic energy problem. No... Nanoville is a special low-temperature environment. Its residents could not survive for long here at the high temperatures that you biologicals require for survival." Wendy had carried Grean to her favorite spot in the garden. Wendy laid Grean down on the grass and began slowly undressing her.
Gradually, with a hundred sweet little Wendy kisses having been gently applied to her skin, Grean was able to relax and become sexually receptive. She opened her eyes and Grean drank in the sight of Wendy's perfect robotic body. Grean's emotions had been nicely shifted from the terror of that disembodied voice in the alien spaceship to basking in the thrill of sexual contact with Wendy. Grean rubbed her stiff nipples with her finger tips while Wendy licked the erect glans of her clitoris. "Thank you, Wendy. You are great medicine."
Later, as the fire of their love making was cooling off, Dani's message arrived from High Seelie. Wendy told Grean, "I just got the 'all clear' from Dani."
Grean jumped to her feet and then held out her hand. Wendy needed no help, but the robot allowed Grean to help Wendy stand up. They kissed tenderly, then ran back to the workshop. Only after entering the workshop did Wendy and Grean use their clothing nanites to dress themselves.
Now, with Wendy's body partially hidden, Grean could get her mind off of sexplay and focus her attention on correctly setting up this complex teleportation sequence. The teleporter equipment had a limited spatial cross-section and a whole series of teleportation events would be needed to send all of Cellebelle's many mice to the research laboratory in High Seelie. As soon as the control settings were all programmed in, Grean locked onto the coordinates of Dani and began the teleportation sequence.
After a minute or so, Wendy reported, "The mice all arrived safely. One hundred and seventy three, not counting all the gestating embryos." Grean finally relaxed and wandered away from the teleporter control panel, then she sank into a chair. Wendy added, "And we got copies of all the written records that Hedy, Susan and Cellebelle compiled through the years."
Grean was tempted to use her Viewer to check on Cellebelle and Richard, but she restrained her curiosity. "Thank you Wendy, for all of you help." For some reason, Grean was now thinking about Irhit and she could not stop wondering about the mystery of how Irhit had known the correct teleportation coordinates of Dani that had been used to bring him into Observer Base. Could there be a hidden nanoscopic entity inside Irhit? Now that Manny was gone and her telepath breeding project completed, Grean no longer felt inhibited from approaching Irhit. Grean sprang out of the chair and told Wendy, "I'm going into town."
Inside the sentient spaceship that was
Many Sails, Irhit's parents were being held in a teleportation buffer. They had been carefully extracted from their hiding places inside the bodies of Dani and Grean. Only then had
Many Sails teleported the decontaminated bodies of Dani and Grean into Eternity. Now
Many Sails had to decide on the best structure for the new bodies that would be given to Irhit's parents. In preparation for speaking to the tryp'At,
Many Sails materialized a copy of the Kac'hin version of Manny.
The newly reassembled Manny gazed into a mirror and for a time experimented with various outfits, trying to find the optimal way to decorate the sexy contours of this body. She wanted to be sexually enticing in the eyes of Irhit's parents, but not offensively provocative.
The bodies of Kac'hin hermaphrodites and tryp'At hermaphrodites were significantly different and there was a risk that Manny could be perceived by the tryp'At as being repulsive if she allowed the contours of her genitals to show through her clothing. Finally satisfied with her physical appearance, Manny next concerned herself with how much of her thoughts and mind to put on display for the telepathic tryp'At. Manny made a few last adjustments to the fake persona she had crafted for just this purpose. Unfortunately, there was powerful temporal vortex preventing Manny from examining her own future, so she had to make her best guess about how to interact with Irhit's parents.
Finally, there was the issue of how to pronounce their names. Since gaining access to the hidden world of the tryp'At where it resided within the Hierion Domain, Manny had been studying tryp'At culture and she knew the conventional way of pronouncing "Sellehuelle" and "Minki".
Asterothrope hermaphrodite (left)
For a moment, Manny reflected on the fact that there were so few tryp'At they only each used a single name. Then Manny pulled Sellehuelle and Minki out of the teleportation buffer and told them:
Your attempt to sneak into Observer Base failed.
Sellehuelle said: Ah, Manny the Kac'hin. Somehow I developed the idea that you were a mythological creature.
Manny explained: I'm quite real, we simply have not previously had the opportunity to meet.
Minki asked: How did you detect us? I was quite confident that Grean would not notice my presence inside her body.
Sellehuelle added: And Dani had no idea that I was inside him.
Manny had no desire to reveal her methods so she tried to change the subject. I know you have questions, but I want to get you into new bodies. I detest speaking to nanoscopic lifeforms that I can't see. Now, I want your suggestions for the shape and form of your new bodies, but first, allow me to advise you. You are going to be sent to siteq. The bumpha want you to help care for Irhit's children. Since you'll be living among Asterothropes and be involved in child care, I recommend that you both adopt the bodily form of an Asterothrope hermaphrodite.
Minki complained: We have no choice in selection of our future home?
Manny replied bluntly: None.
Sellehuelle said: After living so long on Earth as humans, I'm not sure that I could deal with an hermaphroditic body.
Manny suggested: I could put you into an hermaphroditic body and also provide you with medical nanites that could later be used to change your sex. However, speaking from personal experience, I think you will both enjoy having both a penis and a vagina. The most challenging adjustment for you will be growing accustomed to smaller bodies.
After a long discussion of their future life at siteq, Sellehuelle and Minki accepted the offer of being placed into new bodies that matched the conventional physical form of hermaphroditic Asterothropes. As if arriving by teleportation, Sellehuelle and Minki appeared right in front of Manny who switched to spoken language and used the odd dialect that Yenti had grown up using in siteq. "I wish you the enjoyment of these new bodies and your two grandchildren. Take things slow with Yenti and Riea, but I have warned them of your pending arrival and after a time they will treat you like family."
Before Sellehuelle and Minki could recover from the disorientation of being in new bodies and before either of them uttered a word, Manny teleported them off to their new house in siteq. That house was a close replica of their home in Mars, Iowa. Having Viewed the future, Manny knew that Sellehuelle and Minki would be happy in their new lives and suffer only minor regret over not achieved their goal of infiltrating Observer Base.
Wendy had invited Trysta the Asterothrope to the workshop. When Trysta arrived, Grean saw that she had brought along Deomede the Ec'kol, just as Grean had foreseen. Trysta and Deomede joined Wendy and Grean where they stood examining a View of the future at a time after both Trysta and Grean had traveled back into Earth's past. By living on Earth in the far past, Trysta and Grean would be able to insert alien gene patterns into the population of Earthlings.
However, after Trysta and Grean were no longer at Observer Base, the tryp'At would finally invade Observer Base in large numbers. Grean pointed to the Viewer and told Wendy and Deomede, "This is what you need to be prepared for. It will be easy to contain the newly-arrived tryp'At, but I recommend allowing them a period during which the first who arrive can imagine that their presence is not noticed. That will entice the whole group to teleport in and then you can round them all up."
Deomede asked, "By waiting, won't there be a danger that they will locate this workshop?"
"Yes, but during that time, simply inactivate the teleportation and time travel equipment here in this room."
Deomede looked around at the devices. "I have no idea how to shut down these machines. It seems like they are always running."
Wendy told Deomede, "I have the interlock codes. I'll take care of this when the time comes. You'll be busy entertaining our tryp'At guests."
Deomede chuckled and told Grean, "Entertainment? This I want to see."
However Grean turned off the Viewer. "Sorry to disappoint you, Deomede, but due to temporal paradox, I can't show you any details of your future. Suffice it to say, your charms will be equally effective with tryp'At as they are with Asterothropes."
Trysta was holding on to Deomede's arm and she told Grean, "I've made up my mind. Deomede is even more charming than Ekcolir was."
Grean told Trysta, "I'm glad you feel that way, but I worry that your attachment to Deomede will make it very challenging for you the time arrives and you have to depart from Observer Base."
Trysta sighed and said, "When that time comes, Grean, just send me back into Earth's past. That way I won't have to say goodby."
Grean reminded Wendy and Deomede, "Don't forget about Gani. He will arrive with the tryp'At and be easily confused with Dani."
Deomede asked, "Where is Dani? I still have not met him."
"He's investigating the genetics laboratory in High Seelie."
Wendy added, "Dani is having far to much fun with the little people in Seelie. I worry that he may decide to take up residence there."
Grean laughed and put an arm around Wendy's waist and told her, "He'll return to you, my dear, never fear."
Lanora Dryswyn was caught up in crafting a commissioned work. This was her second statue of Dani the robot, and what would apparently be part of a long series, due to the popularity of the first such statue that had recently been put on display inside the home of one of Dani's admirers. Everyone agreed that Dani was exceptionally cute and now while she sculpted, Lany fantasized about the shape and features of Dani's body.
Lanora had never seen Dani's genitals, but startling rumors and enthusiastic descriptions of Dani's sexplay methods had swept through Observer Base. Lanora suspected that those rumors greatly exceeded reality, but now there were expectations that had to be met. Due to her own inherited anatomical idiosyncrasies, in her mind, the size of a man's sex organs was a critically important parameter and Lanora had no reluctance to creating statues featuring a large and provocative penis, so her imagined versions of Dani featured dramatic erections.
Diet advice from Doctor Tilloush. |
Irhit arrived home from a strenuous tunnel-ball game and he looked into Lany's studio. "I'm going to take a quick shower."
Lany looked up from her work, dropped her sculpting tool and rushed to throw her arms around Irhit who was salty with dried sweat. A minute later they were both in the shower. While Irhit washed, Lany played with his genitals and explained how she was crafting the new Dani statue so as to have penile proportions similar to Irhit's spectacular organ. Rinsing soap off himself, Irhit tried to turn under the rushing stream of water, but Lany had a firm two-handed grip on his penis. He stopped his scrubbing and enjoyed the sight of water running over the contours of Lany's sexy body. Not thinking, he blurted out, "Have you put on weight?"
"I was hoping that you might notice." Lany held his stiff erection against her belly and replied, "Not much so far, but I am pregnant, so you better get used to seeing a bigger me every day for the next seven months."
Irhit grinned and said, "Are you joking?"
Lanny shook her head. "Doctor Tilloush dropped by today for a house call... she says it is twins."
Irhit started laughing. He knew that twins were common among the tryp'At and he had been born as a twin with Cellebelle and Yenti had given birth to twins. "I'm not really surprised." He began soaping up her abdomen and tried to convince himself that he could feel her bulging uterus. However, she really still had the appearance of a tall skinny girl.
With a touch of uncertainty in her voice, Lany said, "I'm not sure I'm ready to be a mom, and Tilly even expressed some concerns." She reflected on the ordeal of filling out all the paperwork that had finally gotten her out of the remedial sex education course. At that time, Irhit had to meet with Mrs. Tapsey who accused Irhit of having one night stands with girls just to liberate them from her sex education class. Lany had found it easy to laugh that off. She was very much in love with Irhit and planned to never let him go.
Irhit told Lany, "Don't be silly, dear... you will be a good mother. This is wonderful news! Even Mrs. Tapsey will be pleased."
"I'm not sure of that. I had to listen to all her lectures for many years about the importance of using condoms and other means of birth control. Then when I took you to bed, I did not even think about condoms. Nor did you."
"I was only thinking about my great luck in finding you, my love..." Irhit admitted, "I suspect that we were made for each-other."
"You are so fanciful, my dear." Lany giggled as she leaned back against the wall of the shower and Irhit slid his erection into her vagina. "We do fit nicely together!"
Manny was telepathically tuned into the minds of both Lany and Irhit as they proceeded to make love, first in the shower and then latter in the bedroom of Irhit's apartment. Manny reflected on the fact that Lany now seldom returned to her childhood home and had transferred most of her belonging to Irhit's place, although her old studio still functioned as a kind of display room for her sculpture collection.
After they'd each had a second orgasm, Lany sat in bed playing with Irhit's genitals. He asked, "What was the doctor concerned about?"
Speaking with her mouth full, Lany said, "Mostly my uterus." To Irhit it sounded like 'momentus' and he tried to telepathically tune into her thoughts. He could sense a weak telepathic connection to Lany's mind, but after two months of daily attempts to make their minds synchronize during simultaneous orgasms, Irhit had decided that he was never going to link to Lanora in quite the same way he had been telepathically connected to Yenti, Riea and Wysy. After a long minute, Lany reluctantly pulled her mouth off of the tip of his penis and replied, "Tilly discovered that I have a bifurcated uterus."
Yenti had given Irhit a tutorial on Asterothrope female anatomy. Asterothrope females had two distinct uteri, each linked to its own ovary. There was a larger front uterus connected to the woman's nhezaurish and a back uterus just for giving birth to children who were fathered by hermaphrodites and which was connected to the allzaurish. However, Irhit knew that Lany did not have an allzaurish and her vagina was structurally different than Yenti's nhezaurish. In Irhit's mind, comparing Yenti's vagina to Lany's vagina was like comparing apples to oranges or chocolate to vanilla... both were delectable. Irhit had no idea that Manny had carefully designed Lany so that her vaginal secretions included two of the Asterothrope pheromones that Irhit was sensitive to. Before Irhit could formulate a question, Lany continued, "Doctor Tilloush was amazed by my four cervixes." Lany again took Irhit's penis in her mouth.

Irhit quietly repeated, "Four." He tried to puzzle it out while he enjoyed the way that Lany was stimulating the sensitive tip of his penis with her tongue. She held one of his testes in each of her hands. Back when they had been growing to Asterothrope proportions, his testes had been sensitive and full of nociceptors, but now they were sensitive in a good way and Lany had learned how to make Irhit ejaculate just by gently stroking his scrotum. He guessed, "Now you must be teasing me."
Lany lifted her head and said, "No, I'm not. Tilly showed them to me. So far, only two are open... the ones way up at the end where they link to my oviducts. Each oviduct is connected to one lobe of my uterus. She was expertly massaging his testes and now he began to ejaculate. She quickly returned her mouth to the top of his penis and eagerly swallowed his ejaculate. A minute later, after consuming the last of his sweet semen spurts, Lany added, "Tilly want's to keep a close eye on my other two cervixes during my pregnancy. He expects them to open up before I give birth and become the route for our two children to emerge into the world."
As his orgasm faded, Irhit was experiencing some modest telepathic linkage to Lany's thoughts and he had a flash of insight. "So, the two halves of your bifurcated uterus run parallel to your vagina."
"Exactly." Lany finally let go of his testes and she again took his big hot erection into her vagina. Eager to have another orgasm of her own, she started rubbing her clitoris against Irhit. "Tilly is also worried that I'll get really huge by the end of my pregnancy. Based on the size of my uterus, Doctor Tilloush estimated that I might give birth to twenty pounds of babies and placentas."
Irhit rolled them over and took over the task of rubbing up another orgasm for Lany. Irhit thought about the skill with which Wendy had assisted Yenti when she gave birth to two babies that each weighed over nine pounds. But Yenti was much a bigger woman than Lany and she had weighed 180 pounds at the start of her pregnancy. Irhit asked, "Did Doctor Tilloush weigh you today?"
"Yes. I'm now just over 120 pounds, heavier than I've ever been before. And she wants me to gain weight. Tilly wants me to keep food in the house and eat any time I get hungry."
Irhit thought back to his childhood on Earth, but it was hard to remember hunger... there had always been a bounty of food in the house. And since coming to Observer Base, he was never hungry. The feeding nanites of Observer Base continually supplied easy-to-absorb nutrients to the upper GI tracts of all residents, in just the required amounts to maintain life and avoid any increase in body weight. But maybe it was different for pregnant women. He suspected that Yenti had been fed by her own Asterothrope feeding nanites. Irhit asked, "Have you been experiencing hunger?"
Lany giggled and replied, "Why do you think I've been so interested in oral sex lately?"
Irhit had noticed that they were now including more oral sex in their sexplay and he had simply imagined that, with practice, Lany had become more skilled at oral sex. Really, the trick was the special way she handled his testes. "Do you really think you can get a significant amount of calories from my eating my semen?"
"I don't think you realize just how much you ejaculate." Lany added, "Tilly want's us to measure that quantitatively. Anyhow, I hope you don't mind if I make use of you as a semen factory... I have a specific strong craving for your sweet semen. And now, Tilly ordered me to collect a sample of your ejaculate so she can measure its volume and caloric content." After a pause, she added, "Tilly warned me that if I don't provide the data then she'll collect a sample of your semen herself."
Irhit knew that it had been Yenti's medical nanites that had stimulated his testes to grow so huge. In the case of Lany's special biology, Irhit had imagined that Sara and Allyn, simply by chance, had inherited large numbers of Asterothrope and Ek'col genes. However, now he was suspecting that there was some other additional human variant that had contributed genes to Lany's unique biological nature.
Manny was still watching Irhit's thoughts. She had helped bring into existence hundreds of different primate subtypes, all originating from Earth. However, there was no point in trying to explain the diverse origins of Lany's unique gene patterns. Manny had designed Lany to be a perfect match for Irhit. Lany would keep Irhit's mind occupied and also give birth to children who would become useful Interventionist agents for Manny in the future.
Lany told Irhit the last concern of Doctor Tilloush, "Tilly thinks that if I do produce two big babies, then the two halves of my uterus will start to impinge on my vagina. If that happens, then it might become difficult for you to get your big penis inside me." Lany suggested, "Maybe we can invite Kate to join our sexplay if that becomes a problem."
Irhit chuckled, "It sounds like Tilly is also offering her services."
Manny also thought about Kate and how Hana and Susan had latched onto that sexbot. After recieving evidence that Lany had finally become sexually active, Mrs. Tapsey had sent a written request that Kate terminate her work at the Dryswyn residence, but Kate had so far ignored that request, preferring to remain as a sex partner for Hana and Susan. Susan was pretending to be a school-aged immigrant, newly arrived from Earth and subject to the rules for completing her education at Observer Base. Kate had sent to Mrs. Tapsey a written reply: "I'm doing research into the sexual behaviors that Susan learned while living on Earth. I'm even getting exciting data on tryp'At sexual practices that Susan learned from Sellehuelle and Minki."
Manny had previously placed medical nanites inside Lanora which had genetically analyzed the two embryos that were growing inside her uterus. The genetic analysis having been completed, Manny almost sent the "return" command to those nanites, but then she thought about Betty and how much she and Henry were enjoying her allzaurish.
Until that moment, it had not occurred to Manny to provide Lany with well-crafted allzaurish. Manny quickly viewed possible alternate Realities in which Lany's rectum was re-formed into an allzaurish. Manny found a possible Reality that would actually have benefits for the shape of the Final Reality. It that newly-discovered Reality, the children of Irhit and Lany would be more versatile agents for Manny the next time she returned to Observer Base.
That was enough for Manny, so she reprogrammed the medical nanites that were in Lany's body. Now they would slowly reshape Lany's anus and rectum into an unusually large allzaurish that could accommodate Irhit, although it would be a very tight fit. Manny sighed and could not imagine that small 'defect' would elicit any complaints. In a month or so when Irhit and Lany first noticed her anatomical change, Irhit would attribute it to the remnants of the nanites that Yenti had previously used to alter Irhit's body.
In any case, this particular modification of Lany's body structure would be relatively easy to accomplish since it was working in accord with Lany's unusual gene patterns. Manny had designed both Sara and Lany so as to include a large number of Allzylan genes. It had been necessary for the success of the Irhit Intervention that neither Sara or Lanty grow up with an allzaurish, so that natural feature of their anatomy had been suppressed by developmental control nanites. Manny briefly reflected on the planet Allzylon, the original Site A in the Asimov Reality, which she had used as the location of the earliest experiments aimed at artificially evolving the Asterothropes into a new human variant that was more structurally similar to the humans of 20th century Earth.
Back in the far future of the Asimov Reality, all of Manny's efforts with the design of new Allzylan gene patterns had been devoted to making a human variant that could use its zeptite endosymbiont for telepathic communication. All of her G sym technology had arisen from that work on Allzylon, but for a long time Manny never imagined actually making use of an Allzylan as an Interventionist agent on Earth. But then, like any craftsman making use of the best tool for a job, Manny had eventually discovered that Sara the Allzylan was needed for the Irhit Intervention and with time, Lany had appeared inside Observer Base.

Thinking about Doctor Tilloush and the poor robot's confusion over Lany's alien body, Manny giggled to herself. Of course, long ago Manny had made sure that the Observer Base feeding nanites knew how to deal with an Allzylan woman's pregnancy and Sara had never even consulted a doctor during her three perfectly uneventful pregnancies. Tilloush would eventually realize that the epithelial cells in the deep end of Lany's nhezaurish were phagocytic and quite capable of gobbling up most of Irhit's great volumes of semen and that would provide her with a significant amount of calories independent of any oral sex they engaged in.
Thinking about newly crafted allzaurish, Manny thought about Betty and was instantly caught up in the pleasure that Betty was at that moment sharing with Henry. Manny noticed that there was an unusual four-way orgasm trance taking place in Yaddo. Manny did not want to interrupt, so she at first watched and then gradually gave up on that and allowed herself to join in the fun. When Betty and Henry slid out of the trance, Manny allowed her presence to be noticed by the other two participants.
Qaz said: Hello Manny.
Olyv was slowly recovering a semblance of equilibrium in her artificial brain pathways. Manny, I should have known this was all your idea.
Manny told Olyv: No, this was all Qaz, although I'm glad to see that you two will be able to entertain each-other while standing guard duty. Qaz had decided to remain in Observer Base rather than return to siteq. Qaz was now on the job, watching for the possibility that Gani would sneak into Observer Base.
Qaz commented:
I'm glad you are here, Manny. I just found another piece of the puzzle... in Olyv's mind.
Manny could telepathically see the nature of what was troubling Qaz and what her knee-jerk reaction was.
No, I'm going to allow the tryp'At to keep that Bimanoid Resonator in Mars.
Qaz objected: But they could use that device to swap the minds of Gani and Dani.
Manny acknowledged that fact: Yes, but the tryp'At don't know that I'm now monitoring the hierion tube that links into Mars. I had Olyv carefully design the Bimanoid Resonator as an open conduit between Mars and Yaddo that would serve as an irresistible temptation for the tryp'At Council.
Olyv added: The resonator was also useful for the Richard/Susan mind swap.
Manny explained to Olyv: I could have accomplished that particular mind swap myself, without using the resonator that you installed in Yaddo. But now the tryp'At Council knows about the existence of the resonator and they will be tempted to use that route to infiltrate Gani past Grean's defenses. With the Bimanoid Resonator available to them, the tryp'At won't bother finding another way to begin their invasion of Observer Base.
Olyv said: Clever. Now, after all these years, I finally understand why you had me build an exact duplicate of Irhit's childhood home.
Manny added: And allowing the tryp'At Bimanoid Resonator to remain in Iowa serves a second purpose. Its existence is a clear violation of both the Pact and the Rules of Intervention, so it stands as a constant excuse for the bumpha to have countermeasures in place on Earth. For example, Richard will be able to keep an eye on Cellebelle. In fact, Manny now noticed that just then Richard had both eyes on Belle and his penis inside her. Manny was tempted to telepathically join in their spirited love making, but she retrained herself. She had other things to attend to and could not be further delayed. The Irhit Intervention had been successfully managed... at least in the Ekcolir Reality... and it was time to move on. Manny extracted herself from Observer Base and was soon on her way to Tar'Tron in the galactic core.
Wysy (left), Yenti (middle) and Riea (right)
Part 12 of
Telepaths of Site Q (above) is the last chapter of the story for inclusion here at this blog. The rest of the novel concerns events taking place at siteq during the
Ekcolir Reality, events which never had any real impact on Earth here in the Final Reality. Parts 1-12 of
Telepaths of Site Q add up to about 58,000 words.
I did not make very many completely new illustrations for Telepaths of Site Q. Mostly I recycled older illustrations that were previously used in other stories.
However, I wanted a newly crafted cover that had some similarity an old pulp science fiction magazine. The cover illustration for Telepaths of Site Q (image to the right) depicts Yenti, Riea and Wysy, the three telepaths from siteq who have speaking roles in the story.
Next: Paraliterary