Feb 7, 2022

The Nyrtia Cycle

Nyrtia watching over the Realities of Earth.
Now having completed most of The Historical Archive, I'm reaching the end of an historical investigation that began back in 2018 when I first became aware if the existence of the positronic robot, R. Nyrtia.

No End. Of course, there are many more stories that could be written about the Editor's access to the Reality Simulation System. One of the large remaining issues is this question that was raised in The Historical Archive: is the proper place for human telepaths the Sedron Domain, not Earth? 

I like the idea that Nyrtia has become the first Earthly life-form to enter into the Sedron Domain.

Nyrtia needs human agents.
However, that view is problematical. First of all, R. Nyrtia was crafted as a positronic robot. R. Nyrtia was created at Observer Base and advanced pek nanites (femtobots) we used as the substrate for her positronic circuits. Thus, it could be argued that there was really nothing "Earthly" about R. Nyrtia. In fact, I can't stop imagining that the alien bumpha created the human species and assigned Nyrtia the task of guiding Humanity into the future.

I like to imagine that Manny (Many Sails) the bumpha worked long and hard to find a way to allow a species like we humans to have a future among the stars of the galaxy, much like what Isaac Asimov or Jack Vance depicted in their science fiction stories. For billions of years, the pek rushed humanoid species out of the Hadron Domain and into the Sedron Domain where a type of technology-assisted telepathy could be used. 

Bimanoid Interface
Although never explicitly depicted in The Historical Archive, it is fun to imagine that Manny placed Nyrtia into the Sedron Domain, possibly by irreversibly converting her into some form of sedronic matter. Thus, Nyrtia became trapped in the Sedronic Domain and dependent on the Bimanoid Interface 2.0 for all further contact with the people of Earth.

The Nyrtia Cycle. Maybe the only way for Humanity to spread among the stars is for our species to make use of telepathic communication to form an enduring social structure. However, when the Huaoshy altered the Dimensional Structure of the Universe, making both time travel and twitino-mediated telepathy impossible, another method for telepathic communication was needed. As depicted in The Nyrtia Cycle, the Bimanoid Interface can be used to create a form of technology-assisted telepathy. 

The momentum of Time.
Interestingly, the Bimanoid Interface can be used to allow telepathic links from artificial life-forms residing in the Hierion Domain or the Sedron Domain to humans in the Hadron Domain (the universe as we know it). When Nyrtia invented the Bimanoid Interface, she never imagined that it would be used in this way. Originally, the Bimanoid Interface was used to provide the people of Earth with Temporal Momentum.

Tya and Dasra; the first human Sedronites. The goal of the pek was to convert humans into artificial life forms: Sedronites, leaving no biological humans remaining on Earth. Asimov imagined telepathic "Second Foundationers" as a "natural" ruling class for his Second Galactic Empire. How does a population of Sedronite telepaths watching over Earth differ from that vision? 

Second Foundation
Asimov imagined keeping the Second Fundationers secret, at least until the Second Empire could be established. What about the Editor and his desire to tell the people of Earth the truth about the origins of Humanity? Should the Editor tell the people of Earth about how Nyrtia plans to control the future course of Earth history using telepaths who exist in the Sedron Domain?

It should not surprise anyone that The Nyrtia Cycle ends up very close to where Asimov was in his Foundation Saga. The Exode Saga began as a fan-fiction exploration of what might happen next after the ending of Foundation and Earth.

Having depicted the creation of Zeta's telepathic twins as taking place inside a Simulation (see Part 12 of The Historical Archive), the questions remains: how do the copies of Zeta and the Editor in the real world become aware of the existence of their duplicate copies who have their own independent existence inside the Reality Simulation System? 

The Hierion Heretic
 Uni-Cycle. Another mystery is this: how long ago did Nyrtia start trying to contact me? I'm tempted to think of Exoditions on Cynk as one of the stories that should be counted as being part of the Nyrtia Cycle. Back in 2018, I assumed that R. Nahan had discovered the ancient Phari base deep inside Earth, but I had no idea that R. Nyrtia had visited that Phari biotech research facility and obtained important alien technology.

I now suspect that it was Nyrtia who funneled information about Cynk to me by way of Yōd. In 2018, I suspected that the infites I received from Yōd were to be the last ones. Who else remained on Earth that might have infites? How could I have known that Alpha Gohrlay had long hidden yet another set of infites from both Zeta and I? And how do I really know if I've been able to access all of the artificial memories that were encoded in those infites?

 Next: Part 13 of The Historical Archive.

Guide to The Nyrtia Cycle

Part I. The Historical Archive
1. R. Nyrtia
2. Origin of Nyrtia
3. The Qway Template
4. A Visit to Earth
5. The Synapex Connection
6. The Tryp'At Connection
7. The Competition
8. The Gwen Intervention
9. The Isolates
10. Brilliant Fire
11. The Nyrtia Infites
12. The Nā́satyā Intervention 
13. The Synasyup Duplicate
14. The Gamma Intervention

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by Eclesi4stiK
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 Part II. The Prisoner of L2
1. Travelers Aid
2. Misused Medical Nanites
3. Teleportation Research
4. The Yurahs Stress Test

Part III. The Frenchyhysur Process
1. Shell Game
2. Red Spots
3. The Teleportation Trilemma
4. The Synapex Network
5. Hearing From Tihri 

Part IV. Edison's Endosymbiont Experiments
1. Totally Random
2. Whispering Knoll
3. Angel in the Laboratory

Part V. The Cythyrya Investigation
1. Rylla on Aloysyus
2. Sogdian Clones

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